2012-04-02T00:01:19 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-02T00:45:52 *** camcelme3 has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2012-04-02T00:46:38 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2012-04-02T00:53:44 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-02T01:08:19 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2012-04-02T01:09:34 *** panzon_ has joined #rtems 2012-04-02T01:09:56 *** arvind_k has joined #rtems 2012-04-02T01:11:49 *** panzon has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-04-02T01:17:14 *** arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri 2012-04-02T01:17:25 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-02T01:53:05 *** silverio_di has joined #rtems 2012-04-02T01:58:24 *** silverio_di has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-02T02:03:31 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2012-04-02T02:04:42 good morning 2012-04-02T02:39:46 morning 2012-04-02T02:39:52 sebhub: have you gotten googletest running inside rtems? 2012-04-02T02:43:11 you mean run the google test on rtems? yes 2012-04-02T02:43:56 see http://git.rtems.org/rtems/commit/?id=9bf3a868655f260c2fa6cbcab16f0218cf53e5b8 2012-04-02T02:44:08 an accidential commit 2012-04-02T02:47:29 how? how hard was it to get going? 2012-04-02T02:47:56 very easy 2012-04-02T02:48:01 couple of minutes 2012-04-02T02:48:25 only the pthread API is required 2012-04-02T02:48:26 sebhub: what about that commit? 2012-04-02T02:48:47 sebhub: can you write down what you did? 2012-04-02T02:48:55 it was an accident of me as a git novice 2012-04-02T02:49:22 right i remember it happened a long time ago why bring it up now? 2012-04-02T02:49:43 you asked about gtest running on rtems 2012-04-02T02:49:49 oh 2012-04-02T02:50:52 right but that was googletest itself :) 2012-04-02T02:51:12 how did you get it working? did you do anything special? 2012-04-02T02:51:29 i've never done anything with rtems i need to explain this to a gsoc student 2012-04-02T02:52:44 sorry, i don't understand what you want to know, what do you mean with googletest? 2012-04-02T02:53:08 i can write tests with the google c++ testing framework and run them on rtems 2012-04-02T02:56:19 nevermind i'll sort this myself 2012-04-02T02:56:29 have you used googlemock, or done any testing using mocks? 2012-04-02T02:56:38 no 2012-04-02T02:56:51 ok 2012-04-02T02:57:16 but its on my list 2012-04-02T03:49:06 *** silverio_di has joined #rtems 2012-04-02T04:28:41 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-02T05:14:06 *** silverio_di has left #rtems 2012-04-02T05:21:25 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-04-02T06:08:04 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2012-04-02T06:22:25 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-02T06:56:26 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-02T08:36:41 *** Hesham has left #rtems 2012-04-02T10:32:00 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-04-02T10:40:34 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-02T10:50:18 hi 2012-04-02T10:50:22 hi 2012-04-02T10:50:50 how are you doing :) 2012-04-02T10:51:09 good.you? 2012-04-02T10:51:13 fine 2012-04-02T10:51:48 I have mid-term exams those days , so i think i will be a little busy 2012-04-02T10:52:01 good thing you did a lot of work already on your proposal then 2012-04-02T10:52:34 I think the only real issue right now is whether you can get an ARM target working to test your code... 2012-04-02T10:52:47 Joel asked if the gdb arm sim has mpu/mmu support have you been able to look and see? 2012-04-02T10:53:10 actually not yet 2012-04-02T10:53:32 should i test it ? 2012-04-02T10:53:59 or just search and know if it has mmu/mpu support ? 2012-04-02T10:55:07 both? 2012-04-02T10:55:37 Ok 2012-04-02T10:55:55 that is the only real issue ? 2012-04-02T10:56:20 Nothing to be added/modified to the proposal ? 2012-04-02T10:57:20 nothing as important as that is. 2012-04-02T10:57:44 maybe slim down the arena api to represent what we discussed about how tasks / application should be in charge of the policy 2012-04-02T10:58:13 nvm you already did that i tihnk it looks better 2012-04-02T10:58:49 oh another issue 2012-04-02T10:59:28 Joel said that mid-level API should be architecture independent 2012-04-02T10:59:42 to be used with , sparc , arm , ppc 2012-04-02T10:59:49 or any arch 2012-04-02T11:00:07 ummmmm where 2012-04-02T11:00:09 in a comment? 2012-04-02T11:00:40 yeah 2012-04-02T11:00:41 no he didn't 2012-04-02T11:00:46 you misread it 2012-04-02T11:01:04 well, you misinterpret what he means 2012-04-02T11:01:26 he means that the interface between the arena implementation and the mid-level implementation should be arch-independent 2012-04-02T11:01:35 the mid-level implementation is arch-dependent 2012-04-02T11:01:43 The Arena to architecture specific implementation mid-level API is just as critical to be correct as the user level API. I believe Gedare is familiar with the existing code for SPARC64 and PowerPC. All must be able to use the same Arena -> architecture specific API. 2012-04-02T11:01:49 joel said 2012-04-02T11:02:49 *** panzon__ has joined #rtems 2012-04-02T11:02:54 Arena implementations would be in high-level API only 2012-04-02T11:03:10 there's a difference between API and implementation that is being lost in translation here 2012-04-02T11:03:35 (and really it is just interface) 2012-04-02T11:04:06 the mid-level interface is arch-independent, the mid-level implementation is arch-dependent 2012-04-02T11:04:22 I got it 2012-04-02T11:04:25 so the arena implementation makes calls to the mid-level implementation using a single interface 2012-04-02T11:04:48 okay 2012-04-02T11:05:06 that means that prototypes of functions are the same for all arch 2012-04-02T11:05:07 right ? 