2012-04-23T00:12:50 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T00:12:50 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T00:12:50 *** sevikkk1 has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T00:12:50 *** soh_cah_toa has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T00:12:50 *** zw_yao has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T00:12:50 *** A0Sheds has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T00:12:50 *** mwalle has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T00:12:50 *** lkcl has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T00:12:50 *** lcpfnvcy has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T00:12:50 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T00:12:50 *** peerst has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T00:12:50 *** ChanServ has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T00:12:50 *** verm__ has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T00:12:50 *** kuzew has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T00:12:50 *** rokka has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T00:12:50 *** lindbohm.freenode.net sets mode: +o ChanServ 2012-04-23T00:14:20 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T00:53:01 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T00:53:05 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T01:34:39 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T01:37:49 good morning 2012-04-23T01:55:31 *** dr__house has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-23T02:07:54 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2012-04-23T02:08:42 *** zw_yao has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-23T02:09:16 *** zw_yao has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T02:13:12 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T02:14:48 moorning 2012-04-23T02:35:13 *** soh_cah_toa has quit IRC (Quit: hasta la pasta!) 2012-04-23T03:10:40 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T03:38:14 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-23T06:25:59 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T07:17:38 *** weiY has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T07:29:18 hi 2012-04-23T07:33:07 gedare, hi 2012-04-23T07:33:18 hey weiY. big day I guess? 2012-04-23T07:33:26 when do they announce students did they tell 2012-04-23T07:33:37 yeah, hehe. the result will be clsing 2012-04-23T07:34:19 it seems that there are 6hours and 25mins 2012-04-23T07:36:17 the waiting is very long to me. cannot wait for the result 2012-04-23T07:37:46 but the announcement is 3:00 in my local area. i am waiting instead of going to bed 2012-04-23T07:41:04 I wonder what should applicants do when waiting? I ask this before, however, no answer. 2012-04-23T07:42:43 yeah, especially the last hours 2012-04-23T07:44:37 exactly the same:) 2012-04-23T07:46:06 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T07:50:46 get some sleep :) 2012-04-23T07:51:29 we made decisions by last Friday and over the weekend it is just up to Google to verify some things and then send the notices 2012-04-23T07:52:15 we have to wait then :) 2012-04-23T07:52:57 yeah, what we can do is to wait. just excited 2012-04-23T07:59:11 go put your nervous energy to use 2012-04-23T07:59:22 do some homework or something ;) 2012-04-23T08:01:32 i take a look at region manager , found it depending entirely on object manager , should i study object implementation or just how region manager use it ? 2012-04-23T08:02:02 A little of both. The Object manager is quite important to understand when you write code at the score/API layers 2012-04-23T08:02:55 I found it quite a bit of trouble to understand it 2012-04-23T08:05:16 i think i will study object implementations 2012-04-23T08:05:29 yeah, i should also to study some score code of RTEMS to prepare 2012-04-23T08:05:48 just can not do any thing but waiting now :) 2012-04-23T08:06:21 haha, just clam 2012-04-23T08:06:41 i am trying 2012-04-23T08:19:52 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-23T09:11:11 *** QingPei has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T09:54:27 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-23T10:33:06 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2012-04-23T11:02:01 good night. bye. sleep for a while 2012-04-23T11:09:05 *** weiY has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-04-23T11:16:21 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-04-23T11:41:18 *** perojas has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T13:51:54 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T14:06:18 *** weiY has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T14:08:04 students, any news? 2012-04-23T14:08:15 server error 2012-04-23T14:08:24 me, the same 2012-04-23T14:08:45 i just get up a while 2012-04-23T14:09:18 me too and i got that error 2012-04-23T14:09:39 can not retrieve the page 2012-04-23T14:09:46 something like that 2012-04-23T14:09:51 appeared 2012-04-23T14:10:11 yeah, the time is out 10 mins 2012-04-23T14:12:26 i was lucky when it appeared but i could not fine rtems organization 2012-04-23T14:13:05 (: 2012-04-23T14:13:25 what about you ? 2012-04-23T14:16:21 i cannot open the https://google-melange.appspot.com 2012-04-23T14:16:45 me too 2012-04-23T14:16:57 https://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/projects/list/google/gsoc2012 2012-04-23T14:17:00 try this 2012-04-23T14:17:58 the same 2012-04-23T14:18:29 i am refreshing 2012-04-23T14:19:02 Error retrieving data: please refresh the list or the whole page to try again 2012-04-23T14:19:20 yeah that error too when it appeared 2012-04-23T14:20:35 maybe too many access to melange... 2012-04-23T14:21:45 yeah, lots os students just like us 2012-04-23T14:21:49 that for sure 2012-04-23T14:22:55 any one have the access to it , please tell us :) 2012-04-23T14:23:35 weiY: you can take a sleep, after you waken up, it's sure that you got the news 2012-04-23T14:26:23 yeah, i am a liittle sleepy. 2012-04-23T14:27:08 hope a good news after i am awake 2012-04-23T14:27:25 http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/org/google/gsoc2012/rtems 2012-04-23T14:29:03 how about result 2012-04-23T14:29:31 nothing ! 2012-04-23T14:29:47 it get rtems project 2012-04-23T14:29:58 and loading accepted projects 2012-04-23T14:30:10 but when loading finish 2012-04-23T14:30:14 nothing apprears 2012-04-23T14:32:10 me too. cannot find rtems 2012-04-23T14:32:56 700 students now 2012-04-23T14:32:56 they won't show up until the emails go out 2012-04-23T14:33:08 it goes in alphabetical order 2012-04-23T14:33:18 if you haven't gotten an email it will not be on the site. 2012-04-23T14:33:40 now the site is updating 2012-04-23T14:33:57 774 students now 2012-04-23T14:34:19 it'll be slow 2012-04-23T14:34:23 it's always slow sending out emails 2012-04-23T14:50:26 *** weiY has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-04-23T14:53:44 *** leyyin has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T15:02:02 *** Hesham has left #rtems 2012-04-23T15:16:37 *** QingPei has left #rtems 2012-04-23T15:59:30 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T16:12:23 *** soh_cah_toa has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T16:41:00 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T16:45:26 *** cdcs has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-04-23T17:03:42 Hello, does anyone know how to subscribe to the rtems-gsoc-student mailing list? 2012-04-23T17:48:41 hey Deb: we haven't quite got that list running it was a late thought 2012-04-23T17:51:25 p.s. congratulations 2012-04-23T18:32:41 gedare, Thank you. 2012-04-23T18:34:13 yes, congrats 2012-04-23T18:34:24 gedare: do we need the -student? 2012-04-23T18:34:31 thank you amar 2012-04-23T18:34:45 I am happy it is selected 2012-04-23T18:35:03 yes me too, it will be fun! 2012-04-23T18:35:12 and it will also be an excellent contribution to RTEMS 2012-04-23T18:35:16 Deb, well done on being selected 2012-04-23T18:35:49 thank you chris 2012-04-23T18:53:20 *** Deb has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-23T18:57:35 *** soh_cah_toa has quit IRC (Quit: hasta la pasta!) 2012-04-23T19:12:54 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T19:13:04 *** dr__house has quit IRC (Changing host) 2012-04-23T19:13:04 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T19:35:49 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T19:44:23 verm__: prbaboly the -students is unnecessary though I think it helps to keep the list oriented toward students / student issues. I prefer it to just rtems-gsoc 2012-04-23T19:44:37 but i don't hold a strong opinion 2012-04-23T19:45:01 wow awesome spelling there. 2012-04-23T19:46:38 though simpler is better. hm 2012-04-23T19:48:18 ok i requested the new ml be named rtems-gsoc. for the public discussions. 2012-04-23T19:48:29 probably it will get done tomorrow during business hours. 2012-04-23T19:49:06 and i'm out 2012-04-23T19:49:09 *** gedare has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-23T20:25:58 *** dr__house has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-23T21:11:48 *** QingPei has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T21:43:58 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T21:43:58 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T21:57:38 *** zw_yao has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) 2012-04-23T21:58:03 *** zw_yao has joined #rtems 2012-04-23T22:08:32 *** QingPei has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 2012-04-23T22:08:53 *** QingPei has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T00:54:21 *** dr__house has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-24T00:56:35 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T01:15:21 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T01:37:10 good morning 2012-04-24T03:20:58 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2012-04-24T03:25:33 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-24T03:28:42 moorning 2012-04-24T03:28:48 but its not good 2012-04-24T03:28:49 :( 2012-04-24T03:29:47 what happend? 2012-04-24T03:40:38 girlfriend's phone got stolen 2012-04-24T03:40:47 bit of a nightmare 2012-04-24T03:42:37 better the phone than the girlfriend ;-) 2012-04-24T03:49:46 *** panzon has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T04:07:13 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T04:54:05 *** Hesham has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2012-04-24T04:59:19 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T05:28:29 *** QingPei has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-04-24T05:29:28 *** QingPei has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T06:02:32 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T07:23:07 *** QingPei has left #rtems 2012-04-24T07:36:31 *** weiY has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T07:44:20 Hi chris, from the melange you are my mentor, good night 2012-04-24T08:01:38 Congrats weiY 2012-04-24T08:01:40 :) 2012-04-24T08:01:53 how could i found my mentor ? 2012-04-24T08:01:58 **find 2012-04-24T08:03:08 hi hesham, congrats too. https://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/org/google/gsoc2012/rtems 2012-04-24T08:03:22 you will find your mentor from this link 2012-04-24T08:03:38 yeah i did 2012-04-24T08:03:41 thanks :) 2012-04-24T08:03:57 you are right 2012-04-24T08:04:01 did you subscribed for rtems-gsoc ? 2012-04-24T08:04:25 not yet. how to subscribe this list 2012-04-24T08:04:41 that why i am asking 2012-04-24T08:04:59 i dunno yet 2012-04-24T08:05:26 in my memory the rtems-gsoc is not setup 2012-04-24T08:06:29 i think rtems should send us an e-mail illustrating that things 2012-04-24T08:09:08 yeah i think so. now the rtems user and devel list is enough 2012-04-24T08:13:24 yeah 2012-04-24T08:15:05 Hi, weiY and Hesham. 2012-04-24T08:15:26 hi zw_yao 2012-04-24T08:15:28 I find my project hadn't been assigned mentor. Do you know why? 2012-04-24T08:15:53 actually i dunno 2012-04-24T08:16:16 you may ask some one of the community or in the mailing list 2012-04-24T08:16:46 yeah, you can ask joel in the mail list 2012-04-24T08:17:12 Ok, thanks! 2012-04-24T08:17:37 welcome 2012-04-24T08:23:41 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2012-04-24T08:28:43 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T08:46:54 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T08:55:45 welcome gedare 2012-04-24T08:55:50 hello hesham 2012-04-24T08:55:52 congratulations 2012-04-24T08:55:54 :) 2012-04-24T08:55:58 thanks 2012-04-24T08:56:02 you too :) 2012-04-24T08:56:18 you are my mentor , that's nice 2012-04-24T08:56:40 what's the plan now ? :) 2012-04-24T08:56:41 yep 2012-04-24T08:56:58 we're still working out some administrative issues trying to get github and another ml up for students to use 2012-04-24T08:57:34 the main thing is to write a very brief summary of your project proposal and email it to rtems-users 2012-04-24T08:57:36 ok within this time i will review some OS books sections about memory management 2012-04-24T08:57:52 project abstract is not enough ? 2012-04-24T08:57:55 how is your review of the region/partition manager and rbheap going? 2012-04-24T08:58:03 your abstract might be ok. depends on how you feel about it :) 2012-04-24T08:58:18 i will edit it a little 2012-04-24T08:59:04 about region/partition manager , i reviewed region manager as i told you but hold it waiting the results 2012-04-24T08:59:31 when i knew i have been accepted , i started reviewing some memory management issues 2012-04-24T08:59:47 i reserved a day for it 2012-04-24T08:59:51 ;) 2012-04-24T09:00:10 when i am done with it 2012-04-24T09:00:20 What are you reading about memory management? 2012-04-24T09:00:46 public issues and concepts to refresh my memory :) 2012-04-24T09:01:10 ok. 2012-04-24T09:01:34 you are my mentor , tell me what to do now 2012-04-24T09:01:51 study the partition manager. identify similarities/differences between region and partition 2012-04-24T09:03:07 ok , i will continue it tomorrow 2012-04-24T09:03:13 and then write a short report highlighting their common features and what separates them 2012-04-24T09:03:31 that's in my todo list 2012-04-24T09:04:01 ok good. 2012-04-24T09:04:19 how will we communicate ? 2012-04-24T09:04:30 through IRC or what ? 2012-04-24T09:04:42 irc, mailing lists, and you can email me directly as well 2012-04-24T09:05:00 ok 2012-04-24T09:05:21 anything else to consider ? 2012-04-24T09:05:25 once you start to design and implement new code we should use rtems-devel so that others can see what we are doing. 2012-04-24T09:05:43 nothing immediately comes to mind. have you settled your issues with what ARM platform to use? 2012-04-24T09:06:20 i have installed fedora and rtems toolchain 2012-04-24T09:06:30 compiled arm920 bsp 2012-04-24T09:06:43 and simulated it with gdb 2012-04-24T09:07:00 do you know yet if the simulator supports the MMU? 2012-04-24T09:07:15 i wanna buy a BSP to avoid simulator issues , what do you think ? 2012-04-24T09:07:33 if the simulator supports an MMU then I would stick to that because it will be easier to debug 2012-04-24T09:07:36 SkyEye worked well with me in CentOS VM 2012-04-24T09:08:03 but sebhub might have some advice about ARM boards that work well with RTEMS and have MMU/MPU to manage. 2012-04-24T09:08:20 i do most of my rtems work with simulators. 2012-04-24T09:08:54 i just want a pre-tested arm simulator that supports MMU 2012-04-24T09:09:24 if that would have not work , i will but a BSP 2012-04-24T09:09:31 I don't know so you will have to investigate / ask questions. Maybe GDB does? Maybe skyeye does? 2012-04-24T09:09:47 skyeye already supports MMU 2012-04-24T09:09:55 also some terminology, the BSP is the board support package meaning the RTEMS code needed to run on the board itself 2012-04-24T09:10:01 so you would be buying a board 2012-04-24T09:10:21 if it goes that far. my guess is you can use some simulator to do the ARM part of the work 2012-04-24T09:10:29 yeah i mean i wanna buy a board that is supported by rtems 2012-04-24T09:11:03 ah ok. well sebhub already suggested the phyCORE-LPC3250 Rapid Development Kit. 2012-04-24T09:11:08 http://www.phytec.com/products/rdk/ARM-XScale/phyCORE-ARM9-LPC3250.html 2012-04-24T09:11:27 take a look at its featuers and see if it will serve 2012-04-24T09:12:46 c/src/lib/libbsp/arm/lpc32xx/include/mmu.h indicates to me that it probably has an MMU for you to deal with 2012-04-24T09:13:39 then that will be my board i think 2012-04-24T09:14:29 ok. but for now focus on the high-level code / interfaces 2012-04-24T09:15:41 yeah i am concentrating in the high-level code now 2012-04-24T09:15:52 that's why i am reviewing some books 2012-04-24T09:16:05 you'll probably make better progress just reading the code and RTEMS manuals. 2012-04-24T09:16:21 and asking questions 2012-04-24T09:16:50 i intend to read rtems on-line library 2012-04-24T09:17:14 about memory management and any related subjects that would help 2012-04-24T09:17:43 along with reading the code 2012-04-24T09:17:58 okay. 2012-04-24T09:18:38 another question 2012-04-24T09:18:48 how i could subscribe to rtems-gsoc ? 2012-04-24T09:18:58 we don't have the list up yet 2012-04-24T09:19:10 we're lagging behind on a couple of things. 2012-04-24T09:19:34 i see 2012-04-24T09:22:55 other than that make sure you get through your final exams in one piece 2012-04-24T09:23:01 oh and send your paperwork to Google. 2012-04-24T09:26:25 my paperwork ? 2012-04-24T09:28:25 proof that you are a student.. not sure what else you need to send 2012-04-24T09:29:15 i have it 2012-04-24T09:29:25 how should i send it to Google ? 2012-04-24T09:31:07 they should have instructions somewhere 2012-04-24T09:31:26 check the gsoc faqs or student mailing list if someone asked already 2012-04-24T09:31:32 Hesham, in my dashboard on GSOC, there is a todo, in which you can submit such things. 2012-04-24T09:31:56 thanks 2012-04-24T09:32:07 :) 2012-04-24T09:33:35 what's school name selected from autocomplete ? 2012-04-24T09:33:48 no autocomplete list appears to me 2012-04-24T09:34:29 I don't know it neither. 2012-04-24T10:09:53 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T10:49:37 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-04-24T10:50:52 *** weiY has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2012-04-24T11:08:46 *** cdcs has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-04-24T11:11:05 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T11:12:16 *** ash_ has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T11:21:41 *** cdcs has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-04-24T11:38:08 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-24T12:16:54 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2012-04-24T12:38:30 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T12:48:26 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T12:59:39 *** gedare has quit IRC (Quit: Ex-Chat) 2012-04-24T13:45:30 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-24T14:29:28 *** ash_ has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-24T14:48:40 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T14:49:24 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T15:11:38 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T15:16:56 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2012-04-24T16:21:42 *** leyyin has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-24T16:43:48 *** gedare has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-24T16:44:50 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-24T17:17:55 *** lcpfnvcy has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2012-04-24T18:32:23 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-04-24T18:54:42 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T20:21:55 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) 2012-04-24T20:22:18 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T21:31:13 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T21:31:13 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T21:31:31 