2016-02-29T01:52:06 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-02-29T02:45:59 *** indy has quit IRC 2016-02-29T02:47:50 *** guillaum1 has quit IRC 2016-02-29T02:48:34 *** guillaum1 has joined #rtems 2016-02-29T02:54:17 *** indy has joined #rtems 2016-02-29T05:37:04 *** ajinkyawavare has joined #rtems 2016-02-29T06:22:47 *** ajinkyawavare has quit IRC 2016-02-29T06:36:15 *** ajinkyawavare has joined #rtems 2016-02-29T06:56:55 [git] f337f5b by Chris Johns: [4.12: Add aarch64 and x86_64 support.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/f337f5b/rtems-source-builder 2016-02-29T07:04:22 *** ajinkyawavare has quit IRC 2016-02-29T07:05:14 [git] 0e5d89d by Chris Johns: [Add aarch64 and x86_64 binutils and gdb patches.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/0e5d89d/rtems-tools 2016-02-29T07:17:19 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2016-02-29T07:19:20 *** ajinkyawavare has joined #rtems 2016-02-29T07:36:32 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2016-02-29T07:37:49 *** ajinkyawavare has quit IRC 2016-02-29T07:38:29 *** jason- has quit IRC 2016-02-29T10:14:22 *** gigetoo has quit IRC 2016-02-29T10:16:08 *** gigetoo has joined #rtems 2016-02-29T12:19:15 *** noSlac has joined #rtems 2016-02-29T13:15:05 *** mwalle has joined #rtems 2016-02-29T13:16:29 *** dr__house|away has quit IRC 2016-02-29T13:16:38 *** dr__house|away has joined #rtems 2016-02-29T13:22:42 *** ajinkyawavare has joined #rtems 2016-02-29T13:53:43 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-02-29T17:29:31 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2016-02-29T17:29:31 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2016-02-29T17:29:31 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2016-02-29T18:29:11 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2016-02-29T19:03:06 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-02-29T19:03:59 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-02-29T19:38:45 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2016-02-29T19:49:24 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2016-02-29T20:29:18 *** monstr has quit IRC 2016-02-29T20:32:06 *** verm__ has joined #rtems 2016-02-29T21:09:10 *** ajinkyawavare has quit IRC 2016-02-29T21:27:35 [trac] Developer/Projects/Open/ImproveRaspberryPiBSP edited by Asuol (Updated project status.) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Projects/Open/ImproveRaspberryPiBSP 2016-02-29T22:17:49 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2016-02-29T22:50:01 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2016-02-29T22:50:02 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2016-02-29T22:50:02 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2016-02-29T23:11:22 DrJoel: hi 2016-02-29T23:11:31 About to chat about 4.9 and 4.10? 2016-02-29T23:13:07 I see you found me. :) 2016-02-29T23:13:14 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2016-02-29T23:13:15 hehe 2016-02-29T23:13:49 I have a patch from Jerry for 4.9 and 4.10. I will update it to reference the source directories for the patches. 2016-02-29T23:14:27 That's great! 2016-02-29T23:14:40 I built tools for all targets for 4.12 today 2016-02-29T23:15:01 Nice 2016-02-29T23:15:10 From the RSB or via scripts? 2016-02-29T23:17:58 RSB 2016-02-29T23:19:25 Fantastic. 2016-02-29T23:19:41 I haven't built RTEMS yet but I was happy all the targets built. 2016-02-29T23:20:00 Also emailed the or1k gcc project folks and cc'ed Hesham. We will see. 2016-02-29T23:20:06 Yeah this is good to see. 2016-02-29T23:42:26 *** ita_ has quit IRC 2016-02-29T23:42:39 *** ita has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T00:11:12 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2016-03-01T00:24:40 [trac] #2617/defect (v:4.12) created by joel.sherrill (rtems_heap_allocate_aligned_with_boundary() body and prototype inconsistent) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2617 2016-03-01T00:32:53 Hi! I hear that RTEMS got into GSoC this year? 2016-03-01T00:33:58 My project, TimVideos also got into GSoC and I'm very interested in getting RTEMS working on the misoc based system (which uses either a lm32 or or1k processor at the moment) 2016-03-01T00:37:13 I was wondering if we could / should collaborate in some way around that 2016-03-01T03:36:30 [git] c46f212 by rtems: [Fix 4.10 and 4.9 building. Add the 4.9 newlib 1.16.0-20090324 patch. Add a release to the 4.9 RTEMS kernel. Add a release to the 4.10 RTEMS kernel.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/c46f212/rtems-source-builder 2016-03-01T03:36:30 [git] b537e55 by Chris Johns: [Clean up 4.9 build issues. Add support so 4.9 builds on a recent FreeBSD using clang.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/b537e55/rtems-source-builder 2016-03-01T03:37:25 mithro: hi. I suggest you send an email to the user@rtems.org list. 2016-03-01T03:37:46 sorry users@rtems.org 2016-03-01T03:38:09 [trac] 0001-api-Remove-deprecated-task-variables.patch () attached to #2494 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2494 2016-03-01T03:38:31 [trac] #2494/defect (new) updated by aunali1 (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2494 2016-03-01T03:40:55 *** punitvara has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T03:41:35 Congratulation ! I am really happy that rtems is accepted in GSOC 2016. 2016-03-01T03:42:35 beng-nl: @bengras If you are available I would like to discuss my proposal on BBB BSP 2016-03-01T03:43:55 or would like to discuss proposal with any possible mentor who is going to be mentor for BBB BSP 2016-03-01T03:52:58 *** punitvara_ has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T04:07:15 *** punitvara has quit IRC 2016-03-01T05:03:19 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-03-01T05:04:09 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T06:13:28 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T06:36:06 [trac] #2617/defect (closed) updated by Sebastian Huber (In [changeset:"75518fb78240dbab92fc9d959765639afb32a457/rtems"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2617 2016-03-01T06:36:07 [git] 75518fb by Sebastian Huber: [malloc: Fix function definition Close #2617.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/75518fb/rtems 2016-03-01T06:42:12 [git] d297c81 by Sebastian Huber: [score: Delete Thread_CPU_usage_t This type is superfluous since all operations with it are done via the _Timestamp_*() functions.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/d297c81/rtems 2016-03-01T06:59:36 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T07:27:33 *** cr33p has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T07:37:14 *** cr33p has left #rtems 2016-03-01T07:37:28 *** cr33p has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T07:37:33 *** cr33p has left #rtems 2016-03-01T08:08:32 *** animesh2049 has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T08:27:28 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2016-03-01T09:09:22 *** animesh2049 has quit IRC 2016-03-01T09:11:24 *** nigelvh has quit IRC 2016-03-01T09:12:55 *** nigelvh has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T09:13:19 *** nigelvh is now known as Guest9442 2016-03-01T09:46:45 *** Guest9442 has quit IRC 2016-03-01T10:01:09 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-03-01T10:02:17 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T10:08:03 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-03-01T14:01:45 [trac] #2408/enhancement (accepted) updated by Sebastian Huber (In [changeset:"1db95677debcd5497006d04b70634464a332a95b/rtems"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2408 2016-03-01T14:01:45 [git] 1db9567 by Sebastian Huber: [sptests/spsysinit01: Fix for RTEMS_DEBUG Update #2408.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/1db9567/rtems 2016-03-01T14:49:04 *** cr33p has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T14:49:31 x 2016-03-01T14:49:32 *** cr33p has left #rtems 2016-03-01T15:50:49 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T16:25:39 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-03-01T16:32:24 *** cr33p1 has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T16:32:56 *** cr33p1 has left #rtems 2016-03-01T17:13:46 *** nigelvh has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T17:14:10 *** nigelvh is now known as Guest78003 2016-03-01T17:19:25 *** Guest78003 has quit IRC 2016-03-01T17:21:04 *** nigelvh_ has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T17:21:26 *** nigelvh_ is now known as Guest50950 2016-03-01T17:28:47 *** Guest50950 is now known as nigelvh 2016-03-01T17:36:28 *** cr33p1 has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T17:36:33 *** cr33p1 has left #rtems 2016-03-01T18:06:03 *** jason_wong has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T18:13:54 *** monstr has quit IRC 2016-03-01T18:15:29 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T18:49:45 *** indy has quit IRC 2016-03-01T18:59:35 *** indy has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T19:25:42 *** kulp has quit IRC 2016-03-01T19:31:27 *** kulp has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T20:13:39 *** monstr has quit IRC 2016-03-01T21:38:15 *** guillaum1 has quit IRC 2016-03-01T21:54:26 *** kpun has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T22:03:59 *** Reda has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T22:07:10 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2016-03-01T22:34:34 [trac] #2618/defect (v:4.11) created by joel.sherrill (Each Directive Should Start on a Page) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2618 2016-03-01T22:35:40 *** kpun has quit IRC 2016-03-01T22:57:33 *** lcpfnvcy has joined #rtems 2016-03-02T00:11:52 [trac] #2619/defect (v:4.11) created by joel.sherrill (RSB Should Support Python 2 and Python 3) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2619 2016-03-02T01:08:28 *** Reda has quit IRC 2016-03-02T02:54:49 *** gigetoo has quit IRC 2016-03-02T02:55:19 *** gigetoo has joined #rtems 2016-03-02T04:22:03 [trac] #2619/defect (new) updated by chrisj (This is also extends to rtems-tools.git. I am seeing ... {{{ File ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2619 2016-03-02T04:45:50 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2016-03-02T04:58:31 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2016-03-02T06:42:11 *** geheimnis` has quit IRC 2016-03-02T06:42:19 *** stryx` has quit IRC 2016-03-02T06:43:12 *** geheimnis` has joined #rtems 2016-03-02T06:45:14 *** stryx` has joined #rtems 2016-03-02T07:02:01 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2016-03-02T08:01:40 [trac] #2554/enhancement (accepted) updated by Sebastian Huber (In [changeset:"f831eff7387d9a4ae8460d639da660d5ae2ce4fa/rtems"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2554 2016-03-02T08:01:40 [git] f831eff by Sebastian Huber: [tmtests/tmtimer01: New test Test run performed on T4240 running at 1667MHz in uni-processor configuration. Update #2554.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/f831eff/rtems 2016-03-02T08:02:23 [trac] tmtimer01-T4240-f831eff7387d9a4ae8460d639da660d5ae2ce4fa.png () attached to #2554 by sebastian.huber http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2554 2016-03-02T08:02:37 [trac] tmtimer01-T4240-next.png () attached to #2554 by sebastian.huber http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2554 2016-03-02T08:19:03 *** jason_wong has quit IRC 2016-03-02T08:19:43 [trac] #2554/enhancement (accepted) updated by sebastian.huber (Test results (some data omitted the middle) for new test `tmtimer01` executed on a ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2554 2016-03-02T08:22:54 [trac] #2554/enhancement (accepted) updated by sebastian.huber (Test results (some data omitted the middle) for new test `tmtimer01` executed on a ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2554 2016-03-02T09:02:15 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2016-03-02T09:26:20 [trac] #2554/enhancement (accepted) updated by sebastian.huber (Profiling data (reduced to show only relevant information) of `smpwakeafter01` ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2554 2016-03-02T09:53:11 *** gigetoo has quit IRC 2016-03-02T09:55:10 *** gigetoo has joined #rtems 2016-03-02T10:31:04 *** kiwichri_ has joined #rtems 2016-03-02T10:37:36 sebhub, hi 2016-03-02T11:20:21 *** animesh2049 has joined #rtems 2016-03-02T11:20:46 anyone here 2016-03-02T11:54:42 *** shelf has joined #rtems 2016-03-02T11:55:54 *** shelf has quit IRC 2016-03-02T11:55:55 *** shelf has joined #rtems 2016-03-02T12:46:16 *** guillaum1 has joined #rtems 2016-03-02T13:18:11 *** Nebula_ has joined #rtems 2016-03-02T13:26:54 *** Nebula_ has quit IRC 2016-03-02T13:52:07 [trac] Developer/OpenProjects edited by joel.sherrill (Add Internet of Things (IoT) Project) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/OpenProjects 2016-03-02T14:10:02 [trac] Developer/Projects/Open/InternetOfThings created http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Projects/Open/InternetOfThings 2016-03-02T14:30:00 [trac] #2620/infra (v:4.12) created by amar (Setup Buildbot) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2620 2016-03-02T14:37:22 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2016-03-02T14:49:07 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2016-03-02T14:59:17 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2016-03-02T15:29:37 *** Nebula_ has joined #rtems 2016-03-02T15:32:10 *** Nebula_ has quit IRC 2016-03-02T15:32:19 *** animesh2049 has quit IRC 2016-03-02T15:59:03 *** monstr has quit IRC 2016-03-02T16:37:11 [trac] #2621/defect (v:) created by joel.sherrill (Address Cross Porting to Mailing Lists) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2621 2016-03-02T21:01:12 *** animesh2049 has joined #rtems 2016-03-02T21:04:53 *** animesh2049 has quit IRC 2016-03-02T21:05:37 *** animesh2049 has joined #rtems 2016-03-02T21:30:06 *** kiwichri_ has quit IRC 2016-03-02T22:31:08 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2016-03-02T22:41:14 *** animesh2049 has quit IRC 2016-03-03T02:23:47 *** guillaum1 has quit IRC 2016-03-03T02:23:48 *** indy has quit IRC 2016-03-03T02:30:16 *** indy has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T02:31:01 *** guillaum1 has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T03:26:38 *** mwalle has quit IRC 2016-03-03T03:52:13 *** mwalle has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T04:42:13 *** sacha has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T05:57:52 [trac] #2619/defect (closed) updated by Chris Johns (In [changeset:"4001a74869c5e37443e20c3ff107f6ccf8e378f8/rtems-tools"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2619 2016-03-03T05:57:52 [git] 4001a74 by Chris Johns: [Update rtems-tool to support Python 2 and 3. Add solaris and netbsd. Close #2619.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/4001a74/rtems-tools 2016-03-03T05:58:18 [trac] #2619/defect (closed) updated by Chris Johns (In [changeset:"b0fa2ae9981b0ccf6a66cb8df2241caa5038eb36/rtems-tools"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2619 2016-03-03T05:58:19 [git] b0fa2ae by Chris Johns: [Update rtems-tool to support Python 2 and 3. Add solaris and netbsd. Close #2619.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/b0fa2ae/rtems-tools 2016-03-03T06:06:15 sebhub: hi 2016-03-03T06:49:18 *** mkhoory-2 has quit IRC 2016-03-03T06:50:35 *** mkhoory-2 has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T06:54:30 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T07:01:52 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-03-03T07:07:21 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T07:17:52 *** sacha has quit IRC 2016-03-03T07:29:34 *** sacha has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T07:50:59 *** sacha has quit IRC 2016-03-03T07:53:14 *** ps06756 has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T07:53:44 *** sacha has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T08:04:23 *** ps06756 has quit IRC 2016-03-03T08:12:22 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T08:12:40 [git] e468ba5 by Sebastian Huber: [U-Boot: Flush data cache after bdinfo copy] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/e468ba5/rtems 2016-03-03T08:12:40 [git] 73de939 by Sebastian Huber: [bsp/qoriq: Do not touch MMU config for SMP start Assume that the boot page is visible in the currently unused heap area.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/73de939/rtems 2016-03-03T08:12:40 [git] eead8f7 by Sebastian Huber: [smptests/smpmrsp01: Fix test context] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/eead8f7/rtems 2016-03-03T08:17:30 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-03-03T08:51:34 [git] cc1add7 by Sebastian Huber: [bsps: Delete empty Clock_driver_support_at_tick()] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/cc1add7/rtems 2016-03-03T09:06:44 *** Nebula_ has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T09:09:46 *** Nebula_ has quit IRC 2016-03-03T09:15:37 *** sacha has quit IRC 2016-03-03T09:43:55 *** ps06756 has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T09:45:17 Hello, I was looking at the Raspberry PI BSP Project on GSOC Ideas page of RTEMS. Can someone please tell me what is the current level of support for SD Card on Raspberry Pi 2016-03-03T09:45:37 ? 2016-03-03T09:56:58 *** sacha has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T10:04:34 *** ps06756 has quit IRC 2016-03-03T10:19:33 *** mkhoory-2 has quit IRC 2016-03-03T10:20:25 *** mkhoory-2 has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T10:21:54 *** mkhoory-2 has quit IRC 2016-03-03T10:24:34 *** mkhoory has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T12:02:03 *** kido has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T12:04:20 *** sacha has quit IRC 2016-03-03T13:57:47 *** sacha has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T14:13:04 [git] 3f5e096 by Joel Sherrill: [smdk2410: Resurrect missing gp32 files When the gp32 BSP was obsoleted and removed, files were deleted that were actually used by the gp32. This was actually a violation of the expected directory structure and why it wasn't caught. Another example of why continuous integration testing -- even just building is important.] 2016-03-03T14:13:05 http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/3f5e096/rtems 2016-03-03T14:19:48 [trac] Developer/Projects/Open/InternetOfThings edited by joel.sherrill (Added XMPP ) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Projects/Open/InternetOfThings 2016-03-03T14:20:33 *** _sambeet has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T14:20:44 <_sambeet> Hi 2016-03-03T14:22:07 <_sambeet> To understand features of cmake, I want to build a hello world image of rtems.Can anyone tell me how to do it? 2016-03-03T14:58:29 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T15:26:32 *** _sambeet has quit IRC 2016-03-03T15:46:46 *** monstr has quit IRC 2016-03-03T15:58:04 *** _sambeet has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T16:07:01 *** _sambeet has quit IRC 2016-03-03T16:07:38 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-03-03T17:21:05 *** nigelvh has left #rtems 2016-03-03T18:05:51 *** cr33p has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T18:06:35 Hi i have successfully build the toolset rsb, now how do i create the rtems file that i could load in a virtualbod 2016-03-03T18:06:40 virtualbox 2016-03-03T18:21:41 how to create rtems.exe using rsb 2016-03-03T18:49:06 *** cr33p has left #rtems 2016-03-03T19:03:48 *** sacha has quit IRC 2016-03-03T20:51:21 *** ita has quit IRC 2016-03-03T20:51:21 *** ita has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T20:59:41 *** jason_wong has joined #rtems 2016-03-03T21:43:10 [git] e56266c by Joel Sherrill: [version.c: Add space so printing is neater] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/e56266c/rtems 2016-03-03T21:43:10 [git] fd05a05 by Gedare Bloom: [i386: move idle thread into BSP layer] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/fd05a05/rtems 2016-03-03T21:43:10 [git] 6a4efc5 by Gedare Bloom: [i386: remove redundant CPP defines] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/6a4efc5/rtems 2016-03-03T21:43:10 [git] 505dc61 by Gedare Bloom: [i386: relocate fatal halt to bsp layer] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/505dc61/rtems 2016-03-03T21:43:10 [git] 3267f95 by Gedare Bloom: [i386: prepare for paravirtualized interrupts] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/3267f95/rtems 2016-03-03T21:43:11 [git] dda25b1 by Joel Sherrill: [i386 ..score/cpu.h: Fix spacing] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/dda25b1/rtems 2016-03-03T21:43:11 [git] 328bd35 by Joel Sherrill: [i386: refactor libcpu/cpu.h into rtems/score/i386.h Fixes #2515.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/328bd35/rtems 2016-03-03T21:43:12 [git] daa303d by Gedare Bloom: [pc386: adjust assembly in bsp_fatal_halt] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/daa303d/rtems 2016-03-03T23:40:37 [trac] #2622/defect (v:4.10) created by smlaurenzo (FAT file corruption when pre-empted while appending to a file) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2622 2016-03-04T00:25:17 *** noSlac has joined #rtems 2016-03-04T01:13:25 [git] a5d243d by Chris Johns: [tester: Remove the RT version.py and use the toolkit's version.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/a5d243d/rtems-tools 2016-03-04T04:37:39 *** stryx` has quit IRC 2016-03-04T04:38:09 *** stryx` has joined #rtems 2016-03-04T06:12:36 *** cr33p has joined #rtems 2016-03-04T06:14:28 I am trying to build the rtems source builder and after resolving many errors I am stuck at one point. First it returns that functions open64 and stat64 not found and then it reports that in execute.py script data.decode(sys.stdout.encoding) is passed None as argument but should be passed a string. So if I encode it to utf-8 will it work? What do I do? HElp! 2016-03-04T06:43:10 *** sacha has joined #rtems 2016-03-04T07:09:13 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2016-03-04T07:14:12 *** verm__ has quit IRC 2016-03-04T07:20:34 *** cr33p has quit IRC 2016-03-04T07:36:40 *** guillaum1 has quit IRC 2016-03-04T07:37:16 *** guillaum1 has joined #rtems 2016-03-04T07:42:42 *** sacha has left #rtems 2016-03-04T12:08:24 *** sacha has joined #rtems 2016-03-04T13:00:28 *** monstr has quit IRC 2016-03-04T13:03:40 *** sacha has quit IRC 2016-03-04T13:46:50 [trac] #2623/defect (v:4.11) created by sebastian.huber (Several drivers are not SMP capable on x86 leading to link-time errors in the testsuite) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2623 2016-03-04T13:52:31 [git] decff89 by Sebastian Huber: [score: Add CPU_MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS Maximum number of processors of all systems supported by this CPU port.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/decff89/rtems 2016-03-04T13:52:32 [git] a38d1fe by Sebastian Huber: [score: Add Processor_mask, etc.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/a38d1fe/rtems 2016-03-04T13:52:32 [git] c284a16 by Sebastian Huber: [score: Rename Per_CPU_Control::started Rename Per_CPU_Control::started into Per_CPU_Control::online to match standard nomenclature.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/c284a16/rtems 2016-03-04T13:52:32 [git] b3a4c48 by Sebastian Huber: [score: Add _SMP_Online_processors] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/b3a4c48/rtems 2016-03-04T13:52:32 [git] 3c103ba by Sebastian Huber: [score: Add _Per_CPU_Is_boot_processor()] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/3c103ba/rtems 2016-03-04T13:52:32 [git] 5b0d2c1 by Sebastian Huber: [score: Add _SMP_Before_multitasking_action() The use case for this is the Cortex-A9 MPCore which has per-processor registers (only accessible by a particular processor) for the global timer used by the clock driver. This might be useful for other drivers as well. Update #2554.] 2016-03-04T13:52:32 http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/5b0d2c1/rtems 2016-03-04T13:52:33 [git] 90d8567 by Sebastian Huber: [score: Distribute clock tick to all online CPUs Update #2554.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/90d8567/rtems 2016-03-04T13:52:33 [git] 03b900d by Sebastian Huber: [score: Replace watchdog handler implementation Use a red-black tree instead of delta chains. Close #2344. Update #2554. Update #2555. Close #2606.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/03b900d/rtems 2016-03-04T13:52:34 [git] 0a5aa2d by Sebastian Huber: [i386: Define _CPU_SMP_Prepare_start_multitasking() Define _CPU_SMP_Prepare_start_multitasking() as empty macro to prevent a link-time error on SMP configurations.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/0a5aa2d/rtems 2016-03-04T13:59:46 [trac] #2554/enhancement (accepted) updated by sebastian.huber ([5b0d2c1965e1dab2915231866aaa5623ced66330/rtems] ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2554 2016-03-04T14:00:20 [trac] #2344/defect (closed) updated by sebastian.huber ([03b900d3ed120ea919ea3eded7edbece3488cff3/rtems]) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2344 2016-03-04T14:01:04 [trac] #2606/defect (closed) updated by sebastian.huber ([03b900d3ed120ea919ea3eded7edbece3488cff3/rtems]) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2606 2016-03-04T14:01:29 [trac] #2555/enhancement (accepted) updated by sebastian.huber ([03b900d3ed120ea919ea3eded7edbece3488cff3/rtems]) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2555 2016-03-04T14:16:29 [trac] #2555/enhancement (accepted) updated by Sebastian Huber (In [changeset:"9f5754b5c226202d0a35eb729e68cdd3a26c65fc/rtems"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2555 2016-03-04T14:16:30 [git] 9f5754b by Sebastian Huber: [bsps: Avoid Giant lock in simulator clock driver Update #2555.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/9f5754b/rtems 2016-03-04T14:27:24 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2016-03-04T14:40:51 *** ps06756 has joined #rtems 2016-03-04T14:42:00 Hello, I want to work with RTEMS as a part of Google summer of code 2016. I have tried building rtems from source, and built the RSB following the guide on rtems website. I am having trouble building rtems 2016-03-04T14:42:20 The error I am getting while doing make is 2016-03-04T14:42:44 http://pastie.org/10747817 2016-03-04T14:42:57 Can someone please help me in resolving the error. 2016-03-04T14:43:11 I have the bin folder of RSB in my $PATH 2016-03-04T14:43:32 so that is not a problem, I have sys/select.h in /usr/include/ folder , 2016-03-04T14:43:51 I am using ubuntu 15.10 as my host system 2016-03-04T14:45:48 The tutorial I am following is this https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/UserManual/Quick_Start 2016-03-04T15:07:28 Okay, solved this problem. Tried building it for 4.12 and it succeeded 2016-03-04T15:07:37 Please update the instructions on the website 2016-03-04T15:08:02 Please see AlanC's answer on how to resolve this problem http://alanstechnotes.blogspot.in/2013/03/compiling-and-installing-rtems-for.html 2016-03-04T15:17:51 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2016-03-04T15:27:22 *** monstr has quit IRC 2016-03-04T15:42:15 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2016-03-04T15:42:15 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2016-03-04T15:45:57 *** guillaum1 has quit IRC 2016-03-04T15:48:29 *** ps06756 has quit IRC 2016-03-04T15:57:46 *** ps06756 has joined #rtems 2016-03-04T15:57:55 hi ps06756 did you solve your problems? 2016-03-04T15:58:05 yes 2016-03-04T16:03:47 Hello @gedare, I have sent the patch for hello world example given on website and a screenshot of running the patch in gdb as shown in the tutorial to the mailing list. 2016-03-04T16:04:16 Is there any other test I need to do and submit to the list? 2016-03-04T16:25:12 *** ps06756 has quit IRC 2016-03-04T17:31:13 *** gedare has quit IRC 2016-03-04T17:41:38 *** guillaum1 has joined #rtems 2016-03-04T19:21:02 *** gigetoo has quit IRC 2016-03-04T19:22:56 *** gigetoo has joined #rtems 2016-03-04T19:45:24 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2016-03-04T19:45:25 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2016-03-04T21:02:17 *** gedare has quit IRC 2016-03-04T21:48:54 [trac] fatbug.diff () attached to #2622 by smlaurenzo http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2622 2016-03-04T21:49:45 [trac] #2622/defect (new) updated by smlaurenzo (We are running locally with this patch and have not experienced concurrency issues.) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2622 2016-03-04T22:29:21 [trac] #2622/defect (assigned) updated by gedare (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2622 2016-03-05T03:14:16 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-03-05T04:12:32 *** animesh2049 has joined #rtems 2016-03-05T04:27:44 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-03-05T04:41:50 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-03-05T04:47:15 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-03-05T05:49:39 *** animesh2049 has quit IRC 2016-03-05T06:07:37 *** animesh2049 has joined #rtems 2016-03-05T06:19:34 *** animesh2049 has quit IRC 2016-03-05T06:20:00 *** animesh2049 has joined #rtems 2016-03-05T07:05:00 *** animesh2049 has quit IRC 2016-03-05T10:18:47 *** serbanM has joined #rtems 2016-03-05T10:45:29 *** xc_ has joined #rtems 2016-03-05T10:45:39 HI 2016-03-05T10:45:49 I am building Rtems from rsb 2016-03-05T10:46:19 I have previously built for sparc and arm architecture 2016-03-05T10:46:45 But Now If I try to do built from ben gras blog .. 2016-03-05T10:46:56 It stucks every time at 2016-03-05T10:47:09 building: arm-rtems4.12-gcc-6-20160124-newlib- 2016-03-05T10:47:17 My laptop hangs at this 2016-03-05T11:46:53 *** xc_ has quit IRC 2016-03-05T12:20:47 *** serbanM has quit IRC 2016-03-05T14:57:07 *** aman has joined #rtems 2016-03-05T14:57:32 *** aman has left #rtems 2016-03-05T15:21:45 *** serbanM has joined #rtems 2016-03-05T15:27:20 *** serbanM has quit IRC 2016-03-05T15:39:04 *** Nebula_ has joined #rtems 2016-03-05T16:21:32 *** ps06756 has joined #rtems 2016-03-05T16:22:04 hello, I have built rtems for target arm-rtems4.12 raspberrypi 2016-03-05T16:22:38 When I try to run the sample programs provided under testsuites/sample directory, I get seg fault on actual raspberry pi 2016-03-05T16:23:08 If I run it on simulator, then I get no output even though I have printf statements inside the init.c file 2016-03-05T16:28:42 Why is the seg fault coming 2016-03-05T16:28:46 ? 2016-03-05T16:28:46 Any ideas ? 2016-03-05T16:32:26 *** ps06756 has quit IRC 2016-03-05T16:44:02 *** animesh2049 has joined #rtems 2016-03-05T16:56:16 *** animesh2049 has quit IRC 2016-03-05T17:29:07 *** SilentFlame has joined #rtems 2016-03-05T18:00:04 *** SilentFlame has quit IRC 2016-03-05T18:27:11 *** animesh2049 has joined #rtems 2016-03-05T18:57:28 *** animesh2049 has quit IRC 2016-03-05T18:58:54 *** animesh2049 has joined #rtems 2016-03-05T19:04:13 *** animesh2049 has quit IRC 2016-03-05T20:16:59 *** dougk_ has quit IRC 2016-03-05T20:29:41 *** dougk_ has joined #rtems 2016-03-05T22:08:24 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-03-06T03:34:31 *** ps06756 has joined #rtems 2016-03-06T03:46:37 *** ps06756 has left #rtems 2016-03-06T05:11:16 *** mkhoory has joined #rtems 2016-03-06T06:25:48 *** lcpfnvcy has quit IRC 2016-03-06T06:30:35 *** lcpfnvcy has joined #rtems 2016-03-06T06:43:53 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-03-06T07:14:34 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-03-06T07:38:05 *** jason_wong has quit IRC 2016-03-06T07:42:04 *** serbanM has joined #rtems 2016-03-06T08:11:42 *** jason_wong has joined #rtems 2016-03-06T08:48:10 *** mkhoory-2 has joined #rtems 2016-03-06T08:51:37 *** mkhoory has quit IRC 2016-03-06T09:44:52 *** jason_wong has quit IRC 2016-03-06T09:53:51 *** jason_wong has joined #rtems 2016-03-06T10:44:42 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2016-03-06T11:15:42 *** serbanM has quit IRC 2016-03-06T11:40:46 *** dougk_ has quit IRC 2016-03-06T11:43:39 *** dougk_ has joined #rtems 2016-03-06T12:05:44 *** mkhoory-2 has quit IRC 2016-03-06T15:05:17 *** serbanM has joined #rtems 2016-03-06T16:59:33 *** serbanM has quit IRC 2016-03-06T22:30:55 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2016-03-06T23:13:28 *** jkridner has quit IRC