2015-12-07T01:16:09 *** Ch3ck_ has quit IRC 2015-12-07T04:28:54 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-12-07T04:34:49 *** AKIME has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T05:06:11 *** AKIME has quit IRC 2015-12-07T05:53:56 *** vaishali has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T06:13:32 *** vaishali has left #rtems 2015-12-07T06:15:11 *** kiwichri_ has quit IRC 2015-12-07T07:08:42 *** kiwichri_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T07:16:49 *** vaishali has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T07:22:26 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T07:33:33 *** kiwichri_ has quit IRC 2015-12-07T08:28:57 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T09:05:24 *** Ch3ck_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T10:12:24 *** sambeet has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T10:17:39 *** sambeet has left #rtems 2015-12-07T11:03:32 *** gigetoo has quit IRC 2015-12-07T11:36:07 *** gigetoo has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T11:52:25 *** vaishali has left #rtems 2015-12-07T12:13:47 [trac] #2477/enhancement (closed) updated by Sebastian Huber (In [changeset:"8054b1c7181b7c36e413ce15b686f99d06f4a7d2/rtems"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2477 2015-12-07T12:13:48 [git] a062014 by Sebastian Huber: [Delete _Region_Debug_Walk() The expensive heap walks are superfluous due to the heap protection enabled via RTEMS_DEBUG. Update #2477.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/a062014/rtems 2015-12-07T12:13:48 [git] 8054b1c by Sebastian Huber: [Remove Close #2477.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/8054b1c/rtems 2015-12-07T13:34:13 *** vaishu has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T13:43:48 [trac] #2477/enhancement (closed) updated by Sebastian Huber (In [changeset:"452eec433b3aa2fba464cee54f7d3c92726e4e0e/rtems"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2477 2015-12-07T13:43:48 [git] 452eec4 by Sebastian Huber: [doc: Remove reference to debug mask Update #2477.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/452eec4/rtems 2015-12-07T13:54:44 [git] 762390e by Sebastian Huber: [bsp/generic_or1k: Delete unused extern declaration] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/762390e/rtems 2015-12-07T13:58:20 *** Ch3ck_ is now known as Ch3ck 2015-12-07T14:26:00 *** edwardk has quit IRC 2015-12-07T14:26:50 *** mithro has quit IRC 2015-12-07T14:30:36 *** mithro has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T14:33:50 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T14:36:39 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T14:42:14 *** {0xc6} has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T14:47:45 *** edwardk has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T15:48:23 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-07T15:48:36 *** vthakkar has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T15:56:57 *** monstr has quit IRC 2015-12-07T16:05:05 *** dougk_ has quit IRC 2015-12-07T16:11:04 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T16:11:04 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-12-07T16:18:46 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T16:18:46 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T16:18:46 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2015-12-07T16:20:38 *** DrJoel changes topic to "Welcome to RTEMS (http://www.rtems.org). We have been ACCEPTED as an organization inboth the 2015 Google Code-In (https://codein.withgoogle.com). This is a program focused on 13-17 year olds. We expect lots of questions. Please be extra polite and helpfui. Take any question as an opportunity to improve the Wiki or other resources." 2015-12-07T16:25:00 * DrJoel waves at beng-nl 2015-12-07T16:26:09 *** Ch3ck has quit IRC 2015-12-07T16:31:24 *** vthakkar has quit IRC 2015-12-07T16:33:02 hmm 2015-12-07T16:33:06 DrJoel: how are we organising tasks? 2015-12-07T16:35:31 Google gave us the normal categories. Hold on and I will cut and paste them 2015-12-07T16:36:01 # 1: Coding. 2: Documentation & Training. 3: Outreach & Research. 2015-12-07T16:36:23 # 4: Quality Assurance. 5: User Interface. 2015-12-07T16:37:18 Beyond that, each script generated task was randomly assigned a mentor. Those scripts are all in my personal github and I think written by either myself or Gedare 2015-12-07T16:38:13 In past years, we just asked mentors to check in and see what tasks had been modified since they last checked. Then see if any needed attention. That has been quicker and more thorough than trying to focus on what was randomly assigned to you. 2015-12-07T16:38:48 Besides, with the holidays you can never be sure who is around when. So everyone cross-checking is the best approach. 2015-12-07T16:39:35 FWIW this year there are beginner tasks which can be done by multiple students like our hello world. But there is a limit across organizations on how many beginner tasks a student can do. 2015-12-07T16:39:53 *** vaishu has quit IRC 2015-12-07T16:40:01 Did I answer the question or just ramble? 2015-12-07T16:40:02 * hesham They just fixed the number of assigned tasks per mentor 2015-12-07T16:40:12 Great! 2015-12-07T16:40:28 hesham: did you see I reported that sorting the tasks by modified time didn't actually sort them. :) 2015-12-07T16:40:30 hmm 2015-12-07T16:40:33 yes sort of 2015-12-07T16:40:41 i think i can pull together some tasks related to the waf build 2015-12-07T16:41:07 DrJoel: I think it's working for me 2015-12-07T16:41:10 Please do. If you want to ask a student to build a single BSP or something specific to one, that would be a lot of tasks 2015-12-07T16:41:21 Last modified task was 15 hours ago. 2015-12-07T16:41:30 If sorting oldest to newest, look at the last page. 2015-12-07T16:41:35 Newest to oldest is obvious 2015-12-07T16:41:40 i'll need to update waf to the latest when does it start? 2015-12-07T16:41:42 It was confirmed this morning as a bug 2015-12-07T16:42:00 19 minutes but runs for 7 weeks so plenty of time to generate more. 2015-12-07T16:42:32 The github repo has python and shell scripts to generate tasks. Just make another directory to generate your .csv file in and hack the script together. 2015-12-07T16:42:39 Deleting mistakes is painful so be careful. :( 2015-12-07T16:42:57 Oldest to newest gets me "4 days ago" tasks first 2015-12-07T16:43:55 oh it starts today? 2015-12-07T16:44:30 And on the last page where they are hours apart? 2015-12-07T16:44:46 Ah, I see some timing order that doesn't make sense 2015-12-07T16:45:36 *** ybden has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T16:45:55 And there's a task that has been modified 7 hours ago 2015-12-07T16:46:07 But doesn't appear on the right order. 2015-12-07T16:46:27 :) Yep. Weird sort. :) 2015-12-07T16:47:01 This year the website is new and we don't have to approve when a student claims a task. The invite system is simplified. 2015-12-07T16:47:16 But there are bugs. 2015-12-07T16:48:15 So mentors just review and answer students' questions 2015-12-07T16:49:36 Yes. Primarily. Mentors are also responsible for ensuring anything submitted gets pushed to the appropriate place. So for patches, make sure they are OK with log, etc. Then get them merged. 2015-12-07T16:50:29 Sure 2015-12-07T16:51:01 Most tasks any of us can do. 2015-12-07T16:51:29 But Sean from BRL-CAD has nicely volunteered to help us with some design tasks. 2015-12-07T16:51:45 I tried the do_doxygen script yesterday, and I got some error "127" 2015-12-07T16:52:30 ./do_doxygen c/src/lib/libbsp/or1k/ 2015-12-07T16:52:30 Error: doxygen failed with code 127 2015-12-07T16:53:12 There shold be a log file with details. Otherwise, I can try to run it. 2015-12-07T16:54:29 *** vaishu has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T16:55:12 Ah, don't worry, I just didn't have doxygen installed on my new OS. 2015-12-07T16:55:13 *** verm__ has quit IRC 2015-12-07T16:55:13 *** verm__ has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T16:57:20 I had to comment out one check but it ran ok for me. 2015-12-07T16:58:53 That change is pushed. 2015-12-07T17:02:14 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T17:03:51 How does the citation task work? Just checking the wiki page/history? 2015-12-07T17:05:31 gedare broke a google scholar search into pieces. Each piece of 10-20 citations needs to be checked by the student to see if they really referenced RTEMS (not items scanned wrong) and is a useful thing to include in the Wiki page for RTEMS references. Usually a paper on an appliaction or such. Not just a reference in passing like "RTOS like RTEMS or VxWorks" 2015-12-07T17:06:46 OK, and the student updates the wikipage directly? 2015-12-07T17:07:21 Maybe this should be added here? 2015-12-07T17:07:21 https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GCI/Outreach/Citations 2015-12-07T17:09:24 This link is part of the task description that students can see. 2015-12-07T17:10:34 Is it not in the task description? 2015-12-07T17:11:16 Hmm.. we did this task in the past. There have to be instructions somewhere 2015-12-07T17:11:17 "This task consists of updating theRTEMS References Wiki page according to the instructions given in the RTEMS GCI Wiki page for the year 2013 and page 5." 2015-12-07T17:11:54 And the "RTEMS GCI Wiki page" refers to this link 2015-12-07T17:13:54 Apparently there were no instructions in the master page when it was one long list. 2015-12-07T17:14:01 Let me email Gedare. 2015-12-07T17:20:05 hi 2015-12-07T17:21:10 Hi gedare, have you seen the mail? 2015-12-07T17:21:16 *** Ch3ck has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T17:21:39 yra 2015-12-07T17:21:45 http://wiki.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/GoogleCodeInProjects#Update_List_of_Citations 2015-12-07T17:21:50 that was the old instructions 2015-12-07T17:22:03 ah 2015-12-07T17:22:04 upload a text\ 2015-12-07T17:22:04 file containing the entries that you added to the wiki page 2015-12-07T17:22:09 that is the submission 2015-12-07T17:22:15 needs to be written in the wiki page 2015-12-07T17:22:36 then the mentor should cross-check the entries in the wiki, with the text submission, with the link to the google scholar search for that task 2015-12-07T17:22:39 Ah, so just copying the task description there 2015-12-07T17:22:40 hesham: can you add this info to the wiki? 2015-12-07T17:22:58 Yeah sure 2015-12-07T17:23:17 *** dougk_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T17:23:51 great, tahnsk 2015-12-07T17:23:58 Add the part about it being RTEMS and not "items" :) 2015-12-07T17:24:04 i'm trying to finish a paper today, and a proposal this weekk 2015-12-07T17:24:09 good call. 2015-12-07T17:24:17 and filter out papers not related to the RTEMS Os 2015-12-07T17:24:50 No problem Gedare. I am about to go kitchen appliance hunting. Looks like a new set of appliances. 2015-12-07T17:33:10 [trac] #2484/defect (v:4.10) created by stevehelmer (pipe function always returns -1 and does not create subsequent pairs after the first pair is created) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2484 2015-12-07T17:35:14 DrJoel: bad luck that, should have gone on Black Friday 2015-12-07T17:35:20 you might still find a few deals lingering though 2015-12-07T17:35:41 i've had good luck getting home depot to price match online ads 2015-12-07T17:35:43 *** vaishu has quit IRC 2015-12-07T17:35:52 [trac] #2484/defect (new) updated by joel.sherrill (Can you provide a patch? The title says you can't create a second set. Do you ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2484 2015-12-07T17:35:53 The uploaded text file should be on the references wiki page or code in website? Or both? 2015-12-07T17:38:13 gedare: Good advice. First thing is narrowing down branch options. I won't mention the brand we had except that is is one of many owned by Whirlpool and we didn't get low end appliances. Microwave, range, and refrigerator all need to be replaced in less than a decade. Dishwasher has had many tray/basket parts replaced and looks like real parts coudl go 2015-12-07T17:39:14 [trac] pipe.c (Updated version of pipe_create) attached to #2484 by stevehelmer http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2484 2015-12-07T17:40:07 [trac] #2484/defect (new) updated by stevehelmer (Attached is updated version for 4.10.2) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2484 2015-12-07T17:41:29 [trac] GCI/Outreach/Citations edited by heshamelmatary (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GCI/Outreach/Citations 2015-12-07T17:42:17 hesham: gci webapp only. the citations themselves should be inline on the RTEMSReferences page. 2015-12-07T17:43:40 gedare: So students update the wiki page and upload their changes to gci? 2015-12-07T17:46:59 [trac] pipe_test.c (Verification test of pipe function call.) attached to #2484 by stevehelmer http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2484 2015-12-07T17:47:24 yeah 2015-12-07T17:47:56 [trac] #2484/defect (new) updated by stevehelmer (Replying to [comment:1 joel.sherrill]: > Can you provide a patch? > > The title ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2484 2015-12-07T17:49:31 *** vaishu has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T17:52:55 *** vaishu has quit IRC 2015-12-07T19:18:44 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T19:37:16 GCI is quiet for us so far. 2015-12-07T19:38:47 we're scary 2015-12-07T19:38:49 Or maybe there's a bug that makes it as quite :) 2015-12-07T19:45:56 A student has been chatting in #gsoc. He just submitted his second task. So he got through the pain somehow. 2015-12-07T19:46:11 We have a student! 2015-12-07T19:46:45 https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/ if you are logged in gives a nice summary. This is where all the monitoring will likely start 2015-12-07T20:26:56 *** DrJoel is now known as DrJoel[A] 2015-12-07T20:26:56 * DrJoel[A] is now away - Reason : 2015-12-07T20:36:08 *** Ch3ck has quit IRC 2015-12-07T21:49:26 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-07T21:54:46 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-12-07T22:06:34 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T22:06:35 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-12-07T22:25:24 *** Ch3ck has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T22:31:52 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-12-07T23:16:09 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-07T23:17:03 *** {0xc6} has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T23:17:45 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-07T23:20:40 *** kiwichri_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-07T23:32:40 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2015-12-07T23:49:41 *** gigetoo has quit IRC 2015-12-07T23:50:39 *** gigetoo has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T00:03:24 *** ybden has quit IRC 2015-12-08T00:55:09 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-12-08T00:56:08 *** Ch3ck has quit IRC 2015-12-08T01:46:55 [trac] 0001-m68k-sim68000-Remove.patch () attached to #2445 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2445 2015-12-08T01:47:11 [trac] 0001-m68k-acinclude.m4-Regenerate-to-remove-sim68000.patch () attached to #2445 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2445 2015-12-08T01:58:36 [trac] 0001-rtems-bit_all_bsps-Remove-sim68000-reference.patch (rtems-testing) attached to #2445 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2445 2015-12-08T02:04:17 [trac] Developer/Removing_a_BSP edited by gedare (pre-req with hello) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Removing_a_BSP 2015-12-08T02:04:37 [trac] Developer/Removing_a_BSP edited by gedare (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Removing_a_BSP 2015-12-08T02:05:34 [trac] Developer/Removing_a_BSP edited by gedare (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Removing_a_BSP 2015-12-08T02:16:14 [trac] #2445/enhancement (closed) updated by aunali1 (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2445 2015-12-08T02:20:03 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2015-12-08T02:26:25 *** vthakkar has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T02:49:23 [trac] 0001-m68k-mvme136-Remove.patch () attached to #2444 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2444 2015-12-08T02:49:41 [trac] 0002-m68k-acinclude.m4-Regenerate-to-remove-mvme136.patch () attached to #2444 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2444 2015-12-08T02:56:11 [trac] 0001-rtems-bit_rtems-Remove-mvme136-reference.patch () attached to #2444 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2444 2015-12-08T02:56:23 [trac] 0002-rtems-bit_all_bsps-Remove-mvme136-reference.patch () attached to #2444 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2444 2015-12-08T03:03:19 *** vthakkar has quit IRC 2015-12-08T03:33:06 [trac] #2481/defect (accepted) updated by chrisj (The rtems-tools*.cfg files need to be renamed. The git file is wrong and should be ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2481 2015-12-08T04:24:38 [git] 5bd8121 by Chris Johns: [Add gitattributes to aid releasing.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/5bd8121/rtems-tools 2015-12-08T04:30:23 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2015-12-08T05:08:00 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T06:04:10 *** alexianchen has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T06:29:13 *** alexianchen has quit IRC 2015-12-08T06:29:28 *** alexianchen has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T06:32:35 [trac] #2445/enhancement (closed) updated by Aun-Ali Zaidi (In [changeset:"a4e172aca7e0dd43a4c9822fe7c6afde2f22f49b/rtems"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2445 2015-12-08T06:32:36 [git] a4e172a by Aun-Ali Zaidi: [m68k/sim68000: Remove closes #2445.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/a4e172a/rtems 2015-12-08T06:33:18 [trac] #2445/enhancement (closed) updated by Aun-Ali Zaidi (In [changeset:"008f779de1c423c3094b76b40d46ee29f784b619/rtems-testing"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2445 2015-12-08T06:33:18 [git] 008f779 by Aun-Ali Zaidi: [rtems/bit_all_bsps; Remove sim68000 reference closes #2445.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/008f779/rtems-testing 2015-12-08T06:40:36 *** alexianchen is now known as alexian 2015-12-08T06:45:02 sebhub: hi 2015-12-08T06:47:59 sebhub: we need gitattributes add to rtems.git 2015-12-08T06:49:13 [trac] Developer/Removing_a_BSP edited by sebastian.huber (Use only one patch for a BSP removal.) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Removing_a_BSP 2015-12-08T06:52:41 *** vthakkar has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T06:54:58 [trac] #2484/defect (new) updated by sebastian.huber (There are several other problems with the pipes, see #2054, #2159 and #2227.) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2484 2015-12-08T06:57:42 hi chris, what should the attributes do? 2015-12-08T06:59:42 It lets you control things and specifically with 'git archive' you can strip out .gitignore or anything else we want to. 2015-12-08T07:00:01 See my rtems-tools.git commit on the 4.11 branch. 2015-12-08T07:00:13 I am writing scripts to make a full release 2015-12-08T07:01:07 *** alexian has quit IRC 2015-12-08T07:04:51 is a release archive not generated by a "make dist" normally? 2015-12-08T07:05:47 And you trust that command? 2015-12-08T07:05:58 no ;-) 2015-12-08T07:06:02 :) 2015-12-08T07:06:39 but this is how it was done for 4.10 and earlier? 2015-12-08T07:06:49 I am doing a git archive then bootstrapping etc and than making a tar.xz file. We also have rtems-source-builder and rtems-tools to do and we need to collect all the sources 2015-12-08T07:06:54 With love 2015-12-08T07:06:57 I suspect 2015-12-08T07:08:39 out of curiousity has waf a "make dist"? 2015-12-08T07:09:34 sebhub: yes it does, and it also has "distcheck" 2015-12-08T07:11:57 I trust waf's diskcheck etc 2015-12-08T07:12:23 But we need a release of 4.11 to move to 5.0 and so we are wedged unless I do something 2015-12-08T07:13:07 yes anything that makes progress towards a new build system is good 2015-12-08T07:14:11 *** vthakkar has quit IRC 2015-12-08T07:20:15 *** kiwichri_ has quit IRC 2015-12-08T07:21:13 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T07:31:54 *** vthakkar has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T07:43:41 *** alexian has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T08:32:08 *** alexian has quit IRC 2015-12-08T08:34:18 *** alexian has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T08:43:15 *** ybden has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T08:54:17 *** Ch3ck has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T09:26:20 *** alexian has quit IRC 2015-12-08T09:49:42 *** vthakkar has quit IRC 2015-12-08T09:56:50 *** vthakkar has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T10:13:21 *** ybden has quit IRC 2015-12-08T10:15:57 *** ybden has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T10:49:07 *** ybden has quit IRC 2015-12-08T11:54:31 *** vthakkar has quit IRC 2015-12-08T12:53:24 [trac] #2408/enhancement (new) updated by Sebastian Huber (In [changeset:"b618d8cfc54f84d4ed03dc7b7fa510c872e6128a/rtems"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2408 2015-12-08T12:53:25 [git] 60c5461 by Sebastian Huber: [score: Statically initialize API extensions Update #2408.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/60c5461/rtems 2015-12-08T12:53:25 [git] bd91f44 by Sebastian Huber: [score: Delete unused API extensions Update #2408.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/bd91f44/rtems 2015-12-08T12:53:25 [git] 9736283 by Sebastian Huber: [score: Statically initialize system state Update #2408.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/9736283/rtems 2015-12-08T12:53:25 [git] b618d8c by Sebastian Huber: [Add RTEMS linker sets Update #2408.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/b618d8c/rtems 2015-12-08T13:00:51 *** vaishu has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T13:01:11 *** vaishu is now known as vaishali 2015-12-08T14:04:04 [trac] #2485/defect (v:4.10) created by sebastian.huber (RSB: 4.10 automake build broken) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2485 2015-12-08T14:05:27 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T14:05:56 [trac] #2486/defect (v:4.10) created by sebastian.huber (RSB: 4.10 invalid kernel URL) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2486 2015-12-08T14:10:02 [trac] #2485/defect (new) updated by sebastian.huber (4.9 has the same problems.) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2485 2015-12-08T14:46:05 [trac] #2486/defect (new) updated by joel.sherrill (When we reorganized and cleaned up the website, the file moved under this directory: ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2486 2015-12-08T14:47:06 [trac] #2485/defect (new) updated by joel.sherrill (Why did automake not build? What was in the config.log?) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2485 2015-12-08T14:47:20 *** DrJoel[A] is now known as DrJoel 2015-12-08T14:47:20 * DrJoel is no longer away - Gone for 18 hrs 20 mins 23 secs 2015-12-08T14:54:55 *** ybden has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T15:00:32 *** ybden_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T15:00:49 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T15:01:34 *** ybden has quit IRC 2015-12-08T15:04:51 *** ybden_ has quit IRC 2015-12-08T15:05:40 *** ybden has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T15:23:59 *** {0xc6} has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T15:28:22 *** gigetoo has quit IRC 2015-12-08T15:28:58 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T15:28:58 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-12-08T15:29:13 [trac] GCI/Coding/HelloWorld edited by ybden (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GCI/Coding/HelloWorld 2015-12-08T15:29:59 *** gigetoo has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T15:43:17 [trac] GCI/Coding/HelloWorld edited by heshamelmatary (Add submitting patch instruction to GCI HelloWorld task. ) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GCI/Coding/HelloWorld 2015-12-08T15:46:01 things are moving right along, eh! 2015-12-08T15:46:49 Yeah, should I add "attach screenshot" to the instructions also? 2015-12-08T15:53:32 In previous years, it was a screenshot and a patch. Is this done now? 2015-12-08T16:00:53 DrJoel: There's no mention of screenshot in here http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GCI/Coding/HelloWorld 2015-12-08T16:02:17 sigh.. please fix that. We always got one from them 2015-12-08T16:06:09 *** Ch3ck has quit IRC 2015-12-08T16:06:43 [trac] GCI/Coding/HelloWorld edited by heshamelmatary (Add an instruction to submit a screenshot to GCI website. ) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GCI/Coding/HelloWorld 2015-12-08T16:08:51 Well, the instructions on the GSoC page mentioned to send a screenshot, and the instructions on the GCI page requested that the GSoC instructions be followed. 2015-12-08T16:09:18 Thanks for piping up. Was that confusing? 2015-12-08T16:09:24 No, not at all. 2015-12-08T16:09:31 I assume someone approved your task since I can't see it now. 2015-12-08T16:09:35 They did. 2015-12-08T16:10:02 It would be useful if the instructions for the GCI task were in one page, lest people miss certain instructions (as I did). 2015-12-08T16:10:33 ybden: The screenshot for GSoC was supposed to be sent to the mailing list and/or the RTEMS/GSoC wiki page. 2015-12-08T16:11:15 hesham: Oh, fair enough. I reinterpreted them for the GCI interface. 2015-12-08T16:11:21 The GCI website is new this year. We are all suffering through it together. I found it another way. 2015-12-08T16:11:44 This is not the case for GCI, so it's good to have explicit instruction for students to submit the screenshot and the patch to GCI. 2015-12-08T16:11:57 Just to make things clear 2015-12-08T16:13:01 Funny how those survived previous years and no one noticed. LOL 2015-12-08T16:13:30 DrJoel: Heh. I was watching the conversation in #gsoc a little while ago; there were no shortage of people having issues with it. 2015-12-08T16:13:35 Fix as needed to clarify anything. That's one of the benefits of GCI and GSOC for the organizations involved. New eyes. 2015-12-08T16:14:42 Gedare and I reported a lot of issues over the weekend. Sometimes we upload a bad task and need to fix it. You can't delete a task from the web interface. Gedare wrote a Python program to do it. 2015-12-08T16:15:22 But it can be unpublished I think? 2015-12-08T16:19:35 It starts unpublished by default when uploaded. 2015-12-08T16:25:35 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-12-08T16:32:49 I think you can unpublish a task. 2015-12-08T16:34:46 beng-nl: awake? 2015-12-08T16:35:00 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T16:35:00 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-12-08T16:38:18 *** anukul has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T16:38:46 I was asked by my GCI mentor to remove a wiki page. How do I do that? 2015-12-08T16:40:13 If you have an account on the Wiki, then scroll to the bottom of the appropriate page and you should see the buttons for edit, rename, delete, etc. 2015-12-08T16:40:48 FWIW the wiki is actually Trac which means the problem reporting system is integrated and uses the same ID if you tackle tasks which involve open issues. 2015-12-08T16:43:01 No option to delete, only edit. 2015-12-08T16:43:44 *** vaishali has quit IRC 2015-12-08T16:43:54 Hold on.. maybe there is a difference in permissions. I may be an admin and normal users can't do that. 2015-12-08T16:44:15 DrJoel: Same for me BTW 2015-12-08T16:44:46 OK. You may be relying on myself, Gedare, Amar, and Chris Johns to delete pages. 2015-12-08T16:44:56 Okay.. 2015-12-08T16:45:41 Are you sure you want to completely delete this page? 2015-12-08T16:45:42 Removing all 4 versions of the page, which was created 9 years ago and last modified 8 years ago. 2015-12-08T16:45:42 This is an irreversible operation. 2015-12-08T16:45:44 [trac] TBR/Delete/RTEMS_CVS_Repository_Writing deleted (wiki) 2015-12-08T16:46:28 I will edit the instructions on the Wiki to note issue when deleting is the decision. 2015-12-08T16:47:04 There seems to be some problem.. I can create a page, but not delete one. 2015-12-08T16:47:19 When I open the CVS Repo writing page, it says "Does not exist, you can create it here" 2015-12-08T16:47:50 Deleting is impossible to revert so we restrict who can do it. I just deleted it. Once you review the new instructions with the note about deleting the page, I will close your task. 2015-12-08T16:48:46 I'm sorry I did not understand. What are the new instructions? 2015-12-08T16:50:28 https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GCI/UI/WikiTBR 2015-12-08T16:50:42 I added a warning. Would you have seen that? Would it have helped? 2015-12-08T16:52:27 Still unclear. What warning? Could you please tell me what more do I need to do? As asked in the Resolve TBR Pages wiki, I justified my recommendation to delete the page. 2015-12-08T16:53:15 Yes. And since you can't actually delete it, I want to help the next student who encounters this. I added a warning to the instructions at the link above 2015-12-08T16:53:41 Would the new paragraph with bold WARNING intro have saved you confusion? 2015-12-08T16:54:31 I don't see any 'WARNING' 2015-12-08T16:55:12 There is no confusion, I think that all that is required of a student is to investigate the status of a TBR page and report it to the mentor. That's all as far as I can understand. 2015-12-08T16:55:16 [trac] GCI/UI/WikiTBR edited by joel.sherrill (Add note about deleting requires an admin) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GCI/UI/WikiTBR 2015-12-08T16:55:23 I didn't hit submit. My bad. :( 2015-12-08T16:55:49 Yes. But you should be able to rename it if we should keep it. 2015-12-08T16:56:03 Deleting you can't do. An admin has to do that. I was just adding a warning to let you know that. 2015-12-08T16:56:10 :) okay. 2015-12-08T16:56:37 Is this task complete? https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/4973457808818176/ 2015-12-08T16:56:40 Gedare.. you around? 2015-12-08T16:56:45 I think so if yuo like the warning 2015-12-08T16:57:02 Yes, looks fine to me. 2015-12-08T16:57:20 Hesham.. should the Wiki instructions for this task ask for an action to be taken? 2015-12-08T16:58:05 Sorry.. when the instructions are not great, we need to fix them so the next student doesn't ask the same questions. That makes a potential part of every task (especially in the early part) helping us improve the instructions. :) 2015-12-08T16:58:10 *** vaishu has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T16:58:20 None of us are high school teachers. :) 2015-12-08T16:58:32 DrJoel: The page that anukul's provided? 2015-12-08T16:59:24 hesham: No... https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GCI/UI/WikiTBR ... are the instructions not asking a student to do enough? Should they be asked to confirm their recommendation with a mentor and execute it? 2015-12-08T16:59:59 Hi, One of the student commented here: https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5461781799501824/. But I am not able to see any patches. New GCI website seems confusing. 2015-12-08T17:00:15 I think that the action to be taken should be left to the administrators (mentors, in this case?) The students should just submit their recommendation and leave it for the mentor to decide if an action should be taken. If not, then the mentor can obviously ask the student to re-evaluate the page. 2015-12-08T17:01:12 DrJoel: The action is just writing up a summary/suggestion how to resolve TBR pages 2015-12-08T17:02:25 I think it's up to the mentor whether to accept the student recommendation or not. 2015-12-08T17:02:38 *** boquete_asus has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T17:02:45 OK. Then I guess the mentor renames or deletes. 2015-12-08T17:03:02 And could create a new task to merge X and Y pages. Maybe the mentor instructions need more 2015-12-08T17:03:21 Yeah, maybe that would keep things more consistent especially if it's needed to delete pages. 2015-12-08T17:03:58 *** vaishu is now known as vaishali 2015-12-08T17:04:04 And students (and mentors) do not have this permission (deleting) 2015-12-08T17:05:06 vaishali: The patch was sent to the mailing list I think. 2015-12-08T17:06:32 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-08T17:07:22 [trac] #2444/enhancement (closed) updated by joel.sherrill (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2444 2015-12-08T17:09:13 DrJoel: All patches generated by students should be submitted to the GCI website as the primary destination, right? 2015-12-08T17:09:21 hesham: I didn't get any mail from users mailing list and didn't find any mail in archives as well. 2015-12-08T17:09:26 And sending it to the mailing list is optional? 2015-12-08T17:09:37 Not sure if it is sent to developers mailing list 2015-12-08T17:10:25 There seem to be a confusion between the GCI user names, and their e-mails (names) when sent to the mailing list. 2015-12-08T17:10:37 So it might not be that easy to match both. 2015-12-08T17:11:17 vaishali: Yes it was sent to the mailing list 2015-12-08T17:11:25 developer* 2015-12-08T17:12:49 Removal requested. https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/Delete/SpecBuilder Recommendation posted on GCI task. 2015-12-08T17:13:06 Ah, ok. And yes, then I guess may be we should write it somewhere that patches should be submitted to the GCI website as primary destination. 2015-12-08T17:14:05 *** anukul has quit IRC 2015-12-08T17:14:28 vaishali: Which patch did you do? 2015-12-08T17:14:52 I think we need to add instructions like: 1) Students need to submit patches/work to GCI as their primary destination (since they're not supposed to subscribe to the ml). 2) If there are some patches/work that's needed to be sent elsewhere (i.e. ml), students should mention "GCI" and their user name there (commit message?). 2015-12-08T17:15:31 That would help (maybe). But some patches like for tickets really need to be attached to the ticket. 2015-12-08T17:15:38 hi DrJoel 2015-12-08T17:15:38 Hello world diffs can go to gci site only. 2015-12-08T17:16:03 hey.. is Chris' RPM spec builder dead? 2015-12-08T17:16:19 DrJoel: Not me. We were talking about of of the student's patch: https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5461781799501824/ 2015-12-08T17:16:25 *one 2015-12-08T17:16:32 DrJoel: So, they should submit it to the ticker and GCI, I think? 2015-12-08T17:16:50 gedare: I am leaning to file a ticket to ask Chris what to do about https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/Delete/SpecBuilder. Thoughts? 2015-12-08T17:16:58 Just to make GCI happy tracking students submissions/work if they want. 2015-12-08T17:17:16 GCI doesn't care this year 2015-12-08T17:17:25 linking to the ticket with the submission is sufficient 2015-12-08T17:17:28 hesham, ^ 2015-12-08T17:17:32 That is definitely an example that needs to be in the ticket. :) 2015-12-08T17:17:42 And make sure the ticket gets closed. 2015-12-08T17:17:46 DrJoel, there result of the investigation can be to file a ticket, that is fine 2015-12-08T17:18:16 or we can delete. in theory, there is a backup somewhere ;) 2015-12-08T17:18:17 If we can't deal with it immediately, I think that's the only option. Chris wrote the tool and is the only one who knows if it is superceded by RSB 2015-12-08T17:18:32 DrJoel, sebhub suggests ARM GBA be removed. 2015-12-08T17:18:37 I ruled and deleted 2015-12-08T17:18:41 ok 2015-12-08T17:18:47 It is in the BSP removal task list 2015-12-08T17:18:50 gedare: Ah OK. Maybe it should be explicitly stated for each task where they should submit (gci, ticket webpage, ml, etc). 2015-12-08T17:19:25 k 2015-12-08T17:19:28 Yeah... sigh.. anythign with a ticket number needs to go to the ticket. That's remove a bsp and work on a ticket AFAIK 2015-12-08T17:20:07 i suspect the mvme136 removal patch won't commit after sebhub's push 2015-12-08T17:20:39 [trac] #2487/defect (v:4.12) created by joel.sherrill (Should https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/Delete/SpecBuilder be Deleted?) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2487 2015-12-08T17:21:30 Probably a common line can be added somewhere on wiki that while sending a patches to mailing list, student can just add [GCI] in a subject. So that we have idea about that. 2015-12-08T17:26:34 [trac] GCI/UI/WikiTBR edited by joel.sherrill (Improve instructions) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GCI/UI/WikiTBR 2015-12-08T17:26:51 I think I captured what we discussed on TBR wiki page tasks. 2015-12-08T17:28:06 i'm back-logged with grading, will try to stay "tuned in here" though. 2015-12-08T17:29:27 [trac] Developer/Removing_a_BSP edited by joel.sherrill (Add where to send patch) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Removing_a_BSP 2015-12-08T17:30:04 That now says a bit more for student about where to submit 2015-12-08T17:30:40 I am glad most of our instructions are in a Wiki 2015-12-08T17:36:15 DrJoel: Looks good and more clear now 2015-12-08T17:40:03 hesham, that email from Amar is for you, please provide him with those requested things 2015-12-08T17:41:27 gedare: OK thanks, I suspected it was intended to me since there was some previously quoted conversation. 2015-12-08T17:41:51 also, congratulations :) 2015-12-08T17:43:54 Thanks, that will keep me more active, and responsible ;) 2015-12-08T17:49:08 and lets you commit GCI work ;) 2015-12-08T17:50:52 *** boquete_asus is now known as Boquete 2015-12-08T17:50:53 git commit? 2015-12-08T17:51:05 Ah write access 2015-12-08T17:51:12 Ah, for this task, I'd just post the patch to the ml, and wait for your confirmation to commit. 2015-12-08T17:51:40 yeah, or if i say to commit it on the task comment too 2015-12-08T17:51:42 or someone else 2015-12-08T17:53:52 GCI task you mean? 2015-12-08T18:01:18 *** vaishali has quit IRC 2015-12-08T18:16:39 Yes. If another core developer approves the work in a GCI task comment or IRC message, you are free to push it. 2015-12-08T18:17:20 When the Doxygen headers start, I personally don't know that a second person is needed. Gedare? 2015-12-08T18:17:47 THe only issue is not adding Doxygen to files which are third party and imported. You should recognize those with no trouble and this is is noted in the task description 2015-12-08T18:21:21 yeah, just verify do_doxygen output 2015-12-08T18:25:36 and make sure the @brief's are not junk. Easy review. I would be OK with those just getting pushed with only Hesham reviewing 2015-12-08T18:27:57 OK, so just running do_doxygen script, and make sure the words make sense, right? 2015-12-08T18:28:23 ke 2015-12-08T18:28:30 wrong window 2015-12-08T18:28:42 Hmm, when removing a BSP, need the removed source files be added to the commit also? 2015-12-08T18:29:12 yeah ybden you can just use git-rm for entire files/directories 2015-12-08T18:30:09 Just wasn't mentioned in https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Removing_a_BSP; it only says to add acinclude.m4. 2015-12-08T18:31:18 Should I edit the wiki to include this? 2015-12-08T18:34:13 Oops, I actually misread `git rm` as `rm` 2015-12-08T18:35:00 ybden, editing the wiki would be great. make a note in a comment on your task that you did it, too 2015-12-08T18:35:47 gedare: No, I misread one of the instructions--the wiki covers it already. 2015-12-08T18:44:18 gedare: Ah, now it makes sense. DrJoel's first e-mail went to spam, so I only have seen Amar's reply. That's why I questioned whether the mail was intended to me. 2015-12-08T18:46:00 double check me but the remove the mvme136 BSP has already been comitted and the task should be accepted. Right? 2015-12-08T18:51:05 DrJoel: Yes Sebastian has committed it. 2015-12-08T18:52:29 DrJoel: No, that was m68k/sim68000 2015-12-08T18:53:46 grepping through rtems-testing/, I've found a single occurence of the BSP that I've just removed [in rtems/bit_all_bsps, line 148] being mentioned; would I be advised to remove it (and if so, should I send its patch with the main one or something)? 2015-12-08T18:53:47 There's a patch for mvme136, but it's not committed 2015-12-08T18:55:23 hmm.. I get a reject on linkcmds when applying it. 2015-12-08T18:56:27 DrJoel: Might conflict with this recent commit https://github.com/RTEMS/rtems/commit/b618d8cfc54f84d4ed03dc7b7fa510c872e6128a 2015-12-08T18:58:50 If so, then he has a very old tree. :( 2015-12-08T18:59:05 But I definitely have conflicts on the linkcmds 2015-12-08T19:04:27 OK. Asked them to rebase. That one will have to be watched. 2015-12-08T19:05:12 FWIW Hesham, those are pretty simple to review. There may be 3 areas touched. rtems.git and two scripts in rtems-testing. 2015-12-08T19:06:48 DrJoel: For those tasks (BSP removals), I'd just make sure the patches apply. 2015-12-08T19:07:13 *** monstr has quit IRC 2015-12-08T19:09:10 DrJoel, hesham the linkcmds conflict is expected b/c of sebhub's push this morning 2015-12-08T19:09:41 ask the student to recreate the work with a new git-pull. may need to give detailed instructions to get a clean commit 2015-12-08T19:10:59 Is there anyway to sort "all" tasks according to the most recent interaction (student's/mentor's comments, submissions, etc)? 2015-12-08T19:11:57 it seems like that feature is broken 2015-12-08T19:12:05 it should be "modification" field of Instances 2015-12-08T19:12:13 but it doesn't seem to sort, for me. 2015-12-08T19:12:26 Yeah I tried it and it's broken. 2015-12-08T19:12:49 hmm, now it looks right to me 2015-12-08T19:13:05 I can't see any modifications to the mvme136 task, except that it's claimed. It's not one of my tasks BTW. 2015-12-08T19:13:13 oh maybe that is the issue 2015-12-08T19:13:30 Can you not see it if you click on it? 2015-12-08T19:13:34 we can promote you to an org admin, maybe. this web app is making things difficult 2015-12-08T19:13:37 https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5461781799501824/ 2015-12-08T19:14:55 DrJoel: I don't get this link from anywhere from my account 2015-12-08T19:15:07 But I got it only from my link. 2015-12-08T19:15:18 OK. Working on promoting you 2015-12-08T19:17:29 *** _ghostmaverick_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T19:17:53 <_ghostmaverick_> Hello! 2015-12-08T19:17:54 Well, I think this way not "every mentor" can review all the tasks. 2015-12-08T19:18:04 Only tasks assigned to them 2015-12-08T19:18:20 Hello _ghostmaverick_ 2015-12-08T19:18:54 <_ghostmaverick_> Hey, hesham! You're participating in Google Code-in '15 I presume? 2015-12-08T19:19:40 _ghostmaverick_: I am a mentor, do you have any questions? 2015-12-08T19:20:08 Hesham is looking too young to buy beer. ;) 2015-12-08T19:20:39 DrJoel: haha 2015-12-08T19:21:26 <_ghostmaverick_> Ohh! Sorry, hesham. :P I've participated in Code-in for a couple of years now. I found the RTEMS description really cool, so I decided to check out this channel. :) 2015-12-08T19:23:25 _ghostmaverick_: Cool. Which projects did you contribute to in past years? 2015-12-08T19:25:03 <_ghostmaverick_> DrJoel: I worked with Mifos last year. And, Apertium the year before that, and I think KDE before that. :D 2015-12-08T19:26:08 _ghostmaverick_: Are you still eligible to participate in GCI? 2015-12-08T19:27:26 <_ghostmaverick_> hesham: Yeah! This is the last year I'll be eligible. But, I've been bogged down with LOADS of school work for the past two years. ;-; 2015-12-08T19:27:58 if you're interested in RTEMS check out the "Getting Started: Hello World" task 2015-12-08T19:28:19 it's a bit hard for a beginner task, but it sets you up for success long-term. 2015-12-08T19:29:32 <_ghostmaverick_> gedare: Will do. Its pretty late at the moment, and I've gotta scoot. I haven't even registered yet. I'll check out the "Hello world" task and getting started tutorial, once I do. 2015-12-08T19:31:08 Ok. 2015-12-08T19:31:16 are you in europe? 2015-12-08T19:32:02 <_ghostmaverick_> gedare: I'm from India. 2015-12-08T19:32:10 ahhh. 2015-12-08T19:32:18 get some sleep, then. :) 2015-12-08T19:32:33 <_ghostmaverick_> gedare: Its only 1am. Got work to do. ;) 2015-12-08T19:32:52 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2015-12-08T19:33:47 _ghostmaverick_: hey, where in India are you from? 2015-12-08T19:34:52 <_ghostmaverick_> dr__house: In a city near Calcutta. You're from India too? 2015-12-08T19:35:04 _ghostmaverick_: DGP? 2015-12-08T19:35:55 _ghostmaverick_: yes, I am from Bangalore originally. But I've been in the US for the past 5 and  ahalf years 2015-12-08T19:36:25 <_ghostmaverick_> dr__house: No, no. I'm in Jharkhand. Oh, nice. Are you a participant or a mentor? 2015-12-08T19:37:51 _ghostmaverick_: I'm a mentor this time. I was a GSoC student in 2009. 2015-12-08T19:38:35 _ghostmaverick_: Welcome and good luck. RTEMS is a great org to be a part of. 2015-12-08T19:39:28 <_ghostmaverick_> dr__house: Ah, cool. Anyway, gotta go. I'll see you guys later. Oh, what skills should I know to be able to do coding tasks for RTEMS, other than using git? I should know C, right? What else do I need to know? I'll read up on it when I'm free. :D 2015-12-08T19:47:56 _ghostmaverick_: There are few categories for RTEMS tasks such as 1) Documentation, 2) Outrearch, 3) User interface, design, 4) Code, 5) Qa 2015-12-08T19:48:42 So knowing C would be a plus for you to complete more tasks, but not necessarily 2015-12-08T19:49:15 <_ghostmaverick_> hesham: I generally would work on documentation/outreach tasks, but last year I started on coding tasks for Mifos, that required Java, SQL etc. I would like to work on coding tasks for RTEMS too. 2015-12-08T19:49:23 _ghostmaverick_: Basic coreutils abilities (grep, etc.) should prove useful, for coding tasks. I'm presuming that you use *nix ;-) 2015-12-08T19:50:22 _ghostmaverick_: There are many documentation tasks, coding tasks would get more credit I believe. 2015-12-08T19:50:46 <_ghostmaverick_> hey ybden! I'm using a mac, so yeah, I use UNIX. ;) 2015-12-08T19:50:59 <_ghostmaverick_> hesham: I like to think coding tasks are cooler. :D 2015-12-08T19:53:32 Sure, looking forward to your participation :) 2015-12-08T19:55:44 gedare: I'm not sure that you saw my most recent query. I _did_ send it whilst you were inspecting conflicts, after all. ;-) 2015-12-08T19:56:34 <_ghostmaverick_> :D 2015-12-08T19:56:37 *** _ghostmaverick_ has quit IRC 2015-12-08T19:58:06 ybden.. which task? 2015-12-08T19:58:48 https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/4522173414768640/ <- The powerpc/score603e one 2015-12-08T19:59:06 I don't see any work submitted for that. 2015-12-08T19:59:59 DrJoel: I've not submitted anything yet--I was asking if and how I should submit any alterations to the rtems-testing repo 2015-12-08T20:00:23 [trac] 0001-m68k-mvme136-Remove.2.patch () attached to #2444 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2444 2015-12-08T20:00:45 Oh.. but you didn't ping us on the GCI task. OK.. hold on. 2015-12-08T20:01:23 Sorry, I should have probably used the GCI interface instead of IRC 2015-12-08T20:01:36 crap.. sorry.. I am getting myself confused. I just went to the wrong task. :( 2015-12-08T20:03:08 The comment should say closes instead of updates. No big deal. I will fix it. 2015-12-08T20:03:17 Updates is for work in progress. Closes is the final one 2015-12-08T20:03:33 [trac] #2444/enhancement (closed) updated by Aun-Ali Zaidi (In [changeset:"9ae2d98866cace349fc40feac8cf0e8895d9c699/rtems"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2444 2015-12-08T20:03:33 [git] 9ae2d98 by Aun-Ali Zaidi: [m68k/mvme136: Remove closes #2444.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/9ae2d98/rtems 2015-12-08T20:03:57 This is a sad moment. This was the first RTEMS BSP. It existed in a primitive form when I started on RTEMS in July 1989. 2015-12-08T20:04:25 Aww. 2015-12-08T20:04:29 That was the last of the three BSPs written while RTEMS was a research project. 2015-12-08T20:04:52 Board is dead.. times roll along. Didn't even has Ethernet in any form. 2015-12-08T20:04:59 You have two more .. hold on 2015-12-08T20:09:49 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-12-08T20:11:51 [trac] #2444/enhancement (closed) updated by Aun-Ali Zaidi (In [changeset:"37efe15157d2479d600647080583cf37b23db4ff/rtems-testing"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2444 2015-12-08T20:11:51 [git] 37efe15 by Aun-Ali Zaidi: [rtems/bit_rtems and bit_all_bsps: Remove mvme136 reference updates #2444.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/37efe15/rtems-testing 2015-12-08T20:12:21 Please update your local repositories and see if things look OK. Then I will close the task 2015-12-08T20:14:05 DrJoel: I think that you may be looking at the wrong task; if you're talking about those recent commits. 2015-12-08T20:15:21 I was referring to the "remove the mvme136" task. 2015-12-08T20:15:40 DrJoel: Oh, was that generic to everyone? 2015-12-08T20:15:52 [I'm removing the powerpc/score603e BSP, not the m68k/mvme136 BSP] 2015-12-08T20:15:55 But I admit to feeling flustered. I am about to leave to go look at new kitchen appliances. 2015-12-08T20:16:09 Where are the patches for the score603e one? 2015-12-08T20:16:37 DrJoel: I've not submitted anything yet--I was asking if and how I should submit any alterations to the rtems-testing repo 2015-12-08T20:17:19 Sorry. Quite likely. There is likely one or two references in that repo also. 2015-12-08T20:18:09 DrJoel: However, since you mentioned that the other person should use 'Update' in the commit message, I probably have enough information. Otherwise, would I send both attachments to the devel mailing-list? 2015-12-08T20:18:12 FYI this BSP is/was used in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AN/TWQ-1_Avenger 2015-12-08T20:19:02 Hmm, that's interesting. 2015-12-08T20:19:41 Attach them to the PR and write a note in the GCI task are the most important things to do. 2015-12-08T20:19:52 Sending to devel@ would be good also but remember you have to be subscribed. 2015-12-08T20:20:50 DrJoel: I am ;-) 2015-12-08T20:20:51 I don't know if the Avenger is actively used by the US anymore. The Humvee vehicle feel out of favor as it is lightly armored and doesn't do well against IEDs 2015-12-08T20:20:57 Thanks. 2015-12-08T20:21:03 Busy second day of GCI. :) 2015-12-08T20:41:39 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T20:41:39 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-12-08T20:42:16 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-12-08T20:56:00 *** DrJoel is now known as DrJoel[A] 2015-12-08T20:56:00 * DrJoel[A] is now away - Reason : headed home 2015-12-08T21:28:57 *** _Davino has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T21:57:55 *** _Davino has quit IRC 2015-12-08T22:17:25 *** fazer has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T22:21:33 DrJoel[A]: i am here now yeah 2015-12-08T22:23:03 [trac] #2486/defect (new) updated by chrisj (I will sort this as part of #2482.) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2486 2015-12-08T22:23:16 beng-nl: So am I :) 2015-12-08T22:24:23 [trac] #2482/enhancement (accepted) updated by chrisj (Also fix #2486. I am not sure how we lick dependent tickets.) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2482 2015-12-08T22:33:19 amusing typo... 2015-12-08T22:38:06 Hmmm yes 2015-12-08T22:38:30 kiwichris: hi to you :-) 2015-12-08T22:38:43 ita_: thanks :) 2015-12-08T22:38:57 beng-nl: how are you? 2015-12-08T22:42:47 [trac] Developer/Removing_a_BSP edited by ybden (Fix git-rm flags to allow recursive removal of the directory.) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Removing_a_BSP 2015-12-08T22:44:42 kiwichris: good thank you! nice to bump into you here :-) 2015-12-08T22:44:56 i did a little GCI commenting today, i guess that's what joel wanted to talk about earlier 2015-12-08T22:44:58 same, working on some RTEMS release scripts 2015-12-08T22:54:34 [trac] TBR/Delete/SpecBuilder deleted (wiki) 2015-12-08T22:56:27 [trac] 0001-powerpc-score603e-Remove-obselete.patch () attached to #2458 by ybden http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2458 2015-12-08T22:57:14 Finally delete the SpecBuilder wiki page after 5 years 2015-12-08T23:00:05 *** Boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-08T23:05:45 *** fazer has quit IRC 2015-12-08T23:06:36 [trac] 0001-rtems-bit_rtems-Remove-reference-to-score603e.patch () attached to #2458 by ybden http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2458 2015-12-08T23:09:05 *** fazer has joined #rtems 2015-12-08T23:37:57 *** ybden has quit IRC 2015-12-08T23:41:22 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-08T23:53:46 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-12-09T00:00:46 *** fazer has quit IRC 2015-12-09T00:01:44 *** noslaC has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T00:20:28 *** verm__ has quit IRC 2015-12-09T00:20:36 *** verm__ has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T00:29:02 *** ita_ is now known as ita 2015-12-09T00:29:16 *** ita has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T00:32:43 *** fazer has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T01:19:16 *** gigetoo has quit IRC 2015-12-09T01:31:19 *** gigetoo has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T02:12:42 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T02:12:42 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-12-09T02:17:15 [trac] #2458/enhancement (new) updated by Ralph Holmes (In [changeset:"999529516a32ae73f62c887370540d9574cdcecd/rtems"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2458 2015-12-09T02:17:15 [git] 9995295 by Ralph Holmes: [powerpc/score603e: Remove (obselete). Updates #2458.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/9995295/rtems 2015-12-09T02:17:52 [trac] #2458/enhancement (closed) updated by Ralph Holmes (In [changeset:"94e40137bed8b40459d3eb26043e87bc5b12ec03/rtems-testing"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2458 2015-12-09T02:17:52 [git] 94e4013 by Ralph Holmes: [rtems/bit_rtems: Remove reference to score603e. Closes #2458.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/94e4013/rtems-testing 2015-12-09T02:24:32 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-12-09T02:57:48 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2015-12-09T03:36:23 *** fazer has quit IRC 2015-12-09T03:58:01 [trac] 0001-powerpc-ep1a-Remove.patch () attached to #2457 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2457 2015-12-09T03:58:12 [trac] 0001-rtems-bit_all_bsps-Remove-ep1a-reference.patch () attached to #2457 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2457 2015-12-09T04:27:02 [trac] WikiStart edited by Skynet (Grammar fix as part of GCi 2015) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/WikiStart 2015-12-09T05:26:34 *** vthakkar has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T06:04:30 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T06:29:05 [trac] #2457/enhancement (new) updated by Aun-Ali Zaidi (In [changeset:"05d09f44fc298db02043cb6e21783cfb129b1c85/rtems"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2457 2015-12-09T06:29:06 [git] 05d09f4 by Aun-Ali Zaidi: [powerpc/ep1a: Remove updates #2457.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/05d09f4/rtems 2015-12-09T06:29:57 [trac] #2457/enhancement (closed) updated by Aun-Ali Zaidi (In [changeset:"6d384ec087724b65a1efb7930d35e87d4669f3bb/rtems-testing"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2457 2015-12-09T06:29:58 [git] 6d384ec by Aun-Ali Zaidi: [rtems/bit_all_bsps: Remove ep1a reference closes #2457.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/6d384ec/rtems-testing 2015-12-09T06:47:22 *** Ch3ck has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T07:00:52 [trac] #2408/enhancement (new) updated by sebastian.huber (Executable sizes for the SPARC/SIS ticker.exe. || ||= Text =||= Data =||= ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2408 2015-12-09T08:14:21 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T08:41:27 [git] 7279748 by Chris Johns: [Add release versioning support. Support a top level VERSION file that defines an RTEMS release. Fix the install of the python modules including thertems-test. Update the git python module to the RSB version. Fix the options to not call clean and to call dirty. Update the version python module. Fix the rtld C++ support to the 2015-12-09T08:41:27 VERSION file and the...] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/7279748/rtems-tools 2015-12-09T08:44:17 *** Manav has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T08:45:03 Is disdi here? 2015-12-09T09:02:14 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T09:03:47 *** alexian has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T09:09:52 *** {0xc6} has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T09:09:54 [git] c9fa179 by Chris Johns: [Add gitattributes to aid releasing.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/c9fa179/rtems-tools 2015-12-09T09:09:55 [git] efc4f09 by Chris Johns: [Add release versioning support. Support a top level VERSION file that defines an RTEMS release. Fix the install of the python modules including thertems-test. Update the git python module to the RSB version. Fix the options to not call clean and to call dirty. Update the version python module. Fix the rtld C++ support to the 2015-12-09T09:09:55 VERSION file and the...] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/efc4f09/rtems-tools 2015-12-09T09:10:22 *** kiwichri_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T09:14:00 *** c6h has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T09:14:29 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-09T09:14:35 *** c6h is now known as {0xc6} 2015-12-09T09:15:22 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-09T09:23:26 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-09T09:24:18 *** DrJoel[A] has quit IRC 2015-12-09T09:29:16 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T09:30:44 sebhub hi 2015-12-09T09:32:00 *** alexian has quit IRC 2015-12-09T09:36:42 *** {0xc6} has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T09:40:59 *** c6h has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T09:43:26 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-09T09:44:26 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-09T09:46:57 hi chris 2015-12-09T09:49:22 *** c6h is now known as {0xc6} 2015-12-09T09:54:46 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-09T09:56:59 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T10:03:39 *** Manav has quit IRC 2015-12-09T10:08:26 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-09T10:17:20 *** vthakkar has quit IRC 2015-12-09T10:23:59 *** vthakkar has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T10:24:23 *** vthakkar is now known as vaishali 2015-12-09T10:41:28 *** vaishali has quit IRC 2015-12-09T11:08:56 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T11:18:13 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-09T11:36:08 *** {0xc6} has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T11:37:41 sebhub can you please test the rtems-tools on HEAD for 4.12 ? 2015-12-09T12:01:28 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-09T12:07:15 *** stryx` has quit IRC 2015-12-09T12:11:14 at least the build works on opensuse 2015-12-09T12:25:32 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T12:34:23 [trac] TBR/Delete/DownloadingRTEMS deleted (wiki) 2015-12-09T12:35:14 [trac] WikiStart edited by gedare (Fix for deleted page.) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/WikiStart 2015-12-09T12:35:51 [trac] GCI/UI/WikiTBR edited by gedare (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GCI/UI/WikiTBR 2015-12-09T13:01:47 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-09T13:04:46 *** vaishu has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T13:04:54 *** vaishu is now known as vaishali 2015-12-09T13:06:02 [git] 44d18b9 by Sebastian Huber: [bsps: Fix some linker set descriptions Fix broken RTEMS linker set descriptions introduced by b618d8cfc54f84d4ed03dc7b7fa510c872e6128a.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/44d18b9/rtems 2015-12-09T13:09:16 *** {0xc6} has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T13:10:34 *** Manav has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T13:12:13 I have trouble understanding the ticket tasks? 2015-12-09T13:12:19 Can someone help me 2015-12-09T13:13:46 Manav: What difficulty are you facing? 2015-12-09T13:14:23 https://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2325 2015-12-09T13:14:29 What are we supposed to do here? 2015-12-09T13:15:35 How do I test it? 2015-12-09T13:16:00 [git] 328d406 by Sebastian Huber: [bsps/sh: Disable fileio test due to lack of memory] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/328d406/rtems 2015-12-09T13:18:24 Manav: Have you done 'Hello world' task? 2015-12-09T13:19:09 No 2015-12-09T13:19:53 Manav: I would advice you to go for it first and then 2015-12-09T13:19:58 Okay thanks 2015-12-09T13:20:06 you can go for other coding tasks 2015-12-09T13:21:09 Hi Manav, as vaishali suggested, HelloWorld task would give you an idea how to build/test RTEMS. 2015-12-09T13:21:14 If you want to understand the ticket description, I can help you with that but probably it would be good to go for it after 'Hello World' task. 2015-12-09T13:21:47 Sure. I'll try the Hello World task first. :) 2015-12-09T13:23:38 Sure :) 2015-12-09T13:23:42 [git] 08a315d by Sebastian Huber: [bsps/sh: Disable fileio test due to lack of memory] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/08a315d/rtems 2015-12-09T13:30:21 *** Manav_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T13:33:46 *** Manav has quit IRC 2015-12-09T13:36:09 *** Ch3ck has quit IRC 2015-12-09T13:36:20 *** Manav_ has quit IRC 2015-12-09T14:12:51 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T14:12:51 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-12-09T14:32:44 *** vaishali has quit IRC 2015-12-09T14:52:00 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T14:52:00 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T14:52:00 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2015-12-09T14:53:12 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T14:59:29 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2015-12-09T15:00:01 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T15:00:02 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T15:00:02 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2015-12-09T15:08:17 boquete: You have been a busy beaver. I was chatting with a Sugar Labs mentor. :) 2015-12-09T15:09:35 Hi DrJoel, I'm just making few tasks for fun in free time :D ..and in school.. but on boring lessons so win win 2015-12-09T15:10:38 But soon probably I will end.. Getting not enough time. Anyway I came to GCI just to check my self ^^ 2015-12-09T15:11:56 [git] 5df8168 by Sebastian Huber: [doc: Fix build for Ada user manual] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/5df8168/rtems 2015-12-09T15:20:36 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-09T15:21:12 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T15:28:56 *** Boquete_Mobile has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T15:29:03 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-09T15:43:47 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-12-09T16:05:35 *** vaishu has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T16:06:34 *** vaishu is now known as vaishali 2015-12-09T16:08:00 *** monstr has quit IRC 2015-12-09T16:32:57 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T16:55:53 *** Tangem has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T16:57:20 *** vaishali has quit IRC 2015-12-09T17:02:52 *** boquete_asus has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T17:06:44 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-09T17:21:23 *** Malico has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T17:22:25 *** boquete_asus is now known as Boquete 2015-12-09T17:29:40 noslaC: Hi, Please how can i search someone online 2015-12-09T17:31:50 Boquete: Nice Name Bro 2015-12-09T17:33:46 Malcio, but so many problems with it 2015-12-09T17:34:25 I heard it's something wrong in one of the european languages :v But.. it's just nickname :D 2015-12-09T17:47:01 Boquete: Thanks 2015-12-09T17:47:16 Boquete; Thanks 2015-12-09T17:47:40 Hm? 2015-12-09T17:48:02 Boquete; Please Do you by chance Know Ch3ck, Nyah Check 2015-12-09T17:56:58 *** Malico has quit IRC 2015-12-09T18:15:16 *** neel has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T18:26:58 *** neel_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T18:30:20 *** neel has quit IRC 2015-12-09T18:41:18 *** aj007 has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T18:48:03 *** neel_ has quit IRC 2015-12-09T18:48:51 *** neel has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T18:53:35 *** Boquete_Mobile has quit IRC 2015-12-09T18:53:46 *** neel has quit IRC 2015-12-09T19:00:01 *** aj007 has quit IRC 2015-12-09T19:02:41 *** neel has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T19:07:42 *** neel has quit IRC 2015-12-09T19:09:10 *** stryx` has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T19:16:10 *** neel has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T19:20:31 *** neel has quit IRC 2015-12-09T19:27:51 *** aj007 has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T19:31:18 [trac] 0001-dejagnu-boards-rtems-m32r-m32rsim.exp-Remove.patch () attached to #2447 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-09T19:31:33 [trac] 0001-m32r-m32rsim-Remove.patch () attached to #2447 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-09T19:31:34 *** neel has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T19:31:42 [trac] 0002-sim-scripts-Makefile-Remove-m32r-reference.patch () attached to #2447 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-09T19:31:51 [trac] 0003-sim-scripts-.gitignore-Remove-m32r-references.patch () attached to #2447 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-09T19:32:01 [trac] 0004-sim-scripts-m32rsim.in-Remove.patch () attached to #2447 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-09T19:32:12 [trac] 0005-gcc-rundeja-Remove-m32r-reference.patch () attached to #2447 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-09T19:32:34 [trac] 0006-gcc-test_driver-Remove-m32r-reference.patch () attached to #2447 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-09T19:32:43 [trac] 0007-gcc-RTEMS_GCC_Testing.txt-Remove-m32r-references.patch () attached to #2447 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-09T19:32:53 [trac] 0008-gcc-do_one-Remove-m32r-reference.patch () attached to #2447 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-09T19:33:02 [trac] 0009-gcc-parallelize_build-Remove-m32r-reference.patch () attached to #2447 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-09T19:33:11 [trac] 0010-gcc-testsuite-ada-acats-Makefile.rtems-Remove-m32r-r.patch () attached to #2447 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-09T19:33:20 [trac] 0011-simple-build-script-build_tools-Remove-m32r-referenc.patch () attached to #2447 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-09T19:33:29 [trac] 0012-rtems-bit_rtems-Remove-m32r-reference.patch () attached to #2447 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-09T19:33:38 [trac] 0013-rtems-bit_all_bsps-Remove-m32r-references.patch () attached to #2447 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-09T19:33:48 [trac] 0014-rtems-bit_all_multilib-Remove-m32r-reference.patch () attached to #2447 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-09T19:33:56 [trac] 0015-rtems-common.sh-Remove-m32r-references.patch () attached to #2447 by aunali1 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-09T19:35:46 *** neel has quit IRC 2015-12-09T19:51:55 Yikes not only is the channel slow today, the net doesn't appear to stable. 2015-12-09T19:52:22 [trac] TBR/Delete/DownloadRTEMS deleted (wiki) 2015-12-09T19:59:23 *** neel has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T20:04:04 *** neel has quit IRC 2015-12-09T20:08:11 *** aj007 has quit IRC 2015-12-09T20:17:15 *** neel has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T20:21:46 *** neel has quit IRC 2015-12-09T20:25:52 *** neel has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T20:30:17 *** neel has quit IRC 2015-12-09T20:31:44 *** Manav has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T20:32:19 Hello, I am Manav Aggarwal 2015-12-09T20:32:47 I am working on this project called "Identify and eliminate dead code (100+ lines)" 2015-12-09T20:33:09 It says I need to reduce duplicate code 2015-12-09T20:33:29 Where can I find the code I need to check? 2015-12-09T20:39:16 Can somebody here help me please? 2015-12-09T20:39:47 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2015-12-09T20:41:26 *** kiwichri_ has quit IRC 2015-12-09T20:41:37 Hi Manav, good to see you have taken up this task. I am looking into that task right now. 2015-12-09T20:41:44 I am not an assigned mentor on that task 2015-12-09T20:41:55 It appears that Sean is the mentor assigned. 2015-12-09T20:42:00 Oh. Thank you so much 2015-12-09T20:42:11 But I can't find Seam here 2015-12-09T20:42:45 Yeah seems like Sean is not on IRC at the moment 2015-12-09T20:43:05 I'll just wait for him. :) 2015-12-09T20:44:05 One of gedare or DrJoel must be able to help you. I am not fully upto speed with that task. I can help you but it will take some time for me as I am at work right now and I am a little busy. 2015-12-09T20:44:41 Manav: in the meanwhile, you can also ask on the RTEMS mailing list. If Sean has access to email he may reply. 2015-12-09T20:44:53 hmm 2015-12-09T20:45:08 Ok. I'll try that 2015-12-09T20:45:13 i don't have access to the webapp on this computer so i can't really say 2015-12-09T20:45:24 that might actually be a rather difficult task 2015-12-09T20:46:02 Manav: also, you should consider doing "Getting Started: Hello World" before trying coding tasks 2015-12-09T20:46:28 I did try that. But I am having problems with it. 2015-12-09T20:46:41 I was able to run rtems on Virtualbox 2015-12-09T20:46:54 But couldn't proceed after that 2015-12-09T20:48:22 Linux on VirtualBox? 2015-12-09T20:49:23 Ya. Ubuntu 2015-12-09T20:49:33 precise 64 2015-12-09T20:50:05 well, if networking was up, that should be fine for completing the task 2015-12-09T20:50:36 albeit, the task can be quite hard, it is worth doing so you can really be successful at coding tasks in RTEMS. otherwise it is hard to really "dig deep". 2015-12-09T20:51:02 I'll try my hand at it again. 2015-12-09T20:51:38 *** Ch3ck has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T20:52:01 gedare, What kind of tasks should I proceed with? 2015-12-09T20:52:25 Does the number of tasks count or does the quality and time put into it? 2015-12-09T21:03:57 quality and time 2015-12-09T21:04:16 well, quality and how you interact with the community/mentors, more than anything else 2015-12-09T21:04:35 time is a variable that depends on a lot of external factors, and we can't/won't judge that 2015-12-09T21:04:40 Oh. Sounds good. 2015-12-09T21:04:51 note however, that you must be in i think the top 10 quantity to compete for grand prizes 2015-12-09T21:04:56 top10 for the org 2015-12-09T21:05:25 Oh. I heard about that 2015-12-09T21:39:02 *** Boquete_Mobile has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T21:41:29 *** fazer has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T21:45:04 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-12-09T21:50:46 [trac] TBR/Delete edited by Zaphod (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/Delete 2015-12-09T21:55:40 *** Manav has quit IRC 2015-12-09T21:56:31 *** dougk_ has quit IRC 2015-12-09T21:56:50 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T22:11:13 *** dougk_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T22:21:31 [trac] TBR/Delete edited by Zaphod (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/Delete 2015-12-09T22:28:17 *** Tangem has quit IRC 2015-12-09T22:44:26 *** fazer has quit IRC 2015-12-09T22:50:56 any GSOC mentors around? 2015-12-09T22:51:17 DrJoel: you mean GCI mentors? :P 2015-12-09T22:51:41 Yep.. and you are perfect. This is a test of permissions. I will privately send you a link and tell me what you see. Please 2015-12-09T22:51:49 DrJoel: GSOC and GCI mentor here :) 2015-12-09T22:52:05 kiwichris: you are admin but let's see 2015-12-09T22:52:05 And me :) 2015-12-09T22:52:06 https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/in-progress/?sp-order=-modified&sp-is_active=True&sp-organization=5167877522980864&sp-my_tasks=false&sp-page=1 2015-12-09T22:52:15 How many tasks do you each see? 2015-12-09T22:52:40 18 2015-12-09T22:52:53 DrJoel: same here 18 2015-12-09T22:53:04 You unchecked "My tasks"? 2015-12-09T22:53:19 OK. That's all active tasks and you both see the same set 2015-12-09T22:53:20 18 2015-12-09T22:54:01 DrJoel: I like the new GCI web site and we should let Robert know. 2015-12-09T22:55:39 head over to #gsoc and let him know. 2015-12-09T22:56:16 Ah yes of coruse, good idea 2015-12-09T22:56:20 The bottom link on the dashboard "students currently working on tasks" takes you to that page. It claims 17 but the query does more 2015-12-09T22:56:36 So a mentor can see any task in progress that way and see which need attention 2015-12-09T22:56:38 bug? 2015-12-09T22:58:37 No. It is the way we are supposed to be a village of mentors. 2015-12-09T22:58:56 The waiting for review is likely only the ones for a mentor. Admins get the overall count. 2015-12-09T22:59:02 When I turn on My Tasks I see fewer. 2015-12-09T22:59:33 dr__house: use the last link on the dashboard to see what needs attention 2015-12-09T22:59:41 verm__: same applies to you 2015-12-09T23:00:11 kiwichris: When turning on "My tasks" it only shows your assigned tasks. 2015-12-09T23:00:40 When turning it off, it shows all the tasks 2015-12-09T23:01:09 BTW, Are there any pages/sources that keep track of RTEMS applications? 2015-12-09T23:01:40 As in uses of RTEMS or things you can run on RTEMS? 2015-12-09T23:01:56 Applications is a overloaded term with RTEMS 2015-12-09T23:02:27 Yes, real-world applications, like the avengers one or the NASA/Mars related one. 2015-12-09T23:03:08 The wiki pages should have what we know. I am not sure these pages have been reviewed, moved and cleaned up. 2015-12-09T23:03:43 Or updated recently. I would be surprised if Solar Dynamics Observatory or MMS have pages. 2015-12-09T23:04:04 We know that the Atlas detector does not have one (muon at CERN) 2015-12-09T23:04:14 And we just heard about the Exomars mission 2015-12-09T23:05:18 DrJoel: will do. 2015-12-09T23:05:43 which wiki pages? I didn't find a wiki page that keeps track of all RTEMS interesting projects that are known 2015-12-09T23:06:02 Had to do this myself part of a literature review 2015-12-09T23:06:50 And I first heard about the Avengers one only yesterday. 2015-12-09T23:06:54 crap m32rsim patch does not apply 2015-12-09T23:07:54 First line on https://devel.rtems.org/wiki has applications. Follow link. Many on page appear to be broken links so might be under TBR 2015-12-09T23:08:14 Yep 2015-12-09T23:08:22 https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/UserApp/AMV_Technic_I 2015-12-09T23:08:53 hesham: head to devel.rtems.org then the Index link and scroll down to TBR/UserApp. 2015-12-09T23:09:15 Great, thanks kiwichris and DrJoel 2015-12-09T23:09:20 These pages should under Applications/Users/... 2015-12-09T23:09:22 Some of the links have already disappeared. I wonder if they can be recovered from a backup 2015-12-09T23:09:38 And Applications should be a top level page with a list of user applications generated by Trac 2015-12-09T23:09:58 verm__: Is there a way to get content back from the old wiki still? Can it be brouight up long enough to cut and paste? 2015-12-09T23:10:47 DrJoel: what is missing? The pages should be present just down under TBR for To Be Reviewed. 2015-12-09T23:11:30 [trac] #2447/enhancement (new) updated by joel.sherrill (Grrr... you need to rebase your RTEMS tree. The rtems patch to remove the BSP does ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-09T23:13:14 That's exactly what I was looking for. It wasn't that easy to find, even with googleing it 2015-12-09T23:13:47 [trac] #2447/enhancement (new) updated by joel.sherrill (Please combine all patches for rtems-testing into a single patch. Also do not ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-09T23:14:15 hesham: one of the top level pages has a Trac macro to show the pages under it. I cannot remember which one I did this too 2015-12-09T23:14:26 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-09T23:15:41 hesham: the GCI page has it. 2015-12-09T23:15:59 The TitleIndex ... 2015-12-09T23:16:30 If we have an Applications page we can then add Applications/User and then we can move these pages and it will automatically update. 2015-12-09T23:16:44 Applications/Users that is 2015-12-09T23:16:47 *** Boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-09T23:17:17 kiwichris: Does this one conflict with the link you gave me? https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/UserApp/RTEMSApplications 2015-12-09T23:17:58 This one https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/UserApp/ 2015-12-09T23:18:50 s/conflict/overlap 2015-12-09T23:18:51 *** {0xc6} has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T23:19:01 Yes it does but one is a page of love and needs updating, the other looks after it's self. Maybe we should TAG pages and then look at better filtering 2015-12-09T23:19:22 The naming is flat and we should look at using path type naming. 2015-12-09T23:19:43 Applications should discuss applications user make and also applications you can run 2015-12-09T23:20:46 The pages should be moved and named to the indexing shows something nice if possible 2015-12-09T23:21:07 That's already there under "Application Development with RTEMS" section part of the top-level wiki page 2015-12-09T23:21:19 I agree the name "Applications" is confusing 2015-12-09T23:21:28 Existing content has been deleted. We need to get that back. :( 2015-12-09T23:21:43 DrJoel: what existing content? 2015-12-09T23:21:45 DrJoel: GCI tasks? ;) 2015-12-09T23:23:23 kiwichris: The old "applications" content I think 2015-12-09T23:30:15 I looked for the Zetron and couldn't find it. I suspect it has been deleted 2015-12-09T23:30:29 It was in the old wiki and deleted in Trac I suspect 2015-12-09T23:43:06 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-09T23:45:11 *** {0xc6} has joined #rtems 2015-12-09T23:57:39 DrJoel: yes that content is not available 2015-12-10T00:03:35 *** Boquete_Mobile has quit IRC 2015-12-10T00:05:54 hesham: yes. The end user applications page I posted has a number of broken links which indicate pages removed I suspect. 2015-12-10T00:06:15 kiwichris: Agreed on tagging and generating the page. 2015-12-10T00:06:26 Perhaps it could be called RTEMS Deployments or RTEMS Success Stories 2015-12-10T00:06:42 to distinguish from "Application Develop..." 2015-12-10T00:07:43 DrJoel: Yes, this name would be more indicative 2015-12-10T00:08:20 DrJoel: I was just going to chase the student who abandoned this task :) 2015-12-10T00:19:50 [trac] #2447/enhancement (new) updated by aunali1 (I am not aware of a method of deleting the obsolete patches. As far as I know, that ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-10T00:21:30 [trac] #2447/enhancement (new) updated by aunali1 (Replying to [comment:2 joel.sherrill]: > > Please also delete all obsolete ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-10T00:24:15 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-10T00:27:07 *** {0xc6} has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T00:36:09 *** Ch3ck has quit IRC 2015-12-10T01:00:32 [trac] #2447/enhancement (new) updated by joel.sherrill (I take back something I said. There maybe m32rsim references in the ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-10T01:04:06 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-10T01:04:23 *** {0xc6} has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T01:16:22 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-10T01:25:49 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2015-12-10T01:27:50 [git] 8b49f73 by Chris Johns: [Use the git hash for the revision in the version string.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/8b49f73/rtems-tools 2015-12-10T01:31:11 *** DrJoel is now known as DrJoel[A] 2015-12-10T01:31:11 * DrJoel[A] is now away - Reason : I stayed at work too late and went home. 2015-12-10T01:38:32 *** gigetoo has quit IRC 2015-12-10T01:39:23 *** gigetoo has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T01:54:12 *** mithro has quit IRC 2015-12-10T01:56:11 *** mithro has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T02:27:27 *** neel has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T02:34:04 *** neel has quit IRC 2015-12-10T02:50:03 *** neel has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T02:55:02 *** neel has quit IRC 2015-12-10T02:58:39 *** fazer has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T03:05:06 DrJoel[A]: the old wiki? yeah i suppose so 2015-12-10T03:13:25 *** neel has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T03:22:14 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-12-10T03:42:44 *** neel has quit IRC 2015-12-10T03:45:00 *** aunali1 has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T03:45:33 hello 2015-12-10T03:45:36 anyone on? 2015-12-10T03:46:04 *** aunali1 has left #rtems 2015-12-10T04:23:06 *** fazer has quit IRC 2015-12-10T04:32:41 *** _Sambeet has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T04:38:21 <_Sambeet> Hey! 2015-12-10T04:38:29 _Sambeet: hi 2015-12-10T04:39:23 <_Sambeet> hi chris 2015-12-10T04:39:51 _Sambeet: did you try the change I suggested? 2015-12-10T04:42:06 <_Sambeet> About the ctrl+c...or the git protocol? 2015-12-10T04:42:40 I just posted a response telling you which cfg file to change to avoid using git 2015-12-10T04:50:01 <_Sambeet> I just found it.I am making the changes as we speak. 2015-12-10T04:51:32 _Sambeet: great, let me know how it goes 2015-12-10T05:14:31 *** vaishu has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T05:14:57 *** vaishu is now known as vaishali 2015-12-10T06:22:35 *** _Sambeet has left #rtems 2015-12-10T06:30:18 *** vaishali has quit IRC 2015-12-10T06:50:36 good morning 2015-12-10T06:50:45 sebhub: hi 2015-12-10T06:53:38 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T06:53:50 *** vaishu has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T07:14:39 *** vaishu has quit IRC 2015-12-10T07:15:59 *** Ch3ck has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T07:33:58 [trac] #2408/enhancement (new) updated by Sebastian Huber (In [changeset:"2858939a2ccb3cf1918dadd9cda1fd1d8ab5a9ef/rtems"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2408 2015-12-10T07:33:58 [git] 9ef736a by Sebastian Huber: [bsp/tqm8xx: Fix linker set description Fix broken RTEMS linker set description introduced by b618d8cfc54f84d4ed03dc7b7fa510c872e6128a.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/9ef736a/rtems 2015-12-10T07:33:59 [git] b318cb1 by Sebastian Huber: [sparc: Simplify _CPU_Get_current_per_CPU_control() Drop the superfluous parenthesis since this confuses the C++ compiler of some GCC versions. See also https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=67064] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/b318cb1/rtems 2015-12-10T07:33:59 [git] 938ef78 by Sebastian Huber: [bsps/sparc: Use default bsp_pretasking_hook() Move content to bsp_predriver_hook() functions of the BSPs. Update #2408.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/938ef78/rtems 2015-12-10T07:33:59 [git] 37030e3 by Sebastian Huber: [bsps: Call bsp_work_area_initialize() early Call bsp_work_area_initialize() before bsp_start(). This allows bsp_start() to use malloc() etc. which is beneficial for systems with a plug-and-play hardware enumeration. Update #2408.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/37030e3/rtems 2015-12-10T07:33:59 [git] 20d7093 by Sebastian Huber: [bsps/virtex*: Use default bsp_pretasking_hook() Update #2408.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/20d7093/rtems 2015-12-10T07:33:59 [git] ac78f35 by Sebastian Huber: [bsp/beatnik: Delete superfluous declaration Update #2408.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/ac78f35/rtems 2015-12-10T07:33:59 [git] afe87e1 by Sebastian Huber: [bsps/bfin: Use default bsp_pretasking_hook() Rename BSP-specific bsp_pretasking_hook() to bsp_predriver_hook(). Update #2408.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/afe87e1/rtems 2015-12-10T07:34:00 [git] e7545f1 by Sebastian Huber: [bsps/powerpc: Use default bsp_pretasking_hook() Update #2408.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/e7545f1/rtems 2015-12-10T07:34:00 [git] 2858939 by Sebastian Huber: [bsps: Delete superfluous bsp_pretasking_hook() Use the bsp_predriver_hook() instead. Update #2408.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/2858939/rtems 2015-12-10T07:55:41 *** vaishu has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T08:29:28 [trac] #2447/enhancement (new) updated by Aun-Ali Zaidi (In [changeset:"f7c47a6880aea022b12f7f553df070d6f7ec0702/rtems"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-10T08:29:28 [git] f7c47a6 by Aun-Ali Zaidi: [m32r/m32rsim: Remove updates #2447.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/f7c47a6/rtems 2015-12-10T08:36:07 *** vaishu has quit IRC 2015-12-10T09:05:01 *** aj007 has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T09:07:03 hello 2015-12-10T09:14:52 *** Manav has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T09:15:15 I am trying to begin with the helloworld task 2015-12-10T09:15:30 I am in vagrant in virtualbox 2015-12-10T09:15:53 according to the instructions I have to go to the rtems directory 2015-12-10T09:16:00 and ./bootstrap 2015-12-10T09:16:20 but it gives me a lot of errors with exit code: 63 2015-12-10T09:16:58 I tried to google this and on stackoverflow there was a post that said: export AUTOM4TE=autom4te2.6x 2015-12-10T09:17:19 I did that and tried to ./bootstrap again but now it gives errors with exit code: 127 2015-12-10T09:17:26 Can anyone help me please? 2015-12-10T09:17:35 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T09:32:47 *** _sambeet has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T09:33:13 <_sambeet> Hey! 2015-12-10T09:46:41 *** vaishu has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T09:52:15 *** _sambeet has quit IRC 2015-12-10T10:05:02 *** _sambeet has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T10:10:06 *** Manav has quit IRC 2015-12-10T10:31:39 *** vaishu has quit IRC 2015-12-10T10:36:59 *** nickwithers has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T10:38:13 Hullo all! Would one of the benevolent powers that be on the RTEMS wiki please delete https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/Delete/Build_Results , if you agree with the assessment in https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6475315597541376/ 2015-12-10T10:39:54 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T10:47:01 [trac] WikiStart edited by nick.withers (Change license link from to-be-removed wiki page to https://www.rtems.org/license; Credit: additya1998, GCI) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/WikiStart 2015-12-10T10:51:49 [trac] TBR/UserManual/GeneralInformation edited by nick.withers (Remove spurious text) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/UserManual/GeneralInformation 2015-12-10T11:21:33 *** nickwithers has left #rtems 2015-12-10T11:22:27 *** Manav has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T11:41:21 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2015-12-10T11:49:32 *** Manav has quit IRC 2015-12-10T12:14:13 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-10T12:17:18 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T12:44:37 [trac] TBR/Delete/Build_Results deleted (wiki) 2015-12-10T12:44:49 [trac] TBR/Delete/RTEMSLicense deleted (wiki) 2015-12-10T12:51:46 *** _sambeet has left #rtems 2015-12-10T12:51:57 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T12:57:01 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2015-12-10T13:17:17 *** anhad has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T13:44:19 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-10T13:46:41 *** DrJoel[A] is now known as DrJoel 2015-12-10T13:46:41 * DrJoel is no longer away - Gone for 12 hrs 15 mins 29 secs 2015-12-10T13:46:58 hi joel 2015-12-10T13:50:04 [git] d19d1c2 by Joel Sherrill: [m32r/configure.ac: Looked for m32rsim to exist and now is gone] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/d19d1c2/rtems 2015-12-10T13:53:07 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T13:53:24 *** Boquete_Mobile has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T13:53:36 shouldn't we remove the m32r port entirely? 2015-12-10T13:56:50 [trac] Developer/Removing_a_BSP edited by joel.sherrill (Add information on configure.ac possibly referencing the BSP.) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Removing_a_BSP 2015-12-10T13:57:22 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T13:57:44 [trac] #2447/enhancement (closed) updated by joel.sherrill (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2447 2015-12-10T14:00:44 [trac] Developer/Projects/Obsolete/Libbsd-port edited by joel.sherrill (Update) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Projects/Obsolete/Libbsd-port 2015-12-10T14:15:57 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T14:15:57 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-12-10T14:16:07 *** tangem has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T14:18:31 *** {0xc6} has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T14:27:00 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-10T14:34:42 *** Manav has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T14:39:32 I am trying to begin with the helloworld task. I am in vagrant in virtualbox. 2015-12-10T14:39:32 according to the instructions I have to go to the rtems directory and ./bootstrap, but it gives me a lot of errors with exit code: 63. 2015-12-10T14:39:32 I tried to google this and on stackoverflow there was a post that said: export AUTOM4TE=autom4te2.6x. 2015-12-10T14:39:33 I did that and tried to ./bootstrap again but now it gives errors with exit code: 127. Can anyone help me please? 2015-12-10T14:47:10 *** Manav_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T14:50:31 *** Manav has quit IRC 2015-12-10T14:56:09 *** Ch3ck has quit IRC 2015-12-10T15:26:29 *** anhad has quit IRC 2015-12-10T15:31:57 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T15:33:20 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-10T15:34:07 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-12-10T15:40:38 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T15:40:38 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-12-10T15:47:37 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T15:55:25 * DrJoel had to run an errand and didn't post I was away. Did anyone need anything? 2015-12-10T16:09:24 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-12-10T16:16:16 *** Manav_ has quit IRC 2015-12-10T16:24:48 *** anhad has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T16:35:25 *** Manav_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T16:41:12 *** monstr has quit IRC 2015-12-10T16:46:05 Hello. I claimed a beginner task for updating citations. I've written the text file. I'm not sure how to go about submitting. Do I just have to upload it on GCI site or make the change in the wiki? 2015-12-10T16:48:40 gedare wrote that task but it appears he is not on irc. 2015-12-10T16:49:05 I would recommend making a list of suggestions and posting them to the GCI task page. Let the mentor review them. 2015-12-10T16:49:27 If you both are in agreement, then add them as citations to the Wiki page. 2015-12-10T16:49:53 The other approach is to add them to the Wiki page and delete them if the mentor deems they shouldn't be there. That may actually be easier to do. 2015-12-10T16:49:59 But the mentor has to know what to double check you on. 2015-12-10T16:50:53 *** amitoj_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T16:51:15 *** asc4155 has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T16:52:46 *** anhad has quit IRC 2015-12-10T16:52:56 *** amitoj_ has quit IRC 2015-12-10T16:53:24 *** anhad has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T16:54:05 Oh okay. So how can I contact him? Should I post a question on the devel mailing list? 2015-12-10T16:55:22 who is the mentor? 2015-12-10T16:55:52 Stupid me.. adding a comment to the GCI task is enough. And if you post it needs review, every mentor should see it. 2015-12-10T16:57:57 *** asc4155 has quit IRC 2015-12-10T16:59:39 *** anhad has quit IRC 2015-12-10T17:03:02 *** boquete_asus has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T17:06:56 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-10T17:26:30 *** Ekansh has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T17:27:24 *** Ekansh has quit IRC 2015-12-10T17:39:42 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T17:43:35 *** Boquete_Mobile has quit IRC 2015-12-10T17:53:24 [trac] Developer/Coding/Doxygen edited by joel.sherrill (Add real examples of files with decent Doxygen) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Coding/Doxygen 2015-12-10T17:53:58 Manav_ did you solve your bootstrap issue? 2015-12-10T17:54:11 No. :( 2015-12-10T17:55:42 *** tangem has quit IRC 2015-12-10T17:56:07 *** tangem has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T18:01:24 *** hunar has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T18:01:24 I am on Chicago time so was likely asleep. :) 2015-12-10T18:01:33 So let's try to solve that. 2015-12-10T18:01:46 anyone can pls tell me that when was rtems developed?? 2015-12-10T18:01:51 First where did you install the tools? 2015-12-10T18:02:58 RTEMS project started in 1988. I think development started seriously in 1989. I started in July 1989 and three of the original team members are still here at OAR. 2015-12-10T18:03:30 Around 1994/95, the original project funding ended and we (OAR) started hosting it and doing it as a pure volunteer open source effort. 2015-12-10T18:04:06 If you look at the source code history, it goes back to May 1995. That's when the research project made a final drop and we restarted a source code repository. 2015-12-10T18:04:47 So if i have to write about when it started, what should i write, 1988 or 1995? 2015-12-10T18:04:57 hunar: Funded initially by the US Army Missile Command (AMCOM) not Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM). They have nothing to do with it now or since 1994/5 as a project. 2015-12-10T18:05:05 I would use 1988 2015-12-10T18:05:21 ok 2015-12-10T18:05:24 thnks 2015-12-10T18:05:36 Is that not ovious somewhere on the wiki? 2015-12-10T18:05:57 https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/History/Timeline 2015-12-10T18:16:32 Manav_ What directory did you install the tools in? AND... what is the output of "echo $PATH" 2015-12-10T18:23:05 [trac] TBR/Website/RTEMSReferences edited by Tangem (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/Website/RTEMSReferences 2015-12-10T18:32:57 DrJoel, Sorry for the late reply. 2015-12-10T18:33:01 The output is 2015-12-10T18:33:09 *** hunar has quit IRC 2015-12-10T18:34:47 /opt/rtems/4.11/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/user/local/bin:/user/sbin:/user/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games 2015-12-10T18:35:07 DrJoel, this is the result of echo $PATH 2015-12-10T18:35:37 I am running rtems on Oracle VM Virtualbox 2015-12-10T18:36:14 *** boquete_asus is now known as Boquete 2015-12-10T18:36:17 Manav_: That's for sparc? 2015-12-10T18:36:30 Where did you install the tools? What was the --target argument to sb-set-builder? 2015-12-10T18:38:15 *** Manav__ has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T18:38:48 Manav_: Where did you install the tools? What was the --target argument to sb-set-builder? 2015-12-10T18:40:28 I haven't done any of that. I just installed vagrant and virtual box and followed the instructions on the page 2015-12-10T18:40:46 *** Manav_ has quit IRC 2015-12-10T18:41:18 hesham: Do you know how far vagrant gets you? I would assume only the host OS infrastructure. 2015-12-10T18:42:46 Is it required to run it on Ubuntu? 2015-12-10T18:42:48 DrJoel: No, I didn't use it before. 2015-12-10T18:42:58 No can be done anywhere. 2015-12-10T18:43:05 https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html 2015-12-10T18:43:08 Did you do any git clone commands? 2015-12-10T18:43:35 hesham: Oh.. those know nothing about RTEMS but are good starting points. :) 2015-12-10T18:44:51 Ya I did 2015-12-10T18:44:54 https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/GettingStarted 2015-12-10T18:44:57 I went here 2015-12-10T18:44:59 DrJoel: this one does? https://github.com/thenewwazoo/rtems-vagrant 2015-12-10T18:45:18 Ya 2015-12-10T18:45:21 I did use that 2015-12-10T18:45:25 I have that file on my pc 2015-12-10T18:45:44 what was the sb-set-builder command you ran? 2015-12-10T18:45:45 I went into this 2015-12-10T18:45:45 and used vagrant up 2015-12-10T18:46:06 DrJoel: That's from the scripts "RTEMS_TARGETS="arm avr bfin h8300 i386 lm32 m32c m32r m68k mips no_cpu powerpc sh sparc"" 2015-12-10T18:46:16 No. I didn't run the set builder command. 2015-12-10T18:46:20 After I did vagrant up on this file 2015-12-10T18:46:35 It set up rtems on virtualbox 2015-12-10T18:47:00 Then I opened up virtualbox 2015-12-10T18:47:14 Manav__: What do you get when entering "which sparc-rtems4.11-gcc" on the command line? 2015-12-10T18:48:13 Nothing 2015-12-10T18:48:19 Hmm.. these use Ben Gras's personal github repos for RTEMS which I bet he hasn't updated 2015-12-10T18:48:22 It just ignores what I wrote 2015-12-10T18:48:23 beng-nl: ping 2015-12-10T18:48:50 After starting virtualbox 2015-12-10T18:48:58 I followed instructions here 2015-12-10T18:48:58 https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/UserManual/Quick_Start 2015-12-10T18:49:24 running ./bootstrap gives the errors I mentioned earlier 2015-12-10T18:50:10 OK.. there are a few issues here and none of them are serious. Let's start with the most basic. 2015-12-10T18:50:19 The OS install install is almost certainly fine. 2015-12-10T18:50:42 The scripts build-rtems, etc are based on Ben's personal repository and that's bad. 2015-12-10T18:50:43 Okay. What should I do nexT? 2015-12-10T18:51:04 oh 2015-12-10T18:51:09 The wiki page you posted as "TBR" in it which is To Be Removed. It is is a review phase before deletion 2015-12-10T18:51:31 With that said, https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/GettingStarted is where to go next. 2015-12-10T18:51:34 Oh. 2015-12-10T18:52:04 Ben's script is nice but he needs to update it. He is beng-nl and is listed as present but is very quiet today. :) 2015-12-10T18:52:06 But this page is where I got to https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/UserManual/Quick_Start from 2015-12-10T18:52:19 oh 2015-12-10T18:52:21 Notice another TBR page. Bad luck 2015-12-10T18:52:46 We reviewing them as part of Google Code In and getting help from students. In a month, both of those will likely be gone. 2015-12-10T18:53:15 Oh. But how are other students doing it then? :/ 2015-12-10T18:53:16 Your rtems-source-builder and rtems clone should come from git.rtems.org. 2015-12-10T18:53:46 Should I then in virtual box clone it from here? 2015-12-10T18:53:48 Hmm.. that Quick_Start is still linked from the GSOC page so proably has value. 2015-12-10T18:54:01 Yep. I am thinking you need newer tools. 2015-12-10T18:54:21 So I shouldn't use vagrant? 2015-12-10T18:54:25 https://docs.rtems.org/rsb/ has instructions on running the sb-set-builder command once you clone the rtems-soruce-builder (RSB) 2015-12-10T18:54:50 Vagrant was fine to get Ubuntu up for you. The next steps after that are using Ben's repo and that is out of date 2015-12-10T18:54:51 And that's might be easier: https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Tools/RSB 2015-12-10T18:55:54 Yeah.. that's easier. If you are building the RTEMS master/head, use 4.12 tools though. The last release branch was 4.11 and they won't build the head anymore. 2015-12-10T18:55:57 Thast broke this week 2015-12-10T18:56:03 It's part of the GettingStarted page. I think the problem is with the vagrant script, so using RSB is recommended. 2015-12-10T18:56:15 *RSB link 2015-12-10T18:56:18 Thank you so much! I'll try using them 2015-12-10T18:56:50 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T18:56:51 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-12-10T18:57:28 It is a personal Ben thing but I will file a ticket for him anyway. :) 2015-12-10T18:58:10 DrJoel: Should the vagrant links be there (at least during GCI)? 2015-12-10T18:58:26 Or at least until it's fixed 2015-12-10T18:58:49 It might confuse students 2015-12-10T18:58:55 [trac] #2488/defect (v:4.12) created by joel.sherrill (Vagrant Scripts) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2488 2015-12-10T18:59:47 I hope Ben will fix it quickly. Can we mark it as broken pending #2488 and then fix the comment later? 2015-12-10T18:59:56 If so, just update the ticket to include the link to fix 2015-12-10T19:01:18 I am following the instructions there. It downloaded autoconf successfully 2015-12-10T19:01:25 but when it downloaded automake 2015-12-10T19:01:51 It said Build FAILED in the end 2015-12-10T19:02:44 there == where? 2015-12-10T19:02:55 error: building automake-1.12.6-x86_64-linux-gnu-1 2015-12-10T19:03:20 there = https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Tools/RSB 2015-12-10T19:03:35 OK.. so sb-set-buider by hand using the cloned repo from git.rtems.org? 2015-12-10T19:03:45 Ya 2015-12-10T19:03:45 Just trying to keep my head clear 2015-12-10T19:03:58 the last command 2015-12-10T19:04:01 exact 2015-12-10T19:04:34 did you run sb-check? It can report if commands are missing 2015-12-10T19:07:11 [trac] GSoC/GettingStarted edited by heshamelmatary (Note on Vagrant ) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/GettingStarted 2015-12-10T19:08:04 *** Manav has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T19:08:41 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12288891/why-i-failed-to-build-autoconf-with-autoconf2-6x-its-version-is-newer-than-2-6 2015-12-10T19:09:01 See the answer 2015-12-10T19:09:13 *** Manav__ has quit IRC 2015-12-10T19:09:43 I did export AUTO4MTE=auto4mte2.6x 2015-12-10T19:09:57 that changed the exit code from 63 to 127 2015-12-10T19:13:36 DrJoel, Also 2015-12-10T19:13:47 Here: 2015-12-10T19:13:48 https://docs.rtems.org/rsb/#_windows 2015-12-10T19:13:58 This link is mentioned: http://www.rtems.org/ftp/pub/rtems/people/chrisj/source-builder/4.11/mingw32/ 2015-12-10T19:14:02 which gives a 404 2015-12-10T19:14:55 Manav: Are you using Linux or Windows? 2015-12-10T19:15:08 Windows 2015-12-10T19:15:16 I actually have dual boot on a mac 2015-12-10T19:15:19 Windows and OSX 2015-12-10T19:15:27 Should I rather switch to OSX? 2015-12-10T19:16:00 Would that help? 2015-12-10T19:16:03 Well, most of the instructions assume you're On Linux-based host. 2015-12-10T19:16:21 oh 2015-12-10T19:16:24 You said you have installed Virtualbox, right? 2015-12-10T19:16:33 Ya 2015-12-10T19:16:43 It has rtems set up on it 2015-12-10T19:16:56 See: https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Tools/RSB#SupportedHosts 2015-12-10T19:17:51 It mentions Windows 2015-12-10T19:17:53 Have you installed the toolchain, and RTEMS already on the virtualbox? 2015-12-10T19:18:09 So should I run these commands on Windows command line (cmd) 2015-12-10T19:18:11 ? 2015-12-10T19:19:06 These aren't supported on Windows :( 2015-12-10T19:19:18 No, the wiki page assume *nix-based host OS. Commands on Linux (like export PATH) and directory paths differ from Window 2015-12-10T19:20:44 Windows works but assumes MINGW64 and neither Hesham nor I is likely to be useful. I haven't had a chance to build that yet. Linux, BSD, Mac OS, etc. should work. 2015-12-10T19:20:45 Most of the open-source projects like RTEMS are developed on Linux because it's open-source and provide a lot of rich tools for programming and development. 2015-12-10T19:21:29 I'll try doing the same tasks by switching to OS X then 2015-12-10T19:21:43 Yes, I'd recommend using Linux or Mac (*nix-based OSes). 2015-12-10T19:21:55 Ok 2015-12-10T19:22:01 Also 2015-12-10T19:22:01 https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TitleIndex here 2015-12-10T19:22:11 Index by Date? is broken 2015-12-10T19:22:26 Here: 2015-12-10T19:22:26 https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/Delete/SPARCengine_1e 2015-12-10T19:22:36 Many deleted links are mentioned 2015-12-10T19:25:06 WInodws should be supported 2015-12-10T19:25:37 kiwichris, it isn't :( 2015-12-10T19:29:51 *** Manav has quit IRC 2015-12-10T19:39:50 Hmm Manav has gone 2015-12-10T19:47:15 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-12-10T19:51:50 *** _sambeet has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T19:53:00 *** _sambeet has left #rtems 2015-12-10T20:18:58 *** aj007 has quit IRC 2015-12-10T20:39:06 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T21:36:41 *** fazer has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T22:03:43 *** fazerlicourice has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T22:05:53 *** Zaphod has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T22:06:17 *** Zaphod is now known as Guest85000 2015-12-10T22:08:58 *** Guest85000 has quit IRC 2015-12-10T22:09:22 *** Zaphod_Beeblebro has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T22:10:53 *** tangem has quit IRC 2015-12-10T22:22:28 *** Zaphod_Beeblebro has quit IRC 2015-12-10T22:27:07 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2015-12-10T22:39:11 [trac] TBR/Delete/Makefile deleted version (wiki) 2015-12-10T22:41:04 *** Zaphod_Beeblebro has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T22:44:40 *** Ch3ck has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T22:53:46 *** Boquete_Mobile has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T22:56:06 *** Boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-10T23:00:08 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T23:03:16 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-10T23:05:10 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-10T23:28:47 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-10T23:37:23 hesham: ping 2015-12-10T23:37:35 Hi kiwichris 2015-12-10T23:40:05 Looking at or1k git stuff. Does newlib need to be fetched from git or can we use a recent snapshot? 2015-12-10T23:40:12 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2015-12-10T23:40:32 I think it's already fetched from git 2015-12-10T23:42:02 rtems-gcc-4.9.1-newlib-git-1 2015-12-10T23:42:34 Can it be a snapshot and not git? I need to remove all git clones for a release. 2015-12-10T23:42:47 Yeah sure 2015-12-10T23:42:54 GCC is only the issue for or1k 2015-12-10T23:43:02 binutils and newlib are both upstream 2015-12-10T23:43:07 Can you please do this for the 4.11 and master branches on the RSB? 2015-12-10T23:43:35 Yes, sure. 2015-12-10T23:43:42 I have a patch for the RSB I will send you. 2015-12-10T23:43:49 You can base on it. 2015-12-10T23:43:50 Which snapshot do you recommend? 2015-12-10T23:44:02 OK 2015-12-10T23:44:07 For newlib? 2015-12-10T23:44:37 Yes 2015-12-10T23:44:56 https://ftp.rtems.org/pub/rtems/releases/4.11/4.11.0-rc1/sources/newlib- ? 2015-12-10T23:46:09 Can that be used? 2015-12-10T23:46:10 Ok, I'll wait for your patch and then do the changes. 2015-12-10T23:46:27 I will email it to. Do you have an rtems.org address yet? 2015-12-10T23:46:28 As long as it's a recent one that's fine. 2015-12-10T23:46:36 Yes sure 2015-12-10T23:46:44 2015 and 2014 are fine I guess 2015-12-10T23:47:13 kiwichris: Not sure, but I don't think so. 2015-12-10T23:47:46 I sent an e-mail to the proposed e-mail yesterday, but it wasn't forwarded. 2015-12-10T23:47:54 And I didn't hear from Amar yet. 2015-12-10T23:48:26 ok 2015-12-10T23:48:54 I will push my changes on 4.11 2015-12-10T23:50:14 Ok, so for me I should apply the patch to 4.11 and master branches? 2015-12-10T23:50:58 You will have the ability to determine if you want to use git or a tarball. I have added support into the RSB for this. My patch which I will push shows this. 2015-12-10T23:51:11 [git] d963c67 by Chris Johns: [Ignore VERSION files in the top directory.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/d963c67/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-10T23:51:12 [git] 191eb04 by Chris Johns: [Ignore generated XML files.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/191eb04/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-10T23:51:12 [git] da1bc8c by Chris Johns: [Support released downloading of the RTEMS Tools and RTEMS Kernel. Add a --without-error-reports flags to reduce the noise on --with-downloading.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/da1bc8c/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-10T23:51:12 [git] 33142dd by Chris Johns: [Make CVS optional. We should avoid using it.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/33142dd/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-10T23:51:12 [git] d4baed9 by Chris Johns: [Set the RTEMS Tools and Kernel version based on a release.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/d4baed9/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-10T23:51:43 I need to port these changes to HEAD. 2015-12-10T23:51:46 I will do that now. 2015-12-10T23:52:02 kiwichris: Is rtems-gcc-4.8.3-newlib-2.2.0-20150423-1.cfg OK? 2015-12-10T23:52:23 Ah, that's it 2015-12-10T23:52:31 Yes 2015-12-10T23:53:15 For an example of release vs git look at rtems/config/tools/rtems-tools-4.11-1.cfg 2015-12-10T23:53:33 then rtems/config/tools/rtems-tools-1.cfg on the 4.11 branch 2015-12-10T23:54:26 If you use a snapshot and do not need to use git then it can be just the tar file %source 2015-12-10T23:54:39 which is much simpler 2015-12-10T23:56:27 I changed the git cfg to -> rtems-gcc-4.8.3-newlib-2.2.0-20150423-1.cfg at or1k-rtems.bset 2015-12-10T23:56:35 Would that be correct? 2015-12-10T23:58:05 If it works that would be great. 2015-12-10T23:58:33 It should work I guess, currently building..... 2015-12-10T23:58:40 Thanks 2015-12-10T23:59:10 Have you pushed all the patches already? 2015-12-10T23:59:36 On the 4.11 branch 2015-12-10T23:59:59 Are there other patches for master? 2015-12-11T00:01:38 Ah yes, sorry didn't see your previous message 2015-12-11T00:01:59 I am moving the patches over. 2015-12-11T00:03:13 So, I am building from the 4.11 branch now, once/if it's built successfully I'll send the patches 2015-12-11T00:03:41 May I ask why is this change? 2015-12-11T00:04:26 A release should not be based on having access to git. Not everyone can have it. You cannot make a CDROM or DVD. 2015-12-11T00:04:45 *** Zaphod_Beeblebro has quit IRC 2015-12-11T00:04:52 I see, thanks for making that clear. 2015-12-11T00:04:55 It is fine for development when things are in a state of change but a release needs to be nailed down. 2015-12-11T00:05:22 I should have sorted this out sooner and so I am catching up here. 2015-12-11T00:05:37 So I don't have to do the same for 4.12, right? 2015-12-11T00:06:18 Technically no you do not have to until it is released. Is there a reason to get using git? 2015-12-11T00:06:28 get -> keep 2015-12-11T00:07:24 I just wanted to know how this differs from using git with specific revisions 2015-12-11T00:08:02 It should be the same. A tar file is preferred if possible. 2015-12-11T00:08:27 It lets us test and then move to a release without things changing. 2015-12-11T00:08:54 Ok, thanks. 2015-12-11T00:22:44 kiwichris: Great, it builds. I sent a patch. 2015-12-11T00:51:26 *** fazer has quit IRC 2015-12-11T00:52:23 *** fazerlicourice has quit IRC 2015-12-11T01:06:09 *** Ch3ck has quit IRC 2015-12-11T01:19:07 *** Zaphod_Beeblebro has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T01:24:55 [git] f8ef062 by Chris Johns: [Ignore VERSION files in the top directory.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/f8ef062/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-11T01:24:56 [git] fb4ba79 by Chris Johns: [Ignore generated XML files.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/fb4ba79/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-11T01:24:56 [git] 40e4222 by Chris Johns: [Support released downloading of the RTEMS Tools and RTEMS Kernel. Add a --without-error-reports flags to reduce the noise on --with-downloading.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/40e4222/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-11T01:24:56 [git] dfc4a4f by Chris Johns: [Make CVS optional. We should avoid using it.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/dfc4a4f/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-11T01:24:56 [git] f9f6f6c by Chris Johns: [Set the RTEMS Tools and Kernel version based on a release.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/f9f6f6c/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-11T01:28:07 [trac] #2489/defect (v:) created by nick.withers (www.rtems.org/license and the GoAhead HTTP server) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2489 2015-12-11T01:31:21 [trac] #2489/defect (new) updated by gedare (Ah I think we can get rid of the reference to GoAhead... Joel?) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2489 2015-12-11T01:32:37 [trac] #2489/defect (new) updated by chrisj (I am fine with us removing the references.) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2489 2015-12-11T01:36:37 *** Zaphod_Beeblebro has quit IRC 2015-12-11T01:37:42 [trac] TBR/Website/RTEMSMailingLists edited by Skynet (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/Website/RTEMSMailingLists 2015-12-11T01:38:44 [trac] TBR/Website/WhyContribute edited by Skynet (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/Website/WhyContribute 2015-12-11T01:53:35 *** Boquete_Mobile has quit IRC 2015-12-11T01:57:25 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-12-11T02:10:01 *** Zaphod_Beeblebro has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T02:10:09 What do the doxygen tasks require? 2015-12-11T02:13:41 I'm having trouble understanding what to start with 2015-12-11T02:16:16 Can anyone help? 2015-12-11T02:23:38 *** fazer has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T02:28:57 :( 2015-12-11T02:29:07 I need help with doxygen 2015-12-11T02:35:30 how do I locate a .h file 2015-12-11T02:38:46 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-11T02:39:02 *** fazerlicourice has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T02:39:52 *** Zaphod_Beeblebro has quit IRC 2015-12-11T03:02:15 *** fazer has quit IRC 2015-12-11T03:02:20 *** fazerlicourice has quit IRC 2015-12-11T03:09:10 *** _sambeet has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T03:10:12 <_sambeet> Hey! 2015-12-11T03:31:53 <_sambeet> Hey everyone! I am sambeet from india. 2015-12-11T03:32:04 _sambeet: hi 2015-12-11T03:32:49 <_sambeet> Hi chris! Did you have a look at the error report ? 2015-12-11T03:33:25 Yes, something is broken with the file. It was an outside change it would work. I am working on changes to fix all this but they take time. 2015-12-11T03:33:36 change -> chance 2015-12-11T03:36:32 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2015-12-11T03:37:29 <_sambeet> we changed the ftp to https,so git clone should have worked. 2015-12-11T03:37:39 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T03:39:07 There are ftp and git issues and each is separate. 2015-12-11T03:41:07 <_sambeet> Can you please help me to understand why the dry run started? 2015-12-11T03:41:36 What did dry run start? 2015-12-11T03:43:04 Is this about the error message 'switched to dry run due to errors'? 2015-12-11T03:43:14 <_sambeet> In the terminal there was a line " error: rtems-tools-git-1.cfg:7: macro '%{rtems_tools_version}' not found warning: switched to dry run due to errors" 2015-12-11T03:43:39 <_sambeet> Yes,I was refering to that. 2015-12-11T03:46:05 If the RSB finds an error it stops building and changes to dry-run as if the --dry-run has be used on the command. This lets you see if there are other errors. 2015-12-11T03:46:47 Maybe add just about the % source line you added '%define rtems_tools_version 4.11.0-rc1' 2015-12-11T03:50:45 <_sambeet> Should I add it before or after the %if block? 2015-12-11T03:51:10 Which file are you changing? 2015-12-11T03:52:06 <_sambeet> rtems/config/tools/rtems-tools-1.cfg 2015-12-11T03:52:36 Which version of the RSB? I have been changing things. 2015-12-11T03:55:19 <_sambeet> RSB 4.11.0 2015-12-11T03:55:48 From git or downloaded from the releases/4.11/4.11.0-rc1? 2015-12-11T03:56:45 <_sambeet> From git. 2015-12-11T03:56:54 <_sambeet> RTEMS Source Builder - Set Builder, 4.11.0 (47d703fd8c95 modified) 2015-12-11T03:57:34 That is a git version which you have been changing (which is ok) :) 2015-12-11T04:01:08 <_sambeet> Ok.So adding '%define rtems_tools_version 4.11.0-rc1' should be alright then? 2015-12-11T04:01:47 I am not sure. I can not check my repo I have here at the moment becaue I am changing things. 2015-12-11T04:06:39 <_sambeet> Ok i will try it out then.But I am not sure which line number i should make the changes. 2015-12-11T04:07:11 Sure that is understandable. I will get back to you soon. 2015-12-11T04:08:22 <_sambeet> ok.Thanks for the help. 2015-12-11T04:08:50 <_sambeet> Best of luck with the changes. 2015-12-11T04:09:09 Thanks. It is happening, it is just slow going. 2015-12-11T04:30:24 *** _sambeet has quit IRC 2015-12-11T04:44:00 *** Boquete_Mobile has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T04:46:01 *** Hemant27 has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T04:53:30 *** Hemant27 has quit IRC 2015-12-11T05:27:16 [git] 721a00b by Hesham Almatary: [or1k: use newlib snapshot for rtems4.11] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/721a00b/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-11T05:27:16 [git] cbcfcd0 by Chris Johns: [Remove the warning when undefining an undefined macro.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/cbcfcd0/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-11T05:27:16 [git] 8a14ef7 by Chris Johns: [Use BZ2 for gdb-7.7.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/8a14ef7/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-11T05:27:16 [git] b6d188b by Chris Johns: [Generate an error if there is no hash when released.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/b6d188b/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-11T05:27:16 [git] 8b1fd2b by Chris Johns: [Return after an error as a dry-run carries on.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/8b1fd2b/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-11T05:27:16 [git] c07ee80 by Chris Johns: [VERSION is an INI format file. VERSION is an INI format file with 2 sections: 1. version The version of the release. It contains: release = version-string 2. hashes A list of hashes for packages that are formed when creating a release. A hash entry is: file-name = hash-type checksum The approach means we do not 2015-12-11T05:27:17 need to hol...] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/c07ee80/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-11T05:39:19 [git] 27a934e by Chris Johns: [Remove the warning when undefining an undefined macro.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/27a934e/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-11T05:39:20 [git] a861b31 by Chris Johns: [Use BZ2 for gdb-7.7.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/a861b31/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-11T05:39:20 [git] e8ed687 by Chris Johns: [Generate an error if there is no hash when released.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/e8ed687/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-11T05:39:20 [git] 0661e90 by Chris Johns: [Return after an error as a dry-run carries on.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/0661e90/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-11T05:39:20 [git] 7dddcc2 by Chris Johns: [VERSION is an INI format file. VERSION is an INI format file with 2 sections: 1. version The version of the release. It contains: release = version-string 2. hashes A list of hashes for packages that are formed when creating a release. A hash entry is: file-name = hash-type checksum The approach means we do not 2015-12-11T05:39:20 need to hol...] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/7dddcc2/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-11T06:17:20 [git] 2244c9b by Chris Johns: [VERSION as an INI format file. One section is supported [version] with a 'release' entry.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/2244c9b/rtems-tools 2015-12-11T06:17:20 [git] 16b33b6 by Chris Johns: [Add a VERSION message to configure.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/16b33b6/rtems-tools 2015-12-11T06:17:20 [git] 3b9bfa4 by Chris Johns: [Fix how to use the waf py feature to get py source and pyo file installed. Thanks to ita for the example.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/3b9bfa4/rtems-tools 2015-12-11T06:19:26 [git] 3828e50 by Chris Johns: [VERSION as an INI format file. One section is supported [version] with a 'release' entry.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/3828e50/rtems-tools 2015-12-11T06:19:26 [git] a6f5f18 by Chris Johns: [Fix how to use the waf py feature to get py source and pyo file installed. Thanks to ita for the example.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/a6f5f18/rtems-tools 2015-12-11T06:19:57 [trac] #2489/defect (new) updated by nick.withers (It's still in 4.8, 4.9 and 4.10... Found it hiding under cpukit/httpd) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2489 2015-12-11T06:35:09 good morning 2015-12-11T06:35:19 sebhub: hi 2015-12-11T06:47:49 *** hemant27 has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T06:52:30 *** sagaragarwal94 has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T06:59:08 hello, 2015-12-11T07:00:13 i am working on Google code-in hello world task and while builing a toolset for RTEMS i face the following error 2015-12-11T07:00:17 *** vthakkar has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T07:00:35 *** vthakkar is now known as vaishali 2015-12-11T07:00:38 $ ../source-builder/sb-set --prefix=$HOME/deelopment/rtems/4.11 4.11/rtems-sparc 2015-12-11T07:00:39 bash: ../source-builder/sb-set: No such file or directory 2015-12-11T07:01:36 the code that i used was :$ cd 2015-12-11T07:01:36 $ mkdir -p development/rtems/rsb 2015-12-11T07:01:36 $ cd development/rtems/rsb 2015-12-11T07:01:36 $ git clone git://git.rtems.org/rtems-source-builder.git 2015-12-11T07:01:36 $ cd rtems-source-builder 2015-12-11T07:01:36 $ cd rtems 2015-12-11T07:01:36 $ ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --prefix=$HOME/development/rtems/4.11 4.11/rtems-sparc 2015-12-11T07:04:58 hemant27: what is the issue? I am not following this. 2015-12-11T07:09:17 when i type the last command an error pops up i.e. 2015-12-11T07:09:31 bash: ../source-builder/sb-set: No such file or directory 2015-12-11T07:14:21 It is not '../source-builder/sb-set' it is '../source-builder/sb-set-builder' 2015-12-11T07:14:33 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T07:15:22 [trac] #2490/defect (v:4.11) created by sebastian.huber (RSB: Use SHA512 instead of MD5) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2490 2015-12-11T07:16:34 i typed that only 2015-12-11T07:17:19 what i typed="$ ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --prefix=$HOME/development/rtems/4.11 4.11/rtems-sparc" 2015-12-11T07:17:55 error message="bash: ../source-builder/sb-set: No such file or directory" 2015-12-11T07:19:35 hemant27: check in directory: development/rtems/src/rtems-source-builder/source-builder .... There should be python file named 'sb-set-builder'. 2015-12-11T07:20:08 If you followed the steps correctly then RSB should be cloned properly. 2015-12-11T07:20:54 Check and then tell us if it is there or not 2015-12-11T07:25:38 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T07:29:30 [git] 4dce089 by Chris Johns: [A VERSION file may have no hashes.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/4dce089/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-11T07:41:10 yes it is there 2015-12-11T07:42:06 but in the directory " ~/development/rtems/rsb/rtems-source-builder/source-builder" 2015-12-11T07:43:48 Yes and you should be ~/development/rtems/rsb/rtems-source-builder/rtems so the ../ means up a directory and source-builder is down that directory 2015-12-11T07:47:15 indide "~/development/rtems/rsb/rtems-source-builder/rtems" i have only 2 things 2015-12-11T07:47:50 that is : b-autoconf config 2015-12-11T07:53:56 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-11T07:56:36 [git] d0c3983 by Sebastian Huber: [Use linker set for system initialization Make rtems_initialize_data_structures(), rtems_initialize_before_drivers() and rtems_initialize_device_drivers() static. Rename rtems_initialize_start_multitasking() to rtems_initialize_executive() and call the registered system initialization handlers in this function. Add system 2015-12-11T07:56:36 initialization API available...] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/d0c3983/rtems 2015-12-11T07:56:36 [git] df55d07 by Sebastian Huber: [score: Untangle thread actions Remove the thread action handler parameter from _Thread_Action_initialize() and instead set it later in _Thread_Add_post_switch_action(). This avoids a dependency on the thread action handler via the thread initialization.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/df55d07/rtems 2015-12-11T07:57:40 [trac] #2408/enhancement (new) updated by sebastian.huber ([d0c39838146c6a186ddda3d95dac71c3fa90f11e/rtems]) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2408 2015-12-11T08:02:02 hemant27: Go for ~/development/rtems/rsb/rtems-source-builder/rtems and try to run: ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --prefix=$HOME/development/rtems/4.11 4.11/rtems-sparc 2015-12-11T09:09:58 *** cdesai has quit IRC 2015-12-11T09:13:23 *** cdesai has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T09:13:36 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T09:16:54 *** cdesai has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T09:17:12 *** cdesai has quit IRC 2015-12-11T09:18:53 *** cdesai has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T09:19:25 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-11T09:19:55 *** cdesai has quit IRC 2015-12-11T09:20:46 *** cdesai has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T09:21:31 *** cdesai has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T09:23:45 *** cdesai has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T09:26:07 *** cdesai has quit IRC 2015-12-11T09:30:18 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T09:31:25 *** cdesai has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T09:38:26 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-11T10:15:30 *** vaishali has quit IRC 2015-12-11T10:19:07 *** aj007 has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T10:19:26 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T10:21:12 *** aj007 has quit IRC 2015-12-11T10:27:06 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-11T10:29:27 *** boquete_asus has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T10:42:07 [trac] #2490/defect (accepted) updated by chrisj (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2490 2015-12-11T11:00:33 i am not able solve the issue 2015-12-11T11:00:48 please help 2015-12-11T11:02:16 *** boquete_asus has quit IRC 2015-12-11T11:20:09 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T11:43:05 [trac] #2488/defect (new) updated by beng (Drat. OK I am going to look into this.) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2488 2015-12-11T11:43:38 *** asc4155 has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T12:58:47 *** hemant27 has left #rtems 2015-12-11T13:02:11 *** Akime has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T13:09:03 *** Akime has quit IRC 2015-12-11T13:14:22 *** AKIME has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T13:16:27 *** Malico has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T13:38:11 *** hemant27 has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T13:38:41 hello anyone there? 2015-12-11T13:39:34 Hi hemant27 2015-12-11T13:39:52 *** Malico has quit IRC 2015-12-11T13:41:00 sir while building the toolset i face an error saying 2015-12-11T13:41:19 "error: exe: not found: (__cvs) cvs" 2015-12-11T13:41:46 hemant27: We no longer use cvs 2015-12-11T13:42:03 Which task are your working on? 2015-12-11T13:42:20 And what instructions are you following? 2015-12-11T13:42:21 GCI hello world task 2015-12-11T13:42:33 i wrote the following commands 2015-12-11T13:42:53 $ cd 2015-12-11T13:42:54 $ mkdir -p development/rtems/rsb 2015-12-11T13:42:54 $ cd development/rtems/rsb 2015-12-11T13:42:54 $ git clone git://git.rtems.org/rtems-source-builder.git 2015-12-11T13:42:54 $ cd rtems-source-builder 2015-12-11T13:42:54 $ cd rtems 2015-12-11T13:42:54 $ ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --prefix=$HOME/development/rtems/4.11 4.11/rtems-sparc 2015-12-11T13:44:00 hemant27: What's your host operating system? 2015-12-11T13:44:18 MSYS2 windows\ 2015-12-11T13:45:07 Well, I can't help with Windows. Most of the instructions there are assuming Unix-like OS (like Linux). 2015-12-11T13:46:05 You can use Virtualbox if you want 2015-12-11T13:56:54 *** SAMA_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T13:57:22 *** AKIME has quit IRC 2015-12-11T13:59:42 *** _sambeet has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T14:01:51 *** asc4155 has quit IRC 2015-12-11T14:02:40 *** asc4155 has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T14:11:29 hemant27: You can follow the instructions to build RSB on Windows here https://docs.rtems.org/rsb/#_windows 2015-12-11T14:12:40 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T14:12:40 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-12-11T14:13:46 *** hemant27 has quit IRC 2015-12-11T14:17:26 *** SAMA_ has quit IRC 2015-12-11T14:20:52 [trac] #2450/enhancement (new) updated by Aun-Ali Zaidi (In [changeset:"32c2cd2be1067ebe32cdabccbc8aa16126ae3a32/rtems"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2450 2015-12-11T14:20:52 [git] 32c2cd2 by Aun-Ali Zaidi: [arm/nds: Remove updates #2450.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/32c2cd2/rtems 2015-12-11T14:21:45 *** mandarj has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T14:21:55 [trac] #2450/enhancement (closed) updated by Aun-Ali Zaidi (In [changeset:"7cbd67b90b5aa4e4967b1a59f3ecd9f6e13e657f/rtems-testing"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2450 2015-12-11T14:21:55 [git] 7cbd67b by Aun-Ali Zaidi: [rtems/bit_all_bsps: Remove nds reference closes #2450.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/7cbd67b/rtems-testing 2015-12-11T14:21:57 anybody there? 2015-12-11T14:22:17 *** _sambeet has quit IRC 2015-12-11T14:23:02 Yes mandarj 2015-12-11T14:23:17 what exactly do I have to do in the Doxygen enhancement tasks (for the .h files) 2015-12-11T14:23:21 ? 2015-12-11T14:24:12 Which task (link)? 2015-12-11T14:24:58 the instructions talk about adding doxygen headers to c files, but not about doxygen enhancement for h files (for example https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/5373942403432448/?sp-status=2&sp-is_exhausted=False) 2015-12-11T14:26:03 hesham: ^^ 2015-12-11T14:27:06 or even https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/5773227729092608/ 2015-12-11T14:27:28 mandarj: Have you read https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GCI/Documentation/Doxygen ? 2015-12-11T14:27:55 yeah 2015-12-11T14:28:46 hesham: it only contains instructions for adding file headers (for .c files) and doxygen cleanup 2015-12-11T14:30:14 The first task requires that you read about the Doxygen style comments, and after that add them to the specified files listed. 2015-12-11T14:30:30 the first as in? 2015-12-11T14:30:35 (which one?) 2015-12-11T14:30:49 The one you gave me a link for 2015-12-11T14:30:51 https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/5373942403432448/?sp-status=2&sp-is_exhausted=False 2015-12-11T14:30:54 oh k 2015-12-11T14:31:29 mandarj: there is also: https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Coding/Doxygen_for_BSPs and https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Coding/Doxygen to read. 2015-12-11T14:31:47 ok\ 2015-12-11T14:31:49 thanks 2015-12-11T14:31:52 will check it out 2015-12-11T14:32:01 you also might awnt to try your hand at a "Getting Started: Hello World" task 2015-12-11T14:32:11 i have already done that last year :) 2015-12-11T14:32:25 ah, ok good. well, you can do it for credit if you like again 2015-12-11T14:32:38 plus if you don't have an up-to-date environment it is worth doing 2015-12-11T14:32:51 k 2015-12-11T14:32:55 will do that first then 2015-12-11T14:33:59 gedare: how long will you be available? 2015-12-11T14:34:45 i'm leaving right now. i will not be around much the next few days 2015-12-11T14:34:49 ok 2015-12-11T14:35:04 will anybody else be able to review the doxygen task at that time? 2015-12-11T14:35:21 *** {0xc6} has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T14:35:22 yeah should be someone 2015-12-11T14:35:36 if you can't get any answers here, your next bet should be the devel mailing list 2015-12-11T14:35:48 later 2015-12-11T14:35:48 ok 2015-12-11T14:35:51 thanks :) 2015-12-11T14:35:53 later 2015-12-11T14:38:31 *** mandarj has left #rtems 2015-12-11T14:40:26 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-12-11T15:07:10 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T15:08:40 *** parthmiglani has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T15:15:00 *** asc4155 has quit IRC 2015-12-11T15:16:27 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2015-12-11T15:49:48 *** parthmiglani has quit IRC 2015-12-11T16:03:32 *** hemant27 has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T16:05:32 *** hemant27 has quit IRC 2015-12-11T16:07:36 *** monstr has quit IRC 2015-12-11T16:13:35 *** Boquete_Mobile has quit IRC 2015-12-11T16:26:41 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T16:26:42 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2015-12-11T16:26:53 verm__: awake? 2015-12-11T16:27:45 verm__: I sent an email about me bouncing when sending to the mentors list. both my gmail and rtems email addresses don't appear to be allowed to send. 2015-12-11T16:27:48 and now back to packing.. 2015-12-11T16:27:51 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2015-12-11T16:46:52 *** Ch3ck has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T17:03:22 *** boquete_asus has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T17:07:12 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-11T17:12:42 *** hemant27 has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T17:12:59 hello anyone there? 2015-12-11T17:13:23 i am working on GCI Hello world task 2015-12-11T17:13:33 i am working on Ubuntu 2015-12-11T17:15:31 hemant27: Great to know you moved to Linux 2015-12-11T17:15:43 What's your question? 2015-12-11T17:21:58 *** tangem has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T17:26:18 while building the sparc toolset 2015-12-11T17:26:36 i face this error message 2015-12-11T17:27:31 RTEMS Source Builder - Set Builder, 4.12 (7dddcc26476f modified) 2015-12-11T17:27:32 error: prefix is not writable: /usr 2015-12-11T17:27:32 Build FAILED 2015-12-11T17:28:27 the command i entered was : "hemantkhatri27:~/workspace/development/rtems/src/rtems-source-builder (master) $ source-builder/sb-set-builder --log=1-sparc.txt \ --prefix-$workspace/development/rtems/src/rtems-source-builder/rtems/config/4.11 4.11/rtems-sparc" 2015-12-11T17:33:58 hemant27: Try to open the log file (in your case, 1-sparc.txt) and see what's going wrong there. 2015-12-11T17:48:09 i am not able to find it 2015-12-11T17:51:56 can you tell me what is the use of the log file ? 2015-12-11T18:19:12 i am stuck 2015-12-11T18:19:52 please tell me what all to do right from the start in sequence 2015-12-11T18:19:54 please 2015-12-11T18:23:46 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T18:23:46 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-12-11T18:31:07 *** boquete_asus is now known as boquete 2015-12-11T18:46:09 *** AKIME has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T18:52:39 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-12-11T18:56:00 *** AKIME has quit IRC 2015-12-11T19:12:02 *** seadog007 has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T19:31:14 hemant27: Sorry wasn't around 2015-12-11T19:32:55 hemant27: You've some formatting error within the command line. 2015-12-11T19:34:32 and it seems like your prefix installation directory is not writeable (you don't have permission to write there) 2015-12-11T19:35:03 Read the instructions again, and try to figure out why. 2015-12-11T19:35:58 $workspace is a variable, try to understand (google) how shell variables work. 2015-12-11T19:39:25 The log file gives details about the building process including errors if there are any. --log="your file name" option you've written part of the command line specifies the name of this file. 2015-12-11T19:54:06 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-11T20:03:33 thankyou 2015-12-11T20:06:49 *** hemant27 has quit IRC 2015-12-11T20:26:52 *** {0xc6} has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T20:29:46 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-11T20:34:02 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-11T20:46:07 *** {0xc6} has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T20:46:09 *** Ch3ck has quit IRC 2015-12-11T20:47:09 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T21:15:06 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-12-11T21:35:45 *** sarthak_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T21:38:43 GCI mentors? 2015-12-11T21:50:50 *** Boquete_Mobile has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T22:31:02 *** fazer has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T22:31:33 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-11T22:43:55 GCI mentors present here? 2015-12-11T22:45:17 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2015-12-11T22:45:27 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T22:45:27 sarthak_: yes sir. What can I do for you? 2015-12-11T22:45:38 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2015-12-11T22:47:36 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T22:48:29 https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5980348131311616/ 2015-12-11T22:48:58 see the logo once please? if it is up to the mark, i will submit the task 2015-12-11T22:49:43 sarthak_: please go ahead and submit your task. You will get reviews/feedback once you submit. 2015-12-11T22:49:59 sarthak_: you don't have to get it reviewed before you submit 2015-12-11T22:50:16 oh okay 2015-12-11T22:50:47 the mentor isn't online right now, it seemd 2015-12-11T22:50:51 sarthak_: the thing is, I don't think mentors get notifications when you just comment on the task. So the best way to get them to review your work is to submit 2015-12-11T22:50:52 seems* 2015-12-11T22:51:04 oh okay 2015-12-11T22:51:25 dr_house: thank you 2015-12-11T22:51:39 sarthak_: quite possible. I see that Sean is the mentor. He'll reply whenever he sees it 2015-12-11T22:52:12 dr_house: hope it is day in his time zone XD 2015-12-11T22:52:16 sarthak_: no problem man. Also you don't have to type out my entire name. Just type dr and hit the tab key 2015-12-11T22:52:56 sarthak_: are you worried about time? It seems like you have quite a bit of time left on your task 2015-12-11T22:53:01 dr__house: i am not new to IRCs but thanks for the suggestion 2015-12-11T22:53:44 dr__house: no i actually need to complete some tasks before tomorrow, i have exams starting 15th 2015-12-11T22:53:50 sarthak_: ah that's good to know. I just saw that you had used just one _ in my name, that's why I thought you were typing things out 2015-12-11T22:54:56 dr__house: i actually was, as a matter of fact, i just forgot the use of the tab key that was the reason i thanked you for suggesting it. 2015-12-11T22:55:03 sarthak_: ah okay. From the looks of it your banner looks good, I like it. However, one small thing I found was that the 'T' and the 'E' are touching while none of the other letters are 2015-12-11T22:55:24 maybe that's something you want to change? 2015-12-11T22:56:01 dr__house: that is because of the text wrapping, the texts are close together there cuz they have been stretched from there, any ideas how i could fix that in photoshop? 2015-12-11T22:56:52 and also because of the font face 2015-12-11T22:57:03 so maybe i should change the font style? 2015-12-11T22:57:16 *** Zaphod_Beeblebro has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T22:58:22 sarthak_: heh, I am the wrong person to ask those questions. I have 0 clue about photoshop and typefaces. Probably that's why I am not the assigned mentor for that 2015-12-11T22:58:28 Zaphod_Beeblebro: nice nick :P 2015-12-11T22:59:37 dr__house: on another thought, i should change the typeface :P and i also want to increase the opacity of the masking layer 2015-12-11T23:00:05 dr__house: no worries still, you have been very helpful with this as well 2015-12-11T23:00:24 sarthak_: no problem. Happy to help. 2015-12-11T23:01:22 dr__house: :) 2015-12-11T23:03:03 dr__house: Thanks 2015-12-11T23:03:33 what is your problem? 2015-12-11T23:04:02 Zaphod_Beeblebro: my problem? 2015-12-11T23:04:21 no sarthak's. that's not meant to be sarcastic if it sounded like it 2015-12-11T23:05:32 Zaphod_Beeblebro: hah, I got confused. I thought you were playing the Zaphod character. Both heads speaking one after the other :P 2015-12-11T23:05:48 :) 2015-12-11T23:06:52 Zaphod_Beeblebro: sarthak_ wanted this work reviewed. 2015-12-11T23:07:16 Zaphod_Beeblebro: do you happened to be Sean by any chance? 2015-12-11T23:07:46 no 2015-12-11T23:16:39 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2015-12-11T23:19:54 dr__house: sean reviewed the work, thank you 2015-12-11T23:20:40 sarthak_: yep, just saw that. Good luck! :) 2015-12-11T23:21:59 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2015-12-11T23:45:56 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2015-12-11T23:52:01 *** Zaphod_Beeblebro has quit IRC 2015-12-12T00:04:34 *** fazer has quit IRC 2015-12-12T00:13:37 *** Boquete_Mobile has quit IRC 2015-12-12T00:17:06 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-12T00:20:58 *** Zaphod_Beeblebro has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T00:26:47 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-12T00:27:18 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T00:31:46 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2015-12-12T00:32:45 dr__house|away: check the new cover :) https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5980348131311616/ 2015-12-12T00:47:19 does anyone know how to access doxygen files 2015-12-12T00:49:50 sarthak_: Hey! I just saw the banner. There are a few things that I can tell you off the top of my head. It looks like the image you have used in the background is a stock image. I am not sure if you are allowed to use them 2015-12-12T00:50:52 sarthak_: Also, it looks more like an image of a data center. Data centers are not really a good representation of what RTEMS is or does. 2015-12-12T00:51:32 the image i used was available for use by anyone, as the website said. If an objection is still put, i will recreate the whole thing :) 2015-12-12T00:51:43 sarthak_: I don't want to discourage you by being too critical. 2015-12-12T00:52:05 sarthak_: don't take this the wrong way. 2015-12-12T00:52:12 dr__house|away: oh please, i love criticism 2015-12-12T00:52:28 sarthak_: maybe you can look for the projects that use RTEMS 2015-12-12T00:52:47 sarthak_: there are NASA and ESA projects that use RTEMS 2015-12-12T00:53:04 dr__house|away: it tells me where i need to improve, anyways i researched a lot, but i could not find a suitable image, that's why i used this 2015-12-12T00:53:07 you can maybe find images of those and use them 2015-12-12T00:53:24 oh like the rover thing on google? 2015-12-12T00:53:25 do you know how to download rtems 2015-12-12T00:53:35 sarthak_: data centers, like I said, are not really representative of RTEMS 2015-12-12T00:53:41 sarthak_: yes, something like that. 2015-12-12T00:54:03 Zaphod_Beeblebro: are you asking me or sarthak_? 2015-12-12T00:54:37 dr__house|away: okay....well i have to sleep now, been awake all night doing tasks, i will do it after i wake up 2015-12-12T00:54:53 sarthak_: sure sure. Where are you located? 2015-12-12T00:55:07 dr__house|away: will use the rover image now, i have really good designs in mind for that 2015-12-12T00:55:11 dr__house|away: india 2015-12-12T00:55:30 sarthak_: oh cool! Where in India? 2015-12-12T00:55:50 sarthak_: I happen to be from India. Although now located in the US. 2015-12-12T00:55:57 dr__house|away: haryana 2015-12-12T00:56:13 sarthak_: nice. Anyway, it's way too late to be awake in India 2015-12-12T00:56:16 dr__house|away: really, i wanna get out of this country ASAP 2015-12-12T00:56:17 go to sleep 2015-12-12T00:56:42 sarthak_: hah 2015-12-12T00:56:47 dr__house|away: good night (or should i say good morning XD ) 2015-12-12T00:56:51 sarthak_: good night man. 2015-12-12T00:57:00 sarthak_: nah, it's evening here 2015-12-12T00:57:02 *** sarthak_ has quit IRC 2015-12-12T00:57:03 5PM 2015-12-12T01:02:25 *** Zaphod_Beeblebro has quit IRC 2015-12-12T01:33:48 *** tangem has quit IRC 2015-12-12T01:54:03 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2015-12-12T03:21:16 *** Zaphod_Beeblebro has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T03:27:50 Do I need linux to use rtems 2015-12-12T03:50:09 *** Zaphod_Beeblebro has quit IRC 2015-12-12T05:40:35 [trac] TBR/Website/RTEMSReferences edited by asc4155 (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/Website/RTEMSReferences 2015-12-12T06:20:57 *** Boquete_Mobile has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T08:23:36 *** Boquete_Mobile has quit IRC 2015-12-12T08:24:06 *** Boquete_Mobile has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T08:57:01 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T09:24:36 *** _sambeet has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T09:25:53 *** _sambeet has quit IRC 2015-12-12T10:07:12 *** edwardk_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T10:07:20 *** noslaC_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T10:07:20 *** seadog007_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T10:09:53 *** cdesai_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T10:10:22 *** stryx`_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T10:10:56 *** edwardk has quit IRC 2015-12-12T10:10:57 *** seadog007 has quit IRC 2015-12-12T10:10:57 *** noslaC has quit IRC 2015-12-12T10:10:57 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-12T10:10:58 *** cdesai has quit IRC 2015-12-12T10:10:59 *** stryx` has quit IRC 2015-12-12T10:11:00 *** noslaC_ is now known as noslaC 2015-12-12T10:12:05 *** seadog007_ is now known as seadog007 2015-12-12T10:12:21 *** edwardk_ is now known as edwardk 2015-12-12T10:17:28 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T10:20:31 *** stryx`_ has quit IRC 2015-12-12T10:20:31 *** stryx`_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T10:20:38 *** stryx`_ is now known as stryx` 2015-12-12T10:34:28 *** cdesai_ has quit IRC 2015-12-12T10:36:47 *** cdesai has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T10:41:00 *** seadog007 has quit IRC 2015-12-12T10:41:32 *** seadog007 has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T10:46:52 *** sarthak_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T11:13:36 *** Boquete_Mobile has quit IRC 2015-12-12T11:19:39 *** sarthak_ has quit IRC 2015-12-12T11:52:43 *** tangem has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T12:46:03 *** {0xc6} has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T13:11:44 *** tangem has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T13:12:15 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-12T13:14:50 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T13:21:17 *** tangem has left #rtems 2015-12-12T13:25:58 *** Zaphod_Beeblebro has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T13:59:29 *** hemant27 has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T14:23:22 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-12T14:23:37 *** {0xc6} has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T14:24:05 *** tangem has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T14:31:52 I am trying to work on a doxygen project, but I don't know where to start. Can anyone help? 2015-12-12T14:35:08 *** sarthak has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T15:14:54 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T15:23:06 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2015-12-12T15:27:43 *** sarthak has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T15:41:23 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T16:02:29 *** vaishu has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T16:06:10 *** vaishu is now known as vaishali 2015-12-12T16:10:29 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T16:14:47 *** hemant27 has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T16:21:07 i tried ubuntu from cloud9 but that didn't work so i switched to centos6 2015-12-12T16:23:58 I'm using a virtualbox with centos6 2015-12-12T16:23:59 The OS is not a problem, any Linux-based OS (Ubuntu or CentOS) should just work. 2015-12-12T16:24:51 hemant27: You might want to use the virtualbox image provided as Zaphod_Beeblebro did. 2015-12-12T16:25:31 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDouBRcWdm0 this is a good video for setup 2015-12-12T16:28:34 yes i did watch it as well 2015-12-12T16:41:53 Zaphod_Beeblebro: thanks, much easier than switching between 4 pages 2015-12-12T16:42:39 np 2015-12-12T16:49:19 *** vaishali has quit IRC 2015-12-12T16:51:04 *** hemant27 has quit IRC 2015-12-12T17:03:52 *** boquete_asus has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T17:07:15 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-12T17:13:47 *** hunar has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T17:14:11 sean? 2015-12-12T17:21:14 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-12T17:21:37 *** {0xc6} has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T17:28:04 *** hemant27 has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T17:30:17 *** hunar has quit IRC 2015-12-12T17:31:28 *** hemantkhatri27 has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T17:35:16 *** seadog007_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T17:37:39 *** hemantkhatri27 has quit IRC 2015-12-12T17:40:32 *** hemant27 has quit IRC 2015-12-12T17:40:32 *** seadog007 has quit IRC 2015-12-12T17:40:33 *** dougk_ has quit IRC 2015-12-12T17:40:34 *** guerby has quit IRC 2015-12-12T17:41:31 *** seadog007_ is now known as seadog007 2015-12-12T17:47:24 *** dougk_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T17:49:11 *** boquete_asus is now known as Boquete 2015-12-12T17:49:51 hi all 2015-12-12T17:50:14 hi beng-nl 2015-12-12T17:51:40 hi 2015-12-12T17:52:55 *** guerby has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T18:56:29 for the getting started task, should i email the patch or is attaching the file on gci enough? 2015-12-12T19:16:48 tangem: Attaching it is enough 2015-12-12T19:17:53 [trac] GCI/Coding/HelloWorld edited by Tangem (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GCI/Coding/HelloWorld 2015-12-12T19:22:29 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T19:26:06 *** fazer has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T19:26:50 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2015-12-12T19:36:52 *** sarthak has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T19:37:11 dr__house|away: hey 2015-12-12T19:38:51 *** hemant27 has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T19:39:33 hello i am working on GCI hello world task 2015-12-12T19:39:48 and while building RTEMS for sparc 2015-12-12T19:40:24 system has been stagnant for quite a while at a step 2015-12-12T19:40:39 shall i close it or wait for it to complete 2015-12-12T19:41:25 hemant27: i think the mentors are not present 2015-12-12T19:52:34 *** Ch3ck has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T19:53:12 *** Zaphod_Beeblebro has quit IRC 2015-12-12T19:56:07 *** hemant27 has quit IRC 2015-12-12T19:59:14 *** sarthak has quit IRC 2015-12-12T20:35:17 *** Boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-12T20:38:19 <{0xc6}> Oh, hemant27 left :/ 2015-12-12T20:38:32 <{0xc6}> And sarthak 2015-12-12T20:38:41 <{0xc6}> Generally not a good way of obtaining help :P 2015-12-12T20:47:43 [trac] #2488/defect (new) updated by beng (I have . reproduced the problem To fix some encountered problems, I . ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2488 2015-12-12T20:56:01 *** Ch3ck has left #rtems 2015-12-12T21:06:57 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2015-12-12T21:20:46 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T21:30:14 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T21:41:13 *** perepujal has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T21:43:04 What task do you suggest for a 13YO child? https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GCI/Coding/HelloWorld ? 2015-12-12T21:43:19 *** fazer has quit IRC 2015-12-12T22:41:32 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-12T22:46:13 *** Boquete_Mobile has joined #rtems 2015-12-12T22:54:09 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-12T23:58:30 *** perepujal has quit IRC 2015-12-13T00:26:28 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T00:31:02 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2015-12-13T01:03:36 *** Boquete_Mobile has quit IRC 2015-12-13T01:19:32 *** tangem has quit IRC 2015-12-13T01:20:26 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T01:20:26 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-12-13T01:20:56 [trac] #2449/enhancement (closed) updated by Aun-Ali Zaidi (In [changeset:"0b52107768d392f65e41c075e16c563c6f87ebb6/rtems-testing"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2449 2015-12-13T01:20:57 [git] 0b52107 by Aun-Ali Zaidi: [rtems/bit_all_bsps: Remove gba reference closes #2449.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/0b52107/rtems-testing 2015-12-13T01:21:54 [trac] #2449/enhancement (closed) updated by Aun-Ali Zaidi (In [changeset:"c8a8a6013fc3c02ae58eb343afec00a5954952e5/rtems"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2449 2015-12-13T01:21:55 [git] c8a8a60 by Aun-Ali Zaidi: [arm/gba: Remove updates #2449.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/c8a8a60/rtems 2015-12-13T01:22:17 [trac] #2483/defect (closed) updated by Jan Sommer (In [changeset:"687463d7f3b0abb1d98e6e630fb6d47541594bd4/rtems"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2483 2015-12-13T01:22:18 [git] 687463d by Jan Sommer: [Store task_id of the current thread for the ISR before waiting for the transient event The ISR will send a transient event to the task specified in bus->taskid. Make sure that the correct task_id is written to this field before waiting for the transient event to arrive. Fixes #2483] 2015-12-13T01:22:18 http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/687463d/rtems 2015-12-13T01:37:46 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-12-13T01:46:38 [trac] #2488/defect (new) updated by chrisj (> . hard-coded an RTEMS module location in rtems-test so it could find ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2488 2015-12-13T03:03:18 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-12-13T04:29:00 [git] 9c68438 by Chris Johns: [A VERSION file may have no hashes.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/9c68438/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-13T04:29:01 [git] e33968a by Chris Johns: [Remove RTEMS 4.11 unstable.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/e33968a/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-13T04:29:01 [git] 00b60d7 by Chris Johns: [Fix the building of the RTEMS Tools from a tar file.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/00b60d7/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-13T04:29:15 [git] 0e035ed by Chris Johns: [Remove RTEMS 4.11 unstable.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/0e035ed/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-13T04:29:15 [git] 93cb557 by Chris Johns: [Update 4.11/rtems-all to include h8300 and epiphany.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/93cb557/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-13T04:29:15 [git] 2d0498d by Chris Johns: [Fix the building of the RTEMS Tools from a tar file.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/2d0498d/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-13T04:35:16 [trac] #2488/defect (new) updated by beng (Replying to [comment:3 chrisj]: > > . hard-coded an RTEMS module location in ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2488 2015-12-13T04:38:57 [trac] #2488/defect (new) updated by chrisj (These are the patches on master and 4.11: ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2488 2015-12-13T04:53:13 [trac] #2488/defect (new) updated by beng (Acknowledged. I have to get to bed, please let me update later..) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2488 2015-12-13T05:19:03 [trac] #2482/enhancement (accepted) updated by chrisj (The epiphany architecture is using git. This needs to be a release.) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2482 2015-12-13T05:52:05 [git] 620150c by Chris Johns: [Remove epiphany from 4.11/rtems-all. It does not build.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/620150c/rtems-source-builder 2015-12-13T07:15:55 *** hemant27 has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T07:16:30 hello i am working on GCI hello world task 2015-12-13T07:31:26 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T07:31:42 *** hemant27 has quit IRC 2015-12-13T07:39:26 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2015-12-13T07:46:51 *** guerby has quit IRC 2015-12-13T07:51:10 *** guerby has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T08:30:38 *** perepujal has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T08:31:48 *** Boquete_Mobile has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T09:32:10 *** perepujal has quit IRC 2015-12-13T09:54:23 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T10:08:37 *** hemant27 has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T10:20:46 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-13T10:25:48 *** edwardk has quit IRC 2015-12-13T10:26:57 *** mithro has quit IRC 2015-12-13T10:28:10 *** peerst has quit IRC 2015-12-13T10:28:26 *** bbhoss has quit IRC 2015-12-13T10:35:25 *** tangem has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T10:35:55 *** Boquete_Mobile has quit IRC 2015-12-13T10:36:00 *** noslaC has quit IRC 2015-12-13T10:36:24 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T10:43:15 *** bbhoss has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T10:45:11 *** Boquete_Mobile has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T10:46:53 *** edwardk has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T10:48:32 *** mithro has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T10:52:19 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-12-13T10:52:47 *** peerst has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T10:54:15 *** noslaC has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T10:57:02 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T11:24:44 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-13T11:31:24 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T11:53:36 *** Boquete_Mobile has quit IRC 2015-12-13T12:22:36 [trac] #2491/defect (v:4.11) created by chrisj (rtems-bsp display extra BSPs) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2491 2015-12-13T12:24:52 [trac] #2491/defect (closed) updated by Chris Johns (In [changeset:"431140aef3c9ee47ce6e74ca548a41090aec46f4/rtems"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2491 2015-12-13T12:24:52 [git] 431140a by Chris Johns: [Display only valid BSPs, ignore other .cfg files. Show the architecture and BSP count. Closes #2491.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/431140a/rtems 2015-12-13T13:12:14 *** Boquete_Mobile has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T13:39:18 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T13:39:19 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-12-13T13:39:53 [trac] #2451/enhancement (closed) updated by Aun-Ali Zaidi (In [changeset:"22e1982b7fbe57fdcb0c3b1a3cbf13d5f8d2d8e5/rtems-testing"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2451 2015-12-13T13:39:54 [git] 22e1982 by Aun-Ali Zaidi: [rtems/bit_all_bsps: Remove gp32 reference closes #2451.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/22e1982/rtems-testing 2015-12-13T13:40:07 [trac] #2451/enhancement (closed) updated by Aun-Ali Zaidi (In [changeset:"f2a228b2cb5ce376c56ae8d767084b92f2822af0/rtems"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2451 2015-12-13T13:40:07 [git] f2a228b by Aun-Ali Zaidi: [arm/gp32: Remove updates #2451.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/f2a228b/rtems 2015-12-13T13:46:08 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-12-13T14:13:43 *** {0xc6} has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T14:32:15 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T14:54:52 hello anyone there? 2015-12-13T14:56:53 Yes 2015-12-13T15:20:08 sir while my laptop is unable to build the sparc tools 2015-12-13T15:20:12 what to do 2015-12-13T15:21:56 hemant27: You've to give sufficient details of what you're doing and the error(s) you're getting so that we can help 2015-12-13T15:29:01 i wrote the command ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --log=1-sparc.txt --prefix=${HOME}/rtems-4.11-work/tools 4.11/rtems-sparc 2015-12-13T15:30:48 and the computer while downloading "http://www.multiprecision.org/mpc/download/newlib-" 2015-12-13T15:30:56 shows error and says build failed 2015-12-13T15:31:29 hemant27: What's the error log? 2015-12-13T15:32:03 Read the log file for more details about the error 2015-12-13T15:32:20 The log file is the one after the --log option 2015-12-13T15:32:32 can i have your mail id so that i can send you the picture of the message displayed 2015-12-13T15:33:14 You can attach it to the ask, or send it to RTEMS mailing list 2015-12-13T15:33:45 https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/Website/RTEMSMailingLists 2015-12-13T15:34:10 task* 2015-12-13T15:37:53 it says your mail needs to be approved as it is of larger size 2015-12-13T15:38:20 You've the subscribe to the list first 2015-12-13T15:38:31 Had you? 2015-12-13T15:39:01 The simpler option is to just attach it to the task. 2015-12-13T15:42:07 wait 2015-12-13T16:06:09 its taking a bit too long 2015-12-13T16:06:45 <{0xc6}> hemant27: How large is the file that you're attempting to attach? 2015-12-13T16:09:18 4.8 mb 2015-12-13T16:09:36 <{0xc6}> o_O 2015-12-13T16:09:46 <{0xc6}> That's a log file? 2015-12-13T16:10:02 no jpg 2015-12-13T16:10:27 <{0xc6}> That's quite big. 2015-12-13T16:10:38 please give me your mail id it will be easy for me 2015-12-13T16:11:01 <{0xc6}> If it's a photo of text, then I would advise you that you simply attach the text file containing the log to the task. 2015-12-13T16:11:15 <{0xc6}> hemant27: Sorry, I'm not a mentor. 2015-12-13T16:12:31 still if you can help me i don't mind asking you 2015-12-13T16:13:44 <{0xc6}> As I said, if at all possible could you upload the log as text, if you want anyone other than your assigned mentor to see it, then you should upload it to a pastebin and give us the link. 2015-12-13T16:17:39 i cleared my terminal wait let me do it again and then i will send the link\ 2015-12-13T16:32:37 hemant27: redoing it probably won't change anything, the error log should be a .txt with report in it's name at the directory you're in while using that command 2015-12-13T16:33:36 *** Boquete_Mobile has quit IRC 2015-12-13T16:33:37 the ~10 lines at the bottom of that log should show what the real problem is 2015-12-13T16:42:56 pastebin.com/TBhBzMep 2015-12-13T16:45:24 hemant27: Can you download this from your browser? http://www.multiprecision.org/mpc/download/mpc-0.8.2.tar.gz 2015-12-13T16:46:02 i did it and pasted it at the right location 2015-12-13T16:46:36 Double check your Virtualbox has access to internet (i.e. open some websites there) 2015-12-13T16:46:46 yes it has 2015-12-13T16:47:04 the build processes are running very slow 2015-12-13T16:47:33 Is it running or failing? 2015-12-13T16:47:55 So you can download this file http://www.multiprecision.org/mpc/download/mpc-0.8.2.tar.gz from your Virtualbbox? 2015-12-13T16:48:09 once it failed and the other time i kept it running for more than 2 hours but it remained the same so i closed it 2015-12-13T16:48:46 As long as it's still running that's fine. 2015-12-13T16:49:07 shall i leave it idol then? 2015-12-13T16:49:07 It seems like the problem is with your bad internet connectivity 2015-12-13T16:49:43 maybe 2015-12-13T16:49:44 It should be building/downloading, otherwise it'll give you an error. 2015-12-13T16:50:07 what shall i do if i am not able to do it by tommorow 2015-12-13T16:50:53 Just try again, and leave it building 2015-12-13T16:51:14 ya i am trying it againm 2015-12-13T16:51:17 *again 2015-12-13T16:55:48 what shall i do if i am not able to do it by the deadline 2015-12-13T16:57:31 <{0xc6}> hemant27: Ask for an extension. 2015-12-13T16:57:47 <{0xc6}> After all, it's just the Hello World task, is it not? 2015-12-13T17:03:55 *** boquete_asus has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T17:03:56 it is 2015-12-13T17:04:33 <{0xc6}> hemant27: Well, comment on the task, and ask for an extension. I'm sure that the mentors would be fine with doing so. 2015-12-13T17:07:16 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-13T17:40:08 is there a way i can contact Chris Johns? it's almost been a full day and he hasn't replied to my comment on the GCI website 2015-12-13T17:40:35 <{0xc6}> tangem: It can be up to 36 hours that you have to wait, sorry. 2015-12-13T17:41:28 <{0xc6}> Is it specific to GCI, or is it something that we can help you with? 2015-12-13T17:42:21 {0xc6}: it's one of the wiki tasks on the TBR pages, and I was waiting for suggestions from him 2015-12-13T17:42:38 <{0xc6}> tangem: Oh, fair enough 2015-12-13T17:43:40 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2015-12-13T17:44:06 Hi hemant27, where are you currently located? 2015-12-13T17:45:58 hemant27: I saw that you are having problems downloading things. Do you happen to be close to a university campus somewhere? 2015-12-13T17:50:05 i am in jaipur rajasthan india no university campus is near 2015-12-13T17:52:09 hemant27: do you know anyone at NIT Jaipur? 2015-12-13T17:59:12 not as such i played badminton with some people there 2015-12-13T18:07:03 *** hemant27 has quit IRC 2015-12-13T18:10:59 *** hemant27 has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T18:12:37 *** cdesai_ has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T18:13:27 *** guerby has quit IRC 2015-12-13T18:13:29 *** cdesai has quit IRC 2015-12-13T18:13:29 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-13T18:20:29 *** boquete_asus has quit IRC 2015-12-13T18:20:31 *** boquete_asus has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T18:21:02 *** guerby has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T18:26:33 *** boquete_asus has quit IRC 2015-12-13T18:27:09 *** {0xc6} has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T18:27:19 *** boquete_asus has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T18:45:38 *** boquete_asus is now known as Boquete 2015-12-13T18:51:31 *** Zaphod_Beeblebro has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T19:02:30 *** Zaphod_Beeblebro has quit IRC 2015-12-13T19:23:28 *** Boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-13T19:25:59 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T19:33:55 *** david-e has quit IRC 2015-12-13T19:33:56 *** geheimnis` has quit IRC 2015-12-13T19:33:56 *** toxygen has quit IRC 2015-12-13T19:34:00 *** igutek has quit IRC 2015-12-13T19:34:00 *** beng-nl has quit IRC 2015-12-13T19:34:01 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2015-12-13T19:34:10 *** david-e has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T19:34:11 *** toxygen has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T19:34:11 *** geheimnis` has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T19:34:11 *** igutek has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T19:34:11 *** beng-nl has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T19:34:11 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T19:35:49 [trac] #2482/enhancement (accepted) updated by gedare (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2482 2015-12-13T19:39:20 *** gigetoo has quit IRC 2015-12-13T19:39:45 *** gigetoo has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T19:57:14 *** fazer has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T20:07:11 *** fazer has quit IRC 2015-12-13T20:22:28 *** perepujal has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T20:48:22 *** rtems-irc has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T20:48:34 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-13T21:03:46 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-13T21:04:34 *** {0xc6} has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T21:07:54 *** Boquete_Mobile has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T21:10:05 *** boquete has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T21:55:23 *** hemant27 has left #rtems 2015-12-13T21:59:46 *** Zaphod_Beeblebro has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T22:00:31 Can someone help me get doxygen working? I don't know how to install it 2015-12-13T22:02:57 Zaphod_Beeblebro: Installing packages depends on your host OS, try to google it, something like, "install doxygen package on Fedora" 2015-12-13T22:03:14 Replace Fedora with your Linux host OS 2015-12-13T22:06:17 do I need linux or is virtualbox ok? 2015-12-13T22:06:35 hesham: hi 2015-12-13T22:07:07 Zaphod_Beeblebro: Virtualbox is a program that can run Linux, so if you got it running Linux it's the same. 2015-12-13T22:07:14 kiwichris: Hi 2015-12-13T22:07:25 hesham: ok, thanks 2015-12-13T22:07:56 kiwichris: I checked the Epiphany ticket, the newlib one is the only issue 2015-12-13T22:08:03 hesham: the epiphany did not build on FreeBSD. The configure stage of gcc failed. 2015-12-13T22:08:25 kiwichris: Is that a different issue? 2015-12-13T22:08:29 Other than the git one? 2015-12-13T22:08:31 hesham: yes 2015-12-13T22:08:53 hesham: do you have rtems server access? 2015-12-13T22:09:07 kiwichris: Not yet I guess 2015-12-13T22:09:15 verm__: ? 2015-12-13T22:09:18 Would I call the OS centos6 or RTEMS? 2015-12-13T22:10:00 kiwichris: It builds fine on Linux, right? At least without the release thing. 2015-12-13T22:10:02 *** boquete has quit IRC 2015-12-13T22:10:59 Zaphod_Beeblebro: Your host OS is the one you're doing all the development on (i.e, Windows, CentOS/Linux, etc). RTEMS is the target OS that you're building. 2015-12-13T22:11:06 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-13T22:11:25 hesham: I will get a login on mutex.rtems.org and you can play 2015-12-13T22:11:35 *** {0xc6} has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T22:12:06 hesham: Can you please have a play with 4.11.0-rc1 and report any issues? :) 2015-12-13T22:12:31 4.11.0-rc1? 2015-12-13T22:12:33 hesham: it is still gather downloading and I am fixing that today so a release will pull from ftp.rtems.org 2015-12-13T22:12:40 https://ftp.rtems.org/pub/rtems/releases/4.11/4.11.0-rc1/ 2015-12-13T22:13:58 kiwichris: Yeah sure 2015-12-13T22:14:16 So regarding epiphany, have you got the other tools uploaded there? 2015-12-13T22:14:22 there = rtems ftp server 2015-12-13T22:15:37 Look in the sources directory under the release directory 2015-12-13T22:16:17 I will add a "Release Files" heading to the README.txt 2015-12-13T22:16:32 Just patches and upstream GNU releases 2015-12-13T22:17:38 Would it make sense to add Epiphany archives t there? 2015-12-13T22:18:40 Yes but I need it to build first so I can test the change works. 2015-12-13T22:19:01 If we can move to the same build config as the or1k that would help 2015-12-13T22:19:15 Ok, I'd build it on Linux, bug again newlib is pulled from git. 2015-12-13T22:19:24 I tried to do so to solve the ticket 2015-12-13T22:19:25 When I tried to test the build failed. 2015-12-13T22:19:26 *** sirfranklin has quit IRC 2015-12-13T22:19:37 which ticket? 2015-12-13T22:19:49 But there's no corresponding rtems-gcc-4.9.1-newlibxxxxx.cfg 2015-12-13T22:19:59 https://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2482 2015-12-13T22:22:35 Can you use rtems-gcc-4.9.2-newlib-2.20.0-20150323-1.cfg? 2015-12-13T22:24:15 hesham: that ticket requires I change the RSB. I will do that today. 2015-12-13T22:25:00 kiwichris: I did change it to 4.9.2, but it fails, didn't have a look why yet. 2015-12-13T22:25:24 Shouldn't I do something about this ticket? 2015-12-13T22:27:10 No I will handle that. It requires I make the RSB default the overrding URL to the release URL then the RSB is in a release (%{rsb_released}) and then fall back to the package's home URL if that fails. I will also get the --url option to override both so a local disk cache of source can be used. 2015-12-13T22:27:49 One problem with the RSB is a clean and restart results in the downloading of the files again unless you hack it by coping away the sources and patches directory and you copy them back. 2015-12-13T22:29:05 Look in https://ftp.rtems.org/pub/rtems/releases/4.11/4.11.0-rc1/contrib/releasing/rtems-release-sources for HACK HACK. I have to do this as well and we should get this supported in a better way. 2015-12-13T22:31:03 *** fazer has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T22:31:14 kiwichris: Sorry for interrupting but have you seen my comment on the gci website about the wiki documentation page? It's been ~26 hours and you haven't replied. 2015-12-13T22:32:58 kiwichris: Ah, I remember the error I got when changing to 4.9.2 cfg file was related to some "release" var undefined 2015-12-13T22:33:12 I was building from 4.11 branch for 4.11 targets 2015-12-13T22:34:44 tangem: just looking 2015-12-13T22:35:10 hesham: please have a look at that config file and lets sort it out. 2015-12-13T22:35:47 Ok. I a, building the sparc tools now, will give it a try next 2015-12-13T23:00:10 *** sirfranklin has joined #rtems 2015-12-13T23:04:03 [trac] #2492/enhancement (v:4.12) created by heshamelmatary (Delete https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/Delete/Documentation ?) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2492 2015-12-13T23:09:40 *** fazer has quit IRC 2015-12-13T23:10:39 *** {0xc6} has quit IRC 2015-12-13T23:15:37 hesham: should I modify the references from other pages on the wiki? 2015-12-13T23:16:28 To which link? 2015-12-13T23:16:41 https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/Delete/Documentation 2015-12-13T23:18:07 So you'd replace reference to this link? 2015-12-13T23:19:05 I'll replace the one on the main page with https://docs.rtems.org/ and delete the ones from the pages listing it like the delete page 2015-12-13T23:19:51 tangem: Yes please, Chris would like to see a new HTML page anyway. 2015-12-13T23:26:08 [trac] WikiStart edited by Tangem (Replaced reference to Documentation as on Ticket #2492) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/WikiStart 2015-12-13T23:28:36 There are some other broken links on the TBR/Delete page, I'm removing them as well since they've already been deleted. 2015-12-13T23:35:18 *** Zaphod_Beeblebro has quit IRC 2015-12-13T23:35:29 [trac] TBR/Delete edited by Tangem (Removed deleted pages and Documentation) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/TBR/Delete