2010-10-25T01:10:38 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2010-10-25T01:50:32 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2010-10-25T01:50:38 good morning 2010-10-25T03:26:22 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2010-10-25T05:41:34 *** methril_work has joined #rtems 2010-10-25T06:11:38 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-10-25T07:31:18 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-10-25T07:35:49 *** antgreen has left #rtems 2010-10-25T07:50:23 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-10-25T08:18:32 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-25T08:20:09 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-25T08:32:19 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-25T08:34:32 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-25T08:37:19 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-10-25T09:22:45 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-25T09:24:30 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-25T09:30:04 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-25T09:31:43 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-10-25T09:40:26 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-25T09:53:45 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-25T09:55:51 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-25T10:02:29 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-10-25T10:39:34 *** bazinski has quit IRC 2010-10-25T10:45:19 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-10-25T10:45:39 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2010-10-25T11:36:10 *** methril has quit IRC 2010-10-25T11:48:34 *** methril has joined #rtems 2010-10-25T11:58:29 some coldfire maintainer here? 2010-10-25T12:57:34 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-10-25T13:11:50 *** kuzew has quit IRC 2010-10-25T13:13:02 *** kuzew has joined #rtems 2010-10-25T16:26:30 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-10-25T17:12:37 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2010-10-25T18:06:46 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-10-26T00:38:31 *** dukeleto has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T01:19:47 *** Alison_Chaiken has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T01:36:05 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T01:37:12 good morning 2010-10-26T01:45:22 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2010-10-26T01:59:01 *** Alison_Chaiken has quit IRC 2010-10-26T04:34:49 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T05:17:01 morning 2010-10-26T06:08:04 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T07:14:23 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-26T07:21:39 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T07:26:03 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-26T07:30:09 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T08:33:16 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-26T08:35:38 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T08:42:23 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-26T08:44:14 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T08:47:10 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-10-26T08:50:16 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-26T08:51:44 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T08:58:53 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-26T08:59:13 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T09:03:55 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-26T09:05:08 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T09:24:43 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-26T09:26:54 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T09:28:41 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T09:39:59 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-26T09:41:34 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T10:12:41 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-10-26T10:46:36 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2010-10-26T10:56:18 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-26T10:58:12 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T11:39:48 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T11:42:37 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T12:00:43 *** lekernel has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T12:00:46 hi 2010-10-26T12:01:31 can I delete a task blocked on a message queue by calling rtems_task_delete from another task? will it terminate nicely without messing up the message queue? 