2011-04-11T00:06:13 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-11T00:06:37 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T00:10:35 *** lj8175 has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T00:14:01 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-11T00:14:59 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T00:15:08 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2011-04-11T01:02:09 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2011-04-11T01:26:18 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T01:26:23 good morning 2011-04-11T01:26:23 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-11T01:26:58 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T01:36:32 good morning 2011-04-11T01:50:04 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-11T01:50:23 *** lj8175 has quit IRC 2011-04-11T01:51:38 *** lj8175 has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T01:52:30 should be good afternoon in my time zone :) 2011-04-11T01:55:07 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T02:14:44 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-11T02:15:10 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T02:37:08 *** core-ix has quit IRC 2011-04-11T02:48:34 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-11T02:48:56 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T02:56:10 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-11T02:57:17 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T03:04:13 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-11T03:05:12 *** bo has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T03:05:37 *** bo is now known as Guest58593 2011-04-11T03:10:00 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T03:25:30 *** core-ix has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T03:28:42 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-11T03:29:06 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T03:41:16 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T03:43:38 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-11T03:44:06 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T04:01:53 Hi, I'm getting the following error message when running mcast from network-demos-4.10.0 on QEMU: "gethostbyname: connection refused". Any idea what I'm missing? 2011-04-11T04:13:38 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-11T04:14:01 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T04:34:11 *** lj8175 has quit IRC 2011-04-11T04:44:23 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-11T04:59:13 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-11T05:55:06 probably a network configuration issue on the qemu host 2011-04-11T06:13:53 *** methril_work has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T06:14:31 changed default hostname, gateway etc... in networkconfig.h - now it passes gethostbyname ;-) 2011-04-11T06:17:47 however I'm stuck at "Performing IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP can't join group:", browsing the source it seems multicast implementation is missing for ne2k. Is this correct? If so, is there another NIC to use for testing multicasting in Qemu? 2011-04-11T06:18:21 you can add the multicast support to ne2k 2011-04-11T06:18:44 you only have to add two ioctl functions 2011-04-11T06:19:13 ok, I think I found a patch on the mailing list regarding this, I'll give it a try 2011-04-11T06:24:09 *** lj8175 has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T06:30:12 hi, how many is the memory size in qemu for i386bsp ? 2011-04-11T06:38:30 *** core-ix has quit IRC 2011-04-11T06:39:27 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2011-04-11T06:39:37 cool, applying the patch made it work (http://www.rtems.com/ml/rtems-users/2005/december/msg00143.html), any idea why this has not been integrated into mainline? 2011-04-11T06:39:58 *** easwar has left #rtems 2011-04-11T06:41:12 did you modify the patch or did it work out of the box? 2011-04-11T06:42:40 *** core-ix has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T06:45:51 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T06:49:04 It came up with a few warnings about offset, but otherwise it applied without changes. 2011-04-11T06:50:08 on version 4.10 2011-04-11T06:50:48 ok, i commit it to the cvs head 2011-04-11T07:19:20 thanks, I suppose adding code should also involve adding a test? I guess that could involve adding a test to rtems/testsuites/samples/loopback? Pardon me for being new to rtems - I'm trying to pick up some best practices ;-) 2011-04-11T07:19:41 *** Guest58593 is now known as mdboha 2011-04-11T07:23:03 we have currently no bsp specific tests in the cvs 2011-04-11T07:25:05 ok, is the multicast feature tested anywhere? 2011-04-11T07:25:36 there is an example in the network demos 2011-04-11T07:26:05 ok, but nowhere in the coverage tests? 2011-04-11T07:26:46 I suppose the network stack is not covered by any converage tests 2011-04-11T08:15:31 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T08:19:42 ok, thank you for your time 2011-04-11T08:22:29 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2011-04-11T08:28:33 *** lbnz has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T08:31:31 *** lbnz has quit IRC 2011-04-11T08:33:41 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T08:46:32 *** easwar has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T09:01:10 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T09:08:37 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T09:13:22 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-11T09:18:03 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T09:25:00 *** mdboha has quit IRC 2011-04-11T09:30:44 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-11T09:34:37 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T10:04:47 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-04-11T10:09:17 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-04-11T10:22:35 *** panzon has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T10:22:46 hi 2011-04-11T10:26:22 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T10:26:22 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2011-04-11T10:31:12 *** easwar has quit IRC 2011-04-11T10:34:22 *** easwar has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T10:34:22 *** easwar has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T10:43:17 I'm doing HelloWorld 2011-04-11T10:44:24 I want to make some changes, but I don't now where does "hello" source is 2011-04-11T10:46:02 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-11T10:46:10 panzon: use cvs, example-v2 :) 2011-04-11T10:46:30 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T10:47:43 it is also in testsuites/samples/hello .. built with RTEMS.. examples-v2 is built using an installed RTEMS 2011-04-11T10:49:33 if there is anyone interested in mentoring on here now, speak up. ;-D 2011-04-11T10:50:02 tomorrow we get tentative slot counts and it is based upon how many projects we can mentor.. which is really the right thing to do 2011-04-11T10:51:58 *** authors has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T11:01:36 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-11T11:04:04 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-04-11T11:05:24 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-11T11:05:24 *** lj8175 has quit IRC 2011-04-11T11:07:20 I'm using sparc-rtems4.9 I don't find examples-v2 2011-04-11T11:08:30 oh.. it was in examples back then.. or class-examples. I merged them and added a number of odd things that were laying around to get examples-v3 2011-04-11T11:08:32 -v2 2011-04-11T11:13:33 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T11:26:04 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T12:16:46 panzon, rtems/testsuites/samples/hello 2011-04-11T12:17:49 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T12:26:54 now I found examples-v2, buy I can not find the source "examples-v2/hello" 2011-04-11T12:27:10 can I connect to the server using telnet or ssh? 2011-04-11T12:28:46 you should use the cvs to check the examples-v2 2011-04-11T12:29:00 $ ls hello/ 2011-04-11T12:29:01 both_hello ChangeLog CVS fall hello_world_c Makefile posix_hello_world 2011-04-11T12:29:06 there are multiple variants on hello 2011-04-11T12:31:00 fall is not included :P 2011-04-11T12:38:26 Fallenou is not included cdcs 2011-04-11T12:39:11 * Fallenou not included 2011-04-11T12:39:13 hi ;) 2011-04-11T12:39:56 hi :) 2011-04-11T12:41:08 what would Fallenou like to be included in? 2011-04-11T12:41:18 * DrJoel takes all (qualified) volunteers 2011-04-11T12:47:24 *** authors has quit IRC 2011-04-11T12:48:06 *** arvind_k has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T12:50:02 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-04-11T12:56:08 *** arvind__ has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T12:56:18 *** arvind_k has quit IRC 2011-04-11T12:58:10 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2011-04-11T13:18:51 *** arvind__ has quit IRC 2011-04-11T13:23:07 oh.. i probably get my fpga board this week :) then some leon experiments 2011-04-11T13:24:19 cool! Did you ever get the tools to build? 2011-04-11T13:25:34 i tried whole evening yesterday.. but no results stuck at the same point, i think something wrong with my ubuntu 2011-04-11T13:27:59 compiler compiles only partially.. libgcc fails 2011-04-11T13:28:21 with mysterious errors 2011-04-11T13:28:33 you need right version of gmp, mpc, and mpfr 2011-04-11T13:28:48 i have those 2011-04-11T13:28:48 or mroe recent than ubuntu ships at any rate 2011-04-11T13:28:57 i compiled them from sources 2011-04-11T13:29:19 ok. i found it easiest to link the sources into gcc's source dir (like with newlib) 2011-04-11T13:29:26 and then configure --with-mpfr --with-mpc --with-gmp 2011-04-11T13:29:27 i did that.. 2011-04-11T13:29:28 and gcc builds them 2011-04-11T13:29:29 ok 2011-04-11T13:29:54 with newlib and binutils, -with-mpfr=/usr/local .. same with mpc and gmp 2011-04-11T13:30:13 i'm saying you can let gcc build them without specifying a path 2011-04-11T13:30:15 same errors with different versions of gcc 2011-04-11T13:30:19 if you link the sources in the gcc dir 2011-04-11T13:30:28 not sure if it would matter, it shouldn't, but i know they were tricky when I did this 2011-04-11T13:30:48 did you see my post on rtems-users 2011-04-11T13:30:58 there are the errors 2011-04-11T13:31:08 i'll re-check that i just skimmed it 2011-04-11T13:31:36 i saw this recently... 2011-04-11T13:31:44 one sec 2011-04-11T13:31:47 ok 2011-04-11T13:32:42 was there anything before the unrecognized option -V? 2011-04-11T13:32:52 spaces 2011-04-11T13:33:56 /opt/i386-rtems4.11/i386-rtems4.11/sys-include -V >&5 2011-04-11T13:34:38 /opt/i386-rtems4.11/i386-rtems4.11/sys-include should be just gcc 2011-04-11T13:34:48 i think 2011-04-11T13:35:05 or g++, depending on where it is 2011-04-11T13:35:22 mm, i see you don't enable c++ 2011-04-11T13:36:00 yes.. i don't need it 2011-04-11T13:36:04 ok 2011-04-11T13:36:30 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T13:36:51 configure:3028: /home/rokka/i386_rtems/install/b-gcc-core/./gcc/xgcc -B/home/rokka/i386_rtems/install/b-gcc-core/./gcc/ -nostdinc -B/home/rokka/i386_rtems/install/b-gcc-core/i38 2011-04-11T13:36:54 6-rtems4.11/newlib/ -isystem /home/rokka/i386_rtems/install/b-gcc-core/i386-rtems4.11/newlib/targ-include -isystem /home/rokka/i386_rtems/install/gcc-4.6.0-RC-20110321/newlib/li 2011-04-11T13:36:57 bc/include -B/opt/i386-rtems4.11/i386-rtems4.11/bin/ -B/opt/i386-rtems4.11/i386-rtems4.11/lib/ -isystem /opt/i386-rtems4.11/i386-rtems4.11/include -isystem /opt/i386-rtems4.11/i 2011-04-11T13:37:00 386-rtems4.11/sys-include -V >&5 2011-04-11T13:38:20 what is your host gcc version 2011-04-11T13:38:30 4.4.3 2011-04-11T13:38:39 gcc version 4.4.3 (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) 2011-04-11T13:39:45 I know I saw this breaking here on another system, I can't remember what was wrong or what the fix was though, hmm 2011-04-11T13:39:58 similar? 