2014-11-03T00:12:54 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2014-11-03T00:19:31 *** kiwichri_ has quit IRC () 2014-11-03T01:11:11 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-11-03T05:32:05 *** atgreen has joined #rtems 2014-11-03T05:43:16 *** apg has joined #rtems 2014-11-03T05:55:32 *** apg has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2014-11-03T06:00:44 *** apg has joined #rtems 2014-11-03T06:25:29 *** apg has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2014-11-03T07:20:26 *** verm__ has quit IRC (Changing host) 2014-11-03T07:20:26 *** verm__ has joined #rtems 2014-11-03T07:28:41 *** atgreen has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-11-03T10:07:47 *** cdesai has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-11-03T10:10:03 *** cdesai has joined #rtems 2014-11-03T11:42:43 *** monstr has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-11-03T12:41:47 *** atgreen has joined #rtems 2014-11-03T12:58:12 *** gigetoo has joined #rtems 2014-11-03T18:29:23 *** mkhoory has joined #rtems 2014-11-03T23:34:51 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2014-11-04T00:29:52 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-11-04T00:30:27 *** zoso has quit IRC (Max SendQ exceeded) 2014-11-04T00:30:59 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-11-04T00:31:51 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-11-04T00:32:42 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-11-04T00:33:29 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-11-04T02:25:12 *** zoso has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 2014-11-04T02:38:08 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-11-04T03:06:52 *** mkhoory has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2014-11-04T03:25:08 *** apg has joined #rtems 2014-11-04T03:33:42 *** apg has quit IRC (Quit: apg) 2014-11-04T08:05:57 *** atgreen has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-11-04T09:24:58 *** zoso has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2014-11-04T09:57:16 *** atgreen has joined #rtems 2014-11-04T10:01:57 *** apg has joined #rtems 2014-11-04T10:48:43 *** atgreen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2014-11-04T11:19:35 *** apg has quit IRC (Quit: apg) 2014-11-04T12:02:49 *** apg has joined #rtems 2014-11-04T12:07:35 *** notbmatt has quit IRC (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.sourceforge.net) 2014-11-04T12:09:10 *** notbmatt has joined #rtems 2014-11-04T12:14:53 *** apg has quit IRC (Quit: apg) 2014-11-04T15:03:19 *** kiwichris has quit IRC () 2014-11-04T15:18:35 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-11-04T20:09:45 *** apg has joined #rtems 2014-11-04T20:21:18 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2014-11-04T21:14:16 *** apg has quit IRC (Quit: apg) 2014-11-04T21:36:26 *** kiwichris has quit IRC () 2014-11-04T21:36:42 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-11-04T22:12:56 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-11-04T23:44:22 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-11-04T23:56:39 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2014-11-05T04:33:23 *** apg has joined #rtems 2014-11-05T04:35:19 *** apg has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2014-11-05T09:05:45 *** zoso has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2014-11-05T09:07:19 *** gigetoo has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2014-11-05T09:09:13 *** gigetoo has joined #rtems 2014-11-05T09:20:12 *** cdesai has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2014-11-05T09:20:41 *** cdesai has joined #rtems 2014-11-05T09:42:23 *** apg has joined #rtems 2014-11-05T09:46:30 *** apg has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2014-11-05T10:08:17 *** stryx` has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2014-11-05T10:09:59 *** apg has joined #rtems 2014-11-05T10:16:02 *** stryx`_ has joined #rtems 2014-11-05T10:25:23 *** atgreen has joined #rtems 2014-11-05T11:18:38 *** atgreen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2014-11-05T12:45:48 *** apg has quit IRC (Quit: apg) 2014-11-05T14:49:55 *** kiwichris has quit IRC () 2014-11-05T15:04:36 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-11-05T16:33:41 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2014-11-05T16:33:41 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2014-11-05T16:33:41 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2014-11-05T16:34:05 guerby Hope you had a nice birthday! 2014-11-05T16:34:14 verm__ How are things going on the relocation? 2014-11-05T16:35:07 DrJoel, hey nice to see you drop by ;) 2014-11-05T16:35:54 rough weekk 4 hours Monday to get new drivers license, 1/2 day yesterday out of office, even today I spent an hour taking stuff to get shipped to the FSW. 2014-11-05T16:38:11 The GCI Org Admin doc I started is getting some good feedback. At least ten people have been given the URL now. 2014-11-05T16:40:57 kiwichris: Since the web view of git is down, what is the repo URL which has your mman.h file and stubs? I want to merge it into the main tree. 2014-11-05T16:42:26 my personal repo path and then rtl.git 2014-11-05T16:42:53 Nice to know someone else needed the web to remember the paths to the repos :) 2014-11-05T16:43:19 What my personal repo path was I do not know. 2014-11-05T16:43:27 because I used ~ 2014-11-05T16:44:12 git://git.rtems.org/chrisj/rtl.git 2014-11-05T16:46:20 lol.. you are right. Other than a notes file I cut and paste from, I use the web 2014-11-05T16:48:51 so your implementation mmap's files by malloc'ing a block of memory, right? 2014-11-05T17:00:21 DrJoel: any chance of working on the wiki transition spreadsheet? 2014-11-05T17:00:28 that's a blocking item for me at the moment -- a major one 2014-11-05T17:01:01 relocation is going great so far though! 2014-11-05T17:01:14 i think we will end up taking to friday at this rate though 2014-11-05T17:01:27 bugzilla has been migrated it's gone forever 2014-11-05T17:01:31 just mediawiki left 2014-11-05T17:01:42 why can't we bring it up as is and let us take a couple of weeks to go through it. I can swing at about 50% pretty easy in buckets like Board, User, or Application. But some really need a review. 2014-11-05T17:02:08 it's not going to go away, this just decides where it goes in an initial import 2014-11-05T17:02:28 if we're going to do it let's take our best shot on the first round, yes i know it's a lot of work, a TON of work 2014-11-05T17:02:32 but we're only going to have to do it once 2014-11-05T17:02:49 Has the spreadsheet been shared with Gedare and Sebastian at least? 2014-11-05T17:02:50 i've already put several hours into it myself 2014-11-05T17:03:01 no, if either will help then i'm fine with that 2014-11-05T17:03:03 I looked at it about an hour last night. 2014-11-05T17:03:37 it's not something we can just put off, because the wiki needs to be editable 2014-11-05T17:04:06 Let me see how many I can fill in easy. What do you want to do with pages that reflected mediawiki user accounts? 2014-11-05T17:04:21 there is a dropdown on the right set it as 'user page' 2014-11-05T17:04:30 otherwise if it's going to be on the "developer wiki" give it a URL 2014-11-05T17:04:37 anything else will get automatically placed 2014-11-05T17:04:49 if it's useless delete it, website means the new www.rtems.org 2014-11-05T17:05:16 I see that .. wasn't there yesterday. I got the privilege of spending a couple of hours retrieving my daughter-in-law's driver's license from the arena's security today and shipping it to her... so many distractions this week. 2014-11-05T17:06:10 Can you add "application" or similar for a user application page? 2014-11-05T17:07:52 I see space as a category but there are a numbner of of non-space user apps 2014-11-05T17:10:40 And what's the difference between BSP and Board? 2014-11-05T17:12:04 that sucks! 2014-11-05T17:12:09 hmmm 2014-11-05T17:12:10 DrJoel, you can configure rtems and it passes but fails on the make because things are not found, eg autoheader. The rtems use of autoconf makes no sense because it does not check if things are ok. 2014-11-05T17:12:13 yep i can add that 2014-11-05T17:12:13 one sec 2014-11-05T17:12:35 kiwichris: I am not fixing that. :) 2014-11-05T17:12:42 DrJoel: it's called '3rd party' chris asked me to add that 2014-11-05T17:12:53 verm__: Are Board and BSP the same? 2014-11-05T17:12:59 * verm__ ears are burning 2014-11-05T17:13:12 DrJoel: BSP is our bsp, a board is a board we support 2014-11-05T17:13:14 DrJoel huh oh come on, I heard this autoconf stuff is make this stuff easy 2014-11-05T17:14:07 3rd party is a package like ntp or openssl 2014-11-05T17:14:07 chris i think you have a fever nobody uses auto* and easy in the same sentence 2014-11-05T17:14:12 oh, i see 2014-11-05T17:14:18 ok i'll add 'User App' then 2014-11-05T17:14:43 DrJoel: added user app 2014-11-05T17:14:56 verm__ row 428 and 429.. different spellings of qoriq. Any idea what's different on the pages? 2014-11-05T17:15:19 There's this RSB page? WTF is that"? 2014-11-05T17:16:50 verm__, maybe you should read the manual, it says 'Those who do not understand Autoconf are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.'. 2014-11-05T17:17:27 RTEMS Source Builder == RSB 2014-11-05T17:17:32 DrJoel: see my email about how to setup access to the old wiki 2014-11-05T17:17:44 need to add an entry to your hosts 2014-11-05T17:17:48 I saw it. Mostly just hoping we would clean up and then convert 2014-11-05T17:21:59 i'll change the dns shortly and make wiki.rtems.org readonly 2014-11-05T17:22:26 That would help. I need to get home in a bit but I made a quick sweep and filled in more BSPs, User names 2014-11-05T17:22:36 and am making a second sweep to do 3rd party and applications 2014-11-05T17:24:42 Yeah, finding a hosts file on MacOS is no fun 2014-11-05T17:25:56 kiwichris: /etc/hosts works fine 2014-11-05T17:26:37 should there be a "review" or "delete?" for review for deletion? 2014-11-05T17:26:49 GSOC_F12_ToolChainSetup feels like a 90% delete. 2014-11-05T17:27:15 honestly? either give it a location or nuke it 2014-11-05T17:27:30 we are going to have to review *everything* anyway 2014-11-05T17:27:55 But nuke without looking is not a good idea. Plus I have already seen a few marked wrong 2014-11-05T17:28:13 then give it a location 2014-11-05T17:28:15 and we can review later 2014-11-05T17:28:26 the developers wiki will be open to anyone that signs up 2014-11-05T17:28:38 Hmm.. Maybe a review hierarchy.. and the goal is to empty it. :) 2014-11-05T17:29:11 ok i'll add 'review' then 2014-11-05T17:29:12 sec 2014-11-05T17:29:32 added 2014-11-05T17:30:25 Add Project please.. I know Mono_On_RTEMS is a project 2014-11-05T17:30:37 doesn't need it, look at 'subpages' 2014-11-05T17:30:43 there is a Projects subpage 2014-11-05T17:30:48 so in the 'new location' column 2014-11-05T17:30:49 do 2014-11-05T17:30:52 Projects/Mono 2014-11-05T17:31:02 *** apg has joined #rtems 2014-11-05T17:31:06 and it will be moved there 2014-11-05T17:31:42 this will be glorious, you will absolutely love the new layout and system it will save everyone so much time 2014-11-05T17:33:48 verm__, the RSB uses the git.rtems.org web site to get specific files. 2014-11-05T17:33:53 ie patches 2014-11-05T17:35:26 using git? 2014-11-05T17:35:38 if it was using cgit that's going to break 2014-11-05T17:35:53 i guess you can use the raw download from trac 2014-11-05T17:35:58 so a matter of changing the url nothing more 2014-11-05T17:36:30 or we can just keep cgit up that's fine, too 2014-11-05T17:36:34 i guess we'll do that 2014-11-05T17:42:17 Most shuld have something in new location or Marker. If that helps. The ones left need more review. I don't know what "CU" is and suspect CVSPlot and CVStoGit can be deleted but would like to eyeball them first. I suspect some that don't ring a bell I can nail after reviewing the page 2014-11-05T17:43:23 Amar will the old content be up read only soon or do I give Gedare and Sebastian the IP address? 2014-11-05T17:48:13 verm__, that is fine if trac can support it. 2014-11-05T17:49:26 DrJoel: give tehem the ip 2014-11-05T17:49:38 still working on making mediawiki completely read-only 2014-11-05T17:49:45 and deleting all the user accounts etc, disabling registration 2014-11-05T17:50:42 ok. I may be wrong but I think somewhere around 2/3 of the pages have a notation now. I may be able to do 10% more pretty easily. But others may require a bit of discussion 2014-11-05T17:56:32 everything needs some kind of entry 2014-11-05T17:56:35 if any are left i'll guess 2014-11-05T17:57:29 I'm just saying I am done for the day. I reviewed all I could without actually reading the page. I will start reviewing the pages that are not marked tomorrow. 2014-11-05T17:57:45 i know it's fine :) 2014-11-05T17:57:57 you spent 1/10th the time i would have, i mean that 2014-11-05T17:58:03 usually i have to load the page, read it then decide 2014-11-05T17:58:09 even then you said i got several wrong 2014-11-05T17:58:15 I haven't meant to spend about 50% of my time doing odd errands this week. LOL 2014-11-05T17:58:29 yeah i know that feeling :( 2014-11-05T17:58:29 Assuming I didn't make a typo. :) 2014-11-05T17:58:38 you always think you have time but then something comes along to prove you don't 2014-11-05T17:58:42 I suspect that some I wouldn't commit to will be quick once I see the page. 2014-11-05T17:59:00 nearly done setting up the old wiki again 2014-11-05T17:59:10 well I didn't plan to get to the DMV when 50% of the staff was out for training. It took a 4 hour wait to get 8 minutes of someone's time. 2014-11-05T17:59:19 wtf 2014-11-05T17:59:36 too much money buying missles instead of staff. 2014-11-05T17:59:46 Long line.. State .. not federal issue. 2014-11-05T18:00:03 DrJoel, we need another feature in the rtem-ld tool set to handle the RAP libraries. 2014-11-05T18:01:02 The big problem is that I wanted a "Real ID" which meets all national standards. Only a real state employer can sign off on them. I didn't want an Alabama drivers license which soon won't be recognized as ID to board a plane or enter many federal facilities. I refuse to travel INSIDE the US on a passport. 2014-11-05T18:01:41 Unclear.. I get an Alabama DL either way. But one has a special symbol on it that says they have seen more proof of citizenship and residency. 2014-11-05T18:03:23 heh 2014-11-05T18:03:24 crazy 2014-11-05T18:07:29 We don't have a true national ID but we now have national standards on drivers licenses and ID cards which may be used in federal sitautions... strange law. 2014-11-05T18:08:20 kiwichris Just sent summary on loader build failures. 8 targets don't build. 2014-11-05T18:09:08 alabama is a strange place 2014-11-05T18:09:34 DrJoel. those patches look fine. 2014-11-05T18:09:45 This is a national thing. Each state has done one of two things -- EVERYONE gets a DL that meets federal standards or you get the choice. 2014-11-05T18:09:53 did you manage to figure out the array bounds warning ? 2014-11-05T18:10:26 no... haven't looked at it more. It may be worth contacting the original author with our fixes and asking about that one 2014-11-05T18:10:47 I have made changes so I need to check. 2014-11-05T18:10:49 thanks and pushed.. 2014-11-05T18:12:09 which bsp generates the warning ? 2014-11-05T18:12:33 I will try and take a look once I get time. Just cleaning my desk cause Amar said it was too messy. 2014-11-05T18:13:06 lol on desk. I just cleaned everything up to start another build. I will email but I recall sparc/sis did generate it. 2014-11-05T18:13:21 I am going to do another just samples build to get a warnings count comparison. 2014-11-05T18:13:54 Well ok he did not say it was messy, it was just like his !! 2014-11-05T18:14:05 :) 2014-11-05T18:14:09 ok. heading home 2014-11-05T18:14:12 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Quit: ASCII a stupid question, get a stupid ANSI!) 2014-11-05T18:15:27 cya 2014-11-05T18:19:23 ok finally disabled all user accounts 2014-11-05T18:19:28 ah, shit nevermind 2014-11-05T18:19:32 it's so hard! 2014-11-05T18:23:31 ok done 2014-11-05T18:24:20 ok, DNS is updated 2014-11-05T18:24:24 wiki.rtems.org works and is now read-only 2014-11-05T19:33:03 Thanks 2014-11-05T19:33:33 Does something need to propogate ? I get the down message. 2014-11-05T19:59:03 *** apg has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-11-05T20:08:14 *** apg has joined #rtems 2014-11-05T20:44:00 *** apg has quit IRC (Quit: apg) 2014-11-05T21:19:42 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2014-11-05T22:40:32 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2014-11-05T22:51:21 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2014-11-06T00:31:21 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-11-06T01:52:18 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-11-06T01:54:38 *** zoso has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-11-06T01:56:17 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-11-06T02:17:52 *** stryx`_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2014-11-06T02:22:32 *** stryx` has joined #rtems 2014-11-06T04:48:48 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-11-06T04:49:59 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-11-06T04:50:29 *** zoso has quit IRC (Max SendQ exceeded) 2014-11-06T04:50:54 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-11-06T04:52:17 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-11-06T04:53:23 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-11-06T09:52:47 *** stryx` has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2014-11-06T09:54:43 *** stryx` has joined #rtems 2014-11-06T15:12:39 *** kiwichris has quit IRC () 2014-11-06T16:52:14 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2014-11-06T16:52:14 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2014-11-06T16:52:14 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2014-11-06T17:02:58 verm__: It looks like anything that starts with TestSuite is something you probably want to put in a directory 2014-11-06T17:03:05 I am marking redirects as delete. 2014-11-06T17:10:09 FYI OASL is really for OSAL and should be 3rd party. So we have a rename and classification 2014-11-06T17:10:11 heading home 2014-11-06T17:10:35 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Quit: Not that there is anything wrong with that) 2014-11-06T17:26:53 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-11-06T17:47:30 *** kiwichris has quit IRC () 2014-11-06T18:17:21 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-11-06T18:19:54 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2014-11-06T19:21:43 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2014-11-07T00:33:45 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-11-07T01:02:19 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2014-11-07T01:12:00 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-11-07T01:33:29 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-11-07T01:34:30 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-11-07T01:35:11 *** zoso has quit IRC (Max SendQ exceeded) 2014-11-07T01:35:55 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-11-07T02:04:06 *** apg has joined #rtems 2014-11-07T02:09:04 *** apg has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 2014-11-07T02:26:02 *** apg has joined #rtems 2014-11-07T02:41:40 *** apg has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2014-11-07T05:13:47 *** apg has joined #rtems 2014-11-07T07:32:46 *** apg has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2014-11-07T09:07:45 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2014-11-07T09:07:45 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o gedare 2014-11-07T09:08:09 hey cdesai 2014-11-07T09:28:22 hey gedare 2014-11-07T09:29:50 cdesai, I don't know if you have heard, but RTEMS is not going to participate in GCI this year 2014-11-07T09:29:54 I thought you should know 2014-11-07T09:30:10 gedare: :( 2014-11-07T09:30:34 thanks, Daniel told me but I almost forgot that in the midst of school (it started this week) 2014-11-07T09:35:05 gedare: that was due to mentors not having time for it, right? 2014-11-07T10:49:02 cdesai, yes we are all very busy and do not feel we can put as much quality time into GCI this year 2014-11-07T11:24:48 *** monstr has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-11-07T11:42:20 *** apg has joined #rtems 2014-11-07T11:53:12 *** stryx` has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 2014-11-07T11:54:37 *** stryx` has joined #rtems 2014-11-07T12:00:53 *** apg has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-11-07T13:23:56 *** gedare has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-11-07T15:04:59 *** atgreen has joined #rtems 2014-11-07T20:48:36 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2014-11-07T20:56:06 *** apg has joined #rtems 2014-11-07T21:14:11 *** peerst has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2014-11-07T21:16:15 *** peerst has joined #rtems 2014-11-07T21:55:01 *** apg has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2014-11-07T23:10:53 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away 2014-11-07T23:23:20 *** atgreen has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2014-11-08T00:15:04 *** apg has joined #rtems 2014-11-08T00:30:44 *** apg has quit IRC (Quit: apg) 2014-11-08T01:23:34 *** freenix_ has joined #rtems 2014-11-08T01:29:14 *** freenix_ has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2014-11-08T06:28:21 *** atgreen has joined #rtems 2014-11-08T06:53:04 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-11-08T10:25:34 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2014-11-08T11:48:38 *** dr__house|away is now known as dr__house 2014-11-08T12:37:02 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-11-08T15:49:40 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2014-11-08T17:23:37 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2014-11-08T17:45:44 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-11-09T01:24:50 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) 2014-11-09T02:15:20 *** atgreen has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-11-09T02:46:59 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-11-09T04:25:30 *** stryx` has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 2014-11-09T04:28:07 *** 17SAAUK7E <17SAAUK7E!~stryx@> has joined #rtems 2014-11-09T06:29:51 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2014-11-09T09:55:28 *** apg has joined #rtems 2014-11-09T10:13:35 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-11-09T10:23:48 *** apg has quit IRC (Quit: apg) 2014-11-09T10:29:18 *** apg has joined #rtems 2014-11-09T10:48:37 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2014-11-09T11:02:40 *** apg has quit IRC (Quit: apg) 2014-11-09T13:33:35 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-11-09T14:50:40 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-11-09T14:51:32 *** 17SAAUK7E <17SAAUK7E!~stryx@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2014-11-09T15:25:06 *** stryx` has joined #rtems 2014-11-09T17:07:13 *** stryx` has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 2014-11-09T17:07:13 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 2014-11-09T17:08:16 *** stryx` has joined #rtems 2014-11-09T17:11:13 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-11-09T20:43:26 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-11-09T22:01:31 *** apg has joined #rtems 2014-11-09T22:50:38 *** apg has quit IRC (Quit: apg) 2014-11-09T23:57:33 *** kiwichris has quit IRC () 2014-11-09T23:57:52 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-11-09T23:58:10 *** dr__house is now known as dr__house|away