2014-06-23T00:22:27 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2014-06-23T01:27:28 *** rtemsLogger has joined #rtems 2014-06-23T01:46:38 good morning 2014-06-23T02:13:08 sebhub, hi 2014-06-23T02:18:03 *** monstr has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2014-06-23T03:17:24 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2014-06-23T04:06:26 *** mkhoory has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2014-06-23T04:26:42 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-23T05:16:02 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2014-06-23T06:14:39 hi sebhub & kiwichris 2014-06-23T06:26:39 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-06-23T06:27:35 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-06-23T07:02:05 *** monstr has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2014-06-23T07:27:56 hi 2014-06-23T09:24:29 *** zoso has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-06-23T10:17:23 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-06-23T12:11:25 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-23T13:35:49 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2014-06-23T13:59:52 *** JustJanek has joined #rtems 2014-06-23T14:22:49 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-23T14:41:50 *** atgreen has joined #rtems 2014-06-23T14:52:00 *** atgreen` has joined #rtems 2014-06-23T14:53:36 *** atgreen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2014-06-23T15:02:24 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2014-06-23T15:05:11 *** atgreen`` has joined #rtems 2014-06-23T15:08:42 *** atgreen` has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2014-06-23T15:16:36 *** atgreen`` has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2014-06-23T15:40:56 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2014-06-23T15:50:56 *** JustJanek has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2014-06-23T16:04:17 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-06-23T16:38:59 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-23T18:10:51 *** kiwichris has quit IRC () 2014-06-23T18:14:03 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2014-06-23T18:32:52 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-06-23T19:09:40 *** mkhoory has joined #rtems 2014-06-23T19:10:55 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-23T20:16:27 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2014-06-23T22:00:01 *** kiwichris has quit IRC () 2014-06-23T23:36:54 *** gigetoo has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-06-23T23:38:22 *** gigetoo has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T00:23:43 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T01:06:54 *** kiwichris has quit IRC () 2014-06-24T01:22:45 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T01:48:43 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T02:34:58 *** kiwichris has quit IRC () 2014-06-24T03:10:30 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T04:11:22 *** mkhoory has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2014-06-24T04:18:31 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T06:14:09 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T06:19:29 *** phipse has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T06:49:08 *** monstr has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2014-06-24T06:57:55 *** asuolen has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T06:59:30 Hi verm__ 2014-06-24T07:48:30 *** jenniferA has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T07:53:02 *** Sched has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T07:53:21 Hi, phipse 2014-06-24T07:53:42 What should I do for midterm evaluation? 2014-06-24T07:54:07 Hi Sched 2014-06-24T07:55:24 did you come up with an idea on how to test the vCPU implementation? 2014-06-24T07:57:06 hi all 2014-06-24T07:57:17 Nope, I want to add the interrupt function and add more hypercall to replace sensitive instructions on vCPU, then test those function. 2014-06-24T07:58:44 Or, what we can test based on current vCPU without practicable function? 2014-06-24T07:58:46 Did you extend the scheduler implementation to save the vCPU context, when the vCPU execution is interrupted (read: not scheduled)? 2014-06-24T07:59:37 *** stryx` has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-06-24T08:00:43 *** stryx` has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T08:01:57 Not yet. 2014-06-24T08:03:28 I did not work on it since last weekend. I got some examination this two week, sorry. 2014-06-24T08:03:33 *** ppisa has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T08:05:54 Yes, I know, it's okay. How long will you have exams? 2014-06-24T08:06:11 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T08:06:11 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T08:06:11 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2014-06-24T08:06:56 Is everyone here? 2014-06-24T08:07:20 The last examination is in next Monday. 2014-06-24T08:07:32 DrJoel: +1 2014-06-24T08:08:03 Gedare is on holiday. I haven't checked. Did he create a template for this week's report? 2014-06-24T08:08:06 Hello Joel, I am there but Premek is on his exam. 2014-06-24T08:08:28 ppisa .. ok.. are you going to be able to do his review? 2014-06-24T08:08:33 Sched: ok 2014-06-24T08:08:36 and give a sentence or two of status? 2014-06-24T08:08:56 No there is no template, I think verm__ can do it 2014-06-24T08:08:56 *** DrJoel_ has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T08:09:17 Sorry.. somehow killed my irc client. :( 2014-06-24T08:09:34 I guide him, he is working quite hard but progress is lower than I have expected. 2014-06-24T08:09:46 s/lower/slower/ 2014-06-24T08:10:23 ppisa that's ok.. slower is pretty typical in computer science. :) 2014-06-24T08:11:15 He has got through all rbuild steps on his computer and have compiled RTEMS with his toolchain build. But he needs to go through another iteration for big-endian. 2014-06-24T08:11:23 i'm here, too 2014-06-24T08:11:36 DrJoel: do we have a google doc ready? 2014-06-24T08:11:41 verm__ hello 2014-06-24T08:11:48 Yep.. just finished creating it 2014-06-24T08:11:52 ok 2014-06-24T08:11:56 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QMrZoCvLt-rz2HHa-wj6jQFLMVhpiGvQ4mvYVSlk3B8/edit?usp=sharing 2014-06-24T08:12:21 I copied the permissions 2014-06-24T08:12:31 ppisa is he running code on the target? 2014-06-24T08:12:50 not yet. 2014-06-24T08:13:21 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2014-06-24T08:13:31 ok.. since he is focused on the tools, does he have patches that require FSF paperwork? 2014-06-24T08:13:42 We work on it. We ran test setup code but no RTEMS toolchain compiled one. 2014-06-24T08:14:08 *** DrJoel_ has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2014-06-24T08:14:13 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2014-06-24T08:14:20 I believe that not there are config only changes. 2014-06-24T08:14:25 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T08:14:25 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T08:14:25 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2014-06-24T08:14:41 can you repeat ppisa? Please.. sorry 2014-06-24T08:15:34 We work on it. We ran test setup code but not with RTEMS toolchain yet. I believe that only config setup is required for GCC. 2014-06-24T08:15:47 No code changes. 2014-06-24T08:16:10 ok.. it takes time to do FSF paperwork so if he has a patch, we need to start the paperwork. 2014-06-24T08:16:21 DrJoel: does the google doc need to be cleared out? 2014-06-24T08:16:33 verm__ .. yeah.. guess it does 2014-06-24T08:16:40 ok i'll do that 2014-06-24T08:17:01 FYI it looks like all mentor evals except one is done. :) 2014-06-24T08:17:22 Is it one eval per mentor per student or one eval per student? 2014-06-24T08:17:39 phipse one mentor eval per project.. one student eval per project 2014-06-24T08:17:40 done 2014-06-24T08:17:48 ppisa do you/he need any help? 2014-06-24T08:18:42 No I can eval even that I would like to wait for this week work results. 2014-06-24T08:19:02 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T08:19:16 OK don't rush to last minute. 2014-06-24T08:19:36 If there is nothign else, let's move along. Anyone have a deadline and need to go next? 2014-06-24T08:20:04 Sorry, I was disconnected, can anyone provide the template for this meeting please (if any)? 2014-06-24T08:20:04 If not, Hesham.. your up 2014-06-24T08:20:10 and phipse .. you are next 2014-06-24T08:20:26 Hi, Phipse, It seems we spend all the time in framework, but not tackle core problem. I'm a little worried about it. We are slow than our Schedule before GSoC. 2014-06-24T08:20:35 DrJoel: Can I start? 2014-06-24T08:20:37 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QMrZoCvLt-rz2HHa-wj6jQFLMVhpiGvQ4mvYVSlk3B8/edit?pli=1 2014-06-24T08:20:41 Thanks phipse 2014-06-24T08:21:29 well it looks like Sched started 2014-06-24T08:21:37 Go Sched 2014-06-24T08:22:18 Sched: What's the core problem you see? 2014-06-24T08:23:32 Sched: also what did you do last weak, and what are you planning to do this week? Do you have time to do some work, while learning for your exam? 2014-06-24T08:25:43 *** Sched has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2014-06-24T08:25:46 FYI four students have not filed their evaluations 2014-06-24T08:25:56 Hesham: go next, shed dropped 2014-06-24T08:26:08 *** Sched has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T08:26:39 I'm so sorry, the network in my school is unstable :( 2014-06-24T08:26:58 phipse: If Sched is OK with that I can go 2014-06-24T08:27:39 Sched: can you quickly summ up your work from last week, we can discuss afterwards 2014-06-24T08:27:42 No, you first, sorry for interrupt. 2014-06-24T08:27:51 Ok 2014-06-24T08:27:54 Last week, I have finish the framework of vCP 2014-06-24T08:28:08 what are you planning for this week? 2014-06-24T08:28:28 is there time for gsoc? you have a exam coming up 2014-06-24T08:29:55 I want to make a clear view about interrupt handling, what structure should be add in vCPU to store interrupt, and how to mark the registered interrupt in vCPU, how to handling it when interrupt became a notification to RTEMS. 2014-06-24T08:31:35 ok, do you have time, while learning for your exam? 2014-06-24T08:32:56 I have 4 days in this week, I need times to prepare examination 2014-06-24T08:34:05 take your time for the exams. 2014-06-24T08:34:24 so I can't work in weekend. also the examination in Wednesday will spend one day. 2014-06-24T08:34:37 Thank you. 2014-06-24T08:34:43 Make sure to do your evaluation 2014-06-24T08:34:49 Thanks. Hesham your up 2014-06-24T08:35:03 During last week, I have written two drivers for or1ksim BSP: console driver and clock driver. After that, I worked on cpukit code to support or1k architecture. Now, hello world and ticker are working with the simulator and GDB. 2014-06-24T08:35:04 I will post a blog about the view this week. 2014-06-24T08:35:07 Sched Update the status google doc 2014-06-24T08:35:23 Hesham Is this all in your repo now? 2014-06-24T08:35:29 Yeas 2014-06-24T08:35:31 Ok, Thank you DrJoel. 2014-06-24T08:35:33 Yes* 2014-06-24T08:36:53 Awesome! Any updates to the tools? 2014-06-24T08:37:41 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client) 2014-06-24T08:38:31 The internet is wonderful this morning 2014-06-24T08:39:14 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T08:39:20 who else is here? 2014-06-24T08:39:24 Sorry disconnected again 2014-06-24T08:39:30 Did I miss anything ? 2014-06-24T08:39:32 beng-nl.. someone asking about Beagle Black on users 2014-06-24T08:39:37 Just yourself reporting :) 2014-06-24T08:40:24 I am here too DrJoel 2014-06-24T08:40:31 I wrote about what I did, what TODO next, the code is on github 2014-06-24T08:40:54 Hesham Is the simulator in gdb? 2014-06-24T08:41:07 The simulator is remotely attached to GDB 2014-06-24T08:41:28 OK.. I will email separately about duplicating up to where you are now. Do we know anything about the accuracy of the clock tick calculation? 2014-06-24T08:41:58 We had/have a person from opencores. It would be a good time to get them back involved and see if they can confirm your results on real hardware. 2014-06-24T08:41:59 I think the clock ticks is not accurate for now, I will have to work on it. 2014-06-24T08:42:32 OK.. that leaves a benchmark timer driver.. 2014-06-24T08:42:44 To be able to test the work on real hardware, it's needed to provide more code 2014-06-24T08:42:47 Have you attempted to run all the tests? 2014-06-24T08:43:47 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2014-06-24T08:44:21 ok.. sounds like asuolen is up.. I have a couple more questions for Hesham but he has to be here :) 2014-06-24T08:44:35 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T08:44:36 No, I just wanted to run hello and ticker as a beginning. 2014-06-24T08:44:47 OK Hesham.. that's reasonable. 2014-06-24T08:45:20 Have you added support for the or1ksim to rtems-test and rtems-testing/sim-scripts? Is that on your list? 2014-06-24T08:45:49 Yes, the patch is on Chris TODO list 2014-06-24T08:45:57 He told me he will review it 2014-06-24T08:46:48 It should build or1ksim from RSB 2014-06-24T08:46:52 OK Hesham .. update the gsoc status doc and I will try to duplicate where you are. 2014-06-24T08:47:00 Done 2014-06-24T08:47:17 It would be good to build the sim from RSB. That's how I want to do it. :) 2014-06-24T08:47:20 asuolen up 2014-06-24T08:47:32 Thanks DrJoel 2014-06-24T08:48:05 This past week I have concluded digital I/O using the GPIO header on the Raspberry Pi, including documentation and testing. 2014-06-24T08:48:28 This is working with pin polling still. 2014-06-24T08:49:01 About the GPIO API, I have sent an email on the dev mailling list with an idea for making the API more generic, but I intend to make another blog post with some other design notes i have thought that can make this API generic instead of RPI BSP specific (although I am not sure if I should be working on that now..). 2014-06-24T08:49:39 Right now I am working to deliver port (pin groupings) instead of just pin I/O and also GPIO interrupts. I expect to have news on this by the weekend. The API also covers pin drive strengths (the current it can provide), but I prefer to am kind of afraid of playing with that, as it may burn something in the RPI. 2014-06-24T08:50:07 that's a reasonable concern 2014-06-24T08:50:33 If you can make a good faith attempt at making it generic beyond Pi, that's great. No one ever has all the hardware. 2014-06-24T08:51:39 I can try do do it, even if it is just a small proof of concept 2014-06-24T08:52:22 ok.. what's the next step? 2014-06-24T08:53:12 right now is to add interrupt support for GPIO pins on the raspberry 2014-06-24T08:53:41 And are interrupts included in your generic framework plans? 2014-06-24T08:53:51 this will be useful not only for digital i/O, but for the other interfaces that use GPIO pins, including the uart driver on the RPI, which works with polling now 2014-06-24T08:54:04 OK.. 2014-06-24T08:54:12 anything you need more help with other than reviewing? 2014-06-24T08:54:56 *** krzysiekm13 has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T08:55:15 probably with using the rtems interrupt manager, as i am just starting to use it, but nothing concrete now 2014-06-24T08:55:41 OK.. just ask on the list. That's always the best place to get help 2014-06-24T08:55:44 Anything else? 2014-06-24T08:56:50 guess not, will be posting questions on the mailling list then when they appear 2014-06-24T08:57:26 ok. who;s next 2014-06-24T08:59:17 krzysiekm13? 2014-06-24T09:00:38 hi 2014-06-24T09:00:57 So what's up? 2014-06-24T09:01:05 during last week I've accomplished building qemu and running coverage analysis 2014-06-24T09:01:10 in the old manner 2014-06-24T09:01:29 I've also get some more knowledge about rtems-test architecture 2014-06-24T09:01:42 and started working on pc386 support 2014-06-24T09:02:44 now I'm working on way to boot qemu in parallel 2014-06-24T09:03:18 existing support utilise floppy boot image which boots test.exe in hd directory of qemu 2014-06-24T09:03:31 So you have current converage results on pc386 using qemu-couverture? 2014-06-24T09:03:38 yes 2014-06-24T09:04:14 After that ..? 2014-06-24T09:04:37 using this booting approach it will be impossible to run tests on pc386 in parallel 2014-06-24T09:05:15 so I'm trying to find better approach - another booting strategy 2014-06-24T09:05:25 *** Hesham1 has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T09:05:30 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client) 2014-06-24T09:05:31 ahh.. that's true.. 2014-06-24T09:05:41 *** Hesham1 is now known as Hesham 2014-06-24T09:06:15 Ask questions on the mailing list about that. Chris has an alternative technique I think. 2014-06-24T09:06:28 Are you workign the reporting improvements in parallel? 2014-06-24T09:07:00 so in next days I will try to find another way 2014-06-24T09:07:47 have you looked at the reporting changes? 2014-06-24T09:08:28 well, not yet, I was working on getting pc386 working within rtems-test 2014-06-24T09:09:36 should I do it in parallel? 2014-06-24T09:10:44 Up to you.. just curious if you were looking forward to see if there were questions on that also. When you have multiple independent fronts, it is usually best to ask questions in parallel so you aren't waiting for answers. 2014-06-24T09:14:04 anything else? 2014-06-24T09:14:08 anyone else here? 2014-06-24T09:14:23 * beng-nl is lurking 2014-06-24T09:14:33 :) 2014-06-24T09:15:42 krzysiekm13 .. anything else? 2014-06-24T09:17:49 I guess that does it .. unless someone has something else 2014-06-24T09:18:45 I want to remind everyone that 4 of 5 students have not done their evaluations. 2014-06-24T09:19:06 ppisa ping Premysl please. I will email 2014-06-24T09:19:21 OK 2014-06-24T09:19:26 bye 2014-06-24T09:19:43 thanks for care 2014-06-24T09:21:32 :) 2014-06-24T09:21:35 :) 2014-06-24T09:26:03 Is there anything left, where I am needed for? 2014-06-24T09:26:23 I had a discussion with sched and lost track here;) 2014-06-24T09:29:19 *** Sched has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2014-06-24T09:30:35 ok then, bye 2014-06-24T09:30:43 *** phipse has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) 2014-06-24T09:46:32 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Quit: He who laughs last, thinks slowest) 2014-06-24T09:50:19 *** krzysiekm13 has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2014-06-24T10:11:43 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-06-24T10:45:08 *** asuolen has quit IRC (Quit: Lost terminal) 2014-06-24T12:39:26 *** ppisa has left #rtems ("Kopete 0.12.7 : http://kopete.kde.org") 2014-06-24T12:39:46 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2014-06-24T12:44:26 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T13:31:52 *** stryx` has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2014-06-24T13:53:39 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2014-06-24T14:05:54 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T15:35:44 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2014-06-24T15:35:49 *** stryx` has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T15:49:46 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T16:54:39 *** kiwichri_ has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T16:54:45 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2014-06-24T18:06:00 *** kiwichri_ has quit IRC () 2014-06-24T18:11:33 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2014-06-24T18:36:34 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-06-24T19:23:37 *** mkhoory has joined #rtems 2014-06-25T00:24:58 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-25T00:44:41 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2014-06-25T00:45:22 good morning 2014-06-25T01:59:17 *** kiwichris has quit IRC () 2014-06-25T02:38:35 does RSB statically link all tool dependencires? 2014-06-25T03:05:56 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-06-25T04:08:33 *** mkhoory has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2014-06-25T04:46:41 kiwichris: does RSB statically link all tool dependencires? 2014-06-25T05:18:42 I do not think so. 2014-06-25T05:29:22 kiwichris: so it expects the libs like libz and libmp to be installed and dyn links to it? 2014-06-25T05:30:34 The build will fail if the libs are not found. Most are basic libs and required the rest are built by the RSB. 2014-06-25T05:31:46 had trouble with my tools (non RSB built) on one FreeBSD machine after I upgraded some ports from where the libs apparently came 2014-06-25T05:32:05 which libs ? 2014-06-25T05:32:14 so I had to hack it (had no time) with /etc/libmap.conf 2014-06-25T05:32:15 libmpc.so.2 libmpc.so.3n 2014-06-25T05:32:26 kiwichris: libmpc in my case 2014-06-25T05:32:46 libz for objcopy in the case where I copied the tools on a customers FreeBSD 2014-06-25T05:32:59 Yes these would cause problems and why the RSB builds them. I tend not to worry about the standard and very stable libs 2014-06-25T05:33:03 all those not RSB built 2014-06-25T05:33:36 kiwichris: so these would not have cause problems if I had used RSB? 2014-06-25T05:34:03 One of the reasons why the RSB building from source is to avoid these issues by making it easier to build tools. It does not rule out making binary releases and anything that improves this is welcome. 2014-06-25T05:34:18 It would be interesting to know what --enable-static does to a build. 2014-06-25T05:34:31 ah yeah 2014-06-25T05:35:01 might try that since I tend to offer rtems+libs for the customer prebuilt to download 2014-06-25T05:35:26 and they have different ports collection states and differing FreeBSD releases 2014-06-25T05:35:30 The RSB can build tarballs for you 2014-06-25T05:35:34 cool 2014-06-25T05:36:03 time to start using it :-) 2014-06-25T05:36:17 check the --help then I suggest you add a check in the configures for --with-* ie --with-statics 2014-06-25T05:37:03 Great. I added net-snmp the other day as a 3rd party package. 2014-06-25T05:37:42 ok I’ll have a look … next week … we worked around the tool problems because important demo on monday 2014-06-25T05:38:03 Understood. 2014-06-25T05:38:10 The file to play with is http://git.rtems.org/rtems-source-builder/tree/source-builder/config/gcc-common-1.cfg 2014-06-25T05:38:28 Check line 145 for an example. 2014-06-25T05:39:38 ah ok 2014-06-25T05:40:38 there I could check for enable-static or is with-static better? 2014-06-25T05:41:09 you need to use --with-static as the RSB framework creates the macros for you 2014-06-25T05:41:30 ah I see 2014-06-25T05:42:41 I see I have --wtth-system-zlib. If that is an issue you have please ket me know. 2014-06-25T05:50:28 not sure yet, customer reported something zlib 2014-06-25T06:17:53 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2014-06-25T06:26:51 *** gigetoo has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-06-25T06:28:23 *** gigetoo has joined #rtems 2014-06-25T06:36:07 *** atgreen has joined #rtems 2014-06-25T07:34:30 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-25T08:56:44 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2014-06-25T08:57:11 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-25T09:19:03 *** atgreen` has joined #rtems 2014-06-25T09:20:33 *** atgreen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2014-06-25T09:23:43 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2014-06-25T09:24:10 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-25T09:36:02 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2014-06-25T10:01:56 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-25T10:07:33 *** atgreen` has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2014-06-25T10:17:45 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-06-25T10:20:11 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2014-06-25T10:26:26 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-25T10:58:38 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2014-06-25T12:23:14 *** matttttttt has joined #rtems 2014-06-25T12:52:50 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-25T13:15:47 *** atgreen has joined #rtems 2014-06-25T13:24:24 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2014-06-25T14:35:21 *** atgreen has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-06-25T14:52:14 *** matttttttt has left #rtems 2014-06-25T17:09:55 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-25T17:18:40 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2014-06-25T17:29:41 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2014-06-25T17:35:23 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-06-25T17:45:36 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-25T18:00:33 *** gigetoo has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2014-06-25T18:24:30 *** gigetoo has joined #rtems 2014-06-25T19:06:12 *** guerby has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2014-06-25T19:09:14 *** mkhoory has joined #rtems 2014-06-25T20:19:12 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2014-06-26T00:11:28 *** guerby has joined #rtems 2014-06-26T01:11:05 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2014-06-26T01:13:08 good morning 2014-06-26T02:00:39 *** kiwichris has quit IRC () 2014-06-26T03:01:57 *** mkhoory has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2014-06-26T03:06:43 *** mkhoory has joined #rtems 2014-06-26T03:39:03 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-06-26T04:06:52 *** mkhoory has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2014-06-26T05:49:07 *** Schoumi has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-06-26T05:52:44 sebhub. hi 2014-06-26T05:52:56 which build system ? rtems or the tools ? 2014-06-26T05:54:19 *** Schoumi has joined #rtems 2014-06-26T06:02:26 sebhub, I would like to talk about the atomics patch. I am heading away in a couple of days so if you want to have this reviewed please pipe up or it might have to wait until July. 2014-06-26T06:02:40 hi chris 2014-06-26T06:02:50 the rtems build system 2014-06-26T06:03:10 Why is threre C++ code in the atomics patch ? 2014-06-26T06:03:35 https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=60932 2014-06-26T06:03:46 The code contains little detail about the purpose and why it exists. It would help to have some context. 2014-06-26T06:03:48 https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=60940 2014-06-26T06:04:18 atomic operations are a well known term 2014-06-26T06:04:33 there is also a reference to the relevant C standard 2014-06-26T06:04:54 I said the purpose of the file in rtems 2014-06-26T06:04:56 it is very hard to document this correctly, we should solely rely on the standard 2014-06-26T06:05:04 I agree. 2014-06-26T06:05:53 That is not what I am asking to comment. I am asking what role the file does in RTEMS. 2014-06-26T06:06:16 which file ? 2014-06-26T06:06:28 I am read this bug report before and it is still not clear to me why this is like this. 2014-06-26T06:06:44 Yes, eg this is the public interface for atomics etc 2014-06-26T06:07:07 this is not public, it is for internal use in RTEMS only 2014-06-26T06:07:23 I am not asking for it to be a lecture on using atomics, that does not make sense. 2014-06-26T06:09:04 what about: Atomic operations can be used to implement low-level synchronization primitives on SMP systems. 2014-06-26T06:09:26 what about: Atomic operations can be used to implement low-level synchronization primitives on SMP systems, like spin locks. 2014-06-26T06:10:03 If rtems/score/atomic.h is the interface I suggest saying this is the public interface we will maintain as compatibile 2014-06-26T06:10:16 This is really all I am after. 2014-06-26T06:10:39 The other bits are great and I suggest you say the standard should be referenced and understood 2014-06-26T06:11:32 If the c++ code in the source to work around the c and c++ issues in gcc ? 2014-06-26T06:11:40 If -> Is ? 2014-06-26T06:11:51 yes 2014-06-26T06:12:06 the microsoft c++ compiler wouldn't have this problem 2014-06-26T06:12:16 Ok. So if gcc is fixed we can remove the work around ? 2014-06-26T06:12:51 yes, if it is fixed at all 2014-06-26T06:13:07 I suggest you post on the bug that it not be closed until fixed. 2014-06-26T06:13:25 Plus a comment in the code would help as well. 2014-06-26T06:14:13 Does this change mean we need 4.9 ? What happens with 4.8.x ? 2014-06-26T06:15:09 what does the rsb use for 4.11? 2014-06-26T06:15:17 back to the build system, is this flag for user apps ? 2014-06-26T06:15:29 It is on 4.8.2. I need to do a sweep to 4.8.3. 2014-06-26T06:15:46 I was not planning on moving to 4.9. 2014-06-26T06:16:33 ok, then i should add something like this #if defined(__cplusplus) && __GNUC__ >= 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 9 2014-06-26T06:16:48 Good idea. 2014-06-26T06:17:01 http://lists.rtems.org/pipermail/devel/2014-May/006688.html 2014-06-26T06:17:14 Where does this leave SMP ? Is 4.9 needed ? 2014-06-26T06:17:39 Aerofex Gaisler wants to use GCC 4.9 since it is also used by AdaCore 2014-06-26T06:17:46 on SPARC 2014-06-26T06:18:08 Does 4.8.3 build and work with SPARC SMP ? 2014-06-26T06:18:27 yes, since from Newlib is used 2014-06-26T06:18:35 Great. 2014-06-26T06:18:40 the problems start with GCC 4.9 2014-06-26T06:18:56 I am just not sure about 4.9 across the board on all targets. 2014-06-26T06:19:14 it was not my decision to select this version 2014-06-26T06:19:22 the powerpc is still broken 2014-06-26T06:19:37 Sure; just wanting to understand conext. 2014-06-26T06:20:32 I think we should look at 4.9 for the NIOS2 2014-06-26T06:21:10 If SPARC 4.9 proves stable I have no problem making this the default. It just comes down to testing. 2014-06-26T06:21:11 yes, I have a patch for nios 2 2014-06-26T06:21:25 gcc patch for rtems ? 2014-06-26T06:21:38 yes 2014-06-26T06:21:46 nice 2014-06-26T06:22:06 we used gcc 4.1 from altera before 2014-06-26T06:22:20 That is what the rsb builds 2014-06-26T06:23:47 /** 2014-06-26T06:23:49 * @defgroup ScoreAtomic Atomic Operations 2014-06-26T06:23:50 * 2014-06-26T06:23:52 * @ingroup Score 2014-06-26T06:23:53 * 2014-06-26T06:23:55 * @brief Support for atomic operations. 2014-06-26T06:23:56 * 2014-06-26T06:23:58 * Atomic operations can be used to implement low-level synchronization 2014-06-26T06:23:59 * primitives on SMP systems, like spin locks. All atomic operations are 2014-06-26T06:24:01 * defined in terms of C11 (ISO/IEC 9899:2011) or C++11 (ISO/IEC 14882:2011). 2014-06-26T06:24:02 * For documentation use the standard documents. 2014-06-26T06:24:04 * 2014-06-26T06:24:05 * @{ 2014-06-26T06:24:07 */ 2014-06-26T06:24:40 @brief RTEMS User API support for atomic operations. ? 2014-06-26T06:24:40 kiwichris: Error: "brief" is not a valid command. 2014-06-26T06:24:55 * @brief RTEMS User API support for atomic operations. ? 2014-06-26T06:25:48 This is fine. Please add some comments about the use of C++ and it is a work around. 2014-06-26T06:26:20 Thanks for your time. 2014-06-26T06:26:22 the user api for atomic operations is 2014-06-26T06:26:55 Ok, so this is the interface for the RTEMS Score ? 2014-06-26T06:27:17 regarding the CXXFLAGS=-std=gnu++11, this is necessary to build rtems++ and the C++ tests 2014-06-26T06:27:25 yes, score only 2014-06-26T06:43:33 https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2014-06/msg02124.html 2014-06-26T07:21:52 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-26T09:07:06 *** matttttttt has joined #rtems 2014-06-26T09:20:02 *** gigetoo has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-06-26T09:22:22 *** gigetoo has joined #rtems 2014-06-26T09:33:53 *** matttttttt has left #rtems 2014-06-26T10:17:18 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-06-26T13:45:54 *** jenniferA has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2014-06-26T13:45:57 *** Hesham has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2014-06-26T13:46:42 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-26T13:46:42 *** jenniferA has joined #rtems 2014-06-26T13:47:10 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2014-06-26T13:56:58 *** jenniferA has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2014-06-26T14:19:08 *** jenniferA has joined #rtems 2014-06-26T15:29:09 *** atgreen has joined #rtems 2014-06-26T17:24:26 *** kiwichris has quit IRC () 2014-06-26T17:45:28 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-06-26T18:35:41 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-26T18:40:37 *** atgreen has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2014-06-26T18:41:03 *** atgreen has joined #rtems 2014-06-26T19:05:07 *** mkhoory has joined #rtems 2014-06-26T19:57:35 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2014-06-27T00:01:02 *** mkhoory has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2014-06-27T01:04:43 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T01:19:25 good morning 2014-06-27T01:35:24 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2014-06-27T01:36:02 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T01:39:52 *** mkhoory has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T03:59:35 *** mkhoory has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2014-06-27T06:00:13 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T06:08:59 good morning sebhub 2014-06-27T06:22:57 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T06:32:53 *** kiwichris has quit IRC () 2014-06-27T06:33:01 *** atgreen` has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T06:33:41 *** atgreen has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-06-27T06:33:41 *** atgreen` has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-06-27T06:34:25 *** atgreen has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T06:58:03 *** jenniferA has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2014-06-27T07:25:18 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T09:07:21 *** zoso has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 2014-06-27T09:20:03 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T09:21:02 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T09:22:42 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2014-06-27T09:36:05 *** zoso has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2014-06-27T09:37:37 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T09:39:03 *** zoso has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T09:57:18 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-06-27T10:03:46 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2014-06-27T10:34:26 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T10:42:45 *** zoso has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-06-27T10:48:58 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2014-06-27T12:37:25 *** mattttttttt has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T13:13:55 *** gigetoo has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-06-27T13:14:23 *** gigetoo has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T13:18:45 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T13:23:53 *** mattttttttt has left #rtems 2014-06-27T13:59:34 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2014-06-27T14:42:16 *** Schoumi_ has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T14:43:11 *** Schoumi has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2014-06-27T14:43:13 *** guerby has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2014-06-27T14:44:13 *** guerby has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T15:45:42 *** tbg_ has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T15:50:15 *** kiwichris has quit IRC () 2014-06-27T15:52:29 *** guerby has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2014-06-27T15:57:18 *** guerby has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T15:58:08 *** guerby has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2014-06-27T16:02:49 *** guerby has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T16:11:51 it seems like all of the quickstart instructions talk about running RTEMS in an emulator, but doesn't anybody just make a bootable disk and run it on a PC? 2014-06-27T16:11:52 *** tbg_ has left #rtems ("Ex-Chat") 2014-06-27T16:11:52 *** tbg_ has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T16:25:50 *** tbg__ has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T16:31:43 *** tbg_ has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2014-06-27T17:45:12 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-27T18:27:21 *** atgreen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 2014-06-27T23:56:55 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2014-06-28T07:15:50 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2014-06-28T08:16:19 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2014-06-28T12:59:37 *** bmatt has joined #rtems 2014-06-28T16:38:40 *** gigetoo has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2014-06-28T16:46:04 *** gigetoo has joined #rtems 2014-06-28T19:04:18 *** ysionneau has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2014-06-28T19:04:19 *** verm__ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2014-06-28T19:04:33 *** gigetoo has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2014-06-28T19:04:44 *** ysionneau has joined #rtems 2014-06-28T19:06:24 *** gigetoo has joined #rtems 2014-06-28T19:23:52 *** rokka has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2014-06-28T19:23:54 *** rokka has joined #rtems 2014-06-28T19:23:54 *** Schoumi_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2014-06-28T19:24:06 *** Schoumi has joined #rtems 2014-06-28T19:31:48 *** 7JTAABLW2 <7JTAABLW2!~tgross@23-25-224-25-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net> has joined #rtems 2014-06-28T19:33:55 *** commande1 has joined #rtems 2014-06-28T19:37:44 *** tbg__ has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2014-06-28T19:37:47 *** commander has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2014-06-28T21:02:37 *** verm__ has joined #rtems 2014-06-29T05:09:10 *** guerby has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2014-06-29T05:15:46 *** guerby has joined #rtems 2014-06-29T06:45:09 *** commande1 is now known as commander 2014-06-29T09:12:42 *** gigetoo has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2014-06-29T15:30:40 *** rokka has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2014-06-29T15:37:25 *** rokka has joined #rtems 2014-06-29T15:54:23 *** gigetoo has joined #rtems 2014-06-29T19:18:36 *** mkhoory has joined #rtems