2012-04-02T11:05:27 in mid-level 2012-04-02T11:05:28 *** panzon_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-04-02T11:06:04 yeah 2012-04-02T11:06:31 there's already a model of that in the svn repo from when i refactored the previous mmu projects 2012-04-02T11:06:57 i wanna see it 2012-04-02T11:07:27 i think i did see something like that 2012-04-02T11:07:51 high-level api: http://code.google.com/p/gsoc2011-rtems-mmu-support-project/source/browse/trunk/rtems/cpukit/libmmu/libmmu.h 2012-04-02T11:08:09 mid-level api: http://code.google.com/p/gsoc2011-rtems-mmu-support-project/source/browse/trunk/rtems/c/src/lib/libcpu/shared/include/memoryprotection.h 2012-04-02T11:08:53 mid-level implementation for sparc64: http://code.google.com/p/gsoc2011-rtems-mmu-support-project/source/browse/trunk/rtems/c/src/lib/libcpu/sparc64/sun4u/mmu/memoryprotection.c 2012-04-02T11:09:45 then i think that would greatly help 2012-04-02T11:10:22 it would be easy to clone header files for that API and write arch-specific implementation 2012-04-02T11:10:59 and when Adding Arenas API 2012-04-02T11:11:28 exactly this is the API that you should use as your guide... it is very similar just needs a bit different naming and placement of the code 2012-04-02T11:11:30 that would be added to all-arch ( sparc , ppc ,.... etc ) 2012-04-02T11:12:02 and some one else implement them for that arch 2012-04-02T11:12:09 there is a stub file with no-ops right now, but they could be changed to be #error directives so that users cannot try to use it for unsupported target. 2012-04-02T11:12:19 yep 2012-04-02T11:13:06 I think it would be good to add this description to my proposal 2012-04-02T11:13:11 right ? 2012-04-02T11:13:40 and add to preparation phase studying that model 2012-04-02T11:13:50 yep. 2012-04-02T11:15:48 you might like to try to draw a picture of the model 2012-04-02T11:18:15 Ok , i will 2012-04-02T11:26:04 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2012-04-02T11:28:27 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-02T11:36:04 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2012-04-02T12:12:30 *** Deb has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2012-04-02T12:16:13 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-02T12:22:25 *** Hesham has left #rtems 2012-04-02T12:40:09 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-02T13:57:31 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-02T16:21:42 *** soh_cah_toa has joined #rtems 2012-04-02T17:07:19 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2012-04-02T17:20:12 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-02T17:26:00 *** soh_cah_toa has quit IRC (Quit: hasta la pasta!) 2012-04-02T17:40:21 *** Deb has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2012-04-02T18:42:58 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-02T21:25:43 *** Deb has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2012-04-02T22:02:58 *** zw_yao has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-02T22:05:38 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-02T23:36:46 *** panzon_ has joined #rtems 2012-04-02T23:38:01 *** Deb has left #rtems ("Leaving") 2012-04-02T23:39:17 *** panzon__ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2012-04-02T23:48:21 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 2012-04-03T00:51:24 *** weiY has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T01:12:29 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T01:44:54 *** weiY has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-04-03T02:04:54 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T02:06:04 good morning 2012-04-03T02:07:10 sebhub, hi 2012-04-03T03:30:28 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2012-04-03T04:30:55 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-04-03T04:35:45 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T05:09:50 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T07:31:12 *** gedare has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-03T08:23:17 *** weiY has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T08:36:41 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T09:09:36 *** zw_yao has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T09:16:23 *** Hesham has left #rtems 2012-04-03T09:34:49 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T09:56:30 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T09:58:31 *** gedare has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2012-04-03T09:59:02 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T10:33:08 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2012-04-03T10:33:52 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T10:35:25 hi gedare 2012-04-03T10:37:19 *** weiY has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2012-04-03T10:37:25 hey hesham. 2012-04-03T10:38:32 do you prefer to discuss about the pic here ? 2012-04-03T10:44:12 sure a little busy but i can give some feedback... 