2011-05-23T00:24:16 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-23T00:50:39 *** monstr2 has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T01:12:10 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T01:12:14 good morning 2011-05-23T01:38:18 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2011-05-23T01:40:15 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T02:03:37 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T02:10:49 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-23T02:11:05 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T02:23:27 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T02:24:14 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-23T02:31:19 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T03:43:39 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-23T03:48:09 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T04:08:12 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T04:29:04 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-05-23T04:49:46 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-23T04:55:19 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T06:33:17 *** methril_work has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T06:46:15 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T07:21:11 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T07:30:29 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-23T07:31:23 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T07:54:47 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-23T08:03:00 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T08:27:37 Hi everyone . does the cvs is ok .now i cannot login in 2011-05-23T08:27:50 cvs [login aborted]: connect to [www.rtems.com]:2401 failed: Connection refused 2011-05-23T08:39:07 *** peerst has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T08:42:33 *** lj8175 has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T09:14:02 *** xiangfu` has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T09:15:00 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-05-23T09:17:31 hello everyone 2011-05-23T09:17:53 have you encounter error when login rtems cvs 2011-05-23T09:20:07 *** xiangfu` has quit IRC 2011-05-23T09:21:40 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T09:21:57 *** monstr2 has quit IRC 2011-05-23T09:35:45 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-23T09:36:34 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T09:44:27 *** wenjie has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T09:45:47 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-23T09:45:58 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-23T09:46:10 *** cssmith1 has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T09:56:04 *** bazinski has quit IRC 2011-05-23T10:19:33 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T10:19:42 *** wenjie has quit IRC 2011-05-23T10:50:11 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-05-23T11:06:42 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-05-23T11:33:15 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-23T11:40:08 *** lj8175 has quit IRC 2011-05-23T12:07:17 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T12:07:17 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T12:14:41 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-23T13:32:59 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-23T13:34:20 *** cssmith1 has quit IRC 2011-05-23T13:57:49 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T13:57:49 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T15:54:22 *** methril_work has quit IRC 2011-05-23T16:11:29 *** methril_work has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T16:18:59 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-23T17:07:08 *** L84Supper has quit IRC 2011-05-23T17:16:00 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T18:15:59 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T18:37:05 *** Err has quit IRC 2011-05-23T19:00:53 *** shayden has quit IRC 2011-05-23T20:01:29 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T21:11:36 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T22:17:16 *** methril has quit IRC 2011-05-23T22:22:04 *** shayden has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T22:29:29 *** methril has joined #rtems 2011-05-23T22:38:15 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2011-05-23T23:21:19 *** methril has quit IRC 2011-05-23T23:21:47 *** methril has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T00:08:20 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-05-24T00:20:49 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-24T00:46:40 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T00:54:20 *** monstr2 has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T01:03:51 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T01:10:33 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T01:11:54 good morning 2011-05-24T01:17:07 good morning 2011-05-24T01:18:16 can't find the definition of rtems_interval in the headers ... is it a integer type or a struct? 