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T22:12:10 *** QingPei has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T22:23:31 *** QingPei has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-24T22:43:24 *** hiddenpearls has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T23:08:00 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-04-24T23:14:50 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-24T23:15:43 *** QingPei has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T00:45:10 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2012-04-25T01:32:01 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T01:32:24 good morning 2012-04-25T01:43:52 morning 2012-04-25T01:44:57 *** QingPei1 has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T01:46:39 *** QingPei has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2012-04-25T02:02:50 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T02:03:49 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-04-25T02:08:12 *** ash_ has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T02:28:03 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T04:10:37 *** QingPei1 has left #rtems 2012-04-25T04:27:05 *** ash_ has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-25T04:50:08 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2012-04-25T04:58:07 *** dr__house has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-25T05:15:05 *** hiddenpearls has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-25T05:47:50 *** hiddenpearls has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T05:54:40 *** panzon has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2012-04-25T06:04:24 *** hiddenpearls has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-25T06:06:48 *** panzon has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T06:27:08 *** panzon has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2012-04-25T06:49:32 *** panzon has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T07:07:58 *** weiY has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T07:21:11 *** hiddenpearls has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T07:22:32 *** Hesham1 has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T07:25:18 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2012-04-25T07:59:25 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-04-25T08:36:33 *** QingPei has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T08:44:40 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T08:54:41 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T08:54:46 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T08:54:46 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2012-04-25T08:55:08 gedare, which view doesn't show me as mentor? I can't see anything I didn't fill out. :( 2012-04-25T08:55:20 go to your profile and see what you have listed as your name. 2012-04-25T08:55:38 "My Profile" 2012-04-25T08:55:42 "Public name*" 2012-04-25T08:56:01 also, good morning drjoel ;) 2012-04-25T08:56:47 Ahhh... my public name was RTEMS Project. Maybe I am losing my sense of identity 2012-04-25T08:57:09 no doubt. 2012-04-25T08:58:01 no way to set co-mentors as yet. i wonder if they will add that. 2012-04-25T08:58:32 drjoel: what do you think about an rtems-gsoc mailing list? we had them in the past but kept changing them each year 2012-04-25T08:58:49 I think it is a nice idea to consolidate the gsoc-related questions into one mailing list separate from users/devel 2012-04-25T08:59:13 and to keep the past students on that list if they so choose may be nice 2012-04-25T08:59:47 we will have to work a little harder to make sure students talk to the main lists when appropriate, but that is hard enough anyways :) 2012-04-25T08:59:59 That's fine. We have done that in the past but technical discussions need to go to the right list. 2012-04-25T09:00:09 I don't want this to isolate them 2012-04-25T09:00:20 i agree completely 2012-04-25T09:00:47 i view it as a way to slowly integrate and have a nicer place for hand-holding. 2012-04-25T09:06:15 *** Hesham1 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-25T09:13:21 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T09:15:21 and announcements. :) 2012-04-25T09:15:35 I just shared a draft of the news announcement. See what you think 2012-04-25T09:15:56 of course. I expect most of the email on rtems-gsoc will be random questions and you or I asking students to do something 2012-04-25T09:16:21 and next year we can guide potential students to it. 2012-04-25T09:16:25 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-04-25T09:16:55 drjoel: no way to set co-mentors as yet 2012-04-25T09:17:48 I meant in the table in the announcement. We can fix Melange later 2012-04-25T09:18:34 that'd be easier if we had a private mailing list for the mentors huh? ;-) 2012-04-25T09:18:48 We have some of them figured out. Want me to add a column and fill in what I know? 2012-04-25T09:18:52 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T09:21:51 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T09:22:38 *** QingPei has left #rtems 2012-04-25T09:25:01 DrJoel: I added co-mentors. I don't think we need to mention gsoc list in the announcement. Just try to get the list up if you can 2012-04-25T09:36:30 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2012-04-25T09:52:04 Do you know how to get a list of emails easily for students and mentors? 2012-04-25T09:53:51 How did you get the mentor emails? From our emails back and forth discussing? 2012-04-25T09:57:15 drjoel: i have emailed that 2012-04-25T09:57:26 drjoel: I extracted them from melange 2012-04-25T09:57:46 I am not a good Melange user. :( 2012-04-25T09:58:44 Did you notice my email that Daniel's shared IRQ code support broke SMP on LEON3? It appears that the shared IRQ code is initialized after the MP ISR and spurious interrupts are installed and overwrite them. 2012-04-25T09:59:22 I am wondering if (in general on Simple Vectored), this code should not install its "base handler" for an interrupt source until the user specifically installed a vector requiring that the shared code get involved 2012-04-25T10:00:02 There is a delicate order and relationship here to keep simple vectored working and layer the PIC on top of it 2012-04-25T10:00:34 i saw the email. i lack the spare compute cycles to try figuring it out. seems icky 2012-04-25T10:00:43 I lack them also. 2012-04-25T10:01:07 mp isr necessarily is installed early in boot process 2012-04-25T10:04:13 maybe the shared irq code can be rewritten to detect earlier initialization. 2012-04-25T10:04:39 That was also a thought. But it is just a matter of generically working on simple vectored 2012-04-25T10:05:29 Jeff here with a question.. in the past we had a year in the name of the mailing lists .. like gsoc-mentors-2011. 2012-04-25T10:05:39 Do we just want a generic name to reuse from year to year? 2012-04-25T10:06:44 drjoel: yes generic name 2012-04-25T10:06:51 we want to reuse the list 2012-04-25T10:07:01 it will make searching a lot easier and also student retention may improve 2012-04-25T10:07:10 ok.. he is on it. 2012-04-25T10:07:53 superb 2012-04-25T10:08:30 github mirror will be up this evening 2012-04-25T10:08:34 i need chris to setup somet hings 2012-04-25T10:08:43 i ran a test last night it works 2012-04-25T10:08:54 https://github.com/RTEMS/do-not-clone 2012-04-25T10:09:20 drjoel: I suggest that you raise this isr installation issue on rtems-devel 2012-04-25T10:09:20 gedare: you should get every student to sign up and give you their github id 2012-04-25T10:09:42 ok verm__ that should be easier once we have the list up 2012-04-25T10:09:45 gedare: then we can add them as a team to the rtems project 2012-04-25T10:09:46 thanks 2012-04-25T10:09:59 i don't know what that means yet but it sounds good 2012-04-25T10:10:01 :) 2012-04-25T10:10:51 verm__: i was trying to figure out how to "join" the RTEMS organization on github and couldn't figure it out. any special trick? 2012-04-25T10:16:35 DrJoel: It sounds like the shared IRQ code is buggy if it overwrites early isr initializations 2012-04-25T10:16:43 Pass the buck to sebhub ;) 2012-04-25T10:17:18 DrJoel: code.google.com is NOT used for code submission this year. Melange is. 2012-04-25T10:23:47 i think we will have students use github for vc and they shouldn't have trouble creating their submissions from there. 2012-04-25T10:24:04 ahhh... then we need to address gsoc code hosting with students as a group. Perfect use of student list 2012-04-25T10:24:24 Actually this is Daniel's bug. :) 2012-04-25T10:24:44 oh the email said the PIC shared irq code was the problem so i am confused. 2012-04-25T10:24:46 But I think this a lot of "PIC on simple adapter" code should be generic across architectures 2012-04-25T10:24:58 ahh iseee 2012-04-25T10:25:33 but yes it is a bug and one that I expect AG will work out eventually if you can wait on them ;) 2012-04-25T10:28:02 gedare: you don't join i havce to invite you what's your login? 2012-04-25T10:28:14 gedare 2012-04-25T10:28:21 ok i'll add you in a moment 2012-04-25T10:28:52 so to be a member you must be invited, but public repos can be cloned regardless? 2012-04-25T10:33:54 yes 2012-04-25T10:34:02 free accounts can only create public repos 2012-04-25T10:34:09 you have to pay money to have a private one 2012-04-25T10:36:45 *** lcpfnvcy has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T10:37:02 I agree but Daniel is on holiday until the middle of next month. I suspect the person who found the bug may want it fixed faster. Which might be good for me:) 2012-04-25T10:45:36 gedare: added 2012-04-25T10:45:53 i'm going to mirror rtems.git and examples-v2.git 2012-04-25T10:45:57 any others? 2012-04-25T10:47:33 for now that should be ok. I'm not sure if we should also do rtems-graphics-toolkit and rtems-libbsd for particular students, or just let the mentors/students request those if they need them. 2012-04-25T10:47:54 i would lean toward keeping it simpler and just have rtems.git and examples-v2.git for now 2012-04-25T10:49:53 Those students will likely need to clone those. Most students won't have to include them. 2012-04-25T10:54:26 then i'll add those as well 2012-04-25T10:54:53 i find the rtems-* usage highly annoying 2012-04-25T10:54:55 it's *all* rtems 2012-04-25T11:00:50 at one point the repo had ports of other packages. 2012-04-25T11:06:54 *** weiY has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2012-04-25T11:07:34 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-25T11:17:20 yeah but not anymore 2012-04-25T11:18:10 carrying on with prefixing repos with rtems- randomly seems odd, we should pick one or the other either make them all rtems-* or remove them 2012-04-25T11:21:22 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2012-04-25T11:44:51 gedare: will you be signing up mentors to the gsoc list or do we have to do it ourselves? 2012-04-25T11:45:23 i think they'll be auto-signed 2012-04-25T11:46:52 DrJoel, hi 2012-04-25T11:47:15 ok 2012-04-25T11:47:16 Jeff went to lunch but has the list of people to sign up. 2012-04-25T11:47:27 ok 2012-04-25T11:48:58 hey hiddenpearls 2012-04-25T12:54:05 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T12:57:58 *** ash_ has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T13:21:45 *** dr__house has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-25T13:25:35 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T14:11:10 *** ash_ has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-25T14:27:53 *** hiddenpearls has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-25T14:58:45 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-25T15:06:01 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T15:42:17 *** hiddenpearls has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T16:02:29 *** hiddenpearls has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-25T16:35:22 My login name at github is Hesham-Moustafa 2012-04-25T16:37:40 thanks hesham 2012-04-25T16:37:48 welcome 2012-04-25T16:37:56 verm__ got that? 2012-04-25T16:43:32 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-25T16:43:58 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T16:47:42 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2012-04-25T17:23:47 * DrJoel is heading home 2012-04-25T17:23:55 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-25T17:35:37 gedare: yep thanks 2012-04-25T17:49:37 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T18:01:03 *** sevikkk1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2012-04-25T18:08:24 *** sevikkk has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T18:25:59 *** gedare has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-25T18:43:22 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-25T19:04:25 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-04-25T19:09:17 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T20:50:06 /9 2012-04-25T21:16:30 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T21:26:28 *** QingPei has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T22:13:41 *** QingPei has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-25T22:14:05 *** QingPei has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T23:06:19 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T23:06:19 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T23:19:12 *** dr__house has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2012-04-25T23:20:32 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T23:40:47 *** hiddenpearls has joined #rtems 2012-04-25T23:55:34 *** lcpfnvcy has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) 2012-04-25T23:55:45 *** lcpfnvcy has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T00:11:18 *** dr__house has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-26T00:19:21 *** QingPei has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2012-04-26T00:59:40 *** QingPei has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T01:09:02 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T02:00:44 *** QingPei has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2012-04-26T02:01:11 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T02:13:11 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-26T02:14:01 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T02:14:01 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T02:23:41 good morning 2012-04-26T02:29:28 sebhub, hi 2012-04-26T02:29:35 hi chris 2012-04-26T02:30:10 I need to load some configs onto git.rtems.org. When I have do you have a commit to push to test with ? 2012-04-26T02:30:43 currently no, but maybe in one hour 2012-04-26T02:31:00 Great. If you could wait until I am set up that would be great 2012-04-26T02:31:15 ok, just say then you are ready 2012-04-26T02:31:21 will do. thanks 2012-04-26T02:36:48 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2012-04-26T02:57:36 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T02:58:34 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T02:58:34 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T03:00:03 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T03:06:29 i have now something to commit 2012-04-26T03:06:53 Sorry, not done. Been side tracked again. Will start sorting it in a moment. 2012-04-26T03:20:41 *** L84Supper has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T03:20:56 *** A0Sheds has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-04-26T03:28:09 sebhub, which repo ? 2012-04-26T03:30:56 rtems master 2012-04-26T03:32:32 Ok. I have done as asked but there is rtems.git repo in github yet so it may fail. 2012-04-26T03:32:36 Please try. 2012-04-26T03:36:36 Hmmm shared repo is not in libbsd 2012-04-26T03:40:02 Have you done a commit yet cause I would like to change the set up ? 2012-04-26T03:45:01 sebhub, ping ? 2012-04-26T03:49:19 sebhub, switched the set up over 2012-04-26T03:49:45 be back soon 2012-04-26T04:01:54 *** hiddenpearls1 has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T04:02:59 ok, i have done the push 2012-04-26T04:03:06 sry, got a phone call 2012-04-26T04:03:44 remote: 1: mail rtems-vc@rtems.org 2012-04-26T04:03:46 remote: 2: update github 2012-04-26T04:04:28 *** hiddenpearls has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-04-26T04:34:35 Thanks 2012-04-26T04:36:59 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-26T04:39:41 the rtems web services are a bit slow today 2012-04-26T04:39:47 e.g. the bugzilla 2012-04-26T06:06:13 *** panzon_ has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T06:08:27 *** panzon has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2012-04-26T06:19:53 *** hiddenpearls1 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-26T07:26:40 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T08:09:24 *** weiY has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T08:23:47 *** QingPei has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T08:36:11 *** QingPei has left #rtems 2012-04-26T08:55:01 *** zw_yao has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 2012-04-26T09:02:58 *** hiddenpearls has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T09:18:25 *** zw_yao has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T09:47:44 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2012-04-26T10:13:11 sebhub: thanks for testing that 2012-04-26T10:13:22 i'll get the other side setup tonight after i work out a few kinks 2012-04-26T10:26:31 *** L84Supper has quit IRC (Quit: puff of smoke) 2012-04-26T10:26:48 *** A0Sheds has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T10:26:48 *** A0Sheds has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T10:50:48 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2012-04-26T11:25:15 *** weiY has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2012-04-26T11:25:31 *** ash_ has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T11:39:22 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T12:53:24 *** ash_ has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-26T13:25:59 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-04-26T16:03:55 *** hiddenpearls has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-26T16:04:16 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T16:04:17 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T16:04:17 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2012-04-26T17:17:00 DrJoel, hi 2012-04-26T17:18:59 hey chris.. hanging around a bit late tonight :) 2012-04-26T17:19:39 Just looking over github to see if the repos are up and running. 2012-04-26T17:27:43 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T17:27:44 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T17:46:02 *** hiddenpearls has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T17:54:39 *** hiddenpearls has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-26T17:59:16 kiwichris: soon, sometime tonight 2012-04-26T17:59:22 there is a test repo up there you're free to play around with 2012-04-26T17:59:41 i have a concurrency issue to deal with that's specific to the async daemon i wrote and git 2012-04-26T18:03:08 *** hiddenpearls has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T18:11:11 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-26T18:26:07 *** gedare has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-26T19:15:55 *** dr__house has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-26T19:57:36 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T21:24:02 *** panzon_ has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-26T21:51:53 *** hiddenpearls has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-26T22:01:42 *** QingPei has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T22:12:15 *** hiddenpearls has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T22:34:05 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-04-26T22:40:03 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T23:36:27 *** hiddenpearls1 has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T23:38:13 *** hiddenpearls has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2012-04-26T23:39:20 *** hiddenpearls has joined #rtems 2012-04-26T23:40:24 *** hiddenpearls has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2012-04-26T23:51:04 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T00:05:16 *** dr__house has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-27T00:06:49 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T00:06:49 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T02:08:59 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T02:10:13 good morning 2012-04-27T02:20:12 *** shineworld has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T02:22:10 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-04-27T02:27:50 *** hiddenpearls has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T02:39:28 *** hiddenpearls has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-27T03:05:16 *** hiddenpearls has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T03:45:04 sebhub, hi 2012-04-27T03:45:28 hi 2012-04-27T03:46:38 which version of gcc are you building for the ARM EABI ? 2012-04-27T03:47:57 i use the rpms 2012-04-27T03:48:14 but i use the last gcc 4.6.3 based rpms 2012-04-27T03:48:23 i didn't test the gcc 4.7.0 yet 2012-04-27T03:48:45 i run the gcc 4.7.0 test suite 2012-04-27T03:48:57 but didn't use a real target 2012-04-27T03:51:38 Is the 4.6.3 an EABI compiler or is this the old arm-eabi ? 2012-04-27T03:51:56 both is possible 2012-04-27T03:52:28 but i didn't use the non-EABI version for several months now and i will not touch it in the future 2012-04-27T03:53:26 I tried the latest crossrpms from git and no eabi spec files are created. 2012-04-27T03:53:41 not sure why 2012-04-27T03:54:14 So why not make the arm 4.6 based and EABI ? 2012-04-27T03:54:55 i want to address this issue on the mailing list today 2012-04-27T03:55:03 Same. 2012-04-27T03:55:06 in respons to joels recent email 2012-04-27T03:56:06 I do not understand why Ralf related the question to 4.7 2012-04-27T03:57:44 which question? 2012-04-27T03:58:29 The question about arm being ARM EABI 2012-04-27T03:59:55 Joel asked and Ralf related it to 4.7. Why not switch the default arm to gcc 4.6 and EABI 2012-04-27T04:00:22 in GCC 4.7 the non-EABI was obsoleted by Richard Earnshaw 2012-04-27T04:00:48 Understood but that does not relate to us and the question asked 2012-04-27T04:00:56 default arm to gcc 4.6 and EABI would be my choice 2012-04-27T04:02:01 on the other hand if we stay at 4.6 nobody will test 4.7 and we loose track 2012-04-27T04:02:23 We need stable and also experimental 2012-04-27T04:02:55 Why should I have to keep hacking and mucking around on the bleeding edge of gcc just to develop RTEMS ? 2012-04-27T04:03:03 I do not use RPM. 2012-04-27T04:03:09 I need to build from source 2012-04-27T04:03:24 i asked this question to myself several times ;-) 2012-04-27T04:03:33 The spec file script are broken and so is the PowerPC psim in gdb 2012-04-27T04:03:46 Yes I know. 2012-04-27T04:03:53 It is time this was answered and sorted out 2012-04-27T04:06:27 i think we need some formal procedure how to deal with the tools, a lot works currently informal in procedures developed during that last years between the main contributors 2012-04-27T04:07:15 this is ok, but i think this leads to some problem which we experienced in the last months 2012-04-27T04:09:40 Yes. I think we need to define something at the top level above this and distil out these procedures. 2012-04-27T04:10:18 *** shineworld has left #rtems ("Sto andando via") 2012-04-27T04:19:49 *** hiddenpearls has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-27T04:28:34 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T04:29:17 *** hiddenpearls has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T05:06:40 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-04-27T06:25:06 *** hiddenpearls has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-27T07:23:35 *** sevikkk has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2012-04-27T07:30:27 *** sevikkk has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T08:09:03 sebhub, please create the patch and send to the gcc-patches list. 2012-04-27T08:18:27 i doubt they integrate this for the gcc 4.6 2012-04-27T08:18:42 but, it will send it for 4.7 2012-04-27T08:19:11 Lets get the ball rolling. 2012-04-27T08:19:52 i run currently the gcc tests for 4.6 with this change 2012-04-27T08:20:08 i am on holiday next monday and tuesday 2012-04-27T08:23:06 I would change 4.6 and 4.7 at the same time. The project needs to move on from this silly situation that should have never existed in the first place. 2012-04-27T08:23:43 Holiday ?? I thought you where off last week :) :) I am off for the night. 2012-04-27T08:24:06 good night 2012-04-27T08:24:29 german public holidays ;-) 2012-04-27T08:54:31 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T08:56:07 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T09:00:38 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-04-27T09:12:12 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T09:26:18 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-27T09:54:08 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T10:14:11 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-27T11:09:20 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T11:09:21 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T11:09:21 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2012-04-27T11:11:40 * DrJoel looks around 2012-04-27T11:17:17 *** lkcl_ has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T11:19:25 * cdcs waves 2012-04-27T11:19:31 hi 2012-04-27T11:21:10 *** lkcl has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 2012-04-27T11:22:16 hello all.. interesting day :) 2012-04-27T11:34:17 *** A0Sheds has quit IRC (Read error: No route to host) 2012-04-27T11:36:35 *** A0Sheds has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T11:36:36 *** A0Sheds has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T12:24:11 *** cdcs has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-04-27T12:59:52 *** QingPei has left #rtems 2012-04-27T13:05:08 *** gedare has quit IRC (Quit: Ex-Chat) 2012-04-27T13:19:44 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T13:41:38 *** panzon has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T15:05:19 *** DrJoel has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-27T15:33:46 *** cdcs has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-04-27T17:18:04 *** peerst has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-04-27T17:43:59 *** peerst has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T19:41:36 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T20:42:11 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-27T21:16:39 *** QingPei has joined #rtems 2012-04-27T22:56:21 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T02:07:44 *** QingPei has left #rtems 2012-04-28T02:36:49 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-04-28T02:50:06 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T04:45:12 *** panzon has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-28T05:45:46 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T07:58:49 *** QingPei has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T08:26:35 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-04-28T08:43:40 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T08:44:42 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2012-04-28T09:16:59 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T09:16:59 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T09:57:57 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-04-28T10:05:02 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-28T10:15:15 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T10:21:02 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-04-28T10:34:16 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T10:52:15 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-04-28T10:53:07 *** hiddenpearls has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T11:26:26 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T11:33:39 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T11:33:39 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T11:38:52 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2012-04-28T11:50:49 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T11:53:24 *** QingPei has left #rtems 2012-04-28T12:02:58 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-04-28T12:10:47 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-28T12:14:42 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T12:31:38 *** zw_yao has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2012-04-28T13:40:25 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2012-04-28T13:53:13 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T14:16:53 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T14:20:11 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2012-04-28T14:20:13 *** Hesham1 has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T14:27:28 *** hiddenpearls has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-28T14:30:38 *** hiddenpearls has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T14:59:20 *** Hesham1 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-28T15:20:17 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-04-28T15:26:41 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T15:32:59 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T15:33:10 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T15:36:54 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) 2012-04-28T16:27:42 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2012-04-28T16:35:30 *** hiddenpearls has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-28T16:38:06 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T16:50:35 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-28T17:01:59 *** hiddenpearls has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T17:06:36 *** hiddenpearls1 has joined #rtems 2012-04-28T17:08:41 *** hiddenpearls has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2012-04-28T19:09:44 *** hiddenpearls1 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-29T00:01:15 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-29T00:10:25 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-29T02:05:27 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-29T03:19:39 *** hiddenpearls has joined #rtems 2012-04-29T04:19:15 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-29T06:29:51 *** hiddenpearls has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-29T07:40:38 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-29T07:48:20 *** hiddenpearls has joined #rtems 2012-04-29T07:53:36 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-29T08:11:37 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-04-29T09:59:42 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2012-04-29T10:02:16 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-29T10:12:48 hi hesham. 2012-04-29T10:13:03 hi gedare , how are you ? 2012-04-29T10:13:09 good. yourself? 2012-04-29T10:13:15 fine 2012-04-29T10:13:30 when are you final exams? 2012-04-29T10:13:47 it will begin at 5 june 2012-04-29T10:13:58 wow pretty late 2012-04-29T10:14:16 so how long will they keep you busy? 2012-04-29T10:14:32 i don't think so 2012-04-29T10:15:21 i will manage my time to keep my proposed schedule right 2012-04-29T10:16:03 it will be finished at the last of june 2012-04-29T10:16:13 wow pretty long too :) 2012-04-29T10:16:16 two exams a week 2012-04-29T10:16:23 well don't let your studies suffer 2012-04-29T10:16:58 Actually i am not interested in Egyptian Educational System 2012-04-29T10:17:08 i think it's too poor :) 2012-04-29T10:17:22 heh. you still need to do well. 2012-04-29T10:17:30 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-29T12:03:03 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-29T13:01:13 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-29T13:01:13 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-29T13:11:45 *** hiddenpearls has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-29T13:21:46 *** hiddenpearls has joined #rtems 2012-04-29T13:27:08 *** gedare has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-29T13:32:59 *** hiddenpearls has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-29T14:24:58 *** hiddenpearls has joined #rtems 2012-04-29T14:55:45 *** hiddenpearls has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-29T16:28:47 *** hiddenpearls has joined #rtems 2012-04-29T16:29:48 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-29T16:41:23 *** Hesham1 has joined #rtems 2012-04-29T16:41:23 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2012-04-29T17:06:30 *** Hesham1 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-29T17:15:23 *** hiddenpearls has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-29T17:45:09 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) 2012-04-29T17:46:11 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2012-04-29T20:09:24 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-29T20:22:56 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2012-04-29T20:39:28 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-29T20:48:22 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-04-29T21:00:55 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 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