2011-04-11T13:40:12 similar, but not sure if identical 2011-04-11T13:40:32 Is it using the native as? What is your PATH 2011-04-11T13:40:40 Also what was in the config.log where it failed 2011-04-11T13:40:55 you have the config log :) 2011-04-11T13:41:00 in your email attachment 2011-04-11T13:41:36 default PATH.. does not point to /opt/.. 2011-04-11T13:41:53 oh... long weekend.. 2011-04-11T13:42:02 let me look 2011-04-11T13:42:33 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-04-11T13:42:38 i'll try now with mpc mpfr gmp symbolic links in gcc-core dir 2011-04-11T13:42:46 ok, the problem I saw wasn't the same, it was an issue with someone that tried to use the RPMs on Ubuntu, there was a similar error message but the problem was that Ubuntu's libc was outdated 2011-04-11T13:43:02 o.oO 2011-04-11T13:43:04 ok.. 2011-04-11T13:43:14 my guess is your configure is somehow pulling the wrong host tools 2011-04-11T13:43:25 or libraries 2011-04-11T13:43:27 configure:3055: /home/rokka/i386_rtems/install/b-gcc-core/./gcc/xgcc -B/home/rokka/i386_rtems/install/b-gcc-core/./gcc/ -nostdinc -B/home/rokka/i386_rtems/install/b-gcc-core/i386-rtems4.11/newlib/ -isystem /home/rokka/i386_rtems/install/b-gcc-core/i386-rtems4.11/newlib/targ-include -isystem /home/rokka/i386_rtems/install/gcc-4.6.0-RC-20110321/newlib/libc/include -B/opt/i386-rtems4.11/i386-rtems4.11/bin/ -B/opt/i386-rtems4.11/i386-rtems4.11/lib/ -isyste 2011-04-11T13:43:27 m /opt/i386-rtems4.11/i386-rtems4.11/include -isystem /opt/i386-rtems4.11/i386-rtems4.11/sys-include -o conftest -g -O2 conftest.c >&5 2011-04-11T13:43:27 exec: 89: -o: not found 2011-04-11T13:43:45 from the log.. 2011-04-11T13:44:19 can you put "int main() {return 0;} in a file and try to compile it with that command? 2011-04-11T13:44:32 Then add a -v to it so we can see what it thinks it is doing 2011-04-11T13:44:50 (capital V) 2011-04-11T13:45:09 yes.. i try that .. its now compiling and i expect it to fail.. at the same point .. 2011-04-11T13:45:32 i'll try it after it fails.. :) since i just started recompiling 2011-04-11T13:46:11 its strange since i have compiled this before :D 2011-04-11T13:46:19 i don't know whats wrong this time.. 2011-04-11T13:46:24 something has changed 2011-04-11T13:47:51 gcc 4.6.0 on fedora 14 has to have ppl-0.14 installed... to test 4.6.0 and svn head locally, I have to install that to my test dir and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH 2011-04-11T13:47:58 but the result looks different on failure than you have 2011-04-11T13:48:11 yes i had to add libppl 2011-04-11T13:48:23 or something 2011-04-11T13:48:45 but 4.5.2 and 4.6.0-RC failed at the same point 2011-04-11T13:56:23 DrJoel: I already modify my test.c, I tryed to commit it, but I have no grants. 2011-04-11T13:56:23 Then I try to compile using: 2011-04-11T13:56:23 ../rtems/configure --target=sparc-rtems4.9 --enable-rtemsbsp=sis --enable-tests=samples --disable-posix --disable-itron 2011-04-11T13:58:13 btw. there are many GPL libraries in rtems-addon-packages, should there bit like bit_normal and bit_compile_gpl or at least warning about GPL? 2011-04-11T13:58:20 panzon: you don't commit it.. you email me or some other mentor a snapshot and diff. ;-D 2011-04-11T13:58:34 then add yourself to the list of students on the Wiki 2011-04-11T13:58:53 - sniff, gcc stopped with same error .. should i now make my own -V test? 2011-04-11T14:00:15 DrJoel, it shows that cvs is no longer understood by the youth being used to git and Mercurial where you can always commit (locally) 2011-04-11T14:00:16 yes and it is "-v" 2011-04-11T14:00:48 peerst: yep.. we look like the crazy old men .. these kids today.. 2011-04-11T14:01:26 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T14:01:28 Me no longer, switched to Mercurial last year and its like a fountain of youth ;-) 2011-04-11T14:01:34 * DrJoel remembers doing a 200 page paper on a 64K 8-bit computer with 2 360K floppy drives and a 160 character per second dot matrix printer 2011-04-11T14:02:21 peerst: :) We have had a discussion or two on the SC about switching.. concerned about losing history.. I suspect we will end up switching in the next couple of years.. 2011-04-11T14:02:33 needs to be at a time that it doesn't impact a release schedule 2011-04-11T14:03:02 gedare: at first I try, but I have some errors when I was installing. Some of these doesn't exist yum install rtems-4.11-automake-rtems rtems-4.11-autoconf-rtems rtems-4.11-sparc-rtems-binutils rtems-4.11-sparc-rtems-gdb rtems-4.11-sparc-rtems-gcc rtems-4.11-sparc-rtems-c++ 2011-04-11T14:03:13 yeah, it was quite a thing to migrate cvs to hg without loosing history but I made it 2011-04-11T14:03:49 panzon: on fedora? 2011-04-11T14:03:58 yes 2011-04-11T14:04:04 which version 2011-04-11T14:04:05 fedora 14 2011-04-11T14:05:11 you need to install (for i686 or x86_64, the rtems-4.11-release-0.20101202.1-1.fc14.noarch.rpm and rtems-4.11-yum-conf-0.20101202.1-1.fc14.noarch.rpm packages to teach yum about the RTEMS repositories 2011-04-11T14:08:22 http://pastebin.com/YFRWT31Y <--xgcc with test.c int main(int argc, char **argv){return 0;} 2011-04-11T14:08:45 yes, I already install rtems-4.11-yum-conf-0.20101202.1-1.fc14.noarch.rpm 2011-04-11T14:09:22 but then, following http://www.rtems.com/wiki/index.php/APT/Yum_Repository 2011-04-11T14:09:35 I need the others 2011-04-11T14:10:26 did you get the release package 2011-04-11T14:11:43 if so, then "yum install rtems-4.11-sparc-* rtems-4.11-*auto*" 2011-04-11T14:11:48 you obviously have to be root 2011-04-11T14:12:31 what is /home/rokka/i386_rtems/install/b-gcc-core/./gcc/as ? 2011-04-11T14:13:02 ok I'm doing right now 2011-04-11T14:24:10 *** tuxmaniac has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T14:24:26 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-04-11T14:29:02 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T14:29:47 DrJoel: shell script 2011-04-11T14:30:43 :o 2011-04-11T14:32:27 *** antgreen` has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T14:33:56 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-04-11T14:36:33 i try next without --with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld 2011-04-11T14:37:04 the kind of shell script which indicated not available? 2011-04-11T14:37:16 Before you start building ... type i386-rtems4.11-as 2011-04-11T14:37:30 if it isn't in your PATH, then that's the culprit 2011-04-11T14:37:47 how could it be.. ? where did came from 2011-04-11T14:38:02 i build binutils with gcc-core 2011-04-11T14:38:56 if you do that, then you have to put as, bfd, ld, etc in the gcc tree... I find it easier to simply build and install binutils before building gcc 2011-04-11T14:39:27 :l 2011-04-11T14:43:45 i think the problem is id'd 2011-04-11T14:43:47 ;) 2011-04-11T14:44:04 do i need --with-gnu-as and --with-gnu-ld 2011-04-11T14:44:09 with prebuilt binutils 2011-04-11T14:44:09 yeah 2011-04-11T14:44:24 those might be default though ... i don't know exactly what they do 2011-04-11T14:44:27 but i use them in my configure lines 2011-04-11T14:44:30 ok binutils is now in path.. 2011-04-11T14:44:34 ../gcc-4.6.0-RC-20110321/configure --target=i386-rtems4.11 --prefix=/opt/i386-rtems4.11/ --with-mpfr --with-gmp --with-mpc --disable-multilib --enable-languages=c --with-newlib --with-binutils --disable-nls --enable-threads=rtems --with-gnu-as and --with-gnu-ld 2011-04-11T14:44:38 ok? 2011-04-11T14:44:52 maybe not binutils? 2011-04-11T14:44:59 seems like it should work, i don't think you need the with-binutils 2011-04-11T14:46:12 lets see.. :-) 2011-04-11T14:46:19 compiling.. 2011-04-11T14:50:32 *** core-ix has quit IRC 2011-04-11T14:56:34 see you all later .. 2011-04-11T14:56:37 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2011-04-11T15:10:35 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-11T15:14:54 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T15:14:54 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T15:15:10 *** antgreen` has quit IRC 2011-04-11T15:16:44 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-11T15:17:50 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T15:17:50 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T15:19:00 * dr__house is away: Gone away for now 2011-04-11T15:20:38 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-11T15:20:43 I already install rtems4.11 I modified class-examples/hello_world_c/test.c 2011-04-11T15:21:17 I compile it using: 2011-04-11T15:21:24 ../rtems/configure --target=sparc-rtems4.11 --enable-rtemsbsp=sis --enable-tests=samples --disable-posix --disable-itron 2011-04-11T15:21:32 make 2011-04-11T15:22:08 but when I execute it using: 2011-04-11T15:22:11 sparc-rtems4.11-gdb `find . -name hello.exe` 2011-04-11T15:22:19 I can not see my changes 2011-04-11T15:22:46 do you know if I am doing something wrong? 2011-04-11T15:36:46 do you know if I am making some mistake in my compilation/execution ?? 2011-04-11T15:37:54 make install? 2011-04-11T15:41:47 panzon: when you build rtems like that, probably you are creating the hello.exe from ../rtems/testsuites/samples/hello/hello.c, not the one from class-examples. 2011-04-11T15:42:04 panzon: You should instead try to make your changes in rtems/testsuites/samples/hello/hello.c and see what happens 2011-04-11T15:42:19 panzon: correction, the file is init.c, not hello.c 2011-04-11T15:42:45 *** core-ix has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T15:52:39 at last.. i have progress :) 2011-04-11T15:52:43 /home/rokka/i386_rtems/install/b-gcc-core/./gcc/include-fixed/limits.h:169:61: error: no include path in which to search for limits.h 2011-04-11T15:52:48 but something 2011-04-11T15:54:08 wrong 2011-04-11T15:54:19 this might be 4.6.0-RC issue? 2011-04-11T15:57:26 thank you! now its working. 2011-04-11T15:58:23 rokka: that sounds like a x86 vs x86_64 problem 2011-04-11T15:59:13 panzon: Great! 2011-04-11T16:00:19 oh:l 2011-04-11T16:03:14 gedare: host is x86_64 2011-04-11T16:03:28 and im building i386.. 2011-04-11T16:04:00 rokka: there is probably a work-around out there to provide 32-bit header for limits, I vaguely recall doing this 2011-04-11T16:04:43 i'm not 100% sure that is your problem, but it reminded me of something like that. 2011-04-11T16:05:02 it tries to include system limits.h but doen't find it 2011-04-11T16:06:20 http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+error%3A+no+include+path+in+which+to+search+for+limits.h&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a 2011-04-11T16:06:20 :P 2011-04-11T16:07:24 *** dufault has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T16:10:05 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T16:13:59 hmm 2011-04-11T16:19:28 gedare: thanks for help so far .. i continue debugging later :) 2011-04-11T16:19:37 ok good luck rokka. 2011-04-11T16:20:00 fwiw, you'll have an easier time just partitioning 10 gigs and installing fedora ;) 2011-04-11T16:20:27 noooo:> 2011-04-11T16:20:35 i've never tried it, but i thought about putting ubuntu and fedora on the same system, installing tools with fedora yum and using them with ubuntu 2011-04-11T16:20:39 with a shared /home and /opt 2011-04-11T16:21:11 i dont' know if it would work though, libraries might not match up right 2011-04-11T16:21:11 i would use virtualization, but not yet.. im sure this will work.. :D 2011-04-11T16:21:39 i can't stand virtualization, i'm impatient and hate unnecessary overhead. anyway, if you keep banging at it you'll get it eventually. 2011-04-11T16:22:21 * kiwichris smiles while he watches Windows run on MacOS. 2011-04-11T16:22:51 heh. that is the only reason to do it imo 2011-04-11T16:23:05 and i'm fine with using linux for 99% of what I do and rebooting to windows for the other 1%. 2011-04-11T16:23:29 Funny thing is Windows running this way start quicker from the lid closed than on real hardware 2011-04-11T16:26:51 kiwichris: I added a reminder in the wiki to prioritize open projects. Joel doesn't want it done until after gsoc participants are announced. 2011-04-11T16:27:20 i'll probably work on it some lazy afternoon this summer. 2011-04-11T16:27:37 Doing if after is a good idea. 2011-04-11T16:27:46 Yes, I agreed. 2011-04-11T16:49:51 *** panzon has quit IRC 2011-04-11T16:55:10 *** dufault has left #rtems 2011-04-11T17:03:13 *** tuxmaniac has quit IRC 2011-04-11T17:08:27 gedare, ping 2011-04-11T17:08:32 hello easware 2011-04-11T17:08:34 easwar 2011-04-11T17:09:02 gedare, could you clarify on your request for more details? 2011-04-11T17:10:23 easwar: It would be good to see which CPU platforms you will consider, some initial ideas for how to implement the required functions, and how you will test your implementations to ensure decent profile numbers are generated 2011-04-11T17:10:43 easwar: I linked to some prior approaches, they have some ideas for how to do this for the SPARC32, that might be a good place to start 2011-04-11T17:10:48 gedare, ok 2011-04-11T17:11:01 gedare, I'm thinking i386 and sparc 2011-04-11T17:11:02 easwar: basically, a roadmap to how you will be successful, and points along that roadmap at which you can commit patches back to RTEMS 2011-04-11T17:11:07 and if possible, powerpc 2011-04-11T17:12:18 good, identify what can be shared among the platforms and what will be platform-dependent also. 2011-04-11T17:13:55 easwar: basically, your proposal should be an initial design document and roadmap for your project, clearly stating what will be done, how it will be done, and how you will get your code into RTEMS. 2011-04-11T17:14:18 so answering those questions will help. 2011-04-11T17:14:24 gedare, I'll need to read up on how gprof and gcov work on desktop OS 2011-04-11T17:14:32 good idea :) 2011-04-11T17:14:33 from which I could extrapolate to RTEMS 2011-04-11T17:14:50 read those ml links, and check out the gprof manual, it isn't too hard 2011-04-11T17:15:20 do you think I'll need to read through RTEMS code too, to see perhaps where my code would integrate? 2011-04-11T17:15:34 or is that during actual GSoC time? 2011-04-11T17:15:44 you should have an idea of where the code will be placed ASAP. 2011-04-11T17:15:58 When the GSoC officially starts, it is best if you would be ready to hit the ground running. 2011-04-11T17:16:07 gedare, true 2011-04-11T17:16:16 And not spending time reading code, manuals, and doing significant design work 2011-04-11T17:16:25 any ideas on who would be a mentor for this project? 2011-04-11T17:16:41 I know you wrote the project page... 2011-04-11T17:16:55 not yet 2011-04-11T17:18:02 maybe I'll contact the user who implemented mcount and profil for his application 2011-04-11T17:18:19 try to answer some of these questions; his code is available, look at it and see if you understand what it does. 2011-04-11T17:18:32 ok 2011-04-11T17:18:40 http://www.rtems.org/pipermail/rtems-users/attachments/20100518/f91d1fe2/attachment.zip 2011-04-11T17:18:44 in case you missed it 2011-04-11T17:19:27 you can put what you find out in the wiki page and make comments in your proposal 2011-04-11T17:19:34 gedare, I had that downloaded, hadn't looked at it yet 2011-04-11T17:19:38 thanks :) 2011-04-11T17:20:10 alright 2011-04-11T17:20:28 I'll look stuff up and try to get back on the comments and the wiki asap 2011-04-11T17:20:58 thanks gedare, the details of what questions I need to answer helped, a lot 2011-04-11T17:21:17 good. the sooner you can get them answered, the better. :) 2011-04-11T17:21:21 :) 2011-04-11T17:22:29 gedare: gcc-4.5.2 compiled fine, rtems4.11 too and ncurses-5.9 from rtems-addon-packages, but when i compile my ncurses test application rtems crashes in qemu :l 2011-04-11T17:22:53 probably a stack overflow 2011-04-11T17:23:00 leading to a bad pointer 2011-04-11T17:23:09 ummmmm 2011-04-11T17:23:13 joel run my app fine 2011-04-11T17:23:14 :l 2011-04-11T17:23:18 do you have gdb hooked up? 2011-04-11T17:24:03 i have tried to use it, but maybe with your help i can do something useful with it 2011-04-11T17:24:17 :) let me paste some notes here 2011-04-11T17:24:21 start with http://www.rtems.com/wiki/index.php/QEMU#Debugging_with_QEMU 2011-04-11T17:25:04 but there are some other things you have to do 2011-04-11T17:27:06 you can't use the rtems-testing method to use gdb 2011-04-11T17:27:15 you need to configure without the USE_COM1_AS_CONSOLE=1 BSP_PRESS_KEY_FOR_RESET=0 2011-04-11T17:28:18 Basically you want to follow the instructions at http://www.rtems.com/wiki/index.php/QEMU#QEMU_PC_.28i386.29_Emulator 2011-04-11T17:28:38 and get to a stage where you manually select the application with grub 2011-04-11T17:28:51 this way you can break execution and connect gdb to qemu 2011-04-11T17:29:43 when your application starts, you can connect gdb to it by... 2011-04-11T17:29:53 $> gdb hello.exe 2011-04-11T17:30:00 (gdb) target remote localhost:1234 2011-04-11T17:30:18 at this point, gdb will be controlling qemu 2011-04-11T17:31:02 you can connect to qemu to watch what it is doing using a vnc client, like vinagre 2011-04-11T17:31:15 that is how you will be able to select which image to boot.. 2011-04-11T17:31:31 o.o 2011-04-11T17:31:57 rokka: your first task is to get qemu working over vnc 2011-04-11T17:32:00 using grub and a boot disk 2011-04-11T17:32:19 instead of using rtems-testing pc386 script; assuming that is what you are using 2011-04-11T17:32:52 i boot my app from grub 2011-04-11T17:32:58 ok this is good then 2011-04-11T17:33:16 so you use something to connect to qemu? 2011-04-11T17:33:34 i see grub menu already 2011-04-11T17:33:39 ok, start up your qemu and let it get to grub 2011-04-11T17:33:44 now open a terminal 2011-04-11T17:33:50 and try to connect gdb to qemu 2011-04-11T17:34:01 $> gdb 2011-04-11T17:34:11 (gdb) target remote localhost:1234 2011-04-11T17:34:30 gdb should say something about connecting successfully 2011-04-11T17:34:47 you have to specify the binary filename to gdb in order to get symbols to work 2011-04-11T17:35:22 Remote debugging using localhost:1234 2011-04-11T17:35:22 0x0000e778 in ?? () 2011-04-11T17:35:49 yay 2011-04-11T17:36:00 hit (c) to continue 2011-04-11T17:36:05 and then go to grub and boot 2011-04-11T17:36:17 should i continue firsT? 2011-04-11T17:36:21 yeah 2011-04-11T17:36:31 qemu is frozen when you connect the gdb 2011-04-11T17:36:39 so you won't be able to do anything while gdb's command line is up 2011-04-11T17:36:46 *do anything in qemu* 2011-04-11T17:37:06 rtems printed exception plaapla.. what now 2011-04-11T17:37:19 ok. next you should try to use gdb with the symbol info 2011-04-11T17:37:39 when you start gdb, pass it the filename of the binary you will boot from grub 2011-04-11T17:37:46 i did that :) 2011-04-11T17:37:49 hmmm 2011-04-11T17:37:51 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T17:37:55 maybe there was some trick to that 2011-04-11T17:38:00 well 2011-04-11T17:38:14 gdb didnt notice exception:o 2011-04-11T17:38:32 from here you'll have to figure out how to use gdb effectively :) 2011-04-11T17:38:42 back trace should help 2011-04-11T17:38:44 and breakpoint 2011-04-11T17:39:12 if you don't know gdb, go read a tutorial.. will get more use than me saying random things 2011-04-11T17:39:25 but it gdb does not notice exception.. how can i backtrace:D 2011-04-11T17:39:30 if.. 2011-04-11T17:39:43 you'll have to get gdb to break at or before the exception 2011-04-11T17:39:58 this may take some time to pinpoint 2011-04-11T17:40:31 this happens somewhere deep inside ncurses.. :l 2011-04-11T17:40:56 I would look for an array allocated on a stack 2011-04-11T17:41:23 if it is a buffer overflow problem, which is the usual thing to blame. 2011-04-11T17:41:44 do you know what exception 0 means on pc386? 2011-04-11T17:42:20 stack checker did not notice anything btw 2011-04-11T17:43:29 stack checker is imperfect 2011-04-11T17:43:40 i don't know what exception 0 is. 2011-04-11T17:43:55 ok 2011-04-11T17:44:37 it may be an unhandled error in qemu 2011-04-11T17:45:01 i see.. rtems suspended init thread and if i CTRL+C in gdb it is running in cpu.c asm volatile("hlt") 2011-04-11T17:45:20 back trace from there... 2011-04-11T17:45:30 i think its wrong task? 2011-04-11T17:45:39 I think that is probably where error state winds up 2011-04-11T17:45:55 #0 0x00124f61 in _CPU_Thread_Idle_body (ignored=0) at ../../../../../../../../rtems/c/src/../../cpukit/score/cpu/i386/cpu.c:114 2011-04-11T17:45:59 #1 0x0014549d in _Thread_Handler () at ../../../../../../rtems/c/src/../../cpukit/score/src/threadhandler.c:146 2011-04-11T17:46:02 #2 0xa5a5a5a5 in ?? () 2011-04-11T17:46:10 mm. 2011-04-11T17:46:23 i think that is wrong thread..? 2011-04-11T17:46:30 Probably. 2011-04-11T17:46:36 The faulting thread may have exited 2011-04-11T17:47:26 yep 2011-04-11T17:47:44 info threads say only one thread 2011-04-11T17:48:36 you'll have to figure out how to break execution before the faulting thread exits, either just after it triggers the fault or before 2011-04-11T17:49:19 put breakpoint in functions in rtems that prints out the exception 0 caught... 2011-04-11T17:49:55 so it will not shutdown the thread but break 2011-04-11T17:50:49 more likely you want to set breakpoints on rtems functions and see when it breaks 2011-04-11T17:50:59 like... break Init 2011-04-11T17:51:05 see if it gets to the application 2011-04-11T17:51:25 binary search for the crash location 2011-04-11T17:52:00 i know the function in init that crashes 2011-04-11T17:52:17 its "refresh();" 2011-04-11T17:52:28 then you want to push inside the function and see where it crashes in there... 2011-04-11T17:52:36 yep.. 2011-04-11T17:52:37 eventually you want to see what is happening at the crash site 2011-04-11T17:52:40 okie 2011-04-11T17:52:45 just making sure you're on the same page 2011-04-11T17:52:49 :) 2011-04-11T18:08:21 rokka: good luck, i'm done for the day 2011-04-11T18:08:43 ok.. thanks for help ! :) 2011-04-11T18:08:54 im stepping in ncurses 2011-04-11T18:08:55 :D 2011-04-11T18:18:21 *** gedare has quit IRC 2011-04-11T18:23:52 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-04-11T18:27:50 this crashes qemu: cpukit/libnetworking/rtems/rtems_select.c:130 timo = tv->tv_sec * hz + tv->tv_usec / tick; 2011-04-11T18:31:25 i386 exception 0: divide-by-zero 2011-04-11T18:37:27 #define tick rtems_bsdnet_microseconds_per_tick 2011-04-11T18:37:41 extern int rtems_bsdnet_microseconds_per_tick; 2011-04-11T18:37:52 What is calling this code ? 2011-04-11T18:38:09 is that global variable initialized without initializing network 2011-04-11T18:38:15 ncurses 2011-04-11T18:38:20 Hang on sorry. 2011-04-11T18:38:32 Is ncurses calling select on a normal fd ? 2011-04-11T18:38:41 ie file fd or stdin etc ? 2011-04-11T18:38:55 if (select(SP_PARM->_checkfd + 1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &ktimeout) 2011-04-11T18:39:13 What is the fd of ? 2011-04-11T18:39:21 A file ? 2011-04-11T18:39:38 In RTEMS select only works on network socket fd's. 2011-04-11T18:41:13 ok 2011-04-11T18:41:20 so ncurses port for rtems is broken 2011-04-11T18:41:40 Where is the port from ? 2011-04-11T18:41:47 rtems-addon-packages 2011-04-11T18:42:41 I do not know. I have not used it. I do not know how it is used in RTEMS. 2011-04-11T18:42:51 Maybe you should email the list and ask. 2011-04-11T18:43:32 joel recently updated from ncurses-5.3 to ncurses-5.9 2011-04-11T18:43:54 Ah ok. Maybe you need to ping him. Sounds like it is broken here. 2011-04-11T18:44:14 ok.. will tell him tomorrow 2011-04-11T18:44:57 could select made to work with files? 2011-04-11T18:45:53 I suspect only termios files need support. I am not sure why you would need such support for a regular file. 2011-04-11T18:46:11 ok 2011-04-11T18:46:45 We would need a select and I suppose poll call added to the various fd areas, eg network, tty and iops 2011-04-11T18:47:07 Select allows a single thread process to handle multiple events 2011-04-11T18:47:21 In a threaded environment you tend to start a thread and have it block 2011-04-11T18:47:51 This is why we tend not to need to support how-ever 3rd party libs require it and this is a good reason to add it. 2011-04-11T18:48:16 seems so 2011-04-11T18:48:46 but thanks information :) i go sleep now.. 2011-04-11T18:48:55 for.. 2011-04-11T18:49:06 cu 2011-04-11T18:49:14 bye 2011-04-11T19:33:19 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T21:30:30 *** easwar has left #rtems 2011-04-11T22:21:24 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T22:21:24 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-11T22:38:08 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-11T23:29:53 *** methril_ has quit IRC 2011-04-11T23:42:31 *** methril has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T00:24:56 *** core-ix has quit IRC 2011-04-12T00:26:43 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-12T00:27:28 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T00:57:57 *** lj8175 has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T01:10:53 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T01:11:01 good morning 2011-04-12T01:18:14 *** core-ix has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T01:29:14 :) good afternoon 2011-04-12T01:29:47 sebhub, I think Ralf as a special automatic NIOS filter and response. 2011-04-12T01:30:58 hi chris, sorry I don't understand what you mean 2011-04-12T01:31:22 Ralf, response to you NIOS post is on its way. 2011-04-12T01:32:16 ah, ok, now i see the mail 2011-04-12T01:55:01 *** mdboha has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T01:57:20 Hello, I'm trying to port an application using SO_TIMESTAMP (udp). Anybody who knows if this feature works in the current BSD stack in RTEMS? 2011-04-12T01:58:28 it should work, but the time stamp is based on the system tick 2011-04-12T02:02:38 SO_BINTIME will not work however 2011-04-12T02:03:18 ok, only for testing for now - we'll add HW clock later, so far the application sets the socket options fine, but it seems not to receive timestamps 2011-04-12T02:04:53 the recvmsg() does not contain the time stamp? 2011-04-12T02:06:32 I'll look into it - just wanted to know if it's supposed to work or not - before I start debug the wrong place :) 2011-04-12T02:11:14 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2011-04-12T02:48:36 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-12T03:05:50 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T03:13:05 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T03:15:18 timestamps is indeed working, although the resolution is not high. 2011-04-12T03:17:03 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T03:18:33 yes, you have to provide a better microtime() in cpukit/libnetworking/netinet/ip_input.c 2011-04-12T03:19:04 do you want to use PTP? 2011-04-12T03:23:18 yes, that is the plan 2011-04-12T03:51:30 Does it make sense to let the microtime()-function get the time from _TOD_Get in cpukit/score/src/coretodget.c to utilize the newer timestamp functionality and keep it portable? 2011-04-12T03:52:27 sounds good, can you file a PR? 2011-04-12T03:57:14 no problem 2011-04-12T04:12:18 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T04:22:33 *** xiangfu_ has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T04:25:19 *** xiangfu_ has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T04:25:49 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-12T04:40:10 *** xiangfu_ has quit IRC 2011-04-12T04:50:31 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-04-12T05:37:15 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T05:38:18 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2011-04-12T06:02:56 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T06:11:53 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-04-12T06:33:07 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2011-04-12T06:50:17 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-12T06:53:08 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T07:13:10 *** core-ix has quit IRC 2011-04-12T07:55:24 *** xiangfu_ has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T08:03:10 *** xiangfu_ has quit IRC 2011-04-12T08:23:39 *** xiangfu_ has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T08:30:16 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T08:30:28 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T08:30:28 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2011-04-12T08:36:57 DrJoel: found the problem with ncurses, details are on irc-log: http://www.rtems.org/irclogs/html/2011/rtems-15.html 2011-04-12T08:38:45 ncurses uses select with file fd, which uses some uninitialized variable which is used in divide operation, so i get divide by zero :l 2011-04-12T08:42:56 *** medivhc has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T08:48:54 yep.. depending on the network stack which is not even in that build.. and only sockets have select right now.. 2011-04-12T08:49:20 i bet the code was the same in the old ncurses though. 2011-04-12T08:50:29 do you know where the select was called from in the ncurses code? 2011-04-12T08:51:59 I found it 2011-04-12T08:52:11 it seems it has support for polling or select? 2011-04-12T08:52:15 does rtems support polling? 2011-04-12T08:52:24 tty/lib_twait.c 2011-04-12T08:52:49 yes.. in the termios sense... you could reuse/adapt the code for BEOS since the comment says they only have select on sockets also 2011-04-12T08:53:19 or could select be fixed as kiwichris said yesterday 2011-04-12T08:53:40 to support file fd 2011-04-12T08:53:56 which would be more efficient? 2011-04-12T08:54:06 yes.. that would be the more desirable long term thing.. 2011-04-12T08:55:23 select is notoriously inefficient so I don't know that it matters a whole lot but if implemented in filessytem and termios, then you could theoretically really block until somethign showed up on one of the fd's and then look to see which one. I think that's how the socket select is implemented. In user space, all you can do is poll and sleep 2011-04-12T08:56:05 im porting network support for io-language and it depends on libevent, do you know it? 2011-04-12T08:56:14 it seems that it is more efficient than select 2011-04-12T08:56:32 I have seen it mentioned but don't know anything about it 2011-04-12T08:56:52 http://monkey.org/~provos/libevent/ 2011-04-12T08:57:58 i must port version 1 of it to rtems to be able to port io-language network support on rtems 2011-04-12T08:58:10 :l 2011-04-12T09:00:02 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T09:00:43 any gsoc students not in http://wiki.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/RTEMSSummerOfCode#Students_Proposals need to add themselves and do the hello world project 2011-04-12T09:01:10 Fixing select would be very desirable and Chris probably has a solution in his head, you can pick his brain on. 2011-04-12T09:03:11 its weird that it seems to work on your computers 2011-04-12T09:03:49 tick (variable in divide) must not be 0 on your computer 2011-04-12T09:05:50 must not be.. 2011-04-12T09:09:14 *** xiangfu_ has quit IRC 2011-04-12T09:09:43 DrJoel: hi, is the difference of leatest RTEMS and RTEMS4.8 huge? 2011-04-12T09:11:27 in some areas yes.. in others not so much. Patches often apply cleanly. 2011-04-12T09:11:57 For BSPs, there is a better version fo the startup and memory layout framework and a LOT more shared code.. so merging a BSP will take some tinkering.. not a lot.. mostly removign code. :-D 2011-04-12T09:12:24 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T09:13:40 ok, i think BSP merging is not a problem. what about the difference of the core code of RTEMS 2011-04-12T09:13:47 like score code 2011-04-12T09:13:57 *** xiangfu_ has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T09:16:04 i am prepare for merging AIR code to RTEMS 2011-04-12T09:16:14 AIR code is based on RTEMS 4.8 2011-04-12T09:16:54 the scheduler refactoring to have plugin schedulers, a lot of edits to as we worked to fix code coverage. Very little in the score/cpu files except bugs 2011-04-12T09:17:01 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-12T09:26:19 in the AIR PMK manager it include RTEMS conponents : i/o manager, interrupt manager,timer manager and bsp managers 2011-04-12T09:27:45 *** mdboha has quit IRC 2011-04-12T09:28:02 Those likely didn't change much 2011-04-12T09:28:48 Hi DrJoel 2011-04-12T09:29:35 cdcs, hi 2011-04-12T09:29:35 In the MSDOS filesystem, rtems maintains a represenatation of the filesystem in the Vhash and Rhash tables 2011-04-12T09:29:54 representation* 2011-04-12T09:30:41 so if we are acessing one directory, we only read or wirite from disk if its not present on those hash tables? 2011-04-12T09:30:47 hi zwj 2011-04-12T09:34:47 cdcs, AIR PMK manager use some part of RTEMS like what i said above. and others is implemented from scratch or reuse some RTEMS services like PMK partition schedule? 2011-04-12T09:38:34 it uses part of the sparc BSP 2011-04-12T09:39:03 but i don't know the details. I am working above that. 2011-04-12T09:40:47 ok thank you 2011-04-12T09:43:05 *** lj8175 has quit IRC 2011-04-12T09:43:26 *** medivhc has quit IRC 2011-04-12T09:44:31 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-04-12T09:49:34 *** lj8175 has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T09:50:10 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T09:52:09 hi rokka. any luck? 2011-04-12T10:06:25 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-04-12T10:07:38 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T10:10:06 Solar Dynamic Observatory featured in April 2011 issue of Smithsonian.. no RTEMS mention but nice photos. http://rtems.org/node/74 2011-04-12T10:12:26 cool 2011-04-12T10:14:14 yeah, really cool 2011-04-12T10:18:19 SDO really has some beautiful pictures .. the science potential is huge 2011-04-12T10:28:22 drjoel:: no one knows what spreadsheet you are talking about. FYI 2011-04-12T10:28:28 :) 2011-04-12T10:29:13 did the email with the link not get through? 2011-04-12T10:29:25 i never saw it 2011-04-12T10:29:36 if you could send a new one that would help 2011-04-12T10:30:18 how about now? 2011-04-12T10:30:42 yap 2011-04-12T10:39:59 *** dufault has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T10:43:07 The "amazing", "desired", and "no" on the spreadsheet are my personal opinion of the value of the project, correct? It is used to determine which may get done, not whether or not I can help. And if I'm unfamiliar with it I should just leave it blank, right? 2011-04-12T10:43:37 Dufault: yes. leaving it blank is good. or put a question mark :) 2011-04-12T10:45:33 no means don't slot.. but it could be because you don't think the student will succeed, don't think the project benefits RTEMS, etc 2011-04-12T10:46:01 we had a lot of discussions one year about an idea that sounded great but none of us could define the actual goal. :-D 2011-04-12T10:46:03 Its hard since those two reasons not to slot are conflated 2011-04-12T10:51:33 *** xiangfu_ has quit IRC 2011-04-12T10:56:16 just make a note and discuss it with the other mentors.. we can tune a project .. and legitimately someone may think project X is more important to RTEMS than project Y at this point. 2011-04-12T10:57:39 *** dufault has left #rtems 2011-04-12T11:05:11 *** lj8175 has quit IRC 2011-04-12T11:06:08 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T11:40:51 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-12T11:41:00 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T11:42:26 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-04-12T12:14:49 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-12T12:14:59 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T12:14:59 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T12:30:36 *** hexene has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T12:36:20 rokka: if you fix select to include files and tty's, then you have fixed it for all packages. If you fix it ncurses, then you have fixed it in one place. Fixing it in RTEMS is probably harder as a single task but solves it forever for all packages. Fixing it in each package is a shampoo, rinse, repeat.. where does it ever end? 2011-04-12T12:52:34 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2011-04-12T13:14:03 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-04-12T13:28:46 *** madrazr1 has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T13:29:24 DrJoel, why is absolutely no RTEMS activity on stackoverflow.com? Other RTOS are represented with tags and questions 2011-04-12T13:36:41 no idea.. maybe we provide a better central community. :-D 2011-04-12T13:42:43 gedare: i found the bug :) 2011-04-12T13:43:18 DrJoel: ok.. maybe i try with ncurses first.. :D 2011-04-12T13:45:10 *** madrazr1 is now known as madrazr 2011-04-12T13:45:18 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T14:17:38 *** methril_work has quit IRC 2011-04-12T14:22:38 *** hexene has quit IRC 2011-04-12T14:49:10 *** methril has quit IRC 2011-04-12T15:01:56 *** methril has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T15:12:32 *** core-ix has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T15:19:58 * DrJoel thinks it is quiet in here 2011-04-12T15:35:38 * gedare makes noise 2011-04-12T15:35:57 gedare: want to read some more proposals? 2011-04-12T15:36:13 What do you mean? 2011-04-12T15:36:56 just picking on you. I am sure you are burned out on reading them like I am.. :D 2011-04-12T15:37:15 Oh, ok. those were actually quite easy, compared to what I'm doing 2011-04-12T15:37:51 I read someone elses thesis today 2011-04-12T15:37:57 that is much harder than any amount of gsoc proposals 2011-04-12T15:39:26 hmm, you should like this, i read something recently, lemme find it 2011-04-12T15:40:47 DrJoel: "compiler and run-time libraries allows programmers 2011-04-12T15:40:47 to write multithreaded programs in C and standard pthreads 2011-04-12T15:40:47 air position indicators (APIs)." 2011-04-12T15:41:02 looks like some editor went and did an acryonym search for APIs 2011-04-12T15:41:20 LOL.. 2011-04-12T15:41:48 What's sad is that it was in a respectable journal... IEEE Transactions on VLSI 2011-04-12T15:41:48 I reviewed one written in Portugese and translated to English.. apparently a lot went through google translate. It was painful. 2011-04-12T15:41:59 WOW! 2011-04-12T15:42:07 And written by respectable researchers 2011-04-12T15:42:17 I got a good chuckle 2011-04-12T15:42:32 I caught a math error on an application to a scholars program where they have volunteered over 2000 hours their senior year. 2011-04-12T15:42:56 that's pretty impressive 2011-04-12T15:43:03 I don't think I do anythng for 2000 hours per year 2011-04-12T15:43:06 maybe sleep... 2011-04-12T15:43:26 * gedare crunches numbers 2011-04-12T15:43:30 yep, I sleep that much. 2011-04-12T15:43:36 maybe they were volunteering dreams? 2011-04-12T15:43:37 52 * 40 is 2080 .. unless you are working full-time, take overtime and don't take holidays, ....no one does.. certainly not a student 2011-04-12T15:43:46 it turned out to be like 200 LOL 2011-04-12T15:43:56 heh 2011-04-12T15:44:37 not as bad to me as the Eagle Scout I interviewed who couldn't remember what he did for his project .. damn! 2011-04-12T15:44:48 lol 2011-04-12T15:45:04 i've never done that scouts thing...but i grew up in the woods, so I probably have the qualifications :) 2011-04-12T15:46:57 an eagle scout project is as big a deal as a master's thesis or dissertation.. lots of planning.. lots of work.. and you should remember it .. Jordan's Eagle project took over a year to complete.. about 400 volunteer hours and ~$2500 in donated materials.. not something you forget 2011-04-12T15:49:45 and on a funny note.. yesterday and today were snow day makeup here.. not spring break.. my son had no more than 8 people in a class yesterday.. one had 3.. this is in a school that is ~1500 students.. 2011-04-12T16:07:40 good evening 2011-04-12T16:09:48 DrJoel: btw do you still using the couverture feature of qemu? 2011-04-12T16:10:30 * mwalle has just found that branch again 2011-04-12T16:11:25 mwalle: yes.. that's how the coverage is generated .. 2011-04-12T16:11:54 was there any conclustion on pushing that upstream on their ML? 2011-04-12T16:11:55 I need to go on a spring cleaning to reduce the number of qemu source trees I have. 2011-04-12T16:12:10 I haven't seen it discussed at all. :( 2011-04-12T16:12:26 I guess it is time to ask again 2011-04-12T16:14:10 just asked again 2011-04-12T16:16:09 ok ;) 2011-04-12T16:16:32 is your lm32 work getting upstream? 2011-04-12T16:16:58 it is ;) 2011-04-12T16:17:16 with the whole milkymist bsp 2011-04-12T16:17:22 WOW! 2011-04-12T16:17:57 I guess I need to update the uc5282 patch again and see if it can get merged this time. 2011-04-12T16:41:28 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2011-04-12T16:53:31 *** dufault has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T16:56:17 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-04-12T17:04:27 *** dufault has quit IRC 2011-04-12T17:04:50 *** gedare has quit IRC 2011-04-12T17:13:31 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T17:14:27 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T17:40:19 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T17:47:24 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-04-12T18:59:21 *** dimonov has quit IRC 2011-04-12T19:01:25 *** dimonov has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T19:02:57 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-12T20:13:09 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T21:06:28 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-12T21:48:25 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T21:48:55 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-12T21:48:58 Is medihc online ? I do not know your IRC 2011-04-12T21:49:14 Cui Xiang ? 2011-04-12T21:50:27 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T21:50:34 Cui Xiang ? 2011-04-12T22:09:28 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-12T22:22:15 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T22:35:30 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-12T22:41:02 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-04-12T23:55:43 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-04-13T00:31:14 *** core-ix has quit IRC 2011-04-13T01:09:29 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T01:13:32 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2011-04-13T01:17:37 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T01:18:00 good morning 2011-04-13T01:19:38 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T01:28:38 *** core-ix has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T01:28:58 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T02:16:11 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2011-04-13T02:23:35 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2011-04-13T02:26:33 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T02:27:18 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T02:35:09 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2011-04-13T03:49:13 *** methril has quit IRC 2011-04-13T03:50:19 *** methril has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T04:42:02 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T05:00:34 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-04-13T06:45:51 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2011-04-13T07:41:01 *** methril has quit IRC 2011-04-13T07:48:32 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T08:00:28 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-13T08:05:07 *** lj8175 has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T08:16:40 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T08:20:42 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T08:31:48 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T08:31:49 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2011-04-13T08:32:12 * DrJoel pops in for a few minutes before leaving for the office 2011-04-13T08:34:23 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T08:42:06 * DrJoel has to run.. be back on at office 2011-04-13T08:42:09 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2011-04-13T09:50:31 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-13T10:04:42 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T10:09:46 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-13T10:10:30 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-04-13T10:17:54 *** lj8175 has quit IRC 2011-04-13T10:25:26 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-13T10:27:37 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T10:31:10 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T10:31:10 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T10:39:51 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T10:42:30 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-13T10:42:40 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T10:42:40 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T10:43:28 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T10:43:28 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T10:45:20 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-13T10:45:31 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T10:49:40 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-13T10:57:20 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-13T10:57:30 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T10:57:30 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T10:59:19 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-13T10:59:25 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T11:05:57 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-13T11:08:43 *** methril has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T11:27:09 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-04-13T11:47:28 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-13T12:10:47 *** core-ix has quit IRC 2011-04-13T12:33:02 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T12:33:02 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T12:44:52 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T12:44:52 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2011-04-13T14:03:49 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T14:04:18 *** gedare has quit IRC 2011-04-13T14:13:51 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2011-04-13T15:09:34 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-13T15:09:39 *** dr__house` has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T15:09:39 *** dr__house` has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T15:14:22 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T15:14:22 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2011-04-13T15:30:28 *** core-ix has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T15:42:43 *** dufault has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T15:59:03 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2011-04-13T16:33:32 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T16:52:46 *** gedare has quit IRC 2011-04-13T16:56:57 *** verm__ has quit IRC 2011-04-13T16:58:09 *** verm___ has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T16:58:09 *** verm___ has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T17:27:10 *** verm___ is now known as verm__ 2011-04-13T17:27:17 *** verm__ has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T17:31:17 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T17:41:17 *** lj8175 has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T17:44:38 hi, are the mentor's slots determined ? somebody knows? 2011-04-13T17:45:00 mentor's slots? 2011-04-13T17:45:05 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T17:46:18 yes, :) Mentor Slots are Announced and adjusted as necessary during Apr. 12 - Apr 15 2011-04-13T17:47:46 it means how many slots the organization receives. this information is not disclosed publicly 2011-04-13T17:49:25 i think 2011-04-13T17:50:08 gedare, thank you ! 2011-04-13T17:52:09 lj8175: I think you can continue to update your proposal and refine your ideas/design 2011-04-13T17:57:13 gedare: I will update it now. 2011-04-13T18:00:51 gedare : Thank you for your advice :) 2011-04-13T18:10:15 hi, gedare: if i add some patches to libffi, need i submit it to GCC and libffi both, or libffi only, or GCC only? 2011-04-13T18:10:56 lj8175: this is a concern with your project. libffi is NOT maintained by GCC or the FSF, but is actually supported by RedHat 2011-04-13T18:11:30 I do not know enough to tell you what should b e done, but that is a good question to pose in your comments, perhaps someone more knowledgeable can tell you 2011-04-13T18:12:18 Most likely there is a place to submit libffi patches to gcc, who will try to push them upstream to red hat... but I don't know that for sure 2011-04-13T18:13:30 ok , you are so accommodating 2011-04-13T18:13:51 and thank you 2011-04-13T18:26:44 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T18:35:54 hi kiwichris 2011-04-13T18:36:01 gedare, hi 2011-04-13T18:36:21 kiwichris: we resolved the gpl issue with the resource reservation framework. There is a linking exception. 2011-04-13T18:36:34 I saw that. Nice. 2011-04-13T18:37:51 *** dr__house` has quit IRC 2011-04-13T18:37:54 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T18:37:54 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T18:39:44 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T18:39:44 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T18:57:18 *** lj8175 has quit IRC 2011-04-13T18:59:33 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-13T18:59:43 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T19:11:57 *** gedare has quit IRC 2011-04-13T19:12:17 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-13T19:32:30 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-04-13T19:39:11 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T19:39:21 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T19:53:21 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T19:55:40 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-04-13T20:02:26 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T20:12:18 *** peerst has quit IRC 2011-04-13T20:17:32 *** peerst has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T20:49:40 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-13T20:58:23 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-13T21:02:54 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dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T01:23:14 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-14T01:53:08 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T01:57:54 good morning 2011-04-14T02:04:54 *** dimonov has quit IRC 2011-04-14T02:08:16 *** dimonov has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T02:14:28 *** dimonov has quit IRC 2011-04-14T02:22:42 *** dimonov has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T02:36:33 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2011-04-14T04:12:48 *** dufault has quit IRC 2011-04-14T04:21:49 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T04:27:01 *** core-ix has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T05:05:03 *** dufault has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T05:06:17 *** dufault has quit IRC 2011-04-14T06:24:00 *** lj8175 has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T06:26:49 *** mdboha has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T06:49:03 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2011-04-14T07:00:32 *** petben has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T07:01:21 *** petben has left #rtems 2011-04-14T07:33:50 *** easwar has left #rtems 2011-04-14T07:38:15 *** petben has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T07:44:42 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T07:44:42 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T07:44:42 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2011-04-14T07:47:52 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T08:11:07 petben: any luck on finding someone active with freescor to co-mentor? 2011-04-14T08:12:33 * DrJoel waves hello 2011-04-14T08:26:51 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-14T08:31:00 freescor? 2011-04-14T08:31:36 http://www.frescor.org/ 2011-04-14T08:31:48 sorry typo .. 2011-04-14T08:32:47 ao, now reading . frescor also particpate the GSOC? 2011-04-14T08:33:13 no.. petben is proposing to port it to RTEMS and add an EDF scheduler 2011-04-14T08:33:16 heading to office .. bye 2011-04-14T08:33:19 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2011-04-14T08:36:56 Hello, sorry I just set up irc and do not know how use it properly. 2011-04-14T08:38:37 I still do not have the co-mentor, my thesis supervisor sent out some e-mails but no reply yet :/ 2011-04-14T08:40:11 hi, patben. what is this project about . do you have a link of your proposal 2011-04-14T08:42:44 It is a resource reservation framework and I am to port it on RTEMS. 2011-04-14T08:43:02 link: http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/proposal/review/google/gsoc2011/petben/1 2011-04-14T08:43:25 if it is port to RTEMS ,what can brought to RTEMS? 2011-04-14T08:46:35 It depends how RTEMS people assess it, it will include an EDF scheduler working with the new pluggable infrastructure at least. 2011-04-14T08:48:40 It is my master thesis, so I do it anyway, if there is at least a particular interest of RTEMS side, I may include it in GSoC. 2011-04-14T08:49:27 That's it :) 2011-04-14T08:50:33 the frescor is a framework for embedded application? and if you port it to RTEMS mean that user can write application for RTEMS using frescor? do i understand right? 2011-04-14T08:53:36 Exactly, the user will start as if it was a normal application but with a possiblility for tasks to be independent of each other via CPU time reservation for instance. 2011-04-14T08:55:44 There are also some other resources capable of being reserved such as network bandwidth and one can also make up other ones. I do not know much detail about this. 2011-04-14T08:57:16 ok, interested project 2011-04-14T08:58:00 Moreover, there is also a CORBA-like layer - not so incredibely heavy but easy to use. 2011-04-14T09:10:10 Now I have to leave, if you have any other questions regarding the project, just let me know. 2011-04-14T09:12:01 *** petben has quit IRC 2011-04-14T09:20:38 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T09:24:53 *** mdboha has quit IRC 2011-04-14T09:38:36 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T09:38:36 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2011-04-14T10:13:40 *** easwar has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T10:13:40 *** easwar has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T10:56:34 *** lj8175 has quit IRC 2011-04-14T11:07:49 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-04-14T11:09:46 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T11:32:49 *** methril_work has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T11:35:15 *** tuxmaniac has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T11:35:21 \o/ 2011-04-14T11:36:55 hey tuxmaniac 2011-04-14T11:39:16 hi DrJoel: where can i see all the RTEMS gsoc proposals? 2011-04-14T11:42:25 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-14T11:43:42 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-04-14T11:46:22 google-melange.com 2011-04-14T11:51:09 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T11:52:55 o/ 2011-04-14T12:03:48 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T12:04:10 that wordsize.h argument is reminiscent of percpu ;) 2011-04-14T12:04:23 except externally applied 2011-04-14T12:05:29 I have shied away from that discussion this morning .. trying to get soem schedsim work done 2011-04-14T12:05:43 it is a good place to stay away frmo if you want to get any work done 2011-04-14T12:05:48 * gedare throws his hat in 2011-04-14T12:06:43 I am trying to take all of tomorrow off to get a head start on going to the Georgia Renaissance Faire. :-D 2011-04-14T12:07:18 ahh, fun.. bit of a hike? 2011-04-14T12:07:45 3.5 - 4 hours.. mostly state highway .. 2011-04-14T12:08:12 Michele is at home furiously trying to finish her new dress and a new pair of pants for one of the boys who is bigger this year 2011-04-14T12:20:25 does ralf know he's sending out spam :p 2011-04-14T12:20:35 "he" 2011-04-14T12:20:50 What are ya going as? 2011-04-14T12:38:13 *** bswimley has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T12:39:03 Hello all. 2011-04-14T12:39:09 hello bswimley 2011-04-14T12:39:50 A general question. Is it possible to do Ethernet Layer communications with RTEMS, rather than TCP/IP layer? 2011-04-14T12:40:48 I've used WinPcap on the PC side. 2011-04-14T12:40:55 bswimley: I'm not very familiar with the networking stack, so I dont' know how easy it is to access the phy/mac layers... 2011-04-14T12:40:59 But certainly it is possible 2011-04-14T12:41:15 I just don't know how well the interface supports it. 2011-04-14T12:41:27 DrJoel might have a better idea 2011-04-14T12:42:41 I'm not that familiar with the networking stack either. I'm banking on Dr. Joel as well! 2011-04-14T12:42:59 tbh, the networking experts primarily respond via email 2011-04-14T12:43:41 Good point. I'll post to the mailing list as well. 2011-04-14T12:44:04 bswimley: You'll probably get a more precise answer by asking about specific networking layers 2011-04-14T12:44:21 OK. Yes, it's at the Ethernet layer. 2011-04-14T12:44:29 OK. I think that should be pretty well available 2011-04-14T12:44:35 mac/phy is usually done by hw... 2011-04-14T12:45:25 I would think it is possible. Like you, however, I'm unsure of the interface into the networking stack. 2011-04-14T12:45:38 what are you trying to do? 2011-04-14T12:45:45 bswimley: post to the mailing list. ;-D There is a tap point in the network stack where you can see raw packets. I don't know about sending them 2011-04-14T12:46:03 Thanks Dr. Joel! I will do that. 2011-04-14T12:46:51 We have an application that communicates at the Ethernet layer on a custom interface controlled by an FPGA. 2011-04-14T12:47:15 I want to expose a bit of that protocol to the other interface, which is managed by RTEMS. 2011-04-14T12:47:56 Not really a bridge, but I just want to hook a couple of devices that speak our custom protocol up to this other interface. 2011-04-14T12:48:02 brb 2011-04-14T12:49:07 ahh. and you do this with pcap.. i wonder if anyone ever tried to port pcap to rtems 2011-04-14T12:49:52 Yep - WinPcap if I'm on a windows box. Yes, I was actually wondering about a pcap port. 2011-04-14T12:50:11 I don't recall seeing it, but that would be pretty cool 2011-04-14T12:50:25 you might want to ask that as part ofyour email 2011-04-14T12:50:52 Yes - I was going to look into it and I will ask as well. Don't know what the pcap licensing is, however. 2011-04-14T12:51:27 i think it is bsd = good 2011-04-14T12:51:30 depends on which bsd though 2011-04-14T12:52:21 On the site now. Still looking for licensing. 2011-04-14T12:52:44 check their source distribution 2011-04-14T12:55:44 Hmm, license is: BSD. No particular flavor. 2011-04-14T12:56:02 as long as there is no advert. clause it is OK 2011-04-14T12:56:11 that is the only issue with bsd-like licenses. 2011-04-14T12:56:24 *IANAL* ;) 2011-04-14T12:56:41 I'm married to one :) 2011-04-14T12:57:00 I think this might be the clause in question: 2011-04-14T12:57:05 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 2011-04-14T12:57:06 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 2011-04-14T12:57:08 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 2011-04-14T12:57:10 distribution. 2011-04-14T12:57:16 that is fine 2011-04-14T12:57:46 bswimley: an advert clause is usually the 3 or 4, and says whether the code must or must not include mention of a particular company in their product web pages / documentation / etc 2011-04-14T12:58:20 Aaah, like the old GoAhead web server? 2011-04-14T12:58:24 yeah exactly 2011-04-14T12:58:32 OK. 2011-04-14T12:58:57 are you at a uni, or industry/gov? 2011-04-14T12:59:00 I may do a bit of porting and see what I can come up with. I still may post to the list. Thanks for the help. 2011-04-14T12:59:05 Industry. 2011-04-14T12:59:08 cool 2011-04-14T12:59:16 good luck! 2011-04-14T12:59:20 you should post 2011-04-14T12:59:23 maybe someone did it before 2011-04-14T12:59:33 Thanks so much - and I think I will. 2011-04-14T13:00:05 It's been so long since I posted, I have to make sure I remember which email address I'm subscribed under :) 2011-04-14T13:00:38 haha 2011-04-14T13:01:42 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2011-04-14T13:14:28 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T13:14:28 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T13:30:40 *** core-ix has quit IRC 2011-04-14T13:30:41 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-04-14T13:32:58 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T13:35:46 *** antgreen` has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T13:35:54 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-04-14T13:50:11 *** antgreen` has quit IRC 2011-04-14T14:24:53 *** antgreen` has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T14:40:56 *** gedare has quit IRC 2011-04-14T14:57:36 *** antgreen` has quit IRC 2011-04-14T14:58:37 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-04-14T15:17:38 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-14T15:21:29 *** core-ix has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T15:37:13 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T15:45:11 *** easwar has quit IRC 2011-04-14T15:49:55 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T16:07:17 *** easwar has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T16:07:17 *** easwar has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T16:17:18 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2011-04-14T16:21:06 *** tuxmaniac has quit IRC 2011-04-14T16:31:56 *** methril_work has quit IRC 2011-04-14T16:32:27 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T16:32:28 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2011-04-14T16:49:43 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2011-04-14T17:01:27 *** bswimley has quit IRC 2011-04-14T17:06:51 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T17:06:51 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T17:30:38 *** petben has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T17:34:47 \lastlog 4 2011-04-14T17:35:40 \quit 2011-04-14T17:35:53 *** petben has quit IRC 2011-04-14T17:51:45 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T17:52:52 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-14T17:53:01 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T17:53:01 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T19:56:50 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-14T19:57:01 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T20:07:14 *** easwar has left #rtems 2011-04-14T20:31:23 *** gedare has quit IRC 2011-04-14T22:14:24 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T23:04:51 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-14T23:05:01 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T23:05:01 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T23:18:50 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-14T23:19:00 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-14T23:19:00 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T00:00:48 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-15T00:00:51 *** dr__house` has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T00:02:51 *** dr__house` has quit IRC 2011-04-15T00:03:00 *** dr__house` has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T00:59:03 *** dr__house` is now known as dr__house 2011-04-15T01:00:52 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-15T01:01:01 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T01:13:54 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-15T01:14:11 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T01:14:20 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T01:18:40 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T01:22:28 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2011-04-15T01:57:37 good morning 2011-04-15T02:08:33 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T02:34:16 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-15T03:10:58 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-15T03:23:25 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T03:48:23 *** core-ix has quit IRC 2011-04-15T03:51:34 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-15T04:31:02 *** core-ix has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T05:49:29 *** dufault has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T05:49:42 *** methril has quit IRC 2011-04-15T06:56:39 *** dufault has quit IRC 2011-04-15T07:10:16 *** rtemsNoob has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T07:13:15 *** lj8175 has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T07:16:14 hi everyone! i'm trying to get started with rtems using the fedora12 virtual box image provided on the website. i'm trying to compile a helloworld application from there. i already do get a binary, but when i run it in the sparc-rtems-gdb it's not doing anything. i also realized that it is very small compared to the helloworld that is compiled with the samples. Additionally, when linking gcc says "warning: cannot find entry symbol _s 2011-04-15T07:23:38 *** core-ix has quit IRC 2011-04-15T07:43:23 rtemsNoob: what shell commands have you tried for compiling 2011-04-15T07:44:02 are you using some project template 2011-04-15T07:46:17 rokka: i used an eclipse hello world 2011-04-15T07:46:44 sorry, i don't know anything about eclipse :) 2011-04-15T07:48:35 rokka: that's ok :) all i need is basically the right arguments for the linker 2011-04-15T07:49:56 what do you have? 2011-04-15T07:51:14 rokka: basically nothing 2011-04-15T07:51:26 i checked the arguments in my eclipse window 2011-04-15T07:51:29 and it's not doing anything 2011-04-15T07:51:31 i mean 2011-04-15T07:51:35 there are no libraries etc. listed 2011-04-15T07:52:25 http://pastebin.com/zSAtrxk6 2011-04-15T07:52:29 this is what eclipse does 2011-04-15T07:52:36 show the application 2011-04-15T07:54:01 the application: http://pastebin.com/cPvCuyQt 2011-04-15T07:54:52 app seems ok 2011-04-15T07:55:33 it does compile 2011-04-15T07:55:40 i do get a helloworld1.exe 2011-04-15T07:56:05 but i think i'm missing the rtems libraries 2011-04-15T07:59:28 ok.. DrJoel might arrive soon 2011-04-15T07:59:34 you can ask him 2011-04-15T08:00:00 what tutotorial are you following? 2011-04-15T08:01:11 to be honest, i couldn't find a nice tutorial 2011-04-15T08:01:29 i could compile the sample applications 2011-04-15T08:01:39 but i wanted to have a new project 2011-04-15T08:01:43 so i started with eclipse 2011-04-15T08:02:06 i wanted to have something outside this huge autotools environment 2011-04-15T08:02:27 ok :) 2011-04-15T08:03:23 maybe you could try simple Makefile? 2011-04-15T08:03:52 that would be great 2011-04-15T08:04:01 is there any nice template to start with? 2011-04-15T08:04:30 just check what autotools do (mainly compile&link) 2011-04-15T08:04:40 give same parameters 2011-04-15T08:04:47 to gcc 2011-04-15T08:05:09 don't know about ready template 2011-04-15T08:05:21 you can make one and provide to wiki :) 2011-04-15T08:06:12 are you doing this for studying or for business? 2011-04-15T08:06:19 studying 2011-04-15T08:06:38 for my master's thesis 2011-04-15T08:06:49 nice, whats the title 2011-04-15T08:07:17 hehe no title yet... but we have this leon board here at university 2011-04-15T08:07:25 what board 2011-04-15T08:07:27 i'm only starting with it next semester 2011-04-15T08:07:31 uhm... 2011-04-15T08:07:39 let me check 2011-04-15T08:08:00 it's somewhere in this rack... is that important? 2011-04-15T08:12:51 rokka: i just saw, the examples in the svn seem to be nicely isolated, with separate Makefiles :) 2011-04-15T08:26:01 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T08:27:35 *** petben has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T08:35:38 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T08:44:12 rtemsNoob your project configuration and/or bsp installation is wrong 2011-04-15T09:10:28 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T09:10:28 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2011-04-15T09:13:50 *** rtemsNoob has quit IRC 2011-04-15T09:17:53 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2011-04-15T09:39:12 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T09:46:25 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-04-15T09:54:31 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-15T10:18:16 *** lj8175 has quit IRC 2011-04-15T10:24:17 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T10:24:21 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T10:44:24 *** bswimley has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T10:53:19 *** hexene has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T10:53:42 gedare: hi, regarding testing the cache routines, DrJoel was of the opinion that I should make a list of the deficiencies in sims as I move from arch to arch, submit feature requests and address them myself if time permits as bonus work. 2011-04-15T10:53:51 Should I elaborate this in the proposal? 2011-04-15T10:58:56 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-15T10:59:04 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T10:59:31 Hi Hexene. Yes, you should have a relatively clear plan of action so that we know what you are going to do 2011-04-15T11:00:19 hexene: suggest that you also elaborate what you can submit to RTEMS project, such as new cache management implementations, test suite, so on 2011-04-15T11:01:18 hexene: one of the criticisms for your proposal is that you just list a bunch of cpus/archs... should be more specific and probably scale back a little. it is hard to evaluate the work you expect can be done. 2011-04-15T11:01:55 ok 2011-04-15T11:04:03 gedare: by specific, do you mean I should list the cache functionality implemented in each model/arch? 2011-04-15T11:04:30 hexene: as much as you can, or suggest why the archs/cpus you propose will be feasible for you to implement and test 2011-04-15T11:05:12 hexene: I know for a fact some of them will not be...and you should have some clues about the scope of the work you propose 2011-04-15T11:05:44 ok 2011-04-15T11:07:14 hexene: I don't remember if you did, but you should include some discussion about the test cases you tried to make, and what you discovered. 2011-04-15T11:08:44 ok, I've figured out how to test the data cache routines 2011-04-15T11:09:20 that's great, definitely talk about that and highlight how you can contribute a cache test suite 2011-04-15T11:09:50 and post a comment after you update your proposal to highlight the things you changed/added. 2011-04-15T11:11:26 gedare: I'm not sure the current implementation of invalidate_entire_data() is correct though 2011-04-15T11:11:45 given that once you invalidate the cache, you lose the return address for the function too 2011-04-15T11:11:46 hexene: identify that, and say that its something that can be refined and worked on 2011-04-15T11:12:03 only if the RA is cached, if it is in register or flushed first it should be OK 2011-04-15T11:12:13 some of this is arch specific, which is fine 2011-04-15T11:13:01 yes, the RA would have to flushed explicitly (on i386 atleast) 2011-04-15T11:14:10 it is good to put some of these details on your proposal. it shows you are thinking about the problems. 2011-04-15T11:14:51 ok got it 2011-04-15T11:14:57 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-15T11:15:06 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T11:15:06 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T11:20:18 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-15T11:20:37 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T11:20:37 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T11:22:56 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-15T11:23:06 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T11:34:56 *** hexene has quit IRC 2011-04-15T11:40:07 *** lj8175 has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T12:04:11 *** lj8175 has quit IRC 2011-04-15T12:07:43 *** zwj has quit IRC 2011-04-15T12:11:43 *** gedare has quit IRC 2011-04-15T12:31:13 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2011-04-15T12:31:19 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T12:31:19 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T12:48:49 *** easwar has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T12:48:49 *** easwar has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T12:50:48 *** easwar has quit IRC 2011-04-15T12:53:26 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-15T12:53:57 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T12:54:19 *** petben has quit IRC 2011-04-15T12:59:55 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-15T13:22:07 *** easwar has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T13:22:07 *** easwar has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T14:53:54 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T14:56:21 *** bswimley has quit IRC 2011-04-15T15:08:59 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T15:08:59 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T15:14:11 *** gedare has quit IRC 2011-04-15T15:31:18 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-04-15T15:32:32 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T15:38:35 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-15T15:48:47 *** easwar has left #rtems 2011-04-15T16:54:11 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-04-15T17:10:53 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-04-15T19:33:21 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-04-15T19:41:11 *** dr__house has joined 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joined #rtems 2011-04-16T00:46:52 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-16T00:47:15 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T00:47:16 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T00:56:07 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-16T01:06:31 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-16T02:14:59 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T03:02:07 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-16T06:06:11 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T06:06:15 *** lj8175 has quit IRC 2011-04-16T06:06:20 *** antgreen` has quit IRC 2011-04-16T06:44:39 *** petben has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T06:51:38 *** shayden has quit IRC 2011-04-16T06:52:23 *** shayden has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T07:08:24 *** petben has quit IRC 2011-04-16T08:43:08 *** easwar has quit IRC 2011-04-16T09:22:33 *** lj8175 has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T09:48:18 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T10:10:56 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T10:57:27 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T11:08:58 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-16T11:14:19 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T11:14:19 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T11:15:35 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-16T11:19:36 *** easwar has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T11:19:36 *** easwar has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T11:21:48 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T11:29:15 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-16T11:38:30 *** lj8175 has quit IRC 2011-04-16T13:52:09 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T13:54:08 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-04-16T13:58:17 *** petben has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T14:00:37 Hi all, could anybody help me? I have created a brand new source file in RTEMS and do not want to edit Makefile.in by hand. Is there any trick with auto* tools? 2011-04-16T14:31:11 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-16T16:07:27 \quit 2011-04-16T16:07:31 *** petben has quit IRC 2011-04-16T17:31:00 *** easwar has left #rtems 2011-04-16T18:46:46 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T18:55:56 *** gedare has quit IRC 2011-04-16T18:59:24 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-16T18:59:34 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T19:03:17 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-16T19:03:24 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T19:03:25 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T19:05:13 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-16T19:05:24 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T19:05:24 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T19:34:11 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-04-16T20:03:13 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-04-16T20:03:25 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T20:03:25 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T22:17:32 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T22:17:32 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T22:25:31 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-04-16T22:26:52 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T22:26:52 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T22:30:43 *** arvind_k has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T22:33:23 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-04-16T22:41:58 *** arvind_k has quit IRC 2011-04-16T22:50:28 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T22:54:57 *** arvind_k has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T23:18:11 *** lj8175 has joined #rtems 2011-04-16T23:58:11 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-16T23:58:23 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-17T00:09:33 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-17T00:10:04 *** sqm has joined #rtems 2011-04-17T00:47:17 *** arvind_k has quit IRC 2011-04-17T00:58:34 *** arvind_k has joined #rtems 2011-04-17T01:20:08 *** sqm has quit IRC 2011-04-17T01:27:44 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2011-04-17T04:34:58 *** arvind_k has quit IRC 2011-04-17T05:02:42 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2011-04-17T05:59:30 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-17T06:36:21 *** 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has joined #rtems 2011-04-17T18:43:59 *** gedare has quit IRC 2011-04-17T19:47:24 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2011-04-17T20:01:03 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-17T20:34:07 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-17T20:36:56 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-04-17T20:39:41 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-17T20:41:33 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2011-04-17T20:42:25 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-04-17T21:22:35 *** xiangfu has quit IRC 2011-04-17T21:25:14 *** xiangfu has joined #rtems 2011-04-17T21:46:38 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-04-17T22:37:33 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2011-04-17T22:37:40 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-04-17T22:37:40 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-04-17T22:37:40 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-04-17T22:55:25 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2011-04-17T23:01:47 *** arvind_khadri has quit IRC 2011-04-17T23:14:10 *** arvind_khadri has joined #rtems 2011-04-17T23:27:38 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-04-17T23:27:38 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-04-17T23:27:38 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-04-17T23:34:15 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-04-17T23:34:21 *** dr__house has joined #rtems