2011-02-07T00:52:13 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2011-02-07T00:54:40 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-02-07T00:54:47 good morning 2011-02-07T03:39:01 *** lcpfnyvc has quit IRC 2011-02-07T03:40:25 *** lcpfnyvc has joined #rtems 2011-02-07T03:48:02 *** lcpfnyvc has quit IRC 2011-02-07T03:48:17 *** lcpfnyvc has joined #rtems 2011-02-07T04:14:19 *** lcpfnyvc has quit IRC 2011-02-07T04:14:44 *** lcpfnyvc has joined #rtems 2011-02-07T04:22:27 *** lcpfnyvc has quit IRC 2011-02-07T04:27:44 *** lcpfnyvc has joined #rtems 2011-02-07T04:28:13 *** lcpfnyvc is now known as mememe 2011-02-07T04:53:59 *** lcpfnyvc has joined #rtems 2011-02-07T05:06:40 morning 2011-02-07T07:43:08 *** ssachdeva has joined #rtems 2011-02-07T07:44:59 *** lakshay90 has joined #rtems 2011-02-07T07:47:26 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-02-07T07:49:37 hello everyone :) 2011-02-07T10:02:35 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-02-07T10:08:46 *** lakshay90 has quit IRC 2011-02-07T10:20:25 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-02-07T11:03:47 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-07T11:03:47 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-07T11:12:08 *** bswimley has joined #rtems 2011-02-07T11:19:17 *** bswimley has quit IRC 2011-02-07T11:25:13 *** bswimley has joined #rtems 2011-02-07T12:07:17 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-02-07T12:16:20 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-07T12:18:20 *** madrazr1 has joined #rtems 2011-02-07T12:21:03 *** madrazr1 is now known as madrazr 2011-02-07T12:21:10 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-02-07T12:35:28 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-07T14:24:37 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-07T15:12:30 *** ssachdeva has left #rtems 2011-02-07T16:17:09 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2011-02-07T16:18:57 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-02-07T17:16:33 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-07T17:47:50 *** bswimley has quit IRC 2011-02-07T18:08:58 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-07T18:08:58 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-07T21:11:20 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-07T21:30:43 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-07T21:30:43 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-07T22:41:42 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-08T00:17:50 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2011-02-08T00:50:23 *** ssachdeva has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T01:54:38 *** methril__ has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T01:55:34 *** methril_ has quit IRC 2011-02-08T02:04:28 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T02:04:33 good morning 2011-02-08T02:44:09 *** ssachdeva1 has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T02:44:42 *** ssachdeva1 has left #rtems 2011-02-08T02:45:24 *** ssachdeva1 has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T02:45:50 *** ssachdeva has quit IRC 2011-02-08T02:46:10 *** ssachdeva1 has left #rtems 2011-02-08T02:51:41 *** ssachdeva has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T02:54:12 *** ssachdeva1 has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T02:54:19 *** ssachdeva1 has left #rtems 2011-02-08T02:57:53 *** ssachdeva has quit IRC 2011-02-08T03:09:07 *** ssachdeva has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T05:37:26 *** qmor has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T05:37:33 Hello everyone 2011-02-08T05:38:39 in documetation (c_user_guide) often often referred to "example application". Where i can get it? 2011-02-08T05:39:05 the test suite has a sample directory 2011-02-08T05:40:09 in the src/rtems-4.10/testsuites ? 2011-02-08T05:40:17 yes 2011-02-08T05:40:58 but i don't find example of using ASR signals there 2011-02-08T05:44:45 http://www.rtems.org/cvsweb/cvsweb.cgi/ 2011-02-08T05:44:59 here there are some more examples 2011-02-08T05:45:07 or demos 2011-02-08T05:45:34 thank you 2011-02-08T05:59:31 *** qmor has quit IRC 2011-02-08T06:08:09 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T06:14:21 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T08:40:48 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T09:38:28 *** bazinski has quit IRC 2011-02-08T10:41:12 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-02-08T11:07:14 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-02-08T11:07:21 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T11:25:48 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-02-08T12:51:19 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T12:52:15 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T13:08:08 *** dr__house` has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T13:08:12 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-08T13:53:56 *** dr__house` is now known as dr__house 2011-02-08T13:58:48 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-02-08T14:17:09 *** ssachdeva has left #rtems 2011-02-08T14:54:00 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T15:02:44 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-08T15:59:04 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-02-08T16:18:43 