2011-12-19T00:30:10 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-12-19T01:21:22 *** Anxuiz has joined #rtems 2011-12-19T01:33:18 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-12-19T01:34:28 good morning 2011-12-19T02:30:56 Hi 2011-12-19T02:31:08 I have some problem with the FTPd service under RTEMS. 2011-12-19T02:31:43 which problem? 2011-12-19T02:34:37 when I upload files to rtems.(device). the FTPd always close connect . 2011-12-19T02:34:58 this is happen when I using GUI tools. like filezilla, nautilus. etc. 2011-12-19T02:35:17 they open to many connections at once 2011-12-19T02:36:44 sebhub,how can I fix this? don't want all end users use the command line tools. :) 2011-12-19T02:37:32 you probably need to fix this in the ftpd 2011-12-19T02:37:53 sebhub, thanks. please give me some advice. :) 2011-12-19T02:38:14 sebhub, the FTP works fine before. before we switch to upstream cvs. 2011-12-19T02:39:02 the ftpd worked and after a cvs update it is broken now? 2011-12-19T02:41:14 sebhub, yes. but I can't find which commit we used before. we(milkymist project) delete our local rtems fork repo. :( 2011-12-19T02:41:41 now we are stick to upstream. 2011-12-19T02:42:31 the ftpd worked with filezilla, nautilus. etc. some time in the past? 2011-12-19T02:42:53 sebhub, yes. 2011-12-19T02:43:07 and you lost the working version somehow or do you have the file? 2011-12-19T02:44:30 no source code. only the ELF file. is that ok? 2011-12-19T02:45:10 this one: http://milkymist.org/updates/2011-07-13/flickernoise 2011-12-19T02:46:18 you can test the last revisions of the ftpd.c file and check if they work or not 2011-12-19T02:52:30 the last ftpd.c is '2010-12-02 Sebastien Bourdeauducq ' right? 2011-12-19T02:52:38 (cvs update is very slow here ) 2011-12-19T02:53:39 (I am in China. access outside China website is always verrrrrrrrry slow :( 2011-12-19T02:55:16 Repository revision: 1.30 /usr1/CVS/rtems/cpukit/ftpd/ftpd.c,v 2011-12-19T03:01:34 revision 1.30 2011-12-19T03:01:36 date: 2011/12/08 05:36:27; author: ralf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 2011-12-19T03:01:37 2011-12-08 Ralf Corsépius 2011-12-19T03:01:39 * ftpd/ftpd.c: Make split_command static. 2011-12-19T03:01:51 this is the last, there are several updates of ftpd.c in this year 2011-12-19T03:03:04 please try revision 1.23 2011-12-19T03:06:55 1.30 give errors. with 'filezilla', 'nautilus' 2011-12-19T03:06:59 now trying 1.23 2011-12-19T03:17:37 recompile from the first step. (./bootstrap -c && ./bootstrap -p && ./bootstrap) this needs ~15 mins in my compute. 2011-12-19T03:18:08 there is no need to update the rtems tree, just update ftpd.c 2011-12-19T03:18:41 and maybe ftpd.h 2011-12-19T03:19:10 you can also copy the files into you application directory, this saves the rtems rebuild 2011-12-19T03:19:58 it give me "make[5]: *** No rule to make target `ftpd/ftpd.h', needed by `all-am'. Stop." so I update the rtems tree. 2011-12-19T03:20:41 I run command like: 'tems/cpukit/ftpd$ cvs update -r 1.23 .' 2011-12-19T03:21:22 this is ok, but in this case you don't need the bootstrap 2011-12-19T03:21:41 you need the bootstrap only if configure.ac and Makefile.am files changed 2011-12-19T03:34:35 after run `cvs update -r 1.23 .` ftpd.h and preinstall.am are no longer in the repository. 2011-12-19T03:40:21 you should do this "cvs up -r 1.23 ftpd.c" 2011-12-19T03:42:33 ok. compiling now. 2011-12-19T03:45:20 any other issue. is the '*root; /* Root for FTPD or 0 for / */' never worked. :( 2011-12-19T04:11:55 now. it give me" Error: Unexpected end of stream 2011-12-19T04:11:56 Please select another viewer and try again." 2011-12-19T04:12:14 filezilla give : http://pastebin.com/uHxgUHpk 2011-12-19T04:12:39 and nothing output from 'serial console' 2011-12-19T04:14:08 can you try revision 1.25 2011-12-19T04:16:31 sebhub, ok. you can tell me what command I should do. thanks. don't want run './bootstrap' again. 2011-12-19T04:16:35 thanks. 2011-12-19T04:16:47 don't know much about 'cvs' :( 2011-12-19T04:16:47 cvs up -r 1.25 ftpd.c 2011-12-19T04:17:05 in the ftpd directory 2011-12-19T04:17:10 yes. 2011-12-19T04:17:31 done. then just 'make all install' right? 2011-12-19T04:18:34 yes 2011-12-19T04:19:03 I have to remove those four lines under ftpd.h: http://pastebin.com/MDB540yz 2011-12-19T04:19:11 6 lines. 2011-12-19T04:19:36 this is ok 2011-12-19T04:21:43 *** kiwichris_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 2011-12-19T04:23:46 same behavior. :( when copy 4 files. nautillus umount the ftp. 2011-12-19T04:24:16 and the ftpd.c which worked is lost completely? 2011-12-19T04:25:39 I think so. 2011-12-19T04:25:58 I would like to help fix last version :) 2011-12-19T04:26:14 *** kiwichris_ has joined #rtems 2011-12-19T04:26:41 filezilla give more error info: 2011-12-19T04:26:42 http://pastebin.com/eYkRN7nL 2011-12-19T04:26:52 we have two options: 1. find a version that worked and compare it with the current version or 2. debug the current version 2011-12-19T04:26:52 "550 Error creating file." 2011-12-19T04:29:01 option 2. 2011-12-19T04:34:47 if the error is 550 Error creating file, maybe this is the filesystem error. :) 2011-12-19T04:36:34 xiangfu: go get lftp http://lftp.yar.ru/ 2011-12-19T04:36:42 type 'debug 10' then open a connection, paste that log 2011-12-19T04:36:46 it will give you much better debug output 2011-12-19T04:37:04 err put the log on pastebin not on irc :) 2011-12-19T04:37:41 thanks 2011-12-19T04:38:14 downloading 2011-12-19T04:47:53 verm__, on. it always works fine with command line tools. 2011-12-19T04:48:21 verm__, only GUI tools give errors. like 'filezilla' 'nautilus' macos 'find' etc. 2011-12-19T04:48:51 verm__, like when copy 4 files. 2011-12-19T04:49:42 use 'mirror --parallel=5' 2011-12-19T04:49:47 to open 5 parallel connections 2011-12-19T04:49:57 you can increase this to whatever value 2011-12-19T04:50:13 pget -n 5 will open 5 connections to get a single file 2011-12-19T04:54:32 verm__, is there parallel upload? 2011-12-19T04:54:42 yes 2011-12-19T04:54:48 mirror -R 2011-12-19T04:56:46 verm__, here is the log: 2011-12-19T04:56:46 http://pastebin.com/mBuHseBw 2011-12-19T04:57:17 I try to sync my '/usr/share/backgrounds/*' to the device by using lftp 2011-12-19T04:57:24 you didn't set debug also 'permission' denied means you don't have permission to write the file remotely 2011-12-19T04:58:52 let me do that again. 2011-12-19T04:59:39 do you have write permission to that directory? 2011-12-19T05:01:05 yes. I have. that 'permissin' is my local folder /ssd is 644 not 755. 2011-12-19T05:01:50 mirror: Access failed: /home/xiangfu/Software/lftp-4.3.3/xiangfu-tmp/ssd: Permission denied 2011-12-19T05:01:55 this says you don't 2011-12-19T05:04:16 (sorry for confuse) we just ignore that. let me do from 0. 2011-12-19T05:07:10 ok 2011-12-19T05:09:13 what is the status of the git conversion? do you need some help? 2011-12-19T05:10:01 i need to look over the branch/tag map today then send it out to joel/chris for review 2011-12-19T05:10:32 once that's settled i'll fix it.. then we need to use PGP to sign the tags (for security).. then we'll do a private review for a day and re-run chris' compare script 2011-12-19T05:10:33 that should be it 2011-12-19T05:10:40 should be done on tuesday or wednesday 2011-12-19T05:10:50 great 2011-12-19T05:12:28 verm__, thanks for git conversion. 2011-12-19T05:12:59 sure 2011-12-19T05:13:07 it's been needed for a while :) 2011-12-19T05:13:40 verm__, if I set '--parallel=5' it give a looooooot of error. still coping... 2011-12-19T05:14:34 I think the log if enough. 2011-12-19T05:14:56 you can reduce the debug setting to make it managable 2011-12-19T05:16:04 here is the output from terminal: http://pastebin.com/Kj8TaPqx 2011-12-19T05:16:46 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) 2011-12-19T05:16:53 where is the debug log? 2011-12-19T05:17:24 uploading... 2011-12-19T05:17:38 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-12-19T05:17:38 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-12-19T05:17:48 verm__, http://downloads.qi-hardware.com/people/xiangfu/tmp/lftp.1.log 2011-12-19T05:18:39 forbidden 2011-12-19T05:21:07 ah 600 . chmod now. 2011-12-19T05:21:13 wait 2011-12-19T05:21:35 should be ok now. 2011-12-19T05:23:11 yeah you're going to have to debug the ftpd in rtems to see why it's returning a 550 2011-12-19T05:23:37 someone else will have to help you with that :) 2011-12-19T05:25:46 ftpd.c line 1030: creat(filename, 2011-12-19T05:25:47 S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH); 2011-12-19T05:25:49 give -1. 2011-12-19T05:26:12 I added one line: ' syslog(LOG_INFO,"xiangfu fd: %d\n", fd); " :) 2011-12-19T05:31:04 for the create() I should look into 'rtems_filesystem_operations_table' mknod right? 2011-12-19T05:31:44 for the create() I should look into 'rtems_filesystem_operations_table' mknod right? 