2016-09-26T00:00:50 *** gedare has quit IRC 2016-09-26T00:02:32 *** stryx` has quit IRC 2016-09-26T00:02:55 *** stryx` has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T00:03:15 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T00:03:15 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2016-09-26T00:15:53 *** gedare has quit IRC 2016-09-26T00:18:39 *** stryx` has quit IRC 2016-09-26T00:19:12 *** stryx` has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T00:27:40 *** stryx` has quit IRC 2016-09-26T00:43:35 *** stryx` has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T00:50:22 *** stryx` has quit IRC 2016-09-26T00:56:18 *** stryx` has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T01:11:54 *** stryx` has quit IRC 2016-09-26T01:35:33 *** stryx` has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T01:40:46 *** stryx` has quit IRC 2016-09-26T01:41:10 *** stryx` has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T01:46:28 *** stryx` has quit IRC 2016-09-26T01:47:27 *** stryx`_ has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T01:47:47 *** stryx`_ is now known as stryx` 2016-09-26T02:16:44 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T02:16:44 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2016-09-26T02:35:29 *** gedare has quit IRC 2016-09-26T03:19:52 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T03:19:53 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2016-09-26T03:22:47 *** jkridner|pd has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T03:24:03 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-09-26T03:33:48 *** gedare has quit IRC 2016-09-26T05:04:39 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T05:16:45 *** geheimni1` has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T05:16:55 *** dr__hous1|away has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T05:21:00 *** geheimnis` has quit IRC 2016-09-26T05:21:00 *** indy has quit IRC 2016-09-26T05:21:01 *** mithro has quit IRC 2016-09-26T05:21:02 *** dr__house|away has quit IRC 2016-09-26T05:21:06 *** geheimni1` is now known as geheimnis` 2016-09-26T05:21:30 *** indy_ has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T05:31:01 *** mithro has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T06:01:53 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T06:03:55 *** indy_ has quit IRC 2016-09-26T08:47:07 *** indy has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T08:48:48 *** benjamint has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T11:42:30 *** tasslehoff has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T12:15:23 *** tasslehoff has quit IRC 2016-09-26T13:33:33 *** gedare__ has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T14:05:42 *** benjamint has quit IRC 2016-09-26T14:07:13 *** gedare__ has quit IRC 2016-09-26T14:25:46 *** monstr has quit IRC 2016-09-26T14:42:10 *** jkridner|pd has quit IRC 2016-09-26T15:05:00 *** indy has quit IRC 2016-09-26T15:11:52 *** indy has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T15:42:28 *** gedare__ has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T16:44:48 *** beng-nl has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T17:23:07 *** gedare__ has quit IRC 2016-09-26T17:26:53 *** dr__hous1|away is now known as dr__house 2016-09-26T17:27:02 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T17:48:19 *** benjamint has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T18:08:38 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T18:17:24 *** monstr has quit IRC 2016-09-26T18:26:22 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T18:31:22 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-09-26T19:06:10 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T19:06:30 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T19:14:25 *** benjamint has quit IRC 2016-09-26T20:46:10 *** cdesai_ has quit IRC 2016-09-26T20:48:32 *** cdesai has joined #rtems 2016-09-26T23:03:27 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2016-09-27T00:19:52 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T00:19:52 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2016-09-27T00:29:06 *** gedare has quit IRC 2016-09-27T00:52:26 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2016-09-27T05:04:16 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T05:06:20 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-09-27T05:36:27 [trac] #2788/enhancement (closed) updated by sebastian.huber (There is an I2C bus driver handler for the clock setting. You can return an error ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2788 2016-09-27T05:38:21 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T05:40:08 [git] f0115ab by Sebastian Huber: [score: Fix warning] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/f0115ab/rtems 2016-09-27T05:40:09 [git] 94d5b39 by Sebastian Huber: [score: Simplify CORE mutex seize Rename _CORE_mutex_Seize_no_protocol_slow() in _CORE_mutex_Seize_slow(). Remove previous _CORE_mutex_Seize_slow() since the protocol handling is now done in the thread queue operations.