2015-07-20T00:51:25 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T00:51:25 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-07-20T00:59:03 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-07-20T02:01:16 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T03:13:32 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-20T03:41:07 *** mkhoory has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T03:53:27 [git] 6444d58 by Chris Johns: [Canandian Cross Compiling and RTEMS 3rd party package building Fixes. The change fixes installing for RTEMS 3rd Party packages where the RSB considered them Canadian Cross Compiling (Cxc). Fixing the Cxc issue broke real Cxc builds. The change corrects the issue of macros being changed in the Cxc and the prep data not being 2015-07-20T03:53:27 udpated. The con...] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/6444d58/rtems-source-builder 2015-07-20T04:05:17 [trac] #2374/defect (new) updated by chrisj (Patch for testing has been pushed. Once it settles down I will push it to the 4.11 ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2374 2015-07-20T04:05:26 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T04:10:12 [git] f936478 by Chris Johns: [rtems/netsnmp: Disable SMP builds. NetSNMP breaks building with extra jobs on fast hardware.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/f936478/rtems-source-builder 2015-07-20T04:25:09 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-07-20T04:45:51 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T04:54:31 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2015-07-20T04:59:25 [trac] OpenMP edited by sebastian.huber (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/OpenMP 2015-07-20T05:04:19 good morning 2015-07-20T05:08:12 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T05:35:55 *** edwardk has quit IRC 2015-07-20T05:42:14 *** edwardk has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T06:14:37 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2015-07-20T06:14:59 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T06:21:19 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-20T07:31:53 *** edwardk has quit IRC 2015-07-20T07:56:19 *** edwardk has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T08:15:43 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T08:23:16 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2015-07-20T08:27:37 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-20T09:42:27 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T10:40:33 hi sebhub 2015-07-20T11:08:08 [git] 9a84f98 by Premysl Houdek: [bsp/tms570: skipped 32bit field definitions and corrected single bit fields there is no need to define access macros for field covering whole registers. In addition, BSP_FLD32 does not work right for field 32bit length. Signed-off-by: Premysl Houdek ] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/9a84f98/rtems 2015-07-20T11:08:08 [git] 49c1d25 by Premysl Houdek: [bsp/tms570 Use bitfields instead of hard-coded values Signed-off-by: Premysl Houdek ] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/49c1d25/rtems 2015-07-20T11:10:11 [git] d6c67ad by Premysl Houdek: [bsp/tms570: skipped 32bit field definitions and corrected single bit fields there is no need to define access macros for field covering whole registers. In addition, BSP_FLD32 does not work right for field 32bit length. Signed-off-by: Premysl Houdek ] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/d6c67ad/rtems 2015-07-20T11:10:11 [git] b2c252b by Premysl Houdek: [bsp/tms570 Use bitfields instead of hard-coded values Signed-off-by: Premysl Houdek ] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/b2c252b/rtems 2015-07-20T13:09:28 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T13:27:18 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T14:36:36 *** kiwichri_ has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T14:36:45 *** antgreen` has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T14:39:05 *** cdesai_ has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T14:42:12 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2015-07-20T14:42:12 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2015-07-20T14:42:14 *** cdesai has quit IRC 2015-07-20T14:42:16 *** verm__ has quit IRC 2015-07-20T14:42:30 *** monstr has quit IRC 2015-07-20T14:50:46 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2015-07-20T15:59:27 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T16:05:47 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-20T16:43:39 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-20T16:50:16 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T17:20:36 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T18:24:44 *** antgreen` has quit IRC 2015-07-20T19:04:06 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-20T19:45:15 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T19:45:15 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-07-20T20:24:45 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-20T20:26:51 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-07-20T20:43:48 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T22:26:39 *** jkridner|work has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T22:27:30 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2015-07-20T23:05:44 *** kiwichri_ has quit IRC 2015-07-20T23:06:24 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2015-07-20T23:33:03 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T23:42:42 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2015-07-20T23:43:24 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2015-07-20T23:48:08 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2015-07-20T23:49:21 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2015-07-21T02:14:58 *** jkridner|work is now known as jkridner 2015-07-21T02:21:02 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-21T03:30:08 *** verm__ has joined #rtems 2015-07-21T03:41:45 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-21T03:57:26 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-21T04:22:29 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2015-07-21T05:13:45 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2015-07-21T05:15:14 good morning 2015-07-21T06:28:02 *** sujayraaj has joined #rtems 2015-07-21T06:58:35 [git] 7385feb by Chris Johns: [Canandian Cross Compiling and RTEMS 3rd party package building Fixes. The change fixes installing for RTEMS 3rd Party packages where the RSB considered them Canadian Cross Compiling (Cxc). Fixing the Cxc issue broke real Cxc builds. The change corrects the issue of macros being changed in the Cxc and the prep data not being 2015-07-21T06:58:35 udpated. The con...] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/7385feb/rtems-source-builder 2015-07-21T06:58:35 [git] 4c49119 by Chris Johns: [rtems/netsnmp: Disable SMP builds. NetSNMP breaks building with extra jobs on fast hardware.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/4c49119/rtems-source-builder 2015-07-21T06:58:45 sebhub, hi 2015-07-21T07:14:21 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-21T07:24:45 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2015-07-21T07:31:04 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-21T07:34:14 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2015-07-21T07:50:20 *** sujayraaj has quit IRC 2015-07-21T08:01:05 [git] 579f16e by Sebastian Huber: [bsps/arm: Update due to API changes] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/579f16e/rtems 2015-07-21T08:01:53 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2015-07-21T08:01:58 [git] 8b14cbd by Sebastian Huber: [bsps/arm: Update due to API changes] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/8b14cbd/rtems 2015-07-21T08:50:59 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2015-07-21T10:40:01 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-07-21T14:54:28 hi all 2015-07-21T15:03:40 *** yangqiao has joined #rtems 2015-07-21T15:04:15 *** yangqiao has quit IRC 2015-07-21T15:09:55 *** verm__ has quit IRC 2015-07-21T15:28:17 ehrm. 2015-07-21T15:28:20 no meeting? 2015-07-21T15:55:58 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2015-07-21T16:01:19 *** cdesai_ is now known as cdesai 2015-07-21T16:46:59 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-21T16:58:21 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-21T17:01:30 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2015-07-21T17:07:38 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-21T17:07:54 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-21T17:11:43 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2015-07-21T17:33:59 *** monstr has quit IRC 2015-07-21T17:39:16 [trac] #2375/defect (v:4.10) created by mdavidsaver (tftpDriver free's current_directory) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2375 2015-07-21T17:40:31 [trac] #2375/defect (new) updated by mdavidsaver (Looking through the VCS history I think this issue was fixed in 2012 as a ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2375 2015-07-21T17:58:22 *** ankur has joined #rtems 2015-07-21T18:32:05 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-21T18:40:46 *** ankur has quit IRC 2015-07-21T18:48:52 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-21T20:08:07 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-07-21T20:32:44 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-21T20:45:52 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-21T21:06:52 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-21T22:04:21 *** geheimnis` has quit IRC 2015-07-21T22:04:40 *** geheimni2` has joined #rtems 2015-07-21T22:30:08 *** verm__ has joined #rtems 2015-07-21T22:34:35 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2015-07-21T22:38:25 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2015-07-21T23:12:58 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2015-07-21T23:27:04 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2015-07-21T23:43:44 hi all 2015-07-21T23:49:10 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2015-07-21T23:58:58 Monkey GSoC project status update .. http://beowulfgsoc2015.blogspot.in/2015/07/problems-with-inter-thread.html 2015-07-22T00:03:54 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2015-07-22T00:41:24 verm__ or ita about ? 2015-07-22T01:23:14 here for a sec 2015-07-22T01:24:19 verm__, https://git.rtems.org/rtems-tools/tree/tester/wscript#n52 I am wanting to install the .py and .pyo to the same dir but this does not happen. 2015-07-22T01:25:00 verm__, the .pyo end up in rt and the source .py end up under the tester/rt path. 2015-07-22T01:25:08 you'd have to ask ita 2015-07-22T01:25:14 Ok 2015-07-22T01:25:23 sorry, i don't know off the top of my head 2015-07-22T01:25:44 No problem. I will wait until ita drops by. 2015-07-22T03:40:02 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-22T04:09:53 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2015-07-22T04:27:43 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-22T04:37:41 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2015-07-22T05:11:12 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-22T07:13:17 *** Infinityhf has joined #rtems 2015-07-22T07:13:36 Hui 2015-07-22T07:17:48 *** Infinityhf has left #rtems 2015-07-22T08:10:22 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-22T08:13:33 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2015-07-22T08:18:22 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2015-07-22T08:39:34 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-22T09:06:46 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-22T09:28:54 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-07-22T11:12:19 *** mkhoory has quit IRC 2015-07-22T11:37:52 *** hesham1 has joined #rtems 2015-07-22T11:46:11 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-07-22T12:13:17 *** beng-nl has quit IRC 2015-07-22T12:22:08 *** beng-nl has joined #rtems 2015-07-22T12:29:19 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-07-22T12:53:55 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-22T13:06:42 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-07-22T13:24:10 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-07-22T14:04:51 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2015-07-22T15:04:14 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-22T15:32:37 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-22T15:43:35 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-22T15:48:50 *** monstr has quit IRC 2015-07-22T15:50:35 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-22T16:29:10 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-22T16:41:17 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-22T17:46:18 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-07-22T17:49:19 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-07-22T17:49:56 *** hesham1 has quit IRC 2015-07-22T17:56:40 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-07-22T18:14:19 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2015-07-22T18:18:40 [trac] GSoC/2015 edited by gadia (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/2015 2015-07-22T18:36:00 *** krohini has joined #rtems 2015-07-22T19:28:50 hi beng-nl :) 2015-07-22T19:59:21 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-22T20:13:51 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-22T21:03:40 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-22T21:15:44 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2015-07-22T22:03:51 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2015-07-22T23:23:28 ita, about ? 2015-07-22T23:28:10 he's in GMT 2015-07-23T02:04:17 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-23T03:00:10 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2015-07-23T03:11:57 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2015-07-23T04:40:09 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2015-07-23T04:59:21 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-23T05:29:10 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2015-07-23T07:12:12 [git] e273501 by Sebastian Huber: [score: Introduce Thread_queue_Queue Separate the thread queue heads and lock from the operations. This enables the support for light weight objects which only support one queuing discipline.