2011-05-24T01:20:57 peerst - uint32 http://www.rtems.org/onlinedocs/doxygen/cpukit/html/group__ClassicRTEMS.html#gad39c43f949683d46874e3a5586b93aee 2011-05-24T01:20:59 ah found it ... its uint32_t ... so probably rtems_clock_get_ticks_since_boot will wrap around some time ... which isn't mentioned in the documentation 2011-05-24T01:21:01 uint32_t 2011-05-24T01:22:23 every fixed size integer will wrap around 2011-05-24T01:22:47 true 2011-05-24T01:23:40 we have to deal with this issue in one project because it has to operate for 30 years 2011-05-24T01:23:58 but i do care if it does so after 49 days or after 584 Million Years 2011-05-24T01:25:05 do you have any other constraints on your choice of tick duration? 2011-05-24T01:25:13 1ms 2011-05-24T01:25:36 probably will just use powerpc timebase 2011-05-24T01:26:47 the decrementer does not work well with interrupt priorities 2011-05-24T01:27:32 i do have to make timeout calculations (only in the area of 100ms) might do this in a way that wrapping doesn't hurt 2011-05-24T01:27:39 decrementer? 2011-05-24T01:28:57 powerpc time base -> decrementer 2011-05-24T01:29:35 still don't understand ... the timebase just runs freely doesn't it 2011-05-24T01:29:46 the decrementer is fed from the same clock 2011-05-24T01:29:59 whats the problem just reading the timebase? 2011-05-24T01:30:13 this is not a problem 2011-05-24T01:30:34 using the decrementer exception for the system tick is a problem if you use interrupt priorities 2011-05-24T01:30:53 yeah thats a misfeature of powerpc 2011-05-24T01:31:46 and I'd rather use ticks than timebase because I don't have to take care about ticks to timebase conversion 2011-05-24T01:34:22 its just easy to make a mistake with the mod 2^32 arithmetic 2011-05-24T01:40:00 is this correct: when having a mod 32bit clock, calculate differences between the uints and interpret them as signed?? 2011-05-24T01:45:04 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two%27s_complement 2011-05-24T01:48:37 :-) yeah thats the theory 2011-05-24T01:50:29 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T02:09:25 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T02:09:30 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T02:24:42 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2011-05-24T02:40:11 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-24T02:57:25 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T04:38:21 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-24T04:52:19 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-05-24T05:52:32 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T06:56:49 *** lj8175 has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T07:02:59 hi, I find ./cpukit/libnetworking/sys/socket.h but when I configure rtems with --enable-networking --enable-posix, and make install, the header file cannot be found in my install dir, why? 2011-05-24T07:04:07 where and how do you search for the header file? 2011-05-24T07:04:45 in my install dir " find . -name socket.h" 2011-05-24T07:05:31 got nothing but under rtems, can get the result above 2011-05-24T07:06:26 /opt/rtems-4.11/powerpc-rtems4.11/mpc5566evb/lib/include/sys/socket.h 2011-05-24T07:06:34 should be somewhere like this 2011-05-24T07:11:59 *** lj8175 has quit IRC 2011-05-24T07:13:59 *** lj8175 has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T07:17:38 *** pakkinen has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T07:17:50 greetings 2011-05-24T07:18:03 hi 2011-05-24T07:18:44 is there anyone who can help me with an exception i keep getting on a powerpc based card? 2011-05-24T07:19:39 which exception? 2011-05-24T07:19:54 Exception handler called for exception 6 (0x6) 2011-05-24T07:20:24 if I'm not mistaken, it is something about alignment? 2011-05-24T07:20:25 this is the alignment handler 2011-05-24T07:20:42 I have some code that use pointers 2011-05-24T07:21:02 casting a piece of buffer to a specific struct 2011-05-24T07:21:07 and then using its members 2011-05-24T07:21:25 it faults there, when writing to its member 2011-05-24T07:21:34 however if i use a memcpy nothing bad happens 2011-05-24T07:21:55 (btw, the exception only appeared after i switched from -O2 to -O0 - g) 2011-05-24T07:22:03 memcpy can copy everything 2011-05-24T07:22:20 is the member proper aligned? 2011-05-24T07:23:30 what do you mean by that? its a struct made of two long long 2011-05-24T07:23:31 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T07:23:50 however, the buffer also contains other data before that and after 2011-05-24T07:23:54 a long long is a int64_t? 2011-05-24T07:24:00 yea 2011-05-24T07:24:19 is it aligned on an 8 byte boundary? 2011-05-24T07:25:32 the address of the variable should be a multiple of 8? 2011-05-24T07:26:05 yes, see in the powerpc eabi manual 2011-05-24T07:26:45 well, in a couple of cases that doesn't happen, and I can see why it would complain 2011-05-24T07:27:06 but there was another case where the variable was aligned and i still got the error 2011-05-24T07:27:33 an aligment error? 2011-05-24T07:27:58 yes 2011-05-24T07:27:59 on powerpc the primitive data types must be aligned according to their size 2011-05-24T07:29:00 so stored in memory at an address which is a multiple of their size? 2011-05-24T07:29:47 yes 2011-05-24T07:30:02 http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBUQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ibm.com%2Fchips%2Ftechlib%2Ftechlib.nsf%2Ftechdocs%2F852569B20050FF77852569970071B0D6%2F%24file%2Feabi_app.pdf&rct=j&q=powerpc%20alignment%20eabi&ei=raPbTbiZD8iD-wbX0uSrDw&usg=AFQjCNEfjWbv3uP5lPSRnMmlgzskYfybVw&cad=rja 2011-05-24T07:31:43 how come it didnt complain with -O2? 2011-05-24T07:33:02 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-24T07:33:20 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T07:33:43 i don't know 2011-05-24T07:33:47 sebhub:hi, do you encounter the error when login in the rtems cvs server 2011-05-24T07:34:09 now it seems the server is not ok 2011-05-24T07:34:19 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-24T07:35:05 i don't use the cvs currently 2011-05-24T07:35:32 ok, then how do you get the latest code of rtems? 2011-05-24T07:35:45 normally via cvs 2011-05-24T07:35:57 i sync not very day 2011-05-24T07:36:24 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T07:36:53 whether there are the place to download the snapshot of code. except cvs 2011-05-24T07:37:21 now i want to download the rtems-schedsim 2011-05-24T07:38:04 cvs works for me 2011-05-24T07:39:21 [zwj@localhost build]$ cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@www.rtems.com:/usr1/CVS login 2011-05-24T07:39:22 Logging in to :pserver:anoncvs@www.rtems.com:2401/usr1/CVS 2011-05-24T07:39:22 CVS password: 2011-05-24T07:39:22 cvs [login aborted]: connect to [www.rtems.com]:2401 failed: Connection refused 2011-05-24T07:39:53 a firewall problem? 2011-05-24T07:39:54 There has been some network related problems due to the weather. 2011-05-24T07:40:33 firewall problem is not possible, because i can login other cvs server 2011-05-24T07:40:35 Joel and others where working to sort them out. When he pops by please let him know 2011-05-24T07:42:23 yeah, joel has know this problem. but sebhub can works well but i cannot. it is a little strange 2011-05-24T08:08:29 sebhub, I can get my socket.h now, thank you :) 2011-05-24T08:26:08 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T08:31:51 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-05-24T08:37:12 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T09:08:07 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-24T09:09:17 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T09:55:27 *** Fallenou has quit IRC 2011-05-24T09:57:54 *** Fallenou has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T10:03:49 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-24T10:05:06 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T10:05:56 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-05-24T10:06:19 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-24T10:14:36 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-24T10:15:22 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T10:35:48 *** monstr2 has quit IRC 2011-05-24T10:40:44 *** cssmith has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T11:01:22 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-24T11:06:02 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-05-24T11:07:05 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T11:16:38 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-24T11:35:46 *** lj8175 has quit IRC 2011-05-24T11:39:51 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T11:46:31 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-24T12:07:29 *** pakkinen has quit IRC 2011-05-24T12:09:37 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T12:09:37 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2011-05-24T12:34:59 *** cssmith has quit IRC 2011-05-24T12:37:28 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-24T12:40:58 *** cssmith has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T12:43:07 * DrJoel waves hello 2011-05-24T12:43:32 peerst: Was Andechs Monastery what you recommended? 2011-05-24T12:44:06 yes, but its not easily reachable by train 2011-05-24T12:44:46 maybe there goes a bus there from the train station 2011-05-24T12:46:29 didn't look too bad... S8 to Herrsching.. then bus.. I found a website which said buses .. some dedicated for 2EU per person ran until about 7pm.. 2011-05-24T12:46:40 ok 2011-05-24T12:46:42 walk sounded nice but far.. distance and time reported varied 2011-05-24T12:46:46 so that's the place? 2011-05-24T12:46:50 I never took the bus 2011-05-24T12:47:33 the walk from hersching is very nice (there are two ways, one better for going up and one for going down) 2011-05-24T12:47:49 but its definitely not something for knee problems 2011-05-24T12:48:20 that's what worries me about Michele. sounded like it could be ~5km 2011-05-24T12:48:55 yeah that should be the distance for the way up ... 2011-05-24T12:49:12 the way down is shorter but steeper 2011-05-24T12:49:18 phone 2011-05-24T12:50:34 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T12:50:34 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T13:17:48 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-24T13:19:37 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T13:34:49 DrJoel: when exactly will you be arriving? 2011-05-24T13:36:25 friday at 9:50am munich time 2011-05-24T13:36:35 this week? 2011-05-24T13:41:59 yep.. leave in less than 48 hours.. frantically trying to clean up here so I can leave 2011-05-24T13:45:10 *** dimonov has quit IRC 2011-05-24T13:49:00 *** dimonov has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T13:55:37 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-24T14:08:56 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T14:45:31 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2011-05-24T14:53:17 *** peerst has left #rtems 2011-05-24T15:19:51 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-24T15:34:47 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T15:41:19 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-24T15:54:04 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T16:06:22 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T16:24:39 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-24T16:36:55 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T16:50:44 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-24T17:01:35 *** cssmith has left #rtems 2011-05-24T17:03:26 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T17:14:42 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-24T17:28:52 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T17:29:10 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T17:36:37 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-24T17:49:51 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T17:51:40 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-24T17:52:20 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T18:02:21 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-24T18:15:28 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T18:43:03 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-24T18:56:39 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T20:10:18 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T20:13:44 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-24T20:26:46 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T20:59:54 *** arvind_k has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T21:00:14 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-24T21:13:31 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2011-05-24T21:18:45 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T21:26:41 *** arvind_k has quit IRC 2011-05-24T21:26:44 *** arvind__ has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T21:32:44 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-24T23:07:34 *** arvind__ has quit IRC 2011-05-24T23:11:32 *** shayden has quit IRC 2011-05-24T23:24:00 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-05-24T23:42:23 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-05-25T00:10:52 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T01:08:54 *** monstr2 has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T01:13:09 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T01:13:14 good morning 2011-05-25T02:03:55 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2011-05-25T02:14:46 *** arvind__ has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T02:21:23 *** arvind__ has quit IRC 2011-05-25T02:21:43 *** arvind__ has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T02:23:10 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T02:54:39 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-25T03:00:27 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T04:34:11 *** peerst has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T04:36:59 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-25T05:30:38 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T05:58:44 *** methril has quit IRC 2011-05-25T06:19:49 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-25T06:20:35 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T07:21:04 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-05-25T07:52:21 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T07:56:01 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-25T07:59:01 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T08:09:16 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-25T08:11:35 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T08:21:07 *** lj8175 has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T08:22:09 *** wenjie has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T08:22:33 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-25T08:26:44 *** wenjie has quit IRC 2011-05-25T08:29:38 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T08:33:47 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-25T08:51:50 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T10:00:21 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-25T10:04:49 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-05-25T10:14:43 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T10:23:45 *** methril_work has quit IRC 2011-05-25T10:43:27 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-25T10:46:06 *** cssmith has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T10:50:20 *** methril has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T11:20:09 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-25T11:27:51 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T11:34:19 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-25T11:40:33 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T11:48:46 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-25T11:54:10 *** methril_work has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T12:02:16 *** monstr2 has quit IRC 2011-05-25T12:22:04 *** shayden has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T12:27:54 *** lj8175 has quit IRC 2011-05-25T12:33:16 *** lj8175 has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T12:34:13 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T12:35:06 *** cssmith has left #rtems 2011-05-25T12:43:45 *** arvind_k has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T12:43:46 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-25T12:46:54 *** lj8175 has quit IRC 2011-05-25T12:53:03 *** cssmith has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T13:02:35 *** shayden has quit IRC 2011-05-25T13:04:43 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-25T13:45:24 *** shayden has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T17:22:27 *** shayden has quit IRC 2011-05-25T18:15:36 *** cssmith has left #rtems 2011-05-25T19:05:27 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T19:20:22 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T20:13:05 2011-05-25T20:23:04 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T20:24:49 *** didi has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T20:30:38 Is there a tutorial to compile the toolset on Ubuntu? I tried , but it's incomplete and mpc don't want to compile, complaining about mpfr (which compiled and it's installed), and I can't make to work converting the RPM packages because apparently the compilers installed can't properly work as, for 2011-05-25T20:30:39 example: 'sparc-rtems4.10-gcc: /lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by sparc-rtems4.10-gcc)' 2011-05-25T20:52:20 I do not have a Ubuntu box or access. I lead to understand alien can work with the pre-build tools on the RTEMS FTP server. 2011-05-25T20:52:38 I am not sure which ones you need to use, eg Centos etc. 2011-05-25T20:54:09 kiwichris: I tried 4.11/fedora/15/x86_64 and 4.10/fedora/15/x86_64 with no luck. :( 2011-05-25T20:54:42 I would try a more conservative RPM distro, eg CentOS or RHE (???) 2011-05-25T20:55:11 why not? ;) 2011-05-25T20:55:16 I'll try it. 2011-05-25T20:55:21 Do you have a version to recommend? 2011-05-25T20:56:04 Great. It is a case of using something that supported older releases of various dependent bits in a hope they work. 2011-05-25T20:57:11 Let's try 4.10/redhat/el5/x86_64 2011-05-25T20:57:22 Ok. 2011-05-25T20:58:14 Although the connection is slow here, so let's be patience. 2011-05-25T20:58:39 No hurry my end. I am have to head out soon'ish but will return later 2011-05-25T20:58:58 :) 2011-05-25T21:36:58 *** shayden has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T22:15:59 *** methril_ has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T22:17:46 *** methril has quit IRC 2011-05-25T22:29:40 *** arvind_k has quit IRC 2011-05-25T22:39:40 *** methril_ has quit IRC 2011-05-25T22:40:23 *** methril_ has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T22:40:37 didi, any progress ? 2011-05-25T22:41:24 Yes! 2011-05-25T22:41:27 Just now. 2011-05-25T22:41:29 Actually. 2011-05-25T22:42:12 Now I try to run the demos. 2011-05-25T22:42:23 s/I/I'll 2011-05-25T22:42:30 So they installed ok ? 2011-05-25T22:43:17 kiwichris: Yes. To say the truth, the Fedora ones installed OK too, but they were not running. 2011-05-25T22:43:32 I wasn't able to create binaries. 2011-05-25T22:43:35 Sure. 2011-05-25T22:44:12 I've just compiled rtems from CVS with a 4.10 toolchain. I hope it's OK. 2011-05-25T22:53:50 Well, sparc-rtems4.10-gdb can't find libexpat.so.0. :S 2011-05-25T22:56:48 A symbolic link to my libexpat.so resolved it. 2011-05-25T23:06:44 Great. That is the XML library GDB can use with some targets. 2011-05-25T23:07:17 Nice. 2011-05-25T23:07:53 I wonder if the Wiki pages should be updated to document this and provide some specific detail ? 2011-05-25T23:08:03 *** methril_work has quit IRC 2011-05-25T23:08:20 *** methril_work has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T23:08:51 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-25T23:09:22 I guess. 2011-05-25T23:09:31 It's kind of frustrating. 2011-05-25T23:09:33 ;) 2011-05-25T23:11:02 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-25T23:57:26 *** arvind_k has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T00:17:39 Also, I don't know if it's important to point out, it's now sufficient to have '/bin' on PATH to 'make install' rtems. One need to call 'make install' like: 'sudo PATH=/bin:${PATH} make install' 2011-05-26T00:17:52 s/now/not 2011-05-26T00:21:00 *** monstr2 has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T00:28:28 *** didi has quit IRC 2011-05-26T00:51:39 *** arvind_k has quit IRC 2011-05-26T01:05:02 *** arvind_k has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T01:12:33 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T01:17:25 *** qmor has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T01:17:33 hello 2011-05-26T01:18:48 which function could calculate the size of mounted FS? 2011-05-26T01:19:00 size and free space 2011-05-26T01:27:42 there is statvfs and the RFS supports it. I am not sure about other file systems 2011-05-26T01:32:13 *** arvind_k has quit IRC 2011-05-26T01:34:35 *** arvind_k has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T01:51:30 good morning 2011-05-26T01:53:44 okay i'm using the RFS 2011-05-26T01:57:05 how i can get information about my mounted FS? 2011-05-26T02:14:14 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2011-05-26T02:17:31 *** methril_ has quit IRC 2011-05-26T02:30:26 *** methril_ has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T02:53:22 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T03:22:13 are anybody knows about using qemu(SPARC) and rtems? 2011-05-26T04:03:04 *** qmor has left #rtems 2011-05-26T04:16:43 *** qmor has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T04:16:49 *** qmor has left #rtems 2011-05-26T04:16:58 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-26T04:17:52 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T04:24:07 *** qmor has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T04:39:09 *** arvind_k has quit IRC 2011-05-26T04:47:06 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-05-26T04:48:52 *** lcpfnvy has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T04:52:03 *** peerst has left #rtems 2011-05-26T05:10:33 *** arvind_k has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T05:12:33 *** qmor has left #rtems 2011-05-26T06:24:22 *** qmor has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T06:24:24 *** qmor has left #rtems 2011-05-26T06:46:39 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T06:57:41 *** lcpfnvy has left #rtems 2011-05-26T07:01:32 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-26T07:06:48 *** arvind_k has quit IRC 2011-05-26T07:10:21 *** qmor has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T07:10:23 *** qmor has left #rtems 2011-05-26T07:19:12 *** arvind_k has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T07:30:41 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T08:22:55 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-05-26T08:23:00 *** qmor has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T08:23:46 hello, is RTEMS support the "r+b" file mode? 2011-05-26T08:25:08 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T08:28:37 or maybe r+ mode 2011-05-26T08:28:55 i have create the file with some size 2011-05-26T08:29:11 close it and reopen with r+b filemode 2011-05-26T08:29:26 fseek(file,0,2); 2011-05-26T08:29:37 ftell(file) give me 0 2011-05-26T08:29:57 with "rb" mode it give me 512 2011-05-26T08:32:29 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-05-26T08:37:15 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T08:39:27 *** qmor1 has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T08:39:39 *** qmor has quit IRC 2011-05-26T08:49:52 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-05-26T08:51:58 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-05-26T09:06:05 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T09:10:02 *** lj8175 has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T09:18:15 *** monstr2 has quit IRC 2011-05-26T09:23:01 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-05-26T09:25:56 *** qmor1 has left #rtems 2011-05-26T09:37:54 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T10:22:00 *** arvind_k has quit IRC 2011-05-26T10:30:15 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-26T10:31:18 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T10:53:32 *** wenjie has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T10:54:40 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-26T10:59:40 *** qmor1 has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T11:12:26 *** cssmith has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T11:38:35 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-26T12:06:38 *** lj8175 has quit IRC 2011-05-26T12:10:11 *** wenjie has quit IRC 2011-05-26T12:24:17 *** Fallenou has quit IRC 2011-05-26T12:24:17 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2011-05-26T12:25:08 *** Fallenou has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T12:25:08 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T12:25:48 *** qmor has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T12:25:51 *** qmor has left #rtems 2011-05-26T13:31:07 *** didi has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T13:54:30 kiwichris: Funnily enough, 'started.pdf' page 7 tells about using RedHat 5 as the distribution to generate the .debs. 2011-05-26T14:39:05 *** methril_work has quit IRC 2011-05-26T15:22:35 *** methril_work has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T16:12:14 *** shayden has quit IRC 2011-05-26T17:15:58 *** didi has quit IRC 2011-05-26T17:30:45 *** bazinski has quit IRC 2011-05-26T17:36:40 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T17:37:14 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T17:53:16 *** cssmith has left #rtems 2011-05-26T19:11:35 *** bazinski has quit IRC 2011-05-26T20:10:20 *** shayden has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T20:14:33 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T20:43:03 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-05-26T20:43:51 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T21:34:15 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T21:53:27 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2011-05-26T21:53:34 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T21:53:34 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-05-26T22:07:11 *** shayden has quit IRC 2011-05-26T23:05:36 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-05-27T00:37:05 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2011-05-27T01:39:30 *** bazinski has quit IRC 2011-05-27T01:46:10 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2011-05-27T01:56:57 *** monstr has quit IRC 2011-05-27T02:15:15 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2011-05-27T02:18:09 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-05-27T02:28:18 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2011-05-27T02:53:25 *** bazinski has quit IRC 2011-05-27T04:05:43 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-27T04:25:29 *** panzon has joined #rtems 2011-05-27T04:27:08 Hi 2011-05-27T04:27:59 somebody knows where can I find email of: 2011-05-27T04:28:00 thomas doerfler and sebastian huber 2011-05-27T04:43:43 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-05-27T04:48:22 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-05-27T04:51:15 ? 2011-05-27T05:24:04 *** monstr has quit IRC 2011-05-27T05:24:40 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2011-05-27T05:42:53 *** monstr has quit IRC 2011-05-27T05:48:09 *** monstr has joined #rtems 2011-05-27T05:51:31 *** qmor has joined #rtems 2011-05-27T05:51:35 *** qmor has left #rtems 2011-05-27T06:07:41 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-27T06:49:38 *** lcpfnvy has joined #rtems 2011-05-27T06:54:43 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-27T06:56:22 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-05-27T07:41:02 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-05-27T08:38:13 *** monstr has quit IRC 2011-05-27T09:02:33 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-05-27T09:34:49 *** panzon has quit IRC 2011-05-27T09:57:26 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-27T11:07:13 *** shayden has joined #rtems 2011-05-27T11:57:57 *** panzon has joined #rtems 2011-05-27T11:58:34 *** shayden has quit IRC 2011-05-27T12:09:35 *** lcpfnvy has left #rtems 2011-05-27T12:45:20 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-05-27T13:33:47 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-27T13:33:47 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-27T13:39:45 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-27T15:11:18 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2011-05-27T15:14:31 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-05-27T15:14:31 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-05-27T16:33:43 *** methril_work has quit IRC 2011-05-27T19:11:35 *** panzon has quit IRC 2011-05-27T22:40:22 kiwichris: around? 2011-05-27T22:40:29 yeah I am 2011-05-27T22:40:37 how was your week? 2011-05-27T22:40:45 Busy. 2011-05-27T22:40:57 yeah i know what you mean, same here :) 2011-05-27T22:41:15 i haven't forgotten about setting up the buildbot, some things came down the wire that soaked up my time :( 2011-05-27T23:09:24 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-05-28T01:17:15 *** methril__ has joined #rtems 2011-05-28T01:17:28 *** methril_ has quit IRC 2011-05-28T01:22:34 *** panzon has joined #rtems 2011-05-28T02:09:00 *** panzon has quit IRC 2011-05-28T04:28:47 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-28T04:43:09 *** lj8175 has joined #rtems 2011-05-28T04:50:00 *** lj8175 has quit IRC 2011-05-28T04:58:40 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-28T05:48:40 *** methril__ has quit IRC 2011-05-28T05:57:45 *** panzon has joined #rtems 2011-05-28T06:16:30 *** panzon has quit IRC 2011-05-28T07:14:30 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-05-28T08:07:49 *** panzon has joined #rtems 2011-05-28T08:53:04 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-28T09:14:06 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-05-28T09:57:13 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-28T10:38:06 *** shayden has joined #rtems 2011-05-28T10:48:53 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-28T10:52:34 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-28T11:14:51 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-28T15:18:52 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-28T16:00:54 *** mwalle has quit IRC 2011-05-28T16:57:28 *** methril has joined #rtems 2011-05-28T20:55:44 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-05-28T21:27:53 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-05-28T21:29:09 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2011-05-28T21:29:17 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-05-28T21:29:44 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2011-05-28T21:30:29 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-05-28T21:33:25 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-28T22:17:12 *** xiangfu` has joined #rtems 2011-05-28T22:18:51 *** xiangfu` has joined #rtems 2011-05-28T22:29:45 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-28T22:30:32 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-28T23:04:01 *** methril has quit IRC 2011-05-29T00:24:35 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-29T00:29:08 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T00:30:26 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T00:50:41 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-29T00:52:19 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T00:56:37 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-29T00:59:09 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T01:08:09 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-29T01:08:58 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T01:15:20 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-29T01:16:05 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T01:20:25 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-29T01:27:40 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T01:31:19 hi, anyone on line? 2011-05-29T01:32:33 when i install rtems sparc cross toolchain, the dirctroy /opt/rtems-4.8/ has not lib64 dir. do i need install other rpms? 2011-05-29T01:49:24 *** lj8175 has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T02:23:04 *** wenjie has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T02:23:07 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-29T02:41:20 *** wenjie has quit IRC 2011-05-29T02:43:22 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T03:03:05 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-29T03:11:53 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-29T03:14:03 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T03:44:29 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-29T03:45:01 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T04:17:12 *** lj8175 has quit IRC 2011-05-29T04:29:28 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-29T04:33:55 *** xiangfu` has quit IRC 2011-05-29T04:34:17 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T05:00:40 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T05:05:53 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-29T05:19:21 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T06:07:45 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T06:12:03 *** lj8175 has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T06:50:12 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-29T06:50:35 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T06:51:48 *** lj8175 has quit IRC 2011-05-29T07:32:25 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-05-29T07:41:58 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-29T07:46:28 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T08:40:55 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-29T08:58:25 *** lj8175 has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T08:59:44 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2011-05-29T09:02:39 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-05-29T09:03:10 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T09:05:44 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2011-05-29T09:08:08 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T09:10:25 *** shayden has quit IRC 2011-05-29T09:30:58 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T10:11:56 *** shayden has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T11:15:59 *** lj8175 has quit IRC 2011-05-29T11:21:18 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T11:21:18 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T11:27:38 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-29T12:32:52 *** shayden has quit IRC 2011-05-29T12:34:14 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-29T12:39:40 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T13:01:06 *** methril has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T15:50:02 *** panzon has quit IRC 2011-05-29T16:40:52 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-05-29T18:28:22 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T20:10:32 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T20:56:26 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T22:20:02 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-05-29T22:37:22 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T23:06:29 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T23:06:29 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T23:14:33 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-05-29T23:42:03 *** rtemsLogger has joined #rtems 2011-05-29T23:42:03 -hitchcock.freenode.net- [freenode-info] channel flooding and no channel staff around to help? Please check with freenode support: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp 2011-05-29T23:54:11 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC