2010-11-08T00:19:00 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T00:22:25 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-08T00:23:59 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T00:53:44 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-08T00:55:03 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T01:03:28 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-11-08T01:21:38 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T04:45:30 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T06:05:49 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T06:32:19 *** bazinski has left #rtems 2010-11-08T06:48:19 *** zwj has quit IRC 2010-11-08T06:53:20 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T08:42:51 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T08:42:51 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-11-08T08:50:08 *** zwj has quit IRC 2010-11-08T08:53:19 *** lekernel has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T08:55:18 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T09:17:41 hi 2010-11-08T09:18:23 I keep getting ENAMETOOLONG errors when trying to open files whose names exceed a few dozen characters. Is there a configuration option somewhere to set the maximum lengths of paths and filenames? I can't find it... 2010-11-08T09:23:42 Which filesystem? 2010-11-08T09:30:41 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2010-11-08T09:40:09 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T09:41:27 *** methril_work has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T09:53:36 I have the problem with both dosfs and nfs 2010-11-08T09:54:42 Dos is going to be 8+3 unless you are using the newer long file name extension 2010-11-08T09:55:56 apparently I have it (i'm using 4.11 CVS, though my checkout isn't super fresh) 2010-11-08T09:56:06 when listing the DOS folder, it displays the long names 2010-11-08T09:56:19 and opening long name files sometimes succeeds 2010-11-08T09:56:19 I think NFS is returned by the server. It isn't a client issue 2010-11-08T09:57:01 maybe - it seems to work all the time with some NFS servers 2010-11-08T09:57:21 but the dosfs problem is much more reproducible (and frequent) 2010-11-08T09:57:27 I don't see the precise rules/limit in the code quickly. Email the list. Chris Johns did the LFN and Till Straumann did the NFS client so both should be able to answer quicker than me. 2010-11-08T09:57:44 kk 2010-11-08T09:59:11 how old is this dos file system? 2010-11-08T10:00:06 was this file system created with rtems? is it older than ca. one year? 2010-11-08T10:07:36 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T10:18:56 *** zwj has quit IRC 2010-11-08T10:24:50 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2010-11-08T11:50:26 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-08T11:52:24 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T13:10:05 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-08T13:12:12 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T15:07:27 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T15:07:43 DrJoel, hi 2010-11-08T15:14:19 kiwichris: hello.. 2010-11-08T15:14:37 just bouncing melange bugs at Sverre 2010-11-08T15:14:46 I get an error when I try to sign up 2010-11-08T15:14:48 Ah ok 2010-11-08T15:15:26 Mail at my ISP is sick. Getting rtems.org does not exist type errors. Grrr. 2010-11-08T15:16:12 kiwichris: yep.. that's the current one. 2010-11-08T15:16:27 Ran into that with Mark after finding out I couldn't import tasks without mentors 2010-11-08T15:20:18 Is the rtems.org DNS MX record ok ? 2010-11-08T15:21:22 Measuring programming progress by Lines of 2010-11-08T15:21:22 Code is like measuring aircraft building progress 2010-11-08T15:21:22 by weight. Bill Gates 2010-11-08T15:21:49 Don't know on the MX record. Email Jeff the specifics and he will know. Noting has changed AFAIK 2010-11-08T15:22:01 I will try 2010-11-08T15:23:00 what's the question.. I will yell at him 2010-11-08T15:23:31 Just sent sent him the bounce so we will see if he gets it 2010-11-08T15:24:19 The bounce makes no sense to me. 2010-11-08T15:24:40 He got it. 2010-11-08T15:25:16 All it was is a post to the users list 2010-11-08T15:25:52 I have started on the rtems-test script. 2010-11-08T15:27:14 Hmmm the post worked the second time. Someone is playing in my ISP 2010-11-08T15:27:18 is my guess 2010-11-08T15:35:03 DrJoel, BeagleBoards !! Have you looked at a debugging (JTAG) solution ? 2010-11-08T15:36:43 *** lekernel has quit IRC 2010-11-08T15:37:44 *** lekernel has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T15:39:09 Not other than you did. I guess emailing Jason Kridner is the best option 2010-11-08T15:39:20 Ok I will. 2010-11-08T15:39:53 On the rtems-test script. Should the log directory be time stamped so each run it kept ? 