2012-04-03T10:45:21 Just give you feedback when you are not busy :) 2012-04-03T10:47:24 you're on the right track... I think you want to put the function names for the mid-level api in the blue box? 2012-04-03T10:48:06 if so their names should be more like _CPU_Arena_xxx or something 2012-04-03T10:48:16 the rtems_arena_xxx will be the user-land API 2012-04-03T10:48:43 and there will probably be a corresponding _Arena_xxx in the score, although the placement of that code we have not yet determined 2012-04-03T10:48:58 yeah 2012-04-03T10:49:26 i do mean that 2012-04-03T10:49:37 and then in each of the CPU-specific implementations that is where the high-level concepts will be mapped to low-level implementation details such as pages, segments, mpu register, etc 2012-04-03T10:50:39 You told me yesterday about what Joel means by making Mid-level API arch-independent 2012-04-03T10:50:42 even there we might need to implement a couple variants for a given architecture if its CPU families support different hw 2012-04-03T10:50:56 that what i did in the blue box 2012-04-03T10:51:04 remember: there is a difference between interface and implementation 2012-04-03T10:51:13 yes that is good 2012-04-03T10:51:19 but the function names are wrong:0 2012-04-03T10:51:32 it's the right idea though 2012-04-03T10:51:47 what should it be 2012-04-03T10:52:07 we agreed that Mid-level API should be general to work for all ARCHs 2012-04-03T10:52:11 [11:48] if so their names should be more like _CPU_Arena_xxx or something 2012-04-03T10:52:56 refer to http://code.google.com/p/gsoc2011-rtems-mmu-support-project/source/browse/trunk/rtems/c/src/lib/libcpu/shared/include/memoryprotection.h 2012-04-03T10:53:05 that is an arch-independent interface 2012-04-03T10:53:22 with a stub implementation at http://code.google.com/p/gsoc2011-rtems-mmu-support-project/source/browse/trunk/rtems/c/src/lib/libcpu/shared/src/no_memoryprotection.c 2012-04-03T10:53:55 i see and that is what i mean 2012-04-03T10:54:22 but i do not think the word Arena should be only on High-level API 2012-04-03T10:54:47 Isn't that what I said already? 2012-04-03T10:55:40 and the name in Mid-level should be something like_CPU_Memory_Initialize_MMU( 2012-04-03T10:56:09 nope, it should be something more generic and should match pretty closely with the high-level interface names 2012-04-03T10:56:19 like _CPU_Arena_initialize(...) 2012-04-03T10:56:36 sorry _CPU_Arena_Initialize() will be more correct. 2012-04-03T10:57:05 and the page , regions related function should stay at low-level implementations ? 2012-04-03T10:57:16 yes because those are hw-dependent 2012-04-03T10:58:07 then i need to modify the All mid-level description in my proposal 2012-04-03T10:58:11 the mid-level implementation can choose how to implement _CPU_Arena_Initialize() to use the MMU or MPU or whatever is necessary 2012-04-03T10:59:12 Or just modify names of functions in Mid-level picture and leave proposal as it is ? 2012-04-03T10:59:41 I think you have written the right idea in the proposal 2012-04-03T11:00:47 see how i have implemented the mid-level API previously: http://code.google.com/p/gsoc2011-rtems-mmu-support-project/source/browse/trunk/rtems/c/src/lib/libcpu/sparc64/sun4u/mmu/memoryprotection.c 2012-04-03T11:00:53 for a particular cpu family 2012-04-03T11:01:15 the interface should be generic, the implementation at the mid-level can rely on hw-specifics 2012-04-03T11:01:57 i included handling page tables and TLB in the Mid-level Description 2012-04-03T11:03:06 that is low-level implementation fr sparc right ? 2012-04-03T11:03:09 for * 2012-04-03T11:03:57 mid/low..depends on how you are looking at things 2012-04-03T11:04:43 the mid-level implementation for ARM can deal with page tables or TLB if that is a generic way for ARM to handle it 2012-04-03T11:05:06 but the mid-level interface must not refer to any such hw-specific details, since each CPU will implement the interface differently 2012-04-03T11:05:26 That is what i think 2012-04-03T11:06:09 Ok the only think that need to be edited now is the names of Mid-level interfaces right? 2012-04-03T11:08:40 yeah.. maybe come up with high-level interface names too 2012-04-03T11:09:24 Ok , thanks for your time :) 2012-04-03T11:09:37 good luck 2012-04-03T11:10:46 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-03T11:44:37 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2012-04-03T11:48:00 *** gedare has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-03T12:06:35 *** littlebit has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T12:07:42 hi, i was checking your site about what architectures rtems supports, and wanted to know what "Stub" means 2012-04-03T12:34:41 *** littlebit has quit IRC (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 11.0/20120312181643]) 2012-04-03T13:02:16 *** abhshkrv has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T13:04:12 Hi, I applied for the GSOC fifo testing project, but was told that there isn't enough code for fixing/testing and was asked to look at this - http://www.rtems.org/ftp/pub/rtems/people/joel/coverage/erc32/erc32-OsPD-20110920-0642/ 2012-04-03T13:05:01 could someone help me as to how exactly I analyze this? 2012-04-03T14:18:45 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T14:21:16 *** abhshkrv has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-04-03T15:10:23 *** Deb has left #rtems ("Leaving") 2012-04-03T15:31:54 *** dr__house has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-03T15:44:07 *** panzon__ has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T15:45:29 *** panzon_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2012-04-03T16:13:05 *** deb_ has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T16:16:27 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2012-04-03T16:27:25 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T16:27:26 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T16:58:48 *** deb_ has left #rtems ("Leaving") 2012-04-03T17:11:58 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T17:12:20 *** Hesham has left #rtems 2012-04-03T17:32:46 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T18:24:40 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 253 seconds) 2012-04-03T18:29:44 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T18:55:46 *** Deb has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2012-04-03T19:15:25 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T19:21:44 *** deb_ has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T19:21:45 *** Deb has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2012-04-03T19:25:09 *** jianghongbob has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T19:25:42 *** lkcl has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T19:26:11 hey folks ahh, i see A1Sheds and jianghongbob are already here :) 2012-04-03T19:27:26 DrJoel and gedare are not however 2012-04-03T19:27:47 usually ~9-5 CST 2012-04-03T19:28:02 so about 12 hrs from now 2012-04-03T19:28:19 Any questions ? 