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/94d5b39/rtems 2016-09-27T05:40:09 [git] 4e02681 by Sebastian Huber: [score: Simplify ISR lock name] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/4e02681/rtems 2016-09-27T05:58:34 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T06:06:07 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-09-27T06:11:26 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T06:59:32 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2016-09-27T07:13:21 *** indy has quit IRC 2016-09-27T07:20:35 *** indy has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T08:06:58 *** benjamint has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T08:53:31 *** benjamint has quit IRC 2016-09-27T08:55:55 *** benjamint has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T09:38:27 *** benjamint has quit IRC 2016-09-27T09:56:13 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T10:01:05 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-09-27T11:07:15 *** benjamint has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T11:09:24 *** monstr has quit IRC 2016-09-27T11:13:51 [trac] #2791/enhancement (v:4.12) created by sebastian.huber (C++11 std::exception_ptr support) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2791 2016-09-27T12:20:16 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T12:40:57 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-09-27T13:11:49 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T13:33:14 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-09-27T14:34:29 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T14:34:29 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2016-09-27T15:41:08 *** dougk__ has quit IRC 2016-09-27T15:49:02 *** dougk_ has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T15:55:34 *** gedare has quit IRC 2016-09-27T16:24:15 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T16:24:16 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2016-09-27T16:29:20 [trac] #2792/defect (v:4.10) created by raduma (possible RFS deadlock) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2792 2016-09-27T16:32:19 *** gedare has quit IRC 2016-09-27T16:32:41 *** geheimnis` has quit IRC 2016-09-27T16:37:32 *** mithro has quit IRC 2016-09-27T16:37:34 *** stryx` has quit IRC 2016-09-27T16:37:36 *** 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gedare 2016-09-27T17:32:58 *** darnir has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T17:32:58 *** peerst has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T17:33:18 *** dougk_ has quit IRC 2016-09-27T17:33:18 *** indy has quit IRC 2016-09-27T17:33:42 *** dougk_ has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T17:34:32 *** cdesai has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T17:34:57 *** gedare has quit IRC 2016-09-27T17:38:01 *** indy has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T18:09:53 *** rtems-irc` has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T18:09:53 *** rtems-irc has quit IRC 2016-09-27T18:10:34 *** mithro has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T18:10:40 *** indy has quit IRC 2016-09-27T18:10:40 *** dougk_ has quit IRC 2016-09-27T18:10:40 *** stryx` has quit IRC 2016-09-27T18:11:03 *** dougk_ has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T18:15:15 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2016-09-27T18:15:42 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T18:20:16 *** rtems-irc has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T18:20:17 *** rtems-irc` has quit IRC 2016-09-27T18:21:02 *** stryx` has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T18:21:54 *** indy has joined #rtems 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IRC 2016-09-27T19:45:28 *** dougk_ has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T19:46:26 *** cdesai has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T19:46:50 *** indy has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T19:56:31 *** gedare__ has quit IRC 2016-09-27T20:22:18 *** cdesai has quit IRC 2016-09-27T20:23:40 *** dougk_ has quit IRC 2016-09-27T20:24:03 *** dougk_ has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T20:24:40 *** cdesai has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T20:32:16 *** rtems-irc` has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T20:32:25 *** rtems-irc has quit IRC 2016-09-27T20:32:28 *** cdesai has quit IRC 2016-09-27T20:32:45 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2016-09-27T20:32:48 *** rokka has quit IRC 2016-09-27T20:32:48 *** rokka has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T20:33:09 *** dougk_ has quit IRC 2016-09-27T20:33:33 *** dougk_ has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T20:34:21 *** cdesai has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T20:46:02 *** rtems-irc has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T20:46:11 *** rtems-trac has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T20:46:34 *** mithro has quit IRC 2016-09-27T20:47:10 *** cdesai has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T21:00:50 *** mithro has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T22:06:11 *** guillaum11 has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T22:50:07 *** dr__hous1|away has quit IRC 2016-09-27T22:50:15 *** dr__house|away has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T22:50:38 *** indy has quit IRC 2016-09-27T22:53:49 *** indy has joined #rtems 2016-09-27T23:58:43 [trac] #2792/defect (assigned) updated by chrisj (Thank you for the excellent report. Do you have a test case you could attach to this ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2792 2016-09-28T05:10:39 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2016-09-28T05:25:09 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2016-09-28T05:58:49 [git] 8797c76 by Sebastian Huber: [score: Unify CORE mutex seize/surrender Use the Thread_Control::resource_count for the no protocol mutexes. Merge the no protocol and priority inherit CORE mutex seize/surrender operations.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/8797c76/rtems 2016-09-28T06:49:27 *** tasslehoff has joined #rtems 2016-09-28T11:24:17 [git] d9fe061 by Sebastian Huber: [Split rtems-bsd-shell-netcmds.c This improves garbage collection by the linker.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/d9fe061/rtems-libbsd 2016-09-28T12:01:52 *** jkridner|pd is now known as jkridner 2016-09-28T12:39:57 [git] 299d4ba by Sebastian Huber: [Build rtems-bsd-shell-pfctl.c] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/299d4ba/rtems-libbsd 2016-09-28T12:50:55 [git] 10e9e05 by Sebastian Huber: [Split rtems-bsd-kernel-program.c Separate kernel and user space parts.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/10e9e05/rtems-libbsd 2016-09-28T13:02:15 [git] 8eb8883 by Sebastian Huber: [Split rtemsbsd/rtems/rtems-program.c This improves garbage collection by the linker.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/8eb8883/rtems-libbsd 2016-09-28T13:06:30 *** indy has quit IRC 2016-09-28T13:35:26 [git] ec5b97b by Sebastian Huber: [usb01: Simplify test program] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/ec5b97b/rtems-libbsd 2016-09-28T13:35:27 [git] e3881ee by Sebastian Huber: [nexus-devices: Add arm/atsamv BSP section] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/e3881ee/rtems-libbsd 2016-09-28T14:09:19 *** indy has joined #rtems 2016-09-28T14:29:45 *** tasslehoff has quit IRC 2016-09-28T14:30:11 *** indy has quit IRC 2016-09-28T14:35:15 *** indy has joined #rtems 2016-09-28T14:35:34 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2016-09-28T14:56:44 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2016-09-28T15:06:33 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2016-09-28T15:24:02 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2016-09-28T15:59:32 *** gedare__ has joined #rtems 2016-09-28T16:13:09 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2016-09-28T16:29:15 *** gedare__ has quit IRC 2016-09-28T16:41:12 *** benjamint has quit IRC 2016-09-28T16:41:22 *** benjamint has joined #rtems 2016-09-28T16:48:23 *** benjamint1 has joined #rtems 2016-09-28T16:48:31 *** benjamint has quit IRC 2016-09-28T16:48:31 *** benjamint1 is now known as benjamint 2016-09-28T17:11:28 *** gedare__ has joined #rtems 2016-09-28T17:48:09 *** benjamint has quit IRC 2016-09-28T17:57:52 *** gedare__ has quit IRC 2016-09-28T18:08:09 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2016-09-28T22:03:55 [trac] SOCIS/2016 edited by salpha (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/SOCIS/2016 2016-09-28T23:50:37 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2016-09-29T00:07:50 *** jkridner|pd has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T00:09:41 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-09-29T00:12:48 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T00:25:31 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T00:38:51 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T00:39:42 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T00:39:51 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-09-29T00:53:01 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T00:59:26 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2016-09-29T01:01:41 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T01:02:01 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-09-29T01:02:41 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T01:11:41 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T01:33:41 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T02:15:36 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T02:17:36 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T02:19:02 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-09-29T02:25:06 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T02:38:36 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T02:48:06 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T03:04:46 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T03:05:26 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T03:17:06 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T03:22:42 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-09-29T03:28:28 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T03:28:33 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-09-29T03:33:08 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T03:47:50 *** guillaum11 has quit IRC 2016-09-29T03:56:43 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T04:00:33 *** guillaum1 has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T04:07:27 *** guillaum1 has quit IRC 2016-09-29T04:10:27 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T04:19:16 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T04:24:37 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T04:30:06 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T04:39:36 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T04:44:41 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T04:45:31 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T04:51:01 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T05:21:16 *** mkhoory has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T05:41:16 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T05:42:26 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T05:43:56 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T05:44:36 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T05:48:52 *** mkhoory-2 has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T05:52:21 *** mkhoory has quit IRC 2016-09-29T05:53:47 *** mkhoory-3 has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T05:57:39 *** mkhoory-2 has quit IRC 2016-09-29T05:57:41 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T06:15:01 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T06:16:01 *** 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joined #rtems 2016-09-29T23:27:26 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T23:29:42 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-29T23:43:20 *** monstr has quit IRC 2016-09-30T00:23:24 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2016-09-30T03:52:51 *** jkridner|pd has joined #rtems 2016-09-30T03:53:43 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-09-30T04:01:22 *** jkridner|pd has quit IRC 2016-09-30T04:01:32 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-09-30T05:47:09 [trac] #2793/defect (v:4.12) created by sebastian.huber (cpuuuse shell command documentation needs an update) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2793 2016-09-30T05:55:21 [git] 9b04456 by Sebastian Huber: [monitor: Support priority inheritance queues] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/9b04456/rtems 2016-09-30T06:37:58 *** tasslehoff has joined #rtems 2016-09-30T07:50:35 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-09-30T11:59:37 *** tasslehoff has quit IRC 2016-09-30T12:35:44 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2016-09-30T13:00:41 *** benjamint has quit IRC 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2016-10-01T20:08:54 *** guillaum1 has quit IRC 2016-10-01T23:05:14 *** benjamint has quit IRC 2016-10-01T23:05:37 *** benjamint has joined #rtems 2016-10-02T08:47:15 [trac] #2782/defect (closed) updated by Pavel Pisa (In [changeset:"fab0dd11cb1e1ad4054b1d6fb1e30ee26afd871c/rtems"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2782 2016-10-02T08:47:15 [trac] #2783/defect (closed) updated by Pavel Pisa (In [changeset:"fab0dd11cb1e1ad4054b1d6fb1e30ee26afd871c/rtems"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2783 2016-10-02T08:47:16 [git] be5cf03 by Pavel Pisa: [bsps/arm: CP15 support for flush prefetch buffer and table base control. Updates #2782 Updates #2783] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/be5cf03/rtems 2016-10-02T08:47:16 [git] c6e0201 by Pavel Pisa: [arm/raspberrypi: ensure that RTEMS application image can be started by U-boot. The current versions of U-boot start kernel/RTEMS application image with instruction and data caches enabled and it sets exception base register to new address after its self-relocation. ldr r0, [r9, #GD_RELOCADDR] /* r0 = gd->relocaddr */ 2016-10-02T08:47:16 mcr p15, 0, r0...] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/c6e0201/rtems 2016-10-02T08:47:16 [git] d5ff46b by Pavel Pisa: [arm/score and shared: define ARM hypervisor mode and alternate vector table base access. The main reason for inclusion of minimum hypervisor related defines is that current ARM boards firmware and loaders (U-boot for example) start loaded operating system kernel in HYP mode to allow it take control of virtualization (Linux/KVM for 2016-10-02T08:47:16 *** rtems-trac has quit IRC 2016-10-02T08:47:23 *** rtems-trac has joined #rtems 2016-10-02T08:54:58 [trac] #2794/defect (v:4.11) created by ppisa (ARM TMS570 BSP: Serial port hangs when baudrate change initiates before all characters are sent) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2794 2016-10-02T09:38:28 [git] 528c7d4 by Pavel Pisa: [bsps/arm: Export bsp_start_hook_0_done symbol from ARM start.S. The symbol can be used by bsp_start_hook_0 when complete RAM memory is initialization and overwritten during BSP self-test. The test overwrites even memory used to store return address / link register and regular resturn from bsp_start_hook_0 is not possible then.] 2016-10-02T09:38:29 http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/528c7d4/rtems 2016-10-02T09:38:29 [git] 529d075 by Pavel Pisa: [bsp/tms570: include package balls and PINMMR registers mapping for TMS570LS3135ZWT chip.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/529d075/rtems 2016-10-02T09:38:29 [git] 9d09f49 by Pavel Pisa: [bsp/tms570: update pinmux to provide support for initialization lists and clear of alt outputs.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/9d09f49/rtems 2016-10-02T09:38:29 [git] d830414 by Pavel Pisa: [bsp/tms570: include complete peripheral initialization to SCI driver. Signed-off-by: Pavel Pisa ] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/d830414/rtems 2016-10-02T09:38:29 [git] ea41bcc by Pavel Pisa: [bsp/tms570: regenerate preinstall makefile by bootstrap -p.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/ea41bcc/rtems 2016-10-02T09:38:29 [git] 94e3c83 by Pavel Pisa: [bsp/tms570: ensure that change of SCI baudrate is not applied in the middle of character Tx. The rtems_monitor_task() setups/updates termios attributes of the opened TTY and if there is ongoing some other output it leads to the stuck. It would be better to use some termios API function which would call drainOutput() in 2016-10-02T09:38:30 rtems/cpukit/libcsupport/src/termios...] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/94e3c83/rtems 2016-10-02T09:38:30 [git] 22ab88c by Pavel Pisa: [arm/tms570: define base addresses of all TMS570LS3137 SPI interfaces. Generated header file ti_herc/reg_spi.h contains complete registers and fields set for Ti MibSPI peripheral. Care has to be taken that only TMS570_SPI1, TMS570_SPI3 and TMS570_SPI5 are of this complete multibuffer type. TMS570_SPI2 and TMS570_SPI4 have 2016-10-02T09:38:31 substantial part of registers remov...] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/22ab88c/rtems 2016-10-02T09:38:31 [git] 8671786 by Pavel Pisa: [arm/tms570: include hardware initialization and selftest based on Ti HalCoGen generated files. The configuration is specific for TMS570LS3137 based HDK. Pins configuration can be easily changed in rtems/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/tms570/hwinit/init_pinmux.c file. The list tms570_selftest_par_list in the file 2016-10-02T09:38:32 rtems/c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/tms570/hwinit/bspst...] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/8671786/rtems 2016-10-02T09:38:32 [git] 006f867 by Pavel Pisa: [arm/tms570: include TMS570_USE_HWINIT_STARTUP option to select bare metal startup and selftest.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/006f867/rtems 2016-10-02T09:38:33 [git] a94d49d by Pavel Pisa: [arm/tms570: update bootstrap generated preinstall.am] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/a94d49d/rtems 2016-10-02T09:43:37 [trac] #2794/defect (new) updated by ppisa (Fixed in 94e3c8384ff2573877d61f387eb090e2e5e12aff bsp/tms570: ensure that change ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2794 2016-10-02T09:44:07 [trac] #2794/defect (closed) updated by ppisa (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2794 2016-10-02T11:45:21 *** indy has quit IRC 2016-10-02T11:56:05 *** indy has joined #rtems 2016-10-02T15:26:03 *** stryx` has quit IRC 2016-10-02T15:39:33 *** stryx` has joined #rtems 2016-10-02T15:44:54 *** stryx` has quit IRC 2016-10-02T15:45:33 *** stryx`_ has joined #rtems 2016-10-02T15:50:20 *** stryx`_ has quit IRC 2016-10-02T16:04:29 *** stryx` has joined #rtems 2016-10-02T16:09:13 *** stryx` has quit IRC 2016-10-02T16:27:50 *** stryx` has joined #rtems 2016-10-02T17:49:42 *** stryx` has quit IRC 2016-10-02T17:56:40 *** stryx` has joined #rtems 2016-10-02T17:56:40 *** stryx` has joined #rtems 2016-10-02T18:07:13 *** stryx` has quit IRC 2016-10-02T18:08:28 *** stryx` has joined #rtems