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/e273501/rtems 2015-07-23T07:12:12 [git] d766582 by Sebastian Huber: [score: Introduce Thread_queue_Heads Move the storage for the thread queue heads to the threads. Each thread provides a set of thread queue heads allocated from a dedicated memory pool. In case a thread blocks on a queue, then it lends its heads to the queue. In case the thread unblocks, then it takes a free set of threads 2015-07-23T07:12:12 from the queue. Since a t...] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/d766582/rtems 2015-07-23T07:12:12 [git] e709aa8 by Sebastian Huber: [score: Move wait flag update to tq extract This makes it possible to use _Thread_queue_Extract_locked() for barrier operations which extract all threads on the queue in one critical section.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/e709aa8/rtems 2015-07-23T07:12:12 [git] 19078dc by Sebastian Huber: [doc: Add SMP section to CPU Arch Supplement] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/19078dc/rtems 2015-07-23T07:12:12 [git] 08135c8 by Sebastian Huber: [i2c: Fix return status of i2c dev read/write] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/08135c8/rtems 2015-07-23T07:13:04 [git] f9a5979 by Sebastian Huber: [doc: Add SMP section to CPU Arch Supplement] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/f9a5979/rtems 2015-07-23T07:13:05 [git] 0ad8a33 by Sebastian Huber: [i2c: Fix return status of i2c dev read/write] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/0ad8a33/rtems 2015-07-23T07:32:38 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-23T07:44:54 [trac] libgomp-parallel-bench-sys-lock.png () attached to #2274 by sebastian.huber http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2274 2015-07-23T07:59:54 [trac] #2274/enhancement (accepted) updated by sebastian.huber (Performance with self-contained objects defined in Newlib . The barrier ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2274 2015-07-23T08:01:05 [trac] lock.h () attached to #2274 by sebastian.huber http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2274 2015-07-23T08:59:13 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2015-07-23T10:18:15 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2015-07-23T10:47:52 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-07-23T10:53:22 *** hesham1 has joined #rtems 2015-07-23T11:31:07 *** hesham1 has quit IRC 2015-07-23T11:49:44 sebhub, hi 2015-07-23T11:51:00 hi chris 2015-07-23T11:51:07 still awake? 2015-07-23T11:51:30 The new API is great. I thought I sent an email but it has not showed up. 2015-07-23T11:51:34 Yeah not for long 2015-07-23T11:51:40 oh 2015-07-23T11:51:49 I feel you should make a proper API. 2015-07-23T11:52:20 note the C11 threads API? 2015-07-23T11:52:38 And not an internal wrapper but actually make real. This way it is stable with tests etc 2015-07-23T11:52:55 we can also use the FreeBSD APIs, but I would not re-invent the wheel again 2015-07-23T11:53:28 With C11 threads it is wrapped by gcc 2015-07-23T11:53:54 sorry is it wrapped by gcc ? 2015-07-23T11:54:21 GCC is only the user of the Newlib which is an RTEMS specific file in Newlib 2015-07-23T11:54:42 it would be trivial to use this in other compilers I guess 2015-07-23T11:55:55 So while the support is inside things like gcc I feel it should a proper API from the RTEMS point of view. 2015-07-23T12:00:21 an API for the user? 2015-07-23T12:22:13 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-23T12:23:56 It is about being exported from RTEMS so it is an API so why not acknowledge it. 2015-07-23T12:24:04 A user could use it. 2015-07-23T12:24:07 cya 2015-07-23T13:11:00 *** hesham1 has joined #rtems 2015-07-23T13:17:08 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-07-23T13:17:56 *** antgreen` has joined #rtems 2015-07-23T14:06:40 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-23T14:25:43 *** antgreen` has quit IRC 2015-07-23T15:51:42 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-23T15:57:58 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-23T16:57:19 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-23T18:34:57 [git] 98a41f4 by Sebastian Huber: [arm: Include proper header file] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/98a41f4/rtems 2015-07-23T18:36:20 [git] 2f43241 by Sebastian Huber: [arm: Include proper header file] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/2f43241/rtems 2015-07-23T18:51:07 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-23T19:16:14 *** monstr has quit IRC 2015-07-23T19:25:45 *** krohini has joined #rtems 2015-07-23T19:53:42 *** krohini has quit IRC 2015-07-23T20:15:39 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-23T20:49:52 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2015-07-23T20:50:17 *** jkridner|work has joined #rtems 2015-07-23T20:50:45 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-23T20:51:14 *** jkridner_ has joined #rtems 2015-07-23T20:52:27 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2015-07-23T20:54:24 *** jkridner|work has quit IRC 2015-07-23T21:22:44 *** jkridner_ has quit IRC 2015-07-23T21:37:05 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-23T22:29:21 *** hesham1 has quit IRC 2015-07-23T22:33:23 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2015-07-23T22:38:40 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2015-07-23T23:45:21 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2015-07-24T02:20:46 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-24T02:25:43 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2015-07-24T03:10:26 *** stryx` has quit IRC 2015-07-24T03:11:54 *** stryx`_ has joined #rtems 2015-07-24T04:00:25 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2015-07-24T05:09:10 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2015-07-24T05:55:23 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-24T06:33:04 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-24T07:09:53 [git] 975e191 by Sebastian Huber: [monitor: Remove notepad support] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/975e191/rtems 2015-07-24T07:09:54 [git] 1f19979 by Sebastian Huber: [monitor: Print addresses like identifiers This avoids the "0x0xabc" output and is more compact.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/1f19979/rtems 2015-07-24T07:09:54 [git] 0910e9d by Sebastian Huber: [monitor: Print the wait queue to ease debugging] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/0910e9d/rtems 2015-07-24T07:09:54 [git] d70f530 by Sebastian Huber: [monitor: Add current CPU of thread] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/d70f530/rtems 2015-07-24T07:09:54 [git] 9780fa9 by Sebastian Huber: [monitor: Sort alphabetically] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/9780fa9/rtems 2015-07-24T07:14:13 [git] 9c53910 by Sebastian Huber: [score: Add comment] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/9c53910/rtems 2015-07-24T07:15:48 good morning 2015-07-24T07:55:14 [git] a9153ec by Joel Sherrill: [Initial import Code is based on FreeBSD 8.2 with USB support from Sebastian Huber and Thomas Doerfler. Initial TCP/IP stack work is from Kevel Kirspel.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/a9153ec/rtems-libbsd 2015-07-24T07:55:14 [git] 9bc03ed by Joel Sherrill: [Separate User Path Settings Into New File config.inc This makes the settings available for use in other Makefiles. Specifically when tests are added.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/9bc03ed/rtems-libbsd 2015-07-24T07:55:14 [git] 7e970b1 by Joel Sherrill: [Clean Up Makefile - Remove explicit setting of $PATH - Fix line length issue on install for loop] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/7e970b1/rtems-libbsd 2015-07-24T07:55:14 [git] 1c93086 by Joel Sherrill: [Makefile - Remove include of target.cfg as unneeded] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/1c93086/rtems-libbsd 2015-07-24T07:55:14 [git] d29b3f3 by Joel Sherrill: [rtems_filesystem_default_fpathconf is obsolete in 4.11] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/d29b3f3/rtems-libbsd 2015-07-24T07:55:14 [git] 2e2d441 by Joel Sherrill: [Add testsuite with single linking tests (link01)] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/2e2d441/rtems-libbsd 2015-07-24T07:55:14 [git] a634372 by Joel Sherrill: [Add message about set_sys_init_* needed in BSP linkcmds.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/a634372/rtems-libbsd 2015-07-24T07:55:14 *** rtems-trac has quit IRC 2015-07-24T07:55:22 *** rtems-trac has joined #rtems 2015-07-24T07:58:49 [git] 3cb5e9e by Sebastian Huber: [Update due to header guard changes] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/3cb5e9e/rtems-libbsd 2015-07-24T08:43:29 [git] 07ff2c1 by Sebastian Huber: [rtems-bsd-mutex: Update due to API changes] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/07ff2c1/rtems-libbsd 2015-07-24T08:48:06 [git] f7d9558 by Sebastian Huber: [m68k: Include proper header file] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/f7d9558/rtems 2015-07-24T08:48:45 [git] 3984a0e by Sebastian Huber: [m68k: Include proper header file] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/3984a0e/rtems 2015-07-24T09:05:03 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-24T09:27:49 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-24T11:09:39 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-24T13:25:02 *** peerst has quit IRC 2015-07-24T13:25:12 *** peerst has joined #rtems 2015-07-24T13:35:35 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2015-07-24T13:43:45 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2015-07-24T14:00:27 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-24T14:12:03 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-07-24T15:06:17 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-07-24T15:15:02 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-07-24T15:31:59 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-24T15:59:02 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-24T16:11:14 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-07-24T16:11:14 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-07-24T16:15:58 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-24T16:48:52 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2015-07-24T16:55:11 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-24T16:56:34 *** krohini has joined #rtems 2015-07-24T16:59:25 hi gedare :) 2015-07-24T17:00:36 Is there any function available that allow driver writers to easily busy-wait. Mainly for polling method 2015-07-24T17:04:47 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2015-07-24T17:05:49 hi ketul 2015-07-24T17:09:44 hi 2015-07-24T17:11:20 So gedare I wan asking about any ready made function available for polling method ( Argument would be usec, Timeout, etc. ) 2015-07-24T17:14:05 ketul: while some BSPs may implement a busy-wait function, they do so by spinning the cpu, which is a terrible thing to do in a real-time system. 2015-07-24T17:15:12 ketul: so instead you m ight be able to just use usleep() if microseconds are good enough, that should put the thread to sleep so the scheduler can schedule useful work if it exists. 2015-07-24T17:15:32 that's where I would start anyway 2015-07-24T17:17:16 ya looks good. For real time systems yes spin is not a good choice. 2015-07-24T17:17:50 *** monstr has quit IRC 2015-07-24T17:36:39 gedare: Will it work : http://pastebin.com/snrD7BSs . Am I getting right 1 :) 2015-07-24T17:43:52 i don't know, run it ;) 2015-07-24T17:44:32 i guess milisec is a timeout in millisec 2015-07-24T17:44:40 umm. Just want to ask about the approach 2015-07-24T17:44:53 that logic looks about right, but you probably want to set the status explicitly before returning in case of a timeout 2015-07-24T17:45:22 yup right 2015-07-24T17:46:50 BTW gedare learned about libi2c api available in cpukit/libi2c. as you told in last meeting 2015-07-24T17:47:11 written https://gist.github.com/ketul93/a8cdde82c6d946de1d98 i2c.c about to write :) 2015-07-24T17:49:35 developed keeping in mind that it should work for xM too though currently focusing on black only 2015-07-24T17:50:28 i hope you found /dev/i2c 2015-07-24T17:50:48 and not libchip/libi2c 2015-07-24T17:52:07 gedare: rtems/cpukit/libi2c . README_libi2c is also there 2015-07-24T17:53:03 hmmmm that is the old one 2015-07-24T17:53:18 :( 2015-07-24T17:53:24 if you have done a lot of work and got it working by now or close to it, that is ok and can be submitted 2015-07-24T17:53:35 but, it is vastly preferred that you should work with rtems/cpukit/dev/i2c 2015-07-24T17:54:28 ok. I found also andere's work on the same API too 2015-07-24T17:54:32 so, you can submit the libi2c version, but you should start looking at the other one. 2015-07-24T17:54:40 yes, he is working on the dev/i2c port this summer to replace it 2015-07-24T17:54:51 sorry 2015-07-24T17:55:20 ohhk. np. I will try to have a look at that also. 2015-07-24T18:05:35 gedare: gpio-nxp-pca9535 , switch-nxp-pca9548a are the cool example of working of dev/i2c api. right ? 2015-07-24T18:09:40 *** hesham1 has joined #rtems 2015-07-24T18:25:07 ketul: yeah i think so. 2015-07-24T18:28:37 gedare: ok. But honestly I found libi2c more easy and understandable. I think README file would be added in dev/i2c :) 2015-07-24T18:38:04 ketul: my understanding is it is similar to Linux's so you can probably find documentation 2015-07-24T18:38:29 most of the doc exists in the doxygen of i2c.h i think, and in the implementations 2015-07-24T18:53:20 *** krohini has quit IRC 2015-07-24T19:28:26 ya gedare right. So probably thinking to first implement i2c driver using libi2c api and after testing will move to dev/i2c . That wouldn't be more difficult. So is it a right way ? 2015-07-24T19:51:07 *** igutek1 has joined #rtems 2015-07-24T19:53:30 *** igutek has quit IRC 2015-07-24T19:56:47 *** hesham1 has quit IRC 2015-07-24T19:56:48 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-07-24T20:01:14 ketul: that would be acceptable. 2015-07-24T20:02:20 ok thanks gedare:) 2015-07-24T20:05:55 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-07-24T20:29:25 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2015-07-24T20:35:51 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-24T20:56:43 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-24T21:04:40 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-24T21:05:22 hi guys 2015-07-24T21:05:28 oh, ketul's gone 2015-07-24T21:05:34 oh, so's gedare 2015-07-25T02:11:35 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-25T03:29:58 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-25T05:10:45 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-25T05:12:31 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-25T07:25:08 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-25T13:39:12 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-07-25T15:49:44 *** hesham1 has joined #rtems 2015-07-25T17:55:28 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-25T18:01:22 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-25T18:01:38 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-25T18:14:53 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-25T18:35:01 *** igutek has joined #rtems 2015-07-25T18:37:08 *** igutek1 has quit IRC 2015-07-25T19:00:27 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-07-25T19:03:28 *** hesham1 has quit IRC 2015-07-25T19:28:30 *** igutek1 has joined #rtems 2015-07-25T19:30:57 *** igutek has quit IRC 2015-07-25T19:43:46 *** igutek has joined #rtems 2015-07-25T19:45:35 *** igutek1 has quit IRC 2015-07-25T20:46:23 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2015-07-25T20:46:24 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2015-07-25T20:50:53 *** gedare has quit IRC 2015-07-25T21:45:19 *** sujayraaj has joined #rtems 2015-07-25T21:46:08 kiwichris : Hi 2015-07-25T21:59:08 *** sujayraaj has quit IRC 2015-07-25T23:07:49 *** sujayraaj has joined #rtems 2015-07-25T23:12:49 *** sujayraaj has quit IRC 2015-07-25T23:47:48 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2015-07-26T00:00:13 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2015-07-26T01:15:56 *** sujayraaj has joined #rtems 2015-07-26T01:58:07 *** sujayraaj has quit IRC 2015-07-26T02:51:07 *** edwardk has quit IRC 2015-07-26T02:51:17 *** edwardk has joined #rtems 2015-07-26T03:06:13 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-26T05:30:57 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2015-07-26T05:53:57 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-26T07:34:14 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-26T07:47:32 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-26T10:21:13 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-26T10:59:51 *** edwardk_ has joined #rtems 2015-07-26T11:00:53 *** dr__hous1|away has joined #rtems 2015-07-26T11:01:20 *** fds_ has joined #rtems 2015-07-26T11:04:31 *** edsiper_ has joined #rtems 2015-07-26T11:05:49 *** edwardk has quit IRC 2015-07-26T11:05:51 *** peerst has quit IRC 2015-07-26T11:05:55 *** guerby has quit IRC 2015-07-26T11:05:56 *** edsiper has quit IRC 2015-07-26T11:05:56 *** fds has quit IRC 2015-07-26T11:05:57 *** dr__house|away has quit IRC 2015-07-26T11:07:05 *** edwardk_ is now known as edwardk 2015-07-26T11:13:10 *** peerst has joined #rtems 2015-07-26T11:14:34 *** guerby has joined #rtems 2015-07-26T12:05:26 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-07-26T12:23:09 *** hesham1 has joined #rtems 2015-07-26T12:42:26 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-26T13:04:16 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-07-26T13:10:20 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-07-26T14:52:00 *** hesham1 has quit IRC 2015-07-26T16:37:50 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2015-07-26T16:38:39 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-07-26T16:48:59 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-26T16:49:37 [trac] #2375/defect (new) updated by mdavidsaver (I've created a test program to demonstrate the problem. It can be run in QEMU with ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2375 2015-07-26T16:51:57 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2015-07-26T20:29:17 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-26T23:09:45 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2015-07-26T23:53:25 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems