2012-11-26T01:02:13 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T01:02:58 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T01:40:13 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-11-26T02:04:00 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T02:04:19 good morning 2012-11-26T02:14:50 moorning 2012-11-26T06:23:32 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T07:15:08 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 273 seconds) 2012-11-26T07:15:20 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T08:30:45 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 2012-11-26T08:49:40 *** zargy has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T08:50:17 *** zargy has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2012-11-26T08:50:35 *** zargy has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T08:51:39 Hello 2012-11-26T09:01:53 *** zargy has quit IRC () 2012-11-26T10:10:39 *** monstr has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-11-26T10:18:41 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T10:27:27 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T10:27:28 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T10:27:28 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2012-11-26T10:38:03 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T10:38:22 what up drjoel 2012-11-26T10:38:32 drjoel kind of sounds like drscholl. 2012-11-26T10:41:03 I'm not near as good for your feet :) 2012-11-26T10:41:19 just waiting for the 19 minutes until GCI opens. Are you ready? 2012-11-26T10:41:34 i had no idea it was today until 4 minutes ago, so... 2012-11-26T10:41:37 as ready as ever! 2012-11-26T10:41:44 are mentors allowed to sign up still? 2012-11-26T10:42:31 I did a LOT of work this weekend on the tasks!!! I even had to get one of my sons to help. He is "slimey84" if you look at the mentor table LOL 2012-11-26T10:42:42 i know! 2012-11-26T10:42:45 nice 2012-11-26T10:42:57 I think so. My son signed up yesterday and I think Cynthia Rimpel will sign up. 2012-11-26T10:43:07 ok that is why i asked 2012-11-26T10:43:11 see your pm ;) 2012-11-26T10:43:22 *** zargy has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T10:43:33 Hello 2012-11-26T10:43:41 and the gci students begin to arrive :) 2012-11-26T10:43:49 hi 2012-11-26T10:43:57 i'll try to lurk here and help out today then... 2012-11-26T10:44:01 i didn't know what else i'd be doing :) 2012-11-26T10:44:21 I actually came on at 9:00, but I then realized that it didn't start until 11:00 2012-11-26T10:44:40 time zones eh 2012-11-26T10:45:04 I thought it started at 5pst but Stephanie sent me an email about 1am this morning correcting me 2012-11-26T10:45:30 FYI the bulk import had issues this year. If a task is unclear, please take a stab at corrceting it. 2012-11-26T10:46:28 lot of tasks! 2012-11-26T10:46:41 i don't see the mentor list. maybe that is only for OAs. 2012-11-26T10:47:03 why are some tasks unpublished? 2012-11-26T10:47:06 Just so you know Gedare... Tasks are quick. Students (1) ask to get task and we have to accept quickly. (2) they might ask questions. Answer quickly and update wiki description that backs up tasks. (3) Student submits work. Mentor reviews and when they accept, either commit directly or forward to rtems-devel. 2012-11-26T10:47:18 Mentor acceptance guidelines should be pretty clear on the wiki. 2012-11-26T10:47:22 ok 2012-11-26T10:47:52 zargy, if anything doesn't make sense, feel free to ask. The first few tasks of each type will be rough for all of us. We will work to improve instructinos :) 2012-11-26T10:48:10 ok :) 2012-11-26T10:48:11 gedare, zargy is a student from Huntsville whose Mom is a friend of Jennifer's. 2012-11-26T10:48:46 cool. 2012-11-26T10:52:57 7 minutes to go! 2012-11-26T10:53:36 * DrJoel feels his mailbox about to explode :) 2012-11-26T10:58:12 1 minute 2012-11-26T11:01:15 Yes! now to find a task 2012-11-26T11:01:17 DrJoel: are the unpublished tasks set as dependent on something? 2012-11-26T11:04:38 I'd like to request this: http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/7986213 2012-11-26T11:04:52 I can't remeber if there is supposed to be a button for it 2012-11-26T11:05:18 gedare.. no.. we just have to review them, and publish them as needed. 2012-11-26T11:05:27 I tried to keep a number in the title to give us a hint 2012-11-26T11:05:37 zargy, I thought there was just a request button 2012-11-26T11:06:02 *** monstr has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-11-26T11:06:03 huh 2012-11-26T11:06:08 it's not showing up for me 2012-11-26T11:06:13 weird 2012-11-26T11:06:16 ask on #gsoc 2012-11-26T11:06:18 on the top maybe? 2012-11-26T11:07:35 wait... I thought you could still participate if you were 17 2012-11-26T11:10:04 It won't let me register because my birthday was on 1995-10-11 2012-11-26T11:11:00 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T11:15:33 they will get it fixed .. :) 2012-11-26T11:15:44 probably just a < instead of <= somewhere 2012-11-26T11:15:58 Ok, I was going to claim the first doxegen task 2012-11-26T11:16:24 *** monstr has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2012-11-26T11:18:19 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T11:19:31 is today a school day? 2012-11-26T11:19:46 it's monday, so I guess 2012-11-26T11:19:48 you can always do one other than the first and then have it ready when the bug is fixed. :) 2012-11-26T11:20:30 ok, I'll do #4 2012-11-26T11:21:06 * DrJoel is certain students did multiple tasks at a time last year. Then submitted them rapid fire when mentors were available :) 2012-11-26T11:21:14 I had some tasks done in < 5 minutes 2012-11-26T11:21:18 just paid my first year's professional ieee member. 2012-11-26T11:21:28 * gedare starts to enter the "real-world" 2012-11-26T11:22:30 ouch.. pricey 2012-11-26T11:22:43 heh 2012-11-26T11:26:52 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-11-26T11:28:12 *** monstr has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) 2012-11-26T11:31:43 ok, looks like I'm going to have to get my student enrollment and parental consent forms done before I can do any other work 2012-11-26T11:34:41 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T11:41:07 well .. before you can submit any :) 2012-11-26T11:41:12 but the forms are critical!!! 2012-11-26T11:53:14 ahhg... printer drivers! 2012-11-26T11:58:03 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 2012-11-26T11:59:59 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T12:03:01 *** zargy has quit IRC () 2012-11-26T12:13:23 *** zargy has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T12:14:20 https://sites.google.com/site/eduonair/hangout-schedule/google-code-in .. 2pm PST (now?) video conference on GCI.. I can't get there.. in another webex. Can someone hop in 2012-11-26T12:16:58 *** zargy has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2012-11-26T12:19:23 2pm PST = 4 PM CST 2012-11-26T12:36:09 grrr... 2012-11-26T12:45:45 *** zargy has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T12:46:03 ok I claimed a task! 2012-11-26T12:46:09 SOrry that took so long! 2012-11-26T12:47:32 no problem.. please make sure the wiki description for the task is good. We have 80+ of these potentially 2012-11-26T12:48:52 ok 2012-11-26T12:52:14 hey... how do I open a termanal with the keyboard? 2012-11-26T13:06:12 so what is a "prototype" in the terms of this task?? 2012-11-26T13:12:56 hello? 2012-11-26T13:13:24 hi zargy 2012-11-26T13:13:42 * gedare pokes DrJoel 2012-11-26T13:14:25 sorry, I'd just like to know if I'm on the right track... 2012-11-26T13:15:10 a prototype is a function definition.. looks like... 2012-11-26T13:15:25 int this_function_name(int a, int b); 2012-11-26T13:15:39 http://www.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/GoogleCodeInProjects#Add_Doxygen_File_Headers 2012-11-26T13:15:45 If that's not good enough, we need to fix it. 2012-11-26T13:16:08 zargy, give us a .c file name and we will give you a file and linenumber for the .h prototype 2012-11-26T13:16:36 terminology confusion i suppose 2012-11-26T13:16:37 so for example... for finding the right header file for chainextract.c I do "grep -r _Chain_Extract include" while in rtems/cpukit/score? 2012-11-26T13:16:45 ya 2012-11-26T13:16:47 yep.. 2012-11-26T13:16:48 ok 2012-11-26T13:17:00 and when It gives me chain.h, 2012-11-26T13:17:01 did you figure out how to open a terminal? 2012-11-26T13:17:01 should find cpukit/score/include/rtems/score/chain.h 2012-11-26T13:17:22 then you can open that file with a text editor 2012-11-26T13:17:27 no I didn't 2012-11-26T13:17:36 *the termanal 2012-11-26T13:17:44 *terminal 2012-11-26T13:18:57 what operating system are you using? 2012-11-26T13:19:16 Centos 6 2012-11-26T13:19:22 the virtualbox version 2012-11-26T13:19:34 If it is the VM, you should have gedit or gvim or maybe others :) 2012-11-26T13:19:41 you can hit alt-f2 and type gnome-terminal... 2012-11-26T13:20:00 or should be an option under "Accessories->System Tools->Terminal" 2012-11-26T13:20:03 there is a terminal icon on the upper bar on the vm I created for ease in launching one 2012-11-26T13:20:16 and drag that to your upper bar for a quick launch 2012-11-26T13:20:18 like that. 2012-11-26T13:20:44 speaking of quick launch... time for a slow lunch 2012-11-26T13:21:37 *** gedare has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-11-26T13:21:43 so right now the section of chain.h that I need to edit for _Chain_Extract is this: http://www.pastebin.com/m4A8NKb9 , right? 2012-11-26T13:30:40 and also, since we're talking about it, what is a chain and a node? 2012-11-26T13:31:21 yes.. that is the right .h file place.. And you are merging the text from chainextract.c around line 22. Plus adding the section at the top. 2012-11-26T13:31:31 It is a list.. Chain == list.. node == item on list 2012-11-26T13:31:50 ahh 2012-11-26T13:33:21 is there an example of a file that's already been done? So I can visulize how to do it? 2012-11-26T13:36:01 I'm also reading the doxygen documentaion and in it they use "!" instead of "@". Is this important? 2012-11-26T13:38:03 or rather "/" 2012-11-26T13:38:41 what line of chain.h? 2012-11-26T13:38:58 140 2012-11-26T13:39:02 in the comment block 2012-11-26T13:39:25 is @brief the same as /brief? 2012-11-26T13:39:48 Yes but we use the "@" form of commands. Doxygen is pretty flexible on command names 2012-11-26T13:39:53 ahh 2012-11-26T13:40:01 or //! 2012-11-26T13:40:40 so the stuff in the comment in chain_extract, how should it be merged into the chain.h section? 2012-11-26T13:47:43 This advice sucks.. use your best judgement.. :) 2012-11-26T13:47:58 Should I just delete the comment in chainextract.c if all the information is redundent? 2012-11-26T13:48:25 In this case, the .h doesn't have a proper "@param" on the_node argument 2012-11-26T13:49:13 The .h is missing the interrupt latency information 2012-11-26T13:49:20 ok 2012-11-26T13:49:29 I would recommend adding a statement after the @param's like this: 2012-11-26T13:50:00 Let me think.. 2012-11-26T13:55:32 *** rtemsLogger` has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T13:56:05 also, where do I find the completed docs when I run do_doxygen? 2012-11-26T14:01:34 *** rtemsLogger has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2012-11-26T14:01:34 *** sevikkk1 has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2012-11-26T14:03:05 ok, does http://www.pastebin.com/LrJSU8v0 look right? 2012-11-26T14:04:21 * zargy pokes @DrJoel 2012-11-26T14:07:52 sorry.. I have spent about 4 hours today in phone or web telecons.. keep bouncing from Windows to Linux computer.. and still no lunch :( 2012-11-26T14:08:03 oh ok... sorry 2012-11-26T14:08:12 no problem.. my busy day 2012-11-26T14:08:30 Line 14 is unnecesary 2012-11-26T14:08:54 ok 2012-11-26T14:09:07 but other than that, does it work? 2012-11-26T14:09:17 line 13 should be merged with line 8 .. node is "extracted" (e.g. removed) from the list. It is not deleted. It still exists :) 2012-11-26T14:09:25 ok 2012-11-26T14:09:38 *** sevikkk has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T14:10:05 yes. I think so but we still ahve to know Doxygen is happy. :) 2012-11-26T14:10:21 I think you can merge line 6 onto line 5 without exceeding the 80 column rule 2012-11-26T14:11:01 so if I run do_doxygen, where do I find the doc files afterwards? 2012-11-26T14:11:41 And how do I set line 13 to both @param and @arg, or do I need to do that? 2012-11-26T14:12:01 ~/rtems-4.11-work/onlinedocs/ 2012-11-26T14:12:10 Just use the @param format. 2012-11-26T14:12:12 ahh ok 2012-11-26T14:13:24 These tasks will get easier and easier.. :) 2012-11-26T14:13:29 k 2012-11-26T14:13:32 Our Doxygen use is really pretty simple. 2012-11-26T14:14:06 http://www.rtems.org/onlinedocs/doxygen/cpukit/html/index.html is where the Doxygen output is. It is built twice daily from the head. 2012-11-26T14:14:35 http://www.rtems.org/onlinedocs/doxygen/cpukit/html/structPOSIX__Message__queue__Control.html shows a nice example of the figures it can generate about the code structure 2012-11-26T14:21:25 ok, I found it 2012-11-26T14:21:41 what does the @a do? 2012-11-26T14:26:26 http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/commands.html#cmda 2012-11-26T14:26:33 short hand for argument 2012-11-26T14:27:17 @param is smarter, takes a few extra arguments, and actually checks that the argument (the_node) exists in the code. :) 2012-11-26T14:27:17 DrJoel: Error: "param" is not a valid command. 2012-11-26T14:27:25 @param is smarter, takes a few extra arguments, and actually checks that the argument (the_node) exists in the code. :) 2012-11-26T14:30:58 ok,here's the final paste, just to make sure I've got it right: http://www.pastebin.com/axzSJ77Y 2012-11-26T14:34:35 The section with @param needs to be after the paragraph describing it. So move lines 9-10 to before 6. I think that will leave one blank line above and below 2012-11-26T14:34:49 ok 2012-11-26T14:36:26 so the whole of the comment block in chainextract.c can be destroyed? 2012-11-26T14:36:49 yep.. since you merged it into the .h. :) 2012-11-26T14:36:53 ok 2012-11-26T14:36:58 And added a block at the top. 2012-11-26T14:37:38 wait... sorry, was I supposed to add something onto the top of chainextract.c? 2012-11-26T14:38:15 * @file 2012-11-26T14:38:15 * 2012-11-26T14:38:15 * @brief BRIEF DESCRIPTION FOR TABLE OF CONTENTS 2012-11-26T14:38:15 * @ingroup GROUP_FROM_dot_h_FILE 2012-11-26T14:38:16 */ 2012-11-26T14:38:26 See the Doxygen section in the wiki page 2012-11-26T14:38:31 It tries really hard 2012-11-26T14:39:05 ok 2012-11-26T14:39:09 thanks! 2012-11-26T14:42:48 What is ISR, btw? 2012-11-26T14:44:29 Interrupt Service Routine. 2012-11-26T14:44:30 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2012-11-26T14:44:34 ok 2012-11-26T14:45:01 Some RTEMS methods have to disable interrupts to ensure data integrity. Capturing that they do is important 2012-11-26T15:00:32 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T15:04:20 Hi Drjoel 2012-11-26T15:13:55 hey kiwichris ... are you ready to tag in and answer Doxygen questions? :) 2012-11-26T15:14:04 http://www.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/GoogleCodeInProjects#Add_Doxygen_File_Headers has grown today .. LOL 2012-11-26T15:14:36 Yeah, here. Actually in my car at the moment. 2012-11-26T15:15:05 Nice side effect, getting how to doxygen documented 2012-11-26T15:15:22 Any chance the topic on IRC can change to talk about GCI ? 2012-11-26T15:15:33 Read it and see what you think when you get a chance. 2012-11-26T15:15:48 I just hope zargy isn't getting discouraged by being a pioneer 2012-11-26T15:15:57 lol 2012-11-26T15:16:07 hehe 2012-11-26T15:16:15 I have to go take a walk and do some other stuff. bbl 2012-11-26T15:16:22 thanks for helping me through this 2012-11-26T15:16:31 *** DrJoel changes topic to "Welcome to RTEMS (http://www.rtems.org). Please feel free to ask questions and, if you can, answer those from others. Google Code-In IS ON LIKE DONKEY KONG!!! Pitch in and answer questions." 2012-11-26T15:16:51 zargy, it is no problem. 2012-11-26T15:17:22 A great side-effect of this is that it forces us to write things down. Have clear instructions. 2012-11-26T15:17:34 Sometimes it even encourages us to change our habits. 2012-11-26T15:18:11 hey Joel have a new RTEMS Application (RAP) format for dynamic loading under test. 2012-11-26T15:18:17 The virtual machine you are using was created originally specifically to help GSOC students. It has turned out to be very much appreciated by people trying out rtems or testing upgrades 2012-11-26T15:18:39 kiwichris, Cool! 2012-11-26T15:19:04 *** zargy is now known as ZARGY|AFK 2012-11-26T15:20:25 Compression is lower a 1340 byte app to 755, ie 60% reduction 2012-11-26T15:21:35 which algorithm? 2012-11-26T15:23:07 LZ77 (fastlz) 2012-11-26T15:23:18 off in the car again, then home for the day 2012-11-26T15:23:20 cya 2012-11-26T15:25:29 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2012-11-26T15:38:47 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T16:02:15 *** arvind_k has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T16:05:12 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 2012-11-26T16:11:54 Live talk on Google Code In 2012-11-26T16:11:54 https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=fUU4cRiKuWg 2012-11-26T16:16:54 *** ZARGY|AFK is now known as Zargy 2012-11-26T16:16:57 Hai 2012-11-26T16:17:17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=fUU4cRiKuWg 2012-11-26T16:17:22 live presentation 2012-11-26T16:17:42 I'm watching 2012-11-26T16:25:12 me too .. 2012-11-26T16:25:32 Carol Smith on left.. Cat Allman in middle 2012-11-26T16:26:03 offhand, I don't remember the name of the woman on the right.. she is new 2012-11-26T16:28:22 huh 2012-11-26T16:28:25 interesting 2012-11-26T16:28:35 ok, I'm working on the second file on the list 2012-11-26T16:28:54 have you already had some other people working on other tasks? 2012-11-26T16:28:57 It should be a lot easier 2012-11-26T16:29:08 I think we have 3 tasks claimed right now 2012-11-26T16:29:59 I am honestly glad all the Doxygen tasks published didn't get grabbed in the first ten minutes. This gives a chance to improve instructions. Five people struggling with the same issues can be hard from our perspective. Better to improve the wiki :) 2012-11-26T16:30:17 But PST is still in school. Mountain just got out :) 2012-11-26T16:32:53 so can I do a git thing so you can look at the two files and see if I am doing it right so far? 2012-11-26T16:33:43 this is where we need simple git instructions :) 2012-11-26T16:33:51 git diff >SOME_FILE 2012-11-26T16:33:55 email us some file :) 2012-11-26T16:34:11 There is a LOT more to git but... 2012-11-26T16:34:39 does Melange let you attach a file? If so, that's the best way. Plus we check if it works 2012-11-26T16:34:49 ok, I'll see 2012-11-26T16:37:25 ok, I uploaded chain.h 2012-11-26T16:37:58 i'll do the 2 c files as well 2012-11-26T16:39:23 ok all uploaded 2012-11-26T16:47:48 DrJoel, the rtems-ld has a nice C++ interface to libelf. It would be nice to extend this to libdwarf. This way we can see the extact function signatures directly from the ELF file. 2012-11-26T16:59:35 Zargy, hmm no notification 2012-11-26T17:00:29 chaininsert.c line 5 .. see if you see the problem :) 2012-11-26T17:01:42 Use caps in the @brief on the file 2012-11-26T17:01:56 Extracts a Node from a Chain 2012-11-26T17:02:05 It shows up like a Table of Contents 2012-11-26T17:02:44 no period at end of @brief 2012-11-26T17:03:08 Over all looks good and mostly shame on me for not having better instructions :( 2012-11-26T17:03:18 kiwichris, this instruction writing is tough :( 2012-11-26T17:06:34 ok 2012-11-26T17:09:23 While you are hacking, I am writing in the Wiki. I learned a long time ago that when you give a task with bad, incorrect, or insufficient instructions, it comes back on you. This time it means I am writing more 2012-11-26T17:09:43 Please don't take this personally. Our rules are not written down and it shows. :( 2012-11-26T17:09:54 So what's the problem on line 5? Is it the @ingroup? 2012-11-26T17:09:58 none taken 2012-11-26T17:12:12 It is missing " *" :) 2012-11-26T17:13:36 oh ok 2012-11-26T17:13:50 I must have already fixed it 2012-11-26T17:13:54 and forgto 2012-11-26T17:13:58 *forgot 2012-11-26T17:14:27 Chris: http://lwn.net/Articles/526822 2012-11-26T17:15:02 ok... 2012-11-26T17:15:13 brb.. heading to copier 2012-11-26T17:20:35 Scheduler_priority_tick has no main comment block that I can see. 2012-11-26T17:22:47 DrJoel, interesting and not suprising to see this happening. 2012-11-26T17:23:38 DrJoel, any chance you could build the rtems-ld tool on CentOS for me ? :) 2012-11-26T17:51:39 sure.. email me some instructions or ping me with the link again.. might be tomorrow 2012-11-26T17:52:08 Zargy, then you got a freebie :) 2012-11-26T17:52:28 Seriously that code is newer than the chain code so tends to use closer to the preferred style 2012-11-26T17:53:05 RTEMS is older than you are. We have source history to May 1995 and the project started in 1988. Styles have changed over the years. 2012-11-26T17:53:14 But my nerdy t-shirts are still nerdy :) 2012-11-26T17:53:26 git clone git://git.rtems.org/chrisj/rtl-host.git 2012-11-26T17:53:31 cd rtl-host 2012-11-26T17:53:34 waf configure 2012-11-26T17:53:35 waf 2012-11-26T17:54:51 huh I thought nerdy T-shirts were trendy these days ! 2012-11-26T17:55:26 ok 2012-11-26T17:55:56 [76/97] cxx: rld-compression.cpp -> build-linux2/rld-compression.cpp.8.o 2012-11-26T17:55:57 In file included from ../rld-compression.cpp:36: 2012-11-26T17:55:57 /tmp/chris/rtl-host/rld-compression.h: In function ‘rld::compress::compressor& operator<<(rld::compress::compressor&, size_t)’: 2012-11-26T17:55:57 /tmp/chris/rtl-host/rld-compression.h:140: error: redefinition of ‘rld::compress::compressor& operator<<(rld::compress::compressor&, size_t)’ 2012-11-26T17:55:57 /tmp/chris/rtl-host/rld-compression.h:134: error: ‘rld::compress::compressor& operator<<(rld::compress::compressor&, uint32_t)’ previously defined here 2012-11-26T17:56:00 Waf: Leaving directory `/tmp/chris/rtl-host/build-linux2' 2012-11-26T17:56:02 Build failed 2012-11-26T17:56:04 -> task in 'rtems-ld' failed (exit status 1): 2012-11-26T17:56:06 {task 3074302892L: cxx rld-compression.cpp -> rld-compression.cpp.8.o} 2012-11-26T17:56:08 ['/usr/bin/g++', '-pipe', '-g', '-O2', '-Wall', '-Wextra', '-pedantic', '-I/tmp/chris/rtl-host/build-linux2', '-I/tmp/chris/rtl-host', '-I/tmp/chris/rtl-host/build-linux2/elftoolchain/libelf', '-I/tmp/chris/rtl-host/elftoolchain/libelf', '-I/tmp/chris/rtl-host/build-linux2/elftoolchain/common', '-I/tmp/chris/rtl-host/elftoolchain/common', '-I/tmp/chris/rtl-host/build-linux2/libiberty', '-I/tmp/chris/rtl-host/libiberty', '-DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1', '-DRTEMS_VE 2012-11-26T17:56:13 4.11', '../rld-compression.cpp', '-c', '-o', 'rld-compression.cpp.8.o'] 2012-11-26T17:56:15 After getting Waf and the right python 2012-11-26T18:03:38 g++ version ? 2012-11-26T18:04:16 32bit or 64bit machine ? 2012-11-26T18:05:22 I have been building with clang because the error messages are much better 2012-11-26T18:06:50 $ gcc --version 2012-11-26T18:06:50 gcc (GCC) 4.4.6 20120305 (Red Hat 4.4.6-4) 2012-11-26T18:07:07 Fails on FreeBSD. 2012-11-26T18:07:08 $ uname -a 2012-11-26T18:07:08 Linux baltimore 2.6.32-279.9.1.el6.i686 #1 SMP Tue Sep 25 20:26:47 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux 2012-11-26T18:07:40 I will look into this. 2012-11-26T18:07:43 Thanks 2012-11-26T18:08:18 the fedora build farm machines should be good test candidates also 2012-11-26T18:08:35 *** Zargy is now known as ZARGYAFK 2012-11-26T18:09:03 Yes and I use them, but CentOS is something special again :) 2012-11-26T18:09:24 I had not tested all platforms again after adding the RAP output code. 2012-11-26T18:16:19 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-11-26T19:26:57 *** mattt_ has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T19:28:15 Hello, I just requested the task: https://google-melange.appspot.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/8016202 for the Google Code-In. If anyone is able to assign the task to me, that would be great. 2012-11-26T19:33:22 *** mattt_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-11-26T20:36:34 *** mattt_ has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T20:38:20 Hi Everyone =), I just completed a task for the Google Code-In. If anyone would like to review my work, https://google-melange.appspot.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/8016202. Thanks! 2012-11-26T20:39:55 I can start another task right away after. =) 2012-11-26T21:09:13 *** mattt_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-11-26T22:03:43 *** sevikkk has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-11-26T22:04:20 *** sevikkk has joined #rtems 2012-11-26T22:45:48 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2012-11-26T22:48:08 *** ZARGYAFK has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2012-11-27T00:00:08 *** arvind_k has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-11-27T00:56:00 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2012-11-27T01:53:20 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2012-11-27T01:54:40 good morning 2012-11-27T02:05:46 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-11-27T02:59:24 *** dnikolow has joined #rtems 2012-11-27T03:12:26 *** dnikolow has left #rtems 2012-11-27T03:21:14 *** dnikolow has joined #rtems 2012-11-27T03:25:03 hello 2012-11-27T03:25:06 who is the mentor? 2012-11-27T03:26:40 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-11-27T03:26:52 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-11-27T03:57:11 *** dnikolow has left #rtems 2012-11-27T04:49:19 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2012-11-27T05:10:37 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) 2012-11-27T05:54:27 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-11-27T06:20:23 *** MegaAlex has joined #rtems 2012-11-27T07:11:04 hello! I have recently claimed a "Add Doxygen File Headers" task, and I have a few questions about it? any mentor online? :) 2012-11-27T07:22:42 hi, just ask 2012-11-27T07:29:04 *** jahf has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 2012-11-27T07:39:29 I somehow cannot locate the .h file via grep. Ok so for example for the cpukit/score/src/threadqextractpriority.c I run "alex@ubuntu:/home/rtems/cpukit/score$ grep -r threadqextractpriority.c include" this command, but nothing happens 2012-11-27T07:42:14 what do you want to search? 2012-11-27T07:42:48 normally you use "grep OPTIONS PATTERN FILES" 2012-11-27T07:46:28 I need to locate the .h file where the .c file is prototyped - http://www.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/GoogleCodeInProjects#Add_Doxygen_File_Headers "Locating the .h file for a .c File" 2012-11-27T07:48:19 you have to look for the most important global function in a given *.c file, then search for the delaration of this function 2012-11-27T07:48:53 you can also use ctags for this: ctags '--langmap=c:+.inl(*.h.in)' --c-kinds=px -R -f .tags-rtems-p $(RTEMS_DIRS) 2012-11-27T07:49:26 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2012-11-27T07:53:00 ok, ok thanks :) 2012-11-27T07:53:12 oh*, ok 2012-11-27T08:43:23 *** peerst has joined #rtems 2012-11-27T09:13:02 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-11-27T09:35:45 what will be the @ingroup in the .c file if there isn't a @defgroup in the .h file? (/rtems/cpukit/score/include/rtems/score/schedulepriority.h for example) 2012-11-27T09:39:53 hmm we had this question already let me go look at the answer 2012-11-27T09:40:28 is there not one in the .c file? 2012-11-27T09:40:30 either 2012-11-27T09:41:09 ahh 2012-11-27T09:41:41 MegaAlex: schedulerpriority.h line 29.... 2012-11-27T09:41:45 * @addtogroup ScoreScheduler 2012-11-27T09:42:11 that one is using a different group already defined 2012-11-27T09:42:25 i don't know if there is a difference between @addtogroup and @ingroup... 2012-11-27T09:42:30 or why @addtogroup is used here 2012-11-27T09:42:38 even though i wrote it ;) 2012-11-27T09:42:47 :q 2012-11-27T09:43:06 wrong window..though that looks like an emote of some kind. hm 2012-11-27T09:43:40 oh sorry, didn't see it >.< 2012-11-27T09:50:43 *** monstr has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-11-27T10:16:07 *** monstr_ has joined #rtems 2012-11-27T10:44:44 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-11-27T11:08:00 and what happens when there are 2 @defgroup in the .h file? (/rtems/cpukit/score/include/rtems/score/object.h) 2012-11-27T11:36:11 *** monstr_ has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) 2012-11-27T11:47:19 *** alseh has joined #rtems 2012-11-27T11:52:02 MegaAlex: looks like the second definition is nested under the first. I guess the file goes under the lowest nested level... hmmm 2012-11-27T11:53:29 that looks weird to me though! 2012-11-27T11:55:43 so.. i'm pretty sure doxygen will put the documentation in the innermost nested level... i think whoever did the object.h file maybe gave it the wrong group though.. i don't understand what it has to do with "CPU Architecture Support"... 2012-11-27T11:56:49 by the way you can see the generated documentation at http://www.rtems.org/onlinedocs/doxygen/cpukit/html/ in case you did not know. 2012-11-27T11:57:00 "Modules" shows all of the groups 2012-11-27T11:57:14 *** ZARGYAFK has joined #rtems 2012-11-27T12:01:35 so should it set the @ingroup - Score in the .c file, for now and maybe change it later if needed? :)) 2012-11-27T12:01:53 I* >.< 2012-11-27T12:02:01 hi 2012-11-27T12:02:12 *** ZARGYAFK is now known as Zargy 2012-11-27T12:02:40 Hello :) 2012-11-27T12:04:42 how are you? 2012-11-27T12:28:20 MegaAlex: use the nested one.. ScoreCPU 2012-11-27T12:28:36 actually... MegaAlex 2012-11-27T12:28:59 MegaAlex: define a new group... @defgroup ScoreObject Object Handler 2012-11-27T12:29:03 and make it @ingroup Score 2012-11-27T12:29:59 This looks to me like someone made a mistake defining the Object Module. 2012-11-27T12:30:14 you can see how it is defined in include/rtems/score/objectmp.h though... 2012-11-27T12:30:34 that makes me think there should be a regular version of it.. the objectmp.h is the "multiprocessing" version of the handler. 2012-11-27T12:31:25 hi Zargy 2012-11-27T12:32:13 okie :) 2012-11-27T12:48:05 Heyyy 2012-11-27T13:18:12 What is a spin lock? 2012-11-27T14:12:59 *** mattt__ has joined #rtems 2012-11-27T14:14:15 Hi! I am working a project in the Code-In and I believe I have finished this task: http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/8016202. If anyone has any free time to review my work, that would be awesome! 2012-11-27T14:21:01 Gedare, Did you want each section to have its own page? Like T_DELETE have its own page, T_GETREG have its own page, etc? 2012-11-27T14:21:17 it should appear like it does in the PDF 2012-11-27T14:21:27 I think you have it right in the google doc... 2012-11-27T14:21:32 it just isn't showing up that way on the docx... 2012-11-27T14:21:45 maybe you uploaded the wrong docx, or just need to re-download it and upload 2012-11-27T14:24:47 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-11-27T14:24:48 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-11-27T14:24:48 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2012-11-27T14:26:00 gedare, I just uploaded the fixed version 2012-11-27T14:26:08 mattt__: checking. 2012-11-27T14:26:38 mattt__, did I just reply to your task? 2012-11-27T14:26:43 hmmm... it still looks wrong to me. Maybe it has something to do with the fonts 2012-11-27T14:26:57 i'm seeing " 2012-11-27T14:26:58 3.1.5 T_DELETE 2012-11-27T14:26:58 NAME" on the first page 2012-11-27T14:27:22 Really? 2012-11-27T14:27:27 yeah.. DrJoel can you check? 2012-11-27T14:27:33 http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/8016202 2012-11-27T14:27:48 I am not, I am using a newer version of microsoft word I think 2012-11-27T14:27:51 yeah DrJoel you did.. 2012-11-27T14:28:44 it works if i go to the gdoc and "download as" .docx myself... 2012-11-27T14:28:58 so i don't know why the docx you are uploading is different. 2012-11-27T14:29:03 weird.. 2012-11-27T14:29:38 So your saying that T_DELETE is on the first page? 2012-11-27T14:29:43 yeah 2012-11-27T14:30:00 http://tinypic.com/r/vy3488/6 this is the first 2 pages of what i see 2012-11-27T14:30:25 also... i'm seeing the "Tasks are responsible for returning..." before 3.1.6 T_SUSPEND on the same page as T_SUSPEND, when it should be on the page before... 2012-11-27T14:31:06 hmmm that looks right... wonder why we're seeing something else. 2012-11-27T14:31:45 Did you do the reformatting on the .doc file? 2012-11-27T14:31:50 or on the file in google docs? 2012-11-27T14:31:56 on the doc file 2012-11-27T14:31:59 ahh... 2012-11-27T14:32:08 i think you should do it on the Google Docs, and then download as a .docx 2012-11-27T14:32:09 what version of word are you using 2012-11-27T14:32:11 and upload just that 2012-11-27T14:32:14 LibreOffice ;) 2012-11-27T14:32:38 Because... the Google Doc file's pages do not properly match either 2012-11-27T14:32:55 oh ok 2012-11-27T14:32:59 make sense? 2012-11-27T14:33:37 yes i just uploaded it! 2012-11-27T14:33:47 =D 2012-11-27T14:34:27 ok.... but now the problem is the bottom of page 2 is incorrect :) 2012-11-27T14:34:46 you might just try to adjust the font size in the google doc..that might do the trick 2012-11-27T14:35:08 because it looks like the pages are running a little long. 2012-11-27T14:35:14 Do you see? 2012-11-27T14:35:31 Ah, Ill just download libreoffice, no worries. 2012-11-27T14:36:06 lol... that's not exactly the concern... i think if you can get the formatting correct in the Google Doc, it will be correct on the .docx 2012-11-27T14:36:26 because i see the same pagination issue in the Google Doc, where the first page is overrunning into the second page 2012-11-27T14:37:00 so you can see T_DELETE on the first page? 2012-11-27T14:37:03 in gdocs? 2012-11-27T14:38:15 *** mattt___ has joined #rtems 2012-11-27T14:38:23 sorry about that! My computer just froze 2012-11-27T14:38:28 yes, but T_SUSPEND is not the first line of page 2 2012-11-27T14:38:43 whereas in the pdf document it is 2012-11-27T14:40:01 isnt that page 3? 2012-11-27T14:40:31 T_SUSPEND should be the first line on page 3, right? 2012-11-27T14:41:17 *** mattt__ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-11-27T14:41:39 yes, sorry 2012-11-27T14:41:43 http://i47.tinypic.com/ibi3gj.png , this is what i see, T_SUSPEND is at the top I think 2012-11-27T14:42:02 oh..let me refresh! 2012-11-27T14:42:04 that is page 3 2012-11-27T14:42:46 hm. i don't see that in your google doc or in the downloaded .docx 2012-11-27T14:43:13 wow really, strange 2012-11-27T14:43:23 "A new task is scheduled when the requesting task deletes itself, and there is no return." 2012-11-27T14:43:27 is the firs tline I see on page 3 2012-11-27T14:43:34 for both 2012-11-27T14:43:43 wow!!, that is weird 2012-11-27T14:43:59 it might be my computer 2012-11-27T14:44:06 maybe i'm looking at the wrong google doc... i'm using the link pasted at 12:06 UTC 2012-11-27T14:44:17 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IyZocDEmc04vzlVAORZgKOV5sK24RqHRpIySYJWstpk/edit 2012-11-27T14:44:18 but i'm downloading the right .docx so i don't know what is going on there 2012-11-27T14:44:43 nope still seeing it... 2012-11-27T14:45:07 o 2012-11-27T14:45:13 the font looks different though 2012-11-27T14:45:22 so maybe it is how my fonts are being displayed 2012-11-27T14:45:31 i mean, the font i see in your screenshot is different than what I see when I open the gdoc 2012-11-27T14:46:07 oh yeah, i think default browser font? Im not too sure 2012-11-27T14:46:26 Arial 11 is the font I am using 2012-11-27T14:46:32 hmm 2012-11-27T14:46:39 i'm gettign Arial 12 when I open the .docx! 2012-11-27T14:47:10 oooo, thats probably going to be a problem 2012-11-27T14:47:13 if i just switch it to 11...it looks close but still a little off 2012-11-27T14:47:20 I dont' know why 2012-11-27T14:47:27 which parts are off 2012-11-27T14:47:52 just the pages off by one line 2012-11-27T14:48:31 make sure the whole file is in arial 11... i guess... i'm confused 2012-11-27T14:48:35 hmm not too sure, 2012-11-27T14:48:58 yeah it is in arial 11, from what i can see 2012-11-27T14:49:30 was that the font that Google gave it when you imported the pdf? 2012-11-27T14:49:38 or did you give it that font? 2012-11-27T14:49:47 i gave it that font, i think 2012-11-27T14:50:06 was that incorrect procedure? 2012-11-27T14:50:07 ok..try leaving the default font.. we had one student submit one earlier it looks like it is mostly times new roman, and a few different font sizes 2012-11-27T14:50:21 i think the font choice might be causing troubles with getting the pages to line up properly 2012-11-27T14:50:22 @DrJole: What's a spinlock? 2012-11-27T14:50:22 Zargy: Error: "DrJole:" is not a valid command. 2012-11-27T14:50:38 DrJole: What's a spinlock? 2012-11-27T14:50:44 oh ok, do you know what the default font is? 2012-11-27T14:50:50 by any chance 2012-11-27T14:50:57 Zargy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinlock 2012-11-27T14:51:33 it is a way to prevent two threads (programs) that execute at the same time from accessing shared data at the same time 2012-11-27T14:51:45 oh 2012-11-27T14:51:52 if they both update the same data simultaneously, the result is unpredictable and probably wrong. 2012-11-27T14:52:00 mattt___: nope. 2012-11-27T14:52:57 DrJoel: I have to go soon. can you take over? :) 2012-11-27T14:53:20 Are there still any problems: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IyZocDEmc04vzlVAORZgKOV5sK24RqHRpIySYJWstpk/edit 2012-11-27T14:53:29 I just changed the font and adjusted everyone 2012-11-27T14:53:33 *everything 2012-11-27T14:55:17 i think it may work now, but im not sure :P 2012-11-27T14:57:21 how does it look guys? 2012-11-27T14:57:31 having a loiok before i head out 2012-11-27T14:57:54 I still see the same issue... where 3.1.6 T_SUSPEND is not the first line on page 3. 2012-11-27T14:57:55 so wait... if I have the brief at the top of the c file, does that mean that I don't need to write @brief at the top of the decleration in the header file? 2012-11-27T14:57:56 :( 2012-11-27T14:58:21 i'd suggest you start over with importing the pdf... it seems like something broke along the way 2012-11-27T14:58:51 i don't think we want anything at the top of .c files... DrJoel? 2012-11-27T14:59:40 and.. i have to go. 2012-11-27T14:59:48 *** gedare has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-11-27T15:00:53 can i make an html version with a table of contents? i think it might be my computer that it the problem 2012-11-27T15:02:10 DrJoel, would that be acceptable? 2012-11-27T15:02:49 I think he's busy 2012-11-27T15:04:17 man o man 2012-11-27T15:11:47 * DrJoel is back.. what's the current question? 2012-11-27T15:12:11 I proofed that in LibreOffice so the break may have been different. 2012-11-27T15:12:27 The better thing is to "insert a page break" rather than rely on spacing 2012-11-27T15:12:34 Awnser his first. Mine is which file the @brief is in, the .c or .h file. 2012-11-27T15:13:02 hmm ok ill change the doc using that method 2012-11-27T15:13:16 Zargy, we do want stuff at the top of the .c files. gedare didn't read the instructions :) 2012-11-27T15:13:37 so @brief in both 2012-11-27T15:13:51 ok 2012-11-27T15:15:36 I need to reboot.. need to do something in Windows 2012-11-27T15:15:54 MegaAlex, Did you do the Doxygen one which included corerwlockobtainwrite.c 2012-11-27T15:17:10 when typing "single case" 2012-11-27T15:17:30 should it be "+ single case" or "+single case"? 2012-11-27T15:17:38 the first 2012-11-27T15:17:41 ok 2012-11-27T15:18:38 I will be back on after I reboot :) 2012-11-27T15:18:46 Alright! :) 2012-11-27T15:18:51 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-11-27T15:39:21 Is anyone here a mentor for the Code-In? 2012-11-27T15:41:11 mattt___, yeah 2012-11-27T15:42:01 hi chris, I believe I just finished this task: http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/8016202 , if you have time, check it out 2012-11-27T15:42:36 Sure. Just catching up here on what happened overnight 2012-11-27T15:43:28 cool, thanks! 2012-11-27T15:48:25 cool thanks! finally! :D :D :D!!! im very happy right now! 2012-11-27T15:49:34 ahh, i actually converted other pdfs while i was at school but i see they are tasks are gone, now 2012-11-27T15:50:21 "but i see the tasks are gone, now" < 2012-11-27T15:51:36 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-11-27T15:51:51 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Changing host) 2012-11-27T15:51:51 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-11-27T15:51:51 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2012-11-27T15:52:46 mattt___, looks like Gedare has jumped in :) 2012-11-27T15:53:23 mattt___, well done !! 2012-11-27T15:53:37 hey Joel 2012-11-27T15:53:39 :D,, thanks! :) 2012-11-27T15:53:42 back in a bit 2012-11-27T15:54:48 hmm, is there a sample wiki page for a task similar to this one? https://google-melange.appspot.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/8007213 2012-11-27T15:56:34 Should I make the wiki page such like the GameBoy advance wiki page was made? http://wiki.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/GameBoyAdvance 2012-11-27T15:56:53 The GBA is a Board Support Package. ELC is an application of RTEMS. 2012-11-27T15:56:58 http://rtems.org/wiki/index.php/Solar_Dynamic_Observatory is one example 2012-11-27T15:57:05 DrJoel: Yeah, I have done corerwlockobtainwrite.c - lines 32 and 230 2012-11-27T15:57:21 http://rtems.org/wiki/index.php/Magnetospheric_MultiScale 2012-11-27T15:57:44 MegaAlex: Did you provide an email and name I can put on the patch and commit it? 2012-11-27T15:57:49 neat, thanks! 2012-11-27T15:57:52 I have it about ready. 2012-11-27T15:58:09 RTEMS is in some pretty cool space applications.. Curiousity anyone? RTEMS is on the radio :) 2012-11-27T15:58:34 I did - as coment @ melange 2012-11-27T15:58:35 * DrJoel is going to try to order a Nexus 4... if I pop in and out, please understand :) 2012-11-27T15:59:04 MegaAlex: ok.. then I will accept it. and then commit it. Did my comments make sense? 2012-11-27T16:02:30 DrJoel, how can I make a new wiki page? 2012-11-27T16:03:47 yeah, but the Wiki kinda mislead me about the spaces before the @brief . :) 2012-11-27T16:03:51 You will need to create an account on the wiki and I will have to approve 2012-11-27T16:04:20 Oh ok, I just requested an account :) 2012-11-27T16:05:17 MegaAlex: sorry.. the instructions will improve as we answer questions.. but you won't need them by the time they are good enough :) 2012-11-27T16:13:17 yeah, 2012-11-27T16:14:30 mattt___: I created an empty page for you ... http://wiki.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/Express_Logistics_Carrier 2012-11-27T16:14:41 Now you need to get an account.. let me approve it and you can start.. 2012-11-27T16:14:52 I have emailed one of the ELC folks to get any extra hints 2012-11-27T16:15:56 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNWCUaH9eSw is a video showing how it went from the shuttle to the ISS :) 2012-11-27T16:17:48 Wow, Awesome, Thanks. I find it really neat how RTEMS has been used by big organizations and has been to Space. My friends will be so impressed that I am contributing to a majestic project like this :P 2012-11-27T16:19:56 I have worked on RTEMS since 1989 and I am still amazed. :) 2012-11-27T16:20:36 I had two people from the ELC maintenance team in an RTEMS class back in Nov. They are based here in Huntsville. 2012-11-27T17:02:33 What's your favorte text editor? 2012-11-27T17:03:52 Joel, I posted a review but I cannot find it anymore. I also posted a "sorry" to Alex and cannot see that. 2012-11-27T17:05:13 Does Melange drop into /dev/null something started and then posted after someone else posts ? 2012-11-27T17:07:57 kiwichris: I have no idea. It might not do well with conflicting updates. :( 2012-11-27T17:08:13 We should start our own wiki page for Melange issues :) 2012-11-27T17:08:39 Gedare signed off and there are mistakes but it takes time to enter and review. This is causing problems. 2012-11-27T17:09:04 Gedare is not on IRC so emailed him 2012-11-27T17:10:07 I think I will capture the text before summitting and therefore can redo it. 2012-11-27T17:10:08 Zargy: that's like asking someone's religion. :) I am a fan of gvim. It is loaded on the virtual machine you have. It has syntax highlighting and is fairly friendly to code in.. other editors have their own fans 2012-11-27T17:10:28 How about this when I try to order a Nexus 4? Due to high demand, your order could not be processed. Please try again later. 2012-11-27T17:10:39 And that's direct from Google... 2012-11-27T17:11:17 Zargy, emacs 2012-11-27T17:11:49 kiwichris: trying to create another generation with carpal tunnel on their control key fingers? ;) 2012-11-27T17:13:58 DrJoel, you started this ?. ;) 2012-11-27T17:15:36 DrJoel, I though you would have used regular expression to dish emacs !! 2012-11-27T17:15:58 just letting Zargy know he had accidentally open an ancient discussion with no good end. :) 2012-11-27T17:16:25 * DrJoel is heading home.. dinner with a visiting friend tonight :) 2012-11-27T17:16:27 cya 2012-11-27T17:16:28 Huh I thought emacs ended that discussion decades ago ;) 2012-11-27T17:16:30 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-11-27T17:20:03 Does anyone know anything about the ELC?, ( RTEMS is used in this project ) 2012-11-27T17:21:16 mattt___, Joel does. I am sorry but I do not. 2012-11-27T17:21:58 kiwichris, no worries, my friend 2012-11-27T17:24:55 be back in a bit 2012-11-27T17:31:31 Hey, Chris, once you get the time, can you approve my wiki account so I can post my article for the task? :) 2012-11-27T17:38:44 *** psestier has joined #rtems 2012-11-27T17:43:10 mattt___, I will try. I may not be able to but I will take a look. 2012-11-27T17:43:31 kiwichris, Awesome! Thanks. 2012-11-27T17:46:12 mattt___, I have had a look and I cannot see where this is done. Did you confirm your email address ? 2012-11-27T17:46:24 Yes I did 2012-11-27T17:46:41 ok 2012-11-27T17:47:06 It says I will need someone to approve my account, then it will send me log in credentials. 2012-11-27T17:47:50 *** psestier has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-11-27T17:51:46 Thanks! Just got the e-mail! 2012-11-27T18:01:29 Ok, what do I do now? I've finished all the doxygen stuff 2012-11-27T18:02:52 *** Zargy is now known as ZARGYAFK 2012-11-27T18:55:55 kiwichris, Hey Chris, I think I finished the task, If you are available to check it out, that would be awesome! :) 2012-11-27T19:56:38 kiwichris, Thanks! Also, I am looking into this task: http://www.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/GoogleCodeInProjects#Add_a_POSIX_Timing_Test, although I am not too sure how to get started. I just cloned RTEMS using Git but how can I do a test? 2012-11-27T19:57:23 You need to work through the starter guide and build rtems with tests enabled. 2012-11-27T20:16:20 *** ZARGYAFK is now known as zargy 2012-11-27T20:16:24 Hello 2012-11-27T20:16:25 back 2012-11-27T20:19:09 I'm going to test the doxygen and see if there are any errors 2012-11-27T20:19:47 *** juli1 has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) 2012-11-27T20:20:00 *** juli1 has joined #rtems 2012-11-27T20:28:39 kiwichris, Hey, I am working on the Exomars task and I am getting different launch dates from different sources.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exomars says 2016 and http://robotics.estec.esa.int/ASTRA/Astra2008/S17_Poster_Exhibition/P02_ODwyer.pdf says 2013 .. Do you know which one is correct? :S 2012-11-27T20:31:08 Sorry, no I do not 2012-11-27T21:10:45 ok, kiwichris, I've checked all Doxygen functions that I've modified. How do I make it so you can check it? 2012-11-27T21:19:40 Thw wiki says you need to submit a patch. You need to run "git diff src-name > diff-name". 2012-11-27T21:28:08 do I have to substitute something else for src-name and diff-name? 2012-11-27T21:33:01 "git status" will list the files you have changed. The src-name will the file or list of files you have changed. The diff-name can be anything that makes sense. If you do 'git diff > xxxx' the file xxxx will contain the diff of all changed files. 2012-11-27T21:35:43 wait. it gives a fatal error if I just try to run "git diff src-name > diff-name". do I need to put anything else in there? 2012-11-27T21:36:19 sorry for being dense 2012-11-27T21:36:57 The 'src-name' is just a place holder and you need to change it to the specific file you wish to get a diff. Git will know the file's previous version for you. 2012-11-27T21:37:09 What does 'git diff' show 2012-11-27T21:37:37 umm 2012-11-27T21:37:39 one sec 2012-11-27T21:38:42 http://www.pastebin.com/pz9nrsCw 2012-11-27T21:38:47 that's what it shows 2012-11-27T21:39:46 no wait it's a lot more 2012-11-27T21:41:39 kiwichris, Hey Chris, if you're not busy, I have just finished the task!, and it would be cool if you checked it out :) 2012-11-27T21:43:59 http://www.pastebin.com/ezVECLdM 2012-11-27T21:44:44 ok 2012-11-27T21:44:59 that's what git diff does, kiwichris 2012-11-27T21:48:02 Great, now redirect it to file ? "git diff > gci-doxygen-task2.diff" 2012-11-27T21:48:13 and then upload the diff 2012-11-27T21:48:29 ohh 2012-11-27T21:50:47 ok, I've marked it 2012-11-27T21:51:20 it's "CPUKIT/SCORE DOXYGEN ENHANCEMENT TASK #1" 2012-11-27T21:52:53 kiwichris, please check it if you can 2012-11-27T21:56:05 kiwichris, same here! :P, Im about to hit the hay soon and the suspense is killing me. 2012-11-27T21:56:28 With the 'CORE semaphore seize' why move the comments in by 2 spaces ? I think this is indented because of the '#if defined(RTEMS?.'. 2012-11-27T21:57:20 We also do not embeded the tab character. This is often an option on editors, ie insert spaces and not tab characters 2012-11-27T21:57:29 I see some tab characters 2012-11-27T21:57:30 ok 2012-11-27T21:57:38 do I need to remove them? 2012-11-27T21:57:42 Yes 2012-11-27T21:58:05 one sec 2012-11-27T22:00:06 wait, what comments were you reffering to? 2012-11-27T22:00:44 the ones within the function? 2012-11-27T22:01:18 and how do I find tabs? 2012-11-27T22:05:51 Find then hit tab in the ? 2012-11-27T22:05:58 It depends on the editor 2012-11-27T22:06:15 I have updated the wiki with some more info about git diffs and tabs. 2012-11-27T22:08:17 in gedit, it just skips the textbox 2012-11-27T22:08:26 how do I do it in emacs? 2012-11-27T22:08:40 the tabs are 2 width though 2012-11-27T22:08:49 how do I set in emacs the tab width 2012-11-27T22:10:23 emacs is not easy and takes time to learn. Let me see what I can find about gedit 2012-11-27T22:11:22 Does this help ? https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gedit/+question/163516 2012-11-27T22:12:13 When you write code in say C a '\t' mean a tab character. The \ means escape what follows. 2012-11-27T22:12:38 So '\n' means a line feed or move down a line. 2012-11-27T22:12:41 ok 2012-11-27T22:13:16 A '\r' means a carriage return and this all relates to the old mechanical type writers and printers 2012-11-27T22:13:22 wait.. where exactly were the tabs, were they on only one function? 2012-11-27T22:14:22 + * @brief Removes a thread from the queue 2012-11-27T22:14:32 and the next text line 2012-11-27T22:15:26 IN cpukit/score/src/chainextract.c did all the code go ? 2012-11-27T22:16:04 huh? 2012-11-27T22:16:20 Just looking at the diff and I cannot see what is happening. 2012-11-27T22:16:34 Might be a git thing 2012-11-27T22:16:40 huh. 2012-11-27T22:16:51 chainextract.c is messed up... 2012-11-27T22:17:00 Not sure. 2012-11-27T22:17:01 it looks like a diff file! 2012-11-27T22:17:33 I am needing to head off now. Sebastian should be along soon. 2012-11-27T22:17:54 ok 2012-11-27T22:19:12 *** mattt___ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-11-27T22:26:05 ok kiwichris, it's ready for review 2012-11-27T22:40:55 *** zargy has quit IRC () 2012-11-28T01:32:53 *** rtemsLogger has joined #rtems 2012-11-28T01:50:47 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2012-11-28T01:50:58 good morning 2012-11-28T02:19:11 *** alseh has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-11-28T04:30:41 *** rtemsLogger has joined #rtems 2012-11-28T05:15:18 what it the description of the third param in /rtems/cpukit/score/src/threadqenqueuefifo.c ? 2012-11-28T05:15:33 is* 2012-11-28T05:24:53 it returns the interrupt level in case the operation blocks actually 2012-11-28T05:28:51 I mean the level_p parameter, because there isn't info about it in the comment box nor the .h file 2012-11-28T05:29:17 yes, this parameter returns the interrupt level in case the operation blocks actually 2012-11-28T05:29:53 okie, thanks :) 2012-11-28T05:31:27 *** peerst_ has joined #rtems 2012-11-28T05:32:42 *** peerst has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-11-28T05:32:42 *** peerst_ is now known as peerst 2012-11-28T05:40:34 *** matt_ has joined #rtems 2012-11-28T05:40:57 *** matt_ is now known as Guest51819 2012-11-28T05:42:00 Hey if there is anyone here a mentor for the code in and is available, I just finished a task, check it out if you can :) , https://google-melange.appspot.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/8001208 2012-11-28T05:48:35 what should the @brief be if there are more that one methods in the same .c file? (/cpukit/score/src/smplock.c) :/ 2012-11-28T05:57:46 *** jahf has joined #rtems 2012-11-28T06:15:28 *** Guest51819 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-11-28T06:24:21 I would use for @brief in C files: "@brief global_func_0(), global_func_1(), and global_func_N() implementation." 2012-11-28T08:40:47 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2012-11-28T09:50:57 *** finnland has joined #rtems 2012-11-28T09:53:42 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2012-11-28T10:47:08 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-11-28T13:04:03 *** monstr_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-11-28T13:14:33 *** gedare has quit IRC (Quit: Ex-Chat) 2012-11-28T13:30:34 *** zargy has joined #rtems 2012-11-28T13:30:49 hello? 2012-11-28T13:31:03 my task needs to be reviewed 2012-11-28T13:31:19 http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/7986213 2012-11-28T13:34:50 kiwichris? 2012-11-28T14:02:19 *** maatt has joined #rtems 2012-11-28T15:22:54 *** verm__ has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2012-11-28T15:28:34 *** finnland_ has joined #rtems 2012-11-28T15:33:09 *** finnland has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2012-11-28T15:42:25 *** finnland has joined #rtems 2012-11-28T15:44:23 *** finnland has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2012-11-28T15:49:08 Hey team, just completed another task, If it isn't too much trouble, a bit of reviewing would be awesome! 2012-11-28T16:09:56 Updated the task! Also is there a guide for http://www.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/GoogleCodeInProjects#Add_a_POSIX_Timing_Test tasks? I use Python much more than anything else so I am a bit confused on how to start. 2012-11-28T17:10:12 *** verm__ has joined #rtems 2012-11-28T17:19:47 Im following the quick start guide http://www.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/Quick_Start and when I use the export command on CMD, I get this "'export' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." 2012-11-28T17:24:21 Oh Sorry Nevermind, I think I found a way around it. Can I use rtems 4.10.2 for the testing ,quality assurance tasks? 2012-11-28T17:39:02 which task ? 2012-11-28T17:50:25 *** sevikkk has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-11-28T18:03:07 I am looking into Create POSIX Timing Test psxtmcond02 (#0) .. I have installed cygwin and I am following the quick guide and this is my result: http://pastebin.com/TNTyrP17, Is this the correct output when building RTEMS? 2012-11-28T18:05:12 kiwichris, What do you think 2012-11-28T18:05:38 *** sevikkk has joined #rtems 2012-11-28T18:21:48 Also, is anyone from the GCI available to review my task http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/7961205, if possible 2012-11-28T18:28:24 maatt, Are you looking to use cygwin to build RTEMS in ? 2012-11-28T18:29:14 Hmm, Yeah anything that I can complete the POSIX testing tasks with. I was looking around on the Internet and cygwin is where I have been led. 2012-11-28T18:29:34 maatt, I cannot review that task. Joel knows what is needed, sorry. 2012-11-28T18:29:50 Ah ok, no worries 2012-11-28T18:30:27 I have not used cygwin for many many years and mingw is ok but the learning curve is steep even for an experienced user. 2012-11-28T18:30:58 It should not be but Windows is not supported out of the box at the moment. I wish it was. 2012-11-28T18:32:05 ohh, I have used MINGW with Python before but not much.. Would installing Linux be worth it? 2012-11-28T18:33:21 There is a virtual machine image around which makes this task simpler. It should be documented on the GSoC wiki pages. 2012-11-28T18:40:14 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-11-28T18:40:27 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-11-28T18:40:27 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2012-11-28T18:40:53 hey MegaAlex did the comments on the patch make sense for the next round? 2012-11-28T18:41:01 zargy: ditto... 2012-11-28T18:41:39 maatt: are you a gci student? any questions? 2012-11-28T18:41:49 Oh man, I think I might need to get some more ram to do these tasks 2012-11-28T18:43:19 DrJoel, matt has been loading cygwin to buld rtems. I pointed him to the GSoC Vm 2012-11-28T18:43:20 maatt: what projects are you doing? 2012-11-28T18:43:50 The VM is a much better solution .. even if you have to turn it down to 1GB or .75GB RAM. 2012-11-28T18:43:53 DrJoel, yes I am a GCI student. I am just looking into the POSIX Timing Tests 2012-11-28T18:44:01 DrJoel, can you please review http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/7961205 2012-11-28T18:44:04 I am in the process of uploading a new VM. Sebastian wanted to hand them out in Munich at the class 2012-11-28T18:44:25 * DrJoel was hoping someone else would :) 2012-11-28T18:44:46 I looked but know nothing about the referenced project :) 2012-11-28T18:45:24 Hmm, Do you guys know if VirtualBox will make my computer slower? 2012-11-28T18:45:27 I don't either. But that looks pretty good. He/She did pick up the one message on the list. THe mission is in the future so we can add more later. 2012-11-28T18:45:45 That is probably enough to do a flyer with a hunt for a picture of that data unit :) 2012-11-28T18:46:26 Agreed and yes it looked great. 2012-11-28T18:46:27 maatt: Cygwin is SLOW compared to Linux. If you have more than 2GB RAM, you will likely win with the VM. 2012-11-28T18:46:49 how much RAM and what tasks? 2012-11-28T18:47:14 I am looking into Create POSIX Timing Test psxtmcond02 (#0) , and I have 1.96GB of RAM 2012-11-28T18:47:31 kiwichris: how about this task? http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/8008204 2012-11-28T18:47:50 you were reviewing it and it looks like they are ready again. 2012-11-28T18:48:04 I will check this one 2012-11-28T18:48:09 fwiw we have about 60 tasks that are unpublished. 2012-11-28T18:49:15 The flyer tasks need another batch created. If you have ideas for projects for them, please let me know. I will make another batch. 2012-11-28T18:49:34 Sicne I am basically out of town from next monday until Dec 17, I need to leave a backlog 2012-11-28T18:49:50 I may be able to do some while traveling, but would rather not depend on it. 2012-11-28T18:50:11 Can you please send me an email and tell what is needed ? 2012-11-28T18:50:14 maatt: that's not much :( 2012-11-28T18:50:33 kiwichris: ok 2012-11-28T18:50:38 Ahh, I can probably try to find a way to get more 2012-11-28T18:51:04 on a positive note.. once you get things built, you can focus on just that one directory. 2012-11-28T18:51:27 Hmmmm... how about... build RTEMS with just the samples, install and build it externally like examples-v2 2012-11-28T18:51:39 Chris.. will that make life better for him? I don't mind doing the makefile.am 2012-11-28T18:52:02 maatt: are you using the templates or do you need a starting point generated for you? 2012-11-28T18:52:19 are you able to use the templates I mean 2012-11-28T18:53:53 kiwichris: if you can add to the project list for flyers that will help.. 2012-11-28T18:54:23 DrJoel, I do not know. The tests take time to build, while a new makefile.am etc is not tried 2012-11-28T18:54:25 Err, I am more of a Python guy, err, what are templates 2012-11-28T18:55:48 Oh in the test folder? 2012-11-28T18:57:28 yes.. they are just starting points for the test and a simple shell script fills in some info for you 2012-11-28T18:57:57 Hmmm.. a python programmer... :) 2012-11-28T18:59:07 Hey 2012-11-28T18:59:19 Just checking in. I'm working on my second task 2012-11-28T18:59:46 Im pretty good with Python, I have been creating a cross-platform application creator with it. Will there be any Python based tasks? :) 2012-11-28T19:00:50 is it OK for the Briefs if I use the function names in title case, or were you wanting something else? 2012-11-28T19:01:14 What kind of application creator? 2012-11-28T19:02:00 It makes .exes and it can create .apk files but Android exporting is still a little buggy 2012-11-28T19:02:40 but how do you create applications. Is it code based? Do you have to write code for the application? 2012-11-28T19:03:25 maatt: have you claimed that task? I don't see it. 2012-11-28T19:04:01 *** joel_2 has joined #rtems 2012-11-28T19:04:09 No its GUI-based, you drag and drop GUI elements, and do can visually create their properties 2012-11-28T19:04:15 ahh 2012-11-28T19:04:16 /home/joel/rtems-4.11-work/rtems-testing/rtems-test-template/mktest -s /home/joel/rtems-4.11-work/rtems-testing/rtems-test-template/psxtmtest_single -D "pthread_cond_signal - no threads waiting" -d psxtmcond02 -n 02 2012-11-28T19:04:29 DrJoel, I have decided to work on another task, I will try to get more RAM 2012-11-28T19:04:30 have you ever looked at GameMaker? 2012-11-28T19:04:32 that's a command to use the test templates and get the test baselineto start from 2012-11-28T19:04:38 *** joel_2 has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2012-11-28T19:04:58 zargy: try to use English and not the method C name. 2012-11-28T19:05:07 oh ok 2012-11-28T19:05:42 Yeah, I heard of that program, that is what I based my project off of, except to make it better and free 2012-11-28T19:05:47 maatt: Now that you are asking.. kiwichris and I will need to discuss any Python tasks. :) 2012-11-28T19:05:59 I had a couple in mind but they may be too large for GCI 2012-11-28T19:06:45 Personally I would like this script (now shell) in Python. If that could be done, this change might be easier http://www.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/GoogleCodeInProjects#Test_Coverage_Report_Improvements 2012-11-28T19:06:47 I am pretty good with wxPython which is a wrapper to wxWidgets (used by NASA :P) 2012-11-28T19:06:50 We could add a task 2012-11-28T19:07:31 I would eventualyl like all the rtems-coverage shell scripts to be in Python .. but that may be beyond the scope of GCI 2012-11-28T19:07:37 time for me to head home.. night all.. 2012-11-28T19:07:45 bye 2012-11-28T19:07:54 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-11-28T19:22:52 *** maatt is now known as Mat_snoozing 2012-11-28T20:31:03 *** Mat_snoozing is now known as Maaaaaat 2012-11-28T21:18:07 Just finished a task! Gonna go snooze now, cya guys! :) 2012-11-28T21:18:21 *** Maaaaaat has left #rtems 2012-11-28T21:44:47 I cannot add a comment to Kaitlyn's task. 2012-11-28T22:02:00 Hey kiwichris, what's the Timestamp constant input into the routine "_TOD_Set_with_timestamp"? 2012-11-28T22:09:49 It can vary depending on how RTEMS is built. 2012-11-28T22:10:09 See cpukit/score//include/rtems/score/timestamp.h and Timestamp_Control 2012-11-28T22:10:41 thanks 2012-11-28T22:11:45 The timestamp is documented as the time since UNIX epoch (or the start of UNIX time). 2012-11-28T22:11:56 ok! :) 2012-11-28T22:12:19 And can be a 64bit value or a seconds + nano seconds 2012-11-28T22:23:16 in _Scheduler_CBS_Get_execution_time, the param abs_time seems to be never used. 2012-11-28T22:24:43 *kiwichris 2012-11-28T22:27:13 and also, what's a chain in the context of rtems? 2012-11-28T22:47:58 *** zargy has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2012-11-29T00:47:18 *** sevikkk has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 2012-11-29T00:48:06 *** sevikkk has joined #rtems 2012-11-29T00:50:13 *** monstr_ has joined #rtems 2012-11-29T02:21:36 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2012-11-29T02:23:02 good morning 2012-11-29T02:35:44 *** finnland_ has quit IRC (Quit: Lost terminal) 2012-11-29T03:51:06 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-11-29T05:42:21 *** mattt_ has joined #rtems 2012-11-29T05:43:08 Hey guys, What repository should I clone for the most recent version of RTEMS? Is this it: http://git.rtems.org/joel/rtems.git/ ? 2012-11-29T06:27:08 *** mattt_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-11-29T06:31:59 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-11-29T06:48:46 umh, what should the @ingroup be for /rtems/cpukit/score/src/smp.c, because there are methods from different .h files with different @defgroups(RTEMS / SuperCore) 2012-11-29T09:09:10 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-11-29T09:09:11 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-11-29T09:09:11 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2012-11-29T10:12:14 DrJoel: what should the @ingroup be for /rtems/cpukit/score/src/smp.c, because there are methods from different .h files with different @defgroups(RTEMS / SuperCore) 2012-11-29T10:14:04 grrr.. smp.h has this: 2012-11-29T10:14:06 * @defgroup SuperCore SMP Support 2012-11-29T10:14:06 * 2012-11-29T10:14:06 * @ingroup Score 2012-11-29T10:14:13 sebhub, are you there? 2012-11-29T10:38:36 Just use Score :( 2012-11-29T10:38:39 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-11-29T10:46:32 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-11-29T11:17:36 *** rtemsLogger has joined #rtems 2012-11-29T11:38:17 *** monstr_ has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) 2012-11-29T12:19:01 *** zargy has joined #rtems 2012-11-29T12:19:38 hello 2012-11-29T12:57:44 My task is done and ready for approval, kiwichris if you're there. 2012-11-29T13:48:24 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-11-29T13:48:26 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-11-29T13:48:26 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2012-11-29T13:48:42 zargy: I made a few changes before I committed. 2012-11-29T13:48:46 ok 2012-11-29T13:48:47 This is not title case 2012-11-29T13:48:52 This is Title Case 2012-11-29T13:48:55 Oh 2012-11-29T13:48:59 ok. sorry 2012-11-29T13:49:08 I'll do that in the future 2012-11-29T13:49:08 Also don't use @a and variable names in the @briefs 2012-11-29T13:49:13 No big deal. 2012-11-29T13:49:15 ok 2012-11-29T13:49:28 I thought it would work in the .h files. 2012-11-29T13:49:39 guess not 2012-11-29T13:49:55 It may but we just use English in the @brief's. Remember they show up in a list like this: 2012-11-29T13:50:11 http://www.rtems.org/onlinedocs/doxygen/cpukit/html/files.html 2012-11-29T13:50:24 That is a Table of Contents to me. 2012-11-29T13:51:22 No big deal. I expect you all will get better and better as time goes by. :) 2012-11-29T13:51:47 ah ok 2012-11-29T13:51:52 I can obviously now review them a lot faster. I had that one committed really quickly .. even ran Doxygen on it 2012-11-29T13:52:03 Each task iteration is a learning process for each of us. 2012-11-29T13:52:37 How long does it take you to set up a task? 2012-11-29T13:54:27 we have a lot in "unpublished" state. Those get a proofread, then a click and they are published. We have 22 more tasks Doxygen tasks in unpublished state. 2012-11-29T13:55:22 ok 2012-11-29T13:55:51 I have to be in Arizona next week and will generate 12 more of these. We should have more but I have to test my script 2012-11-29T13:56:07 is there any way to make the @brief 2 lines instead of 1, because some .c files have more than one methods and this 79 column limit .. :) 2012-11-29T13:56:22 MegaAlex: I think that same information applies to you .. 2012-11-29T13:56:41 MegaAlex: I just same "SMP Support" or something like that 2012-11-29T13:57:28 is it ok for a .c file with several functions to make the brief something like "Foo Bar Functions"? 2012-11-29T13:58:26 ah, ok 2012-11-29T13:58:51 That's what I did with the ones I encountered 2012-11-29T13:59:25 *** mattt_ has joined #rtems 2012-11-29T13:59:51 Hello, Matt 2012-11-29T14:04:43 Hey zargy 2012-11-29T14:05:08 Are you participating in the GCI? 2012-11-29T14:07:20 Si 2012-11-29T14:08:04 kiwichris or any other mentor, can you help me with a few questions that i have for the "Add Doxygen File Headers" tasks? 2012-11-29T14:08:54 What questions are they? I might be able to do them 2012-11-29T14:09:58 So, I would like to confirm, the only thing that we need to do is add "/** * @file * * @brief BRIEF DESCRIPTION FOR TABLE OF CONTENTS * @ingroup GROUP_FROM_dot_h_FILE */" to the head of each file then enter the correct values? 2012-11-29T14:10:29 yeah 2012-11-29T14:10:55 ANd also modify the description on the .h file 2012-11-29T14:10:56 oh ok, Do you know if there is an example online that I can follow from? 2012-11-29T14:11:15 http://www.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/GoogleCodeInProjects#Add_Doxygen_File_Headers 2012-11-29T14:11:18 that's the wiki 2012-11-29T14:11:30 have you done one of these tasks before? 2012-11-29T14:11:52 no this will be my first one 2012-11-29T14:12:00 oh ok 2012-11-29T14:14:41 zargy, do you know where the .c file is for "cpukit/score/include/rtems/score/chain.h" from the examples? 2012-11-29T14:14:53 to my understanding, an .h file my accompany a .c file 2012-11-29T14:14:58 *must 2012-11-29T14:15:17 well, a .c file ususally contains 1 method 2012-11-29T14:15:54 the .h files contain declerations for methods related to the .h file 2012-11-29T14:16:09 find the .c file on the list of files 2012-11-29T14:16:29 (that you got from the task description) 2012-11-29T14:16:36 Ok "cpukit/score/src/threadstackfree.c" 2012-11-29T14:16:37 and open the first one 2012-11-29T14:16:39 ok 2012-11-29T14:16:43 now, 2012-11-29T14:16:44 i have it opened 2012-11-29T14:16:58 navigate a terminal to cpukit/score 2012-11-29T14:17:10 ok im there 2012-11-29T14:17:15 ok, 2012-11-29T14:17:28 now do "grep -r METHOD_NAME include" 2012-11-29T14:17:48 where METHOD_NAME is the name of the method declared in the .c file 2012-11-29T14:17:51 Hmm i really havent done much with C 2012-11-29T14:18:02 Oh ok 2012-11-29T14:18:06 it must be exactly as it's declared 2012-11-29T14:18:28 ah, i gotta install grep! 2012-11-29T14:18:49 that will look in all the files in the include folder for the .h file that contains the decleration 2012-11-29T14:19:11 wait, are you running on the virtualbox, or on yoru own distro? 2012-11-29T14:19:20 oh, im using windows 2012-11-29T14:19:35 I have windows grep installed but I cant do command line stuff 2012-11-29T14:19:52 oh... 2012-11-29T14:20:16 ok 2012-11-29T14:20:59 tell me when you have it 2012-11-29T14:21:56 ok nice i just got it! (thanks btw for the help! :D ) 2012-11-29T14:22:01 Mattt_: The .h file is thread.h, btw 2012-11-29T14:23:12 Ah thanks 2012-11-29T14:23:55 now open thread.h 2012-11-29T14:24:15 in this case, it's on line 562 2012-11-29T14:24:38 looks like you just need to add a @brief and a @param 2012-11-29T14:24:42 huh, how is it on line 562 2012-11-29T14:24:50 in the .h file 2012-11-29T14:24:54 I have it open 2012-11-29T14:25:18 err, in thread.h on line 562, there is an .h file? 2012-11-29T14:25:44 huh? 2012-11-29T14:25:58 do you have score/include/thread.h open? 2012-11-29T14:26:07 err sorry, just a sec, im gonna switch text editors 2012-11-29T14:26:11 (notepad sucks, lol) 2012-11-29T14:26:15 yeah 2012-11-29T14:26:24 on windows try notepad++ 2012-11-29T14:26:47 ok im there 2012-11-29T14:26:56 ok 2012-11-29T14:27:01 at line 562 it says "/** * Deallocate the Thread's stack. */" 2012-11-29T14:27:22 one sec 2012-11-29T14:27:29 yeah 2012-11-29T14:27:41 that's the Doxygen comment above the method decleration 2012-11-29T14:27:53 oh ok cool 2012-11-29T14:28:25 would this be part of the table of contents 2012-11-29T14:28:27 basicly, add the @brief above the "Deallocate the Thread's stack" 2012-11-29T14:28:37 the @brief will be 2012-11-29T14:28:58 Basicly, make the @brief the same here as at the top of the .c file 2012-11-29T14:29:17 so I should put the @brief at the top of the .c and the .h 2012-11-29T14:29:27 I g2g 2012-11-29T14:29:32 I'll be back in about 3 hours 2012-11-29T14:29:34 sorry 2012-11-29T14:29:41 yeah at the top 2012-11-29T14:29:46 see you 2012-11-29T14:29:46 oh ok thanks for the help man 2012-11-29T14:29:50 cya! :) 2012-11-29T14:29:51 *** zargy is now known as ZARGYAFK 2012-11-29T14:31:32 ZARGYAFK: gets a gold star!!! 2012-11-29T14:31:46 I have to run an errand. Will be back later! 2012-11-29T14:31:48 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-11-29T14:32:26 hmmm, what should i do about @ingroup 2012-11-29T14:33:32 im guessing it would be "Thread Handler" 2012-11-29T15:09:41 err, im a bit confused 2012-11-29T15:10:03 which .c file? :) 2012-11-29T15:10:46 objectallocate.c is what im doing 2012-11-29T15:11:37 and i found the h file which is object.h 2012-11-29T15:12:55 and I cant seem to find the brief in the .h file 2012-11-29T15:13:41 should be ScoreObject, had the same issue about 2 days ago and somebody told me to set @ingroup ScoreObject for the .c file :) 2012-11-29T15:14:02 oh cool thanks man! 2012-11-29T15:15:35 if you cannot find @brief in the .h file you should create a @brief in both .c and .h(in the block perceding the method) files 2012-11-29T15:15:53 oh ok, just a blank brief? 2012-11-29T15:15:59 btw which Task # you are doing? 2012-11-29T15:16:30 im doing # 10 2012-11-29T15:17:21 and i guess @file should always be blank right 2012-11-29T15:17:24 no, you should name it ofcourse(for example Allocate Object for objectallocate.c) 2012-11-29T15:17:27 yeah 2012-11-29T15:17:53 because I had to do objectallocate.c for #7 too lol 2012-11-29T15:18:12 aha 2012-11-29T15:19:04 err, Why did you name it Allocate Object, does it say anywhere or can we just make up a name 2012-11-29T15:20:47 if there isn't a @brief in the .h file, you should make up a name, yea :) 2012-11-29T15:23:42 ohh nice, umm I think i may have finished but im not sure I did it right, what do you think http://pastebin.com/UFLKUDLk :) 2012-11-29T15:24:12 you are the master at doing these, haha 2012-11-29T15:25:33 is that all I need for the .h file? 2012-11-29T15:27:21 ive seen "@defgroup" around, should i put that in the .h file? and would that be the "@ingroup" of my .c file? 2012-11-29T15:28:45 i think you can remove lines 11,12,13. 2012-11-29T15:29:58 coolness 2012-11-29T15:30:45 for .h file you need @brief, @param (sometimes, when you have description in the .c file), @return and INTERRUPT_LATENCY 2012-11-29T15:31:54 you shouldn't add @defgroup nor @ingroup in the .h files, but you should always add @ingroup in the .c files 2012-11-29T15:31:55 theres already a @param[in] in my .h file, do i have to change anything in the .c file? 2012-11-29T15:32:59 also, what goes in "@return"? i cant find that in the wiki 2012-11-29T15:33:57 for the .c file you only need to add the Doxygen block at the top, remove any descriptions from the COPYRIGHT block, and merge the info from the block preceding the method into the doxygen block in the .h file 2012-11-29T15:34:26 let me find you an example :) 2012-11-29T15:35:53 thanks! 2012-11-29T15:39:57 http://pastebin.com/gqh1EVzM 2012-11-29T15:41:21 nice!,, I cant seem to find "INTERRUPT LATENCY" in my .h or my .c files 2012-11-29T15:43:46 do you have the .h part of this file 2012-11-29T15:44:44 if there isn't a INTERRUPT LATENCY in the comment block pereceding the method in the .c you dont have to add it :) 2012-11-29T15:45:01 .h file is from line 19 2012-11-29T15:45:14 hmm, I think im starting to get this :), kinda 2012-11-29T15:46:46 so "@file" , "@breif" dont go in the .c file? 2012-11-29T15:49:53 there should be always @file, @brief and @ingroup in the .c file, i just pasted only the coment block to show you how to merge it into the Doxygen block in the .h file 2012-11-29T15:53:06 oh ok, umm, I think I might have done it correctly: http://pastebin.com/u9jwVqVf what do you think 2012-11-29T15:56:03 "you shouldn't add @defgroup nor @ingroup in the .h files, but you should always add @ingroup in the .c files" , and the comment block at the beginning shouldn't be there 2012-11-29T15:57:05 the whole comment block? 2012-11-29T15:57:40 if you have a comment block preceding the method in the .c file you merge it into the Doxygen block in the .h file and than remove it from the .c file 2012-11-29T16:00:10 Hmm the only comment block that the file had when i first opened it was http://pastebin.com/AgZkAhnf 2012-11-29T16:03:45 I just updated it, does it look acceptable; http://pastebin.com/PT586i8k 2012-11-29T16:07:20 yeah, thats perfect i think :)) 2012-11-29T16:08:24 oh man, awesome! you rock! thanks so much for helping me! :D 2012-11-29T16:54:25 wow I think I could actually write a script to do this automatically 2012-11-29T17:05:53 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-11-29T17:05:53 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2012-11-29T17:14:04 *** ZARGYAFK is now known as zargy 2012-11-29T17:14:19 Hey mattt_ 2012-11-29T17:14:22 I'm back 2012-11-29T17:14:36 Oh hey zargy! :) whats up 2012-11-29T17:14:38 you get stuff worked out? 2012-11-29T17:14:43 Nothing much 2012-11-29T17:14:52 MegaAlex actually explained everything to me, and I think I understand everything now 2012-11-29T17:14:56 cool 2012-11-29T17:16:10 I've got to do some schoolwork stuff in a bit 2012-11-29T17:17:20 You said You could write a script to do this automaticly. I'd thought about that, but I considered that there were lots of variables in play 2012-11-29T17:17:28 I just committed an Alex Doxygen 2012-11-29T17:17:55 Zargy you could add the header automatically with a script and then go back and edit it. 2012-11-29T17:18:03 well yeah 2012-11-29T17:18:12 I was talking about the stuff in the .h file 2012-11-29T17:18:16 Maybe even guess the group it is in once you find the header file 2012-11-29T17:18:24 although you could probably do that too 2012-11-29T17:18:37 I'm just not really good at scripting yet 2012-11-29T17:18:51 You might be able to.. but I suspect not. . you really need to read the .h file comment section to see if it is duplicative, better, worse, missing something, etc 2012-11-29T17:20:10 yeah 2012-11-29T17:20:43 if anyone cares, the Mobi one on documentation may be easier than it sounds ... 2012-11-29T17:25:09 so mattt_, how many files have you gotten done? 2012-11-29T17:25:47 16 right now, i hope i am doing it right 2012-11-29T17:25:53 cool! 2012-11-29T17:45:16 that took long but i think i got it. How can I make a .patch using git diff? 2012-11-29T17:47:09 should i do it in the cpukit directory 2012-11-29T17:51:06 oh wait i think i might have got it: http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/7970221 2012-11-29T17:54:51 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-11-29T18:08:27 I just finished, if anyone is able to review: http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/7970221 ,, that would be awesome 2012-11-29T18:40:28 *** peerst has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2012-11-29T18:41:12 *** peerst has joined #rtems 2012-11-29T19:06:20 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-11-29T19:06:20 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-11-29T19:06:20 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2012-11-29T19:07:09 did my followup email make sense? 2012-11-29T19:12:23 Hi JOel 2012-11-29T19:12:41 howdy.. just rushed home :( 2012-11-29T19:17:45 kiwichris: I just added some instructions on building RTEMS docs. http://www.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/GoogleCodeInProjects#eBook_Formats_for_RTEMS_Documentation 2012-11-29T19:18:03 From what I can tell from the howto, if you can builld the docs, .mobi should be two commands :) 2012-11-29T19:18:29 but it seems to be two mysterious commands since it has stumped a student even though the task links to a howto 2012-11-29T19:18:46 What tools need to be installed ? 2012-11-29T19:20:00 grrr.. this computer is flaky :( 2012-11-29T19:20:24 The linked blog uses two commands "makeinfo --docbook XXX.texinfo" 2012-11-29T19:20:59 I was meaning to run the bootstrap 2012-11-29T19:21:11 The normal rtems one 2012-11-29T19:25:28 Hey DrJoel, what do you think: http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/7970221 2012-11-29T19:28:39 mattt_: I had to leave work unexpectedly with a family emergency.. I am updating my laptop here so I can test it. I should have some feedback in 10-15 minutes 2012-11-29T19:28:59 kiwichris: Flight Software Workshop presentaitons put up today 2012-11-29T19:29:12 brb 2012-11-29T19:29:29 http://flightsoftware.jhuapl.edu/ is the full list 2012-11-29T19:30:00 I can scared to watch the video of me :) 2012-11-29T19:33:01 DrJoel, oh jeez, no worries, i hope everything is ok 2012-11-29T19:34:31 it is now .. thanks for asking 2012-11-29T19:42:15 mattt_: review comments as I go 2012-11-29T19:42:26 I will fix everything on this round so don't worry 2012-11-29T19:42:32 Use Title Case 2012-11-29T19:42:36 This is not title case 2012-11-29T19:42:40 This is Title Case 2012-11-29T19:43:37 Oh ok, Gotcha 2012-11-29T19:44:29 after you merge the comments from the .c above the code into the .h, delete the comment block in the .c file 2012-11-29T19:44:38 chainget.c has one and it is clear you merged it 2012-11-29T19:45:41 nothing in copyright block except copyright.. some had comments at top of file which now should be redundant if they had any meaning at all before.. 2012-11-29T19:45:45 comments like "This should only be used for bug testing"? I remember this is something i saw 2012-11-29T19:46:50 I havent seen that. Was seeing 1-2 lines of comments at top of copyright block 2012-11-29T19:47:14 you can review your own changes with git diff... + indicates added line - indicates deleted line 2012-11-29T19:53:07 Hmm how did I merge chainget.c? I think it has the same properties as the other ones I edited 2012-11-29T19:56:06 I see that now... 2012-11-29T19:56:40 watchdog.h has that as an @note so it is redundant and can be deleted.. got it 2012-11-29T19:57:19 ok 2012-11-29T19:58:45 now if doxygen build works, I will commit 2012-11-29T20:00:10 this is my slow computer.. only 2GB RAM.. early dual core 2.0ghz 2012-11-29T20:01:25 oh yeah,,that reminds me, I am buying RAM from my friend for the POSIX testing tasks 2012-11-29T20:02:00 I will be in Arizona and then Munich .. my desktop is going tfrom 4 to 8GB while I am away .. and from XP to Win7.. 2012-11-29T20:02:11 keep Linux on my laptop dual booting :) 2012-11-29T20:04:35 http://git.rtems.org/rtems/ should show the commit in a few minutes 2012-11-29T20:04:42 dinner time 2012-11-29T20:04:52 cool ,will this be in space? 2012-11-29T20:05:12 lol, that would be intense! but i think they take out the comments right 2012-11-29T20:05:58 someday.. it takes time for the space folks to take new versions but a few NASA missions are using the last release. :) 2012-11-29T20:06:24 pick another task and I will accept it after dinner 2012-11-29T20:06:40 just check what I changed in your patch and you will not do that again :) 2012-11-29T20:06:50 bye 2012-11-29T20:06:53 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-11-29T20:18:41 kiwichris, Would I need to install Linux to complete http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/7966217 ? 2012-11-29T20:55:39 mattt_, yes I think you would need a working development environment 2012-11-29T20:58:59 kiwichris: oh ok, .. err, are there going to be any new tasks added soon that I can complete on windows? I am probably going to setup the linux enviroment this weekend. 2012-11-29T21:01:51 I am not sure. I need to talk to Joel about this how-ever we have not been able to chat about it. 2012-11-29T21:18:37 I think all the remaining tasks require Linux 2012-11-29T21:24:59 cya guys, gonna hit the hay 2012-11-29T21:29:13 *** mattt_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-11-29T22:49:33 *** zargy has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2012-11-30T00:13:38 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T00:13:38 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T00:13:39 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T00:24:28 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2012-11-30T00:32:39 *** monstr_ has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T00:36:32 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T00:59:45 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2012-11-30T01:58:31 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T02:14:06 good morning 2012-11-30T02:54:29 *** monstr_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-11-30T03:27:38 sebhub, hi 2012-11-30T03:55:19 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T03:55:20 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T03:55:20 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T04:44:34 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2012-11-30T05:03:44 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T05:03:45 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T05:03:45 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T05:04:13 *** alseh has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T05:17:00 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2012-11-30T05:23:29 *** peerst has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2012-11-30T05:23:49 *** peerst has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T05:29:54 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T05:29:55 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T05:29:55 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T05:57:08 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 2012-11-30T07:20:48 *** monstr_ has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T08:58:14 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-11-30T09:00:04 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T10:50:49 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T10:54:47 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) 2012-11-30T10:58:50 *** alseh has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) 2012-11-30T11:04:51 *** monstr_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-11-30T11:06:53 *** monstr_ has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T11:15:39 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T11:15:39 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T11:15:39 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2012-11-30T11:57:17 umh, what should the @ingroup be for /cpukit/score/cpu/mips/cpu.c - 3 different .h files with 3 @defgroups and @ingroup Score, and what about the Doxygen block at the top of the .c file? :) 2012-11-30T11:57:34 You ask hard questions :) 2012-11-30T11:58:27 :( hard tasks, hard questions :D 2012-11-30T11:59:06 :) 2012-11-30T11:59:34 How many score/cpu files are in this batch? 2012-11-30T11:59:59 I am prone to give you a pass on adding a group directive. 2012-11-30T12:00:09 I don't think we have a pattern yet. :( 2012-11-30T12:00:43 20 files 2012-11-30T12:00:50 ops wait 2012-11-30T12:01:28 8 /cpu files >.< 2012-11-30T12:01:59 so you have batch "_10.txt" 2012-11-30T12:02:10 yes :) 2012-11-30T12:02:16 _11 and _12 have 20.. 2012-11-30T12:02:42 Skip adding any group but do the rest 2012-11-30T12:02:50 the rest of the comment block clean up 2012-11-30T12:03:12 Does that make sense? 2012-11-30T12:03:24 $ grep cpu/ batch1/txt_files/*| cut -d':' -f1 | sort | uniq -c 2012-11-30T12:03:25 8 batch1/txt_files/score_Add_Doxygen_Headers_Task_10.txt 2012-11-30T12:03:25 20 batch1/txt_files/score_Add_Doxygen_Headers_Task_11.txt 2012-11-30T12:03:25 20 batch1/txt_files/score_Add_Doxygen_Headers_Task_12.txt 2012-11-30T12:03:25 8 batch1/txt_files/score_Add_Doxygen_Headers_Task_13.txt 2012-11-30T12:03:50 There are 3 more sets in this batch of published tasks which have this "property" 2012-11-30T12:04:49 yes, but what to do with the long Doxygen block at the begining of cpu/mips/cpu.c? where should I merge it into 2012-11-30T12:08:23 the history comments about Greg Menke, Alan Cudmore (both at NASA Goddard) and myself should be in the copyright block between the Craig Lebakken block and the OAR block. 2012-11-30T12:08:26 Does that make sense? 2012-11-30T12:08:35 Then the @brief is just Mips CPU Dependent Source 2012-11-30T12:08:56 FYI this code flew on NASA ST-5. :) 2012-11-30T12:09:24 Nice! And thanks :) 2012-11-30T12:09:51 http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/st-5/main/index.html showed that constellations of small-ish satellites worked.. foundation technology proving for the MMS mission 2012-11-30T12:11:23 http://mms.gsfc.nasa.gov/ and https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.10150330098051845&type=1 for pictures from when Chris Johns (kiwichris) and I visited Alan Cudmore there last year 2012-11-30T12:11:33 yes.. facebook.. even old fogeys know how to use it. 2012-11-30T12:11:57 seriously I had an fb account within the first few days it allowed non .edu email addresses. :) 2012-11-30T13:17:11 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T13:32:21 *** gedare has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-11-30T13:32:31 *** JenniferA has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T13:44:17 *** JenniferA has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-11-30T13:45:03 *** JenniferA has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T13:45:16 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T13:45:20 Hi!! 2012-11-30T13:45:29 https://google-melange.appspot.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/8016203 2012-11-30T13:45:40 this is my task 2012-11-30T13:46:58 do we hv to remove page breaks 2012-11-30T13:47:01 ? 2012-11-30T13:49:25 page breaks should be in the final document to have the text be on separate pages EXACTLY like it was in the original... we are not running the text together. 2012-11-30T13:49:44 If a sentence is 1st on a page in the scanned version, we want the same 2012-11-30T13:49:54 Use page breaks .. not blank lines .. to get this 2012-11-30T13:50:19 and if we get any errors like spelling mistakes 2012-11-30T13:50:24 we hv to change them rite 2012-11-30T13:50:57 or correct the spelling 2012-11-30T13:51:30 i mean correct d spelling rite 2012-11-30T13:54:31 *** matttt has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T13:55:42 rite -> right :) 2012-11-30T13:55:57 yes correct the spelling mistakes that occurred due to the scan 2012-11-30T13:56:03 DrJoel, hi 2012-11-30T13:56:15 and sometimes the numbers in the sections turn 3's to 8's so be careful 2012-11-30T13:56:19 hey kiwichris 2012-11-30T13:56:42 trying to wrap up.. xmas party tonight and I want to leave early 2012-11-30T13:56:47 plus travel next two weeks. 2012-11-30T13:56:57 Trying to get more tasks in the unpublished queue 2012-11-30T13:57:09 one more thing do we hv to keep d numbering of the pages as it is 2012-11-30T13:57:19 or change it to 1-10 2012-11-30T13:58:43 Great. I did nt get an email about the flyer tasks. 2012-11-30T13:58:50 Don't worry about the page numbers at the bottom 2012-11-30T13:58:55 there are no more, are there? 2012-11-30T13:59:00 I have to dig up some projects :) 2012-11-30T13:59:04 ok 2012-11-30T13:59:07 Ah ok. 2012-11-30T13:59:23 I have been looking at the Fligh Software videos. Nice 2012-11-30T14:00:11 I also found gcc 4.6.3 and gdb-7.5 do not like each other 2012-11-30T14:00:20 for the SPARC arch 2012-11-30T14:00:50 d url of the google doc which i hv to paste 2012-11-30T14:01:02 i hvv to also make the changes in it 2012-11-30T14:01:08 like d word file 2012-11-30T14:01:14 or leave it with the mistakes 2012-11-30T14:02:29 that is originally what i got 2012-11-30T14:02:50 after performing OCR 2012-11-30T14:03:22 how is everyone doing :) 2012-11-30T14:04:21 All is ok here. It is early Saturday morn where I am. Just working on this http://git.rtems.org/chrisj/rtl-host.git/. 2012-11-30T14:04:27 kiwichris, sigh on gdb/gcc 2012-11-30T14:04:49 ayush10297, I don't understand 2012-11-30T14:04:57 * DrJoel is trying to get ready to leave :) 2012-11-30T14:05:09 d url of the google doc which i hv to paste 2012-11-30T14:05:10 DrJoel, I suspect we need a mix of versions for a release. I have also switched off gcc's stdint change 2012-11-30T14:05:25 do i hv to make changes in it like d word file 2012-11-30T14:06:16 and upload it or i hv to keep it as it (i.e what i got after performming OCR) 2012-11-30T14:07:01 We want proper text which matches what was in the original document -- not acciedntally mangled by the OCR 2012-11-30T14:07:26 OK 2012-11-30T14:07:27 Upload a .doc with corrections, page breaks inserted to match original text on pages 2012-11-30T14:07:28 This includes formating, fonts etc. 2012-11-30T14:07:33 THANKS 2012-11-30T14:08:07 I wouldn't expect font changes .. this document is OLD!!! Wouldn't surprise me if some version came off a daisy wheel .. LOL 2012-11-30T14:08:57 Ah so the code decls are in the same font ? 2012-11-30T14:10:42 *** ayush10297 has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-11-30T14:12:42 probably.. I am not sure from doc to doc 2012-11-30T14:12:59 it looks like one font just flipping through.. 1988 technology remember :) 2012-11-30T14:13:49 I have pushed on with a custom loader format for applications which I have called RAP. I have the LZ77 compression loading on the SIS BSP. 2012-11-30T14:18:01 DrJoel, I see you have opened some more tasks. 2012-11-30T14:18:14 very cool! is the LZ77 decompression going in cpukit 2012-11-30T14:18:20 Opened == published? 2012-11-30T14:18:21 yes.. 2012-11-30T14:18:33 and then have another set of unpublished ones :) 2012-11-30T14:19:27 *** monstr_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-11-30T14:25:15 should I turn the comments from the cpu.c files into a doxygen block? :) 2012-11-30T14:25:16 *** monstr_ has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T14:25:45 MegaAlex, example ? 2012-11-30T14:26:05 ie which cpu ? 2012-11-30T14:26:23 kiwichris, we need to discuss score/cpu files and doxygen 2012-11-30T14:26:37 Yes 2012-11-30T14:26:38 MegaAlex, Follow the same rules but don't add an @group 2012-11-30T14:26:50 for the .c file 2012-11-30T14:27:26 we need to decide what group that would be in.. but it needs an @file, @brief and any method docs are likely duplicated in the .h. That much needs to be fixed 2012-11-30T14:27:41 okie, i will transform the comments into doxygen blocks :) 2012-11-30T14:27:51 I wonder about the group being the arch 2012-11-30T14:27:54 merge them into the .h file if possible just like normal 2012-11-30T14:28:26 kiwichris, I think the same thing but we need a discussion and a review over all the groups :) 2012-11-30T14:28:32 The normal flow is arch then cpu 2012-11-30T14:28:46 The sparc is the only port with heavy doxygen and it doesn't do much with group 2012-11-30T14:29:05 Yes. I think I need to see the output and to see what fits in doxygen 2012-11-30T14:29:36 The files is specific to the sparc it should be in that group 2012-11-30T14:29:39 we will need to run it and check it all after the gci students get it all done. 2012-11-30T14:30:08 We will likely need more tasks by 20 Dec!! So write this up in a way we can make another round of tasks. 2012-11-30T14:30:15 The burn rate on tasks is HIGH and will get HIGHER 2012-11-30T14:30:17 I expect 2012-11-30T14:30:22 hehe 2012-11-30T14:44:57 *** zargy has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T14:54:13 *** JenniferA has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-11-30T15:12:02 *** monstr_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2012-11-30T15:18:00 *** monstr_ has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T15:25:31 finished a task, i think :) 2012-11-30T15:26:03 *** monstr_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2012-11-30T15:32:38 YEAH 2012-11-30T15:32:45 I am reviewing 2012-11-30T15:32:53 something.. don't remember who 2012-11-30T15:49:53 * DrJoel is heading home.. early christmas party 2012-11-30T15:51:41 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-11-30T17:09:40 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T17:09:57 hey!! 2012-11-30T17:10:11 i wanna knw d mistakes i made in my task 2012-11-30T17:10:19 bcoz it is sent for more work 2012-11-30T17:10:26 and i dont knw d reason 2012-11-30T17:10:33 so can somebody help me plzz 2012-11-30T17:17:43 *** ayush10297 has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-11-30T18:16:18 *** matttt has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-11-30T19:51:21 *** mattttt has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T20:03:24 *** alseh has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T20:03:31 Hello 2012-11-30T20:03:39 Sorry, I've been busy today 2012-11-30T20:08:18 Hey mentors, I just finished a task, if anyones cool to review: http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/8000206 2012-11-30T21:06:32 Hey guys, the link that provides the list of files for this task., is broken, http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/7983217 2012-11-30T21:07:08 Oh never mind I think there was an extra space in the hyperlink 2012-11-30T21:41:45 cya guys 2012-11-30T21:45:53 *** mattttt has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-11-30T22:10:19 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-11-30T22:14:32 Hey, I've marked my task as done 2012-11-30T22:14:51 http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/7983216 2012-11-30T22:14:58 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T22:17:56 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2012-11-30T22:25:12 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T22:48:27 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2012-11-30T22:49:02 *** zargy has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2012-12-01T00:33:09 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T00:33:09 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T00:34:29 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T00:34:29 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T03:23:10 *** uuvn has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T03:23:19 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2012-12-01T03:33:18 *** uuvn has quit IRC (Quit: Ex-Chat) 2012-12-01T03:34:54 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T03:34:54 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T03:45:33 *** MegaAlex has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2012-12-01T03:47:53 *** MegaAlex has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T04:47:35 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-12-01T05:56:34 *** jahf has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2012-12-01T05:57:31 *** jahf has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T06:33:48 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2012-12-01T08:25:44 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T08:25:50 Hey!! 2012-12-01T08:26:18 I am going to upload my work on the task 2012-12-01T08:26:25 but i have a little doubt 2012-12-01T08:28:20 http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/8016203 2012-12-01T08:29:24 i dont knw how to remove the blank space in the google doc but i was able to do in the word file 2012-12-01T08:29:47 i dont think it is possible to do in the google doc 2012-12-01T08:29:58 because u can't interfere with the border 2012-12-01T08:30:05 am i rite 2012-12-01T08:34:03 *** ayush10297 has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-12-01T09:33:52 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T09:33:52 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T09:33:52 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2012-12-01T10:13:09 * DrJoel looks around.. anyone from gci need help? 2012-12-01T10:14:34 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-12-01T10:25:15 *** monstr_ has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T10:31:16 *** mattt_ has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T10:43:41 *** mattt_ is now known as matt_studying 2012-12-01T11:00:28 *** matt_studying has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-12-01T11:26:05 *** zargy has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T11:38:32 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T13:03:33 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T13:03:46 hey!! 2012-12-01T13:03:50 i really need help 2012-12-01T13:04:05 with a task 2012-12-01T13:04:17 anybody here to help me 2012-12-01T13:04:27 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-12-01T13:04:29 *** shlokinani has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T13:05:11 Hey, 2012-12-01T13:05:52 hi 2012-12-01T13:06:23 Where do I find the decleration for _Extension_Manager_initalization in sapi? 2012-12-01T13:09:11 *** shlokinani has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2012-12-01T13:23:56 *** alseh_ has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T13:27:19 *** alseh has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-12-01T13:50:36 *** monstr_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2012-12-01T14:17:11 anybody here 2012-12-01T14:48:06 *** ayush10297 has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-12-01T14:48:13 *** matttt has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T14:48:45 hey err: can someone accept my claim: http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/8000207, i already finished the task. 2012-12-01T14:54:04 thanks, i marked as complete 2012-12-01T14:55:51 great. it is 8am on Sunday morning here so things will be patchy from me. I will review the tasks soon :) 2012-12-01T14:57:08 oh, no worries! relax, grab a cup of Java, enjoy your morning :) 2012-12-01T14:57:23 will do and thanks :) 2012-12-01T15:01:04 off for a bit to have a game of tennis 2012-12-01T15:01:36 have fun! :) 2012-12-01T15:58:07 *** alseh_ has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-12-01T16:37:08 if anyones available: http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/7996207 2012-12-01T17:05:20 updated! 2012-12-01T18:57:58 *** matttt has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-12-01T19:00:21 *** mattt_ has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T19:36:45 *** zargy has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2012-12-01T19:47:34 Hey, are there any mentors up and about? http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/7996207 2012-12-01T19:57:13 *** zargy has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T20:06:45 Hey im doing the task: http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/7986215 and I cant seem to find the .h file for "cpukit/score/cpu/nios2/nios2-initialize-vectors.c" 2012-12-01T20:08:45 Im running grep -r _CPU_Initialize_vectors include on cpukit\score but nothing comes up 2012-12-01T20:40:33 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-12-01T20:40:56 hardly anyone around but I thought I would share this: https://www.facebook.com/events/101354496695570/ 2012-12-01T20:41:53 It is an Arianespace launch with what I am pretty sure is an RTEMS mission: http://www.cnes.fr/web/CNES-en/3236-pleiades.php 2012-12-01T20:42:04 At least we have an application Wiki page for it. :) 2012-12-01T20:42:26 Need to make it a GCI flyer project before I fly out :) 2012-12-01T20:42:30 and now back to dinner 2012-12-01T20:42:34 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2012-12-01T20:57:10 cool RTEMS in space yet again! 2012-12-01T20:57:37 Also, I Think i might have finished this: http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/7986215 but some stuff were a little odd 2012-12-01T21:09:19 gonna hit the hay, cya guys 2012-12-01T21:13:48 *** mattt_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-12-01T22:39:43 *** rokka_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-12-01T22:49:14 *** zargy has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 2012-12-02T04:09:06 *** shlokinani has joined #rtems 2012-12-02T04:09:52 any mentor? 2012-12-02T04:14:44 *** shlokinani has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-12-02T05:52:20 *** matttt has joined #rtems 2012-12-02T07:02:58 *** matttt has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2012-12-02T07:04:12 *** mattttt has joined #rtems 2012-12-02T07:04:41 hey err, can someone accept my task, if they aren't busy: http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/8015203 2012-12-02T07:12:58 *** mattttt has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-12-02T08:22:02 *** mattt_ has joined #rtems 2012-12-02T08:57:33 *** mattt_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-12-02T09:58:57 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-12-02T09:58:57 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-12-02T09:58:58 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2012-12-02T10:31:31 *** mattt_ has joined #rtems 2012-12-02T10:44:19 hey, if anyones available to check my work, that would be cool http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/8015203 2012-12-02T10:49:20 DrJoel: didn't understand the "Some general odd comments that need to be in the wiki" of your comment, can your explain it for me please? :) 2012-12-02T11:29:46 *** monstr_ has joined #rtems 2012-12-02T11:38:48 *** mattt_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-12-02T12:22:19 *** mat__ has joined #rtems 2012-12-02T12:22:42 *** mat__ is now known as Guest38959 2012-12-02T12:22:54 *** Guest38959 is now known as maatttttttt 2012-12-02T13:45:41 MegaAlex: sorry.. helping my sons with homework :) 2012-12-02T13:45:57 I just meant if you could add that bullet itm to the wiki instructions for this task, I would appreciate it 2012-12-02T13:46:58 oh, ok, will do it :) and what about the @file for the .h files? should it be only @file or @file with path to the file? :) 2012-12-02T13:48:04 I think @file is OK. If it doesn't generate what we like, we have a marker that a subsequent script can fix. 2012-12-02T13:48:37 We discussed a potential gci task and I wrote a script in an hour to do the entire tree.. saving you all for work that we don't trust computers :) 2012-12-02T13:50:43 I will be back.. helping on a paper about Shakespeare's The Tempest 2012-12-02T14:08:53 so should I @file in .h files for http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/8025204 ? :)) 2012-12-02T14:31:01 *** monstr_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2012-12-02T14:44:33 Hey, I'm not sure what I should update for this.. check out the comments: http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/8013205 2012-12-02T15:13:08 MegaAlex: did you get an answer? 2012-12-02T15:14:58 maatttttttt: you submitted another revision. I assume it is OK if I review it for merger. 2012-12-02T15:15:28 Yes, it is 2012-12-02T15:16:33 I asked here when C Rempel marked my task as "Need more work" so im still not sure If I need to add the @file in .h files :) 2012-12-02T15:17:42 Who did nios2-isr-install-vector.c? I am getting you two confused :) 2012-12-02T15:18:42 Oh, I think it was me, I remember that file I think 2012-12-02T15:19:26 maatttttttt: ok.. I was adding the CPU name into the comments.. and removing the @xxxgroup in cpu specific files since we don't know what to put there 2012-12-02T15:23:18 maatttttttt: == M. Kallada.. right 2012-12-02T15:23:30 Yes sir :) 2012-12-02T15:25:56 #13 in the task name? 2012-12-02T15:26:17 I closed the window accidentally and want to close the right GCI task 2012-12-02T15:27:13 Yeah it was #13, and thanks you closed it! 2012-12-02T15:28:33 I just published 5 more doxygen tasks. These get you out of the score/cpu so these should be clearer. 2012-12-02T15:29:26 The next batches after this directory (e.g. rtems) will be posix and libcsupport which MAY NOT have a .h in our tree with the prototype. Sometimes they are prototyped in .h files owned by the C Library and we can't touch that. So there is some judgement. The wiki tries to explain that 2012-12-02T15:31:25 ok.. website is weird.. now published 2012-12-02T15:31:33 walking away from keyboard 2012-12-02T15:37:12 *** maatttttttt has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-12-02T16:37:57 *** ayush10297 has joined #rtems 2012-12-02T16:38:05 Hi!! 2012-12-02T16:38:08 anybody here 2012-12-02T16:38:20 anybody here 2012-12-02T16:38:29 to help me 2012-12-02T16:38:37 i really need help 2012-12-02T16:49:30 *** ayush10297 has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-12-02T17:02:02 In case anyone doing Doxygen tasks is curious, go to http://www.rtems.org/onlinedocs/doxygen/cpukit/html/ and browse around. Twice a day, this is updated with what is in Git. You all are having an impact and getting on the Net immediately. :) 2012-12-02T17:11:59 btw DrJoel I have done this patch http://git.rtems.org/rtems/commit/?id=c05d75020d231aa193444a84c84d5ecaa1a4cefa , not Mat :)) 2012-12-02T17:13:25 not that big of a deal but to avoid any furure problems :) 2012-12-02T17:33:11 was that the last one committed? 2012-12-02T17:40:05 Alex.. multiple alex's.. Ivanov? 2012-12-02T17:45:03 umh, sorry? I can't understand you 2012-12-02T17:45:25 there are multiple gci students named Alex :) 2012-12-02T17:46:22 I think I have changed #14 to you. but git is scary for odd functions 2012-12-02T17:46:23 brb 2012-12-02T18:51:56 *** cyanophycean314 has joined #rtems 2012-12-02T19:49:20 Hello everybody. I'm working on Google Code-In. How exactly can I download parts of the RTEMS git repository? 2012-12-02T19:51:09 I mainly need the doc folder as I am working on coverting the documentation, but I also need the autoconf and automake files. 2012-12-02T19:51:49 I have tried downloading the RTEMS Virtual Machine several times, but it has failed to successfully download. Is there any other way for me to complete my task? Thanks 2012-12-02T20:12:00 *** sevikkk has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 2012-12-02T20:15:58 *** sevikkk has joined #rtems 2012-12-02T21:41:02 *** cyanophycean314 has quit IRC ()