2012-04-03T19:28:48 kiwichris, DrJoel had offered to team up with us on GSOC 2012-04-03T19:29:02 Hi all. I want to apply for the GSoC project for OpenEC32 2012-04-03T19:29:02 just checking since we had a volunteer 2012-04-03T19:29:59 getting RTEMS up on STM32 32b ARM cortex-M3 2012-04-03T19:30:50 kiwichris, DrJoel and gedare are usually around days US time as I recall, is that true? 2012-04-03T19:31:11 They can be here at this. Just depends on what they are doing. 2012-04-03T19:31:34 ok, thanks 2012-04-03T19:32:07 jianghongbob, which is the OpenEC32 project ? I cannot find it. 2012-04-03T19:32:30 kiwichris: getting RTEMS up on STM32 32b ARM cortex-M3 2012-04-03T19:32:34 it's on the http://rhombus-tech.net./gsoc2012/ideas/openec32/ 2012-04-03T19:33:02 jianghongbob, it's on our site, not RTEMS so they won't understand 2012-04-03T19:33:14 DrJoel might 2012-04-03T19:33:36 Ah I have looked at this. 2012-04-03T19:34:20 RTEMS works on cortex-m3 but we would need to get the peripherals going 2012-04-03T19:35:36 http://www.rtems.org/ml/rtems-users/2011/february/msg00003.html 2012-04-03T19:35:55 http://www.rtems.com/wiki/index.php/ARM-EABI 2012-04-03T19:36:12 * jianghongbob checking 2012-04-03T19:36:31 http://www.rtems.com/pipermail/rtems-users/2010-July/007263.html 2012-04-03T19:36:36 Has a proposal been put together ? 2012-04-03T19:37:00 kiwichris, thats why we are here 2012-04-03T19:37:25 to see what we can do since DrJoel mentioned that we might be able to work together 2012-04-03T19:37:26 Who is applying ? 2012-04-03T19:37:33 jianghongbob, 2012-04-03T19:37:41 student^^ 2012-04-03T19:37:51 jianghongbob, have you done the hello world screen dump ? 2012-04-03T19:38:15 on coretx-m3? 2012-04-03T19:38:23 or on anything? 2012-04-03T19:38:49 http://wiki.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/GSoC_Getting_Started#Prove_You_Can_Work_On_RTEMS 2012-04-03T19:39:07 This is the first step in applying. 2012-04-03T19:39:44 The sparc/sis is fine 2012-04-03T19:39:59 * jianghongbob checking 2012-04-03T19:40:00 Something else even better 2012-04-03T19:42:32 The OpenEC library is a GPL license and I also have concerns about some of the clauses. I have taken a sample of one file http://dev.laptop.org/git/users/rsmith/ec-1.75/tree/ac.c 2012-04-03T19:43:49 kiwichris: such a huge img for virtual machine.. 2012-04-03T19:44:23 If you could use one of the available tool sets or build your own. 2012-04-03T19:45:13 Student Application Deadline: April 06 at 19:00 UTC 2 days, 18 hours remaining 2012-04-03T19:45:15 We need to see you have a valid working development environment. This avoids a GSoC where all that is achieved is a working development environment 2012-04-03T19:46:04 trying to get this img ASAP 2012-04-03T19:47:49 The proposal is OpenEC and the cortex-M3 BSP ? 2012-04-03T19:49:18 *** dr__house has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-03T19:50:12 kiwichris: yep 2012-04-03T19:50:31 Which board or is this a simulator ? 2012-04-03T19:51:12 kiwichris: a STM32 card http://www.st.com/internet/evalboard/product/250863.jsp 2012-04-03T19:52:41 8K ram ? 2012-04-03T19:54:15 kiwichris: This board is recommended by the OpenEC guys... 2012-04-03T19:54:31 RTEMS will not run with 8K of ram 2012-04-03T19:55:01 With work 32K can be made to work. 2012-04-03T19:55:45 kiwichris: That's easy we can move to another board. 2012-04-03T19:56:04 kiwichris: I will ask for the OpenEC guys for another board 2012-04-03T19:56:10 Please do. 2012-04-03T19:56:26 Also the OpenEC license would need to be aligned to the RTEMS one 2012-04-03T19:56:49 A1Sheds: r u still here? 2012-04-03T19:57:15 For OpenEC to be of wider use to the RTEMS community the license would need to be looked into. 2012-04-03T19:58:07 Please remember GSoC is about students working on open source software _and_ the project and its community 2012-04-03T19:58:57 kiwichris: I will try to contact the OpenEC guys ASAP 2012-04-03T19:59:04 Great 2012-04-03T19:59:21 lkcl: r u there? 2012-04-03T20:07:09 *** jianghongbob has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-04-03T20:16:55 *** deb_ has left #rtems ("Leaving") 2012-04-03T20:17:14 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T20:18:38 openec is an olpc project 2012-04-03T20:19:09 why change the license? from what to what? 2012-04-03T20:19:54 kiwichris: did rtems grow? 2012-04-03T20:23:48 kiwichris: gpl2 ? whats wrong now? 2012-04-03T20:27:44 Maybe I do not understand the context. If the whole purpose is for a specific need and all code is GPL then there is no problem 2012-04-03T20:28:12 That do you mean by grow ? 2012-04-03T20:28:19 the last person i would discuss this with is a student 2012-04-03T20:28:48 I ran this DrJoel months ago as far as memory size 2012-04-03T20:29:12 And he said 8K of RAM was ok ? 