2011-01-24T00:01:26 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2011-01-24T00:53:12 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-01-24T00:53:23 good morning 2011-01-24T01:35:08 *** antgreen` has joined #rtems 2011-01-24T01:36:47 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-01-24T01:53:55 *** antgreen` has quit IRC 2011-01-24T03:43:14 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-01-24T03:55:13 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-01-24T04:13:03 good morning 2011-01-24T05:04:48 morning 2011-01-24T05:05:10 sebhub, is the git repo on git.rtems.org/private updated regularly the same as cvs? 2011-01-24T05:14:05 i don't know 2011-01-24T05:14:20 please ask on the mailing list for the git status 2011-01-24T05:48:44 *** aniceberg has joined #rtems 2011-01-24T06:05:12 Hi folks 2011-01-24T06:55:42 I am having a few build issues after I updated to the head. 2011-01-24T06:56:00 I have the last few lines of the build log at http://pastebin.com/xMbXEjYK 2011-01-24T06:56:32 is you tool chain up to date? 2011-01-24T06:56:33 I would appreciate any help. I suspect I am missing some libs. 2011-01-24T06:57:20 I have the yum repo up to date. Hopefully so is the rtems toolchain 2011-01-24T06:57:48 i guess your tool chain is not up to date 2011-01-24T06:58:06 the complex functions are relatively new in newlib 2011-01-24T06:58:55 Name : rtems-4.11-i386-rtems4.11-newlib 2011-01-24T06:58:55 Arch : noarch 2011-01-24T06:58:56 Version : 1.19.0 2011-01-24T06:58:56 Release : 1.fc13 2011-01-24T06:59:10 That is the newlib I have as of now. 2011-01-24T07:01:03 hm, this is the latest 2011-01-24T07:01:13 The complete set of toolchains installed is at http://pastebin.com/uSAY54W3 2011-01-24T07:01:14 i try to build this bsp here 2011-01-24T07:01:24 anything to do with the configure options? 2011-01-24T07:04:31 have you done a bootstrap after the update? 2011-01-24T07:04:55 yes, I have 2011-01-24T07:05:22 i don't have these linker errors 2011-01-24T07:05:37 I tried getting the latest coverage results and thats when I found this. 2011-01-24T07:09:41 are the math/complex routines specific to cxx? 2011-01-24T07:10:05 no, i guess they belong to libm 2011-01-24T07:11:59 sry, a bootstrap was missing, i need a complete rebuild 2011-01-24T07:12:24 I found libm at 2011-01-24T07:13:15 sorry. disregard that. 2011-01-24T07:15:06 [root@reveredone rtems-4.11]# grep -r "cargf" ./ 2011-01-24T07:15:06 ./lib/gcc/i386-rtems4.11/4.5.2/include/c++/complex: __complex_arg(__complex__ float __z) { return __builtin_cargf(__z); } 2011-01-24T07:15:06 Binary file ./libexec/gcc/i386-rtems4.11/4.5.2/cc1 matches 2011-01-24T07:15:06 Binary file ./libexec/gcc/i386-rtems4.11/4.5.2/cc1plus matches 2011-01-24T07:15:06 Binary file ./i386-rtems4.11/lib/m486/soft-float/libm.a matches 2011-01-24T07:15:08 Binary file ./i386-rtems4.11/lib/m486/libm.a matches 2011-01-24T07:15:10 Binary file ./i386-rtems4.11/lib/soft-float/libm.a matches 2011-01-24T07:15:12 Binary file ./i386-rtems4.11/lib/libm.a matches 2011-01-24T07:15:14 Binary file ./i386-rtems4.11/lib/mpentiumpro/libm.a matches 2011-01-24T07:15:16 Binary file ./i386-rtems4.11/lib/mpentium/libm.a matches 2011-01-24T07:15:18 ./i386-rtems4.11/include/complex.h:float cargf(float complex); 2011-01-24T07:15:39 oops. that was a lengthy one! But those are where I found one of the missing functions 2011-01-24T07:21:52 ok, after a bootstrap and a rebuild: no errors 2011-01-24T07:29:03 sebhub, why don't I see the -lm while linking for complex.exe? isn't it required? 2011-01-24T07:30:04 i386-rtems4.11-gcc -B../../../../../pc386/lib/ -specs bsp_specs -qrtems -mtune=i386 -O2 -g -Wall -Wimplicit-function-declaration -Wstrict-prototypes -Wnested-externs -Wl,-Ttext,0x00100000 -mtune=i386 -o complex.exe complex-init.o complex-docomplex.o complex-docomplexf.o complex-docomplexl.o ../../../../../pc386/lib/no-barrier.rel ../../../../../pc386/lib/no-dpmem.rel ../../../../../pc386/lib/no-event.rel ../../../../../pc386/lib/no- 2011-01-24T07:30:06 io.rel ../../../../../pc386/lib/no-msg.rel ../../../../../pc386/lib/no-mp.rel ../../../../../pc386/lib/no-part.rel ../../../../../pc386/lib/no-region.rel ../../../../../pc386/lib/no-sem.rel ../../../../../pc386/lib/no-signal.rel ../../../../../pc386/lib/no-timer.rel ../../../../../pc386/lib/no-rtmon.rel ../../../../../pc386/lib/no-ext.rel -lm 2011-01-24T07:30:18 it is there 2011-01-24T07:31:36 i386-rtems4.11-gcc -B../../../../../pc386/lib/ -specs bsp_specs -qrtems -mtune=i386 -Os -g -Wall -Wimplicit-function-declaration -Wstrict-prototypes -Wnested-externs -Wl,-Ttext,0x00100000 -mtune=i386 -o complex.exe complex-init.o complex-docomplex.o complex-docomplexf.o complex-docomplexl.o 2011-01-24T07:31:36 complex-docomplex.o: In function `docomplex': 2011-01-24T07:31:36 /home/bharath/rtems/rtems-4.11-i386//rtems/c/src/../../testsuites/libtests/complex/docomplex.c:83: undefined reference to `cproj' 2011-01-24T07:32:14 that is what my log says 2011-01-24T07:32:46 you have a different command than i have 2011-01-24T07:32:58 the *.rel -lm is missing 2011-01-24T07:36:42 ah. got it. The Makefile.am was modified by a coverage helper script. 