2010-11-01T00:02:35 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-11-01T00:59:31 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2010-11-01T00:59:47 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2010-11-01T02:09:18 *** methril_ has quit IRC 2010-11-01T02:09:57 *** methril_ has joined #rtems 2010-11-01T02:10:08 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-01T02:11:04 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-01T02:43:22 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2010-11-01T07:20:25 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-11-01T07:27:14 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2010-11-01T07:27:19 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2010-11-01T07:27:19 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2010-11-01T07:28:03 *** methril_ has quit IRC 2010-11-01T08:19:35 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-11-01T08:19:35 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-11-01T10:10:48 *** dukeleto has quit IRC 2010-11-01T10:11:22 *** dukeleto has joined #rtems 2010-11-01T10:21:32 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-11-01T10:40:59 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-11-01T10:40:59 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-11-01T11:07:57 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-01T11:12:58 *** bazinski has quit IRC 2010-11-01T11:21:12 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2010-11-01T11:39:06 *** Alison_Chaiken has joined #rtems 2010-11-01T12:03:48 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-11-01T12:57:11 *** titurel has joined #rtems 2010-11-01T13:15:08 *** gedare has quit IRC 2010-11-01T14:40:47 *** methril has joined #rtems 2010-11-01T15:46:40 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-01T15:54:03 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-11-01T17:13:22 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-01T17:22:42 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-11-01T17:30:03 *** titurel has quit IRC 2010-11-01T17:33:20 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-11-01T18:51:06 *** Alison_Chaiken has quit IRC 2010-11-01T20:49:08 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-01T20:49:49 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-02T00:57:20 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-11-02T01:15:16 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2010-11-02T01:15:33 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2010-11-02T01:23:13 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2010-11-02T01:38:11 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2010-11-02T02:21:56 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-11-02T02:23:55 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-11-02T02:32:01 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2010-11-02T02:32:07 good morning 2010-11-02T03:22:16 *** madrazr has left #rtems 2010-11-02T03:23:59 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2010-11-02T07:45:11 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-11-02T08:45:42 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-11-02T08:45:42 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-11-02T09:03:32 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2010-11-02T10:19:49 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-02T10:49:09 *** bazinski has quit IRC 2010-11-02T11:34:43 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-11-02T15:48:53 Hi Joel 2010-11-02T16:13:20 *** drjoel1 has joined #rtems 2010-11-02T16:24:09 * drjoel1 is tired and going to take a nap 2010-11-02T16:24:12 *** drjoel1 has quit IRC 2010-11-02T16:39:02 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-02T16:39:48 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-02T17:13:36 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-02T17:58:31 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2010-11-02T17:58:48 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2010-11-02T18:19:32 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2010-11-02T18:40:31 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2010-11-02T18:49:05 *** antgreen_ has joined #rtems 2010-11-02T18:51:48 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2010-11-02T18:51:54 *** antgreen_ is now known as antgreen 2010-11-02T19:58:31 * kiwichris just looked at Joel's GSoC pics 2010-11-03T00:49:13 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-11-03T02:48:40 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2010-11-03T02:49:14 good morning 2010-11-03T03:31:05 *** madrazr has left #rtems 2010-11-03T04:13:45 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-11-03T04:18:04 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2010-11-03T05:55:44 *** methril_work has joined #rtems 2010-11-03T06:07:31 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-11-03T07:20:02 *** methril_work has quit IRC 2010-11-03T07:20:30 *** methril_work has joined #rtems 2010-11-03T07:30:33 *** methril has quit IRC 2010-11-03T07:43:01 *** methril has joined #rtems 2010-11-03T08:19:14 * DrJoel stayed logged in from the office overnight. Hello 2010-11-03T09:12:16 *** dukeleto has quit IRC 2010-11-03T09:33:34 *** dukeleto has joined #rtems 2010-11-03T09:52:34 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-03T10:16:57 *** Alison_Chaiken has joined #rtems 2010-11-03T10:43:38 *** bazinski has quit IRC 2010-11-03T11:01:37 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2010-11-03T11:09:09 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2010-11-03T11:47:34 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-11-03T13:08:37 *** gedare has quit IRC 2010-11-03T13:09:14 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2010-11-03T13:45:48 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-03T13:49:10 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-03T18:21:14 *** gedare has quit IRC 2010-11-03T19:03:27 *** Alison_Chaiken has quit IRC 2010-11-03T19:22:39 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-03T19:34:19 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2010-11-03T19:58:07 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-11-03T20:03:00 kiwichris: there? 2010-11-03T20:03:09 yeah hi 2010-11-03T20:03:25 *** DrJoel changes topic to "RTEMS -- http://www.rtems.org" 2010-11-03T20:03:40 I am at the office if you want to chat. 2010-11-03T20:46:55 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2010-11-03T21:27:09 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2010-11-03T21:27:31 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2010-11-03T21:39:05 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-11-03T21:54:53 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-11-03T22:36:10 *** dukeleto has quit IRC 2010-11-03T22:36:43 *** dukeleto has joined #rtems 2010-11-03T22:37:01 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2010-11-03T23:28:25 *** dukeleto has quit IRC 2010-11-03T23:29:00 *** dukeleto has joined #rtems 2010-11-03T23:56:32 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-11-04T02:02:07 dukeleto, are you about ? 2010-11-04T02:51:13 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2010-11-04T02:51:18 good morning 2010-11-04T03:32:43 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2010-11-04T03:33:44 sebhub, hi 2010-11-04T03:44:54 hi 2010-11-04T04:05:24 sebhub, are you able to tell me now much code space the USB stack takes ? 2010-11-04T04:05:51 on arm thumb less than 200kByte 2010-11-04T04:06:10 Thanks. How much RAM ? 2010-11-04T04:06:14 I don't know the exact figures 2010-11-04T04:06:29 Rough on the high side if possible :) 2010-11-04T04:07:12 big guess more than welcome 2010-11-04T04:07:17 you need 4 usb tasks (each 4k stack), rest is on the heap 2010-11-04T04:07:33 100K ? 250K ? 1M ? 2010-11-04T04:07:46 it is possible to determine the exact figures, but i had not time to implement the malloc statistics 2010-11-04T04:07:58 less than 1M 2010-11-04T04:08:17 Fantastic and many thanks. 2010-11-04T04:08:51 Oh is EHCI supported ? 2010-11-04T04:09:05 yes, i tested it with mpc8313 2010-11-04T04:09:10 Thanks 2010-11-04T04:09:20 although the big endian support was hacked 2010-11-04T04:09:30 By you ? 2010-11-04T04:10:03 yes, i circumvented the bus_space api with some hard coded defines 2010-11-04T04:10:26 Ok. Anything worth sending upstream ? 2010-11-04T04:10:50 no, the big endian support is in freebsd via the bus_space api 2010-11-04T04:10:59 Ok 2010-11-04T04:11:11 the changes are pretty minor 2010-11-04T04:11:48 Index: ehci.h 2010-11-04T04:11:50 =================================================================== 2010-11-04T04:11:51 --- ehci.h (revision 213272) 2010-11-04T04:11:52 +++ ehci.h (working copy) 2010-11-04T04:11:54 @@ -358,26 +358,52 @@ 2010-11-04T04:11:54 sebhub: Error: "@" is not a valid command. 2010-11-04T04:11:55 } ehci_softc_t; 2010-11-04T04:11:57 2010-11-04T04:11:58 #define EREAD1(sc, a) bus_space_read_1((sc)->sc_io_tag, (sc)->sc_io_hdl, (a)) 2010-11-04T04:12:00 +#ifndef __rtems__ 2010-11-04T04:12:01 #define EREAD2(sc, a) bus_space_read_2((sc)->sc_io_tag, (sc)->sc_io_hdl, (a)) 2010-11-04T04:12:03 #define EREAD4(sc, a) bus_space_read_4((sc)->sc_io_tag, (sc)->sc_io_hdl, (a)) 2010-11-04T04:12:04 +#else /* __rtems__ */ 2010-11-04T04:12:06 +#define EREAD2(sc, a) le16toh(bus_space_read_2((sc)->sc_io_tag, (sc)->sc_io_hdl, (a))) 2010-11-04T04:12:07 +#define EREAD4(sc, a) le32toh(bus_space_read_4((sc)->sc_io_tag, (sc)->sc_io_hdl, (a))) 2010-11-04T04:12:09 +#endif /* __rtems__ */ 2010-11-04T04:12:10 #define EWRITE1(sc, a, x) \ 2010-11-04T04:12:12 bus_space_write_1((sc)->sc_io_tag, (sc)->sc_io_hdl, (a), (x)) 2010-11-04T04:12:14 +#ifndef __rtems__ 2010-11-04T04:12:15 #define EWRITE2(sc, a, x) \ 2010-11-04T04:12:16 bus_space_write_2((sc)->sc_io_tag, (sc)->sc_io_hdl, (a), (x)) 2010-11-04T04:12:18 #define EWRITE4(sc, a, x) \ 2010-11-04T04:12:19 bus_space_write_4((sc)->sc_io_tag, (sc)->sc_io_hdl, (a), (x)) 2010-11-04T04:12:21 +#else /* __rtems__ */ 2010-11-04T04:12:22 +#define EWRITE2(sc, a, x) \ 2010-11-04T04:12:24 + bus_space_write_2((sc)->sc_io_tag, (sc)->sc_io_hdl, (a), htole16(x)) 2010-11-04T04:12:25 +#define EWRITE4(sc, a, x) \ 2010-11-04T04:12:27 + bus_space_write_4((sc)->sc_io_tag, (sc)->sc_io_hdl, (a), htole32(x)) 2010-11-04T04:12:28 +#endif /* __rtems__ */ 2010-11-04T04:12:30 #define EOREAD1(sc, a) \ 2010-11-04T04:12:31 bus_space_read_1((sc)->sc_io_tag, (sc)->sc_io_hdl, (sc)->sc_offs+(a)) 2010-11-04T04:12:33 +#ifndef __rtems__ 2010-11-04T04:12:35 #define EOREAD2(sc, a) \ 2010-11-04T04:12:36 bus_space_read_2((sc)->sc_io_tag, (sc)->sc_io_hdl, (sc)->sc_offs+(a)) 2010-11-04T04:12:37 #define EOREAD4(sc, a) \ 2010-11-04T04:12:39 bus_space_read_4((sc)->sc_io_tag, (sc)->sc_io_hdl, (sc)->sc_offs+(a)) 2010-11-04T04:12:40 +#else /* __rtems__ */ 2010-11-04T04:12:42 +#define EOREAD2(sc, a) \ 2010-11-04T04:12:43 + le16toh(bus_space_read_2((sc)->sc_io_tag, (sc)->sc_io_hdl, (sc)->sc_offs+(a))) 2010-11-04T04:12:45 +#define EOREAD4(sc, a) \ 2010-11-04T04:12:46 + le32toh(bus_space_read_4((sc)->sc_io_tag, (sc)->sc_io_hdl, (sc)->sc_offs+(a))) 2010-11-04T04:12:48 +#endif /* __rtems__ */ 2010-11-04T04:12:49 #define EOWRITE1(sc, a, x) \ 2010-11-04T04:12:51 bus_space_write_1((sc)->sc_io_tag, (sc)->sc_io_hdl, (sc)->sc_offs+(a), (x)) 2010-11-04T04:12:52 +#ifndef __rtems__ 2010-11-04T04:12:54 #define EOWRITE2(sc, a, x) \ 2010-11-04T04:12:55 bus_space_write_2((sc)->sc_io_tag, (sc)->sc_io_hdl, (sc)->sc_offs+(a), (x)) 2010-11-04T04:12:57 #define EOWRITE4(sc, a, x) \ 2010-11-04T04:12:59 bus_space_write_4((sc)->sc_io_tag, (sc)->sc_io_hdl, (sc)->sc_offs+(a), (x)) 2010-11-04T04:13:00 +#else /* __rtems__ */ 2010-11-04T04:13:01 +#define EOWRITE2(sc, a, x) \ 2010-11-04T04:13:03 + bus_space_write_2((sc)->sc_io_tag, (sc)->sc_io_hdl, (sc)->sc_offs+(a), htole16(x)) 2010-11-04T04:13:04 +#define EOWRITE4(sc, a, x) \ 2010-11-04T04:13:06 + bus_space_write_4((sc)->sc_io_tag, (sc)->sc_io_hdl, (sc)->sc_offs+(a), htole32(x)) 2010-11-04T04:13:07 +#endif /* __rtems__ */ 2010-11-04T04:13:09 #ifdef USB_EHCI_BIG_ENDIAN_DESC 2010-11-04T04:13:10 /* 2010-11-04T04:16:39 Why __rtems__ and not endian ? 2010-11-04T04:17:26 I hacked this only to get it working on my evaluation board 2010-11-04T04:17:37 Ok. 2010-11-04T04:17:43 Again thanks for this. 2010-11-04T04:17:54 I am off for the night. 2010-11-04T04:18:11 cu 2010-11-04T04:18:26 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-11-04T09:03:49 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-11-04T09:19:17 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2010-11-04T09:20:06 sebhub;hi ,the past month i am busy with study , so there is little time for me to rtems 2010-11-04T09:21:14 sorry for long time disappeared 2010-11-04T09:23:07 and about the merge of sysinit, what can i help ? 2010-11-04T10:28:58 *** methril_ has joined #rtems 2010-11-04T10:30:16 *** methril has quit IRC 2010-11-04T10:33:29 *** bazinski has left #rtems 2010-11-04T11:29:32 *** zwj has quit IRC 2010-11-04T12:00:39 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2010-11-04T12:03:13 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2010-11-04T12:34:34 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-11-04T12:54:21 *** gedare has quit IRC 2010-11-04T13:36:52 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-11-04T13:36:52 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-11-04T13:46:57 *** madrazr has left #rtems 2010-11-04T15:07:22 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-11-04T16:39:49 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-11-04T17:11:30 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-11-04T17:19:19 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-11-04T17:19:19 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-11-04T17:19:48 * DrJoel waves to kiwichris 2010-11-04T17:19:58 DrJoel, hello 2010-11-04T17:20:00 haven't heard from David Maxwell.. left message on his phone 2010-11-04T17:20:09 am nibbling at the clang reports :-D 2010-11-04T17:20:29 Oh well. I have a plan to remove the local_table from the object information table 2010-11-04T17:21:19 The local_table is actually just a bool or a single bit to say the object is opened 2010-11-04T17:22:04 Given an index I can check the object_block is valid and if valid compute effective address of the object 2010-11-04T17:22:15 that will impact objectget.c and EVERY directive. be careful on performance 2010-11-04T17:23:34 It is a bit look up and an address calc. It is a little more but only a few instructions as the compiler should be able to figure out decent code. The saving is to lower the local_table from 4 bytes to 1 bit 2010-11-04T17:24:28 How's your time travel going ? ;) 2010-11-04T17:24:31 that's good.. probably want a run of tmtests on psim as baseline to compare with. it measures instructions 2010-11-04T17:24:47 Yeah I agree 2010-11-04T17:24:52 not well.. was out of office today for sick kid dr trip 2010-11-04T17:25:07 Would confdefs.h need updating ? 2010-11-04T17:25:52 I will commit I current changes. Do you have something that inspects the test run output for ok or not ok ? 2010-11-04T17:26:42 check_endof in rtems-testing and then a hand compare on tmtests for performance changes 2010-11-04T17:27:07 How do you use it ? 2010-11-04T17:27:28 sis *.exe 2010-11-04T17:27:31 check_endof 2010-11-04T17:27:36 psim *.exe 2010-11-04T17:27:38 check_endof 2010-11-04T17:27:49 Ok. 2010-11-04T17:27:50 it will report which tests do not have "END OF" messages 2010-11-04T17:28:04 It looks in the log file ? 2010-11-04T17:28:08 not too advanced .. autotest is needed 2010-11-04T17:28:09 yep 2010-11-04T17:28:48 Yeah. Been thinking about that. I suspect we may need to think about where the output goes etc but that can all happen when the change happens 2010-11-04T17:29:32 we have to be able to compare the expected vs actual but the tests can be easily redirected if need be. It is from the main sim script 2010-11-04T17:30:31 Yes this is important. I suspect we will need a way to define specific fields in the expected output that can vary 2010-11-04T17:30:34 eg ids 2010-11-04T17:30:50 right 2010-11-04T17:30:54 FWIW http://www.aivosto.com/project/help/pm-complexity.html 2010-11-04T17:31:13 a description of cyclomatic complexity and risk.. impact on testability and maintainability 2010-11-04T17:31:46 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-11-04T17:32:08 Interesting to match these results against commit stats 2010-11-04T17:33:41 yes that would be interesting 2010-11-04T17:34:16 It is interesting that "scary" code has high CC 2010-11-04T17:34:42 I suspect a couple of results. High complexity and not commit changes, ie code works and high complexity and high commits, code needs to be refactored 2010-11-04T17:35:34 Hows does object information extend rate :) 2010-11-04T17:37:15 http://www.rtems.org/ftp/pub/rtems/people/joel/metrics/cccc/cccc.html 2010-11-04T17:40:01 cccc looks very confused :-D 2010-11-04T17:40:26 Yeah I am trying to understand it 2010-11-04T17:44:03 14 2010-11-04T17:44:08 http://www.rtems.org/ftp/pub/rtems/people/joel/metrics/pmccabe.txt 2010-11-04T17:44:11 from another tool. :-D 2010-11-04T17:44:34 Jennifer has a wrapper for this to convert the output to html with the sortable tables.. will run it on RTEMS and post it when she is happy 2010-11-04T17:45:06 that will make it possible to sort on complexity 2010-11-04T17:45:33 These look like better results. The other results had issues 2010-11-04T17:45:34 killinfo.c 36 2010-11-04T17:45:44 threadijnitialize.c 35 2010-11-04T17:46:03 RFS eval for make 29 2010-11-04T17:46:32 The eval functions are the hardest part of a file system and it seems to show this 2010-11-04T17:46:48 22 22 71 113 131 score/src/heapextend.c(113): _Heap_Extend 2010-11-04T17:47:23 4 25 72 109 136 libfs/src/rfs/rtems-rfs-link.c(110): rtems_rfs_unlink 2010-11-04T17:47:25 I think it is a good measure of understandability and testability.. papers show it is correlated to "bad fix probability" 2010-11-04T17:47:30 ouch! 2010-11-04T17:47:37 are there 24 conditionals in there? 2010-11-04T17:47:42 24 25 72 109 136 libfs/src/rfs/rtems-rfs-link.c(110): rtems_rfs_unlink 2010-11-04T17:48:08 23 27 75 269 193 libfs/src/imfs/imfs_eval.c(269): IMFS_evaluate_for_make 2010-11-04T17:48:30 IMFS and RFS match with this code. I wish a simpler API could be found for this. 2010-11-04T17:48:42 yep.. 2010-11-04T17:48:50 well time for me to head home.. catch you tomorrow 2010-11-04T17:48:53 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-11-04T18:40:05 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-11-04T19:45:15 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-11-04T19:47:26 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-11-04T20:16:10 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-04T20:26:19 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-11-04T21:47:29 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-11-05T00:00:58 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-11-05T00:06:48 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-11-05T00:14:43 *** methril_ has quit IRC 2010-11-05T00:15:14 *** methril_ has joined #rtems 2010-11-05T00:20:00 *** methril__ has joined #rtems 2010-11-05T00:21:23 *** methril_ has quit IRC 2010-11-05T00:54:03 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-11-05T01:08:14 *** methril_ has joined #rtems 2010-11-05T01:09:18 *** methril__ has quit IRC 2010-11-05T01:15:23 *** methril_ has quit IRC 2010-11-05T01:15:44 *** methril_ has joined #rtems 2010-11-05T01:34:18 *** methril_ has quit IRC 2010-11-05T01:34:54 *** methril_ has joined #rtems 2010-11-05T02:11:04 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-11-05T02:25:46 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-11-05T02:34:30 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2010-11-05T04:46:11 *** methril_ has quit IRC 2010-11-05T06:37:17 *** methril_work has quit IRC 2010-11-05T06:48:13 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-11-05T07:20:49 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2010-11-05T07:20:52 hello 2010-11-05T07:31:33 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2010-11-05T08:41:25 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-11-05T08:41:25 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-11-05T08:57:14 *** bazinski has left #rtems 2010-11-05T09:04:40 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2010-11-05T09:05:05 good morning 2010-11-05T09:14:52 morning. It was great to see you at GWU 2010-11-05T09:15:24 DrJoel: It was my dream come true :) 2010-11-05T09:15:53 you need better dreams then LOL 2010-11-05T09:16:05 DrJoel: LOL :) 2010-11-05T09:33:45 DrJoel: 2010-11-05T09:33:47 hi 2010-11-05T09:34:44 zwj: hello! 2010-11-05T09:35:18 about the work of merge the sysinit code, what can i do for it 2010-11-05T09:35:55 good question.. kiwichris .. sebhub 2010-11-05T09:36:04 sebhub: ping 2010-11-05T09:36:06 kiwichris: ping 2010-11-05T09:36:07 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2010-11-05T09:36:31 in the past months i am busy with study, now i have free time for open source 2010-11-05T09:37:59 zwj: completely understandable.. now is time to return and get code in. :-D 2010-11-05T09:38:40 yes,i think the code of sysinit should be updated 2010-11-05T09:42:01 I can show you how to run clang (static analyzer) on it to highlight any oddities 2010-11-05T09:45:46 can the clang show the change of code ? 2010-11-05T09:49:14 no.. it highlights potiential issues that gcc won't find 2010-11-05T09:49:19 http://www.rtems.org/ftp/pub/rtems/people/joel/clang-analyzer/2010-09-28-1/ 2010-11-05T09:49:24 that's a run on RTEMS 2010-11-05T09:50:29 ao, i will see it 2010-11-05T09:54:13 in what area we will use clang? to find some issues of code? 2010-11-05T09:54:40 that's pretty much it. Like Coverity Scan. Just finds issues before they become things users report that we have to debug. :-D 2010-11-05T09:55:08 do you have an account to view the coverity results? 2010-11-05T09:55:27 i think i donont have 2010-11-05T09:55:42 in the bugzia 2010-11-05T09:55:45 ? 2010-11-05T09:55:56 hold on.. I will create one.. special account for this.. not an open tool 2010-11-05T09:56:19 ok 2010-11-05T09:57:47 coverity scan does a lot of analysis. can find some pretty obscure things 2010-11-05T10:06:34 *** methril has joined #rtems 2010-11-05T10:54:26 *** zwj has quit IRC 2010-11-05T10:59:56 *** methril_work has joined #rtems 2010-11-05T11:07:43 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2010-11-05T12:16:21 Congrats on getting into GCI! 2010-11-05T12:25:10 well you guys did to .. congratulations.. only 20 orgs! 2010-11-05T12:26:47 DrJoel: yep! I am very excited 2010-11-05T12:27:23 I am excited and concerned at the same time LOL 2010-11-05T12:29:15 yes. concern is growing. 2010-11-05T12:29:27 the student period starts a few days before thanksgiving 2010-11-05T12:29:31 should be interesting 2010-11-05T12:31:23 Yep. I need to start a spreadsheet of tasks so they can be bulk imported 2010-11-05T12:41:14 indeed. they have a csv bulk import 2010-11-05T12:54:17 starting to work on that now. Hand-writing html links inside a spreadsheet cell sucks 2010-11-05T13:37:17 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2010-11-05T15:37:17 *** methril_work has quit IRC 2010-11-05T15:47:34 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-11-05T19:11:21 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-05T19:24:51 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2010-11-05T19:25:23 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2010-11-05T20:36:53 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-11-05T20:45:42 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-11-05T22:13:55 *** rokka has quit IRC 2010-11-05T22:14:02 *** rokka has joined #rtems 2010-11-05T23:57:52 *** madrazr has left #rtems 2010-11-06T01:54:04 *** dukeleto has quit IRC 2010-11-06T01:54:36 *** dukeleto has joined #rtems 2010-11-06T04:31:30 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-11-06T05:24:23 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2010-11-06T06:32:38 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-06T06:33:58 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-06T07:06:48 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-06T07:09:03 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-06T07:31:28 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2010-11-06T07:42:28 *** antgreen has left #rtems 2010-11-06T08:33:10 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2010-11-06T08:33:21 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2010-11-06T09:02:53 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-06T09:42:37 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-11-06T09:42:37 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-11-06T09:42:56 *** DrJoel changes topic to "RTEMS was accepted into Google Code In!" 2010-11-06T09:45:40 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-11-06T11:46:35 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-06T11:47:00 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-06T19:08:12 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-06T19:09:38 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-06T19:42:19 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-06T22:04:19 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T01:13:19 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T01:37:59 *** madrazr has left #rtems 2010-11-07T01:43:49 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-07T01:48:15 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T05:08:08 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-07T05:09:58 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T05:25:57 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T05:26:03 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-11-07T05:38:23 *** methril_ has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T05:39:43 *** methril has quit IRC 2010-11-07T06:26:55 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T07:07:07 *** zwj has quit IRC 2010-11-07T07:23:43 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T08:10:59 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T08:10:59 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T08:10:59 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-11-07T08:40:08 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T09:31:48 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T10:16:14 *** wenjiezhang has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T10:18:53 *** zwj has quit IRC 2010-11-07T10:29:05 *** wenjiezhang has quit IRC 2010-11-07T12:21:32 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-07T12:23:27 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T12:30:13 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-07T12:32:19 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T12:36:36 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-07T12:37:54 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T12:42:16 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-07T12:43:29 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T12:46:26 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-11-07T12:46:56 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T12:46:56 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-11-07T13:54:43 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-11-07T14:13:16 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-07T14:15:21 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T14:43:46 *** titurel has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T14:54:28 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-07T14:56:35 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T15:01:25 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-11-07T15:02:19 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-07T15:03:36 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T15:42:14 *** titurel has left #rtems 2010-11-07T17:41:11 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2010-11-07T17:51:47 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T17:51:47 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T18:32:43 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2010-11-07T18:37:59 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T18:37:59 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T19:25:44 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-11-07T20:18:27 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T21:05:05 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T21:13:10 *** kristian1aul has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T21:16:41 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2010-11-07T21:17:03 *** kristian1aul has quit IRC 2010-11-07T21:17:24 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T21:34:26 *** methril__ has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T21:34:43 *** methril_ has quit IRC 2010-11-07T21:43:28 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-11-07T21:47:10 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T23:05:21 *** verm__ has joined #rtems 2010-11-07T23:05:30 wow so there is a channel 2010-11-07T23:05:39 i just thought of joining now on chance. 2010-11-07T23:11:04 <-amar from ntp 2010-11-07T23:34:42 *** madrazr has left #rtems 2010-11-07T23:38:33 *** projectgus has quit IRC