2011-12-19T05:33:40 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-12-19T05:33:40 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-12-19T05:34:09 there is a 'ylock(dev);' under the 'mknod' maybe that is why when '--parallel=5' give errors. 2011-12-19T06:03:01 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 2011-12-19T06:29:36 i would post this to the -devel list 2011-12-19T06:44:39 yes. will do. now try to dig more info :) 2011-12-19T06:46:45 *** timakima has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2011-12-19T06:47:02 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2011-12-19T06:47:03 *** lcpfnvcy has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2011-12-19T06:47:08 *** lcpfnvcy has joined #rtems 2011-12-19T06:52:04 *** mwalle has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2011-12-19T06:52:44 *** timakima has joined #rtems 2011-12-19T06:52:44 *** mwalle has joined #rtems 2011-12-19T06:57:48 *** timakima has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2011-12-19T06:57:49 *** mwalle has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2011-12-19T07:00:07 *** timakima has joined #rtems 2011-12-19T07:00:07 *** mwalle has joined #rtems 2011-12-19T08:32:19 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-12-19T09:23:50 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2011-12-19T09:25:29 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2011-12-19T10:47:33 quiet 2011-12-19T12:42:16 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-12-19T12:42:16 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-12-19T13:00:35 Hi! I'm a GCI student interested in the BSP spreadsheet tasks. Two questions: What does MANUAL_CHECK in the CPU Model mean, and what kind of information is expected for the descriptions? 2011-12-19T13:08:43 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2011-12-19T13:42:54 *** kiwichris_ has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2011-12-19T14:11:25 Anxuiz: manual_check means to check the source code to verify some fields 2011-12-19T14:11:30 you'll probably need help with that 2011-12-19T14:11:48 as for the descriptions most (all?) of it is currently on the wiki it should be a short, terse description of what it is 2011-12-19T14:12:05 just a sentence or three 2011-12-19T14:12:12 alright 2011-12-19T14:13:08 ask via the website in the task for the first one (2-12?) someone will help you 2011-12-19T14:13:29 (probably me but i have to go out soon) 2011-12-19T14:34:56 *** Ivaylo has joined #rtems 2011-12-19T14:35:05 Hello 2011-12-19T14:35:16 verm__: Can you claim it please : http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2011/7234209 2011-12-19T14:35:21 Best wishes 2011-12-19T14:44:00 done.. i'm out for the evening. 2011-12-19T14:47:14 thanks 2011-12-19T14:47:20 *** Ivaylo has quit IRC () 2011-12-19T15:28:25 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-12-19T20:04:21 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-12-19T20:25:01 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2011-12-19T20:28:31 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Client Quit) 2011-12-19T21:01:29 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2011-12-19T21:05:40 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-12-20T00:46:33 Hi 2011-12-20T00:46:40 just sent one patch about ftpd root setup. 2011-12-20T00:46:41 :) 2011-12-20T00:46:45 to the devel list 2011-12-20T00:53:18 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-12-20T01:28:25 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2011-12-20T01:31:26 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-12-20T02:12:42 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-12-20T02:12:51 good morning 2011-12-20T02:20:44 good morning 2011-12-20T02:21:06 sebhub, I sent one small patch about ftpd today to the devel mailing list. 2011-12-20T02:22:40 sebhub, also I send your code on rtems-yaffs2 to upstream. you may already receive those 32 emails. :D 2011-12-20T02:23:13 sebhub, if there any advice on those patches. just let me know. I just try to send them to upstream. 2011-12-20T02:24:59 ok, thanks, i will check your ftpd patch now 2011-12-20T02:26:27 sebhub, by the way. after update 'rtems-yaffs2' and thise ftpd root patch. 'filezilla' and 'lftp' don't give any errors. only 'nautilus' still give errors. 2011-12-20T02:27:16 what errors do occur with nautilus? 2011-12-20T02:31:35 when I copy a whole 300KB folder to ftpd. the nautilus close the ftp connect. and leave the 'File Operations bar' there. 