2011-01-24T07:36:57 i will start over. 2011-01-24T07:53:10 sebhub, the build was successful after reverting the Makefile 2011-01-24T07:54:25 * aniceberg rushes to school 2011-01-24T07:54:32 *** aniceberg has quit IRC 2011-01-24T08:46:15 *** green` has joined #rtems 2011-01-24T09:55:36 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-01-24T11:37:09 *** madrazr1 has joined #rtems 2011-01-24T11:59:44 *** madrazr1 is now known as madrazr 2011-01-24T11:59:50 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-01-24T12:22:13 *** aanjhan has joined #rtems 2011-01-24T13:09:03 *** methril_ has quit IRC 2011-01-24T13:09:57 *** methril_ has joined #rtems 2011-01-24T15:55:45 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-01-24T16:10:45 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-01-24T16:17:44 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2011-01-24T17:03:44 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2011-01-24T17:03:44 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2011-01-24T17:03:56 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2011-01-24T17:32:42 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-01-24T21:47:06 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-24T21:47:06 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-24T22:07:38 *** green` has quit IRC 2011-01-24T22:59:20 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-01-25T00:20:45 *** projectgus has left #rtems 2011-01-25T02:07:20 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-01-25T02:07:55 good morning 2011-01-25T08:41:58 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-25T09:24:14 *** methril__ has joined #rtems 2011-01-25T09:25:03 *** methril_ has quit IRC 2011-01-25T09:29:51 *** methril__ has quit IRC 2011-01-25T09:34:28 *** methril__ has joined #rtems 2011-01-25T10:05:56 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-01-25T14:50:00 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-01-25T15:04:26 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-01-25T15:23:34 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2011-01-25T15:23:37 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2011-01-25T15:23:37 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2011-01-25T16:13:31 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-01-25T17:09:28 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2011-01-25T18:02:07 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-25T18:02:07 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-26T00:31:39 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-01-26T00:54:27 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-01-26T00:54:41 good morning 2011-01-26T02:15:48 *** dipolemole has joined #rtems 2011-01-26T03:17:33 *** dipolemole has quit IRC 2011-01-26T08:25:51 *** methril__ has quit IRC 2011-01-26T08:41:42 *** peerst has joined #rtems 2011-01-26T08:46:51 *** methril has joined #rtems 2011-01-26T08:58:51 *** Fallenou has quit IRC 2011-01-26T08:58:56 *** Fallenou has joined #rtems 2011-01-26T09:23:51 *** methril has quit IRC 2011-01-26T10:07:35 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-01-26T13:28:50 *** aantn has joined #rtems 2011-01-26T13:32:41 *** aantn has quit IRC 2011-01-26T13:33:21 *** aantn has joined #rtems 2011-01-26T13:37:11 *** aantn has quit IRC 2011-01-26T13:37:50 *** aantn has joined #rtems 2011-01-26T13:43:54 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2011-01-26T13:45:24 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-01-26T13:51:51 *** aantn has quit IRC 2011-01-26T13:55:13 *** aantn has joined #rtems 2011-01-26T14:10:30 *** aantn has quit IRC 2011-01-26T14:40:57 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-26T14:40:58 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-26T15:20:06 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-01-26T15:43:57 *** methril has joined #rtems 2011-01-26T16:11:16 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-01-26T19:59:42 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-01-26T20:56:21 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-26T21:47:29 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-01-26T21:52:27 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2011-01-26T21:59:04 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-01-27T00:52:43 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2011-01-27T00:52:48 good morning 2011-01-27T03:48:41 good morning 2011-01-27T04:32:56 *** aanjhan is now known as tuxmaniac 2011-01-27T04:33:04 *** tuxmaniac has joined #rtems 2011-01-27T05:37:23 *** methril has quit IRC 2011-01-27T06:19:52 kiwichris around? 2011-01-27T06:20:06 anyone know if cexp is supported for mvme5500 ppc bsp? 2011-01-27T06:20:43 cexp should work with every powerpc bsp 2011-01-27T06:23:37 hi 2011-01-27T06:23:42 reading this http://www.slac.stanford.edu/comp/unix/package/rtems/doc/ 2011-01-27T06:23:51 cool 2011-01-27T06:23:54 just curious 2011-01-27T08:57:57 *** methril has joined #rtems 2011-01-27T09:36:58 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-01-27T10:05:02 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2011-01-27T12:31:09 *** madrazr1 has joined #rtems 2011-01-27T12:32:37 *** madrazr1 is now known as madrazr 2011-01-27T12:32:45 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-01-27T14:30:41 *** lakshay90 has joined #rtems 2011-01-27T14:52:37 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2011-01-27T14:56:04 *** lakshay90 has quit IRC 2011-01-27T15:30:56 *** bswimley has joined #rtems 2011-01-27T15:46:39 *** methril has quit IRC 2011-01-27T15:47:06 *** methril has joined #rtems 2011-01-27T15:53:28 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-01-27T15:58:23 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2011-01-27T16:11:46 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-01-27T16:24:06 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2011-01-27T16:27:06 hello chris 2011-01-27T16:27:20 hi 2011-01-27T16:27:39 did you happen to have a glance at my rfs email? 2011-01-27T16:28:05 I have it and went over it quickly but I have had no time. 2011-01-27T16:28:27 I am on a project that has some overseas waiting for fixes. 2011-01-27T16:28:45 I understand. 2011-01-27T16:28:53 I am sorry but this is how things fall out sometimes. 2011-01-27T16:29:54 I have been in that position before. I can work through things - looks like inode modes are not working. 2011-01-27T16:30:35 I may try to define RTEMS_RFS_USE_LIBBLOCK and retry things. 2011-01-27T16:30:40 The RFS has a large amount of debug trace code you can turn on and a command line tool that can control specific parts of it 2011-01-27T16:30:50 I will do that. 2011-01-27T16:31:23 And let you get back to your other project! 2011-01-27T16:31:28 Thanks 2011-01-27T16:32:25 *** bswimley has left #rtems 2011-01-27T16:35:47 *** bswimley has joined #rtems 2011-01-27T17:00:56 *** bswimley has quit IRC 2011-01-27T17:01:36 *** bswimley has joined #rtems 2011-01-27T17:02:46 *** madrazr has left #rtems 2011-01-27T17:09:01 *** bswimley has quit IRC 2011-01-27T17:23:43 *** bswimley has joined #rtems 2011-01-27T18:12:59 *** bswimley has quit IRC 2011-01-27T18:31:22 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-27T18:31:22 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-27T20:01:18 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2011-01-27T22:48:21 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-01-28T00:43:04 morning 2011-01-28T05:03:52 anyone here? 2011-01-28T05:04:05 anyone cexp capable ? 2011-01-28T08:57:25 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-28T08:57:25 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-28T09:09:44 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2011-01-28T09:09:44 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2011-01-28T09:13:06 *** bswimley has joined #rtems 2011-01-28T09:32:05 Hello 2011-01-28T09:34:05 hi 2011-01-28T09:34:20 hi joel! 2011-01-28T09:35:19 hey peer.. how's your project going? 2011-01-28T09:35:36 draging along :-/ 2011-01-28T09:35:53 I'm working on chasing down some issues with rfs and flash memory using the latest build of rtems. I'm building multilib, so I thought I'd pull the RFS stuff out and build separately outside of the tree. I'm running into a problem because I don't have SIZEOF_OFF_T defined. Is that defined through some of the autoconf magic? 