2010-10-26T12:20:23 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-10-26T12:20:26 *** madrazr1 has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T12:28:54 *** madrazr1 is now known as madrazr 2010-10-26T12:29:00 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T12:37:08 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-26T12:39:17 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T12:48:40 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-26T12:50:49 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T13:34:07 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T13:35:17 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-26T13:36:56 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T13:43:32 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-26T13:45:29 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T13:52:47 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-26T13:55:00 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T13:58:16 *** lekernel has quit IRC 2010-10-26T13:58:45 *** lekernel has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T14:02:00 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-26T14:03:14 *** lekernel has quit IRC 2010-10-26T14:09:15 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T14:11:23 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-26T14:15:16 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T14:43:15 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-26T14:45:07 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T15:01:04 *** May has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T15:04:01 *** May has quit IRC 2010-10-26T15:13:42 *** May has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T15:13:57 whois May 2010-10-26T15:15:24 *** May has left #rtems 2010-10-26T15:46:44 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-26T15:48:32 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T16:01:49 *** Alison_Chaiken has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T17:10:39 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T17:38:20 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-10-26T19:17:09 *** Alison_Chaiken has quit IRC 2010-10-26T19:34:32 *** madrazr has left #rtems 2010-10-26T20:56:31 *** rtemsLogger` has joined #rtems 2010-10-26T20:57:08 *** rtemsLogger has quit IRC 2010-10-27T01:02:58 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2010-10-27T01:03:13 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T05:56:05 *** rtemsLogger has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T06:05:47 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T06:05:52 good morning 2010-10-27T06:16:33 good morning sebhub 2010-10-27T06:31:01 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T07:11:48 *** bazinski has quit IRC 2010-10-27T07:12:35 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T08:18:41 *** alinrus_ has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T08:21:53 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-10-27T08:25:07 i'm experiencing some unusual behaviour, using this "application" http://codepad.org/Cybt7OhF the results are as expected while using the very same application with the uncommented variable "fail" at the begining of the structures returns wrong values. http://codepad.org/FnjbxQ7g Could anyone shed some light on this? 2010-10-27T08:27:38 It may be related to the strict aliasing in chains subject on the mailing list. not sure, i've noticed this for quite some time 2010-10-27T08:35:39 ok, I see, definitely related 2010-10-27T08:36:41 yes, you must not use members of Chain_Control directly 2010-10-27T08:38:21 i need to submit some changes to aio. stumbled upon this while writing some coverage tests for aio 2010-10-27T08:39:27 i made some changes in the aio code in PR 1711 2010-10-27T08:40:11 rtems_chain_first ? 2010-10-27T08:40:19 yes 2010-10-27T08:41:05 even with rtems_chain_first it fails I think 2010-10-27T08:41:22 will have to check it out later 2010-10-27T08:41:28 *** alinrus_ is now known as alin_away 2010-10-27T09:02:51 *** lbnz has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T09:08:23 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2010-10-27T09:08:49 anyone knows wether an rtems driver for Intel 82574I is available ? 2010-10-27T09:10:24 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T09:38:01 is it available on freebsd? 2010-10-27T09:45:00 may be, but in that case it will automatically be available in rtems ? 2010-10-27T09:52:22 no, but it is easier 2010-10-27T10:00:07 the em freebsd driver is supposed to handle 82574 chips 2010-10-27T10:16:26 *** bazinski has quit IRC 2010-10-27T10:23:29 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-27T10:25:12 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T10:43:52 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2010-10-27T11:06:56 *** alin_away has quit IRC 2010-10-27T11:18:52 *** Fallenou_ is now known as Fallneou 2010-10-27T11:18:54 *** Fallneou is now known as Fallenou 2010-10-27T11:29:03 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T11:35:05 *** antgreen has left #rtems 2010-10-27T11:35:58 *** methril has quit IRC 2010-10-27T11:48:18 *** methril has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T12:35:05 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-27T12:36:47 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T12:41:09 *** lbnz has left #rtems 2010-10-27T12:41:26 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-27T12:42:20 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T13:34:01 *** Alison_Chaiken has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T14:11:37 *** methril_work has quit IRC 2010-10-27T14:20:10 *** methril_work has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T14:22:19 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-27T14:24:22 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T14:46:35 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T14:50:56 *** Alison_Chaiken has quit IRC 2010-10-27T15:50:19 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-27T15:52:10 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T15:58:26 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-27T15:59:29 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T17:26:48 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2010-10-27T17:36:48 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T17:36:48 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T17:36:48 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-10-27T17:40:27 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-10-27T18:31:17 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-27T18:35:23 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T20:17:35 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-10-27T20:17:51 dukeleto, hi 2010-10-27T20:35:17 kiwichris: hola! 2010-10-27T20:35:20 kiwichris: how goes it? 2010-10-27T20:35:27 kiwichris: have you been hacking on parrot stuff? 2010-10-27T20:36:17 dukeleto, no, got back yesterday morning then a long day of not sleeping and total head fog 2010-10-27T20:36:40 kiwichris: yeah, timezone-changing will do that 2010-10-27T20:36:51 dukeleto, I have a 4.10 RTEMS bug and a HEAD chains problem to solve then Parrot. 2010-10-27T20:37:18 dukeleto, how do I check out Bob's branch of Parrot ? 2010-10-27T20:40:20 kiwichris: which branch? 2010-10-27T20:42:44 kiwichris, hi!! 2010-10-27T20:43:25 kiwichris, did you see my message about bdm tools? 2010-10-27T20:44:51 kiwichris: are you talking about the svn branch to add buildir support? 2010-10-27T20:46:57 methril, hi and yes. I just received a mcf5225x tower kit so I am almost ready to help with the work 2010-10-27T20:47:13 kiwichris, nice!! 2010-10-27T20:47:35 kiwichris, it's hard to talk with you due to the timezone :) 2010-10-27T20:47:42 dukeleto, I thought Bob had a branch in the parrot repo for this changes. I may have miss-understood this. 2010-10-27T20:48:16 methril, I have been away in SF with Joel and other RTEMS people for a week at the GSoC's mentor summit. 2010-10-27T20:48:36 kiwichris, oh! nice!! 2010-10-27T20:49:08 kiwichris, nowi understand why the RTEMS cvs was quiet :) 2010-10-27T20:50:49 methril, we had 5 core maintainers in one room; Joel, Eric, Ralf, Til and me. Fun. 2010-10-27T20:54:13 * methril is planning to invest time on RTEMS, but didn't find the time 2010-10-27T20:55:35 * DrJoel is home but barely functional .. went from SF to Washington DC to do a tutorial and a presentation at George Washington Univ. My throat hurts, I am tired, and ... 2010-10-27T20:55:40 dukeleto, I have found the parrot patch in Bob's github work. 2010-10-27T20:55:49 DrJoel, welcome home 2010-10-27T20:56:00 I am glad you had a safe trip home! 2010-10-27T20:56:28 I missed the tornadoes and bad weather in the south last night.. quiet flight if you ignore lightning 2010-10-27T20:56:39 DrJoel, long and boring. Found a desk in SFO and it had good wifi so was to get somethings done. 2010-10-27T20:56:49 * DrJoel has to do the GSOC billing paperwork.. 2010-10-27T20:57:06 DrJoel, sent you an email about this 2010-10-27T20:57:10 I will email Carol and ask if the exchange rate made 2 go over 2K can the project just cover the rest 2010-10-27T20:57:17 nice core RTEMS are fine at home :) 2010-10-27T20:57:19 I saw but it was just 2 who went over not three 2010-10-27T20:57:38 I assumed they wouldn't pay toward the third anyway 2010-10-27T20:57:39 Talk to Carol and see what she says. 2010-10-27T20:58:00 I will. Have lots of pictures on Facebook.. I need more RTEMS and GSOC friends 2010-10-27T20:58:20 * DrJoel was surprised .. santosh rode a bus from Philly to DC to see me talk!!!! 2010-10-27T20:58:23 Any suitable for the RTEMS website so we can create a news item ? 2010-10-27T20:58:41 Gedare, Roxanne, Eugen, and Alan were all there 2010-10-27T20:58:57 did you get my email about http://www.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/GoogleCodeInProjects 2010-10-27T21:01:14 DrJoel, yes it is in the pile to do. First I need to get some lunch. 2010-10-27T21:01:20 kiwichris: OK 2010-10-27T21:01:22 thanks 2010-10-27T21:03:05 dukeleto: I posted some of my pics to facebook and have begun to tag people. I am going to email Carol and Kat and let them know about the photo album.. if anything looks inappropriate flag me and I will take it down. I try to be careful. 2010-10-27T21:03:15 * DrJoel heads awk 2010-10-27T21:06:40 one question about licenses, that i like to see clear on the wiki 2010-10-27T21:07:13 if i did a port of RTEMS (GPLv2) the applications that i run have to be Open Source? 