2010-11-08T15:40:17 \/it\/is\/ 2010-11-08T15:41:00 you mean a time stamp file in it? That would be good 2010-11-08T15:41:31 I am looking at naming the current "log" directory something with a time stamp 2010-11-08T15:41:45 ahhh.. like the coverage runs do 2010-11-08T15:41:59 Inside this each test needs a bsp+test log file name 2010-11-08T15:42:37 OK. will that make the comparison hard eventually? 2010-11-08T15:43:12 How are the logs named now ? 2010-11-08T15:48:25 log/TESTNAME 2010-11-08T15:50:57 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-11-08T16:12:17 me is looking after a sick dog 2010-11-08T16:12:24 * kiwichris is looking after a sick dog 2010-11-08T16:12:56 Thanks. So I could make it "test-run-$BSP-$DATE" 2010-11-08T16:17:18 where test is sp21, etc 2010-11-08T16:17:29 :( on the sick dog.. 2010-11-08T16:18:02 I was thinking "test-run-sis-20101109091723/sp21" 2010-11-08T16:18:21 or "test-run-sis-20101109-091723/sp21" 2010-11-08T16:21:52 the coverage has a - between day and time. The seconds timestamp is probably not needed. The tests take so long to run, I don't do it on the coverage 2010-11-08T16:23:08 This is a low level command that autotest should use. We cannot do a "find . -name \*.exe" because .exe is going to go away. 2010-11-08T16:23:39 This means a number of tests per minute and I suppose also means this field should be passed by the layer above, or optional passed 2010-11-08T16:25:46 ok.. 2010-11-08T16:26:27 but the directory will only be created once per run.. so it doesn't need seconds. The timestamps on the individual log files may be very close 2010-11-08T16:27:33 Maybe the timestamp is not needed is a user can supply a logdir as an argument. 2010-11-08T16:28:07 This can then be a problem for autotest 2010-11-08T16:35:26 the actual name really doesn't matter.. make the tool happy 2010-11-08T16:36:13 I will. 2010-11-08T16:49:26 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T16:49:46 * DrJoel waves at projectgus 2010-11-08T16:49:55 kiwichris: looks like someone from your side of the world 2010-11-08T16:50:40 DrJoel, yes, at the ANU. Hi projectgus !! 2010-11-08T16:51:20 kiwichris: Melange fixed now.. please apply 2010-11-08T16:52:49 http://www.google-melange.com/gci/org/apply_mentor/google/gci2010 2010-11-08T16:53:19 kiwichris: every task in GCI has to have a mentor assigned when I create it. Mark is taking all the Infobox tasks .. what can I tack your name on? 2010-11-08T16:55:14 I will have a look 2010-11-08T16:56:48 O have a message about melange needing a new Google Maps API key. Could you please feed that back to the Melange team. 2010-11-08T16:57:07 I have gotten through the process myself.. asked to be a mentor, accepted myself, then got the email to fill in my profile and did so. Weird being admin and mentor 2010-11-08T16:57:43 ok.. now you fill out your profile.. you will get a google maps key popup.. already reported it 2010-11-08T17:25:26 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-11-08T18:38:25 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T18:38:25 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-11-08T18:39:08 kiwichris: hello? 2010-11-08T18:39:12 saw your email 2010-11-08T18:47:53 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-08T19:08:48 *** kristian1aul has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T19:10:02 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2010-11-08T19:12:36 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T19:12:57 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T19:13:40 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2010-11-08T19:27:35 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2010-11-08T19:27:52 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2010-11-08T21:09:47 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-11-08T22:19:41 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-11-09T01:06:35 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2010-11-09T02:07:40 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2010-11-09T02:16:47 good morning 2010-11-09T03:26:59 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2010-11-09T03:42:24 *** kuzew_ has joined #rtems 2010-11-09T03:47:14 *** kuzew has quit IRC 2010-11-09T05:05:30 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-11-09T06:26:41 *** kuzew_ is now known as kuzew 2010-11-09T08:07:47 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2010-11-09T08:32:04 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2010-11-09T08:32:30 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2010-11-09T09:28:39 *** bazinski has quit IRC 2010-11-09T09:32:46 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-11-09T10:10:43 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2010-11-09T10:11:08 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2010-11-09T11:01:50 *** dukeleto has quit IRC 2010-11-09T11:05:27 *** dukeleto has joined #rtems 2010-11-09T11:10:10 *** dukeleto has quit IRC 2010-11-09T11:14:36 *** dukeleto has joined #rtems 2010-11-09T11:21:30 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2010-11-09T11:22:13 *** dukeleto has quit IRC 2010-11-09T11:26:06 *** dukeleto has joined #rtems 2010-11-09T12:45:25 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-09T13:23:07 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-11-09T13:52:48 *** madrazr has left #rtems 2010-11-09T14:47:20 *** antgreen_ has joined #rtems 2010-11-09T15:22:23 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-09T15:34:58 *** lekernel has quit IRC 2010-11-09T15:35:47 *** lekernel has joined #rtems 2010-11-09T15:46:23 *** antgreen_ has quit IRC 2010-11-09T15:52:12 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-11-09T15:52:12 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-11-09T15:53:07 kiwichris: any idea what type of Code In tasks you want to mentor 2010-11-09T15:53:11 aanjhan: ditto 2010-11-09T15:53:33 FWIW you both need to fill out your profile :-D 2010-11-09T15:53:39 DrJoel, no I have not looked at the list. I stopped when I could not register as a mentor 2010-11-09T15:54:01 should be fixed now. I went back and forth with Sverre yesterday. 2010-11-09T15:54:19 * DrJoel is happy to note that a friend of my kids has already registered :D 2010-11-09T15:54:23 Ok. About to head out for school drop off then I will return 2010-11-09T15:54:53 no problem.. I am assigning all the tasks to myself except the wiki ones which Mark volunteered for. I think we can reassign them later 2010-11-09T15:56:35 DrJoel, Just sent you an email with a NATO AWACS link. Take the virtual tour and check out the operator panels. RTEMS is running in the racks behind 2010-11-09T15:56:52 http://www.e3a.nato.int/html/virtual_tour/board_awacs_3d.htm 2010-11-09T15:57:16 ... behind the 21" displays 2010-11-09T15:57:55 is it in the video? 2010-11-09T15:58:13 or the flight deck view 2010-11-09T15:58:14 Yeap. check the surelliance controller. 2010-11-09T15:58:55 The flight deck modules and too small to point out. The whole planes voice switch is FDDI-2 and the FDDI-2 runs RTEMS 2010-11-09T15:59:52 WOW! Is this one of the Plessey systems you worked on 2010-11-09T15:59:52 To the left of the main display is 2 rows of buttons. The ones blue kind of ones are LCD and hold the voice switch settings 2010-11-09T16:00:13 Well it went though a few companys 2010-11-09T16:00:26 Telephonics from Long Island make the voice switch boxes. 2010-11-09T16:01:06 so this is in the 3d view? 2010-11-09T16:01:31 I have not found a 3D view 2010-11-09T16:01:47 click "3d view flight deck" 2010-11-09T16:02:06 Oh neat 2010-11-09T16:02:16 yeah! Now can you drive me to it? 2010-11-09T16:02:33 Still loading .... 2010-11-09T16:03:49 cockpit or mission crew? 2010-11-09T16:04:56 I cannot see them. You need to follow the head set cords to the button modules and then to the boxes. 2010-11-09T16:05:20 You will see the pilot on the left's goes into a panel 2010-11-09T16:06:05 yep with what appears to be a cup holder just to the left of it. :-D 2010-11-09T16:06:08 * kiwichris will return for a mission crew 3d view 2010-11-09T16:06:28 yeah. The actual voice switch boxes will in racks around the plane. 2010-11-09T16:06:33 Cool 2010-11-09T16:29:22 DrJoel, did you take a look at the mission crew pic ? 2010-11-09T16:30:03 yes.. the pilot on the left.. followed the cord to the bulkhead and what looks to be a cup holder to the left of where the cord goes in 2010-11-09T16:30:24 I am on the crew page 2010-11-09T16:30:33 mission crew page 2010-11-09T16:32:21 ok 2010-11-09T16:33:00 Behind the display is a VME rack with Solaris running. 2010-11-09T16:33:55 I think the yellow and orange button panels are for the console and the small set od blue buttons with dials is the voice switch 2010-11-09T16:34:46 The voice switch is the small VME rack is a box and I think in behind the screens somewhere 2010-11-09T16:35:30 You will also see a guy standing in front of an equipment rack. 2010-11-09T16:36:06 yep.. see him 2010-11-09T16:37:16 Around there is the data recorder which also have RTEMS on a card in it. The master processor is Solaris and the RTEMS board feeds all the voice and switch control data to the recorder. 