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T16:22:20 *** methril has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T16:22:26 *** methril__ has quit IRC 2011-02-08T16:30:15 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T16:32:05 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-02-08T16:33:13 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-02-08T18:12:32 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T18:40:00 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T20:56:03 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-08T22:24:29 *** xzpeter has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T22:25:05 *** ChanServ has quit IRC 2011-02-08T22:25:11 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-02-08T22:25:15 *** verm__ has quit IRC 2011-02-08T22:25:20 *** tuxmaniac has quit IRC 2011-02-08T22:25:23 *** mwalle has quit IRC 2011-02-08T22:25:40 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T22:25:40 *** tuxmaniac has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T22:25:40 *** ChanServ has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T22:25:40 *** verm__ has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T22:25:40 *** mwalle has joined #rtems 2011-02-08T22:25:40 *** jordan.freenode.net sets mode: +o ChanServ 2011-02-08T22:49:53 *** xzpeter has left #rtems 2011-02-09T00:48:27 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2011-02-09T00:48:44 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T00:53:02 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2011-02-09T01:02:38 morning 2011-02-09T01:29:25 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T02:27:15 good morning 2011-02-09T04:48:52 *** ssachdeva has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T07:29:09 *** lcpfnyvc has quit IRC 2011-02-09T07:35:22 *** lakshay90 has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T07:36:26 *** lcpfnyvc has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T07:39:51 *** lakshay90 has quit IRC 2011-02-09T07:40:23 *** lakshay90 has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T07:42:47 *** lakshay90 has quit IRC 2011-02-09T07:43:27 *** lakshay90 has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T07:45:38 *** lakshay90 has quit IRC 2011-02-09T07:46:14 *** lakshay90 has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T08:14:38 *** lakshay90_ has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T08:14:39 *** lakshay90 has quit IRC 2011-02-09T08:14:39 *** lakshay90_ is now known as lakshay90 2011-02-09T08:15:18 *** lakshay90 has left #rtems 2011-02-09T10:42:44 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-02-09T10:45:58 *** lakshay90 has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T10:55:03 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T11:03:13 *** lakshay90_ has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T11:05:56 *** lakshay90 has quit IRC 2011-02-09T11:06:09 *** lakshay90_ is now known as lakshay90 2011-02-09T11:08:16 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-09T11:08:20 *** dr__house` has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T11:08:20 *** dr__house` has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T11:08:31 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T11:08:31 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T13:00:16 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-09T13:25:48 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T13:25:48 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T14:26:29 *** ssachdeva has left #rtems 2011-02-09T14:27:46 *** lakshay90 has quit IRC 2011-02-09T14:38:34 *** ssachdeva has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T14:38:40 *** ssachdeva has left #rtems 2011-02-09T15:39:47 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T15:54:45 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-02-09T16:11:13 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T16:16:46 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T16:36:44 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-02-09T17:25:43 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-09T18:11:57 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T19:17:55 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-09T19:47:59 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T19:47:59 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-09T20:55:10 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-10T00:30:08 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2011-02-10T01:33:32 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T01:33:39 good morning 2011-02-10T02:07:00 *** ssachdeva has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T03:24:13 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T03:47:49 *** lakshay90 has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T03:58:13 *** lakshay90 has quit IRC 2011-02-10T03:58:49 *** lakshay90 has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T04:02:56 *** lakshay90 has quit IRC 2011-02-10T04:04:23 *** lakshay90 has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T04:11:36 *** lakshay90 has quit IRC 2011-02-10T04:12:06 *** lakshay90 has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T05:17:45 *** ssachdeva has left #rtems 2011-02-10T06:03:43 *** ssachdeva has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T08:50:04 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T08:50:04 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T08:51:32 *** lakshay90 has quit IRC 2011-02-10T09:41:49 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-02-10T09:55:44 *** mmarker has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T10:03:54 *** bazinski has quit IRC 2011-02-10T10:18:37 *** mmarker has quit IRC 2011-02-10T10:47:16 *** dr__house` has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T10:47:16 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-10T10:47:16 *** dr__house` has quit IRC 2011-02-10T10:47:16 *** dr__house` has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T10:47:38 *** dr__house` is now known as dr__house 2011-02-10T11:33:42 *** lakshay90 has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T12:28:00 *** dr__house` has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T12:28:02 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-10T12:45:48 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T12:53:15 *** dr__house` is now known as dr__house 2011-02-10T13:20:41 can someone access rtems website ? 2011-02-10T13:22:28 Fallenou: I can 2011-02-10T13:23:12 hum strange i can't 2011-02-10T13:23:32 ok i can now :) 2011-02-10T13:23:37 :) 2011-02-10T13:23:38 it was maybe just very slow 2011-02-10T13:23:59 thanks for the magic trick :p 2011-02-10T13:35:55 Fallenou: lol :P 2011-02-10T13:36:38 any ideas for gsoc projects ? :) 2011-02-10T13:44:36 Fallenou: no, I have been out of touch from RTEMS development from the past few months :( 2011-02-10T13:44:57 so do I 2011-02-10T13:45:04 I may have an idea 2011-02-10T13:45:10 but I don't know if it's a good idea 2011-02-10T13:45:20 that would be to port ROS to RTEMS 2011-02-10T13:45:41 usually people run ROS on windows or RTOS like RTLinux 2011-02-10T13:49:44 Fallenou: have you had experience with ROS before? 2011-02-10T13:56:45 I am learning it since the 2 of february :) 2011-02-10T13:56:56 in an internship in a robotics company 2011-02-10T13:57:06 they use that to run their robot 2011-02-10T13:57:27 Fallenou: oh cool 2011-02-10T13:57:34 ROS is a big framework designed for robotics 2011-02-10T13:57:53 I don't know if ROS people would like to use it over RTEMS :p 2011-02-10T13:58:00 I am writting them an email to ask :) 2011-02-10T14:01:58 Fallenou: cool! I think this Joel will like this idea. Have you run it by him? 2011-02-10T14:03:21 not yet 2011-02-10T14:03:33 I ust sent an email on rtems list and ros list 2011-02-10T14:03:42 it's just a kind of "what do you think of the idea ?" email 2011-02-10T14:03:42 so we will see :) 2011-02-10T14:03:48 just* 2011-02-10T14:04:01 *** ssachdeva has left #rtems 2011-02-10T14:04:07 :) 2011-02-10T14:04:51 *** lakshay90 has quit IRC 2011-02-10T14:05:05 maybe ros users won't like the idea :p 2011-02-10T14:05:13 they may want to keep linux 2011-02-10T14:05:16 dunno 2011-02-10T14:05:24 i am not a ros expert to i don't know all their needs 2011-02-10T14:05:36 but ros is definitely something big and interesting :) 2011-02-10T14:05:46 and it won't run on small embedded devices 2011-02-10T14:05:55 it would be for powerfull embedded devices :p 2011-02-10T14:08:50 Fallenou: ah ok 2011-02-10T14:09:41 yes it's a big war machine 2011-02-10T14:10:03 but they need real time 2011-02-10T14:10:17 and SMP :) 2011-02-10T14:10:28 ROS is totally multi threaded 2011-02-10T14:10:46 Fallenou: so does the project involve running ROS in full functionality? 2011-02-10T14:11:00 i don't know, at least running the roscore 2011-02-10T14:11:04 and some basic packages 2011-02-10T14:11:09 Fallenou: cool 2011-02-10T14:11:32 of packages even drive a kinect or some other hardware 2011-02-10T14:11:40 s/of/some/ 2011-02-10T14:11:55 so some package have pretty big dependencies 2011-02-10T14:12:10 but not all the packages :) 2011-02-10T14:12:22 ok 2011-02-10T15:03:07 *** bswimley has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T15:05:51 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-10T15:16:40 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-02-10T16:23:13 *** methril_ has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T16:24:26 *** methril has quit IRC 2011-02-10T16:41:23 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T17:11:36 *** bswimley has quit IRC 2011-02-10T18:04:56 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T19:26:14 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-10T19:56:12 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T19:56:12 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T21:30:38 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-10T22:29:18 *** methril__ has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T22:29:52 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-10T22:30:26 *** methril_ has quit IRC 2011-02-11T00:03:19 morning 2011-02-11T00:05:54 *** lcpfnyvc has quit IRC 2011-02-11T00:07:03 *** lcpfnyvc has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T00:32:56 *** projectgus has left #rtems 2011-02-11T01:15:27 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-11T07:53:19 *** peerst has left #rtems 2011-02-11T08:50:25 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T08:50:25 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T08:57:59 *** peerst has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:01:54 *** lcpfnyvc has quit IRC 2011-02-11T09:15:02 *** methril__ has quit IRC 2011-02-11T09:15:12 *** ChanServ has quit IRC 2011-02-11T09:15:20 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-02-11T09:15:22 *** verm__ has quit IRC 2011-02-11T09:15:29 *** tuxmaniac has quit IRC 2011-02-11T09:15:33 *** mwalle has quit IRC 2011-02-11T09:15:35 *** brown has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:15:35 *** brown has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:15:36 *** agrier has quit IRC 2011-02-11T09:15:40 *** brown has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:15:46 *** brown has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:15:53 *** brown has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:16:14 *** brown has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:17:46 *** brown has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:19:23 *** brown has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:19:30 *** brown has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:19:37 *** brown has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:19:45 *** brown has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:20:06 *** brown has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:20:14 *** brown has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:20:20 *** brown has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:20:27 *** brown has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:20:33 *** brown has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:20:38 *** agrier has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:20:40 *** brown has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:20:47 *** brown has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:21:14 *** brown has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:21:32 *** 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has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:24:09 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:24:16 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:24:23 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:24:30 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:24:36 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:24:44 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:24:51 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:24:58 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:25:05 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:25:12 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:25:19 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:25:25 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:25:26 *** tuxmania1 has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:25:33 *** mwalle has quit IRC 2011-02-11T09:25:36 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:25:42 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:25:49 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:25:57 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:26:04 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:26:18 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:26:25 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:26:31 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:26:38 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:26:44 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:26:56 *** mwalle has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:27:23 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:27:29 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:27:41 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:27:48 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:27:54 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:28:01 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:28:08 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:28:16 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:28:22 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:28:29 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:28:36 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:28:43 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:28:50 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:28:56 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:29:05 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:29:11 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:29:50 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:29:57 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:30:05 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:30:12 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:30:18 *** tuxmaniac has quit IRC 2011-02-11T09:30:19 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:30:26 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:30:32 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:30:39 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:30:46 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:30:52 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:31:02 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:31:11 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:31:18 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:31:24 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:31:31 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:31:37 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:31:44 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:31:51 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:31:57 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:32:04 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:32:10 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:32:17 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:32:24 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:32:31 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:32:38 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:32:45 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:32:52 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:32:59 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:33:06 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:33:13 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:33:19 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:33:25 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:33:31 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:33:38 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:33:44 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:33:52 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T09:34:21 *** kornbluth has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T10:17:03 *** lakshay90 has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T10:23:40 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2011-02-11T10:25:01 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T10:25:01 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T10:25:58 *** dr__house` has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T10:25:58 *** dr__house` has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T10:26:22 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-11T10:32:36 hi , i have downloaded the torrent file , of the virtual machine appliance , i am installing it on ubuntu 10.4 and getting this error -----The SHA1 digest of 'C++.vmdk' doesn't match to the one in 'Fedora12--RTEMS-20100312.mf'. 2011-02-11T10:44:32 any way to fix this ? 2011-02-11T10:46:41 download again? 2011-02-11T10:47:02 why you just dont install the rpm in the ubuntu system? alien helps, 2011-02-11T10:47:20 actually all will be installed in /opt so not big deal i think 2011-02-11T10:50:04 *** dr__house` is now known as dr__house 2011-02-11T10:56:16 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2011-02-11T10:56:21 kristianpaul,the VBOX image is not working properply, i am trying build the rtems on fedora 12 now 2011-02-11T10:57:49 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T10:57:49 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T10:58:06 kristianpaul,the VBOX image is not working properply, i am trying build the rtems on fedora 12 now 2011-02-11T11:00:06 why fedora12?? 2011-02-11T11:00:15 are you aware fedora 14 is out isnt? 2011-02-11T11:01:17 aah,,,,yeah,,,,actually i had it installed in VBOX already 2011-02-11T11:05:11 *** kornbluth is now known as verm__ 2011-02-11T11:05:15 *** verm__ has quit IRC 2011-02-11T11:05:15 *** verm__ has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T11:15:39 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T11:15:39 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2011-02-11T11:34:00 when I want to build a application from a bsp with everything normal but a different linker commands file what is the right way to do this? 2011-02-11T11:35:12 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-02-11T11:35:48 normally the linkcmds from the bsp is aquired by specifying the -B option on gcc's commandline? 2011-02-11T11:37:14 -qnolinkcmds: -T MY_linkcmds 2011-02-11T11:37:55 in a spec file? 2011-02-11T11:39:35 doesnt the linker option -T (on the commandline) override the defaultlinker script anyway? 2011-02-11T11:42:55 no as linker options.. a -T on the command line (without the -qnolinkcmds) will be in addition to the implied -Tlinkcmds. You want to disable the default rule which is what -qnolinkcmds does 2011-02-11T11:44:06 But the -q needs support in bsp_spec, what if there is no qnolinkcmds specific rule in bsp_spec? 2011-02-11T11:49:24 *** verm___ has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T11:49:31 *** verm___ has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T11:50:57 DrJoel: Hmm, I tried it and it works ... don't really know why however 2011-02-11T11:51:16 probably more than one spec file ... 2011-02-11T11:51:34 *** verm__ has quit IRC 2011-02-11T11:55:11 add a -v and see what is passed to the linker.. could be an order problem 2011-02-11T11:56:59 DrJoel: no it works perfectly ... 2011-02-11T11:57:04 *** verm___ is now known as verm__ 2011-02-11T11:57:10 *** verm__ has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T11:57:54 the qnolinkcmds option must be in the built-in spec file bot the bsp_spec I think 2011-02-11T11:58:19 yep.. it is built into all *-rtems gcc's. gcc/config/rtems.h 2011-02-11T11:58:28 ah I see 2011-02-11T11:58:56 thats why qnolinkcmds are found in all the executable sbut not in a spec file 2011-02-11T11:59:40 works well, it even finds its included linkcmds.base in the -B directory so I dont have to copy this 2011-02-11T12:07:04 Great! 2011-02-11T12:15:38 Thanks btw! 2011-02-11T12:25:33 no problem 2011-02-11T12:31:35 *** madrazr1 has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T13:08:49 *** lakshay90 has quit IRC 2011-02-11T13:30:12 *** madrazr1 is now known as madrazr 2011-02-11T13:30:19 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T13:39:42 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-11T13:47:23 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2011-02-11T14:58:10 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T15:21:23 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T15:27:05 *** bswimley has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T15:34:28 *** bswimley has quit IRC 2011-02-11T16:22:27 *** ssachdeva has left #rtems 2011-02-11T16:25:38 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-02-11T16:35:13 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-02-11T16:56:58 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-11T17:08:42 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T17:08:48 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T17:08:48 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2011-02-11T17:35:55 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2011-02-11T18:12:16 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T18:12:16 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T19:07:51 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T19:07:51 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2011-02-11T19:08:01 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2011-02-11T20:12:28 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T20:39:39 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-02-11T20:47:43 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T20:48:49 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-02-11T20:50:29 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T21:39:34 *** antgreen` has joined #rtems 2011-02-11T21:41:00 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-02-12T00:19:23 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-12T01:34:30 *** peerst has quit IRC 2011-02-12T01:34:41 *** peerst has joined #rtems 2011-02-12T01:52:34 *** ssachdeva has joined #rtems 2011-02-12T02:28:45 *** methril_ has joined #rtems 2011-02-12T02:30:05 *** methril__ has quit IRC 2011-02-12T06:09:50 *** antgreen` has quit IRC 2011-02-12T08:13:15 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-02-12T08:32:10 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-02-12T08:41:27 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-12T09:30:12 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-02-12T10:33:25 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-12T11:24:35 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-12T11:24:35 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-12T12:18:32 *** ssachdeva has quit IRC 2011-02-12T12:29:11 *** ssachdeva has joined #rtems 2011-02-12T14:38:42 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-12T16:06:15 *** ssachdeva has left #rtems 2011-02-12T19:04:01 *** Fallenou has quit IRC 2011-02-12T19:17:26 *** Fallenou has joined #rtems 2011-02-12T20:32:42 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-12T21:01:37 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-13T00:05:59 *** ssachdeva has joined #rtems 2011-02-13T03:31:40 *** ssachdeva1 has joined #rtems 2011-02-13T03:32:04 *** ssachdeva1 has left #rtems 2011-02-13T03:33:54 *** ssachdeva has quit IRC 2011-02-13T03:35:09 *** ssachdeva has joined #rtems 2011-02-13T06:26:59 *** ssachdeva has quit IRC 2011-02-13T07:09:10 *** ssachdeva has joined #rtems 2011-02-13T07:51:07 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-13T10:40:55 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-13T13:51:16 *** ssachdeva has left #rtems 2011-02-13T14:06:07 is RTEMS for now able to handle multi processors ? (or multi cores) 2011-02-13T14:06:19 like running threads simultaneously on several cores/processors 2011-02-13T15:26:11 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-13T15:26:11 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-02-13T15:31:57 Fallenou: is ifconfig suposed to work? 2011-02-13T15:32:46 http://paste.debian.net/107521/ 2011-02-13T15:33:03 kristianpaul: when I was intensivly working on the drivers I never managed to get the shell working 2011-02-13T15:33:13 but last time I tried to play a little bit with it 2011-02-13T15:33:23 I don't remember exactly what the ifconfig command allows you to do 2011-02-13T15:33:47 yes it gives some informations about the rx tx packets errors and stuff 2011-02-13T15:35:28 is funny when i tried tried to change the ip it always got the overflow error 2011-02-13T15:37:05 oh really ? 2011-02-13T15:37:15 i never tried to change the network parameter after boot time 2011-02-13T15:37:20 I always set it up in the program 2011-02-13T15:37:25 using the structure 2011-02-13T15:37:48 yeah sure, i just want to play a bit with shell :-) 2011-02-13T15:45:29 btw kristianpaul 223.*** is a multicast address right ? 2011-02-13T15:46:08 oh ok no 2011-02-13T15:46:14 multicast starts at 224 2011-02-13T15:51:17 yeap 2011-02-13T15:52:28 It still class C, i made sure of that, i just dont like use the clasical range at 2011-02-13T15:57:21 you can use 10.**** 2011-02-13T15:57:24 for wider networks :) 2011-02-13T15:57:26 it's /8 2011-02-13T15:57:28 class A 2011-02-13T16:02:20 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2011-02-13T16:17:55 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-02-13T23:45:12 *** antgreen has quit IRC