2010-10-27T21:07:42 I would like that they were Open Source, but my boss has the last word 2010-10-27T21:07:56 no no and no.. RTEMS is technically GPLv2 PLUS exception that allows you not to make it open 2010-10-27T21:08:11 http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE 2010-10-27T21:08:12 so i'm asking to see if getting RTEMs working on our platform 2010-10-27T21:08:16 two clicks from top page 2010-10-27T21:08:31 Thank you DrJoel 2010-10-27T21:08:50 we would like you to submit BSP, driver, generically useful code, etc.. but I don't want your XYZ control algorithm 2010-10-27T21:09:15 Do you have any arguments to convince my boss it's better to use RTEMS than a bare metal app? 2010-10-27T21:10:46 yes.. email me and I will send you a presentation on "reasons to pick rtems" :-D 2010-10-27T21:11:49 * DrJoel is logging off... 2010-10-27T21:11:52 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-10-27T22:15:00 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T00:54:33 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2010-10-28T00:54:49 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T01:37:45 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T01:37:50 good morning 2010-10-28T02:43:14 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T03:11:58 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2010-10-28T03:12:36 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T04:44:58 *** rtemsLogger has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T06:11:13 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T06:58:17 *** antgreen has quit IRC 2010-10-28T08:36:47 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-10-28T09:51:37 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2010-10-28T10:01:41 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T10:02:53 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T10:08:59 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T10:42:39 *** Alison_Chaiken has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T11:08:04 *** bazinski has quit IRC 2010-10-28T11:40:29 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-10-28T11:56:33 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T11:56:33 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-10-28T12:04:08 methril: did you get the files? 2010-10-28T12:57:43 DrJoel: no, i didn't check the e-mail 2010-10-28T13:03:18 ok.. I sent a ppt and pdf. Comments, questions and suggestions welcomed. Only presented once 2010-10-28T13:03:37 It is new 2010-10-28T13:12:41 DrJoel, nice! 2010-10-28T13:12:46 Thank you very much 2010-10-28T13:12:52 i'm going to take a look 2010-10-28T13:18:10 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-28T13:20:03 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T13:20:17 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T13:23:58 * DrJoel waves at madrazr .. nice to meet you at the summit 2010-10-28T13:25:01 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-10-28T13:25:03 *** madrazr1 has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T13:25:41 * madrazr1 Waves too! 2010-10-28T13:25:59 it was awesome! and kind of dream come true, although could not talk to you much 2010-10-28T13:26:47 it's ok. There was a LOT going on. I had a list before I got there and didn't get 1/2 way through it but did things I didn't plan 2010-10-28T13:26:54 Met Santosh Tues!!! 2010-10-28T13:32:10 *** madrazr1 has quit IRC 2010-10-28T13:32:11 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T13:36:03 DrJoel, really nice 2010-10-28T13:36:44 i didn't now in what Space projects RTEMS was used :) 2010-10-28T13:55:57 It is used in quite a few. I don't think that list is anywhere near complete. :) 2010-10-28T14:15:39 Morning all 2010-10-28T14:25:38 * kiwichris waves to Joel 2010-10-28T15:33:53 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-10-28T15:39:23 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T15:42:30 Hi DrJoel, got a sec? 2010-10-28T15:50:35 *** rtemsLogger has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T15:50:41 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-10-28T15:51:31 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T15:51:31 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-10-28T15:52:50 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-10-28T15:54:33 * DrJoel just got back from a meeting... forgot to log off :( 2010-10-28T15:57:20 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T16:02:41 *** antgreen has left #rtems 2010-10-28T16:29:04 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-10-28T16:38:58 *** rtemsLogger has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T16:46:01 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-10-28T16:51:15 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T16:53:49 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-10-28T17:22:33 *** gedare has quit IRC 2010-10-28T17:30:49 *** 45PABCWD0 has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T17:35:42 *** 45PABCWD0 has quit IRC 2010-10-28T17:36:05 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T17:59:08 *** Alison_Chaiken has quit IRC 2010-10-28T19:27:12 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-10-28T20:23:46 *** madrazr has left #rtems 2010-10-28T20:49:42 *** dukeleto has quit IRC 2010-10-28T20:50:15 *** dukeleto has joined #rtems 2010-10-28T23:17:07 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-10-29T00:20:37 *** rtemsLogger has joined #rtems 2010-10-29T01:05:28 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-10-29T01:15:49 *** projectgus has quit IRC 2010-10-29T01:16:06 *** projectgus has joined #rtems 2010-10-29T01:54:55 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2010-10-29T01:55:00 good morning 2010-10-29T02:56:43 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-29T03:23:23 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-10-29T03:45:15 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-10-29T03:46:30 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-10-29T04:12:33 *** bazinski has joined #rtems 2010-10-29T06:42:54 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-29T08:54:37 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-10-29T09:26:44 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2010-10-29T09:36:48 *** Alison_Chaiken has joined #rtems 2010-10-29T09:38:28 *** Alison_Chaiken has quit IRC 2010-10-29T11:09:59 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-10-29T11:24:36 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-29T11:26:58 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-29T11:35:33 *** methril has quit IRC 2010-10-29T11:40:55 *** bazinski has left #rtems 2010-10-29T11:48:17 *** methril has joined #rtems 2010-10-29T12:24:25 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-10-29T12:24:25 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-10-29T12:24:35 * DrJoel waves hello 2010-10-29T13:38:29 Me added a task about creating a logo for Parrot on RTEMS at the bottom of our page: http://trac.parrot.org/parrot/wiki/GoogleCodeIn2010Tasks 2010-10-29T13:38:43 if any other rtems peeps have ideas for parrot on rtems, please feel free to add it to that page :) 2010-10-29T13:38:46 DrJoel++ 2010-10-29T13:42:07 no problem .. the code in projects are hard to identify 2010-10-29T13:49:45 indeed 2010-10-29T13:50:03 how can we say how long something will take for a teenager that we know nothing about? 2010-10-29T13:50:07 seems a bit ridiculous 2010-10-29T13:52:38 I have assumed 15 minutes to 1 hour for me makes a good task for them. 2010-10-29T13:53:21 Hard to me means you have to know something other than Wiki, multimedia, or word processing/slides 2010-10-29T13:53:43 hmm. i guess parrots tasks are heavy on the code side, already 2010-10-29T13:53:55 but we have some web/graphics tasks too 2010-10-29T13:54:15 DrJoel: so is there something like slots in GCI? or is it just tasks? 2010-10-29T14:03:33 just tasks.. lots of small tasks... 2010-10-29T14:03:46 think about the reward system and timeline. That really helped us size them 2010-10-29T14:33:14 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-10-29T15:31:20 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-10-29T15:37:17 *** methril_work has quit IRC 2010-10-29T17:31:28 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-10-29T19:02:11 *** madrazr has left #rtems 2010-10-30T04:17:43 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-10-30T04:33:55 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-30T04:35:23 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-30T05:24:38 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-10-30T06:58:13 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-10-30T08:09:27 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-10-30T08:11:43 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-10-30T12:31:52 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-10-30T12:50:50 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-10-30T13:09:05 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-10-30T15:40:00 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-10-30T16:08:11 *** exception13 has quit IRC 2010-10-30T18:49:43 *** methril has quit IRC 2010-10-30T18:50:20 *** methril has joined #rtems 2010-10-30T19:05:56 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-10-30T19:53:04 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-10-30T23:57:40 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-10-31T00:28:46 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-10-31T03:58:25 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-10-31T10:03:59 *** methril_ has joined #rtems 2010-10-31T10:05:08 *** methril has quit IRC 2010-10-31T10:45:44 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2010-10-31T11:03:04 *** gedare has quit IRC 2010-10-31T11:48:16 *** errordeveloper has quit IRC 2010-10-31T11:50:31 *** errordeveloper has joined #rtems 2010-10-31T16:59:22 *** kristianpaul has quit IRC 2010-10-31T17:10:30 *** kristianpaul has joined #rtems 2010-10-31T17:39:26 *** dukeleto has quit IRC 2010-10-31T17:39:58 *** dukeleto has joined #rtems 2010-10-31T17:44:30 *** dukeleto has quit IRC 2010-10-31T17:45:02 *** dukeleto has joined #rtems 2010-10-31T19:05:06 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-10-31T19:13:21 *** antgreen has joined #rtems 2010-10-31T23:51:34 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems