2015-07-06T04:55:47 *** sujayraaj has joined #rtems 2015-07-06T04:56:56 kiwichris : hi 2015-07-06T05:04:53 sujayraaj, hi 2015-07-06T06:08:52 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-06T06:20:39 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-06T06:26:46 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-06T06:47:45 *** sujayraaj has quit IRC 2015-07-06T06:59:18 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2015-07-06T07:12:09 good morning 2015-07-06T07:16:14 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-06T07:20:22 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-06T07:22:18 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-06T07:49:34 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2015-07-06T10:15:54 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-06T11:05:00 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-06T11:39:20 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-06T14:54:45 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2015-07-06T15:16:12 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-06T15:41:26 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-06T15:50:16 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-06T16:51:37 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-06T18:04:57 *** ita has joined #rtems 2015-07-06T18:06:18 *** ita_ has quit IRC 2015-07-06T18:46:30 *** sujayraaj has joined #rtems 2015-07-06T19:15:05 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-06T19:36:36 *** edwardk has joined #rtems 2015-07-06T19:37:02 verm__: booked for the gsoc mentor summit. skipping last year kinda sucked 2015-07-06T20:24:23 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-06T20:25:18 *** sujayraaj has quit IRC 2015-07-06T20:59:27 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-06T21:01:45 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-06T21:01:52 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-06T21:40:06 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-06T22:01:02 edwardk: i skipped last year, too. i agree it sucked 2015-07-06T22:01:08 not sure what's going on this year i'll let you know 2015-07-06T22:45:21 *** ankur has joined #rtems 2015-07-06T22:45:35 *** ankur has left #rtems 2015-07-06T22:58:37 *** sujayraaj has joined #rtems 2015-07-06T23:03:59 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2015-07-06T23:11:36 *** sujayraaj has quit IRC 2015-07-06T23:45:30 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2015-07-07T02:04:41 *** sujayraaj has joined #rtems 2015-07-07T02:04:55 kiwichris : hi 2015-07-07T02:14:55 sujayraaj, hi 2015-07-07T02:16:04 kiwichris : Because I am traveling today for a bit, I will not be able to do get to do coding till today night. I will still be able to reply to mails. And can resume coding work once I get back home at around 9pm in the night. 2015-07-07T02:18:11 Sure. 2015-07-07T02:18:25 Did you see my email on the kevent issue ? 2015-07-07T02:19:04 Yes, I did. 2015-07-07T02:20:39 Actually, I also tried to get the socketpair system call backed into libbsd ( which could have easily served the purpose ) . But maybe I think my way of doing that was wrong, and it showed the same error it showed for pipe. 2015-07-07T02:21:46 You will need to provide some specific detail for me to know what is happening. 2015-07-07T02:25:21 Well, it may be a bit naive approach, I just enabled the system call in libbsd ( earlier it was enveloped in #ifndef __rtems__ ) to ( #ifdef __rtems__) in libbsd-code. Then I started building libbsd and piece by piece I cleared the errors by defining the missing definition, until libbsd built successfully. 2015-07-07T02:34:32 kiwichris : I will fork rtems-libbsd in git tonight and put in the patch for you to see if the method was correct. 2015-07-07T02:35:08 Ok 2015-07-07T02:36:47 *** sujayraaj has quit IRC 2015-07-07T02:43:26 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-07T04:03:38 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-07T04:59:45 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2015-07-07T05:33:50 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-07T05:42:22 [trac] GSoC/2015 edited by gadia (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/2015 2015-07-07T06:17:51 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-07T06:40:46 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-07T06:50:47 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-07T07:35:06 [git] 8a7660c by Sebastian Huber: [rtems4.11: Use GCC 4.9.3] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/8a7660c/rtems-source-builder 2015-07-07T07:35:07 [git] fba2549 by Sebastian Huber: [rtems4.11: OpenMP support for ARM, PowerPC, SPARC] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/fba2549/rtems-source-builder 2015-07-07T07:38:02 [trac] #2274/enhancement (accepted) updated by sebastian.huber (OpenMP using the POSIX configuration is available in GCC 4.9.3 and later. It is ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2274 2015-07-07T07:54:47 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-07T07:55:59 [trac] libgomp-parallel-bench-posix-malloc.png () attached to #2274 by sebastian.huber http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2274 2015-07-07T07:59:33 [trac] #2274/enhancement (accepted) updated by sebastian.huber (The microbenchmark posted here ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2274 2015-07-07T08:02:59 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2015-07-07T08:30:33 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-07T09:10:30 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-07T09:11:17 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-07T10:14:06 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-07T11:26:06 *** yangqiao has joined #rtems 2015-07-07T11:30:08 [trac] GSoC/2015 edited by yangqiao (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/2015 2015-07-07T11:31:18 [trac] GSoC/2015 edited by yangqiao (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/2015 2015-07-07T11:55:45 *** yangqiao has quit IRC 2015-07-07T13:49:55 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2015-07-07T14:00:53 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-07-07T14:43:05 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2015-07-07T14:45:12 *** EdSut has joined #rtems 2015-07-07T14:49:29 hi all 2015-07-07T14:49:42 oh, no meeting 2015-07-07T14:49:46 just remembered 2015-07-07T14:49:48 hi all anyway 2015-07-07T14:51:18 Hey ben! There's no meeting today? 2015-07-07T15:07:34 Ok, I guess not! :-( Bye! 2015-07-07T15:07:40 *** EdSut has quit IRC 2015-07-07T15:13:50 *** dougk_ has quit IRC 2015-07-07T15:22:02 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-07-07T15:25:35 *** dougk_ has joined #rtems 2015-07-07T15:28:25 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2015-07-07T15:28:26 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2015-07-07T15:28:26 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2015-07-07T16:08:38 *** giusef has joined #rtems 2015-07-07T16:22:12 *** giusef has quit IRC 2015-07-07T16:37:01 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-07T17:01:22 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-07T17:13:21 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2015-07-07T18:42:28 hello beng-nl . 2015-07-07T18:51:12 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2015-07-07T19:01:58 hi all 2015-07-07T19:02:06 hi ketul 2015-07-07T19:03:30 hi beng-nl. Enjoyed this week as kind of vacation. Now want to concentrate on work :) 2015-07-07T19:04:09 ketul: good, an congratulations for passing the midterm! 2015-07-07T19:04:33 beng-nl: yep. Thanks for that. 2015-07-07T19:04:59 I think all the students are passed :). Great 2015-07-07T19:05:03 indeed :_) 2015-07-07T19:05:07 indeed :-) 2015-07-07T19:05:24 ketul: how did the gpio code review go btw? i haven't checked lately 2015-07-07T19:06:01 beng-nl: didn't get as expected. But gedare suggested to use andrew's api 2015-07-07T19:06:23 *** antgreen` has joined #rtems 2015-07-07T19:07:04 aha 2015-07-07T19:07:17 ketul: what do you think? 2015-07-07T19:08:01 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2015-07-07T19:09:12 beng-nl: I think it can be merged as of now if you agree. Later on we can change like merging with Andre's API. Is it right. What about your thoughts on that ? 2015-07-07T19:09:45 i think that is a good idea 2015-07-07T19:10:19 then are you already working on merging the API? 2015-07-07T19:10:50 nop not as of now. currently understanding I2C from TRM 2015-07-07T19:10:58 aha 2015-07-07T19:11:02 okay 2015-07-07T19:11:20 we do need to reserve time to merge the gpio api though, otherwise that work is half-done 2015-07-07T19:11:22 I mean I can if it is needed for GPIO. 2015-07-07T19:12:03 yep sure but review delay is too much so thought to read for future implementation. :) 2015-07-07T19:13:04 you're not getting much response you mean? 2015-07-07T19:13:23 yep kind of. 2015-07-07T19:13:26 okay 2015-07-07T19:13:42 what you do suggest for GPIO ? 2015-07-07T19:14:00 once i have a little time i will do a final test & review and merge if people on -devel don't object 2015-07-07T19:14:20 is Andre's API (implementation) merged already? 2015-07-07T19:14:47 I don't think so. No mail on devel seen 2015-07-07T19:14:59 i'll email him 2015-07-07T19:15:24 ok thats good. 2015-07-07T19:15:49 and beng-nl want to be detailed on ADC too 2015-07-07T19:16:20 What about TSC and all. Gedare suggested me to do chat with you about ADC_TSC 2015-07-07T19:18:00 oh, the touchscreen 2015-07-07T19:18:03 ok, what about it? 2015-07-07T19:19:05 I mean is it good to implement touchscreen driver. for rtems. 2015-07-07T19:19:54 I mean should we give priority to that. ? 2015-07-07T19:21:13 aha 2015-07-07T19:21:26 that sounds great, but also a lot of work 2015-07-07T19:21:36 is it realistic? 2015-07-07T19:22:46 yep same I thought. yes I think it can work. But it may take a long time. Don't know exactly 2015-07-07T19:22:59 that is a bit of a problem 2015-07-07T19:23:21 if it's not finished by the end of gsoc, the risk is very big the work is wasted (abandoned & never merged) 2015-07-07T19:23:32 if it is realistic, it may be worth a gamble 2015-07-07T19:24:02 perhaps try and find an implementation somewhere else to judge how much work it is? perhaps even re-use some code? 2015-07-07T19:24:26 hmm good point. we can check with free-bsd codes 2015-07-07T19:24:27 remember, gpio is pretty simple and that was quite some work so far and still isn't merged :) 2015-07-07T19:24:35 :) 2015-07-07T19:24:49 we could let the other mentors weigh in 2015-07-07T19:24:57 but i think it's too risky :( even though i love the idea 2015-07-07T19:25:54 hmm. I do understand :(. ok then I think TSC we can work after GSoC if possible 2015-07-07T19:27:42 i'm sorry to disappoint you :( 2015-07-07T19:27:52 because the most important thing is that you are motivated & happy with the project 2015-07-07T19:28:00 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-07T19:28:04 but tsc is likely too big 2015-07-07T19:28:05 :( 2015-07-07T19:28:54 beng-nl: it's okay. I do find other tasks also challenging like I2C and ADC :D 2015-07-07T19:30:32 beng-nl: And yahh always you motivated me. That worked really great for me. 2015-07-07T19:31:53 ketul: nice to hear that! and i'm always sincere (real) :) 2015-07-07T19:33:02 :) . 2015-07-07T19:33:27 beng-nl: For GPIO the test case can't be merged. right ? BSP specific 2015-07-07T19:33:43 yeah let's not do that 2015-07-07T19:33:47 very good of you to make a test case though 2015-07-07T19:33:56 what did gedare say again? examples-v2? 2015-07-07T19:34:02 i.e. somewhere else in the tree? 2015-07-07T19:34:13 let me fetch his mail 2015-07-07T19:35:02 "Try to figure out how to make the sample not be BSP (BBB)-specific. If 2015-07-07T19:35:02 you can't then instead this should probably go into examples-v2 and 2015-07-07T19:35:02 use a similar model as the LED example there. Speaking of which, 2015-07-07T19:35:02 perhaps the LED example should be extended to be supported on the BBB?" 2015-07-07T19:35:31 aha, examples-v2 2015-07-07T19:35:37 if we can put it there then great 2015-07-07T19:35:51 yep . 2015-07-07T19:36:08 rtems repo? or different repo? 2015-07-07T19:36:29 https://github.com/RTEMS/examples-v2 Is it? 2015-07-07T19:37:00 aha yes 2015-07-07T19:37:40 can there be bsp specific code merged ? 2015-07-07T19:38:25 apparently :-) 2015-07-07T19:38:30 if gedare suggested it.. 2015-07-07T19:39:06 aha, led/ 2015-07-07T19:39:32 ya I am on led.h 2015-07-07T19:40:04 aha, yes, you can add a BBB case there, nice :-) 2015-07-07T19:41:55 yep. 2015-07-07T19:42:12 ketul: hey you know what would be perfect.. 2015-07-07T19:43:04 add your LED_ON / LED_OFF code to led.h for the BBB 2015-07-07T19:43:16 then all the examples should work with the BBB (just one led though.. bummer) 2015-07-07T19:43:36 and then also add your sample program 2015-07-07T19:43:45 not sure if it can be bbb-specific :-) 2015-07-07T19:44:00 hmm. That would be fine. sample prog where ? 2015-07-07T19:44:37 examples-v2/led/ketulprogram 2015-07-07T19:45:49 aha. But what about header files. like beagleboneblack.h 2015-07-07T19:46:35 so that is not required. Only examples here 2015-07-07T19:49:55 beng-nl: OK got. So example-v2 would be the great place to place our code samples. 2015-07-07T19:50:07 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-07T19:50:17 I think RTC sample should be added to :) 2015-07-07T19:51:11 too* 2015-07-07T19:51:58 yes! 2015-07-07T19:52:00 indeed 2015-07-07T19:54:44 but beng-nl don't know how to deal with example-v2. should it be complied and how ? I think waf is needed too 2015-07-07T19:56:48 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-07T19:57:00 set RTEMS_MAKEFILE_PATH to where the RTEMS Makefile.inc is within the RTEMS prefix; then make in the application dir 2015-07-07T19:57:06 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-07T19:57:21 so it's just like with the samples in the RTEMS tree but outside the tree.. 2015-07-07T19:57:28 you have to tell it where to find the rest of the RTEMS binaries 2015-07-07T19:58:55 Okay ! 2015-07-07T20:01:34 beng-nl: did you find any test case for RPi. ? I can see BCM2835 in led.h 2015-07-07T20:02:12 looks like it yes! 2015-07-07T20:10:25 beng-nl: in https://github.com/RTEMS/examples-v2/tree/master/led I don't find any bsp specific test case except led.h 2015-07-07T20:10:34 yeah indeed 2015-07-07T20:10:57 So I think we can't add file like led/myprog 2015-07-07T20:11:05 yeah i see what you mean 2015-07-07T20:11:19 i was thinking to turn your example into bsp-general though 2015-07-07T20:11:25 so it uses LED_ON and LED_OFF too 2015-07-07T20:11:59 ohh 2015-07-07T20:12:05 and in the case where it's compiled for the BBB, also #define LED_ON_BBB1, BBB2 etc 2015-07-07T20:12:10 and then #ifdef LED_ON_BBB1 in your program 2015-07-07T20:12:20 so it does a big test on BBB and a boring test on other, more boring devices ;-) 2015-07-07T20:12:30 see what i mena? 2015-07-07T20:12:32 mean? 2015-07-07T20:12:46 Yep I see 2015-07-07T20:12:52 cool 2015-07-07T20:12:55 sounds good, 2015-07-07T20:13:02 that led.h is pretty messy huh 2015-07-07T20:13:07 all that device-specific stuff in there 2015-07-07T20:13:12 that should be in a bsp :) 2015-07-07T20:13:23 Ya +1 2015-07-07T20:14:07 :) 2015-07-07T20:14:32 but I think first I should update led.h (after gpio code merged) then we can suggest to community to do so :) 2015-07-07T20:14:41 okay, sure 2015-07-07T20:14:42 good idea 2015-07-07T20:15:12 * DrJoel has been here but distracted. :) 2015-07-07T20:15:24 why hello DrJoel :) 2015-07-07T20:15:35 did anyone else notice the email traffic about the Pi clock driver not honoring microseconds per tick? :( 2015-07-07T20:15:37 DrJoel: we're having a micromeeting 2015-07-07T20:15:51 :) 2015-07-07T20:17:15 DrJoel: I do remember andre pointed out some problems with clock driv in RPi 2015-07-07T20:18:33 :) I heard the beeps :) 2015-07-07T20:19:26 DrJoel: btw ketul & i were discussing a touchscreen implementation in the 2nd half of GSOC 2015-07-07T20:20:11 DrJoel: he's motivated to do it, which i love! but in my judgement it's too big for the 2nd half and the risk the partial work will be wasted. so i advised against it. as comentor, what do you think? 2015-07-07T20:20:21 risk is* 2015-07-07T20:20:58 DrJoel: yes what is your opinion :) 2015-07-07T20:22:38 What's the set of alternative tasks? 2015-07-07T20:22:49 good question.. 2015-07-07T20:23:05 there is some gpio work remaining (api merge + possibly remaining gpio functionality) 2015-07-07T20:23:11 i2c 2015-07-07T20:23:12 I2C is the next target 2015-07-07T20:23:15 It sounds very cool though. That would let us put a touch screen on a Pi and run the microwindows demos directly? 2015-07-07T20:23:33 DrJoel: a BBB! *rivalry-grumble* ;-) 2015-07-07T20:23:40 :D 2015-07-07T20:32:03 beng-nl: Can we use freebsd drivers ? 2015-07-07T20:32:09 yes! 2015-07-07T20:32:12 https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd/tree/master/sys/arm/ti/am335x 2015-07-07T20:32:15 well.. license-wise, yes 2015-07-07T20:32:21 work-wise, it may be a lot :-) 2015-07-07T20:32:32 but don't know how to use it in rtems 2015-07-07T20:32:40 I mean may be tough 2015-07-07T20:33:17 is the touch screen there..? 2015-07-07T20:33:21 i don't see it 2015-07-07T20:34:35 aha, lcd only 2015-07-07T20:35:27 yep. Don't think so it can help :) 2015-07-07T20:48:44 well.. lcd would be cool too! 2015-07-07T20:51:30 so it is through hdmi 2015-07-07T20:51:36 i see 2015-07-07T20:56:51 Sorry for the wrong board. 2015-07-07T20:57:01 Do the graphics work yet as a baseline? 2015-07-07T20:57:27 ;-) 2015-07-07T20:57:32 DrJoel: no.. 2015-07-07T20:57:45 and sorry for the distraction. I am supposed to be in Hastings two weeks from yesterday and my trip request had disappeared according to the company we are working for. :( 2015-07-07T20:58:01 No graphis is a challenge by itself :( 2015-07-07T20:58:13 DrJoel: no problem, you have a lot of rtems-and-otherwise on your plate 2015-07-07T20:58:37 I am prone to lean toward doing IO first since most RTEMS users want embedded controllers more than graphics. But if you wrap it up quickly, you could tackle it. 2015-07-07T20:58:55 It would be very cool to demo 2015-07-07T20:59:18 FWIW the BB and Pi are going to be very nice to show people real stuff working on. The BB has more IO and thus more options 2015-07-07T21:02:11 [git] e77f625 by Jan Sommer: [RaspberryPi: Use rtems_configuration_get_microseconds_per_tick to set clock counter timer interrupt was hard coded to 10 ms per tick. Fix uses the setting of CONFIGURE_MICROSECONDS_PER_TICK to compute the correct start value for the counter See for more information: 2015-07-07T21:02:11 http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.os.rtems.user/22691] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/e77f625/rtems 2015-07-07T21:02:56 BB is more hot for devels compare to Pi. :) 2015-07-07T21:03:10 DrJoel: nice to hear :) 2015-07-07T21:03:19 DrJoel: ok, IO it is 2015-07-07T21:03:22 ketul: ok, IO it is 2015-07-07T21:07:06 I think it is a reflection of what RTEMS users really do. More control than graphics. 2015-07-07T21:13:25 so beng-nl next task would be I2C right. Putting lcd or tsc on hold :) 2015-07-07T21:14:25 DrJoel: yep, that's good input (no pun intended) 2015-07-07T21:16:24 :) 2015-07-07T21:18:22 so beng-nl and DrJoel good time (~3 a.m.) to say you guyz bye :) 2015-07-07T21:32:53 good night 2015-07-07T21:33:01 ok goodnight ketul :) 2015-07-07T21:33:31 i'm testing an app some friends of mine are making 2015-07-07T21:34:02 they are: http://www.dancetrippin.tv/ - their business model is to go to dance parties and make videos with recorded music etc 2015-07-07T21:34:31 Sounds like a great way to make some money and party at the same time. :) 2015-07-07T21:34:31 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-07T21:34:41 the music isn't exactly my taste and the business has been limping along for ages. but i'm impressed with their gumption so i support them of course 2015-07-07T21:34:42 I need to get paid to review craft beers. :) 2015-07-07T21:34:54 +1 2015-07-07T21:35:19 so i wrote a pretty detailed review of my experience with the android app.. 2015-07-07T21:35:21 e.g. 2015-07-07T21:35:25 "Hm, while typing I had some music playing and the app exited (no report/diagnostic dialog box) after 30 seconds or so of music playing" 2015-07-07T21:35:28 and 2015-07-07T21:35:30 ended with 2015-07-07T21:35:36 "Another problem is I couldn't find a way to make the music good." 2015-07-07T21:35:43 haha, so, i'm amusing myself ;-) 2015-07-07T21:36:01 lol 2015-07-07T21:36:25 i think i deserved a little joke at thier expense after the long review ;-) 2015-07-07T21:36:28 their* 2015-07-07T21:36:32 *** antgreen` has quit IRC 2015-07-07T21:37:04 I am tracking an Android Wear issue with K9 email client. I can almost delete email from my watch. The confirmation dialog box pops up on the phone. They are working on it. 2015-07-07T21:39:46 haha 2015-07-07T21:39:56 as all this stuff gets more advanced, the bugs get weirder :-) 2015-07-07T21:43:24 Yep. :) 2015-07-08T00:21:08 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2015-07-08T02:53:15 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-08T03:48:19 *** sujayraaj has joined #rtems 2015-07-08T03:54:04 kiwichris : hi 2015-07-08T03:54:34 sujayraaj, ho 2015-07-08T03:54:36 hi 2015-07-08T03:56:18 I read and understood your yesterday's mail pretty well. But which one of the options should we choose ? 2015-07-08T03:59:47 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2015-07-08T04:25:48 *** sujayraaj has quit IRC 2015-07-08T06:07:03 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-08T07:30:39 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-07-08T07:41:07 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2015-07-08T07:47:51 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-08T07:50:50 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-08T08:06:31 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-08T08:07:43 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-08T08:11:53 [git] 4c68431 by Sebastian Huber: [powerpc: Add BUCSR register defines] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/4c68431/rtems 2015-07-08T08:11:53 [git] 994d7e1 by Sebastian Huber: [bsp/qoriq: Use -O2 for T series] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/994d7e1/rtems 2015-07-08T08:11:53 [git] 3e02a47 by Sebastian Huber: [bsp/qoriq: Enable branch prediction for T series] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/3e02a47/rtems 2015-07-08T08:11:53 [git] b171982 by Sebastian Huber: [bsps/powerpc: Provide debug and trace symbols] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/b171982/rtems 2015-07-08T08:11:53 [git] b9a7dc3 by Sebastian Huber: [doc: Clarify SMP configuration defines] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/b9a7dc3/rtems 2015-07-08T08:11:53 [git] 8406d94 by Sebastian Huber: [libmisc: Use SMP application by default on SMP] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/8406d94/rtems 2015-07-08T08:30:40 [trac] #2274/enhancement (accepted) updated by sebastian.huber (The results of the microbenchmark obtained on a T4240 with using only two processors ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2274 2015-07-08T08:36:17 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-07-08T08:36:41 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2015-07-08T09:10:08 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2015-07-08T09:31:40 hello all. 2015-07-08T09:32:14 Is it good IC for testing I2C. http://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/data-sheets/ADXL345.pdf 2015-07-08T10:41:49 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-08T11:22:46 *** zoso has quit IRC 2015-07-08T12:11:38 *** leyyin has joined #rtems 2015-07-08T13:55:19 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-07-08T15:38:05 *** ragunath has joined #rtems 2015-07-08T15:38:29 DrJoel:hi 2015-07-08T15:38:51 does rtems support any of the cubieboard/cubietruck boards? 2015-07-08T15:40:22 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2015-07-08T16:04:16 I guess not since I don't know those boards. 2015-07-08T16:06:53 Looking at them, it shouldn't be terribly difficult to support them. Just a BSP cobbling together other pieces likely. 2015-07-08T16:08:19 oh ok .. they have allwinner A20 soc's 2015-07-08T16:17:31 Yeah.. I don't think we have any allwinner CPU support yet beyond the basic ARM support. Mostly peripherals. SHouldn't take too long though 2015-07-08T16:18:55 is there any plan to run RTEMS on xen? 2015-07-08T16:19:17 these A20 soc's support virtualiation extensions 2015-07-08T16:19:28 thats why I asked 2015-07-08T16:20:30 Plans are made by users interested in doing things. :) 2015-07-08T16:20:43 Supporting more paravirtualization would be a good thing 2015-07-08T16:21:03 I am also interested in that 2015-07-08T16:21:28 recently there is xen on ARM port mainly they are using cubieboard 2015-07-08T16:21:41 I also saw FreeRTOS ported to xen ARM 2015-07-08T16:23:30 That is a misnamed RTOS. :) 2015-07-08T16:23:41 If someone wanted to tackle it, it would be encouraged. 2015-07-08T16:23:51 :) 2015-07-08T16:24:12 i was exploring the details 2015-07-08T16:24:29 for intel, we need x86_64 support :( 2015-07-08T16:25:04 *** leyyin has left #rtems 2015-07-08T16:27:17 Does RTEMS support x86_64? 2015-07-08T16:28:45 Not yet. You are writing more open projects. Perhaps you should add them :) 2015-07-08T16:29:05 :) 2015-07-08T16:29:47 I was exploring the possibilities found that both the required BSP is not available at the moment 2015-07-08T16:30:03 * feeling sad 2015-07-08T16:45:38 +1 2015-07-08T17:07:50 *** ragunath has quit IRC 2015-07-08T17:49:26 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-08T17:55:19 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-08T17:57:15 hi DrJoel 2015-07-08T18:00:28 hello ketul. What's up? 2015-07-08T18:03:14 All ok. Monsoon started here :p . In summer of code program 2015-07-08T18:04:00 DrJoel: I was asking about IC for testing I2C. So I can manage to buy :) 2015-07-08T18:08:13 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2015-07-08T18:08:19 *** jkridner|work has joined #rtems 2015-07-08T18:35:48 *** hermann_19829_ has joined #rtems 2015-07-08T18:56:37 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-07-08T19:42:28 *** hermann_19829_ has quit IRC 2015-07-08T19:53:37 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-08T20:30:38 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-08T20:31:17 :-) 2015-07-08T20:31:37 DrJoel: ketul is gone it seems. i'll mail him, i think there are on-board i2c sources. i hope. 2015-07-08T21:03:05 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-08T21:15:43 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2015-07-08T21:16:56 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2015-07-08T21:38:43 *** kiwichri_ has joined #rtems 2015-07-08T21:42:10 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2015-07-08T23:27:56 [git] 220ee4b by Jarielle Catbagan: [BBB: Build a uMon image with a Configuration header and a GP header prepended.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/220ee4b/umon 2015-07-08T23:27:56 [git] 2945559 by Jarielle Catbagan: [BBB: Add sd_setup.sh to create a bootable SD and README to document SD and UART booting sd_setup.sh is a script that automates the process of setting up an SD card with the appropriate uMon image to boot using either "raw" or FAT mode. README currently documents the steps required to boot the Beaglebone Black from an SD 2015-07-08T23:27:56 card or via UART.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/2945559/umon 2015-07-08T23:27:56 [git] 812918d by Ed Sutter: [add sync to script to guarantee sd write completes, also missing '1' in fdisk] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/812918d/umon 2015-07-09T00:08:12 *** sirfranklin has quit IRC 2015-07-09T00:20:12 *** sirfranklin has joined #rtems 2015-07-09T00:54:39 [trac] #2369/defect (v:4.11) created by nick.withers ([PowerPC Book E] Invalid mftb instruction in _CPU_Counter_read()) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2369 2015-07-09T02:03:39 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-09T05:00:27 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2015-07-09T05:51:58 [trac] #2369/defect (new) updated by sebastian.huber (We have: static inline CPU_Counter_ticks _CPU_Counter_read( void ) { ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2369 2015-07-09T06:14:47 [trac] #2369/defect (new) updated by nick.withers (Replying to [comment:1 sebastian.huber]: > The ppc8540 is the multilib intended for ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2369 2015-07-09T06:15:23 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-09T06:22:58 [trac] #2369/defect (new) updated by sebastian.huber (A BSP for the e500 should use the "-mcpu=8540 -meabi -msdata=sysv -fno-common" ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2369 2015-07-09T07:00:01 *** mkhoory-3 has joined #rtems 2015-07-09T07:02:12 *** mkhoory-2 has quit IRC 2015-07-09T07:39:43 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-07-09T07:48:30 [trac] #2369/defect (new) updated by nick.withers (Replying to [comment:3 sebastian.huber]: > A BSP for the e500 should use the ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2369 2015-07-09T08:00:47 [trac] #2369/defect (new) updated by Sebastian Huber (In [changeset:"c2596dfbd02f783e6a88c98a5dbf325874e755cb/rtems"]: {{{ ...) http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/2369 2015-07-09T08:00:47 [git] c2596df by Sebastian Huber: [bsps/powerpc: Fix small-data area issue Update #2369.] http://devel.rtems.org/changeset/c2596df/rtems 2015-07-09T08:38:09 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-09T09:06:12 *** mkhoory-3 has quit IRC 2015-07-09T09:06:23 *** mkhoory-3 has joined #rtems 2015-07-09T09:11:21 *** mkhoory-3 has quit IRC 2015-07-09T09:15:54 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2015-07-09T09:20:57 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2015-07-09T09:23:41 *** indy1 has joined #rtems 2015-07-09T09:24:31 Hi lads, I have problem suing errno in RTEMS. Anyone knows around this issue? 2015-07-09T09:45:37 is this run by topic only? 2015-07-09T09:52:42 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2015-07-09T10:36:11 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-09T11:19:04 *** indy1 has left #rtems 2015-07-09T12:34:02 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2015-07-09T14:02:14 *** igutek has quit IRC 2015-07-09T14:03:18 *** igutek has joined #rtems 2015-07-09T15:13:04 hi all 2015-07-09T16:00:15 hello beng-nl :) 2015-07-09T16:00:19 hi ketul 2015-07-09T16:00:56 just seen your mail 2015-07-09T16:10:10 *** jkridner|work is now known as jkridner 2015-07-09T16:22:21 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-09T16:41:41 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-09T16:47:19 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2015-07-09T17:30:49 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-09T18:52:23 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2015-07-09T20:01:09 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-07-09T20:22:04 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-09T20:45:30 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-09T20:53:40 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2015-07-09T21:26:00 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-09T21:50:30 *** kiwichri_ has quit IRC 2015-07-09T22:52:41 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2015-07-10T01:55:55 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2015-07-10T02:15:57 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-10T06:21:12 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-10T06:58:38 *** crazy3k has joined #rtems 2015-07-10T07:10:33 [trac] GSoC/2015 edited by jrcatbagan (Added status update for July 7, 2015) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/2015 2015-07-10T07:14:24 *** hermann_19829 has joined #rtems 2015-07-10T07:19:52 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2015-07-10T07:19:58 *** kiwichri_ has joined #rtems 2015-07-10T07:22:14 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-10T07:34:54 hi all 2015-07-10T07:57:56 *** kiwichri_ has quit IRC 2015-07-10T08:35:34 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2015-07-10T08:46:25 *** kiwichri_ has joined #rtems 2015-07-10T08:46:35 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2015-07-10T09:08:47 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-10T09:10:02 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-10T09:49:35 *** kiwichri_ has quit IRC 2015-07-10T10:07:05 *** crazy3k has quit IRC 2015-07-10T11:24:01 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-10T11:44:42 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-10T13:01:49 [trac] SOCIS/2015/CoverageAnalysis edited by hermann19829 (empty comment) http://devel.rtems.org/wiki/SOCIS/2015/CoverageAnalysis 2015-07-10T13:07:29 [trac] report.html (Coverage Report for PC386 CPU running the test suites: fstests, libtests, psxtests, psxtmtests, rhealstone, sptests, samples, tmtests, with an overall size of 86 tests.) attached to #SOCIS/2015/CoverageAnalysis by hermann19829 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/SOCIS/2015/CoverageAnalysis 2015-07-10T13:21:00 [trac] report.html (Coverage Report for PC386 CPU running the test suites: fstests, libtests, psxtests, psxtmtests, rhealstone, sptests, samples, tmtests, with an overall size of 86 tests.) deleted from #SOCIS/2015/CoverageAnalysis by hermann19829 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/SOCIS/2015/CoverageAnalysis 2015-07-10T13:21:01 [trac] report.html (Coverage Report for PC386 CPU running the test suites: fstests, libtests, psxtests, psxtmtests, rhealstone, sptests, samples, tmtests, with an overall size of 86 tests.) attached to #SOCIS/2015/CoverageAnalysis by hermann19829 http://devel.rtems.org/ticket/SOCIS/2015/CoverageAnalysis 2015-07-10T13:26:57 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-07-10T14:12:28 *** hermann_19829 has quit IRC 2015-07-10T17:23:58 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-10T18:10:35 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2015-07-10T18:28:10 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2015-07-10T19:15:04 *** hermann_19829 has joined #rtems 2015-07-10T19:25:56 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-10T19:38:44 *** jkridner has joined #rtems 2015-07-10T19:43:10 *** jkridner has quit IRC 2015-07-10T20:08:11 hi beng-nl :) 2015-07-10T20:14:41 *** hermann_19829 has quit IRC 2015-07-10T20:21:02 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-10T20:52:26 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-10T21:26:05 *** dougk_ has quit IRC 2015-07-10T21:29:47 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-07-10T22:29:45 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-10T22:57:26 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2015-07-11T00:26:15 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-11T01:14:57 *** crazy3k has joined #rtems 2015-07-11T02:24:50 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-11T03:17:15 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-11T05:30:45 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2015-07-11T05:45:29 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-11T06:59:19 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-11T07:39:04 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-11T07:43:42 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-11T09:05:06 won't anybody think or the patches in the queue? :-) 2015-07-11T10:46:02 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-07-11T18:45:55 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-11T18:53:02 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-07-11T19:21:49 *** krohini has joined #rtems 2015-07-11T20:02:21 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-11T20:50:00 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-11T21:42:12 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2015-07-11T21:51:39 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2015-07-11T21:59:04 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-11T22:14:41 *** ita has quit IRC 2015-07-11T22:14:41 *** ita has joined #rtems 2015-07-11T23:38:55 *** igutek has quit IRC 2015-07-11T23:39:23 *** igutek has joined #rtems 2015-07-11T23:54:02 ita: which patches? 2015-07-11T23:55:05 verm__: wrong channel sorry 2015-07-11T23:55:15 oh. :) 2015-07-12T02:30:12 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2015-07-12T04:08:35 *** crazy3k has quit IRC 2015-07-12T05:35:30 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2015-07-12T05:37:26 *** mkhoory has joined #rtems 2015-07-12T06:05:59 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-12T06:52:21 *** mkhoory-2 has joined #rtems 2015-07-12T06:54:17 *** mkhoory has quit IRC 2015-07-12T07:17:15 *** ketul has joined #rtems 2015-07-12T08:26:09 *** mkhoory has joined #rtems 2015-07-12T08:26:09 *** mkhoory-2 has quit IRC 2015-07-12T08:28:55 *** mkhoory-2 has joined #rtems 2015-07-12T08:28:56 *** mkhoory has quit IRC 2015-07-12T08:32:12 *** mkhoory-2 has quit IRC 2015-07-12T08:35:12 *** mkhoory has joined #rtems 2015-07-12T08:41:04 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-12T08:46:45 *** cdesai has quit IRC 2015-07-12T10:24:41 *** hesham has joined #rtems 2015-07-12T13:13:02 *** cdesai_ has joined #rtems 2015-07-12T13:13:50 *** cdesai_ is now known as cdesai 2015-07-12T14:44:03 *** mumptai has joined #rtems 2015-07-12T15:16:34 *** ketul has quit IRC 2015-07-12T18:40:35 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems 2015-07-12T18:50:21 *** hesham has quit IRC 2015-07-12T21:26:28 *** Davidbrcz has quit IRC 2015-07-12T21:55:03 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2015-07-12T21:55:46 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2015-07-12T21:58:34 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2015-07-12T22:25:07 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2015-07-12T22:29:33 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2015-07-12T22:41:38 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2015-07-12T22:50:53 *** mumptai has quit IRC 2015-07-12T23:31:07 *** Davidbrcz has joined #rtems