2011-01-28T09:36:32 bswimley: looks like an autoconf constant to me 2011-01-28T09:37:22 OK, that's what I thought. I may just define in my project for now to keep plugging along. It's been a while since I've been on the "cutting edge" of RTEMS. I must say I like a lot of the new features! 2011-01-28T09:38:21 bswimley: :) There is some cool activity. If we could get some funding to formalize a "BSD Kernel Adapter Kit", then we would soon have a USB stack, SATA and be on track for a TCP/IP stack upgrade 2011-01-28T09:38:26 but SMP is slowly plugging along 2011-01-28T09:39:34 Great to hear. Wish we could provide funding, but all I can offer now is some of my minor contributions. 2011-01-28T09:40:25 DrJoel: didn't sebhub already port the new FreeBSD USB stack? 2011-01-28T09:40:48 and I think he is looking into TCP/IP also 2011-01-28T09:41:35 peerst: yes and the remaining work is to have standard cpukit implementations of ~10-12 BSD core kernel .h files so all BSD code can come over in a uniform way. 2011-01-28T09:42:05 ah I see 2011-01-28T09:43:50 btw we (sebhub and me) did improve the PowerPC exception handling for e200 CPU's 2011-01-28T09:44:14 improve is the wrong word ... fixed it 2011-01-28T09:44:43 we were amazed my application was running at all afterwards 2011-01-28T09:44:49 peerst: cool. I just did a BSP for the RAD750 and the new code worked well once I got my head around it. Hello and ticker polled were running quite quickly 2011-01-28T09:45:12 I am always surprised at how long a bug can lurk and not bite someone 2011-01-28T09:45:18 DrJoel: My latest endeavor is getting RTEMS building with MinGW and running with Eclipse and the usb bdm debugger for the ColdFire. I've had good success. I've been working with Chris to get the BDM working, so I'm rather excited about that. 2011-01-28T09:46:08 bswimley: I installed the tools on mingw and cygwin recently and they worked well. I am excited about the progress we are making 2011-01-28T09:47:40 DrJoel: I agree. I can now throw the code onto a windows laptop and have a portable debugger to take to client sites. I never did have a good working linux box to be able to do that with. 2011-01-28T09:48:00 btw BDM: I'd really like to see real multitasking support for gdb 2011-01-28T09:48:28 might invest some work in it when I'm done with my project 2011-01-28T09:48:32 peerst: How so? 2011-01-28T09:48:40 on a different subject.. any ideas for google summer of code 2011? 2011-01-28T09:48:53 a new make systen ;-) 2011-01-28T09:49:41 bswimley: if you attach to rtems with a JTAG/BDM like interface you don't get gdb thread support 2011-01-28T09:50:01 you can only use the gdb macros to look at rtems objects. 2011-01-28T09:50:17 but no task specific breakpoints and stepping 2011-01-28T09:50:53 I think there are some plans using the python gdb extension for this 2011-01-28T09:51:44 hmm, I'll have to look at that. That's a different use case than how I've been using gdb. I must be much more "crash and burn" oriented :) 2011-01-28T09:51:48 I was thinking in the past of a gdb-protocol proxy (my BDM/JTAG box already speaks gdb protocol) 2011-01-28T09:52:44 What the ColdFire BDM does is utilize a form of gdbserver to talk between gdb and the hardware. Works quite well. 2011-01-28T09:52:51 crash and burn gets harder when the appication is more mature and you are trying to debug an new part while the rest keeps running 2011-01-28T09:53:10 agreed. 2011-01-28T09:53:16 this would work with the proxy also 2011-01-28T09:54:17 I was thinking about a gdbserver <-> gdbserver proxy that translates task-less gdbserver into task supporting 2011-01-28T09:54:59 I'm using these BDM/JTAG boxes: http://www.abatron.ch/products/debugger-support/gnu-support.html 2011-01-28T09:55:06 that would be a nice addition. 2011-01-28T09:55:07 they talk gdbserver natively 2011-01-28T09:56:00 over ethernet 2011-01-28T09:56:25 Nice. I may need to look into this. Any Eclipse plugins available? 2011-01-28T09:56:36 wont need a plugin 2011-01-28T09:56:47 wow - even better. 2011-01-28T09:56:49 just a gdb that knows the CPU 2011-01-28T09:57:03 using the normal remote command 2011-01-28T09:58:53 just took a quick peek. Nice piece of hardware. 2011-01-28T10:00:13 yes I like it very much 2011-01-28T10:00:24 not the cheapest solution however 2011-01-28T10:00:35 I did notice that as well! 2011-01-28T10:00:57 but good support, get to talk directly to the developer there if there is need 2011-01-28T10:01:25 That's always a perk - often justifies the higher price. 2011-01-28T10:01:34 for me totally 2011-01-28T10:02:22 this and the time saved when setting up for new architecture 2011-01-28T10:03:32 Good point. I've spent a bit of time just getting my tools set up to be able to move to MinGW compiling with this latest version of RTEMS. I was way back at rtems-4.6. 2011-01-28T10:04:05 DrJoel: btw I was just noticing that Abatron has support (and logos) for a bunch of RTOSes ... but RTEMS is missing 2011-01-28T10:05:37 peerst: hmmm.. any contact I should make? 2011-01-28T10:07:09 It might be interesting to work with the on direct support of RTEMS tasks right in the box 2011-01-28T10:07:30 and putting the RTEMS logo on this site ;-) tp://www.abatron.ch/products/debugger-support/gnu-support.html 2011-01-28T10:07:51 even eCos is there 2011-01-28T10:08:47 DrJoel: regarding GSoC ... I was thinking about doing some mentoring this year 2011-01-28T10:10:50 yeah! any project in mind? 2011-01-28T10:10:57 not yet 2011-01-28T10:11:31 so I need to bring a project for mentoring? 2011-01-28T10:12:57 not necessarily but if there is one on the open projects page you are interested in or one you have in mind it helps. We want you to care about it. :) 2011-01-28T10:13:06 * DrJoel really wants a beagleboard BSP. 2011-01-28T10:13:18 yeah might make sense 2011-01-28T10:14:16 the two things that bug me the most day-to-day are gdb support via BDM that knows something about tasks and the rtems build system 2011-01-28T10:15:34 internal build system or external for applications? 2011-01-28T10:15:42 both :-) 2011-01-28T10:16:25 Chris has an autoconf framework for external apps. I don't see tinkering with internal build because it works and doesn't technically impact users once they work on an application 2011-01-28T10:16:26 the external one bothers me most since I did not yet build a good workaround yet 2011-01-28T10:16:55 It would be also not suitable for GSoC 2011-01-28T10:17:01 the internal build system 2011-01-28T10:17:11 I'd like to see a way to build only a particular multilib variant (say the MCF5475) so that making a change doesn't require one to build all the variants. 2011-01-28T10:17:45 That takes a lot of time. 2011-01-28T10:18:34 what I'm missing is a simple nonintrusive way to just include one or two files and have sane CC, CFLAGS etc settings that don't intrude much in my project makesystem 2011-01-28T10:18:50 bswimley: I am battling that now for testing various gcc languages.. the m68k is the worst for a large set of multilibs 2011-01-28T10:19:14 and BTW a autoconf framework is exactly the opposite of what I'm looking for 2011-01-28T10:20:23 peerst: LOL I kind of figured that 2011-01-28T10:20:39 *** DrJoel changes topic to "Google Summer of Code 2011 is just around the corner!" 2011-01-28T10:20:40 peerst: That would be nice. I've used the AVR32 framework for some projects (comes with FreeRTOS which is OK but I like RTEMS much better). But it's a lot easier to add files to your application. 2011-01-28T10:22:04 A Google Code In student identified Eclipse plugins which would be useful to an RTEMS user. I am not an Eclipse user but that would be a good focus for improving user experience. 2011-01-28T10:22:34 never used eclipse ... 2011-01-28T10:22:45 my IDE is called emacs ;-) 2011-01-28T10:23:24 is this the current open projects list? : http://www.rtems.com/wiki/index.php/Open_Projects 2011-01-28T10:24:37 DrJoel: I've learned to like Eclipse as I've now used it with 3 different processors (one being the Xilinx microblaze). It's still needs some work, but it is maturing. I find it intuitive, and one of our new hires came up to speed with it quickly. I just haven't ever embraced emacs. 2011-01-28T10:25:24 peerst: yes that is it but it hasn't been updated/reviewed since the end of GSOC 2010. 2011-01-28T10:25:48 bswimley: Like it or not, Eclipse is the best option we have in this area so we might has well make the best of it 2011-01-28T10:26:29 DrJoe: agreed. I think it has a lot of potential. 2011-01-28T10:26:31 brb 2011-01-28T10:28:50 hey bswimley you are the ideal mentor for Eclipse projects 8-) 2011-01-28T10:32:14 hmm... I'll have to see what's on my plate for this summer. 2011-01-28T10:35:41 DrJoel: PowerPC VLE will become interesting e.g. the CPU I'm working on right now (MPC5516) has two cores but one of them can only run VLE (e200z0 core) 2011-01-28T10:36:49 this is of course only interesting when multicore support is there 2011-01-28T10:38:23 peerst: SMP is slowly coming. Jennifer is cleaning up a patch (has PR) which adds allocation of internal structures for N cores and the SMP BSP API for support (as it stands). 2011-01-28T10:39:01 The next patch adds BSP support for pc386 and leon3. It can bring the secondary cores out of reset and get you to the first context switch where things break right now. 2011-01-28T10:39:06 I have a customer that uses RTEMS and is certainly interested in IEC 61131 2011-01-28T10:39:57 The hardware I got developed for my project (by thomas btw) hast the MPC5516 on it but I'm using only one core now 2011-01-28T10:40:22 We need ... smp aware scheduler to put threads on the secondary cores and locking. So it is close technically. Once the BSP support is in, I encourage you to look at the SMP BSP additions and see how it fits the PPC and what is required to bring it to parity with the leon3 and pc386 2011-01-28T10:40:52 but since this is more a platform for the next 10 years its good to have the second core some time in the future 2011-01-28T10:41:25 Is there a free package for IEC 61131? Looks good to have on RTEMS. :) 2011-01-28T10:42:07 What are the considerations to take care when porting a lib or pogram to rtems? 2011-01-28T10:42:12 Hello, btw 2011-01-28T10:42:22 this is for extra performance I don't need yet but the second core might save me when I need more performance in the future 2011-01-28T10:43:30 DrJoel: regarding IEC 61131 don't know anything about free packages only know a cutomer who would be very interested to have this 2011-01-28T10:43:44 DrJoel: heya 2011-01-28T10:44:11 DrJoel: its that time of the year again :-) Are we going for GSoC 2011? 2011-01-28T10:44:25 * tuxmaniac would like to Mentor actively this time around 2011-01-28T10:50:06 tuxmaniac: We would be happy to have you mentor. Dig in to the open projects and help review/update it. 2011-01-28T10:50:14 peerst: is this worth me doing some research on? 2011-01-28T10:50:34 IEC 61131 ? 2011-01-28T10:51:05 or VLE support? 2011-01-28T10:52:07 VLE? Is that the "thumb" for powerpc? 2011-01-28T10:52:15 yes 2011-01-28T10:52:22 IEC 61131 was the intent of the question 2011-01-28T10:52:28 It might be 2011-01-28T10:52:47 on VLE .. last time I looked there wasn't a toolset for it. Do you have any idea how to compile code for it?> 2011-01-28T10:53:01 because if my customer might also be able to pay me for further support or mentoring for IEC 2011-01-28T10:53:28 no a opensource toolset would be the main hurdle 2011-01-28T10:53:50 I will try to do some research .. is there a name for it other than the standard? 2011-01-28T10:53:56 when does the work as mentor start for GSoC ? 2011-01-28T10:54:09 http://www.google-melange.com/document/show/gsoc_program/google/gsoc2011/timeline 2011-01-28T10:54:32 By March 18 we have to have mentors signed up. 2011-01-28T10:54:42 Then we start talking with students. 2011-01-28T10:54:52 there is a link to this http://www.beremiz.org/ aleady on the open source page 2011-01-28T10:55:03 brb 2011-01-28T10:55:10 April 25 students are announced so that would be when it gets going 2011-01-28T10:59:07 mid of march fits perfectly for me 2011-01-28T10:59:40 i'm off for dinner 2011-01-28T11:02:45 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-01-28T11:46:41 rehi .. back satiated 2011-01-28T11:54:36 DrJoel: just mailed my contact at Bosch regarding IEC 61131 support in RTEMS 2011-01-28T11:54:41 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2011-01-28T11:55:07 peerst: cool.. was eating lunch and googl'ing 2011-01-28T11:56:59 http://www.beremiz.org/ 2011-01-28T11:57:09 http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=2&sqi=2&ved=0CBsQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.beremiz.org%2Fdocumentation%2Fberemiz.pdf%2Fat_download%2Ffile&rct=j&q=IEC%2061131%20beremiz&ei=QgNDTevINInVgQen5omdAg&usg=AFQjCNGdJ9gjMKXty2WmWlK1v8NuEd0ScA&cad=rja 2011-01-28T11:57:47 that was the link thats already in the rtems wiki 2011-01-28T11:58:05 what is executed on the target? Is there some byte code? 2011-01-28T11:59:30 ahh.. how does that project look from your customer's perspective? 2011-01-28T11:59:38 I think its compiled directly 2011-01-28T12:00:26 it would get embedded in industrial control systems mainly some kind of RFID systems 2011-01-28T12:01:18 so that their customers can program behaviour graphically with IEC 61131 2011-01-28T12:01:19 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-01-28T12:03:31 the beremiz thing compiles to ansi-c 2011-01-28T12:03:52 which is not so good since we would also need a dynamic loader then 2011-01-28T12:14:03 I would prefer a byte code solution 2011-01-28T12:26:46 ahhh.. FYI Chris has dynamic loader nearing completion.. but I understand it not being a great solution for a lot of environments 2011-01-28T12:27:20 Is there a defined byte code? 2011-01-28T12:34:06 actually I dont know ... there are many proprietary solutions 2011-01-28T12:34:15 the high level formats are defined 2011-01-28T12:34:32 about the runtime I don't know 2011-01-28T12:35:02 Why would you need dynamic loading for the beremiz solution? 2011-01-28T12:35:07 I think we need some research here 2011-01-28T12:35:18 because it seems to compile to C 2011-01-28T12:35:33 so the end user also would need a C compiler 2011-01-28T12:35:45 looks like hard to support 2011-01-28T12:35:53 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-28T12:35:58 Ahhh.. yes they would.. if this is delivered to someone updating things in the field who is not knowledgeable. 2011-01-28T12:36:19 A byte code solution would be easier to support.. if you are building a PLC device for end users to program 2011-01-28T12:36:53 the whole point of IEC 61131 is that its to be used by non-programmers 2011-01-28T12:37:01 or special PCL programmers 2011-01-28T12:37:12 yeah exactly 2011-01-28T12:40:45 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-01-28T12:43:24 http://www.linux-automation.de/plc/index_en.html has a number of interesting links 2011-01-28T12:45:32 http://www.plcopen.org/pages/tc6_xml/xml_intro/index.htm this is the data format that should be supported 2011-01-28T12:51:32 So the embedded PLC has to interpret an XML file? and then execute it? 2011-01-28T12:52:05 non the xml file seems to be the standard format for exchanging between IEC tools 2011-01-28T12:52:56 the step plcopen tc6_xml -> target seems to be vendor specific 2011-01-28T12:53:44 ahh.. so a tool that reads the xml on the host, produces something that the targets uses 2011-01-28T12:54:02 but who wants to support tools on the host 2011-01-28T12:54:52 but yes this is the way it seems to work 2011-01-28T12:56:46 We have written XML reading tools but that is differently something you want to avoid. Better to have an existing tool write it and we just have an interpreter 2011-01-28T12:56:49 so we would need a tc6_xml compiler to byte code or table and a runtime for interpreting it on RTEMS 2011-01-28T12:59:36 I have expat XML browser running in an RTEMS application for AJAX support 2011-01-28T13:00:23 XML parser i wanted to write 2011-01-28T13:01:15 not browser 2011-01-28T13:01:30 LOL 2011-01-28T13:18:11 this tc6 xml seems to be very high level containing all the graphics detail 2011-01-28T13:18:31 we would need a tc6 compiler to some sane byte code 2011-01-28T13:25:15 DrJoel ah now I know something more 2011-01-28T13:26:03 we need a ST/IL compiler/interpreter, the graphical format can itself be compiled into these languages 2011-01-28T13:27:06 http://mat.sourceforge.net/manual/logic/iec/intro.html this is the compiler used by beremiz 2011-01-28T13:27:41 from this site "The iec2cc compiler as it stands is still very incomplete." :-( 2011-01-28T13:30:18 the project looks quite dead 2011-01-28T13:31:48 ah beremiz took over the compiler and it seems they have something working 2011-01-28T13:37:54 DrJoel: the compilers code is now here: http://lolitech.fr/dev/matiec/ 2011-01-28T13:38:12 doesn't look too complicated 2011-01-28T13:39:09 it might be not too hard to add a different output stage to produce some byte code and write a interpreter for it 2011-01-28T13:46:12 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-01-28T13:52:37 *** dr__house` has joined #rtems 2011-01-28T14:01:20 peerst: cool! That would be a nice project but well beyond the scope of GSoC. 2011-01-28T14:01:57 if I get also funding from my customer, I could complete it 2011-01-28T14:02:33 that would be a great piece of code to add to the beremiz project .. I hope it is alive. :) 2011-01-28T14:03:15 its alive somewhat 2011-01-28T14:03:24 not very it seems 2011-01-28T14:04:10 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-28T14:04:10 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-28T14:04:15 maybe the project could be split: GSoC participant does RTEMS integration 2011-01-28T14:04:32 *** dr__house` has quit IRC 2011-01-28T14:04:52 what size project is feasible for GSoC? 2011-01-28T14:12:15 a porting of something is Ok. but if other project isn't involved, I wouldn't touch it. We did Go, Milkymist BSD, Parrot, and Microwindows update as cross project projects. I like cross project projects BUT you need an active mentor from both sides, clear goals, etc. 2011-01-28T14:12:59 If you can make contact with them, see if they are interested, will co-mentor, etc. then define a task and how the student will test it. Sounds reasonable if the "they are alive and willing" part is met 2011-01-28T14:44:03 DrJoel: ok I contacted them and asked if they are interested in a cross project, lets see 2011-01-28T15:13:08 :) 2011-01-28T15:33:25 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-01-28T15:41:02 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-28T15:41:02 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-28T15:46:34 DrJoel: you mean there is no current mentor for Milkymist? 2011-01-28T15:46:43 a mentor is a mantainer right? 2011-01-28T15:47:08 :) 2011-01-28T15:48:19 ah nv, sorry i read log early and ask too fast 2011-01-28T15:50:11 kristianpaul: a mentor is someone knowledgeable enough to do the project and lead a student. On the Milkymist, I co-mentored and did the patch review/commit but only provided general BSP guidance. The mentor was great on that project 2011-01-28T15:51:38 i see 2011-01-28T15:52:12 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-01-28T17:08:49 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2011-01-28T17:16:18 *** madrazr has left #rtems 2011-01-28T17:22:56 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-28T17:22:56 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-28T17:44:19 *** methril has quit IRC 2011-01-28T17:45:16 *** methril has joined #rtems 2011-01-28T18:00:00 *** bswimley has quit IRC 2011-01-28T18:00:26 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2011-01-28T18:00:26 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2011-01-28T18:18:18 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-01-28T18:19:05 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2011-01-28T19:12:50 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-28T19:12:50 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-28T22:40:37 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-01-29T08:37:52 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-29T08:37:52 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-29T13:00:37 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-01-29T14:35:56 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-01-29T15:59:03 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-01-29T16:34:09 *** lcpfnyvc has quit IRC 2011-01-29T16:49:28 *** lcpfnyvc has joined #rtems 2011-01-29T16:52:58 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-29T18:35:53 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-01-29T18:41:00 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-29T18:41:48 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2011-01-29T19:42:33 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2011-01-30T00:24:23 *** kuzew has quit IRC 2011-01-30T03:09:59 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-01-30T09:12:17 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-30T09:12:17 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-30T10:50:37 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-01-30T12:11:21 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-30T12:11:21 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-30T12:38:16 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2011-01-30T14:51:40 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-01-30T15:31:00 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2011-01-30T15:54:44 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-30T15:54:44 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-30T16:37:04 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2011-01-30T17:06:22 *** dr__house` has joined #rtems 2011-01-30T17:06:22 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-01-30T17:06:40 *** dr__house` has quit IRC 2011-01-30T17:06:51 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-30T17:45:27 *** methril_ has joined #rtems 2011-01-30T17:47:27 *** methril has quit IRC 2011-01-30T19:26:53 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-01-30T20:19:02 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-30T21:35:19 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-01-30T22:42:22 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2011-01-30T23:00:42 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2011-01-30T23:06:07 *** kuzew has joined #rtems 2011-01-30T23:06:30 *** kuzew has left #rtems