2015-09-14T03:04:24 *** shelf is now known as timothyh 2015-09-14T04:59:01 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2015-09-14T05:04:58 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2015-09-14T05:43:58 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2015-09-14T06:18:41 [trac] #2377/defect (new) updated by sebastian.huber (The RCC archives use a version: http://gaisler.com/anonftp/rcc/bin/linux/ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2377 2015-09-14T06:35:55 [trac] #2377/defect (new) updated by chrisj (Replying to [comment:4 sebastian.huber]: > The RCC archives use a version: > > ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2377 2015-09-14T06:49:48 [trac] #2377/defect (new) updated by sebastian.huber (Replying to [comment:5 chrisj]: > Replying to [comment:4 sebastian.huber]: > > The ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2377 2015-09-14T07:02:27 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-14T07:19:57 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-14T07:30:47 [trac] #2377/defect (new) updated by chrisj (Replying to [comment:6 sebastian.huber]: > Replying to [comment:5 chrisj]: > > ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2377 2015-09-14T08:46:44 *** zoso has quit IRC 2015-09-14T08:51:53 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-09-14T09:02:11 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2015-09-14T10:29:28 *** zoso has quit IRC 2015-09-14T10:58:39 [git] 314ff3c by Sebastian Huber: [score: Fix resource count for self-contained mutex] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/314ff3c/rtems 2015-09-14T11:57:25 *** monstr has quit IRC 2015-09-14T12:08:29 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2015-09-14T12:34:23 *** monstr has quit IRC 2015-09-14T12:45:40 [trac] #2420/defect (v:4.10) created by javi (RSB %source file fails) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2420 2015-09-14T13:02:11 *** danieli has joined #rtems 2015-09-14T13:49:06 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-09-14T13:49:06 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-09-14T14:03:57 [trac] #2420/defect (assigned) updated by gedare (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2420 2015-09-14T14:05:12 [trac] #2420/defect (assigned) updated by gedare (Can you provide some more information about the failure? What are you trying to ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2420 2015-09-14T14:28:22 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-09-14T14:35:12 *** antgreen` is now known as atgreen 2015-09-14T14:43:17 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-09-14T14:43:18 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-09-14T14:54:17 *** danieli has quit IRC 2015-09-14T15:07:45 *** danieli has joined #rtems 2015-09-14T15:08:47 *** danieli has joined #rtems 2015-09-14T15:09:41 *** danieli has joined #rtems 2015-09-14T15:31:14 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2015-09-14T15:51:20 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-14T16:20:21 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-14T16:29:03 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-14T16:38:33 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-14T17:23:36 *** sepi``` is now known as sepi 2015-09-14T17:29:54 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2015-09-14T17:34:09 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-14T17:35:08 *** igutek has joined #rtems 2015-09-14T17:36:03 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-09-14T18:15:07 *** ragunath has joined #rtems 2015-09-14T18:25:13 *** ragunath has quit IRC 2015-09-14T20:22:38 *** edsiper has quit IRC 2015-09-14T20:22:52 *** edsiper_ has joined #rtems 2015-09-14T20:31:18 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-14T20:40:12 *** danieli has quit IRC 2015-09-14T20:55:25 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-14T21:01:21 *** igutek has quit IRC 2015-09-14T21:10:59 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-09-14T21:31:45 *** edsiper_ is now known as edsiper 2015-09-14T23:11:19 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2015-09-15T02:24:37 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-15T04:03:07 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-15T04:51:25 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2015-09-15T05:45:11 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-15T05:50:09 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2015-09-15T07:03:17 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-15T07:11:08 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-15T07:11:30 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-15T07:18:08 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2015-09-15T07:40:30 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-15T08:32:49 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-09-15T08:45:29 [trac] #2420/defect (assigned) updated by javi (Well, at the moment I'm chasing a build bug in newlib and have modified a bset to ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2420 2015-09-15T10:31:02 *** dougk_ has quit IRC 2015-09-15T10:32:10 *** dougk_ has joined #rtems 2015-09-15T12:08:36 *** zoso has quit IRC 2015-09-15T12:30:35 *** atgreen has quit IRC 2015-09-15T14:25:00 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-09-15T14:25:00 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-09-15T15:05:53 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2015-09-15T16:12:15 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-15T16:39:30 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-15T16:39:40 *** igutek has joined #rtems 2015-09-15T17:08:08 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2015-09-15T17:16:08 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-15T17:20:55 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2015-09-15T17:23:29 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2015-09-15T19:55:28 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-09-15T19:59:48 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-09-15T20:17:31 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-15T20:19:30 *** monstr has quit IRC 2015-09-15T20:48:28 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-15T20:54:01 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-15T20:54:08 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-15T20:56:05 *** xhoch3 has joined #rtems 2015-09-15T20:56:31 heyhey, Isaac here? 2015-09-15T20:57:13 have been reading your mail on the canfestival-devel list 2015-09-15T21:05:38 *** edsiper has quit IRC 2015-09-15T21:06:05 *** edsiper has joined #rtems 2015-09-15T21:27:46 *** igutek has quit IRC 2015-09-15T21:43:47 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2015-09-15T23:12:50 *** xhoch3 has quit IRC 2015-09-15T23:34:27 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-15T23:54:47 [trac] #2420/defect (assigned) updated by chrisj (There maybe a bug in the 'file' implementation, but I think what you are asking for ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2420 2015-09-16T05:37:52 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-16T06:08:42 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-16T06:14:21 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2015-09-16T06:17:36 *** kulp has quit IRC 2015-09-16T06:21:32 *** kulp has joined #rtems 2015-09-16T08:14:38 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-09-16T08:15:05 hello 2015-09-16T08:15:19 can you recommend some good build bot / unit testing for project based on RTEMS? 2015-09-16T08:15:34 tests will be run against simulator and HW 2015-09-16T08:29:21 there are plans to use buildbot for RTEMS 2015-09-16T09:41:42 *** monstr has quit IRC 2015-09-16T10:04:40 well, I was thinking more of a personal project 2015-09-16T10:04:54 if anyone here is using something that he/she can recommend 2015-09-16T13:10:41 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-09-16T13:10:41 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-09-16T13:39:49 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-09-16T13:54:27 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-09-16T13:54:27 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-09-16T13:59:00 *** igutek has joined #rtems 2015-09-16T15:03:36 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2015-09-16T15:54:04 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-09-16T16:25:53 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-16T16:35:19 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-16T16:45:47 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-16T17:04:43 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2015-09-16T17:04:50 *** antgreen` has joined #rtems 2015-09-16T17:08:19 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-16T17:39:20 *** danieli has joined #rtems 2015-09-16T17:40:48 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-16T21:00:51 *** danieli has quit IRC 2015-09-16T21:04:10 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-09-16T21:06:54 *** igutek has quit IRC 2015-09-16T21:46:07 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-16T22:04:58 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-17T00:23:45 *** FallenPegasus has joined #rtems 2015-09-17T01:39:18 *** FallenPegasus is now known as MarkAtwood 2015-09-17T01:52:51 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-17T01:59:56 *** MarkAtwood has quit IRC 2015-09-17T03:00:30 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-17T03:11:13 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-17T03:36:20 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2015-09-17T04:35:33 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-17T04:36:11 *** Davidbrcz_ has joined #rtems 2015-09-17T04:54:42 *** Davidbrcz_ has quit IRC 2015-09-17T06:43:14 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-17T08:47:35 *** guerby has quit IRC 2015-09-17T08:52:14 *** guerby has joined #rtems 2015-09-17T13:22:49 *** danieli has joined #rtems 2015-09-17T14:17:21 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-09-17T14:17:21 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-09-17T14:27:56 [trac] #2377/defect (new) updated by daniel (Hi, Joel has discussed this with us some time ago and we agreed that we need to ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2377 2015-09-17T15:15:14 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2015-09-17T16:10:22 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-17T16:21:47 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-17T16:23:50 [trac] Debugging/OpenOCD edited by ppisa (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Debugging/OpenOCD 2015-09-17T16:39:00 [trac] Debugging/OpenOCD/LPC17xx created http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Debugging/OpenOCD/LPC17xx 2015-09-17T16:41:08 [trac] Debugging/OpenOCD edited by ppisa (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Debugging/OpenOCD 2015-09-17T17:02:01 [trac] Debugging/OpenOCD/TMS570 created http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Debugging/OpenOCD/TMS570 2015-09-17T17:03:36 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-17T17:04:24 [trac] Debugging/OpenOCD/TMS570 edited by ppisa (Document OpenOCD version used for TMS570.) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Debugging/OpenOCD/TMS570 2015-09-17T17:06:58 [trac] Debugging/OpenOCD edited by ppisa (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Debugging/OpenOCD 2015-09-17T17:20:49 [trac] Debugging/OpenOCD/Raspberry_Pi created http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Debugging/OpenOCD/Raspberry_Pi 2015-09-17T17:43:07 *** igutek has joined #rtems 2015-09-17T18:34:56 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-09-17T18:59:00 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-09-17T18:59:00 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-09-17T19:56:31 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-17T19:58:51 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-09-17T20:49:09 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-17T20:49:25 *** danieli has quit IRC 2015-09-17T20:50:34 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-17T20:50:41 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-17T21:04:47 *** danieli has joined #rtems 2015-09-17T21:32:51 *** igutek has quit IRC 2015-09-18T00:27:53 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-09-18T00:27:53 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-09-18T00:35:19 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-09-18T01:28:46 *** kulp has quit IRC 2015-09-18T01:30:35 *** kulp has joined #rtems 2015-09-18T01:50:44 *** danieli has quit IRC 2015-09-18T02:36:42 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-18T05:47:37 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-18T06:41:26 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-09-18T06:52:15 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2015-09-18T06:53:27 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2015-09-18T06:54:33 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2015-09-18T07:08:19 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-18T08:23:02 [git] 12b922e by Sebastian Huber: [dejagnu: Add rtems-arm-realview_pbx_a9_qemu.exp] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/12b922e/rtems-testing 2015-09-18T12:16:56 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-09-18T12:16:57 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-09-18T12:53:37 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-09-18T14:05:30 *** dougk_ has quit IRC 2015-09-18T14:14:45 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-09-18T14:14:45 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-09-18T14:29:34 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2015-09-18T14:41:27 *** dougk_ has joined #rtems 2015-09-18T14:54:42 *** danieli has joined #rtems 2015-09-18T14:57:26 *** zoso has quit IRC 2015-09-18T15:24:27 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-09-18T15:43:59 *** igutek has joined #rtems 2015-09-18T16:25:39 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-18T16:34:09 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-09-18T16:34:09 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-09-18T16:36:38 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-18T17:13:39 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-18T17:29:47 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-09-18T17:44:12 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-09-18T17:48:59 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-09-18T17:48:59 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-09-18T18:02:22 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-09-18T18:04:06 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2015-09-18T19:28:11 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2015-09-18T20:51:06 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-18T21:07:43 [trac] #2377/defect (new) updated by joel.sherrill (The unversioned tools should still work with 4.11. There is no issue there because ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2377 2015-09-18T21:09:51 *** igutek has quit IRC 2015-09-18T21:21:34 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-19T00:10:03 *** danieli has quit IRC 2015-09-19T01:56:19 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-09-19T01:56:19 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-09-19T02:01:53 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-19T02:03:44 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-09-19T05:29:19 *** gshrikant has joined #rtems 2015-09-19T06:07:14 *** cdesai has quit IRC 2015-09-19T06:07:32 *** cdesai has joined #rtems 2015-09-19T06:29:51 *** ita_ has joined #rtems 2015-09-19T06:31:08 *** ita has quit IRC 2015-09-19T07:38:55 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-19T07:48:39 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-19T08:41:38 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-09-19T09:59:00 *** cdesai has quit IRC 2015-09-19T09:59:24 *** cdesai has joined #rtems 2015-09-19T10:51:46 *** gshrikant has quit IRC 2015-09-19T14:04:30 *** gshrikant has joined #rtems 2015-09-19T14:17:10 *** gshrikan1 has joined #rtems 2015-09-19T14:17:21 *** gshrikant has quit IRC 2015-09-19T17:32:48 *** gshrikant has joined #rtems 2015-09-19T17:32:59 *** antgreen` has quit IRC 2015-09-19T17:34:54 *** gshrikan1 has quit IRC 2015-09-19T19:41:46 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-19T20:32:11 *** ita_ has quit IRC 2015-09-19T20:35:53 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-19T21:04:59 *** gshrikant has quit IRC 2015-09-19T21:08:48 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-09-19T22:43:57 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-20T00:42:17 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-20T03:06:12 *** gshrikant has joined #rtems 2015-09-20T05:19:15 *** guerby has quit IRC 2015-09-20T05:19:54 *** gshrikant has quit IRC 2015-09-20T05:20:06 *** guerby has joined #rtems 2015-09-20T05:33:36 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-20T07:00:01 *** Prateek has joined #rtems 2015-09-20T07:05:14 *** Prateek has quit IRC 2015-09-20T07:06:01 *** Prateek has joined #rtems 2015-09-20T07:24:42 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-20T07:59:36 [trac] #2421/defect (v:4.10) created by marknuda88 (Challenge with SlimSona Test for fat loss) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2421 2015-09-20T08:11:05 *** Prateek has quit IRC 2015-09-20T08:31:55 *** Prateek has joined #rtems 2015-09-20T08:52:01 *** Prateek has quit IRC 2015-09-20T08:57:26 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-09-20T08:58:46 *** gshrikant has joined #rtems 2015-09-20T10:50:59 *** gshrikant has quit IRC 2015-09-20T13:01:26 *** linuxkernelhacke has joined #rtems 2015-09-20T13:05:55 *** linuxkernelhacke has quit IRC 2015-09-20T13:25:23 *** Prateek has joined #rtems 2015-09-20T15:51:44 *** gshrikant has joined #rtems 2015-09-20T15:55:06 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-09-20T16:22:42 *** Prateek has quit IRC 2015-09-20T16:31:00 *** Prateek has joined #rtems 2015-09-20T16:54:10 *** danieli has joined #rtems 2015-09-20T17:04:01 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-20T17:22:43 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-20T18:31:26 *** Prateek has quit IRC 2015-09-20T18:53:55 *** gshrikant has quit IRC 2015-09-20T19:23:19 *** gshrikant has joined #rtems 2015-09-20T19:43:55 *** gshrikant has quit IRC 2015-09-20T20:26:09 *** Prateek has joined #rtems 2015-09-20T20:33:45 *** Prateek has quit IRC 2015-09-20T21:07:07 *** danieli has quit IRC 2015-09-20T21:25:57 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-20T21:46:43 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-09-20T21:54:17 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-09-20T22:54:57 *** mumptai has quit IRC