2012-04-03T20:29:16 IIRC 8k or 16k of ram would be fine if rtems was stripped down 2012-04-03T20:29:35 IIRC somebody had it down near 4K 2012-04-03T20:29:56 Interesting, I had not heard of this. 2012-04-03T20:29:58 well it's difficult to discuss this without them in the channel 2012-04-03T20:31:47 I can see that this student is going to need some grooming 2012-04-03T20:32:18 it's probably since English is not his first langiage 2012-04-03T20:32:30 language even 2012-04-03T20:32:54 That is what GSoC is about so this is good. 2012-04-03T20:36:49 *** jianghongbob has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T20:49:20 jianghongbob, the RTEMS dev that know about what we are planning with openEC and STM32 are not here now 2012-04-03T20:49:54 A1Sheds: Got it. 2012-04-03T20:50:01 I am catching up :) 2012-04-03T20:50:04 don't be concerned about the license, I know the guy that wrote it personally 2012-04-03T20:50:35 Yeap ignore that. 2012-04-03T20:50:53 I'll double check with DrJoel and gedare on the min amount of RAM required 2012-04-03T20:51:42 the link for the STM32 board was just an example, NOT the "recommended" board, so don't jump to conclusions 2012-04-03T20:52:44 You can get RTEMS down to a small size, but it require a specific configuration and tight control. The Tiny RTEMS project is what this is all about. 2012-04-03T20:53:20 yeah, this for EC's in millions of pices per year laptop applications 2012-04-03T20:53:29 every laptop does the same thing 2012-04-03T20:54:11 EC's in laptops, netbooks, tablets 2012-04-03T20:54:30 Great 2012-04-03T20:54:36 it does things like keyboard scan, battery charging, GPIO, LID open/closed , ACPI 2012-04-03T20:54:58 it's been done by 8051's ad H8's for 20+ years 2012-04-03T20:55:28 so a 100MHz ARM 32b cortex-a8 should be half asleep doing this 2012-04-03T20:55:39 sorry cortex-m3 2012-04-03T20:56:34 the reason for RTEMS is for audio playback at the same time as the above apps without any audio interruptions 2012-04-03T21:11:09 *** jianghongbob has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-04-03T21:39:46 *** Deb has left #rtems ("Leaving") 2012-04-03T21:40:52 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2012-04-03T21:45:43 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T21:45:43 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T21:49:08 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T21:49:31 *** Deb has left #rtems 2012-04-03T21:52:24 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T22:00:52 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T22:00:52 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T22:05:20 *** Deb has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-03T22:09:44 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-03T23:04:24 *** Deb has left #rtems ("Leaving") 2012-04-03T23:40:23 *** dr__house has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-04T00:47:16 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2012-04-04T00:48:36 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2012-04-04T00:54:01 *** weiY has joined #rtems 2012-04-04T01:12:37 *** panzon__ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 2012-04-04T01:31:47 *** lkcl has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-04-04T01:35:27 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2012-04-04T01:44:45 *** lkcl has joined #rtems 2012-04-04T01:46:40 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-04T04:46:31 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 2012-04-04T04:59:25 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-04T05:23:40 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-04T06:26:16 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-04T06:57:16 sebhub: around? 2012-04-04T06:57:21 hi 2012-04-04T06:57:30 hey, will you be around for a while? 2012-04-04T06:57:45 yes 2012-04-04T06:58:51 ok great 2012-04-04T09:56:46 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-04T10:00:39 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2012-04-04T10:00:40 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2012-04-04T10:08:34 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-04T10:17:34 *** Hesham has left #rtems 2012-04-04T10:28:21 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 2012-04-04T10:57:16 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2012-04-04T11:57:19 Hi, gedare 2012-04-04T11:57:27 hello weiY 2012-04-04T11:58:01 Recently in my local internet i have some problem to access the google doc 2012-04-04T11:58:25 so i cannot modify my proposal in the those days 2012-04-04T11:59:29 i want to add some details about the locate place of atomic, like in score 2012-04-04T12:00:16 ok.. 2012-04-04T12:01:33 as soon as possible i can access the google doc i will add it 2012-04-04T12:04:23 ok. i think probably it will have to be split somehow though kind of like the cache manager 2012-04-04T12:04:55 either implemented at score/cpu/@CPU@ (yuck!) or c/src/lib/libcpu/@CPU@ 2012-04-04T12:07:57 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-04T12:09:19 yeah, just like what we talk about in the past days, i will refer the implementation of cache manager. put the atomic API definition in score and let its implementation at the score/cpu/@CPU@ or c/src/lib/libcpu/@CPU@ 2012-04-04T12:12:08 the irc talk is there:weiY hi gedare: i think we can put the API definition of atomic to score. and them implement a layer like cache manager to libcpu/share, and the architecture-dependent implementation are place libcpu/@CPU@, eventually we turn to C11 implementation we can just use a header which wrap the C11 atomic in the score. remove all the implementation under libcpu 2012-04-04T12:12:43 yep 2012-04-04T12:14:43 it seems that my country has blocked the google doc, i cannot access to the google doc. 2012-04-04T12:17:29 i have to sleep. it is 1:17 in my zone. byb 2012-04-04T12:18:50 ok take care 2012-04-04T12:18:58 *** weiY has quit IRC () 2012-04-04T14:48:23 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-04-04T14:57:04 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-04T14:59:35 *** lkcl has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-04-04T15:03:57 *** gedare has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-04T15:06:46 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-04-04T15:12:46 *** lkcl has joined #rtems 2012-04-04T15:14:52 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-04T15:52:51 *** deb_ has joined #rtems 2012-04-04T16:13:58 *** deb_ has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-04T17:19:49 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2012-04-04T19:57:30 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-04T20:09:36 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-04T23:13:41 *** jianghongbob has joined #rtems 2012-04-04T23:13:59 Hi all. I want to know how to send my proof? 2012-04-04T23:17:16 proof? 2012-04-04T23:17:34 oh, the hello world task? 2012-04-04T23:19:45 verm__: yep 2012-04-04T23:20:22 http://wiki.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/RTEMSSummerOfCode#Students_Proposals 2012-04-04T23:20:43 add yourself to the table there, you can see where others have submitted proof using google docs along with the URL to their proposal 2012-04-04T23:22:03 Got it. Thanks very much. 2012-04-04T23:22:08 sure 2012-04-04T23:30:36 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-04-04T23:54:53 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-04T23:57:39 *** Hesham has left #rtems 2012-04-05T00:40:44 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T01:55:27 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-05T01:58:18 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T02:03:21 *** Deb has left #rtems ("Leaving") 2012-04-05T02:23:13 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T02:26:41 *** Deb has left #rtems 2012-04-05T02:38:56 *** zw_yao has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-05T02:40:31 *** zw_yao has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T02:53:34 *** zw_yao has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-05T02:56:29 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T02:56:29 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T04:19:03 *** jianghongbob has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2012-04-05T04:25:42 *** weiY has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T04:51:43 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2012-04-05T05:04:38 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T05:57:11 *** weiY has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2012-04-05T06:24:59 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-04-05T07:13:46 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-04-05T07:18:43 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T07:42:26 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T07:42:27 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T07:43:24 *** weiY has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T09:12:51 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T09:22:17 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-05T09:28:07 *** zw_yao has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T10:41:33 *** Deb has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-05T10:49:52 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2012-04-05T10:54:53 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T10:55:33 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-05T11:18:45 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T11:22:50 a1sheds: we got a student proposal for openec porting. we will need a mentor from the openec community to even consider accepting it tho 2012-04-05T11:23:03 we will 2012-04-05T11:23:10 lkcl and myself 2012-04-05T11:23:26 don't worry about the opneEC part 2012-04-05T11:23:31 ok great. there is some concern remaining about licensing but I view it as secondary. 2012-04-05T11:23:32 ok 2012-04-05T11:23:36 it was part of the proposal we made 2012-04-05T11:23:48 nah, I know Richard who wrote it 2012-04-05T11:23:54 he works for OLPC 2012-04-05T11:23:58 GPL2 2012-04-05T11:24:12 even that cannot be added directly into rtems 2012-04-05T11:24:25 it's funny, we were actually concerned about some of the license issues with RTEMS 2012-04-05T11:24:33 heh 2012-04-05T11:24:46 plus it's a rewrite of openEC with it only as a guide 2012-04-05T11:24:59 cool. I haven't actually been able to see the student's proposal yet so I'm working mostly off hear-say 2012-04-05T11:25:09 he will just work on RTEMS on stm32 or lpc17xx 2012-04-05T11:25:30 ok that is perfect imo. 2012-04-05T11:25:55 *** QingPei has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T11:25:58 as long as we can provide a mentor who can help with the bsp stuff 2012-04-05T11:26:10 qingpei is also in contact with him 2012-04-05T11:26:12 ^^ 2012-04-05T11:26:24 ok another helping hand? 2012-04-05T11:26:32 yes 2012-04-05T11:26:50 hi 2012-04-05T11:27:04 DrJoel offered to work with us since the rhombus GSOC did not get approved 2012-04-05T11:27:10 ok great. yeah I know. 2012-04-05T11:27:34 just get some mentors signed up to work with rtems project in the next week or so, so that we can do assignment properly 2012-04-05T11:27:38 http://rhombus-tech.net./gsoc2012/ideas/openec32/ was our project 2012-04-05T11:28:07 lkcl : listening?? 2012-04-05T11:28:57 gedare: will do, there are several people that ca mentor 2012-04-05T11:29:16 it's actually an extremely important project 2012-04-05T11:29:18 great. i don't see too much issue on the rtems side of things 2012-04-05T11:29:33 other than making sure the student does not try to submit openec / gpl'd code to us :) 2012-04-05T11:29:45 open firmware for the EC's found in netbooks/laptops/tablets etc 2012-04-05T11:29:54 i think hongbo just misunderstand some things.. 2012-04-05T11:30:03 we will keep it separate 2012-04-05T11:30:09 ok. that is what i expected 2012-04-05T11:30:10 i would describe the things into details .. 2012-04-05T11:30:16 it's an application anyway, not part of the OS 2012-04-05T11:30:39 yeah. or at the least can be built as a library and patched in by firmware devs 2012-04-05T11:30:49 same as any work with libopenstm32 2012-04-05T11:32:43 QingPei: let hongbo know to not include openEC or libopenstm32 in his GSOC proposal 2012-04-05T11:32:54 yeah, i would... 2012-04-05T11:33:21 just focus on stm32 and lpc17xx (arm cortex m3) support 2012-04-05T11:33:21 ok great, thanks for clearing it up 2012-04-05T11:33:35 yeah. the 'rtems' contributions must be quite clear 2012-04-05T11:33:44 great, so I hope it's all clear! 2012-04-05T11:34:05 i got it and should be able to relay it. get a mentor or two to sign up :) 2012-04-05T11:34:14 great 2012-04-05T11:34:22 we'll start emailing bout the projects in the next week or two, ranking and assigning 2012-04-05T11:34:37 most likely we will have fewer mentors than good projects, so we can't really put mentors on this ourselves 2012-04-05T11:34:50 but i don't think the challenge will be great 2012-04-05T11:35:01 ok. back to work for me. 2012-04-05T11:35:07 yeah, try to stm32 at first, if possible add lpc12xx support too.. 2012-04-05T11:35:10 thanks again! 2012-04-05T11:35:25 can i sign as the mentors? 2012-04-05T11:35:29 :P 2012-04-05T11:35:36 same cpu core, different peripherals 2012-04-05T11:35:42 yes 2012-04-05T11:37:04 gedare: quick if you are still here, whats the smallest amount of RAM tinyRTEMS has been stuffed into? 2012-04-05T11:37:16 no clue, that was another concern though... 2012-04-05T11:37:22 ok 2012-04-05T11:37:33 i did notice that, you can strip out a lot... 2012-04-05T11:37:34 DrJoel to the rescue 2012-04-05T11:37:45 and that could be a good contribution in this projec talso 2012-04-05T11:37:47 he mentioned near 4K IIRC 2012-04-05T11:37:59 yeah, we will have a few versions 2012-04-05T11:38:02 i believe you can get there... by taking all the configure options way-way down 2012-04-05T11:38:07 but i never tried:) 2012-04-05T11:38:14 this will probably end up doubling your devs 2012-04-05T11:38:25 hopefully we get contributors too ;) 2012-04-05T11:38:34 yes, that as well 2012-04-05T11:38:47 millions of products will ship with it 2012-04-05T11:39:42 and we might even know it this time! 2012-04-05T11:40:32 coreboot + this on laptops as firmware 2012-04-05T11:40:47 it will be big news 2012-04-05T11:41:14 AMD supports it from the factory 2012-04-05T11:41:28 yeah i think it is nice. good potential 2012-04-05T11:41:37 they will add this as well to their reference designs for mobile 2012-04-05T11:41:58 but millions more devices using ARM will use this 2012-04-05T11:42:16 I'll let you get back to work 2012-04-05T11:42:19 :) 2012-04-05T11:44:53 *** weiY has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-04-05T12:34:26 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T12:36:42 A1Sheds: yep ok i wasn't listening but i am now :) 2012-04-05T12:37:15 QingPei is registering as a mentor as well 2012-04-05T12:37:55 he's helping him with the student proposal as well 2012-04-05T13:25:31 *** QingPei has left #rtems 2012-04-05T16:21:53 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-05T16:42:53 *** A1Sheds has quit IRC (Quit: puff of smoke) 2012-04-05T16:45:55 *** A0Sheds has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T16:45:56 *** A0Sheds has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T17:03:00 *** gedare has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-05T18:55:01 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T19:22:27 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) 2012-04-05T19:23:48 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T20:08:44 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T21:40:50 *** weiY has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T22:10:57 *** QingPei has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T22:15:46 *** Deb has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-05T22:17:52 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T23:53:24 *** Deb has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-05T23:55:21 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-05T23:56:25 *** Deb has left #rtems 2012-04-06T00:16:41 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-04-06T01:19:50 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T02:20:39 hi,all. rtems-4.11-i386-rtems4.11-gcc-4.7.0-1.el6.i386 requires libmpc.so.2 where can i find this libary 2012-04-06T02:25:02 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T02:55:25 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-04-06T02:56:38 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2012-04-06T03:08:17 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T03:09:02 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T03:09:02 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T03:29:22 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2012-04-06T03:42:47 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T03:47:23 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-04-06T03:58:23 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-04-06T04:00:28 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T04:04:17 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T04:14:45 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-06T05:36:37 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 2012-04-06T05:52:42 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T06:00:07 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 2012-04-06T06:11:59 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T07:35:27 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T07:37:59 *** weiY has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-04-06T07:48:18 *** weiY has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T08:43:30 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-06T08:44:57 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T08:46:58 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-06T08:51:18 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T10:01:36 *** zw_yao has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-06T10:02:19 *** zw_yao has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T10:26:03 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) 2012-04-06T10:35:03 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-06T11:03:16 *** weiY has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2012-04-06T11:16:41 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T11:21:57 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T12:28:20 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T12:58:12 *** QingPei has left #rtems 2012-04-06T13:49:28 /wc 2012-04-06T13:49:30 *** milki has left #rtems 2012-04-06T14:24:40 *** Deb has left #rtems ("Leaving") 2012-04-06T14:29:32 *** Hesham has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-06T14:53:23 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T15:42:57 *** Deb has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-06T16:48:20 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) 2012-04-06T16:48:50 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T16:48:51 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T17:13:54 *** peerst has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-04-06T17:23:18 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) 2012-04-06T17:23:50 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T17:23:50 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T18:39:47 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T18:41:55 *** Deb has left #rtems 2012-04-06T18:42:13 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T18:43:00 *** Deb has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2012-04-06T19:01:20 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T21:36:29 *** Deb has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-06T21:43:22 *** zw_yao has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 2012-04-06T21:55:15 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-06T22:17:11 *** Deb has left #rtems ("Leaving") 2012-04-06T23:16:47 *** Hesham has joined #rtems 2012-04-07T00:01:31 *** Hesham has left #rtems 2012-04-07T00:05:05 *** weiY has joined #rtems 2012-04-07T00:05:49 *** peerst has joined #rtems 2012-04-07T00:55:29 *** QingPei has joined #rtems 2012-04-07T01:12:34 *** weiY has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 2012-04-07T01:15:25 *** hamo has joined #rtems 2012-04-07T01:27:08 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-04-07T01:30:52 *** hamo has left #rtems 2012-04-07T01:55:33 *** QingPei has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2012-04-07T02:10:47 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-07T02:10:48 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-07T02:33:23 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2012-04-07T02:34:53 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-07T03:26:31 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2012-04-07T05:02:31 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 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has left #rtems 2012-04-07T15:45:31 *** panzon has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 2012-04-07T16:09:22 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-07T17:06:02 *** leyyin has joined #rtems 2012-04-07T18:18:01 *** leyyin has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2012-04-07T20:34:56 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2012-04-07T20:39:39 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2012-04-07T21:28:40 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2012-04-07T22:00:19 *** QingPei has joined #rtems 2012-04-07T22:20:30 *** weiY has joined #rtems 2012-04-07T22:28:08 *** QingPei has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) 2012-04-07T23:11:30 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-07T23:35:38 *** Deb has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-08T00:40:41 *** weiY has quit IRC () 2012-04-08T01:02:52 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-08T01:03:02 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-08T04:42:18 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2012-04-08T05:43:45 *** 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(Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2012-04-08T13:02:12 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-08T13:06:25 *** gedare has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-08T13:51:41 *** Deb has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2012-04-08T14:00:54 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-08T14:41:18 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-08T14:41:19 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-08T14:42:43 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Max SendQ exceeded) 2012-04-08T14:43:16 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-08T14:44:07 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Max SendQ exceeded) 2012-04-08T14:44:51 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2012-04-08T15:09:45 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2012-04-08T17:53:50 *** A0Sheds has quit IRC (Read error: No route to host) 2012-04-08T17:58:58 *** A0Sheds has joined #rtems 2012-04-08T17:58:58 *** A0Sheds has joined #rtems 2012-04-08T18:25:04 *** Deb has quit IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) 2012-04-08T18:28:54 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-08T20:05:42 *** Deb has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2012-04-08T20:26:12 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2012-04-08T20:48:43 *** Deb has joined #rtems 2012-04-08T22:03:22 *** qingpei has joined #rtems 2012-04-08T23:59:41 *** Deb has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)