2010-11-09T16:37:53 They also have GiGE, FDDI-2, FDDI-1, 1553 and I seem to remember ATM 2010-11-09T16:42:13 Cool! I wonder if your descrption of the virtual tour can be added to the Wiki? 2010-11-09T16:42:49 In the pilots the cable is the headphones but I think they have a little box with jacks and PTT buttons 2010-11-09T16:43:40 Amzing how much RTEMS Is out there. :-D 2010-11-09T16:43:41 http://www.gdcanada.com/content/detail.cfm?acronym=mdr 2010-11-09T16:43:52 That is the data recorder 2010-11-09T16:44:11 The 2 boards with fibre on the right run RTEMS 2010-11-09T16:44:35 http://www.telephonics.com/products/tcomss.asp 2010-11-09T16:45:10 http://wiki.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/FMVS_FDDI-II_Voice-Data_Backbone actually has a poor write up. I challenge you to improve it. :-D 2010-11-09T16:45:21 Hmmm.. Info box for application pages ... 2010-11-09T16:45:30 Yeap 2010-11-09T16:46:03 If the wiki page gets enough info, then it can become a flyer 2010-11-09T16:46:24 :) 2010-11-09T16:46:26 FWIW I have bulk uploaded 20 Code In tasks 2010-11-09T16:46:33 Nice. 2010-11-09T16:46:34 Filling out the profile was quick 2010-11-09T16:47:47 So how do I accept myself as a mentor 2010-11-09T16:48:31 I click on List Requests and Invites and then on me and all I get is withdraw or go back 2010-11-09T16:50:37 Oh I see. I invited myself as an admin so I need to accept as user 2010-11-09T16:52:02 yes.. weird being admin 2010-11-09T16:52:29 I thought I was asking the admins to be a mentor and they would accept. 2010-11-09T16:57:48 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-11-09T16:57:50 DrJoel, setup.defs 2010-11-09T17:37:27 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2010-11-09T18:22:16 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-11-09T19:03:54 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2010-11-09T19:04:12 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2010-11-09T19:04:15 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2010-11-09T21:37:13 *** methril__ has quit IRC 2010-11-09T21:49:51 *** methril__ has joined #rtems 2010-11-09T22:41:53 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2010-11-10T00:05:45 *** madrazr has left #rtems 2010-11-10T00:12:35 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2010-11-10T00:20:26 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2010-11-10T02:06:38 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-11-10T03:45:29 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2010-11-10T05:54:11 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-11-10T09:50:32 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-11-10T09:50:32 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-11-10T09:50:51 aanjhan: please fill out your Code in mentor profile. 2010-11-10T10:11:20 *** bazinski has quit IRC 2010-11-10T10:22:24 mwalle: spoke to qemu developer at GSOC mentor summit. Do you want to let him help get the lm32 code into the main tree? 2010-11-10T10:31:10 :) 2010-11-10T10:33:00 lekernel: it would be a good thing 2010-11-10T10:35:00 yes, definitely 2010-11-10T10:40:01 DrJoel: code? 2010-11-10T10:41:02 aanjhan: Google Code In profile. :-D 2010-11-10T10:41:12 and which type of task from http://www.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/GoogleCodeInProjects are you interested in mentoring. 2010-11-10T10:41:16 I already did I thought 2010-11-10T10:41:22 GCI tasks are relatively small 2010-11-10T10:41:22 hmmm let me check 2010-11-10T10:41:37 you accepted an invite or asked.. I accepted.. now you fill in the profile 2010-11-10T10:41:50 aah ok :) 2010-11-10T11:02:34 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-11-10T11:45:28 *** Alison_Chaiken has joined #rtems 2010-11-10T11:46:05 *** Alison_Chaiken has left #rtems 2010-11-10T12:04:39 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-10T12:55:09 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-11-10T13:32:06 DrJoel: yeah that sounds great 2010-11-10T13:33:18 how large is your patch? 2010-11-10T13:37:17 mh dunno 2010-11-10T13:38:03 i would have to combine the commits to one patch/branch 2010-11-10T13:39:02 ok.. when you get it ready, we can start pursuing it 2010-11-10T13:41:33 does anyone know if it is possible to continue working with my git tree (e.g. fetch changes from upstream) if you submit one big (combined) patch upstream? 2010-11-10T13:42:02 eg i dont want to loose my history 2010-11-10T13:44:18 sorry not a git expert 2010-11-10T13:45:01 DrJoel: btw why did you ask how big the patch is? 2010-11-10T13:46:25 just curious if it was goign to be hard to get accepted.. is it mostly adding a new target? or small changes spread out which would be harder to get reviewed 2010-11-10T13:48:07 brb 2010-11-10T13:48:25 if you're lucky, git should handle that automatically 2010-11-10T13:49:20 let me know how it goes... i'm wondering too 2010-11-10T13:52:54 mwalle: http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/git_mirrors#About_that_upstream_branch 2010-11-10T14:04:01 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-11-10T14:36:16 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-11-10T14:52:30 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2010-11-10T15:16:49 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2010-11-10T15:36:33 *** lekernel_ has joined #rtems 2010-11-10T15:37:30 *** lekernel has quit IRC 2010-11-10T15:58:04 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-11-10T16:10:40 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2010-11-10T16:19:46 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-10T16:40:55 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-11-10T17:04:18 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2010-11-10T17:06:25 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2010-11-10T17:16:53 *** antgreen_ has joined #rtems 2010-11-10T18:58:43 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2010-11-10T20:00:17 *** antgreen_ has quit IRC 2010-11-10T21:06:00 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2010-11-10T21:12:02 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-10T21:12:49 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-10T22:18:24 *** antgreen_ has joined #rtems 2010-11-10T23:03:28 *** methril__ has quit IRC 2010-11-10T23:04:40 *** methril__ has joined #rtems 2010-11-10T23:41:53 *** antgreen_ has quit IRC 2010-11-11T00:02:54 *** antgreen_ has joined #rtems 2010-11-11T00:11:19 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2010-11-11T00:12:35 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2010-11-11T01:45:13 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2010-11-11T01:45:27 good morning 2010-11-11T03:00:31 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2010-11-11T04:25:33 *** antgreen_ has quit IRC 2010-11-11T04:43:37 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-11-11T05:14:10 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2010-11-11T05:17:27 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2010-11-11T05:18:36 *** lekernel_ is now known as lekernel 2010-11-11T07:25:12 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-11-11T07:25:12 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-11-11T07:39:03 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2010-11-11T07:46:07 * DrJoel waves hello 2010-11-11T07:48:08 hi 2010-11-11T07:48:29 hey sebhub how are things going? 2010-11-11T07:48:46 too much to do ;-) 2010-11-11T07:49:17 LOL I feel the same way. I need to rewrite the getting started guide so it is correct for 4.10 2010-11-11T07:49:39 i hope the arm project will be ordered, i think the arm cortex is very important for rtems 2010-11-11T07:49:56 oh yes, we have to many getting started guides 2010-11-11T07:51:19 it is important 2010-11-11T07:51:32 agreed on the too many.. that's part of my problem 2010-11-11T07:52:41 i would erase all of them and write a new one and put it on the wiki with a direct link from the web site 2010-11-11T07:53:15 I am considering that. One for each OS/packaging mechanism.. so RPM, Windows and from source 2010-11-11T07:53:39 * DrJoel is watching his G2 load an OS update.. 2010-11-11T07:54:15 hm, from source is dangerous, maybe a reference to the source rpms and spec files in the cvs 2010-11-11T07:54:43 i would omit the build from source 2010-11-11T07:54:49 yes it is dangerous but it is the only option for some hosts. Chris has a tool now which builds from source using a script 2010-11-11T07:55:19 the human and machine readable source for building from source are the rpm spec files 2010-11-11T07:55:45 they describe a working and tested procedure 2010-11-11T07:55:51 yes and chris' tool (spec builder) reads the specs on a non-RPM host and builds them. 2010-11-11T07:55:58 and are the most recent and up to date source 2010-11-11T07:56:09 ok, this is great 2010-11-11T07:56:21 right.. that's what drove Chris to do the tool. :-D 2010-11-11T07:56:26 I need to run for a minute 2010-11-11T07:56:29 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-11-11T09:32:55 *** bazinski has quit IRC 2010-11-11T09:38:30 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-11T09:57:07 *** lekernel has quit IRC 2010-11-11T11:45:08 *** rtemsLogger has joined #rtems 2010-11-11T15:46:45 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-11-11T16:09:11 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-11T17:25:42 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-11-11T17:25:42 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-11-11T17:26:45 kiwichris: hello? 2010-11-11T17:36:37 *** error_developer_ has joined #rtems 2010-11-11T17:41:04 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-11T18:34:17 DrJoel, hi 2010-11-11T18:35:52 DrJoel, I about to head for the afternoon. Maybe catch you tomorrow. 2010-11-11T18:35:56 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-11-11T18:41:41 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-11-11T19:32:08 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2010-11-11T20:00:26 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2010-11-12T00:18:20 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2010-11-12T01:15:16 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2010-11-12T04:20:02 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-11-12T06:12:56 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2010-11-12T06:43:14 *** mwalle has quit IRC 2010-11-12T06:43:51 *** mwalle has joined #rtems 2010-11-12T07:21:23 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2010-11-12T07:28:53 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2010-11-12T08:55:28 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-11-12T08:56:43 *** bazinski has quit IRC 2010-11-12T09:27:38 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2010-11-12T09:33:55 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-12T10:34:36 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-11-12T12:05:13 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2010-11-12T12:15:23 *** kuzew has quit IRC 2010-11-12T12:17:12 *** kuzew has joined #rtems 2010-11-12T13:33:36 *** madrazr has left #rtems 2010-11-12T14:35:08 *** methril_work has quit IRC 2010-11-12T15:56:57 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-11-12T16:33:37 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-12T16:50:44 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-11-12T20:54:15 *** error_developer_ has quit IRC 2010-11-12T20:55:02 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-12T21:33:47 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-12T21:34:28 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-12T23:06:48 *** methril__ has quit IRC 2010-11-12T23:19:05 *** methril__ has joined #rtems 2010-11-12T23:53:56 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-12T23:55:31 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-13T00:00:54 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-13T00:01:46 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-13T00:22:20 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-13T00:23:53 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-13T02:18:25 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-13T02:20:07 what times is joel around usually? 2010-11-13T02:20:21 23 2010-11-13T02:20:24 ignore that 23. 2010-11-13T02:20:36 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-13T03:55:42 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-11-13T06:18:03 *** methril__ has quit IRC 2010-11-13T06:24:45 *** methril has joined #rtems 2010-11-13T07:58:03 *** methril has quit IRC 2010-11-13T08:12:45 *** methril has joined #rtems 2010-11-13T08:44:07 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-13T09:47:16 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-11-13T10:42:53 *** kuzew has quit IRC 2010-11-13T10:44:03 *** kuzew has joined #rtems 2010-11-13T13:35:25 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-13T13:35:30 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-11-13T13:40:15 *** titurel has joined #rtems 2010-11-13T13:50:03 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2010-11-13T13:50:49 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2010-11-13T13:50:49 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2010-11-13T19:30:08 *** titurel has quit IRC 2010-11-13T19:41:47 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-13T21:08:53 *** dukeleto has quit IRC 2010-11-13T21:09:23 *** dukeleto has joined #rtems 2010-11-13T21:13:55 *** dukeleto has quit IRC 2010-11-13T21:14:27 *** dukeleto has joined #rtems 2010-11-14T13:03:12 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-11-14T13:08:19 *** dukeleto has quit IRC 2010-11-14T13:08:53 *** dukeleto has joined #rtems 2010-11-14T16:43:43 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2010-11-14T17:18:39 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-14T23:05:33 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2010-11-14T23:20:43 *** antgreen has joined #rtems