2012-12-24T05:53:16 *** matttt has joined #rtems 2012-12-24T09:58:34 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-12-24T09:58:39 hi!! 2012-12-24T09:58:44 any mentors here today 2012-12-24T09:58:56 just needed some help 2012-12-24T10:22:32 *** matttt has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-12-24T11:54:35 *** ayush10297 has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-12-24T12:43:34 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-12-24T12:43:44 i need to talk to a mentor 2012-12-24T12:43:58 any mentors here 2012-12-24T14:23:01 *** ayush10297 has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-12-25T01:02:48 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-12-25T03:26:36 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2012-12-25T09:55:10 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-12-25T09:55:28 Hi!! 2012-12-25T09:55:42 any mentors here by chance 2012-12-25T09:57:28 *** ayush10297 has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2012-12-25T16:59:12 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-12-25T16:59:20 Hi!! 2012-12-25T16:59:25 ANY MENTORS HERE 2012-12-25T17:07:35 *** ayush10297 has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-12-25T21:20:16 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-12-25T21:22:48 *** ayush10297 has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2012-12-26T03:59:02 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-12-26T07:19:26 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 2012-12-26T20:13:03 *** matt_ has joined #rtems 2012-12-26T20:13:10 *** matt_ is now known as matttttttt 2012-12-26T21:12:57 *** matttttttt has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-12-26T21:39:00 *** mattttttt has joined #rtems 2012-12-26T22:02:07 *** mattttttt has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-12-26T22:13:02 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-12-26T22:16:09 any mentors here 2012-12-26T22:26:35 *** ayush10297 has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-12-27T01:28:05 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2012-12-27T06:23:01 *** monstr has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2012-12-27T06:31:07 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2012-12-27T06:35:47 *** monstr has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2012-12-27T06:38:39 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2012-12-27T06:52:54 *** jahf has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2012-12-27T08:31:01 *** jahf has joined #rtems 2012-12-27T11:26:16 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-12-27T11:26:21 Hi!!! 2012-12-27T11:26:29 Can i talk to a mentor plz??? 2012-12-27T11:27:23 *** ayush10297 has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2012-12-27T12:02:06 *** monstr has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) 2012-12-27T12:12:25 *** jenniferA has joined #rtems 2012-12-27T12:27:27 *** matttt has joined #rtems 2012-12-27T12:30:38 Mat: Did you get the answer to the question I posted? I didn't know if students got messages after we close the task. 2012-12-27T12:32:45 jenniferA, Yes I did, I am actually working on a script right now 2012-12-27T12:33:00 great! 2012-12-27T12:34:46 If you want a hint... look at the sed command. 2012-12-27T12:53:53 Hmm, I got it working in Python. 2012-12-27T12:54:30 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-12-27T12:54:38 Hi@@ 2012-12-27T12:54:44 any mentors here 2012-12-27T12:55:06 i really need to talk to a mentor 2012-12-27T12:55:14 ping: matttt 2012-12-27T12:55:58 Hey ayush10297, I think Jennifer is here. 2012-12-27T12:56:43 but Matt can u help me with a doxygen cleanup task 2012-12-27T12:57:00 Yeah sure, whats up 2012-12-27T12:57:14 i dont knw if i hv to make a change with @see 2012-12-27T12:57:40 i mean do i hv to change it 2012-12-27T12:57:44 I don't think you have to, Just leave as is. 2012-12-27T12:57:45 ]ir just leave it as it is 2012-12-27T12:58:18 ok 2012-12-27T13:01:03 yes leave those as is 2012-12-27T13:01:47 ok thankz 2012-12-27T13:01:51 Mattt: there are multiple ways to do it... Glad you got something working 2012-12-27T13:02:58 one more thing jennifer 2012-12-27T13:03:04 if i hv this 2012-12-27T13:03:06 The @a opaque argument must be the return value of * rtems_heap_greedy_allocate(). 2012-12-27T13:03:43 i guess d @a in this case will be @param(out) 2012-12-27T13:05:15 what file is this in? 2012-12-27T13:05:30 malloc.h 2012-12-27T13:05:32 libcsupport 2012-12-27T13:06:16 yea that's d one 2012-12-27T13:06:31 not too sure abt it 2012-12-27T13:06:35 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-12-27T13:07:45 Yes the @a opaque is a @param(out) 2012-12-27T13:08:23 but what if d @a is in a paragraph 2012-12-27T13:08:39 do i hv to take out all d @a's 2012-12-27T13:09:11 the @a is a doxygen command that tells doxygen that the next word "opaque" is a variable in the prototype that is defined below. 2012-12-27T13:09:16 or just leave it in the form of a paragraph 2012-12-27T13:09:43 leave that sentence as a paragraph 2012-12-27T13:09:54 ok 2012-12-27T13:09:57 * Afterward the heap has at most @param(in) block_count allocatable blocks 2012-12-27T13:10:08 * of sizes specified by @param(in) block_sizes. The @param(in) block_sizes 2012-12-27T13:10:18 * must point to an array with @param block_count members. All other blocks\ 2012-12-27T13:10:24 what abt this one 2012-12-27T13:10:33 all should be @param(in) 2012-12-27T13:11:16 that's what i hv 2012-12-27T13:11:30 not too sure 2012-12-27T13:11:34 what do u think?? 2012-12-27T13:11:46 Hey Jennifer, If you're interested in looking at the script: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6wSSuDrmhetU3hYY0w3bTFVbFk/edit 2012-12-27T13:13:09 block_sizes is an output value and block_count is an in 2012-12-27T13:15:42 Mattt: Looks like you are very comfortable with python :) 2012-12-27T13:15:52 *** ayush10297 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-12-27T13:16:41 I don't think ayush understands some of the task... but I seem to have lost him 2012-12-27T13:17:05 Aha, yeah! I think Python is a great language. 2012-12-27T13:18:37 Everyone will tend to write a script with what they are most comfortable with and there are usually several ways to do the same thing :) 2012-12-27T13:20:30 You are doing a great job to be thinking of automating the task 2012-12-27T13:24:57 Thanks :) 2012-12-27T13:25:36 My goal is to get at least 60 contributions to the RTEMS project. 2012-12-27T13:26:38 How many have you gotten so far? 2012-12-27T13:27:04 Right now I have 40 tasks completed. 2012-12-27T13:28:26 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-12-27T13:28:37 m back 2012-12-27T13:28:43 sorry!! 2012-12-27T13:28:54 ping: Jennifer A 2012-12-27T13:29:07 I checked ur last comment on irc logs 2012-12-27T13:29:15 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2012-12-27T13:29:54 I assume you were adding the @param(in) to the paragraph? 2012-12-27T13:30:13 yes that's wat i was doing 2012-12-27T13:30:40 still i need to understand d concept 2012-12-27T13:30:41 It doesn't go in the paragraph ... let me see if I can find you an example to look at 2012-12-27T13:31:26 i already saw Matt's work which gave me an idea 2012-12-27T13:31:35 ah ok 2012-12-27T13:31:36 but didn't see anything with the paragraph as yet 2012-12-27T13:31:37 good 2012-12-27T13:31:56 The paragraphs should be fine as they are 2012-12-27T13:32:03 ok cool 2012-12-27T13:32:24 Thats all I needed to tell you 2012-12-27T13:33:01 what do u think abt the defgroup 2012-12-27T13:33:05 for watchdogdrv.h 2012-12-27T13:33:07 I just didn't want you not understanding and doing it to all files accidently 2012-12-27T13:33:22 let me look 2012-12-27T13:35:19 yea i won't do it to all d files 2012-12-27T13:35:26 i wasn't even sure 2012-12-27T13:35:32 if i am doing the rite thing 2012-12-27T13:35:37 it's good that i confirmed 2012-12-27T13:35:43 b4 doing it 2012-12-27T13:36:28 btw doxygen enhancement tasks were some of the best ones we did for now 2012-12-27T13:36:47 do u all hv any more of those 2012-12-27T13:37:02 The high level group Libc Support the low level would be rtems 2012-12-27T13:38:31 ok 2012-12-27T13:38:33 The only thing we have unpublished at the moment are cleanup doxygen tasks and test tasks 2012-12-27T13:39:14 but will that be d @defgroup 2012-12-27T13:39:46 I'm not sure if we will have to come up with any new ones or not, but all the enhancement tasks have been released already 2012-12-27T13:40:24 usually @defgroup is short 2012-12-27T13:40:58 ok 2012-12-27T13:41:48 you are right thats the in group not the defgroup 2012-12-27T13:42:01 i know d ingroup 2012-12-27T13:42:10 not sure abt d defgroup 2012-12-27T13:42:37 i will it be libcsupport_watchdogdrv 2012-12-27T13:42:51 yes libcsupport is correct 2012-12-27T13:43:39 ok cool 2012-12-27T13:44:01 Any other questions? I need to leave in a few minutes 2012-12-27T13:44:19 no 2012-12-27T13:44:32 thankz a lot 2012-12-27T13:44:46 You are doing a good job! 2012-12-27T13:44:59 good luck with the rest of your tasks 2012-12-27T13:45:02 yea i need to win 2012-12-27T13:45:05 thankz 2012-12-27T13:45:25 *** jenniferA has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-12-27T13:47:24 *** ayush10297 has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-12-27T14:35:03 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-12-27T15:19:13 *** matttt has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-12-27T16:00:28 *** ayush10297 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-12-27T16:30:59 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-12-27T16:31:15 can a mentor plz mark my task?? 2012-12-27T16:31:36 waiting from a long time 2012-12-27T16:35:53 *** ayush10297 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-12-27T22:57:34 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-12-27T23:15:07 *** ayush10297 has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-12-28T03:56:39 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2012-12-28T04:54:48 *** monstr has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2012-12-28T05:03:06 hello! should I add doxy. comment block at the top of file header for clean-up tasks? 2012-12-28T05:16:46 *** monstr_ has joined #rtems 2012-12-28T06:25:23 *** monstr_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2012-12-28T06:28:32 *** monstr_ has joined #rtems 2012-12-28T06:53:27 *** monstr_ has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-12-28T06:58:26 *** monstr_ has joined #rtems 2012-12-28T08:25:06 *** peerst has left #rtems 2012-12-28T08:25:26 *** peerst has joined #rtems 2012-12-28T08:25:29 *** peerst has left #rtems 2012-12-28T08:25:44 *** peerst has joined #rtems 2012-12-28T08:26:37 *** peerst has joined #rtems 2012-12-28T09:36:53 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-12-28T09:37:44 PING: Jennifer A 2012-12-28T09:40:43 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-12-28T09:40:43 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-12-28T09:40:43 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2012-12-28T09:40:52 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2012-12-28T11:08:47 *** ayush10297 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-12-28T11:31:38 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-12-28T12:03:01 *** peerst has quit IRC (Quit: peerst) 2012-12-28T12:03:27 *** peerst has joined #rtems 2012-12-28T12:03:47 *** monstr_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-12-28T12:06:37 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-12-28T12:06:51 ping: Jennifer A 2012-12-28T12:21:43 *** ayush10297 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-12-28T12:41:52 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-12-28T12:47:16 *** JenniferA has joined #rtems 2012-12-28T13:13:28 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-12-28T13:20:14 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-12-28T13:20:25 PING: ENNIFER a 2012-12-28T13:20:29 sorry 2012-12-28T13:20:37 ping: Jennifer A 2012-12-28T13:21:36 ping: JenniferA 2012-12-28T13:21:41 Hey!! 2012-12-28T13:21:44 Jennifer 2012-12-28T13:22:07 Here 2012-12-28T13:22:52 so basically did u check the @defgroups in my patch 2012-12-28T13:22:56 were they correct?? 2012-12-28T13:23:11 so that i could change the mistakes 2012-12-28T13:24:08 We need to resolve the issue of the patch not working. I am in the process of commiting previous patches that we got behind on and several of yours are having malformed information in the patch 2012-12-28T13:24:52 hmm 2012-12-28T13:24:55 but how?? 2012-12-28T13:25:10 Did you reclone the repo the way I described 2012-12-28T13:25:18 m doing it now 2012-12-28T13:25:48 Your repository has become corrupted or out of synch with the master git repo 2012-12-28T13:33:13 i dont knw what to say 2012-12-28T13:33:17 but m so sorry 2012-12-28T13:33:31 i didn't knew this was going on 2012-12-28T13:33:42 else i would've recloned it earlier 2012-12-28T13:34:51 It was our fault for not detecting it 2012-12-28T13:35:21 We just need to resolve it and create a process so it doesn't happen to you again 2012-12-28T13:37:53 but will all of this affect the no of points i earned 2012-12-28T13:38:37 bcoz m really aiming to win 2012-12-28T13:38:41 No you got credit for the tasks you completed we just can't commit your patches as they were submitted 2012-12-28T13:39:10 ok it finished 2012-12-28T13:39:29 i think the cloning finished 2012-12-28T13:39:39 after this 2012-12-28T13:39:43 what do i hv to do 2012-12-28T13:39:52 ?? 2012-12-28T13:39:55 you can see the failure I see by trying to run the patch 2012-12-28T13:40:13 cd to the rtems tree 2012-12-28T13:40:33 patch --dryrun -p1 < YOUR_PATCH_FILE 2012-12-28T13:40:52 this will show you the errors without effecting your tree 2012-12-28T13:43:00 those files that are failing you will have to hand put in your changes in the rtems tree again. You can cut and paste from your old file to the new file. The files that are not failing you can copy from the old tree into the new tree 2012-12-28T13:43:28 then regenerate your patch 2012-12-28T13:43:52 basically i dont thing i went the rite way 2012-12-28T13:44:03 what i did was i opened the terminal in the rtems 2012-12-28T13:44:07 folder 2012-12-28T13:44:15 and just pasted this link 2012-12-28T13:44:16 yes 2012-12-28T13:44:28 and it said done 2012-12-28T13:44:54 but how to be sure that actually it is cloned 2012-12-28T13:44:58 now 2012-12-28T13:45:03 any ways to find out 2012-12-28T13:45:43 when you did the "mv rtems rtems-old" it moved the new tree out of the way 2012-12-28T13:45:53 i didn't do that 2012-12-28T13:46:07 when you did the clone command a new rtems tree should have appeared 2012-12-28T13:46:07 bcoz it wasn't accepting the command 2012-12-28T13:46:45 ok what directory are you in 2012-12-28T13:47:11 do a pwd 2012-12-28T13:47:23 i got through 2012-12-28T13:48:26 i forgot to type the command last time i cloned "mv rtems rtems-old" 2012-12-28T13:48:35 but i cloned it again with this command 2012-12-28T13:48:36 What did you get through with? 2012-12-28T13:48:53 Oh ok 2012-12-28T13:49:18 i think it should be okay now 2012-12-28T13:49:41 git checkout master 2012-12-28T13:50:27 Do a git status from the new rtems directory and there should be no changes 2012-12-28T13:50:49 it says already on master 2012-12-28T13:51:35 and it also showed the files 2012-12-28T13:51:39 i worked on 2012-12-28T13:51:46 i.e the libmisc files 2012-12-28T13:51:46 You can try the patch command with your patch to see the problem or you can move your changes over and 2012-12-28T13:51:51 regenerate the patch 2012-12-28T13:52:07 ok you don't have a clean tree then 2012-12-28T13:52:12 ok 2012-12-28T13:52:45 ounting objects: 414318, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (69062/69062), done. remote: Total 414318 (delta 337270), reused 414155 (delta 337186) Receiving objects: 100% (414318/414318), 55.12 MiB | 615 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (337270/337270), done. bash-4.1$ git checkout master M cpukit/libmisc/bspcmdline/bspcmdline.h M cpukit/libmisc/cpuuse/cpuuse.h M cpukit/libmisc/devnull/devnull.h M cpukit/libmisc/devnull/de 2012-12-28T13:53:02 got something like this 2012-12-28T13:53:07 messed up 2012-12-28T13:53:15 bcoz i just copy pasted it 2012-12-28T13:54:01 these r d recent files frm the recent task i am working on 2012-12-28T13:54:22 Lets start from the top.. go to the directory above the rtems tree directory and type the move your rtems tree to another name 2012-12-28T13:57:33 what do i hv to type? 2012-12-28T13:58:05 mv rtems rtems-working 2012-12-28T13:58:21 this will rename your working direcory 2012-12-28T13:59:30 ok 2012-12-28T14:00:08 if you type "ls" you should see the rtems directory is no longer there 2012-12-28T14:00:47 no m seeing some files 2012-12-28T14:00:55 configure.ac 2012-12-28T14:01:00 contrib 2012-12-28T14:01:01 etc 2012-12-28T14:01:05 but none of them are named rtems correct? 2012-12-28T14:01:35 except 3 of them 2012-12-28T14:01:44 rtems support 2012-12-28T14:01:46 rtems old 2012-12-28T14:01:49 rtems working 2012-12-28T14:02:40 you should not see a configure.ac Are you in the direcory above the rtems tree directory 2012-12-28T14:02:42 ? 2012-12-28T14:03:01 yes 2012-12-28T14:03:05 what is d name?? 2012-12-28T14:03:10 do a pwd and tell me what it says 2012-12-28T14:03:31 I don't know what the full path is on your machine 2012-12-28T14:05:21 i think i'll reinstall everything 2012-12-28T14:05:26 that's better 2012-12-28T14:05:28 Ok 2012-12-28T14:05:41 I need to go for a while 2012-12-28T14:06:07 I'll check back in IRC in about 3 hours 2012-12-28T14:06:12 but when reinstalling do i need to take any special steps 2012-12-28T14:06:22 or anything like that 2012-12-28T14:06:47 or just do u knw how to format all of this 2012-12-28T14:07:00 If you can work with your patch file to put the changes back in you should be fine 2012-12-28T14:07:26 ok after reinstalling 2012-12-28T14:07:36 can i just cut and paste from the file i uploaded 2012-12-28T14:07:38 yes 2012-12-28T14:07:40 into a blank .diff 2012-12-28T14:07:52 no 2012-12-28T14:08:11 so 2012-12-28T14:08:19 what should i do after reinstalling 2012-12-28T14:08:22 you have to reapply the changes in the clean rtems tree or copy the files over if they still exist 2012-12-28T14:08:54 If you delete the virtual box and reinstall they will be gone 2012-12-28T14:09:04 or just reset it 2012-12-28T14:09:48 i guess 2012-12-28T14:09:59 can i get d link for reinstalling it 2012-12-28T14:10:00 Doing a shutdown and reopening the environment ... the tree will still be corrupted 2012-12-28T14:10:49 If Matt appears he had a similar problem earlier and I think he was able to fix his tree 2012-12-28T14:11:16 i didn't see matt for d day 2012-12-28T14:11:22 so i'll go and do it 2012-12-28T14:11:25 on my own 2012-12-28T14:11:28 i just need d link 2012-12-28T14:11:47 let me look 2012-12-28T14:13:23 http://www.rtems.com/wiki/index.php/Virtual_Machines_for_RTEMS_Development 2012-12-28T14:13:44 Is this the link you need? 2012-12-28T14:13:50 yea 2012-12-28T14:13:52 thankzz 2012-12-28T14:14:01 Ok .. Good Luck 2012-12-28T14:14:08 *** JenniferA has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-12-28T14:18:25 *** ayush10297 has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-12-28T17:52:21 *** JenniferA has joined #rtems 2012-12-28T18:15:15 *** JenniferA has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-12-29T07:53:31 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-12-29T10:14:45 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-12-30T00:31:34 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-12-30T00:34:08 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-12-30T01:25:40 *** sevikkk has joined #rtems 2012-12-30T02:52:19 *** monstr_ has joined #rtems 2012-12-30T04:08:00 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2012-12-30T04:10:34 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-12-30T15:16:56 *** monstr_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2012-12-30T15:35:04 *** mattttttt has joined #rtems 2012-12-30T16:04:37 *** mattttttt has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-12-30T17:14:47 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-12-30T17:15:08 Hi!! 2012-12-30T17:15:12 any mentors here 2012-12-30T17:15:16 :) 2012-12-30T17:27:57 *** ayush10297 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)