2013-10-14T01:28:36 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2013-10-14T01:42:53 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2013-10-14T01:44:39 good morning 2013-10-14T04:30:13 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2013-10-14T05:34:17 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2013-10-14T05:38:01 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2013-10-14T05:53:05 *** marcinb has joined #rtems 2013-10-14T06:04:11 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2013-10-14T06:05:30 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2013-10-14T06:38:48 *** monstr has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2013-10-14T06:39:32 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2013-10-14T06:46:57 *** marcinb has quit IRC (Quit: marcinb) 2013-10-14T06:52:26 *** MegaAlex|away has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2013-10-14T06:53:04 *** MegaAlex|away has joined #rtems 2013-10-14T08:17:38 *** monstr has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2013-10-14T08:18:03 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2013-10-14T10:34:38 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2013-10-14T11:00:33 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2013-10-14T11:01:13 *** vipulnayyar has joined #rtems 2013-10-14T11:14:23 *** vipulnayyar has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2013-10-14T12:15:38 *** S_Somani has joined #rtems 2013-10-14T12:25:47 *** S_Somani has left #rtems 2013-10-14T12:42:57 *** vipulnayyar has joined #rtems 2013-10-14T12:50:31 *** vipulnayyar has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2013-10-14T13:32:15 *** monstr has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2013-10-14T14:13:39 *** marcinb has joined #rtems 2013-10-14T16:19:34 *** marcinb has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2013-10-14T21:18:51 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2013-10-14T22:16:37 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2013-10-14T23:06:38 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2013-10-14T23:47:17 *** monstr__ has joined #rtems 2013-10-15T00:17:36 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2013-10-15T01:27:02 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2013-10-15T01:58:26 Mornin' Seb :-) 2013-10-15T02:03:02 good morning 2013-10-15T02:03:17 did you fix your debug problems? 2013-10-15T02:45:03 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2013-10-15T04:29:31 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2013-10-15T07:20:31 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2013-10-15T07:40:32 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2013-10-15T08:59:00 *** vipulnayyar has joined #rtems 2013-10-15T09:08:48 *** vipulnayyar has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2013-10-15T09:19:13 *** MegaAlex|away has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2013-10-15T09:20:17 *** MegaAlex|away has joined #rtems 2013-10-15T10:30:41 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2013-10-15T10:33:47 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2013-10-15T10:42:11 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2013-10-15T10:45:24 *** vipulnayyar has joined #rtems 2013-10-15T11:09:14 *** vipulnayyar has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2013-10-15T11:37:42 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2013-10-15T12:30:57 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2013-10-15T12:59:06 *** vipulnayyar has joined #rtems 2013-10-15T13:20:21 *** vipulnayyar has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2013-10-15T13:48:35 *** monstr__ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2013-10-15T14:52:43 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2013-10-15T15:07:53 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2013-10-15T15:44:34 *** alseh has joined #rtems 2013-10-15T16:38:20 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2013-10-15T18:04:54 *** nickwithers has left #rtems 2013-10-15T20:47:44 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2013-10-16T00:22:57 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2013-10-16T00:33:47 *** monstr__ has joined #rtems 2013-10-16T01:32:49 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2013-10-16T01:45:42 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2013-10-16T02:04:27 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2013-10-16T02:05:51 good morning 2013-10-16T04:22:13 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2013-10-16T04:22:35 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2013-10-16T04:25:33 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2013-10-16T05:08:30 *** guerby has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2013-10-16T05:10:27 *** guerby has joined #rtems 2013-10-16T05:14:21 *** berte has joined #rtems 2013-10-16T05:14:43 *** guerby has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2013-10-16T05:42:52 *** guerby has joined #rtems 2013-10-16T06:04:21 *** alseh has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2013-10-16T07:02:01 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) 2013-10-16T07:02:53 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2013-10-16T07:20:01 *** berte has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2013-10-16T07:25:50 *** berte has joined #rtems 2013-10-16T07:59:13 *** berte has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2013-10-16T08:32:07 *** guerby has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2013-10-16T08:33:19 *** guerby has joined #rtems 2013-10-16T10:14:19 *** berte has joined #rtems 2013-10-16T10:16:02 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2013-10-16T10:47:34 *** berte has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2013-10-16T10:51:32 *** marcinb has joined #rtems 2013-10-16T11:26:05 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2013-10-16T11:58:14 *** S_Somani has joined #rtems 2013-10-16T12:01:43 *** marcinb has quit IRC (Quit: marcinb) 2013-10-16T13:09:02 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2013-10-16T13:28:45 *** vipulnayyar has joined #rtems 2013-10-16T13:39:14 *** vipulnayyar has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2013-10-16T13:44:15 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2013-10-16T13:49:48 *** monstr__ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2013-10-16T15:53:31 *** S_Somani has left #rtems 2013-10-16T16:49:43 *** berte has joined #rtems 2013-10-16T17:07:27 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2013-10-16T17:09:56 *** berte has quit IRC (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/) 2013-10-17T00:28:15 *** MegaAlex|away has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2013-10-17T00:30:23 *** monstr__ has joined #rtems 2013-10-17T00:35:24 *** MegaAlex|away has joined #rtems 2013-10-17T01:43:29 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2013-10-17T01:59:34 *** vipulnayyar has joined #rtems 2013-10-17T02:00:32 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2013-10-17T02:02:42 *** vipulnayyar has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2013-10-17T04:33:59 *** monstr__ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2013-10-17T05:20:51 *** MegaAlex|away has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2013-10-17T05:26:52 *** MegaAlex|away has joined #rtems 2013-10-17T07:50:55 *** S_Somani has joined #rtems 2013-10-17T09:48:52 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2013-10-17T10:35:25 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2013-10-17T10:59:56 *** S_Somani has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2013-10-17T11:36:15 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2013-10-17T11:44:47 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2013-10-17T11:57:26 *** vipulnayyar has joined #rtems 2013-10-17T12:23:23 *** vipulnayyar has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2013-10-17T12:24:37 *** S_Somani has joined #rtems 2013-10-17T13:30:07 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2013-10-17T14:16:01 *** monstr has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2013-10-17T15:50:27 *** S_Somani has left #rtems 2013-10-17T16:08:59 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2013-10-17T16:49:53 verm__, hey how are things ? 2013-10-17T16:51:22 not bad 2013-10-17T16:51:40 Nice. Anything interesting happening ? 2013-10-17T16:51:56 not really, in a really boring meeting 2013-10-17T16:52:16 Really, same. 2013-10-17T16:52:30 some really loud person is sitting beside me 2013-10-17T16:52:34 i think his shirt is too green 2013-10-17T16:53:06 Hah, someone close to me has a loud green shirt. 2013-10-17T16:56:44 he's rude, too 2013-10-17T16:57:15 That's ok; he does not have an IRC client for Android. 2013-10-17T16:57:22 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2013-10-17T16:57:46 I had a feeling i was being talked about 2013-10-17T16:58:03 well, being way over there how would you know? 2013-10-17T16:58:15 hey Joel, what's happening ? 2013-10-17T16:59:12 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2013-10-17T17:00:51 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2013-10-17T17:00:51 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2013-10-17T17:00:51 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2013-10-17T17:01:44 *** DrJoel changes topic to "Welcome to RTEMS (http://www.rtems.org). Please feel free to ask questions and, if you can, answer those from others." 2013-10-17T17:11:27 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2013-10-17T18:02:02 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2013-10-17T21:32:37 *** antgreen_ has joined #rtems 2013-10-17T21:34:00 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2013-10-17T22:48:14 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2013-10-18T00:17:04 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2013-10-18T00:27:19 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2013-10-18T01:42:43 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2013-10-18T01:43:20 good morning 2013-10-18T02:06:31 *** mwalle has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2013-10-18T02:07:11 *** mwalle has joined #rtems 2013-10-18T07:39:04 *** antgreen_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2013-10-18T08:48:08 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2013-10-18T08:57:56 *** monstr has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2013-10-18T09:09:49 *** antgreen_ has joined #rtems 2013-10-18T09:17:55 *** antgreen_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2013-10-18T10:27:05 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2013-10-18T11:28:09 *** antgreen_ has joined #rtems 2013-10-18T11:41:50 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2013-10-18T12:09:25 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2013-10-18T13:16:15 *** monstr has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2013-10-18T13:26:43 *** vipulnayyar has joined #rtems 2013-10-18T13:35:59 *** vipulnayyar has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2013-10-18T14:09:15 *** antgreen_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 2013-10-18T17:18:33 *** antgreen_ has joined #rtems 2013-10-18T20:15:51 *** vipulnayyar has joined #rtems 2013-10-18T20:16:55 *** vipulnayyar has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2013-10-19T02:02:18 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2013-10-19T03:12:10 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2013-10-19T07:34:37 *** MegaAlex|away has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2013-10-19T07:39:46 *** MegaAlex|away has joined #rtems 2013-10-19T08:13:37 *** guerby has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2013-10-19T08:26:45 *** guerby has joined #rtems 2013-10-19T09:18:45 *** MegaAlex|away has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 2013-10-19T09:22:34 *** MegaAlex|away has joined #rtems 2013-10-19T09:54:44 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2013-10-19T10:08:53 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2013-10-19T10:19:59 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2013-10-19T11:31:34 *** monstr has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2013-10-19T12:07:05 *** MegaAlex|away has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2013-10-19T12:39:37 *** MegaAlex|away has joined #rtems 2013-10-19T12:57:32 *** vipulnayyar has joined #rtems 2013-10-19T13:30:37 *** vipulnayyar has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2013-10-19T14:29:16 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2013-10-19T14:32:41 *** kiwichris_ has joined #rtems 2013-10-19T14:33:43 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2013-10-19T14:37:39 *** kiwichris_ has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2013-10-19T16:51:41 *** antgreen_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2013-10-19T17:19:11 *** guerby has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2013-10-19T17:19:49 *** guerby has joined #rtems 2013-10-19T17:46:15 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2013-10-19T17:54:26 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2013-10-19T18:25:15 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2013-10-19T19:16:30 *** kiwichris_ has joined #rtems 2013-10-19T19:19:40 *** kiwichris_ has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2013-10-19T19:40:08 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2013-10-19T20:10:45 verm__, around ? 2013-10-19T23:30:21 *** mkhoory has joined #rtems 2013-10-19T23:52:23 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2013-10-19T23:52:48 Does anyone actually use dosfs in RTEMS? maybe it's just me but it seems rather unreliable compared to RFS 2013-10-19T23:52:54 and not as complete 2013-10-20T01:16:45 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) 2013-10-20T01:18:48 *** mkhoory has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2013-10-20T01:30:01 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2013-10-20T02:29:29 *** vipulnayyar has joined #rtems 2013-10-20T02:32:56 *** vipulnayyar has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2013-10-20T10:19:33 *** vipulnayyar has joined #rtems 2013-10-20T10:27:39 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2013-10-20T10:30:36 *** vipulnayyar has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2013-10-20T10:49:45 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2013-10-20T11:17:40 *** MegaAlex|away has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2013-10-20T11:36:08 *** MegaAlex|away has joined #rtems 2013-10-20T11:43:57 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2013-10-20T11:49:54 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2013-10-20T12:40:26 *** MegaAlex|away is now known as MegaAlex 2013-10-20T13:39:37 *** MegaAlex is now known as MegaAlex|away 2013-10-20T15:00:23 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2013-10-20T15:17:38 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2013-10-20T16:04:39 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2013-10-20T16:51:02 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)