2011-12-20T02:31:54 the syslog give "syslog: ftpd: COnnection aborted" 2011-12-20T02:32:10 rtems not hang. I can still use 'nautilus' connect again. 2011-12-20T02:32:28 delete files under 'nautilus' works fine. 2011-12-20T02:41:40 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 2011-12-20T03:04:09 sebhub, I think this is my system error not ftpd. 2011-12-20T03:04:28 I am using a ubuntu 11.04. 2011-12-20T03:05:17 GNOME nautilus, after mount ftp. I open terminal goto '/home/xiangfu/.gvfs/ftp as a on' 2011-12-20T03:05:35 and cp the same folder by using command 'cp' . works fine. 2011-12-20T03:06:10 nautilus using different way copy files compare to command 'cp' 2011-12-20T03:12:17 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-12-20T03:12:17 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-12-20T03:13:10 sebhub, is that ok I 'git push -f' to rtems-yaffs.git? since I have rebased your commit on top of upstream. 2011-12-20T03:14:26 now reboot, see if 'MacOS' find works fine 2011-12-20T03:18:47 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2011-12-20T07:00:06 sebhub: you around? 2011-12-20T07:05:04 *** Ivaylo has joined #rtems 2011-12-20T07:05:13 Hello 2011-12-20T07:05:38 Can someone make a review of this task please 2011-12-20T07:05:39 http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2011/7234209 2011-12-20T07:17:36 *** Ivaylo has quit IRC () 2011-12-20T07:33:19 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-12-20T07:36:21 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 2011-12-20T08:49:33 *** peerst_ has joined #rtems 2011-12-20T08:50:08 *** peerst has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2011-12-20T08:50:09 *** timakima has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2011-12-20T08:50:09 *** mwalle has quit IRC (*.net *.split) 2011-12-20T08:50:10 *** peerst_ is now known as peerst 2011-12-20T08:50:50 *** timakima has joined #rtems 2011-12-20T08:50:50 *** mwalle has joined #rtems 2011-12-20T08:55:40 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2011-12-20T09:14:25 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-12-20T09:34:56 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2011-12-20T09:39:13 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-12-20T09:50:29 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2011-12-20T10:47:49 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2011-12-20T11:47:31 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2011-12-20T12:09:08 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-12-20T13:09:27 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2011-12-20T14:12:27 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2011-12-20T14:30:11 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-12-20T14:44:03 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2011-12-20T14:46:03 Hi 2011-12-20T14:50:34 hello kiwichris 2011-12-20T14:51:06 Just looking at the ins and outs of git via http. 2011-12-20T14:51:28 i saw that request, i can't imagine its too hard to satisfy 2011-12-20T14:51:32 at least for read-only 2011-12-20T14:52:02 Yeah, just need to right magic to make it happen 2011-12-20T14:52:20 ... need to find the right ... 2011-12-20T14:53:59 i had a thought yesterday night. I wonder if we should have a best-fit version of malloc; most of the time malloc is called during system initialization when wasting space may be less important than time. 2011-12-20T14:54:24 i've been staring at memory management code too much lately :) 2011-12-20T14:54:40 Best fit is nice when memory is tight. 2011-12-20T14:56:16 yeah, which is a common problem rtems users have 2011-12-20T14:56:33 Plugable ? 2011-12-20T14:56:39 that's what I was thinking 2011-12-20T14:56:46 a pluggable Heap_Control would work 2011-12-20T14:56:57 pluggable allocators :) 2011-12-20T14:57:01 * gedare does everything pluggable 2011-12-20T14:57:30 Make the current one pluggable and then others could be added. 2011-12-20T14:57:39 yeah i'll ponder that over the break 2011-12-20T14:57:48 maybe add it to my growing list of things I don't have time to do 2011-12-20T14:57:52 :) 2011-12-20T14:58:08 Nice. 2011-12-20T14:58:36 I was playing with the loader while travelling yesterday. 2011-12-20T14:58:47 is it getting stable? 2011-12-20T14:59:11 The rtems-ld tool can create a sort of application which is a bunch of object files in AR archive format file. 2011-12-20T14:59:59 The target loader how-ever wants object files so I am thinking of changing it to load all in an archive if that is given. 2011-12-20T15:00:29 ahh 2011-12-20T15:00:37 This raises the problem of the entry point etc. 2011-12-20T15:00:40 that makes sense... usually libraries come like that 2011-12-20T15:00:45 yeah 2011-12-20T15:01:26 that's in the feature list for the release right? 2011-12-20T15:01:30 I would add a new extension type header to the archive with RTEMS specific details. 2011-12-20T15:01:38 iirc one of the blockers :) 2011-12-20T15:01:41 Yeah the 4.11 one 2011-12-20T15:01:45 great 2011-12-20T15:02:15 i guess that makes sense since we need custom toolchain anyway, not too dirty 2011-12-20T15:02:17 ralf may complain;) 2011-12-20T15:03:07 The issue is being a standard archive format has advantages. One if the efltools has a strip tool that can strip the library in one command. Means I do not have to handle this. 2011-12-20T15:03:19 Yeah 2011-12-20T15:03:31 reduces tool dependencies 2011-12-20T15:04:21 I could add a dummy elf file with some special sections. Don't like this one as much. 2011-12-20T15:05:09 I did not want an RTEMS specific file format. Being an AR format the standard tool can be used to edit the executable. 2011-12-20T15:05:39 You can unpack it, delete or replace object files. 2011-12-20T15:07:16 yes i would lean toward the standard format as a requirement... makes it easier to think about and can borrow documentation 2011-12-20T15:15:10 git via http is horrible 2011-12-20T15:15:14 it's extremely slow 2011-12-20T15:15:56 Better slow than nothing at all. There was a request on the devel list from a user who has the git protocol blocked. 2011-12-20T15:16:15 the *protocol* or port? 2011-12-20T15:16:43 git over http 2011-12-20T15:16:52 Just read-only 2011-12-20T15:16:53 there's more issues than it simply being slow, if it's the port we can put it on another port 2011-12-20T15:17:24 What other issues ? 2011-12-20T15:18:56 I suspect the actual port number is not the issue, rather every port other than say http is blocked. 2011-12-20T15:19:20 it thrashes the webserver 2011-12-20T15:19:38 if we're going to do that we need to password protect it and make it by request only 2011-12-20T15:19:55 Ah ok. 2011-12-20T15:20:18 this is search bots 2011-12-20T15:20:20 ? 2011-12-20T15:20:39 no, i just don't want any users using it as an alternative 2011-12-20T15:20:48 if someone wants access via http they'll have to request it 2011-12-20T15:21:14 seems reasonable to me, especially with the argument about webserver performance. 2011-12-20T15:22:14 i can setup that perl script which is basically the git protocol over http 2011-12-20T15:22:24 that's supposed to be much better 2011-12-20T15:22:47 Is this on a different port ? 2011-12-20T15:23:05 i have no idea how oit works i've never used it 2011-12-20T15:23:28 it's called smart http transport i think 2011-12-20T15:23:28 sec 2011-12-20T15:24:02 http://progit.org/2010/03/04/smart-http.html 2011-12-20T15:24:26 it was done for github 2011-12-20T16:38:05 *** gedare has quit IRC (Quit: Ex-Chat) 2011-12-20T19:55:49 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-12-21T00:01:36 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2011-12-21T00:39:11 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2011-12-21T00:42:03 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-12-21T01:54:50 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-12-21T02:05:10 good morning 2011-12-21T02:09:14 good morning :) 2011-12-21T03:32:07 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2011-12-21T04:45:17 *** monstr-rtems has joined #rtems 2011-12-21T06:35:36 what is the easiest to use powerpc emulator with rtems? 2011-12-21T06:35:44 psim? 2011-12-21T06:38:07 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-12-21T07:54:13 peer: please have a look at: c/src/lib/libbsp/powerpc/motorola_powerpc/README.qemu 2011-12-21T08:03:47 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-12-21T09:22:44 *** monstr-rtems has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2011-12-21T09:27:29 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2011-12-21T09:41:23 *** arvind_k has joined #rtems 2011-12-21T09:41:41 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2011-12-21T09:43:52 *** arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri 2011-12-21T09:44:09 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-12-21T10:31:44 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2011-12-21T11:08:38 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-12-21T11:17:53 *** arnie__ has joined #rtems 2011-12-21T11:18:29 Hi..I need help with setting up RTEMS...pleaseee help someone 2011-12-21T11:22:51 *** arnie__ has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) 2011-12-21T11:51:32 *** juli1- has joined #rtems 2011-12-21T11:51:42 hi all 2011-12-21T12:59:14 hi 2011-12-21T13:51:45 *** monstr-rtems has joined #rtems 2011-12-21T13:56:03 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2011-12-21T13:59:31 *** monstr-rtems has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2011-12-21T14:22:27 *** arvind_k has joined #rtems 2011-12-21T14:23:53 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 2011-12-21T15:36:17 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-12-21T18:12:05 *** arvind_k has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2011-12-21T19:00:38 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2011-12-21T19:05:32 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2011-12-21T19:41:07 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-12-21T21:14:01 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2011-12-21T21:18:48 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2011-12-21T21:27:42 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-12-21T22:08:12 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-12-21T23:07:40 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 2011-12-22T00:05:19 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) 2011-12-22T00:50:22 *** dr__house has left #rtems 2011-12-22T01:00:36 *** monstr-rtems has joined #rtems 2011-12-22T02:08:52 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-12-22T02:09:11 good morning 2011-12-22T04:37:42 *** arvind_k has joined #rtems 2011-12-22T04:41:12 *** arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri 2011-12-22T04:41:14 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-12-22T05:43:31 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) 2011-12-22T06:30:06 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2011-12-22T06:34:31 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2011-12-22T08:10:00 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) 2011-12-22T08:14:08 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-12-22T08:14:08 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-12-22T08:21:09 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) 2011-12-22T08:21:16 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-12-22T08:56:59 *** monstr-rtems has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) 2011-12-22T09:37:31 *** Suner has joined #rtems 2011-12-22T09:49:41 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2011-12-22T11:28:51 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-12-22T12:24:21 *** Suner has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 2011-12-22T12:30:26 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2011-12-22T13:14:12 *** Suner has joined #rtems 2011-12-22T15:38:31 *** easwar has joined #rtems 2011-12-22T15:38:32 *** easwar has joined #rtems 2011-12-22T15:39:36 *** easwar has left #rtems 2011-12-22T19:25:29 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-12-22T21:04:00 *** Suner has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2011-12-22T21:06:55 *** Suner has joined #rtems 2011-12-22T22:04:29 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2011-12-22T22:09:39 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2011-12-22T22:28:29 *** Suner has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2011-12-22T23:17:53 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-12-22T23:17:53 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-12-23T00:52:11 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2011-12-23T01:25:32 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2011-12-23T01:47:26 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-12-23T01:52:24 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-12-23T01:52:58 good morning 2011-12-23T01:54:46 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-12-23T02:01:50 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 2011-12-23T02:15:48 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-12-23T02:15:49 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-12-23T03:20:49 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2011-12-23T03:39:16 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-12-23T03:56:27 *** xiangfu_ has joined #rtems 2011-12-23T03:59:55 *** xiangfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2011-12-23T04:00:58 *** leinad has joined #rtems 2011-12-23T04:01:23 *** leinad is now known as Guest36501 2011-12-23T04:44:46 *** Guest36501 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2011-12-23T04:50:48 *** dani_ has joined #rtems 2011-12-23T05:20:41 *** dani_ has left #rtems ("Leaving") 2011-12-23T05:40:35 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2011-12-23T05:58:00 *** kiwichris has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2011-12-23T06:03:05 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2011-12-23T08:51:55 *** dani_ has joined #rtems 2011-12-23T08:58:49 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-12-23T09:14:46 hello 2011-12-23T09:14:55 i am the student working on this gci task: http://goo.gl/fjhEq 2011-12-23T09:16:02 hi 2011-12-23T09:16:16 and i need an editing rights on the spreadsheet 2011-12-23T09:16:53 the spreadsheet is located here http://goo.gl/8O6E9 2011-12-23T09:18:19 i will email joel 2011-12-23T09:19:37 ok thanks for your help 2011-12-23T09:19:42 dani_: ask via the website 2011-12-23T09:19:52 i asked multiple times 2011-12-23T09:20:05 where? 2011-12-23T09:20:23 on the spreadsheet there is a chat windows 2011-12-23T09:20:35 you should have asked via the GCI website 2011-12-23T09:20:38 i'll send an email 2011-12-23T09:21:48 i see that mister joel is viewing that spreadsheet rigth now but is not responding 2011-12-23T09:22:09 emailed 2011-12-23T09:25:21 dani_: the GCI website is the best place to ask for anything, irc works too sometimes though i can't help with the spreadsheet since i don't have access 2011-12-23T09:52:00 dani_: you have write permission 2011-12-23T09:53:50 it works 2011-12-23T09:53:59 thank you for the support 2011-12-23T11:04:55 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-12-23T11:26:50 merry christmas, a happy new year, and good by for this year ;-) 2011-12-23T11:30:49 *** sebhub has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) 2011-12-23T12:01:48 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) 2011-12-23T12:15:49 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-12-23T14:02:09 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2011-12-23T16:34:35 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2011-12-23T16:34:58 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-12-23T16:44:23 *** antgreen has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2011-12-23T17:46:29 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-12-23T17:46:29 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-12-23T17:47:04 *** dr__house has left #rtems 2011-12-23T18:11:54 *** dani_ has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2011-12-24T03:39:02 *** leinad has joined #rtems 2011-12-24T03:39:22 *** leinad is now known as Guest46561 2011-12-24T04:07:38 *** wyuka has joined #rtems 2011-12-24T05:01:47 hello 2011-12-24T05:24:40 is there a definitive guide to porting applications to the RTEMS operating system? 2011-12-24T05:56:36 *** wyuka has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) 2011-12-24T07:25:09 *** xiangfu_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2011-12-24T07:59:38 *** Guest46561 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2011-12-24T08:16:36 *** Suner has joined #rtems 2011-12-24T09:16:59 *** Suner has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2011-12-24T09:19:11 *** Suner has joined #rtems 2011-12-24T09:24:01 *** xiangfu_ has joined #rtems 2011-12-24T09:34:02 *** xiangfu_ has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) 2011-12-24T09:49:59 *** Suner has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2011-12-24T09:53:54 *** Suner has joined #rtems 2011-12-24T10:12:29 *** Suner has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2011-12-24T22:13:00 *** verm__ has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2011-12-24T22:13:11 *** verm__ has joined #rtems 2011-12-24T22:29:40 *** verm__ has quit IRC (Changing host) 2011-12-24T22:29:40 *** verm__ has joined #rtems 2011-12-24T22:44:41 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-12-24T22:46:13 *** verm__ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) 2011-12-24T23:00:13 *** verm__ has joined #rtems 2011-12-24T23:08:39 *** verm__ has quit IRC (Changing host) 2011-12-24T23:08:39 *** verm__ has joined #rtems 2011-12-25T03:09:49 *** 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