2013-02-18T00:15:06 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2013-02-18T02:04:01 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2013-02-18T02:05:00 good morning 2013-02-18T02:58:43 *** MegaAlex|away is now known as MegaAlex 2013-02-18T04:09:48 *** rokka has joined #rtems 2013-02-18T05:28:20 *** MegaAlex is now known as MegaAlex|away 2013-02-18T07:52:50 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2013-02-18T08:33:08 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2013-02-18T10:42:30 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2013-02-18T10:43:09 /msg NickServ identify Justin01 2013-02-18T10:43:20 Damn it.. now I need to change my password :( 2013-02-18T10:43:46 *** DrJoel_ has joined #rtems 2013-02-18T10:43:52 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2013-02-18T10:44:09 *** DrJoel_ has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2013-02-18T10:44:24 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2013-02-18T10:44:24 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2013-02-18T10:44:24 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2013-02-18T10:45:13 haha 2013-02-18T10:45:22 Jessica02? 2013-02-18T10:45:43 * gedare prods DrJoel 2013-02-18T10:45:55 luckily that wasn't even the right password :) 2013-02-18T10:45:57 i'm workin gon the mmu code 2013-02-18T10:46:11 :) 2013-02-18T10:46:25 i'm defining basically a no-op MM manager similar to the cache manager 2013-02-18T10:46:35 and then we can implement new MM support for targets on a rolling basis 2013-02-18T10:46:43 I have an email thread with xi yang and another long ago submitter (Karel Gardas) on his ARM SMP 2013-02-18T10:46:44 and eventually use the MM manager in score 2013-02-18T10:46:55 good 2013-02-18T10:46:56 Thanks for pitching in on the Texinfo email 2013-02-18T10:47:12 Did I bait with the word "FORK" 2013-02-18T10:47:16 lol, yes you did 2013-02-18T10:47:33 but so did i with my arm-rtemseabi post 2013-02-18T10:47:47 update the motd 2013-02-18T10:47:48 I thought it was a simple topic.. major new version.. we need to make sure we work with it.. and old version. because both will live a long time 2013-02-18T10:48:00 yeah 2013-02-18T10:48:05 ugh... 2013-02-18T10:48:16 i have to add / modify almost every BSPs Makefile.am :( 2013-02-18T10:48:34 *** DrJoel changes topic to "Welcome to RTEMS (http://www.rtems.org). Please feel free to ask questions and, if you can, answer those from others. Google Summer of Code 2013 has been announced. RTEMS plans to apply." 2013-02-18T10:48:42 super 2013-02-18T10:49:39 I want to write up a project where Thread Queue gets some modifications.. Break out the priority Block2N code into own handler.. then use that in thread queue and a scheduler. 2013-02-18T10:49:58 ah that reminds me... 2013-02-18T10:50:17 i want to look at whether the pluggable scheduler can be used for scheduling things other than threads. 2013-02-18T10:50:27 this is a similar idea to what you said 2013-02-18T10:50:32 but more generic... 2013-02-18T10:50:32 Modify thread queue to take plugins for "thread set managers" for priority.. then simple fifo ready chain code and block2N can be used by thread queue and schedulers.. can have lighter thread queue and faster schedulers 2013-02-18T10:50:34 like IO scheduling. 2013-02-18T10:51:03 makes sense. 2013-02-18T10:51:35 Sounds reasonable. I did something like that with my disk caching/scheduling algorithm simulator for my dissertation 2013-02-18T10:51:59 You can end up with bands of cache or disk bandwidth for certain priority tasks. 2013-02-18T10:52:12 Are you thinking of doing a gsoc pitch at GWU? 2013-02-18T10:52:44 I am considering doing a Google Hangout webcast of the presentations I did Friday at UTC 2013-02-18T10:54:21 i thought about it. 2013-02-18T10:54:35 i might also just look at trying to recruit someone directly. 2013-02-18T10:55:00 afk a bit. 2013-02-18T10:56:54 :) 2013-02-18T10:57:14 Do you think a google hangout webcast which can be stored afterwards on youtube i a good idea? 2013-02-18T10:57:46 I was trying this as an experiment and then maybe do other presentatinos on RTEMS topics 2013-02-18T10:59:18 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2013-02-18T11:33:42 *** MegaAlex|away is now known as MegaAlex 2013-02-18T11:37:27 back.. Anna is home today because of fed holidy 2013-02-18T11:37:57 DrJoel: yes i think so. probably can embed them in the wiki too 2013-02-18T11:38:28 awww.. I am only in for 1/2 a day today.. 2013-02-18T11:38:44 I did scholarship interviews yesterday and have to write up my impressions. 2013-02-18T11:44:36 ah, nice 2013-02-18T11:45:30 * gedare bootstraps, sighs 2013-02-18T12:50:24 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2013-02-18T13:09:06 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2013-02-18T13:50:16 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2013-02-18T17:12:23 *** gedare has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) 2013-02-18T18:27:03 *** MegaAlex is now known as MegaAlex|away 2013-02-18T18:27:13 *** the9a3eedi has joined #rtems 2013-02-18T18:27:22 Good morning 2013-02-18T19:19:33 *** the9a3eedi-2 has joined #rtems 2013-02-18T19:20:33 *** the9a3eedi-2 has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2013-02-18T19:34:18 *** the9a3eedi has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2013-02-18T19:47:10 *** the9a3eedi has joined #rtems 2013-02-18T20:05:32 *** kiwichris_ has joined #rtems 2013-02-18T20:07:45 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2013-02-18T20:11:52 Is there any reason to not use the timer manager, and use an ISR for handling hardware timer interrupts? 2013-02-18T20:12:07 (I'm still new at the whole embedded scene, so this might be a really uninformed question) 2013-02-18T20:12:34 performance, if you need to work with fast timers and low overhead then directly is an option. 2013-02-18T20:13:30 I see.. How big is the difference in performance? 2013-02-18T20:14:01 depends on the performance of the processor. 2013-02-18T20:14:18 and how much performance it would use. For example ... 2013-02-18T20:14:32 I see 2013-02-18T20:15:02 Actually, I was under the impression that the timer manager uses the hardware timers if it's specified by the BSP.. but after reading a bit more, I don't think that's the case 2013-02-18T20:15:47 I worked on a high speed printer years ago and I ran a high speed timer interrupt to step the motors. You said step this far and isr handler ramped up the speed and down the speed and when finished woke a task. The isr exit to the os only happened then the task was woken 2013-02-18T20:16:05 I think it does. It uses the tick timer. 2013-02-18T20:17:48 I see. thanks for the help 2013-02-19T02:24:05 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2013-02-19T02:31:20 *** MegaAlex|away is now known as MegaAlex 2013-02-19T03:04:44 *** the9a3eedi has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2013-02-19T03:57:45 *** the9a3eedi has joined #rtems 2013-02-19T04:38:57 *** MegaAlex is now known as MegaAlex|away 2013-02-19T04:54:14 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2013-02-19T07:46:32 *** czr_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2013-02-19T08:10:23 *** kiwichris_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2013-02-19T08:19:56 *** the9a3eedi has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2013-02-19T08:40:49 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2013-02-19T09:04:45 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2013-02-19T11:30:15 *** MegaAlex|away is now known as MegaAlex 2013-02-19T11:51:46 *** gedare has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2013-02-19T12:50:32 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2013-02-19T13:54:29 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2013-02-19T15:00:30 *** gedare has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2013-02-19T15:19:43 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2013-02-19T16:05:55 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 2013-02-19T16:20:43 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2013-02-19T16:51:06 *** sevikkk has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2013-02-19T16:51:20 *** sevikkk has joined #rtems 2013-02-19T17:46:09 *** MegaAlex is now known as MegaAlex|away 2013-02-19T18:07:49 *** the9a3eedi has joined #rtems 2013-02-19T18:50:45 *** the9a3eedi has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2013-02-19T18:54:12 *** the9a3eedi has joined #rtems 2013-02-19T19:06:53 *** gedare has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2013-02-19T19:29:59 *** the9a3eedi has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2013-02-19T19:30:25 *** the9a3eedi has joined #rtems 2013-02-19T19:44:05 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2013-02-19T19:45:39 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2013-02-19T20:37:19 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2013-02-19T20:52:17 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2013-02-19T22:49:41 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2013-02-20T01:39:32 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2013-02-20T02:05:54 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2013-02-20T02:08:16 good morning 2013-02-20T02:12:45 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2013-02-20T02:13:04 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2013-02-20T02:17:56 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2013-02-20T02:18:00 *** arvind_k has joined #rtems 2013-02-20T03:04:40 *** the9a3eedi has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2013-02-20T03:21:30 *** MegaAlex|away is now known as MegaAlex 2013-02-20T04:37:57 *** MegaAlex has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 2013-02-20T04:38:29 *** MegaAlex has joined #rtems 2013-02-20T05:33:46 *** MegaAlex is now known as MegaAlex|away 2013-02-20T06:24:14 *** the9a3eedi has joined #rtems 2013-02-20T07:06:05 *** the9a3eedi has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2013-02-20T07:53:35 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2013-02-20T08:24:59 *** arvind_k has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2013-02-20T10:09:05 hi sebhub thanks for the mm code review. the bsp_mme pointer I think is useful if we start to have dynamic memory management 2013-02-20T10:09:14 otherwise it is not necessary 2013-02-20T10:09:29 since a static mmu/mpu setup will just "fire and forget" 2013-02-20T10:16:46 hmm.. looks like the ppc mmu support can recreate it easily enough 2013-02-20T10:20:26 and i'm starting to suspect the ARM mmu support can too, if it is done right 2013-02-20T10:20:30 cp-15 that is 2013-02-20T10:36:58 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2013-02-20T11:10:43 *** MegaAlex|away is now known as MegaAlex 2013-02-20T18:06:05 *** MegaAlex is now known as MegaAlex|away 2013-02-20T18:45:49 *** the9a3eedi has joined #rtems 2013-02-20T19:05:57 *** gedare has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2013-02-20T22:19:35 *** the9a3eedi-2 has joined #rtems 2013-02-20T22:23:07 *** the9a3eedi has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2013-02-20T23:05:03 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2013-02-20T23:19:47 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2013-02-20T23:35:59 The whole thing about the RTEMS build system not being able to properly build in debug mode is getting rather annoying lol 2013-02-20T23:36:06 it's so awkward stepping through the functions 2013-02-20T23:36:16 jumping all over the place, values optimized out 2013-02-20T23:37:03 is there really absolutely no proper way to build the whole RTEMS source in debug mode? How do the RTEMS developers handle it? 2013-02-20T23:37:29 *** the9a3eedi-2 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2013-02-20T23:38:12 *** the9a3eedi-2 has joined #rtems 2013-02-20T23:45:50 I build and set the CFLAGS and then set CFLAGS=".." before configure with the -O level I want. 2013-02-20T23:45:55 set -> get 2013-02-20T23:50:58 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2013-02-21T00:06:03 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2013-02-21T02:07:40 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2013-02-21T02:34:22 good morning 2013-02-21T03:03:58 *** the9a3eedi-2 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2013-02-21T03:25:04 *** MegaAlex|away is now known as MegaAlex 2013-02-21T03:33:27 *** arvind_k has joined #rtems 2013-02-21T04:36:53 *** the9a3eedi has joined #rtems 2013-02-21T04:51:04 *** the9a3eedi has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2013-02-21T05:29:52 *** MegaAlex is now known as MegaAlex|away 2013-02-21T08:13:37 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2013-02-21T09:35:29 *** arvind_k has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 2013-02-21T10:26:05 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2013-02-21T10:34:36 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2013-02-21T11:11:09 good afternoon 2013-02-21T11:35:56 *** MegaAlex|away is now known as MegaAlex 2013-02-21T12:57:50 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2013-02-21T13:11:56 hey DrJoel. 2013-02-21T13:31:25 *** sevikkk has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) 2013-02-21T13:33:41 *** sevikkk has joined #rtems 2013-02-21T14:42:07 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2013-02-21T18:16:23 *** MegaAlex is now known as MegaAlex|away 2013-02-21T18:36:33 gedare, hi 2013-02-21T18:47:05 hi kiwichris 2013-02-21T18:47:23 just winding down..been idle a couple hours 2013-02-21T18:47:29 The source builder now installs by default to the prefix you provide 2013-02-21T18:47:46 No tar files built unless you add options to create them 2013-02-21T18:48:34 good i think that is more intuitive 2013-02-21T18:48:46 does it separate the install from the build process? 2013-02-21T18:48:49 Also have unstable/4.11 which is gcc 4.8 + newlib 2.0.0. A few things have showed up 2013-02-21T18:49:18 No, you say go and it does it. I could add something to install from a tar 2013-02-21T18:49:48 ok. i think that is fine anyway 2013-02-21T18:50:05 we should encourage users to specify prefixes that they own as user 2013-02-21T18:50:09 or group permissions 2013-02-21T18:50:12 Yeah. The other could be added later. It is not a big task 2013-02-21T18:50:15 for unix environments 2013-02-21T18:50:36 Yes I agree. I have no checking of perms at the moment but I feel it should be added. 2013-02-21T18:50:52 i have to cut back my rtems work soon..been trying to clear the plate 2013-02-21T18:51:13 Ah ok. 2013-02-21T18:51:32 but i'll try to keep on top of this, sb and tools are important 2013-02-21T18:51:43 i'm going to let the mmu project slide to post release 2013-02-21T18:51:52 Sure. 2013-02-21T18:52:28 after we think most of the code has been submitted for the outstanding projects we should consider cutting the release anyway 2013-02-21T18:52:40 the tools can (and should) be handled separately from the actual turning over of the repo 2013-02-21T18:53:10 i'll have to bring that up with joel 2013-02-21T18:53:17 Until we have tools that we know are stable we cannot be certain the code is ok 2013-02-21T18:53:28 yes i mean... 2013-02-21T18:53:39 make a tag, and freeze new development, bug fixes only 2013-02-21T18:54:18 this should be part of any release process anyhow 2013-02-21T18:54:31 I am not sure. We need to tools documented and the patches agreed to 2013-02-21T18:54:53 Otherwise the RPM tools are considered the "standard" 2013-02-21T18:55:06 OK. I'll sleep on it myself. Ah, I understand. 2013-02-21T18:55:16 Yes, we do not want that 2013-02-21T18:55:34 If there current state is ok then that is fine 2013-02-21T18:55:46 OK I have to go. later 2013-02-21T18:57:01 cya 2013-02-21T19:00:11 *** gedare has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2013-02-21T23:27:47 hehe, just building the RTEMS tools for an ARM on a Raspberry Pi. 2013-02-22T00:25:52 nice 2013-02-22T00:34:48 yeah, binutils built and now onto gcc+newlib 2013-02-22T01:06:03 *** arvind_k has joined #rtems 2013-02-22T01:06:15 *** arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri 2013-02-22T02:08:36 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2013-02-22T02:09:10 good morning 2013-02-22T02:28:16 *** MegaAlex|away is now known as MegaAlex 2013-02-22T02:36:05 kiwichris: nice … Raspberry Pi is a nice affordable for everyone devel board 2013-02-22T03:10:39 peerst, yeah so the idea we are playing with is one to build on and one to test on 2013-02-22T03:30:42 *** bazinski has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2013-02-22T04:16:34 oh even cooler 2013-02-22T04:49:02 *** lcpfnvcy has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2013-02-22T04:53:38 *** lcpfnvcy has joined #rtems 2013-02-22T05:22:37 *** MegaAlex is now known as MegaAlex|away 2013-02-22T08:20:44 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2013-02-22T08:27:06 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2013-02-22T10:13:15 *** gedare has quit IRC (Quit: Ex-Chat) 2013-02-22T10:43:18 *** MegaAlex|away is now known as MegaAlex 2013-02-22T11:18:31 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2013-02-22T16:54:58 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2013-02-22T17:02:41 *** gedare has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2013-02-22T19:06:25 *** MegaAlex is now known as MegaAlex|away 2013-02-23T01:16:41 *** MegaAlex|away is now known as MegaAlex 2013-02-23T01:19:46 *** lcpfnvcy has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2013-02-23T01:27:48 *** lcpfnvcy has joined #rtems 2013-02-23T01:30:31 *** kiwichris_ has joined #rtems 2013-02-23T01:33:12 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2013-02-23T01:57:04 *** MegaAlex is now known as MegaAlex|away 2013-02-23T05:00:22 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2013-02-23T05:53:50 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2013-02-23T08:25:51 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2013-02-23T09:05:44 *** gedare has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2013-02-23T11:14:04 *** drichards has joined #rtems 2013-02-23T12:06:39 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2013-02-23T12:18:59 *** drichards has left #rtems ("ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)") 2013-02-23T16:54:15 http://www.rtems.org/ftp/pub/rtems/people/chrisj/source-builder/raspbian/ 2013-02-23T16:54:29 Time to build them "Build Set: Time 10:31:17.087388" :) 2013-02-23T23:04:54 *** the9a3eedi has joined #rtems 2013-02-24T03:13:15 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2013-02-24T03:18:15 I have updated the RTEMS Source Builder doco. It is a work in progress and only partly done ... 2013-02-24T03:18:16 http://www.rtems.org/ftp/pub/rtems/people/chrisj/source-builder/source-builder.html 2013-02-24T03:25:57 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2013-02-24T04:06:08 Is it possible to send an event to multiple tasks (or to all tasks) rather than having to specify one task at a time? Or should I be using something other than events for this sort of thing? 2013-02-24T04:19:18 *** sevikkk has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2013-02-24T04:35:10 *** the9a3eedi has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2013-02-24T09:03:45 *** sevikkk has joined #rtems 2013-02-24T10:22:21 *** arvind_k has joined #rtems 2013-02-24T10:24:03 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 2013-02-24T16:21:57 *** MegaAlex|away is now known as MegaAlex 2013-02-24T18:42:26 *** MegaAlex is now known as MegaAlex|away 2013-02-24T21:53:15 *** the9a3eedi has joined #rtems 2013-02-24T22:10:01 *** kiwichris_ has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2013-02-24T22:28:20 *** arvind_k has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2013-02-24T22:50:23 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2013-02-24T22:54:36 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2013-02-24T22:56:19 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2013-02-24T23:27:33 *** arvind_k has joined #rtems 2013-02-24T23:35:09 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)