2010-06-07T00:29:58 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T01:08:08 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-07T01:52:26 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T02:12:27 *** lcpfnvc has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T02:36:58 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2010-06-07T02:38:42 morning 2010-06-07T02:49:39 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T03:11:48 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T03:33:33 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T03:58:45 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T04:00:43 *** cdcs is now known as cdcs_awy 2010-06-07T04:19:15 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-07T05:58:58 hi 2010-06-07T05:59:22 did Joel post the link for the streaming of the kick start class yet ? 2010-06-07T05:59:28 i didn't see anything 2010-06-07T06:14:44 Fallenou: that link was posted a few days back on a different thread 2010-06-07T06:16:53 *** cdcs_awy has quit IRC 2010-06-07T06:17:38 oh 2010-06-07T06:17:48 can you give me the date please dr__house ? 2010-06-07T06:18:28 *** tuxmaniac has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T06:19:11 Fallenou: It was sent to the rtems-gsoc list on June 4th 2010-06-07T06:19:36 ok thÃanks 2010-06-07T06:19:43 Fallenou: and it says the class starts from Tuesday to Friday which is 8th to 11th 2010-06-07T06:20:10 Fallenou: also I have PMed the URL for the webclass 2010-06-07T06:20:33 i thought that kick start was monday and open class was tuesday and that it was all 2010-06-07T06:20:38 thanks for the PM :) 2010-06-07T06:20:42 i cannot find the mail 2010-06-07T06:21:59 Fallenou: yeah, I guess kick start is on Monday itself. But doesn't seemed to aired on the web 2010-06-07T06:22:13 oh :x 2010-06-07T06:22:35 ok i have the mail ! 2010-06-07T06:22:43 and the link is in it :) 2010-06-07T06:23:16 ok so i now realize that most of my last mails are useless :p 2010-06-07T06:23:22 since all the informations have already been given 2010-06-07T06:26:20 Fallenou: :) 2010-06-07T06:29:01 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T06:29:06 good morning 2010-06-07T06:42:05 hi sebhub 2010-06-07T07:16:02 hi 2010-06-07T08:01:12 *** lcpfnvc has quit IRC 2010-06-07T08:14:36 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2010-06-07T09:14:46 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-06-07T09:29:06 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T09:42:12 *** bubaflub has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T10:15:35 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T10:40:11 *** cdcs_awy has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T10:46:54 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2010-06-07T11:59:11 *** gedare has quit IRC 2010-06-07T12:06:37 *** cdcs_awy has quit IRC 2010-06-07T12:16:18 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T12:29:30 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T12:35:21 *** cdcs_awy has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T12:37:41 *** gedare has quit IRC 2010-06-07T12:40:34 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-07T13:03:48 *** juli1 has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T13:03:51 hi 2010-06-07T13:09:46 I have an issue with RTEMS 2010-06-07T13:09:53 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T13:10:07 when I try to compile my application, I have something like : /home/julien/wip/rtems/rtems-i386/i386-rtems4.8/pc386/lib/librtemscpu.a(dummy.o):(.data+0x60): multiple definition of `Configuration_Initial_Extensions' 2010-06-07T13:10:11 po_hi_main.o:/home/julien/local/include/ocarina/runtime/polyorb-hi-c/src/./po_hi_main.c:62: first defined here 2010-06-07T13:10:22 somebody knows where the dummy.o file is created ? 2010-06-07T13:10:28 seems to be in rtems library 2010-06-07T13:12:50 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T13:12:50 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-06-07T13:13:58 hey, nobody has an idea ? 2010-06-07T13:14:14 juli1: about what? 2010-06-07T13:14:37 DrJoel: I have a program that I compile with RTEMS 2010-06-07T13:14:47 if I don't use the network, everything runs fine 2010-06-07T13:15:11 but if I use the network, then, I got the following error : multiple definition of `Configuration_Initial_Extensions' 2010-06-07T13:15:24 20:09 < juli1> when I try to compile my application, I have something like : 2010-06-07T13:15:24 /home/julien/wip/rtems/rtems-i386/i386-rtems4.8/pc386/lib/librtemscpu.a(dummy.o):(.data+0x60): multiple definition of `Configuration_Initial_Extensions' 2010-06-07T13:15:28 20:09 < juli1> po_hi_main.o:/home/julien/local/include/ocarina/runtime/polyorb-hi-c/src/./po_hi_main.c:62: first defined here 2010-06-07T13:15:54 so, in fact, I was guessing why the dummy.o include what I already define and where is this file in the rtems library 2010-06-07T13:16:28 Add a -Map to the link procedure and see why it is getting pulled in. I suspect it is because you have not defined a network configuration structure 2010-06-07T13:16:49 I don't define the network structure statically 2010-06-07T13:17:03 instead, I use bsdnet_attach separately 2010-06-07T13:17:35 That's why you are getting the linking error. See the network-demos CVS module for a collection of examples. 2010-06-07T13:17:59 FWIW rtems 4.8 is not new and when 4.10.0 is released, support will be dropped 2010-06-07T13:18:04 I run the 4.8 branch 2010-06-07T13:18:14 because it is the one my employer is using 2010-06-07T13:18:50 so, a workaround would be to define a network structure statically at compile time and then, change it during runtime ? 2010-06-07T13:22:06 *** madrazr1 has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T13:23:43 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-07T13:32:42 DrJoel: Do you know if RTEMS support these devices : http://stm.lbl.gov/comedi/hardware.html 2010-06-07T13:33:08 especially the one from national instruments ? 2010-06-07T13:33:26 RTEMS does not have any national instruments drivers AFAIK. 2010-06-07T13:33:36 I would be happy to spend my summer developing them. :) 2010-06-07T13:34:47 :) 2010-06-07T13:34:58 seems to be quite simple, just adressing pci address 2010-06-07T13:35:19 most of the analog and discrete cards are. 2010-06-07T13:35:23 I didn't look at RTEMS drivers at this time, but I think there are some generic function to adress PCI address directly, no ? 2010-06-07T13:35:28 Would be happy to have some of that merged into RTEMS 2010-06-07T13:35:39 yes. see rtems/pci.h for the general interface 2010-06-07T13:35:52 I am supposed to do that, so, I figure I will be your guest :) 2010-06-07T13:36:50 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T13:38:23 * DrJoel waves bye.. time to get back to teaching class. .. see you all later 2010-06-07T13:38:28 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-06-07T13:48:40 *** tuxmaniac has quit IRC 2010-06-07T13:57:16 *** juli1 has quit IRC 2010-06-07T14:16:22 *** bubaflub has quit IRC 2010-06-07T14:36:13 *** madrazr1 is now known as madrazr 2010-06-07T14:36:38 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T15:09:44 *** madrazr has left #rtems 2010-06-07T15:41:46 *** cdcs_awy has quit IRC 2010-06-07T15:46:46 *** cdcs_awy has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T15:47:37 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2010-06-07T15:48:50 *** cdcs_awy is now known as cdcs 2010-06-07T16:10:14 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-06-07T17:59:02 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2010-06-07T18:36:03 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T18:36:03 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-06-07T18:46:09 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-06-07T19:02:58 *** aniceberg has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T19:25:02 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T19:25:02 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-06-07T19:25:27 aniceberg: send me the file and I will add it. :-D 2010-06-07T19:27:32 hello DrJoel. thats strange. but the file is on its way. 2010-06-07T19:27:52 not so strange. Jennifer forgot to do a cvs add. So it builds for her but not for me. 2010-06-07T19:28:32 ah. ok. 2010-06-07T19:30:18 got it.. results on the way 2010-06-07T19:31:13 results of the build? coverage? 2010-06-07T19:33:45 I was there at the class today for a while and then left to continue with the report... But waiting for tomorrow's class... :) 2010-06-07T19:33:46 coverage for erc32 will be published as soon as the tests run 2010-06-07T19:34:38 Hopefully all will go smoothly tomorrow. We went to the Ren Faire about 4 hours away and didn't get home until 7pm last night. THen I remembered some class prep I forgot. LOL 2010-06-07T19:34:42 DrJoel, I still need to get the skyeye running. will work on it this week. 2010-06-07T19:35:10 As long as you have one BSP with reliable results, the others will be about the same 2010-06-07T19:37:46 Another thing DrJoel, sometimes I see the annotated code jumbled up. Didn't give it too much of a head till the last run. because I realize that this results in more number of uncovered ranges 2010-06-07T19:38:34 what do you mean jumbled up? It should be the methods in the order they were in rtems.syms (I think) 2010-06-07T19:41:32 i mean code thats in an order in the src file, is somewhat messed up in the annotated text/html.. 2010-06-07T19:42:45 for eg: the statement switch (LIBIO_ACCMODE(iop)) { appears after pipe_new function in the source (pipe_new, pipe_alloc inlined), but that line appears before / in between the src lines of these functions 2010-06-07T19:42:52 -Os or -O2 2010-06-07T19:43:13 02 2010-06-07T19:43:22 O2 2010-06-07T19:44:34 O2 reorders code a lot.. that's why we have focused mostly on Os at first and then picked up the remaining cases of -O2 when -Os is covered. -O2 can duplicate and reorder code making it harder to follow. The annotated is simply an objdump with source 2010-06-07T19:45:33 Bytes Analyzed : 123276 2010-06-07T19:45:33 Bytes Not Executed : 16208 2010-06-07T19:45:33 Percentage Executed : 86.85 2010-06-07T19:45:33 Percentage Not Executed : 13.15 2010-06-07T19:45:33 Uncovered ranges found : 392 2010-06-07T19:45:34 Total branches found : 2896 2010-06-07T19:45:36 Uncovered branches found : 722 2010-06-07T19:45:38 252 branches always taken 2010-06-07T19:45:40 470 branches never taken 2010-06-07T19:45:42 How does that look to you? 2010-06-07T19:46:51 the last number was 85.57 2010-06-07T19:47:09 seems like a good jump 2010-06-07T19:47:28 but frankly its been there since a while :( had to be rolling 2010-06-07T19:48:08 http://www.rtems.org/ftp/pub/rtems/people/joel/coverage/erc32.html#OsPD 2010-06-07T19:48:21 I think you suffered a bit because I added libuntar to the mix 2010-06-07T19:48:41 The total went up 1K and the uncovered went down 1.4K 2010-06-07T19:50:39 but i guess its next in queue... should be moving on a green signal from you. :D 2010-06-07T19:50:59 skip untar for a bit and let me fix my test. :-D 2010-06-07T19:51:04 What's next on the list after that? 2010-06-07T19:52:00 okay. the next one is TBD :) 2010-06-07T19:52:07 Hmmm.. some fifo.c are still on the list .. 2010-06-07T19:52:07 i will just check the sizes once 2010-06-07T19:52:12 http://www.rtems.org/ftp/pub/rtems/people/joel/coverage/erc32-OsPD-20100607-1933/uncovered.html 2010-06-07T19:55:43 20 - should be gone with PR1542; and 1 with malloc failure; another with semaphore; and the rest with a reader task and a writer task. 2010-06-07T19:56:04 seems like a clear shot though :) 2010-06-07T19:56:46 Just out of curiousity were you trying to hit those? Or just needed a new report? 2010-06-07T19:57:01 Nothing wrong with needing a new report and baseline. That's what this is about. hard to do otherwise 2010-06-07T19:57:30 those, as in the malloc and semaphore ones? 2010-06-07T19:58:03 the ones not uncovered... 2010-06-07T19:58:11 not covered I mean.. didn't look at them 2010-06-07T19:59:21 I am presently working on the two task test. and then one each for the error cases. Submit another patch to the same bug 2010-06-07T19:59:45 this was actually a partial one, to move the numbers up 2010-06-07T20:01:48 ok.. makes sense.. that's how we had to do it.. you have to take incremental steps 2010-06-07T20:03:25 DrJoel, the classes are at your office, is it? 2010-06-07T20:03:54 yes.. we have a fairly large conference room (25-30 people) but comfortable for a class <10. 2010-06-07T20:04:21 I have the webcam aimed at a small white board next to the screen.. mike is a wireless lapel mike with a USB receiver 2010-06-07T20:04:32 also have wireless gyro mouse with 50 foot range .. 2010-06-07T20:05:05 hmmm thats pretty much a complete setup 2010-06-07T20:05:21 and the classes are held elsewhere too? 2010-06-07T20:05:43 Yes Munich about once a year.. there is one scheduled for there next month but uncofirmed 2010-06-07T20:06:56 do you take those too? 2010-06-07T20:07:36 teach? yes. That's one of the main ways I pay the bills for working on RTEMS. The other is being a software prostitute.. 2010-06-07T20:08:20 :D. now, whats being a software prostitute? 2010-06-07T20:08:46 I have an hourly rate.. :D 2010-06-07T20:09:25 and will pretty much do anything a customer needs... prefer RTEMS work, but automated testing, architecture, trouble shooting, etc all work fine for me. 2010-06-07T20:09:37 :D i mean, what does a software prostitute do? 2010-06-07T20:09:42 you answered that 2010-06-07T20:10:37 it seems fun to me. 1q. does it get more interesting with more experience? 2010-06-07T20:11:20 it has for me. I love doing it and as you might have noticed, code in the car, do some work from home, etc. A lot of it is because I like to do it. 2010-06-07T20:11:40 I maintain and host elviscostellofans.com and rtems.info just to learn new stuff 2010-06-07T20:12:07 Embedded systems present new challenges every time. They are all the same and different at the same time. 2010-06-07T20:12:15 The coverage and automated testing has been really interesting 2010-06-07T20:13:41 frankly, the 1st 6 months, which was mostly learning was real fun while I was employed. But then, it became much of a same thing. I definitely am impressed by your enthusiasm. 2010-06-07T20:14:43 I have gotten in the habit of pushing for one new thing on each new project. It makes me learn new things, decide if it worth using, figure out how to apply it, and then try to make it a success. 2010-06-07T20:16:48 would you say this could be a possibility while with an employer too? i understand things could be different... but, just to know your opinion. :) 2010-06-07T20:17:10 sure.. if approached right.. most of my work is contracting and consulting. 2010-06-07T20:20:47 *** peerst has quit IRC 2010-06-07T20:20:48 I just had a look at http://wiki.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/RTEMSApplications 2010-06-07T20:21:12 awe 2010-06-07T20:21:41 there are some pretty cool ones. :) Pretty much every major science satellite for the past few years 2010-06-07T20:23:01 just wondering how much consistent and reliable the releases were and should be for space applications to use RTEMS 2010-06-07T20:23:05 cool! 2010-06-07T20:23:45 very consistent.. the API is very stable but grows. We try to implement behavior right the first time because people depend on it. The CVS history goes back to May 1995 2010-06-07T20:25:39 neat! i guess i was in 4th then, and had seen a computer. :D 2010-06-07T20:26:01 DrJoel, what is the order of (number of commits by you) :D 2010-06-07T20:26:04 :-D 2010-06-07T20:26:37 I have no idea.. probably pretty high since I was there were no outsiders committing until nearly 2000 and a small number even now. 2010-06-07T20:28:14 hmmm... ok DrJoel, I will try to catch some sleep now. the sun is already finding his way 2010-06-07T20:29:32 ouch.. way too late for you 2010-06-07T20:29:35 night 2010-06-07T20:29:40 night DrJoel 2010-06-07T20:29:57 *** aniceberg has quit IRC 2010-06-07T20:30:14 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-06-07T20:30:22 *** peerst has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T20:52:46 *** aanjhan_ has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T20:53:25 *** aanjhan has quit IRC 2010-06-07T22:12:22 *** Fallenou has quit IRC 2010-06-07T22:12:49 *** Fallenou has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T23:13:45 *** lcpfnvc_ has joined #rtems 2010-06-07T23:19:18 morning 2010-06-08T00:33:13 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T00:50:53 *** gokul has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T00:58:40 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T01:07:55 *** gokul has quit IRC 2010-06-08T01:10:02 *** gokul has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T01:37:48 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-08T01:38:39 *** gokul has quit IRC 2010-06-08T02:00:57 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T02:01:09 good morning 2010-06-08T02:18:12 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T02:27:56 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2010-06-08T03:02:58 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T03:04:32 *** dukeleto_ has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T03:06:45 *** tuxmaniac has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T03:09:15 *** dukeleto has quit IRC 2010-06-08T03:09:15 *** _Lucretia_ has quit IRC 2010-06-08T03:16:24 *** _Lucretia_ has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T03:53:07 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T04:42:23 *** peerst has left #rtems 2010-06-08T04:52:46 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2010-06-08T04:56:14 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T05:29:45 *** lekernel has quit IRC 2010-06-08T06:04:19 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T06:04:29 hi chris 2010-06-08T06:07:09 sebhub, hi 2010-06-08T06:07:19 Just looking at the PRs :) 2010-06-08T06:07:39 sry that i was a bit fast with the mount changes 2010-06-08T06:08:05 Not at all. No need to say sorry. I am happy to have the record. I think it is important. 2010-06-08T06:08:20 The iterator locking is an important point. 2010-06-08T06:09:04 I am did seeing if I created the lowercase miniIMFS or if this existed before I made the change. 2010-06-08T06:14:03 sebhub, I really like the change to the ops tables to have the ".label =". They are so much easier to read. 2010-06-08T06:15:50 yes, this is better than the /* fieldname */ comments 2010-06-08T06:16:26 i am about to clean up the various mkdir -p functions 2010-06-08T06:16:50 Great. Did you follow my comments about the code in libnetwork's rootfs code ? 2010-06-08T06:19:10 yes, but i think i will use the freebsd mkdir.c as a template 2010-06-08T06:19:22 That is what I used :) 2010-06-08T06:19:51 I think it was the code in the shell. 2010-06-08T06:20:14 the rootfs mkdir uses an arbitrary 128 byte buffer on the stack 2010-06-08T06:20:31 Ok. 2010-06-08T06:29:56 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T06:31:45 hi 2010-06-08T06:32:31 sebhub: hi 2010-06-08T06:33:19 now i have made a patch which define some {subsystem,order,index} for sort 2010-06-08T06:33:38 ok great, can you please update the wiki page 2010-06-08T06:33:53 it should reflect the things we discussed here last week 2010-06-08T06:34:18 ok,i will send you the patch, if you think it is ok i will updata the wiki 2010-06-08T06:41:02 *** lekernel has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T06:48:03 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2010-06-08T06:54:49 *** aniceberg has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T07:04:08 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T07:04:08 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-06-08T07:16:33 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-06-08T07:39:17 *** lekernel has quit IRC 2010-06-08T07:52:09 damn missed drjoel again 2010-06-08T07:52:24 sebhub: do you know if the munich rtems class is confirmed or not? 2010-06-08T07:54:00 no, sry 2010-06-08T07:54:05 i don't know it 2010-06-08T07:55:41 tuxmaniac, here is the last info i got about this: http://www.rtems.org/irclogs/html/2010/rtems-23.html#t2010-06-07T20:05:43 2010-06-08T07:56:12 its unconfirmed as of yesterday 2010-06-08T07:57:46 aniceberg: thanks. 2010-06-08T07:57:51 sebhub: thanks. Will mail thomas 2010-06-08T08:03:51 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T08:04:17 * DrJoel waves hi while waiting for the last person to arrive for the class 2010-06-08T08:07:45 psxfile01 works for me 2010-06-08T08:08:21 *** lcpfnvc_ has quit IRC 2010-06-08T08:09:02 sebhub, Do you have any uncommitted changes? I started another build with a complete update and bootstrap so it might have self-corrected. 2010-06-08T08:09:36 kiwichris: I will update the PR and attach the current patch. But since this is a class week, if I don't get to it you have the code. 2010-06-08T08:10:01 aniceberg: I am trying to rerun the coverage without untar included. That should give you a more accurate percentage. 2010-06-08T08:10:40 DrJoel, thanks. 2010-06-08T08:10:42 oh sorry, i forgot to commit a change in the testsuite 2010-06-08T08:10:52 still drowning at my end of things 2010-06-08T08:11:29 yay...an increment, hopefully 2010-06-08T08:11:54 aniceberg, I think me doing that will give another percentage 2010-06-08T08:12:14 thats an -Os, right DrJoel 2010-06-08T08:12:14 ? 2010-06-08T08:13:21 psxfile01 should now really work ;-) 2010-06-08T08:13:38 What was wrong with it ? 2010-06-08T08:13:49 aniceberg, yes. -Os are the primary ones we track 2010-06-08T08:14:27 sebhub, which fifo/pipe test now fails with your changes? Can you explain what is broken to aniceberg 2010-06-08T08:14:39 Okay. And DrJoel, I will be at the class in a while. 2010-06-08T08:14:56 :) There is just a notice up now that we are starting soon 2010-06-08T08:17:00 sebhub, updating and building now as part of a coverage run 2010-06-08T08:17:57 sebhub, just now saw the comment on the PR. seems fair enough not to create a fifo if pipes are disabled... 2010-06-08T08:18:19 but I thought thats the way it needs to be :) 2010-06-08T08:19:13 the problem is that mkfifo works, open fails and unlink is broken 2010-06-08T08:19:51 but the origin of all problems is that mkfifo works with fifos disabled 2010-06-08T08:22:06 you mean unlink fails with pipes disabled? 2010-06-08T08:23:01 sebhub, nice change for rtems_mkdir. 2010-06-08T08:24:28 thanks 2010-06-08T08:24:44 Minor nit posted to the vc list. :) 2010-06-08T08:24:45 aniceberg: IMFS_unlink does not expect a NULL handler 2010-06-08T08:28:01 hmm. i need to have a look into this... 2010-06-08T08:29:18 you should step through mkfifo with a debugger to see what happens, this is the source of problems 2010-06-08T08:30:11 sebhub, thanks for the response and the list email turned up :) 2010-06-08T08:30:36 i hope that my recent changes did not break to much 2010-06-08T08:31:28 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-06-08T08:33:32 sebhub, we will see shortly. The last attendee is here.. so I am logging off to teach 2010-06-08T08:33:38 see you all later or in the webcast 2010-06-08T08:33:41 hi DrJoel 2010-06-08T08:33:45 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-06-08T08:33:50 hey .. see you in the class 2010-06-08T08:33:57 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-06-08T08:33:58 see you :) 2010-06-08T08:35:07 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T08:35:28 * DrJoel notes that psx13 now fails with a bad memory reference in the pipe test 2010-06-08T08:35:34 Testing pipe()........... Unexpected trap ( 2) at address 0x00000000 2010-06-08T08:35:42 yes, i am about to fix this 2010-06-08T08:35:54 and and spfifo01 fails also.. but that's it 2010-06-08T08:35:59 weren't you suppose to begin the class ? :p 2010-06-08T08:36:12 *** MrFreeze has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T08:36:13 yes... but a test/coverage run finished while the projector was warming up :-D 2010-06-08T08:36:14 it has similar reasons 2010-06-08T08:36:24 *** MrFreeze is now known as Boxxy 2010-06-08T08:36:27 * Boxxy is amused 2010-06-08T08:36:46 *** Boxxy has left #rtems 2010-06-08T08:55:19 *** aniceberg has quit IRC 2010-06-08T09:05:06 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T09:10:43 DrJoel: good morning 2010-06-08T09:16:00 he's live 2010-06-08T09:16:07 Fallenou: ah ok 2010-06-08T09:23:38 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T09:24:12 Fallenou: you able to hear the audio of the class? 2010-06-08T09:24:57 yes 2010-06-08T09:25:05 it doesn't work for you ? 2010-06-08T09:25:47 Fallenou: nothing yet. I guess the page is loading still 2010-06-08T09:35:48 *** bubaflub has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T09:42:06 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T09:46:59 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T10:05:36 DrJoel: i think you just lost your internet connection 2010-06-08T10:05:54 errr... i mean i think the web meeting dropped 2010-06-08T10:05:57 the web service dropped us for timeout. Restarting it now and a bathroom break 2010-06-08T10:06:17 going well? 2010-06-08T10:06:17 DrJoel: and back. 2010-06-08T10:06:39 I have a second computer logged in as DrJoel to see when it drops. :) 2010-06-08T10:19:25 sebhub:hi, i send a mail to you, please help me look at it. thank you 2010-06-08T10:27:35 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-08T10:43:02 ok, i will look at it tomorrow morning, bye 2010-06-08T10:43:52 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2010-06-08T11:12:52 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T11:16:51 *** zwj has quit IRC 2010-06-08T12:14:57 *** lekernel has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T12:28:40 *** gedare has quit IRC 2010-06-08T12:57:11 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T13:03:37 *** lekernel has quit IRC 2010-06-08T13:38:46 back from lunch and restarting in a few minutes .. web room is back open 2010-06-08T14:00:36 2 2010-06-08T14:08:54 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T14:08:59 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T14:38:42 *** dukeleto_ is now known as dukeleto 2010-06-08T14:39:57 *** tuxmaniac has quit IRC 2010-06-08T14:52:19 *** madrazr has left #rtems 2010-06-08T15:11:03 *** gedare has quit IRC 2010-06-08T15:40:03 DrJoel: connection reset again 2010-06-08T15:53:59 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-06-08T16:13:34 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T16:20:06 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2010-06-08T16:24:30 bubaflub, getting to reset it. you missed the Office crash. It is running diagnostics now 2010-06-08T16:24:51 DrJoel: that's ok, i'm about to de-commute here in a bit 2010-06-08T16:24:56 DrJoel: i'll join y'all bright n' early tomorrow 2010-06-08T16:25:20 DrJoel: oh, and the status report for this week is tonight at 7 or 8 CST, i'll shoot you another blog post after it summarizing 2010-06-08T16:25:53 it is back online. If anyone is watching 2010-06-08T16:26:09 great. I can't wait to hear that your work is done and ready to ship :D 2010-06-08T16:40:09 *** bubaflub has quit IRC 2010-06-08T16:59:24 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2010-06-08T17:00:10 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-06-08T17:15:46 *** bubaflub has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T17:46:12 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-06-08T17:52:31 *** lekernel has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T18:10:55 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T18:10:55 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-06-08T18:13:29 bubaflub: was the webcast OK today? 2010-06-08T18:13:54 DrJoel: yeah, it was great 2010-06-08T18:14:01 only bummer was i had to be at work 2010-06-08T18:15:03 :D .. it is better in person. There are cookies and soda 2010-06-08T18:15:14 i'm sold on it 2010-06-08T18:15:41 i don't know if you saw my email to the list, gedare responded to it 2010-06-08T18:15:58 is there anyway i can get the hardware specific info? like size of int, size of pointer, etc. 2010-06-08T18:16:06 I haven't done any email since 7am and am just going through it. 2010-06-08T18:16:36 ah, ok 2010-06-08T18:17:38 There should be an autoconf way.. I hope Ralf answers.. but the crude way would be something similar to what the Ada run-time does. Use the target gcc to preprocess a file with the compiler settings into a form you can use later. Crude but effective 2010-06-08T18:18:20 DrJoel: yeah, that'd be great. kiwichris suggested we switch to autoconf (cause i'm just using a large Makefile right now) 2010-06-08T18:18:25 he also said he'd help me out with that 2010-06-08T18:18:38 those are the last pieces that i need to get parrot to configure (and then compile) 2010-06-08T18:19:03 so they want a number of bytes like 4? 2010-06-08T18:19:10 yep 2010-06-08T18:19:28 so some of the things i need might be standard on GNU GCC 2010-06-08T18:19:34 and others will probably be platform dependent 2010-06-08T18:19:38 like big or little endian 2010-06-08T18:19:42 since you are doing a single target cpu that the numbers are fixed on, just hard code it in your makefile. 2010-06-08T18:20:24 endian is easy in rtems. ENDIAN is set in rtems/score/cpu.h so you always have access to that. Some constant like CPU_...ENDIAN... 2010-06-08T18:20:53 but from your perspective I dont' know.. hard code them all int he Makefile for now. We can figure out the best way with autoconf later 2010-06-08T18:25:48 DrJoel: that's what i was thinking 2010-06-08T18:25:56 DrJoel: i'm going to hardcode them in for now and try a test configure and compile 2010-06-08T18:26:00 hopefully it'll run clean 2010-06-08T18:26:09 and i'll try loading the executable in gdb 2010-06-08T18:31:07 think of pushing issues at yourself, the RTEMS community and the parrot community. Push by as much as you can so you get test results and issues. Resolve and clean up behind. :D 2010-06-08T18:31:30 shoot first and ask questions later, eh? 2010-06-08T18:31:30 We will take longer to fix things you identify. You are the critical path and want to pull us along to your goal. If that makes sense. 2010-06-08T18:31:46 okey dokey 2010-06-08T18:32:47 yeah.. just try to keep the deltas small between the cvs heads on both projects and your versions. Try to resolve issues with us both. But don't let perfect solutions hold you back. So identify, solve perfectly, submit. Or identify, hack, and file PR with one of us. :) 2010-06-08T18:32:54 Then push us to fix things and you update :D 2010-06-08T18:33:09 roger that 2010-06-08T18:33:31 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T18:34:15 You have more control over us and we will respond as quick as we can but this is how I treat FOSS projects when I do paid work. Try to get things fixed in the main source but I don't control their schedule so I do my best and move along to the next issue. Hoping it will have a real solution before I REALLY need it. :) 2010-06-08T18:34:45 * bubaflub nods 2010-06-08T18:36:21 * DrJoel waves at kiwichris 2010-06-08T18:36:34 Hi Joel. How is the course going ? 2010-06-08T18:37:45 well .. the room is a bit warm this time. :( 2010-06-08T18:38:14 hey 2010-06-08T18:38:27 i couldn't stay for the entire class but it was great :) 2010-06-08T18:38:31 We ran into an issue with qemu.. apparently setting isapc doesn't work with the latest code. It is claimed to work but when we try to set it to run the ne2k_isa card, it locks up 2010-06-08T18:38:43 i didn't expect the beginning to be the same as the kick start btw 2010-06-08T18:38:47 thanks.. Fallenou .. 2010-06-08T18:39:03 What sort of lock up ? 2010-06-08T18:39:06 It is on the examples and rtems overview 2010-06-08T18:39:25 I have to kill qemu and it doesn't give any output on the graphics console at all. 2010-06-08T18:39:44 I did this with the latest 0.12.4? tarball from qemu.org and the couverture source 2010-06-08T18:39:48 Can you run with -d or -s, I forget to see where ? 2010-06-08T18:39:50 ticker runs find 2010-06-08T18:40:04 Must be a networking problem. 2010-06-08T18:40:04 I will try to dig into this and report something after the class. 2010-06-08T18:40:16 Waiting for a DHCP response ? 2010-06-08T18:40:58 I don't think it is getting to RTEMS! Also noticed that if you don't have SDL installed, it defaults to VNC server and even when you sane -monitor null, it still tries to offer a VNC connection 2010-06-08T18:41:06 Probably a build configuration no one has tried 2010-06-08T18:41:31 You mean for qemu ? 2010-06-08T18:42:19 yes.. this is building qemu from source and host didn't have SDL-devel (default CentOS 5.4) 2010-06-08T18:42:52 We were rushed yesterday so I need to take time to investigate before reporting more 2010-06-08T18:43:16 * DrJoel has a date with Michele.. so logging off.. night 2010-06-08T18:43:19 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-06-08T19:33:13 *** heishu has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T19:34:08 *** heishu has left #rtems 2010-06-08T19:35:12 kiwichris: i'm shoulder deep in some perl guts, we can do our weekly meeting thing once i'm out 2010-06-08T19:35:47 Sure. I am off out soon'ish and I suspect the afternoon 2010-06-08T19:35:55 ah, ok 2010-06-08T19:36:09 so the short version is 2010-06-08T19:36:21 i've hardcoded the remaining configuration values 2010-06-08T19:36:28 (the size of an int, endian-ness, etc.) 2010-06-08T19:36:44 For all or just a specific arch ? 2010-06-08T19:36:46 and now i'm debugging the configure script, finding the last values we need to provide 2010-06-08T19:36:55 ah, for now it's just a specific arch 2010-06-08T19:36:55 Excellent. 2010-06-08T19:37:00 Ok 2010-06-08T19:37:04 i may need to use autoconf to grab those values 2010-06-08T19:37:12 there is probably no *sane* way to get those values from inside a Makefile 2010-06-08T19:37:14 Could this be generated on a specific arch with a C program ? 2010-06-08T19:37:22 yep, it definitely could 2010-06-08T19:37:29 so for now i'm hardcoding to make some progress 2010-06-08T19:37:32 and then imported in the configure system > 2010-06-08T19:37:35 then i can go back and get that program up and running 2010-06-08T19:37:38 Yes that is fine.' 2010-06-08T19:37:44 Agreed 2010-06-08T19:37:47 kiwichris: yeah, that would definitely work 2010-06-08T19:37:53 That is a bit of polish 2010-06-08T19:38:00 so right now i'm running a few configure steps line by line to figure out exactly what values i'm missing 2010-06-08T19:38:08 (can't be more than a handful at this point) 2010-06-08T19:38:15 and then i should be able to do a clean config 2010-06-08T19:38:20 (i'm hoping for that by the end of the night) 2010-06-08T19:38:28 and i'll shoot for a clean build soon after that 2010-06-08T19:38:43 This is great news. 2010-06-08T19:38:49 Well done. 2010-06-08T19:39:04 kiwichris: thanks! 2010-06-08T19:39:25 i'll have a more in-depth update in a blog post 2010-06-08T19:39:36 and i'll hit up you, dukeleto, and DrJoel in an email with the link 2010-06-08T19:40:07 Sounds great. I look forward to it. 2010-06-08T19:50:17 *** heishu has joined #rtems 2010-06-08T19:51:26 *** heishu has quit IRC 2010-06-08T21:14:00 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-06-08T22:32:51 *** bubaflub has quit IRC 2010-06-09T01:07:53 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T01:13:30 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T01:30:26 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T01:31:10 good morning 2010-06-09T01:40:52 *** tfinn has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T01:53:19 *** heishu has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T01:57:52 *** heishu has quit IRC 2010-06-09T02:17:01 *** lcpfnvc has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T02:37:09 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T02:53:00 morning 2010-06-09T04:26:18 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T04:43:06 *** madrazr has left #rtems 2010-06-09T05:02:03 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T05:05:51 *** lekernel has quit IRC 2010-06-09T05:12:57 *** madrazr has left #rtems 2010-06-09T05:42:20 sebhub, hi 2010-06-09T06:40:34 hi 2010-06-09T06:50:14 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T06:50:14 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-06-09T06:59:44 sebhub: did you commit fixes for those tests or file a PR for aniceber? 2010-06-09T07:03:28 I commited fixes and added comments to the PR 2010-06-09T07:03:51 sebhub, what the reason for the null mont change ? 2010-06-09T07:04:55 kiwichris: just updated 1532 with my latest code. Hopefully you can spot what is going wrong 2010-06-09T07:05:04 https://www.rtems.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1546 2010-06-09T07:05:41 this function was used in application code 2010-06-09T07:05:57 chris: this function was used in application code 2010-06-09T07:06:03 With null arguments for which file system ? 2010-06-09T07:06:22 hm, which NULL arguement do you mean? 2010-06-09T07:06:46 The mount function changes 2010-06-09T07:07:16 the target_or_null parameter may be NULL 2010-06-09T07:07:41 previously this resulted in a strlen(target==NULL) 2010-06-09T07:08:03 Which code did this ? The tests ? 2010-06-09T07:08:05 previously this resulted in a strcpy(str,target==NULL) 2010-06-09T07:08:28 target==NULL for the route file system? 2010-06-09T07:08:33 root 2010-06-09T07:08:42 Ok. 2010-06-09T07:08:51 I thought I have handled this case. Hmm 2010-06-09T07:09:36 it was my fault 2010-06-09T07:10:03 Ok. I had the mount call the same as the Linux man page :) 2010-06-09T07:11:48 the only drawback is that we have to change every application configuration which uses high level file system now 2010-06-09T07:12:14 Do you mean from the ops version ? 2010-06-09T07:13:33 yes 2010-06-09T07:13:55 previously the linker did all the job 2010-06-09T07:14:00 * DrJoel needs to run an errand before class starts.. bbl 2010-06-09T07:14:04 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-06-09T07:14:45 The exposure of ops tables and methods for handling were broken and fragile. 2010-06-09T07:15:27 I see you have put back the rtems_ftpfs_mount. Why ? 2010-06-09T07:15:48 this function was used in application code 2010-06-09T07:17:25 We have a numerous copies of the same code all over the place. The original purpose was due to localised ops handles etc but this has changed. 2010-06-09T07:18:02 some time ago the mount point was hard coded to "/FTP" and later it was possible to use any path 2010-06-09T07:18:37 Yes and now a single common call can mount any file system because there is no dependence on ops tables. 2010-06-09T07:20:07 yes, but rtems_ftpfs_mount() is in line with rtems_ftpfs_{get|set}_{verbose|timeout} 2010-06-09T07:22:37 These can become mount parameters now via the 'data' field. 2010-06-09T07:23:01 This is what new file system should do rather than back door interfaces. 2010-06-09T07:23:09 hm, ok, this was previously not possible 2010-06-09T07:23:37 Yes and a constant source of problems. You could force a DOSFS to be 12bit now 2010-06-09T07:23:52 eg bpart can force an FS type based on the ids 2010-06-09T07:25:36 ok, i will change the ftpfs to use the mount parameter 2010-06-09T07:26:00 this will make the ioctl hack obsolete 2010-06-09T07:26:10 Maybe I should have flagged the function as going away next release. 2010-06-09T07:26:42 The NFS is another one that wold benefit from the ability to pass options, eg buffer sizes. 2010-06-09T07:26:49 The RFS is another. 2010-06-09T07:27:04 I am off. 2010-06-09T07:27:09 the ftpfs system is in use by a lot of our customers 2010-06-09T07:27:22 cu 2010-06-09T07:27:22 Oh I have started on the filesystem doco. It contains functions etc 2010-06-09T07:27:25 Sure. 2010-06-09T07:27:47 I have also started to get pathconf sorted. We now have some comments for the fields and defaults. 2010-06-09T07:27:54 cya 2010-06-09T07:27:58 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-06-09T07:46:16 *** tuxmaniac has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T08:09:20 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T08:17:02 *** aniceberg has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T08:23:17 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-06-09T08:26:51 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T08:27:46 sebhub:hi 2010-06-09T08:30:36 *** tuxmaniac has quit IRC 2010-06-09T08:30:59 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T08:31:16 we will be starting qhortly... helping get qemu going for one of them 2010-06-09T08:44:10 *** lcpfnvc has quit IRC 2010-06-09T08:45:04 hi 2010-06-09T08:46:50 hey sebhub .. 2010-06-09T08:47:53 sebhub: i have read your mail and thanks for your comments. 2010-06-09T08:57:40 *** heishu has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T09:03:50 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T09:17:14 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T09:35:42 *** bubaflub has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T09:41:25 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-09T09:46:46 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T09:54:14 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T09:54:50 *** tonylijo has left #rtems 2010-06-09T09:55:16 *** jennis_thomas has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T09:56:59 *** Guest99668 has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T09:57:02 i am doing a project on rtems can someone guide me how to build rtems 2010-06-09T09:58:25 you can find getting started documentation here: 2010-06-09T09:58:26 http://wiki.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/GSoC_Getting_Started 2010-06-09T09:58:42 thank you 2010-06-09T09:58:44 or here 2010-06-09T09:58:46 http://www.rtems.org/onlinedocs/releases/rtemsdocs-4.9.4/share/rtems/html/started/index.html 2010-06-09T09:59:06 any doubts just ask :) 2010-06-09T09:59:55 ohk. i'll check out the docs 2010-06-09T10:01:17 jennis_thomas: the first link to the wiki is a pretty easy quick start 2010-06-09T10:01:36 the doc manuals provide more in-depth detail, which helps especially if you need to build from sources. 2010-06-09T10:02:13 also, fedora linux is the easiest distro to build and run rtems, so if that is an option you may want to consider it. 2010-06-09T10:02:43 i am a debian user can i build rtems on it 2010-06-09T10:04:11 you can, either from sources or I think there are some unofficial debian packages out there you can install from 2010-06-09T10:04:54 Guest99668, one of them is @ http://epics.nsls2.bnl.gov/debian/ 2010-06-09T10:05:19 but the bsps and targets for which they are available are limited 2010-06-09T10:05:27 thanks 2010-06-09T10:05:45 i suggest learning to build from sources if you use debian/ubuntu 2010-06-09T10:05:57 but it takes awhile and is a bit more fragile :) 2010-06-09T10:06:03 i think using a rpm based distro makes the process faster and less complicated 2010-06-09T10:06:10 Guest99668, also, i guess it is 4.9 version. you might want to build from sources 2010-06-09T10:07:22 Guest99668, if you need the latest or other version or other bsp / targets 2010-06-09T10:08:24 OpenSuSE is also fine for RTEMS development 2010-06-09T10:08:43 from where can i get the source code of 4.9 version 2010-06-09T10:09:03 tiemen: https://www.rtems.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1548 might interest you. 2010-06-09T10:09:05 i would check out the 4.9 branch from CVS 2010-06-09T10:10:09 guest99668: although if you are doing devel work, you'll probably want CVS head. 2010-06-09T10:11:00 yes 2010-06-09T10:11:05 gedare: I've never had that problem myself 2010-06-09T10:11:09 not yet anyway 2010-06-09T10:11:25 i just saw a notice for it, and thought you might like to see. 2010-06-09T10:11:53 yes, I do like to see 2010-06-09T10:12:03 now I know where to look if I ever get something similar :) 2010-06-09T10:12:05 thanks 2010-06-09T10:26:06 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2010-06-09T10:33:25 DrJoel: connection was dropped 2010-06-09T10:35:00 back 2010-06-09T10:35:44 i have downloaded yum.conf rpm what should be the next step 2010-06-09T10:36:12 http://www.rtems.com/wiki/index.php/APT/Yum_Repository#Yum_Instructions 2010-06-09T10:40:16 i am using intel microprocessor so should i select i386 set of rpms 2010-06-09T10:41:44 jennis_thomas: yes. and you will be able to test with the qemu simulator if you like. 2010-06-09T10:42:11 http://www.rtems.com/wiki/index.php/QEMU 2010-06-09T10:42:26 I suggest following the instructions at http://www.rtems.com/wiki/index.php/QEMU#Using_the_rtems-testing_Module 2010-06-09T10:44:28 of course i might be biased since i wrote those instructions 2010-06-09T10:45:14 or you can test using any other i386 simulator, like virtualbox or vmware(it's a little harder) :) 2010-06-09T10:45:54 haven't used others personally, but I suppose you just need to figure out how to point the simulator at a disk image with grubs and rtems apps. 2010-06-09T10:46:24 cdcs, you have run rtems on virtualbox? 2010-06-09T10:46:30 yes 2010-06-09T10:46:47 i am using it with etherboot 2010-06-09T10:46:53 thank you 2010-06-09T10:47:19 cdcs, neat! i would like to do it sometime. i will reach you in case I need some help 2010-06-09T10:48:18 cdcs: if you have time maybe you can write up some instructions on the wiki? 2010-06-09T10:48:20 :) 2010-06-09T10:49:09 ok, i didn't knew that were people interested in running rtems in virtualbox... :) 2010-06-09T10:49:44 i think people are more or less interest in running rtems on whatever they can 2010-06-09T10:49:51 do you have networking in virtualbox? 2010-06-09T10:50:07 gedare, you got it right. :) 2010-06-09T10:50:54 in rtems i haven't tried it, but i am booting my rtems application using a tftp server in my host computer 2010-06-09T10:52:29 this way every time i compile an application i just need to reboot the virtual machine 2010-06-09T10:53:13 i'd like to try using tftp sometime. 2010-06-09T10:53:43 that requires the bios/firmware to support it right 2010-06-09T10:53:54 the bootloader automatically fetches the rtems applications from my host computher through the tftp server and boots it 2010-06-09T10:54:11 handy :) 2010-06-09T10:55:13 gedare, i don't know... this was my first contact with tftp, but it works virtualbox and the setup is very simple 2010-06-09T10:55:34 "it works in" 2010-06-09T10:56:21 *** zwj has quit IRC 2010-06-09T10:56:32 cdcs: i'm interested in your virtual box setup as well 2010-06-09T10:56:45 i'm starting a wiki 2010-06-09T10:58:45 i have installed the set of packages rtems-4.9-auto and rtems-4.9-i386 what could i possibly do next 2010-06-09T10:59:29 jennis_thomas: have you pulled RTEMS from the CVS? 2010-06-09T11:00:05 if you want to compile CVS head, you'll want to install the rtems-4.10 packages instead of 4.9. 2010-06-09T11:00:28 otherwise, i think there are instructions in the online manual 2010-06-09T11:00:49 http://rtems.org/onlinedocs/doc-current/share/rtems/html/started/index.html 2010-06-09T11:01:22 gedare, rtems-4.10 or 4.11? 2010-06-09T11:01:26 i think the head is 4.11 2010-06-09T11:01:35 right 2010-06-09T11:01:53 Where can i get the information on CVS head 2010-06-09T11:01:55 are the 4.11 tools out? 2010-06-09T11:02:08 gedare, they are 2010-06-09T11:02:12 http://www.rtems.com/wiki/index.php/RTEMS_CVS_Repository 2010-06-09T11:02:14 ah, ok 2010-06-09T11:02:22 * gedare makes a note to update his tools 2010-06-09T11:04:46 jennis_thomas: don't forget to install the "rtems common" packages as well 2010-06-09T11:14:23 *** jennis_thomas1 has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T11:17:06 *** jennis_thomas has quit IRC 2010-06-09T11:17:27 *** Guest99668 has quit IRC 2010-06-09T11:21:49 *** jennis_thomas1 has left #rtems 2010-06-09T11:32:58 *** jack1 has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T11:33:26 *** jack1 is now known as Guest27004 2010-06-09T12:31:01 *** _Lucretia_ has quit IRC 2010-06-09T12:31:31 *** _Lucretia_ has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T12:32:26 *** aniceberg has quit IRC 2010-06-09T12:56:21 we are back from lunch and will restart shortly 2010-06-09T13:22:33 *** Guest27004 has quit IRC 2010-06-09T13:22:53 *** jack1 has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T13:23:21 *** jack1 is now known as Guest83003 2010-06-09T13:24:51 *** Guest83003 has left #rtems 2010-06-09T13:26:12 *** jennis_thomas has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T13:49:05 jennis_thomas: did you get all of the RTEMS stuff in order? need any help? 2010-06-09T13:49:25 *** lekernel has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T13:51:14 I am sorry i was not at desk i had to build rtems what is the importance of CVS in it.please enlighten me 2010-06-09T13:51:38 DrJoel: FYI Thread Priority Handler is getting reworked today :p 2010-06-09T13:53:35 jennis_thomas: no problem. i'm an RTEMS newbie, so some of the others can correct me if i'm wrong 2010-06-09T13:53:43 i have Fedora Core 12 running which uses yum 2010-06-09T13:53:49 so i installed some of the RTEMS tools 2010-06-09T13:54:01 like architecture specific GCC, GDB, etc. 2010-06-09T13:54:08 for example, i have sparc-rtems4.10-gdb 2010-06-09T13:54:26 to get the actual OS i've pulled all the files from CVS 2010-06-09T13:54:32 and then compiled them with the RTEMS tools 2010-06-09T13:55:21 though my setup is probably different than yours, it may help to look at my two blog posts: 2010-06-09T13:55:22 http://blog.bobkuo.com/2010/04/setting-up-rtems-on-mac-os-x/ 2010-06-09T13:55:29 http://blog.bobkuo.com/2010/04/setting-up-rtems-part-2-hello-world/ 2010-06-09T13:58:16 running an example hello world will ensure you've got the paths and the tool chain setup correctly 2010-06-09T14:00:01 *** jennis_thomas has quit IRC 2010-06-09T14:04:20 heh, i think he might not have caught that. :p 2010-06-09T14:06:30 dah 2010-06-09T14:06:39 i just wrote the great american novel and no one was there 2010-06-09T14:14:46 *** jennis_thomas has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T14:15:01 *** jennis_thomas has left #rtems 2010-06-09T14:56:02 DrJoel: presentation died. 2010-06-09T14:56:22 yep... apparently 2 hour limit 2010-06-09T14:57:11 taking a bathroom break brb 2010-06-09T15:13:53 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T15:21:43 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2010-06-09T15:25:33 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2010-06-09T15:47:10 yeah finally got rtems gdb stub remote debugging through serial port working...now i have to learn gdb :) 2010-06-09T15:49:49 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2010-06-09T15:58:40 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-09T16:25:14 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-06-09T16:42:08 *** bubaflub has quit IRC 2010-06-09T16:57:39 it died again, but i'm done for now anyway. :) 2010-06-09T16:57:45 we are too 2010-06-09T16:58:17 alrighty. have fun. 2010-06-09T17:08:10 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-06-09T17:50:51 *** gedare has quit IRC 2010-06-09T17:52:49 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2010-06-09T18:06:00 *** lekernel has quit IRC 2010-06-09T20:12:57 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T01:12:26 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T01:27:08 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T01:31:45 whew finally got a new job 2010-06-10T01:36:27 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-06-10T01:51:12 *** lcpfnvc has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T01:51:48 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T01:53:30 morning 2010-06-10T01:56:04 good morning 2010-06-10T02:15:54 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T02:41:37 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-10T03:54:10 *** lekernel has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T04:06:58 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T04:26:13 *** tuxmaniac has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T04:26:50 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-10T05:32:06 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T05:52:07 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T05:53:48 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T06:16:39 hi 2010-06-10T06:17:18 hi 2010-06-10T06:32:50 sebhub:hi 2010-06-10T06:33:03 nice day 2010-06-10T06:33:11 you too 2010-06-10T06:33:39 had you time to continue the project work? 2010-06-10T06:34:07 yes,almost everyday i will have some time to do the project 2010-06-10T06:35:19 great 2010-06-10T06:36:29 in my proposal, in june 12 i should have done the api design 2010-06-10T06:37:09 ok, are there any obstacles? 2010-06-10T06:38:33 one problem is how to refer the object, another what we talk about yestaday 2010-06-10T06:39:48 please update the wiki page to match the current state and note that something is unclear with the ref stuff 2010-06-10T06:40:04 explain what is unclear 2010-06-10T06:40:23 so others may have a look at it and comment 2010-06-10T06:42:02 ok, about the middle order macos, do we use my orignal patch'definition? 2010-06-10T06:43:27 the middle order should be specified indirectly via different macros 2010-06-10T06:44:55 you mean using one refer macros and three middle order macros? 2010-06-10T06:45:23 the goal should be to use one ref macro which is section independent 2010-06-10T06:45:47 if this is not possible in the end, we have to change this 2010-06-10T06:46:53 yeah, i will think how to achieve it. 2010-06-10T06:47:26 ok, but first update the wiki page ;-) 2010-06-10T06:48:53 ok, i will put the api definition to the wiki and explain what is unresolve things 2010-06-10T06:53:16 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T06:53:16 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-06-10T06:53:22 * DrJoel waves 2010-06-10T06:53:43 Fallenou: we will be getting to the BSP and drivers today with it carrying on until tomorrow 2010-06-10T06:53:55 anyone using qemu on CentOS? 2010-06-10T06:55:44 *** lekernel has quit IRC 2010-06-10T07:01:29 tiemen: https://www.rtems.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1548 is of interest to you 2010-06-10T07:12:53 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T07:18:50 hi! How do i add an image to a wiki page? 2010-06-10T07:19:01 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-06-10T07:41:15 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-06-10T08:00:24 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-06-10T08:54:01 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-10T08:54:30 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2010-06-10T09:01:13 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2010-06-10T09:09:30 *** lcpfnvc has quit IRC 2010-06-10T09:10:58 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T09:19:23 *** jack1 has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T09:19:38 *** jack1 is now known as Guest58742 2010-06-10T09:19:53 *** Guest58742 has left #rtems 2010-06-10T09:21:53 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T09:36:28 *** bubaflub has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T09:46:17 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2010-06-10T09:52:01 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T10:05:06 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T10:05:14 class back on line 2010-06-10T10:08:09 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T10:09:54 I am a newbie in rtems can anyone help me out from where to begin 2010-06-10T10:10:36 were you here yesterday? 2010-06-10T10:11:20 did you use either the gsoc quick start or online manuals getting started doc yet? 2010-06-10T10:11:22 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T10:11:48 yes i started with getting started 2010-06-10T10:12:13 are you using rtems 4.9 or the CVS? 2010-06-10T10:13:55 actually i am a student i have not much knowledge about CVS i am eager to learn 2010-06-10T10:15:06 what os do you use? 2010-06-10T10:15:20 i am using fedora 12 2010-06-10T10:15:24 http://www.rtems.com/wiki/index.php/RTEMS_CVS_Repository#Using_the_CVS_Repository 2010-06-10T10:15:29 that tells you how to use cvs to get rtems 2010-06-10T10:15:39 and also it tells you how to update the cvs repo 2010-06-10T10:15:56 you can learn more about cvs by opening a terminal window and typing `man cvs` 2010-06-10T10:16:07 jacob123: i set up RTEMS on Fedora Core 12 with virtual box and documented my instructions in two parts 2010-06-10T10:16:15 http://blog.bobkuo.com/2010/04/setting-up-rtems-on-mac-os-x/ and http://blog.bobkuo.com/2010/04/setting-up-rtems-part-2-hello-world/ 2010-06-10T10:18:44 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T10:20:56 I have completed my wiki page for RTEMS on VirtualBox 2010-06-10T10:21:17 it also explains how to setup the bootloader, the tftp server 2010-06-10T10:21:59 and how to setup a virtual serial port for debugging purposes 2010-06-10T10:22:03 http://wiki.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/RTEMS_on_Virtualbox 2010-06-10T10:22:25 cool 2010-06-10T10:23:08 there will be some errors since i am not a english native speaker :) 2010-06-10T10:28:14 cdcs: it looks good. was there anything special you had to do for configuring/building RTEMS? 2010-06-10T10:28:49 and I assume you used the pc386 BSP? 2010-06-10T10:29:19 it was a standard pc586 configuration 2010-06-10T10:29:52 but if you want to debug you must use the gdb stub 2010-06-10T10:30:07 ok. I think the same is true on qemu 2010-06-10T10:30:13 and include it in your application 2010-06-10T10:30:23 qemu has a stub already included 2010-06-10T10:30:29 oh, ok 2010-06-10T10:31:06 I think I'll give it a try 2010-06-10T10:31:21 it's simple 2010-06-10T10:31:32 yeah I read through it seems like it is 2010-06-10T10:31:41 the only thing i had difficulties was in installing VirtualBox 2010-06-10T10:31:54 because of the kernel module that it installs 2010-06-10T10:32:12 Yeah. I already have vbox installed 2010-06-10T10:52:07 how to restart the vbox machine? 2010-06-10T10:52:35 ok i just closed the window and it killed it 2010-06-10T10:57:41 file-->send reset 2010-06-10T10:57:42 i think 2010-06-10T10:58:16 machine-->Reset 2010-06-10T11:00:49 oh ok I got it, on the machine's window. I was looking in the virtual box control window. :0 2010-06-10T11:08:02 cdcs: can you paste your command line configure? 2010-06-10T11:09:29 for rtems? 2010-06-10T11:10:38 $ ../rtems/configure --enable-posix --enable-networking --enable-cxx --prefix=/rtems --target=i386-rtems4.11 2010-06-10T11:10:39 --enable-rtemsbsp=pc586 --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-tests=samples 2010-06-10T11:11:39 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-10T11:11:46 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-10T11:12:39 cdcs: can you add that command-line configure into the wiki page? 2010-06-10T11:17:03 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T11:17:54 *** zwj has quit IRC 2010-06-10T11:18:20 that's a pretty vanilla configure 2010-06-10T11:19:48 *** dukeleto has quit IRC 2010-06-10T11:20:36 cdcs: does the tftp transfer place the binary in the right place so that boot attempts to boot it 2010-06-10T11:20:52 or do i need to name the executable something special (like test.exe)? 2010-06-10T11:21:50 gedare, i don't understant... 2010-06-10T11:22:04 you have to specify the path to your application in the opentftp.ini 2010-06-10T11:22:40 can i use a path to the build directory testsuites, and then on the gPXE prompt use: kernel tftp:// 2010-06-10T11:22:52 alias / is mapped to /home/gedare/rtems/gsoc/rtems-sched/b-pc586/i386-rtems4.10/c/pc586/testsuites/ 2010-06-10T11:23:56 that i don't know...try first to put / in ..../samples/hello/ 2010-06-10T11:24:04 ah it is working 2010-06-10T11:24:21 except that i hit a fatal error in Calibrate_loop_1ms :) 2010-06-10T11:24:46 bubaflub, it should work with any rtems 386 configuration... 2010-06-10T11:24:52 cdcs: ok, that solves it 2010-06-10T11:25:01 gedare, that is not my fault :) 2010-06-10T11:25:14 cdcs: i'm at work so i'll give this a shot later tonight 2010-06-10T11:25:26 cdcs: is there any way to automate the transfer and boot? 2010-06-10T11:25:44 yup is explained in the wiki 2010-06-10T11:25:52 how to add a cript to the bootloader 2010-06-10T11:26:00 script* 2010-06-10T11:26:12 AHHH 2010-06-10T11:26:16 I didn't read far enough :) 2010-06-10T11:26:21 thank you. 2010-06-10T11:26:44 yay hello world! 2010-06-10T11:27:12 :) 2010-06-10T11:30:13 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T11:33:32 yay ticker on pc386 works 2010-06-10T11:38:00 i'm adding some links to the instructions in other wiki pages so that people can find it :) 2010-06-10T11:38:15 and i did a little bit of clean-up, but the instructions you made are well-done 2010-06-10T11:38:29 ok, edit at your will 2010-06-10T11:39:48 i haven't tried rtems networking in Vbox, but the virtual disk is recognized by rtems 2010-06-10T11:42:45 i've got Fedora Core 12 on Virtual Box with the RTEMS tools 2010-06-10T11:42:56 could i run (in one box) FC12 and in the other box RTEMS? 2010-06-10T11:43:01 and then use the TFTP to upload? 2010-06-10T11:44:38 you want to run virtualbox inside virtualbox? 2010-06-10T11:44:44 bubaflub: yes 2010-06-10T11:45:00 cdcs: no, my host is a Mac OS X 2010-06-10T11:45:05 i'm saying i could run two images simultaneously 2010-06-10T11:45:11 bubaflub: but cdcs makes a good point, it might be hard to get your built executables from FC12 to the RTEMS vbox image 2010-06-10T11:45:12 one is my dev environment which is FC12 2010-06-10T11:45:22 the other is RTEMS on VirtualBox 2010-06-10T11:45:31 probably you can use an ftp connection to the FC12 image though 2010-06-10T11:45:31 gedare: yeah, i'd have to figure out the networking type things 2010-06-10T11:45:43 and just have a staging directory on your host 2010-06-10T11:45:58 anyway it should work. 2010-06-10T11:46:01 yeah you can setup networking between your two virtual machines 2010-06-10T11:46:07 yeah, worse case scenario i have it sent like FC12 -> Mac OS X -> RTEMS 2010-06-10T11:46:12 that would be even better. 2010-06-10T11:46:14 but ideally i would be able to ftp from FC12 right into RTEMS 2010-06-10T11:46:26 sounds like you probably can 2010-06-10T11:46:31 nice 2010-06-10T11:46:38 i'm definitely going to give it a shot this week 2010-06-10T11:46:42 and document my setup 2010-06-10T11:46:57 cdcs: have you tried any of the network demos with virtual box? 2010-06-10T11:47:16 if it works that would be pretty nice, since qemu's networking is a little iffy. 2010-06-10T11:48:19 gedare, no. not quite my area 2010-06-10T11:48:51 bubaflup, chack this page: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/User_HOWTOS it contains how tos for connecting two virtual machines through network 2010-06-10T11:49:35 cdcs++ 2010-06-10T11:49:47 i'll be hacking on this this weekend and post my results 2010-06-10T11:50:01 i think it'd be great for RTEMS to have some prebuilt images 2010-06-10T11:50:06 should help developers get started real easy 2010-06-10T11:50:34 if you find something add it to the wiki... 2010-06-10T11:51:18 gedare, networking should work since you can choose several adapters in Vbox...one of them will work! 2010-06-10T11:51:31 heh yeah 2010-06-10T11:52:42 i have fedora 12 and my gcc is version 4.4.3-4 when i was goin through rtems getting started pdf it mentioned installing ver 4.3 will that make any difference 2010-06-10T11:54:39 jacob123, if you use the pre-built tools from the RTEMS repository you won't have any problem 2010-06-10T12:02:47 cdcs: do you know off the top of your head if VirtualBox can output to a console (terminal) instead of opening a video framebuffer? 2010-06-10T12:04:16 i think you can tunnel the rtems output to the serial port 2010-06-10T12:04:36 drjoel: connection dropped, but it's about time for me to take a lunch break. 2010-06-10T12:05:06 cdcs: that would make automated use even easier, that is why i ask. 2010-06-10T12:05:14 but i don't know how it's made... but that must be a rtems option 2010-06-10T12:05:46 if you configure the pc386 bsp with USE_COM1_AS_CONSOLE=1 2010-06-10T12:06:07 the wiki describes how to connect to the rtems in the virtual machine using a remote console 2010-06-10T12:06:07 then it will default to use a seiral port instead of video 2010-06-10T12:06:14 ok thanks 2010-06-10T12:06:28 probably if you configure with the above option, then it will work well 2010-06-10T12:06:40 you will need to use socat 2010-06-10T12:07:30 why not any terminal program 2010-06-10T12:07:52 i don't know if you can connect directly to the output pipe of VBox 2010-06-10T12:08:00 alright. i'll play around with that a little 2010-06-10T12:08:17 with socat i have managed to connect with rtems 2010-06-10T12:08:45 *** bubaflub has quit IRC 2010-06-10T12:08:51 the bootloader also has that option of remote console 2010-06-10T12:16:13 the pdf mentions about building rtems from the source should i go ahead with it.Do i need to download the required packages from ftp site or can i get them through yum 2010-06-10T12:17:09 you can setup the yum repo and then install the needed packages 2010-06-10T12:17:39 you can obtain information on the yum repo here: http://wiki.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/APT/Yum_Repository 2010-06-10T12:18:28 there's a repo entry you can download, and a link to the gpg key, and then you can just use yum to get any of the rtems tools you need 2010-06-10T12:19:55 *** gedare has quit IRC 2010-06-10T12:25:33 *** bubaflub has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T12:30:47 *** cdcs is now known as cdcs_awy 2010-06-10T12:36:24 i was going through getting started with rtems , i am trying to build from source as i am using debian . newlib-1.11.0-rtems-20030605.diff 2010-06-10T12:36:24 gcc-3.2.3-rtems-20040108.diff in ftp://ftp.rtems.com/pub/rtems/4.6.5/ 2010-06-10T12:38:20 i can't find the above packeges in the the ftps site of rtems 2010-06-10T12:38:45 will there be any problem if i put gpgcheck=0 and install using yum 2010-06-10T12:52:07 jacob123: i don't think so 2010-06-10T13:03:25 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T13:30:43 *** cdcs_awy is now known as cdcs 2010-06-10T13:36:18 tonylijo, it may be in the cvs history rtems/contrib/crossrpms/patches in the Attic as an old patch. Not sure. But that is an ancient version and not recommended for use 2010-06-10T13:37:27 * DrJoel has restarted the webcast .. starting bsps and drivers in a few minutes for gsoc students 2010-06-10T13:38:08 so which one shall i use can you pls help 2010-06-10T13:51:57 tonylijo: hi, may I know what version of RTEMS you are building? If it is 4.6.5 then it is a very old version 2010-06-10T13:52:24 tonylijo: if you are doing development we suggest you go with the CVS head 2010-06-10T13:52:28 which is 4.11 2010-06-10T13:52:55 tonylijo: if you want a release you could go with 4.10 which was released recently 2010-06-10T13:54:10 tonylijo: and in order to build that you shall need to build gcc-4.5.0, gdb-7.1, binutils-2.20 2010-06-10T13:54:28 and newlib-1.18 2010-06-10T13:54:49 has 4.10 been officially released? 2010-06-10T13:54:57 I was under the impression it is still being polished. 2010-06-10T13:55:29 gedare: released on June 4th I guess 2010-06-10T13:55:37 hm ok 2010-06-10T13:55:37 gedare: there was an announcement mail on the mailing list 2010-06-10T13:55:53 i knew they cut it, i just didn't know if the packages were posted 2010-06-10T13:55:54 gedare: ah, sorry 2010-06-10T13:56:00 gedare: it was cut 2010-06-10T13:56:03 *nod* 2010-06-10T13:56:03 not released 2010-06-10T13:57:47 tonylijo: hope I made some sense. Please feel free to ask if you need anymore information :) 2010-06-10T13:59:25 tonylijo: you have a tutorial on how to build the tools in ubuntu here: http://wiki.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/Building_the_RTEMS_toolset_on_Ubuntu 2010-06-10T14:03:06 i was trying to build 4.6.5 2010-06-10T14:03:35 tonylijo: is there a good reason for using that version 2010-06-10T14:04:04 in getting started i sow this so i used it 2010-06-10T14:04:14 oh, avoid that... use the online manuals 2010-06-10T14:04:30 http://rtems.org/onlinedocs/doc-current/share/rtems/html/started/index.html 2010-06-10T14:04:39 where did you get that version of getting started? :0 2010-06-10T14:04:54 * dr__house goes to update the getting started page 2010-06-10T14:06:58 tonylijo: can you please provide the URL of the page you were referring to? 2010-06-10T14:08:16 where can i get the updated version of getting started in rtems pdf 2010-06-10T14:10:07 tonylijo: http://rtems.org/onlinedocs/doc-current/share/rtems/html/ 2010-06-10T14:10:17 click on the adobe acrobat icon (the first one) 2010-06-10T14:10:22 next to the appropriate manual that you want 2010-06-10T14:12:13 thank you 2010-06-10T14:22:34 *** dukeleto has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T14:34:26 *** cdcs is now known as cdcs_awy 2010-06-10T14:34:34 *** dukeleto has quit IRC 2010-06-10T14:38:53 \me just got my GSoC payment card 2010-06-10T14:39:00 * bubaflub uses the wrong slash 2010-06-10T14:41:22 *** dukeleto has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T14:48:33 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2010-06-10T14:49:22 *** gedare_ has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T14:51:46 *** gedare has quit IRC 2010-06-10T15:15:35 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-10T15:23:54 *** aleix has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T15:25:05 *** aleix has quit IRC 2010-06-10T15:33:36 *** gedare_ has quit IRC 2010-06-10T15:35:37 if a gsoc student wants to drop in on the webcast, speak up 2010-06-10T15:45:27 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-10T15:47:19 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T15:53:51 DrJoel what is today's topic? 2010-06-10T15:53:58 *** cdcs_awy is now known as cdcs 2010-06-10T15:55:27 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-06-10T15:55:55 cdcs, bsps.. 2010-06-10T15:56:01 want to join in? 2010-06-10T15:56:24 ok, lets check it :) 2010-06-10T15:57:08 should be back up 2010-06-10T15:58:34 ok thanks, i'm there 2010-06-10T16:02:43 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-10T16:05:46 *** bubaflub has quit IRC 2010-06-10T16:21:38 *** tuxmaniac has quit IRC 2010-06-10T16:26:00 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T16:29:49 cdcs, hi 2010-06-10T16:31:23 *** methril_work has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T16:36:15 hi kiwichris 2010-06-10T16:37:07 cdcs, last night was a disaster. I went to make dinner and opened a cupboard to find an ants nest had moved in. 2010-06-10T16:37:35 cdcs, that was the end of my evening and dinner and I then had to spent hours cleaning it up. 2010-06-10T16:37:56 kiwichris, aussie ants attack :) 2010-06-10T16:38:14 i was just viewing the open class screen cast 2010-06-10T16:38:21 Must have been. :) 2010-06-10T16:38:51 Joel is talking abou autoconf automake and make.exe 2010-06-10T16:38:57 This can happen after the huge amount of rain we have had. They find someone inside that is not wet 2010-06-10T16:39:14 Do you have the link ? 2010-06-10T16:39:22 yeah you are in winter time 2010-06-10T16:39:26 yes i do 2010-06-10T16:39:37 Yes we are and it is cold today. 2010-06-10T16:40:38 so i need to discuss some things with you... 2010-06-10T16:41:12 The .exe error you had is an issue in RTEM. 2010-06-10T16:41:16 did you read my small description of the netbsd driver? 2010-06-10T16:41:36 I have. I am having trouble with the HTML of your email client. 2010-06-10T16:41:59 i solved that error with a copy.. 2010-06-10T16:42:23 yeah that html problem is microsoft fault :( 2010-06-10T16:43:08 The issue is RTEMS does not honour $(EXEEXT) which it should. We have hard coded .exe and that required we rewrite all the rules and that does not make sense. 2010-06-10T16:43:49 i don't know what is of rtems interest to port? 2010-06-10T16:44:08 Getting to it :) 2010-06-10T16:44:09 many of the dma support is at controller driver level... 2010-06-10T16:46:03 I would take the ATAPI driver to start with and all under. 2010-06-10T16:46:21 all under up to controller level? 2010-06-10T16:46:49 I suspect so. I think all os these days run a SCSI layer. 2010-06-10T16:47:31 select some controllers and port their drivers?(ICH,... PIIX...) 2010-06-10T16:47:35 What is scsipi ? 2010-06-10T16:47:39 Yes 2010-06-10T16:47:48 Just take the one that you need 2010-06-10T16:48:07 "I think all os these days run a SCSI layer"? didn't understand what you mean 2010-06-10T16:48:28 On the last question about how to manage the port. 2010-06-10T16:49:01 We have found by experience the less we change the better off we are. 2010-06-10T16:49:52 This can be difficult when you are porting. Add #if 0 if it is a problem then you can add it back once you figure out the problem. 2010-06-10T16:50:05 Have a look in the libbsdports for some examples. 2010-06-10T16:50:24 scsipi is an acronym for scsi package interface and acts like a middle layer between the controllers and scsi/atapi up layer driver 2010-06-10T16:50:32 This part is something you will figure out once you get going. 2010-06-10T16:50:43 Ah ok. Yes you need that. 2010-06-10T16:51:19 so we port atapi, atabus, and some controllers 2010-06-10T16:51:20 I think they levelled everything to SCSI. SCSI always allowed overlapping transactions on a bus to difference devices. 2010-06-10T16:51:26 Yes 2010-06-10T16:52:28 we forget( at least for now) wdc(ISA driver), wd(WD100x compliand devices) and scsi drivers. 2010-06-10T16:52:41 On Linux these days they run complex queuing code to manage the best way to handle device control, eg elevator 2010-06-10T16:53:11 Yeah. Keep the port to the simplest path and then complicate it later, 2010-06-10T16:53:37 Once you get a few files to compile most will just build then the driver will become the problem. 2010-06-10T16:54:17 ok... so i startup by adding code to libbsdport to replace the driver includes 2010-06-10T16:54:17 Ah you able to use gmail rather than MS ? 2010-06-10T16:54:58 What ever is easiest. The whole exe is statically linked and this means the app can contain the code. 2010-06-10T16:55:17 i use gmail, but i use windows live mail to handle all my different mails. I will start to send directly for gmail. 2010-06-10T16:55:23 from* 2010-06-10T16:55:32 I often copy source from newlib and RTEMS to my app and build it. 2010-06-10T16:55:51 ok atabus is multithreaded, we keep that way at start... 2010-06-10T16:55:54 Ah ok. I understand. 2010-06-10T16:56:17 Yes. Lets get something going and then we complicate our life after that. 2010-06-10T16:57:13 ok. how do i make gdb show the code instead of adresses? 2010-06-10T16:57:25 when remote debugging 2010-06-10T16:57:31 Do not use a stripped binary. 2010-06-10T16:57:51 Check you have symbols present. Some command may strip the executable. 2010-06-10T16:58:01 I pass the base ELF file to gdb 2010-06-10T16:58:58 i have -g option in the makefile, and i have a "app" and "app.ralf" and a "app.bin" 2010-06-10T16:59:16 Pass app to gdb 2010-06-10T16:59:19 should i use app.ralf? i was using the one with no extension 2010-06-10T16:59:50 The code will not show up if the app and the binary in the target do not match. 2010-06-10T17:00:29 target remote /dev/foo 2010-06-10T17:00:39 file../path/app ? 2010-06-10T17:00:58 At the low level you can 'objdump -D app | less" then in gdb you can see if the code matches a specific location 2010-06-10T17:01:18 Did you use full paths or relative paths to configure ? 2010-06-10T17:01:47 relative 2010-06-10T17:02:00 I would use full paths. 2010-06-10T17:02:33 I use this to build RTEMS, libbspport and the app 2010-06-10T17:03:26 Also what does "file app" say. It will say you have symbols or not. 2010-06-10T17:03:37 ie not stripped. 2010-06-10T17:04:36 'objdump -D app | less" show me a lot of assembly code 2010-06-10T17:04:46 Can you add --source ? 2010-06-10T17:05:26 add --source to what? 2010-06-10T17:05:34 To the objdump comand 2010-06-10T17:05:53 still assembly 2010-06-10T17:06:03 If this works then gdb will work 2010-06-10T17:06:26 I would rebuild with absolute paths and see if that helps. 2010-06-10T17:07:15 now i have got the function declarations 2010-06-10T17:07:51 ohhh, the code is mixed in the assembly 2010-06-10T17:07:54 ok i have it 2010-06-10T17:08:05 Yes 2010-06-10T17:08:27 This is a simple command to look under the hood 2010-06-10T17:09:03 cool now i have to learn how to work in gdb...i always used the graphical interfaces 2010-06-10T17:09:15 You can run ddd. 2010-06-10T17:09:30 even in remote? didn't know.... 2010-06-10T17:10:00 $ cat ~/bin/dddd 2010-06-10T17:10:00 #!/bin/sh 2010-06-10T17:10:01 target=$(readelf -h $1 | grep "Machine" | sed -e 's/.*80386.*/i386/' -e 's/.*MC68000.*/m68k/') 2010-06-10T17:10:01 exec ddd --debugger "$target-rtems4.10-gdb" $* 2010-06-10T17:10:04 Yeap 2010-06-10T17:10:22 do we have a rtems function to do this: http://netbsd.gw.com/cgi-bin/man-cgi?splbio++NetBSD-current? 2010-06-10T17:10:47 it appears in almost all driver code 2010-06-10T17:11:17 Check libbsdports :) 2010-06-10T17:11:45 ok another question 2010-06-10T17:11:56 They might be just FreeBSD but make these similar 2010-06-10T17:12:56 the probe functions are just a comparison of a member of the struct 2010-06-10T17:13:41 só something under the drivers must "probe" the bus for controllers? 2010-06-10T17:14:01 Check out the PCI bus probing in libbsdports. 2010-06-10T17:14:30 The PCI bus is scanned by boot code and it creates a complex structure to show the bus structure 2010-06-10T17:14:44 and fill the struct, that is them passed to the drivers to see if the controller is theirs 2010-06-10T17:15:03 Yes. The drivers match against known numbers 2010-06-10T17:15:36 so the driver probing is chained 2010-06-10T17:15:47 Yes 2010-06-10T17:15:57 Play with lspic on your Linux box 2010-06-10T17:16:37 boot probes pci to find controllers, controller driver probes for devices and them gives the struct with the devices to the devices driver 2010-06-10T17:17:09 It also provides the address the device lives at in the memory space and any needed interrupt info 2010-06-10T17:18:13 ok i got it right 2010-06-10T17:20:12 Great 2010-06-10T17:20:47 we may have a problem since i think the upper level driver handles partitions 2010-06-10T17:21:02 but partitions are hand 2010-06-10T17:21:03 *** lekernel has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T17:21:23 but partitions are part of libblock in rtems* 2010-06-10T17:21:51 They do not have to be. 2010-06-10T17:22:22 There is bpart code but lets see what this code does first. 2010-06-10T17:22:48 I say run with the NetBSD code from ATA devices and later we can see how it all fits together 2010-06-10T17:23:09 ok 2010-06-10T17:23:28 Not every device is ATA so we may need both in RTEMS 2010-06-10T17:24:59 today i finished my tutorial on RTEMS on VirtualBox: 2010-06-10T17:25:00 http://wiki.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/RTEMS_on_Virtualbox 2010-06-10T17:25:26 Excellent. A great resource. 2010-06-10T17:25:41 Is it linked to from a VM page ? 2010-06-10T17:26:02 tommorow i will start adding code to my app 2010-06-10T17:26:14 no i think it's not linked to anything 2010-06-10T17:26:16 Hee hee, fun 2010-06-10T17:26:43 Please try and link it if possible. This way others can find it 2010-06-10T17:27:00 do you have any idea of what controllers to port? What are the most common? 2010-06-10T17:27:13 (maybe the ones in virtualbox..) 2010-06-10T17:27:14 The one that will work on your hardware 2010-06-10T17:27:24 or simulator 2010-06-10T17:27:41 pix and ich 2010-06-10T17:28:22 Great 2010-06-10T17:28:36 ok, this will require acess to rtems pci functions... 2010-06-10T17:29:14 Check libbsdports for how to do this. If something is not clear please ask on the list. 2010-06-10T17:29:18 are they bsd independent? ( i know some are bsd dependent, but is there any abstraction layer?) 2010-06-10T17:30:06 They may vary for different arch but this is handled for the i386 in libbsdports 2010-06-10T17:31:24 ok i will pay a way closer look on libbsdport 2010-06-10T17:31:45 It will help 2010-06-10T17:32:45 next week i have two exams, but since i have no classes to attend i will be able to do both things( gsoc and study) 2010-06-10T17:34:36 portuguese school calendar is very bad! 2010-06-10T17:35:28 Can you send me the details in an email. Thanks. 2010-06-10T17:35:40 ok 2010-06-10T17:36:26 i think for now i have no further questions, but i am sure the moment i place the Netbsd code i will be full of them... 2010-06-10T17:36:41 Excellent. 2010-06-10T17:52:27 time to go sleep... bye... 2010-06-10T18:03:27 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-06-10T18:18:13 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2010-06-10T18:47:11 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T19:19:25 DrJoel, hi 2010-06-10T20:12:37 *** joel_ has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T20:29:14 DrJoel, hi 2010-06-10T20:29:34 hey.. just trying to catch up on email.. answering their questions until 7pm 2010-06-10T20:30:20 Ok. I opened a kitchen cupboard last night to an ants nest that had moved in. 2010-06-10T20:30:41 :( With the recent warm weather we have been attached by bugs also. :( 2010-06-10T20:31:04 Ours is lots of rain the ants move in from outside 2010-06-10T20:33:02 same happens here. 2010-06-10T20:33:32 do you think the flash drivers in libbsp/powerpc/shared are useful? intel and spansion 2010-06-10T20:33:54 No idea. What interface to have ? How do you use them ? 2010-06-10T20:35:08 I just was showing the class a shared libbsp/CPU/shared directory and noticed it 2010-06-10T20:35:37 Will look in a moment. Just answering PR 1549 2010-06-10T20:38:31 For the flash yes and now. 2010-06-10T20:38:34 For the flash yes and no. 2010-06-10T20:39:11 Yes this code is always useful, and no, it is specific to the interfaces provided and contains printf etc so is not generic 2010-06-10T20:39:48 We have a number of flash standards in the code and none are compatible. 2010-06-10T20:39:54 :D I explained to them that I thought it should have been written in a libchip style and located there. But it was common to see a new driver in a specific BSP and then migrated up. First user gets it to work, second improves it and generalizes 2010-06-10T20:40:13 So someone would have to generalize it 2010-06-10T20:40:15 The bigger question is what is the interface ? 2010-06-10T20:40:24 yes.. Till is the one to ask 2010-06-10T20:40:43 Yes. My vote would be a device io interface and based on the API in the flashdisk driver code. 2010-06-10T20:41:05 We need to add this to the wish list and ask Till for details on the current code 2010-06-10T20:41:42 look in cpukit/libblock/include/rtems/flashdisk.h 2010-06-10T20:42:36 The rtems_fdisk_driver_handlers and rtems_fdisk_device_desc 2010-06-10T20:43:09 ahhh.. do this would plugin via that API? 2010-06-10T20:43:12 Then programming flash would be open(/dev/myflash) and ioctl etc to read erase and write 2010-06-10T20:43:20 Yes 2010-06-10T20:43:34 cool.. is this the interface of the amd one in libchip? 2010-06-10T20:43:38 The BSP would register a device or create a /dev/etcetc node 2010-06-10T20:43:45 right 2010-06-10T20:44:01 This is all cpukit code and the driver are libchip and set up is BSP 2010-06-10T20:44:28 We would need to expand the API to handle locking and security code etc that are present in some flashes 2010-06-10T20:44:36 wonderful 2010-06-10T20:45:10 Once you have a common device io API you can develop standard flash upgrade tools or shell commands 2010-06-10T20:45:39 Also the flashdisk and be adjusted and you can have a flash disk 2010-06-10T20:46:23 nice.. we just need to prod Till into moving it that way for us. :) 2010-06-10T20:46:45 I suspect he would if we provided the top level API 2010-06-10T20:47:05 Maybe a user will contact you and have this done as part of a support package 2010-06-10T20:47:08 I agree 2010-06-10T20:47:26 I can only hope .. didn't even know the code was there.. definitely a much closer thing that I thought 2010-06-10T20:47:57 There is also ECC code in the ds game thingy BSP 2010-06-10T20:48:19 that should probably be considered for moving up in the tree 2010-06-10T20:48:57 Yes. I suspect a new libmisc entry for flash with the device io code and API then libchip can be filled in 2010-06-10T20:52:58 It looks like neither the Doxygen now docs build now on rtems.. will not be able to check into it. 2010-06-10T20:52:58 night 2010-06-10T20:53:01 *** joel_ has quit IRC 2010-06-10T20:55:04 *** alinrus has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T21:04:37 *** dukeleto has quit IRC 2010-06-10T21:07:57 *** dukeleto has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T21:37:27 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-06-10T21:38:12 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T21:57:20 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-06-10T22:17:27 *** dukeleto has quit IRC 2010-06-10T22:17:36 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T22:58:41 *** dukeleto has joined #rtems 2010-06-10T23:46:33 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-06-11T01:26:14 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T01:29:59 *** lcpfnvc_ has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T01:50:32 *** sebhub has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T01:50:58 good morning 2010-06-11T03:15:39 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T03:23:10 morning 2010-06-11T03:36:31 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-06-11T04:01:09 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2010-06-11T06:40:32 just updated from 4.9 to cvs head and even though the partition table is initialized correctly, I can't mount my fat16 partitions. does anyone know why? 2010-06-11T06:44:58 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-06-11T06:46:46 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T06:53:11 kiwichris: hi, is there a reason why the fileio sample doesn't mount fat16 partitions anymore ? 2010-06-11T06:53:48 Which version of RTEMS ? 2010-06-11T06:54:05 head a few days old 2010-06-11T06:54:22 We have been playing with mount. It may be broken. 2010-06-11T06:54:36 Just looking 2010-06-11T06:54:57 i just updated from 4.9 on which i worked on gsoc aio and I can't mount my fat16 partion 2010-06-11T06:55:10 the partion table it's initialized 2010-06-11T06:55:18 Can you mount it with the shell ? 2010-06-11T06:55:19 rtems_fsmount fails 2010-06-11T06:55:24 no I can't 2010-06-11T06:55:48 What did you type in the shell ? 2010-06-11T06:56:18 mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 2010-06-11T06:56:35 Ah ok. 2010-06-11T06:56:38 Hang on. 2010-06-11T06:57:55 But that command should fail. You need to provide a type to the mount command. 2010-06-11T06:58:27 ie mount -t dosfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 2010-06-11T06:59:27 failed invalid argument 2010-06-11T06:59:56 Yes this is the typical error from mount. 2010-06-11T07:00:26 Can you debug it ? 2010-06-11T07:00:39 RTEMS SHELL (Ver.1.0-FRC):/dev/console. Jun 11 2010. 'help' to list commands. 2010-06-11T07:00:40 [/] # cd /dev 2010-06-11T07:00:40 [/dev] # ls 2010-06-11T07:00:40 console hda hda1 ide0 2010-06-11T07:00:58 I'll try to dig into this 2010-06-11T07:01:20 Thanks. Could you please create a PR under RTEMS/filesystem and I will get it. 2010-06-11T07:02:21 I need to update my head and try it. I did run all tests but I am not sure if dosfs is part of those tests 2010-06-11T07:08:33 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T07:08:33 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-06-11T07:23:24 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T07:25:17 did you add CONFIGURE_FILESYSTEM_DOSFS to your application configuration? 2010-06-11T07:27:14 alinrus: the mount mechanic changed, see confdefs.h from CVS head 2010-06-11T07:30:39 Maybe the fileio test should define all file systems. There is a define for this. 2010-06-11T07:31:38 *** lekernel has quit IRC 2010-06-11T07:33:08 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T07:33:43 sebhub, I am undecided where test documentation lives. 2010-06-11T07:33:54 That is the document about a test. 2010-06-11T07:36:01 my primary concern is that it is to cumbersum to write tests currently 2010-06-11T07:36:25 I need to get to the office but just wrote up a reply 2010-06-11T07:36:58 cumbersome ;-) 2010-06-11T07:37:26 Yes. We can always do things better and we should be able to review and be critical and take it in stride. 2010-06-11T07:38:15 I tend to dump tests and so do the hacking all at once. Maybe I just never noticed :) 2010-06-11T07:39:04 Joel and I want a single command that allows you to run a test for a simulator or a whole set of tests. 2010-06-11T07:40:19 I suspect we will have to modify the screen dumps to handle this. 2010-06-11T07:41:38 The scripts are in place for all the simulators w/ BSPs. They are in rtems-testing/sim-scripts and can do coverage, log output, time out, etc. THey provide a unified interface for running sims 2010-06-11T07:42:02 but I think we should look to requirements tracking for test docs and that is a tool area I am not familiar with in the FOSS community. 2010-06-11T07:42:51 ok, as you wrote already, we should discuss this in the mailing list 2010-06-11T07:43:05 *** aniceberg has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T07:43:05 I think a test document only means something with a set of results. For example "this is the test and here is the result". 2010-06-11T07:44:27 yey :) fsmount: mounting of "/dev/hda1" to "/mnt/hda1" succeeded 2010-06-11T07:44:34 thanks sebhub : 2010-06-11T07:44:53 is suppose this problem will pop up now frequently ;-) 2010-06-11T07:47:26 sebhub:hi, i have update the wiki. but about the middle domain definition i use past patch macos. 2010-06-11T07:47:48 ok but the fileio.doc assumes you're using a FAT partition - perform functions to evaluate FAT disk partition tables 2010-06-11T07:47:48 - perform functions to mount FAT disks to the file system tree 2010-06-11T07:48:22 init.c also "/dev/hda1","/mnt/hda1", "dosfs", 2010-06-11T07:48:30 kiwichris: I think there are two test components "why" and "check that I ran".. 2010-06-11T07:48:39 to get certifications you need the requirements or "doc" part. 2010-06-11T07:48:41 yet CONFIGURE_FILESYSTEM_DOSFS is not added tot fileio 2010-06-11T07:49:04 to verify correct run, you need what or scn files plus "check for end of" in the current scheme. 2010-06-11T07:49:06 alinrus, it is a bug. 2010-06-11T07:49:14 * DrJoel is late for teaching.. need to leave bye 2010-06-11T07:49:17 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-06-11T07:49:28 ok, should I file a bug report on bugzilla? 2010-06-11T07:49:46 Yes and a patch would be great :) 2010-06-11T07:49:51 ok 2010-06-11T07:49:58 I suggest all filesystem are added. 2010-06-11T07:50:07 There is a define for this. 2010-06-11T07:51:29 i am away for a while 2010-06-11T07:53:32 I am watch the start of the World Cup 2010-06-11T07:56:18 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T08:09:39 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T08:14:09 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T08:14:31 * DrJoel is at work... waiting for the last class attendee .. web cast will start shortly 2010-06-11T08:27:35 Fallenou, starting now.. going through the initialization sequence in detail first thing 2010-06-11T08:32:13 DrJoel: are there recordings of these sessions available to gsoc students? 2010-06-11T08:42:31 alinrus, no unfortunately not.. no recordings 2010-06-11T08:42:39 didn't you read the back of your ticket? LOL 2010-06-11T09:10:02 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T09:15:07 i was following the rtems getting started and the binutils ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/binutils/binutils-2.18.91.tar.gz does not exist in the ftp what can i possibly do to get them 2010-06-11T09:17:50 http://www.rtems.com/ftp/pub/rtems/SOURCES/ 2010-06-11T09:19:29 getting started mentions 2.18.91 ver of binutils is it same as 2.18 2010-06-11T09:22:01 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T09:26:29 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2010-06-11T09:30:30 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-11T09:38:14 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T09:43:40 *** sebhub has quit IRC 2010-06-11T09:49:27 *** bubaflub has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T09:52:40 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-06-11T10:02:42 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-11T10:02:42 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-11T10:02:46 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T10:03:06 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T10:22:58 jacob123, why are you trying to (1) use such an old RTEMS and (2) building them from source? 2010-06-11T10:25:55 *** zwj has quit IRC 2010-06-11T10:29:37 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T10:38:46 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-11T10:48:37 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-11T10:48:38 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-11T10:55:41 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T10:57:45 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-11T10:58:07 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T11:01:27 *** zwj has quit IRC 2010-06-11T11:04:21 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T11:04:26 I was following the rtems getting started.How else can i build without using the source 2010-06-11T11:05:32 jacob123: build what, exactly? the gnu tool-chain or RTEMS? 2010-06-11T11:05:43 jacob123, you have a deb based or rpm based system? 2010-06-11T11:06:46 jacob123, get toolchain (build from source / any other method) and then build RTEMS from source using the newly installed toolchain. thats how it should go 2010-06-11T11:06:50 i have a rpm based system 2010-06-11T11:07:05 i want o build both of them 2010-06-11T11:08:17 you could best do with http://www.rtems.com/wiki/index.php/APT/Yum_Repository 2010-06-11T11:09:24 jacob123, u mean you want to build the toolchain from source? 2010-06-11T11:13:25 jacob123, in case you need to build from source, you could follow http://www.rtems.com/wiki/index.php/Building_the_RTEMS_toolset_on_Ubuntu, with modifications (eg: sudo apt-get install -> yum install ) 2010-06-11T11:35:50 *** alinrus has quit IRC 2010-06-11T11:41:22 i followed the above wiki page but on executing the last command yum install rtems-4.9-sparc-* it says no matching package available 2010-06-11T11:42:56 do you have f12 or f13? 2010-06-11T11:44:29 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T11:44:52 you need to get the required yum-conf file and the release...rpm files 2010-06-11T11:45:19 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-06-11T11:45:59 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T11:46:05 *** alexp0205 has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T11:48:48 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-11T11:48:53 *** jacob1231 has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T11:49:22 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-11T11:49:58 i am using F12 2010-06-11T11:50:25 i must select which version 4.11 or the lower versions 2010-06-11T11:50:55 *** methril_work has quit IRC 2010-06-11T11:51:01 the toolchain you install must be same as the RTEMS version you want 2010-06-11T11:51:12 presently, the head of the cvs is 4.11 2010-06-11T11:51:35 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T11:51:44 to get 4.11, get 2010-06-11T11:51:45 http://www.rtems.org/ftp/pub/rtems/linux/4.11/fedora/12/i386/rtems-4.11-release-0.20100423.0-1.fc12.noarch.rpm 2010-06-11T11:51:56 and http://www.rtems.org/ftp/pub/rtems/linux/4.11/fedora/12/i386/rtems-4.11-yum-conf-0.20100423.0-1.fc12.noarch.rpm 2010-06-11T11:59:22 on installing the second package its asking for a public key what should i do 2010-06-11T12:01:23 there's a key linked on the wiki page with the APT / YUM instructions 2010-06-11T12:02:25 after you download it you have to add it to the keychain... 2010-06-11T12:02:39 which involves some command like gpg-add or something 2010-06-11T12:06:48 i was trying to build binutils 4.18 from the source but i am getting some error as in http://pastebin.com/8dhXy5Ah please help me 2010-06-11T12:07:50 i am using debian thats why i am trying from source 2010-06-11T12:11:30 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T12:11:31 *** tonylijo1 has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T12:11:39 aniceberg: i have installed both the packages what should i do next 2010-06-11T12:11:52 *** jacob1231 has quit IRC 2010-06-11T12:12:29 jacob123, try yum search rtems 2010-06-11T12:12:34 any results on that? 2010-06-11T12:12:49 you should be having few 4.11s there 2010-06-11T12:13:27 yes i am having some packages listed 2010-06-11T12:13:48 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-11T12:15:24 rtems-4.11-auto* 2010-06-11T12:15:38 yum install rtems-4.11-auto* 2010-06-11T12:15:56 rtems for sparc 2010-06-11T12:15:58 right? 2010-06-11T12:17:13 well my architecture is intel 2010-06-11T12:18:12 yum install rtems-4.11-i386* 2010-06-11T12:18:36 with that you should get the toolchain for i386 2010-06-11T12:28:23 *** methril_work has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T12:36:05 *** alexp0205 has left #rtems 2010-06-11T12:40:28 aniceberg: i have installed all those packages what can i do next to bild rtems 2010-06-11T12:40:59 now you need to get rtems from cvs head 2010-06-11T12:41:46 where should i begin from 2010-06-11T12:41:56 http://www.rtems.com/wiki/index.php/RTEMS_CVS_Repository 2010-06-11T12:42:50 cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@www.rtems.com:/usr1/CVS login 2010-06-11T12:42:54 no password and then 2010-06-11T12:42:59 cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@www.rtems.com:/usr1/CVS -z 9 co -P rtems 2010-06-11T12:44:23 *** gedare has quit IRC 2010-06-11T12:45:58 *** tonylijo1 has quit IRC 2010-06-11T12:46:57 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-11T12:48:16 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T12:53:39 aniceberg: i have done that 2010-06-11T12:57:12 jacob123, go through the README.configure, to know what configuration you need to build rtems for 2010-06-11T12:57:56 *** jacob1231 has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T12:58:55 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-11T13:05:26 *** jacob1231 has quit IRC 2010-06-11T13:11:45 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T13:12:16 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T13:15:59 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-11T13:16:46 folks, a quick question. does configuring CONFIGURE_LIBIO_MAXIMUM_FILE_DESCRIPTORS = 0 lead to a failure of open / read. thats what i could infer from the comments in confdefs.h 2010-06-11T13:19:17 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-11T13:19:45 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-11T13:22:42 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T13:24:08 aniceberg, yes. :-D 2010-06-11T13:24:33 we are starting back up.. all that is left is shmdr and netdrivers 2010-06-11T13:24:43 *** gedare has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T13:24:58 thanks DrJoel. 2010-06-11T13:26:47 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T13:28:59 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-11T13:29:41 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T13:37:36 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T13:42:25 jacob123, got anywhere with the configuration? 2010-06-11T13:44:57 aniceberg: i got disconnected i did it till the last step you told me got a rtems directory now 2010-06-11T13:45:15 jacob123, go through the README.configure, to know what configuration you need to build rtems for 2010-06-11T13:45:46 also, run the bootstrap 2010-06-11T13:47:33 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-11T13:50:36 *** jacob1231 has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T13:50:38 *** tonylijo1 has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T13:51:40 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-11T13:51:40 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-11T14:02:25 *** jacob1231 has quit IRC 2010-06-11T14:02:26 *** tonylijo1 has quit IRC 2010-06-11T14:03:58 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T14:06:22 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-11T14:06:45 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T14:09:14 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-11T14:11:00 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T14:11:58 aniceberg: i have run the bootstrap 2010-06-11T14:13:44 jacob123, check the README.configure 2010-06-11T14:14:58 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-11T14:15:46 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T14:20:45 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T14:28:49 aniceberg: what can i possibly do after running bootstrap 2010-06-11T14:29:18 you need to configure; make; make install 2010-06-11T14:29:50 to configure, you need to get the parameters right for the target you are trying to build RTEMS 2010-06-11T14:30:06 for this you need to check the README.configure file 2010-06-11T14:30:34 to see what are the available targets, corresponding bsps and few other options... eg: prefix 2010-06-11T14:37:35 jacob123: here is an example of how i configured sparc-sis 2010-06-11T14:37:36 ../rtems/configure --target=sparc-rtems4.10 --enable-rtemsbsp=sis --enable-tests=samples --disable-posix --disable-itron 2010-06-11T14:45:40 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-06-11T15:22:08 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-11T15:24:03 *** lekernel has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T15:28:10 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T15:42:16 *** jacob123 has left #rtems 2010-06-11T15:42:59 hi dr__house 2010-06-11T15:47:23 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T15:50:00 aniceberg: hi 2010-06-11T15:50:05 aniceberg: how are you? 2010-06-11T15:51:45 *** bubaflub has quit IRC 2010-06-11T15:51:50 dr__house, i am doing good. how are you? saw that you got the rtems and the toolchain built from source successfully :) 2010-06-11T15:52:13 aniceberg: yeah 2010-06-11T15:52:23 aniceberg: finally no more vbox :P 2010-06-11T15:53:19 dr__house, neat! :D. did you follow the http://www.rtems.com/wiki/index.php/Building_the_RTEMS_toolset_on_Ubuntu 2010-06-11T15:53:37 aniceberg: yeah 2010-06-11T15:54:23 dr__house, no deviations from the steps? 2010-06-11T15:54:38 aniceberg: actually there are a few more dependencies that I got stuck with while building gcc. It needed mpfr, mpc and gmp also 2010-06-11T15:54:43 so had to build them as well 2010-06-11T15:55:35 dr__house, cool. ti could be great if we could list down the dependencies in the wiki.:) 2010-06-11T15:56:17 dr__house, i will try to build from sources and try to find out other problems, if any and update them 2010-06-11T15:56:38 i see many getting stuck while building from sources, including me :D 2010-06-11T15:57:06 aniceberg: cool! I am now working on building deb packages. Would like to test it out once I am done packaging 2010-06-11T15:57:40 aniceberg: I don't think I can come up with the right dependencies with the first shot and I am looking for a fresh Ubuntu install to test things out 2010-06-11T15:57:49 I guess I could use vbox as well 2010-06-11T15:58:37 dr__house, a fresh Ubuntu is necessary... i will try a vbox as well... 2010-06-11T16:02:30 aniceberg: yeah. In fact I'm trying to find an extra unused box here in our lab which I could use for it maybe. Let's see 2010-06-11T16:02:47 aniceberg: packaging the build is my to do for this weekend 2010-06-11T16:03:05 dr__house, deb packages is a cool thing to have :) 2010-06-11T16:03:49 yeah 2010-06-11T16:05:04 aniceberg: Not much expectation yet. Will try it for sparc and the tools with the latest versions for Ubuntu 10.04 for now 2010-06-11T16:05:26 aniceberg: if that works will then move on to other archs and then eventually to other versions of Ubuntu maybe 2010-06-11T16:05:33 *** _Lucretia_ has quit IRC 2010-06-11T16:06:55 *** _Lucretia_ has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T16:29:11 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T16:29:11 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-06-11T16:32:29 class still going? 2010-06-11T16:33:08 no finally over .. just reading email and then heading home.. makes for a long week 2010-06-11T16:33:46 aniceberg: the coverage slides I did looked like they needed updating. 2010-06-11T16:36:28 DrJoel: good evening 2010-06-11T16:36:49 hey dr__house 2010-06-11T16:37:00 DrJoel, is that a part of the slides you have distributed? 2010-06-11T16:37:55 no. but a version of it is on the moodle. I will have to make sure those are the latest and send them to you 2010-06-11T16:38:48 DrJoel: how are you? 2010-06-11T16:39:04 DrJoel: had sent a mail about the deb packages a few days back 2010-06-11T16:40:17 DrJoel: there was some talk on the mailing list a while back about it. Was there any progress made on that? I would like to collaborate if anyone else is working on it too 2010-06-11T16:40:41 dr__house: i think there are packages from epics for 4.9 ... 2010-06-11T16:40:52 it was at the beginning of the class and I haven't had a chance to get to it. 2010-06-11T16:41:05 No other than the partial set gedare mentions 2010-06-11T16:41:11 ask on the list for collaborators 2010-06-11T16:41:12 but no process is available that is up-to-date 2010-06-11T16:41:18 maybe you will get lucky 2010-06-11T16:41:55 * DrJoel is tired and going home. see you all soon 2010-06-11T16:41:59 DrJoel, okay. i will have a look at it and see if i can add to it :) 2010-06-11T16:41:59 *** DrJoel has quit IRC 2010-06-11T16:44:30 gedare: yeah I looked at epics, but there don't seem to be all of them 2010-06-11T16:44:48 gedare: I think epics contains only for mvr bsp 2010-06-11T16:44:51 not sure 2010-06-11T16:58:05 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2010-06-11T16:59:57 dr__house: OK. In general I think that a straightforward way to generate/maintain deb packages would be very useful to the community. 2010-06-11T17:00:16 * gedare would find it useful 2010-06-11T17:05:58 yeah me too. I struggled to build from source myself :P 2010-06-11T17:11:39 yeah. i have scripts to help me do it, but only after I get the dependencies like mpfr etc. 2010-06-11T17:41:02 *** gedare has quit IRC 2010-06-11T17:50:09 *** kiwichris has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T17:57:10 *** lekernel has quit IRC 2010-06-11T18:06:33 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2010-06-11T18:25:19 *** alinrus has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T19:47:40 *** _Lucretia_ has quit IRC 2010-06-11T20:06:00 *** aniceberg has quit IRC 2010-06-11T20:30:13 *** _Lucretia_ has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T21:26:33 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T21:47:23 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-11T22:02:06 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T22:18:40 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-11T22:30:46 *** _Lucretia_ has quit IRC 2010-06-11T22:39:15 *** _Lucretia_ has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T23:41:06 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2010-06-11T23:44:47 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2010-06-11T23:45:18 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T01:38:19 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2010-06-12T02:10:22 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T02:28:23 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T02:28:56 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T02:38:54 if i want to configure rtems which are the possible options i need to use along with it 2010-06-12T02:41:57 *** madrazr1 has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T02:42:02 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-12T03:00:01 *** jacob123 has left #rtems 2010-06-12T03:21:40 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T03:27:54 *** jacob123 has left #rtems 2010-06-12T03:27:59 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-12T03:29:02 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T03:29:57 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T03:34:11 *** kiwichris has quit IRC 2010-06-12T03:40:45 *** jacob1231 has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T03:41:25 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-12T03:46:29 can anyone tell me which options i can use along with configure 2010-06-12T03:50:14 jacob1231: depends on what you are looking to build. I use ../rtems/configure --target=sparc-rtems4.11 --disable-posix --prefix=/opt/rtems-4.11/ --enable-rtemsbsp=sis --enable-tests --disable-itron 2010-06-12T03:50:27 --target is for what architecture you want to build for 2010-06-12T03:50:52 --prefix determines where you want to place your build 2010-06-12T03:51:08 --enable-rtemsbsp specifies the BSP which you want to build 2010-06-12T03:51:19 and --enable-tests builds all the tests 2010-06-12T03:51:50 unless you are working on tests you don't usually need to build all the tests 2010-06-12T03:52:07 jacob1231: so --enable-tests=sample would be better 2010-06-12T04:00:36 i am just a beginner our aim is to develope a rtems specific filesystem 2010-06-12T04:02:39 jacob1231: was that too much detail? Sorry :P- 2010-06-12T04:03:02 jacob1231: what architecture and BSP are you building it for? 2010-06-12T04:03:54 Does this have to do anything with the architecture of the system i am using at present 2010-06-12T04:08:14 jacob1231: not really 2010-06-12T04:20:44 *** jacob1231 has quit IRC 2010-06-12T04:21:37 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T04:44:10 jacob1231: did it work? 2010-06-12T05:00:08 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T05:00:21 dr__house: does the architecture refer to the architecture of our system 2010-06-12T05:01:06 jacob123: no 2010-06-12T05:01:46 jacob123: it refers to the arch which you want built. RTEMS doesn't run natively on your system. It requires a simulator, like qemu or vbox 2010-06-12T05:02:00 jacob123: so it doesn't matter what your system arch is 2010-06-12T05:07:10 so can i use --target=sparc-rtems4.11 irrespective of my architecture 2010-06-12T05:07:33 what other options should i use to configure 2010-06-12T05:07:48 jacob123: yes 2010-06-12T05:08:16 jacob123: like I mentioned earlier if you want to enable posix you can use --enable-posix if not --disable-posix 2010-06-12T05:09:11 jacob123: --enable-tests=sample for the sample tests. 2010-06-12T05:09:39 jacob123: I don't have much idea what --disable-itron does, but that was the option that's given in the wiki so I used it anyway 2010-06-12T05:17:33 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-12T05:18:51 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-12T05:22:56 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T05:25:48 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-12T05:26:31 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T05:27:06 i have completed the configure step what should i do next 2010-06-12T05:31:06 jacob123: make all 2010-06-12T05:31:23 jacob123: there were no errors in the configure step right? 2010-06-12T05:32:31 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-12T05:35:15 *** tuxmaniac has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T06:02:59 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T06:04:22 *** madrazr1 has quit IRC 2010-06-12T06:15:02 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T06:15:45 dr__house: do i have to use any options with make 2010-06-12T06:17:50 jacob123: make all 2010-06-12T06:17:54 jacob123: that should work 2010-06-12T06:21:55 dr__house: i am getting errors 2010-06-12T06:36:48 i have posted it in pastebin link the errors can be seen in the last two lines http://pastebin.com/h42r5LVe 2010-06-12T06:44:51 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T07:44:57 *** zwj has quit IRC 2010-06-12T07:45:01 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T07:48:03 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-12T07:51:37 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T07:58:42 *** zwj has quit IRC 2010-06-12T07:59:28 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T08:03:20 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-12T08:04:09 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T08:41:50 jacob123: sorry was away 2010-06-12T08:42:12 jacob123: does $PATH contain /opt/rtems? 2010-06-12T08:43:01 jacob123: when you ran configure the --prefix option you had to set. Just include that path in $PATH 2010-06-12T08:51:45 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T08:53:08 *** DrJoel has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T08:53:08 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJoel 2010-06-12T08:58:19 DrJoel: good morning 2010-06-12T08:58:21 *** jacob1231 has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T08:58:28 good morning.. 2010-06-12T08:58:34 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-12T08:58:42 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-12T08:58:47 * DrJoel is very tired and behind on email and patches from the class 2010-06-12T09:03:51 dr__house: no $PATH does not contain /opt/rtems 2010-06-12T09:04:37 jacob1231: just do export PATH=/opt/rtems4.xx:$PATH 2010-06-12T09:05:06 jacob1231: here xx is the part of the path you have specified in your prefix option 2010-06-12T09:06:18 /opt/rtems-4.xx should be first in your PATH so when running bootstrap you get the right autoconf and automake 2010-06-12T09:08:22 dr__house: yes i now i its there in $PATH should i run the bootsrap again 2010-06-12T09:08:37 jacob1231: type autoconf 2010-06-12T09:08:50 run that command and make sure you have the right one 2010-06-12T09:11:01 should i run it in the build directory 2010-06-12T09:11:09 anywhere 2010-06-12T09:11:35 [joel@localhost pipe]$ type autoconf 2010-06-12T09:11:36 autoconf is /usr/bin/autoconf 2010-06-12T09:11:36 [joel@localhost pipe]$ export PATH=/opt/rtems-4.11/bin:/home/joel/test-gcc/gcc-testing/bin:$PATH 2010-06-12T09:11:36 [joel@localhost pipe]$ type autoconf 2010-06-12T09:11:36 autoconf is /opt/rtems-4.11/bin/autoconf 2010-06-12T09:11:54 The first was without RTEMS in my PATH at the right place and wouldn't bootstrap right 2010-06-12T09:15:37 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T09:16:51 i don't have test-gcc in my home directory 2010-06-12T09:17:11 that's ok for building RTEMS. I have some test assistance scripts there. 2010-06-12T09:17:33 You may want to check out rtems-testing from CVS. It has helpers for running simulators :-D 2010-06-12T09:20:23 its returning autoconf is hashed (/usr/bin/autoconf) 2010-06-12T09:20:50 do you have /opt/rtems-4.xx/bin/autoconf (and automake) installed 2010-06-12T09:23:45 no i dont have autoconf or automake in /opt/rtems-4.11/bin/ 2010-06-12T09:24:57 I don't know your host OS. But you have to install the RTEMS autoconf and automake 2010-06-12T09:25:15 yum install "*rtems*auto*" on an RPM based system 2010-06-12T09:25:59 i was trying to configure binutils and when i tryed make all it gave me some errors as in http://pastebin.com/ZkXKU4s5 2010-06-12T09:26:42 i am building binutils from source 2010-06-12T09:26:59 tonylijo: I don't think you have makeinfo installed 2010-06-12T09:27:16 akeinfo 2010-06-12T09:27:16 [root@localhost rtems]# rpm -qf /usr/bin/makeinfo 2010-06-12T09:27:16 texinfo-4.13a-9.fc12.i686 2010-06-12T09:27:22 so it is part of texinfo 2010-06-12T09:27:25 OS package 2010-06-12T09:31:12 yes i have installed both autoconf and automake 2010-06-12T09:31:22 the RTEMS versions? 2010-06-12T09:31:28 *** dr__house has left #rtems 2010-06-12T09:31:35 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T09:32:06 i am using debian my apt does not have a package named texinfo 2010-06-12T09:32:35 tonylijo: ok.. you need makeinfo .. whatever provides that 2010-06-12T09:32:59 tonylijo: I am on Ubuntu, and there seems to be a package named texinfo 2010-06-12T09:33:40 it is saturday am here and I am going AWK :-D 2010-06-12T09:34:06 DrJoel: catch you later :) 2010-06-12T09:34:13 i got texinfo and it is already installed 2010-06-12T09:35:03 tonylijo: cool 2010-06-12T09:36:30 but it is showing the same error http://pastebin.com/ZkXKU4s5 2010-06-12T09:38:24 tonylijo: ok, are you and jacob1231 the same? 2010-06-12T09:38:26 :P 2010-06-12T09:39:03 no 2010-06-12T09:39:29 ah ok 2010-06-12T09:41:31 dr__house: i have installed automake and autoconf 2010-06-12T09:41:32 *** zwj has quit IRC 2010-06-12T09:41:50 jacob1231: the RTEMS versions? 2010-06-12T09:42:09 4.11 2010-06-12T09:43:14 jacob1231: you've installed the rpms right? 2010-06-12T09:43:26 yes i have done that 2010-06-12T09:44:35 jacob1231: pls help 2010-06-12T09:44:46 jacob1231: cool 2010-06-12T09:45:09 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T09:45:33 dr__house: pls help 2010-06-12T09:45:35 tonylijo: just try doing bootstrap again 2010-06-12T09:46:03 i have not done bootstrap 2010-06-12T09:46:04 tonylijo: because makeinfo tells me that it is contained in the texinfo package 2010-06-12T09:46:24 tonylijo: try doing it, although I don't understand why it shouldn't work without bootstrap 2010-06-12T09:47:47 i am building binutils 2010-06-12T09:47:58 i have not reached rtems 2010-06-12T09:48:00 *** zwj has quit IRC 2010-06-12T09:50:22 dr__house: can i get deb package of the tool chain 2010-06-12T09:50:51 tonylijo: ouch, sorry 2010-06-12T09:51:32 tonylijo: ok, just do one thing, delete the build directory create it again and then run configure and make 2010-06-12T09:52:19 sometimes the build is cached and it won't realize that the tool has been installed 2010-06-12T09:56:31 dr__house: i have installed autoconf and automake 2010-06-12T09:56:55 jacob1231: cool, ok now does $PATH contain /opt/rtems4.11/bin? 2010-06-12T09:57:03 yeah 2010-06-12T09:57:05 it does 2010-06-12T09:57:23 jacob1231: also does /opt/rtems4.11/bin contain autoconf and automake? 2010-06-12T09:57:38 yes they are also there 2010-06-12T09:57:53 jacob1231: cool! 2010-06-12T09:58:00 jacob1231: now try bootstrap 2010-06-12T09:58:05 and then configure and then make all 2010-06-12T09:58:14 tonylijo: did you do it? 2010-06-12T09:58:47 bootstrap has to be done in the build directory? 2010-06-12T09:59:07 no no 2010-06-12T09:59:15 jacob1231: bootstrap in the rtems source directory 2010-06-12T10:00:26 * dr__house heads off for dinner. Bbl. 2010-06-12T10:00:49 ya i tryed but got the same error again 2010-06-12T10:00:57 jacob1231: in the meanwhile if you find any errors just pastebin them and we'll solve once I come back 2010-06-12T10:01:11 tonylijo: ok, will look at it in about half an hour, bbl 2010-06-12T10:04:10 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T10:12:43 *** zwj has quit IRC 2010-06-12T10:14:52 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-12T10:15:55 *** jacob1231 has quit IRC 2010-06-12T10:17:32 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T10:24:06 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T10:24:45 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T10:40:00 *** tuxmaniac has quit IRC 2010-06-12T10:42:04 * dr__house is back 2010-06-12T10:42:19 jacob123: did it work? 2010-06-12T10:42:25 tonylijo: still stuck with that error? 2010-06-12T10:44:34 yes 2010-06-12T10:46:00 tonylijo: just do makeinfo in the terminal 2010-06-12T10:46:57 makeinfo: missing file argument. 2010-06-12T10:52:54 dr__house: i am getting the massage like above when typing makeinfo in terminal 2010-06-12T10:53:17 tonylijo: ok, that means makeinfo is installed 2010-06-12T10:53:36 tonylijo: are you sure you're getting the same error again when building binutils? 2010-06-12T10:53:46 yes 2010-06-12T10:54:54 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-12T10:55:54 dr__house: http://pastebin.com/X9ez9wW6 2010-06-12T11:00:10 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-12T11:00:45 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T11:01:27 dr__house: what can i do now 2010-06-12T11:01:51 tonylijo: type makeinfo 2010-06-12T11:01:57 type that in the terminal 2010-06-12T11:02:36 getting the same makeinfo: missing file argument. 2010-06-12T11:02:37 Try `makeinfo --help' for more information. 2010-06-12T11:03:02 no no 2010-06-12T11:03:08 not just makeinfo 2010-06-12T11:03:15 tonylijo: "type makeinfo" 2010-06-12T11:03:47 sorry 2010-06-12T11:03:50 makeinfo is hashed (/usr/bin/makeinfo) 2010-06-12T11:07:07 tonylijo: hmm.. weird :P 2010-06-12T11:07:58 *** zwj has quit IRC 2010-06-12T11:08:41 dr__house: i have run bootstrap 2010-06-12T11:09:41 dr__house: i have done like this "../tools/binutils-2.18/configure --target=sparc-rtems4.10 --prefix=/opt/rtems-4.10" any problem with this command 2010-06-12T11:10:25 tonylijo: don't see anything wrong with the command 2010-06-12T11:10:37 tonylijo: did you delete the build directory and try again? 2010-06-12T11:10:48 yes 2010-06-12T11:11:12 tonylijo: heh, nice :P. I don't know what's causing the problem 2010-06-12T11:11:31 jacob123: bootstrap went fine? did you try configure? 2010-06-12T11:11:49 i did it earlier 2010-06-12T11:12:02 should i run it again 2010-06-12T11:12:36 dr__house: shall i try another vesions of tool chain 2010-06-12T11:13:00 jacob123: after bootstrap did you run configure? 2010-06-12T11:13:06 make -k all install and ignore it. You just won't have the documentation. :-D 2010-06-12T11:14:55 *** zwj has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T11:16:23 i had run bootstrap then configure after that i tried make but it returned with errors thats when DrJoel pointed me out to install automake and autoconf i ran bootstrap again after installing both the packages 2010-06-12T11:17:14 jacob123: yeah now run configure 2010-06-12T11:17:46 which should be the options i must use. 2010-06-12T11:17:49 done as DrJoel said and got some error at last like this http://pastebin.com/0RwZSETB 2010-06-12T11:18:21 jacob123: the same that you used previously 2010-06-12T11:20:05 ohk 2010-06-12T11:23:45 dr__house: what to do now , shall i continue with gcc 2010-06-12T11:24:28 dr__house: i am done with configure 2010-06-12T11:25:34 tonylijo: don't know man, I guess DrJoel will know what's the problem 2010-06-12T11:25:48 tonylijo: I don't seem to know what the problem is, sorry :( 2010-06-12T11:26:10 But make -k ignores the error and continues. You won't have docs installed but that isn't critical 2010-06-12T11:26:30 if you did a make -k 2010-06-12T11:27:17 ya i have done make -k all install 2010-06-12T11:27:28 move on to gcc then 2010-06-12T11:27:34 ok 2010-06-12T11:27:54 DrJoel: is it because makeinfo docs are not installed? 2010-06-12T11:32:39 yes that is why it is OK.. gcc doesn't need the docs to build 2010-06-12T11:32:52 I have no idea why he is failing.. sometimes there are mismatches on makeinfo versions, etc 2010-06-12T11:34:12 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T11:39:20 dr__house: i have done configure now should i do make 2010-06-12T11:41:10 jacob123: yes please 2010-06-12T11:41:12 make all 2010-06-12T11:41:24 got some error while configuring gcc http://pastebin.com/QrSzRYNt 2010-06-12T11:41:54 tonylijo: ah, the same that I had run into 2010-06-12T11:42:18 tonylijo: you will now have to download and build gmp, mpfr and mpc 2010-06-12T11:42:46 tonylijo: http://gmplib.org/ 2010-06-12T11:43:27 tonylijo: http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-current/ 2010-06-12T11:44:45 shall i take gmp-5.0.1 2010-06-12T11:44:47 dr__house: i ahve got the following error http://pastebin.com/ZhpnAC8L 2010-06-12T11:45:10 you should be able to install a package like mpfr-devel and gmp-devel 2010-06-12T11:46:32 tonylijo: you can try doing that by sudo apt-get install libmpfr-dev and libgmp3-dev 2010-06-12T11:46:49 tonylijo: if that doesn't work then we shall try building by source 2010-06-12T11:48:15 i 2010-06-12T11:48:20 libmpfr-dev is already the newest version. 2010-06-12T11:48:20 libgmp3-dev is already the newest version. 2010-06-12T11:48:20 libgmp3-dev set to manually installed. 2010-06-12T11:48:31 apt is showing like this 2010-06-12T11:50:42 dr__house: now shall i go download source 2010-06-12T11:51:17 on running make i am getting the error as http://pastebin.com/ZhpnAC8L 2010-06-12T12:00:51 what to do now 2010-06-12T12:01:26 that usually means a tool issue (not likely I suspect this time) or a bootstrap that was with the wrong autoconf or automake. 2010-06-12T12:02:20 tonylijo: hmm.. that's the same issue that I had 2010-06-12T12:02:31 tonylijo: do one thing 2010-06-12T12:03:00 yes 2010-06-12T12:03:06 what to do next 2010-06-12T12:04:18 tonylijo: try reinstalling it 2010-06-12T12:04:31 if that doesn't work too, then we may build from source 2010-06-12T12:04:43 ok 2010-06-12T12:06:52 dr__house: still same error 2010-06-12T12:07:50 tonylijo: cool! Source build it is :P 2010-06-12T12:08:38 dr__house: which version of gmp should i take gmp-4.3.2.tar.bz2 or gmp-5.0.1.tar.bz2 2010-06-12T12:09:17 tonylijo: I build 4.3.2 2010-06-12T12:17:28 have builded gmp and mpfr 2010-06-12T12:17:51 now from where i can get mpc 2010-06-12T12:18:22 tonylijo: try running make now 2010-06-12T12:18:32 tonylijo: if it still doesn't work we can get mpc 2010-06-12T12:18:43 tonylijo: the error did not mention mpc afaik 2010-06-12T12:19:30 How can i rectify the error i am getting. 2010-06-12T12:20:03 i got this error in while doing "../gcc-4.4.2/configure --target=sparc-rtems4.10 --with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld --with-newlib --verbose --enable-threads --enable-languages="c,c++" --prefix=/opt/rtems-4.10/" still getting the same error 2010-06-12T12:21:55 jacob123: can I get a more elaborate error message 2010-06-12T12:23:13 did you refer to the pastebin link i posted 2010-06-12T12:23:18 jacob123: yeah 2010-06-12T12:23:27 dr__house: shall i now try with mpc 2010-06-12T12:23:39 tonylijo: yeah 2010-06-12T12:23:50 where can i get it 2010-06-12T12:24:39 jacob123: that paste has just too many "nothing to be done" messages :P 2010-06-12T12:25:10 tonylijo: http://www.multiprecision.org/index.php?prog=mpc&page=download 2010-06-12T12:25:16 dr__house: that is what am getting 2010-06-12T12:26:43 i followed all the steps you mentioned 2010-06-12T12:29:09 jacob123: hmm.. give me 5 mins 2010-06-12T12:29:24 builded mpc also but still getting same error 2010-06-12T12:30:01 tonylijo: ok, that's weird 2010-06-12T12:30:05 ok 2010-06-12T12:30:08 brb 5 mins 2010-06-12T12:45:06 tonylijo: did you remember to patch gcc and newlib and do the symlink (or move) of the newlib directory newlib-XXX/newlib into the gcc-XXX top directory 2010-06-12T12:52:16 i got only this diff from rtems ftp site gcc-core-4.4.2-rtems4.10-20091015.diff 2010-06-12T12:52:43 the latest diffs are onoly guaranteed to be in the rtems source tree -- rtems-XXX/contrib/crossrpms/patches 2010-06-12T12:55:39 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T12:56:09 i received errors after executing make http://pastebin.com/ZhpnAC8L 2010-06-12T12:57:45 DrJoel: i cannot find a directory condib in ftp://ftp.rtems.com/pub/rtems/SOURCES/4.10/ 2010-06-12T12:59:35 back 2010-06-12T13:02:01 dr__house: can you help me 2010-06-12T13:02:59 jacob123: what seems to be the problem? 2010-06-12T13:04:03 dr__house: i tried running make all but its returning with those errors. 2010-06-12T13:10:21 jacob123, did you configured rtems properly? 2010-06-12T13:13:07 dr__house: i am going to start from begining 2010-06-12T13:13:17 which source shall i take 2010-06-12T13:13:33 tonylijo: source for what? gcc? 2010-06-12T13:14:04 under which directory in ftp site 2010-06-12T13:14:18 i took from ftp://ftp.rtems.com/pub/rtems/SOURCES/4.10/ last time 2010-06-12T13:14:24 jacob123: do one thing, delete the rtems build directory and try bootstrap, configure and make again 2010-06-12T13:15:19 ohk i'll do that 2010-06-12T13:17:28 dr__house: shall i take the same on or can you suggest another one 2010-06-12T13:17:56 dr__house: i need to run run bootstrap from the newly created build directory right 2010-06-12T13:18:26 jacob123: bootstrap from rtems source directory 2010-06-12T13:18:31 then create a new directory 2010-06-12T13:18:35 navigate into it 2010-06-12T13:18:40 then run configure from there 2010-06-12T13:18:43 and then make all 2010-06-12T13:19:49 tonylijo: just take the tar.bz2 files from there 2010-06-12T13:20:42 but i cannot find the diff file there 2010-06-12T13:21:10 tonylijo: and then in the rtems source tree that you have checked out from CVS there are patches in rtems/contrib/crossrpms/patches 2010-06-12T13:21:19 there the diffs will be there 2010-06-12T13:22:28 how can i check out from cvs what is the command for that 2010-06-12T13:24:44 tonylijo: http://rtems.com/wiki/index.php/RTEMS_CVS_Repository 2010-06-12T13:30:11 tonylijo: jacob123: you both know each other? Your IPs seem to be the same and you guys seem to be from Kerala 2010-06-12T13:30:34 ya 2010-06-12T13:30:48 we are both studing in same class 2010-06-12T13:34:21 dr__house: i am still getting the following error http://pastebin.com/cLsmUAyG 2010-06-12T13:36:14 how come you have the same IPs? 2010-06-12T13:36:39 jacob123: can you paste the output of echo $PATH here 2010-06-12T13:37:28 we are accesing internet from same router 2010-06-12T13:37:34 ah ok 2010-06-12T13:37:40 i think thats why the same ip 2010-06-12T13:38:12 /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/jennis/bin 2010-06-12T13:38:30 jacob123: ouch! /opt/rtems4.11/bin isn't there 2010-06-12T13:38:51 jacob123: export PATH=/opt/rtems4.11/bin:$PATH 2010-06-12T13:38:51 yeah it seems to be temporarily there 2010-06-12T13:39:03 is there any way to get it there permanently 2010-06-12T13:39:08 when you do export it stays there just for that session 2010-06-12T13:39:17 if you close the terminal it's gone 2010-06-12T13:39:18 yeah 2010-06-12T13:39:28 jacob123: you can edit the .bashrc to include that line 2010-06-12T13:39:44 so should i export it then run bootstrap and repeat the above steps 2010-06-12T13:40:03 jacob123: yes please 2010-06-12T13:47:37 FWIW the "standard" install point has a - in it. /opt/rtems-4.XX. So be careful. It shouldn't make a difference since you are building things from scratch but.... 2010-06-12T13:47:44 where are you guys in school? 2010-06-12T13:48:37 we are in same college 2010-06-12T13:48:43 which one? 2010-06-12T13:48:54 are you using RTEMS in a class? 2010-06-12T13:49:26 gec sreekrishnapuam palakkad , kerala 2010-06-12T13:50:26 *** aanjhan_ is now known as tuxmaniac 2010-06-12T13:50:29 *** tuxmaniac is now known as aanjhan 2010-06-12T13:51:12 * DrJoel goes to google.... and exceeds his knowledge of Indian geography.. I don't recognize the town names.. what are you near that I might recognize 2010-06-12T13:52:21 its sreekrishnapuram you might be aware of kochi 2010-06-12T13:52:37 its the center of kerala 2010-06-12T13:53:34 palakkad is one of the districts of kerala 2010-06-12T13:53:45 ahhh... 2010-06-12T13:53:49 so is RTEMS used in a class? 2010-06-12T13:54:03 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T13:55:03 one of our teacher adviced us to work on rtems for our academic project 2010-06-12T13:55:18 that's not uncommon.. what is your ultimate goal? 2010-06-12T13:56:19 * DrJoel likes to know who are students and who are professionals.. students don't get pressured to get support contracts or use consulting services. :) 2010-06-12T13:56:39 * DrJoel likes to eat and so do my children 2010-06-12T13:57:39 We saw a project in GSOC and were keen on working towards it which involved filesystem. 2010-06-12T13:58:13 hmmm.. which one? We will want to hook you up with the mentor for that 2010-06-12T13:59:57 iso filesystem we are very new to it and are getting involved with this community for the first time 2010-06-12T14:00:14 don't worry.. we will help you get through it 2010-06-12T14:00:59 if you check out rtems-testing from rtems CVS, there is a directory named gcc which has scripts I used to automate building the tools, rtems and test c, c++ and ada. There is also a simple-build-script directory which might be helpful to you 2010-06-12T14:01:29 We have fedora virtual machines available also which eliminate the problem of building tools from scratch and let you get on with the job at hand 2010-06-12T14:02:21 what do you suggest us to do at present 2010-06-12T14:02:45 move on with getting the tools and rtems built. You are this far into it. :) 2010-06-12T14:03:01 checkout rtems-testing from cvs and see how the scripts build things. You might spot your own mistake 2010-06-12T14:04:05 *** aniceberg has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T14:08:29 Hello DrJoel 2010-06-12T14:10:50 hey.. Saturday afternoon here.. just walking by 2010-06-12T14:10:58 do I owe you any reviews or comments? 2010-06-12T14:11:19 Nope. :) long week, ay? 2010-06-12T14:12:08 i have another patch i could submit for the same PR, but it's status is fixed. any suggestions? 2010-06-12T14:12:17 should i create a new PR? 2010-06-12T14:12:25 very much.. our office person moved away last month and this was the first class I didn't have her help on. 2010-06-12T14:12:54 oh. and you looked too tired by the end of the class last evening. 2010-06-12T14:12:56 you can reopen it 2010-06-12T14:13:15 ok DrJoel. i will do so. 2010-06-12T14:13:43 It was 5 days of getting to work about 7:30am and teaching until about 5pm. Being host, etc. I stayed late one night until 7pm to answer questions and we went out for beer wed night. :) 2010-06-12T14:14:11 and we went to the Renaissance Festival in Georgia the weekend before which meant Mon I was tired from the weekend. 2010-06-12T14:14:17 * DrJoel is going awk for a bit 2010-06-12T14:14:46 :D. So, that completes the week 2010-06-12T14:17:55 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-12T14:18:21 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-12T14:27:27 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T14:27:54 i am still having errors on carrying out make http://pastebin.com/7mC2wYc2 2010-06-12T14:30:20 jacob123, got the toolchain? 2010-06-12T14:31:01 yes 2010-06-12T14:31:44 the error is when you try to build RTEMS, is it? 2010-06-12T14:33:57 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T14:34:29 yes 2010-06-12T14:34:43 i have run bootstrap 2010-06-12T14:34:59 jacob123, OK. 2010-06-12T14:35:16 then configure it worked well too 2010-06-12T14:35:19 jacob123, how did you configure rtems? i mean the ./configure 2010-06-12T14:36:00 no in the build directory ../rtems/configure and the options 2010-06-12T14:36:31 jacob123, ok. what were the options used? 2010-06-12T14:36:59 ../rtems/configure --target=sparc-rtems4.11 --enable-posix --prefix=/opt/rtems-4.11/ --enable-rtemsbsp=sis --enable-tests --disable-itron --enable-cxx --enable-rdbg 2010-06-12T14:37:56 and then you added the /opt/rtems-4.11/bin to the PATH 2010-06-12T14:38:01 ? 2010-06-12T14:38:47 i exported it in the .bashrc 2010-06-12T14:40:38 /home/jennis/Desktop/PROJECT/LATEST/rtems is the root for RTEMS, is it? 2010-06-12T14:40:55 yes 2010-06-12T14:41:07 /home/jennis/Desktop/PROJECT/LATEST/build is the build directory you created? 2010-06-12T14:41:14 yes 2010-06-12T14:41:27 and then u run ../rtems/configure ... from the build directory? 2010-06-12T14:41:38 yes 2010-06-12T14:51:48 aniceberg: what could have possibly gone wrong? 2010-06-12T14:53:23 you ran bootstrap from the root of rtems, right? 2010-06-12T14:53:32 i.e from /home/jennis/Desktop/PROJECT/LATEST/rtems 2010-06-12T14:54:32 yes i ran it from there 2010-06-12T14:55:34 it might seem stupid, but i would have removed the build directory, configure again and build... (make) 2010-06-12T14:59:15 well i repeated the steps twice. 2010-06-12T15:02:28 aniceberg: is there any prob in giving target as sparc.. 2010-06-12T15:02:44 nope. shouldnt be the case. 2010-06-12T15:03:52 i deleted the build directory created a new one and ran configure again. i am still getting the same error 2010-06-12T15:05:15 aniceberg: i deleted the build directory created a new one and ran configure again. i am still getting the same error 2010-06-12T15:07:17 something on the makefiles is not well... what is your version of automake and autoconf? 2010-06-12T15:33:16 I hate to ask a stupid question but do you have these tools at the /opt/rtems-XXX/bin install point 2010-06-12T15:33:38 [joel@localhost rtems]$ cd /opt/rtems-4.11/bin 2010-06-12T15:33:39 [joel@localhost bin]$ ls sparc* 2010-06-12T15:33:39 sparc64-rtems4.11-addr2line sparc64-rtems4.11-objcopy sparc-rtems4.11-gccbug 2010-06-12T15:33:39 sparc64-rtems4.11-ar sparc64-rtems4.11-objdump sparc-rtems4.11-gcov 2010-06-12T15:33:39 sparc64-rtems4.11-as sparc64-rtems4.11-ranlib sparc-rtems4.11-gdb 2010-06-12T15:33:39 sparc64-rtems4.11-c++ sparc64-rtems4.11-readelf sparc-rtems4.11-gdbtui 2010-06-12T15:33:41 sparc64-rtems4.11-c++filt sparc64-rtems4.11-size sparc-rtems4.11-gprof 2010-06-12T15:33:43 sparc64-rtems4.11-cpp sparc64-rtems4.11-strings sparc-rtems4.11-ld 2010-06-12T15:33:45 sparc64-rtems4.11-g++ sparc64-rtems4.11-strip sparc-rtems4.11-nm 2010-06-12T15:33:47 sparc64-rtems4.11-gcc sparc-rtems4.11-addr2line sparc-rtems4.11-objcopy 2010-06-12T15:33:49 sparc64-rtems4.11-gcc-4.5.0 sparc-rtems4.11-ar sparc-rtems4.11-objdump 2010-06-12T15:33:53 sparc64-rtems4.11-gccbug sparc-rtems4.11-as sparc-rtems4.11-ranlib 2010-06-12T15:33:55 sparc64-rtems4.11-gcov sparc-rtems4.11-c++ sparc-rtems4.11-readelf 2010-06-12T15:33:57 sparc64-rtems4.11-gdb sparc-rtems4.11-c++filt sparc-rtems4.11-run 2010-06-12T15:33:59 sparc64-rtems4.11-gdbtui sparc-rtems4.11-cpp sparc-rtems4.11-sis 2010-06-12T15:34:01 sparc64-rtems4.11-gprof sparc-rtems4.11-g++ sparc-rtems4.11-size 2010-06-12T15:34:03 sparc64-rtems4.11-ld sparc-rtems4.11-gcc sparc-rtems4.11-strings 2010-06-12T15:34:05 sparc64-rtems4.11-nm sparc-rtems4.11-gcc-4.5.0 sparc-rtems4.11-strip 2010-06-12T15:34:07 [joel@localhost bin]$ ls auto* 2010-06-12T15:34:09 autoconf autom4te automake-1.11 autoscan 2010-06-12T15:34:11 autoheader automake autoreconf autoupdate 2010-06-12T15:34:13 you have to have a separate directory for RTEMS build 2010-06-12T15:34:15 so something like this 2010-06-12T15:34:17 cd .../rtems (src) 2010-06-12T15:34:19 ./bootstrap 2010-06-12T15:34:23 cd .. 2010-06-12T15:34:25 mkdir b-sis 2010-06-12T15:34:27 cd b-sis 2010-06-12T15:34:52 ../rtems/configure --target=sparc-rtems4.11 --enable-tests --enable-rtemsbsp=sis 2010-06-12T15:34:53 make 2010-06-12T15:48:03 DrJoel: i installed i386 toolset i think that was creating the problem 2010-06-12T15:48:23 ahhh .. that would do it.. replace sparc with i386 and sis with pc386. :) 2010-06-12T15:52:42 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2010-06-12T15:53:42 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T16:01:00 jacob123, done with the build? :) 2010-06-12T16:01:24 yes 2010-06-12T16:02:22 aniceberg: can you guide me to the next step i should do 2010-06-12T16:02:47 jacob123, you could run the hello world to see rtems in action. 2010-06-12T16:03:59 find the file hello.exe 2010-06-12T16:04:10 somewhere in the build directory 2010-06-12T16:12:54 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-12T16:13:22 *** jacob1231 has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T16:13:40 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-12T16:14:32 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T16:19:49 folks, what is __RTEMS_VIOLATE_KERNEL_VISIBILITY__ used for? 2010-06-12T16:20:47 aniceberg: it is defined by source outside "RTEMS proper" which need/want to see something that is normally hidden 2010-06-12T16:20:55 mostly it turns the static inlines on and off 2010-06-12T16:22:25 got it. it is used to avail / unavail certain possibilities provided by RTEMS 2010-06-12T16:22:37 yep. 2010-06-12T16:22:48 hopefully you won't have to define it. :) 2010-06-12T16:23:37 i hope not, but it'd be nice to define it sometime later, down the lane... :) 2010-06-12T16:27:04 *** jacob1231 has quit IRC 2010-06-12T16:31:03 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T16:38:02 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-12T16:38:16 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-12T16:55:15 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2010-06-12T17:27:50 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-06-12T18:32:08 Time to go to bed. Goodnight folks. 2010-06-12T18:32:17 *** aniceberg has quit IRC 2010-06-12T18:39:21 *** _Lucretia__ has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T18:42:15 *** _Lucretia_ has quit IRC 2010-06-12T19:04:04 *** lekernel has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T19:32:06 *** lekernel has quit IRC 2010-06-12T19:37:04 *** bubaflub has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T19:40:07 * dr__house had fallen asleep in front of the comp. Ouch! 2010-06-12T19:57:08 DrJoel: Leaving now. Good day. :) 2010-06-12T19:57:12 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2010-06-12T20:02:44 DrJoel: does RTEMS provide limits.h by any chance? 2010-06-12T20:18:52 *** lekernel has joined #rtems 2010-06-12T20:37:14 DrJoel: never mind, figured it out 2010-06-12T20:40:45 *** Fallenou has quit IRC 2010-06-12T23:08:03 *** bubaflub has quit IRC 2010-06-13T02:12:27 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T02:42:44 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-13T03:04:45 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T03:43:53 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T03:45:02 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T03:45:25 *** tonylijo1 has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T03:45:34 *** tonylijo1 has left #rtems 2010-06-13T03:46:03 hai 2010-06-13T03:48:16 i am done with building rtems 2010-06-13T03:57:08 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T04:06:52 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-13T04:07:50 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-13T04:21:52 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T04:23:02 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T04:26:11 *** exception13 has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T04:34:15 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-13T04:35:15 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-13T04:35:27 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T04:43:45 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-13T05:12:42 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T05:33:53 *** tonylijo has left #rtems 2010-06-13T05:36:27 *** lekernel has quit IRC 2010-06-13T06:17:34 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2010-06-13T06:29:02 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T06:47:26 *** tonylijo1 has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T06:48:34 shall i apply any paches to binutils 2010-06-13T06:49:15 in getting started i saw only paches to gcc and newlibs 2010-06-13T06:51:07 *** krzabr has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T07:24:01 *** tonylijo1 has quit IRC 2010-06-13T07:26:28 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T07:40:06 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T07:59:52 *** cdcs is now known as cdcs_awy 2010-06-13T08:00:26 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T08:01:15 How can i go about a hello world program in rtems 2010-06-13T08:04:37 *** cdcs_awy has quit IRC 2010-06-13T08:30:57 when is planning next release ? 2010-06-13T08:34:15 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-13T08:34:49 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-13T08:38:21 *** krzabr has quit IRC 2010-06-13T08:55:39 * DrJoel needs coffee 2010-06-13T09:13:12 well in case anyone reads IRC loads 2010-06-13T09:13:33 if no patch is present, it isn't needed and binutils often does not require one 2010-06-13T09:14:48 jacob123.. depends on the BSP. But there is a sample of hello world and "ticker" included in the normal build. How you run it it bsp dependent. But since i know you all built for pc386, you will be using qemu. For most situations, the easiest way is to follow the instructions and support files in rtems-testing/qemu-support 2010-06-13T09:15:18 *** lekernel has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T09:15:42 krzabr: should be soon. 4.10 branched last Friday. There is always some post branching cleanup, web site update, version update, testing, etc. So 4.10 is now a branch and 4.11 refers to the CVS head 2010-06-13T09:20:02 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T09:45:33 *** tonylijo1 has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T09:47:39 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-13T10:15:21 *** Fallenou has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T10:15:45 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T10:18:03 *** tonylijo1 has quit IRC 2010-06-13T10:28:08 *** tonylijo has quit IRC 2010-06-13T10:37:09 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-13T11:12:54 *** tonylijo has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T11:18:47 DrJoel: i am getting error in building the toolchain again shall i switch to ubuntu 2010-06-13T11:19:02 core developers use fedora 2010-06-13T11:19:05 and use RPMs 2010-06-13T11:19:24 ok 2010-06-13T11:26:13 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2010-06-13T11:28:07 I only build tools for testing purposes. For all development, I use the RPMs Ralf builds 2010-06-13T11:39:57 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T11:42:16 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T11:46:08 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-13T11:46:58 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T11:47:13 dr__house: i am still stuck at building tool chain , is there any other way doing it in debian , i am ready to do from the starting 2010-06-13T11:47:54 tonylijo: ouch, firstly, sorry man, dozed off in front of the comp last night, so couldn't help you further 2010-06-13T11:48:59 tonylijo: there isn't an easier way as of now. I am working on packaging the debs now, but don't know how successful I'll be 2010-06-13T11:49:45 tonylijo: ok, so where were you stuck last night? Shall we continue from there? or are you starting from scratch again? 2010-06-13T11:50:03 i got error in binutils 2010-06-13T11:50:27 i was searching for the diff file for gcc 4.3.2 2010-06-13T11:50:36 i could not find it in rtems site 2010-06-13T11:51:13 shall we apply any patch to binutils 2010-06-13T11:52:30 * DrJoel recommends Fedora until there are deb packages. It is not worth the pain 2010-06-13T11:54:21 ok , but now i dont have any fedora installation disc , so i have to wait till tomorrow 2010-06-13T11:54:31 tonylijo: you won't find it on the rtems site, like DrJoel said yesterday it's there in the cvs tree 2010-06-13T11:54:54 tonylijo: if you can wait till tomorrow get the fedora disc and install it on vbox 2010-06-13T11:55:13 tonylijo: it will work like a charm and you'll get a working build in about 2 hrs 2010-06-13T11:55:36 ok 2010-06-13T11:55:59 then i shall do it tomorrow 2010-06-13T11:56:42 *** Raj_ has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T11:56:50 DrJoel: hi 2010-06-13T11:57:17 tonylijo: fine, again just ping me or anyone around if you face any problems with that. But it is straight forward, you shouldn't have problems with that 2010-06-13T11:58:57 dr__house: ok , i will ping you if any problem arises , thanks 2010-06-13T11:59:22 Hi, I have a question with using the pipe function in RTEMS 2010-06-13T11:59:26 tonylijo: heh, why the thanks? I couldn't help you out :P 2010-06-13T11:59:42 It seems to always end in an EINTR error 2010-06-13T12:00:14 I am using IMFS as the filesystem 2010-06-13T12:00:48 *** tonylijo has left #rtems 2010-06-13T12:12:22 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-13T12:13:57 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2010-06-13T12:17:40 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T12:26:07 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T12:28:58 dr__house: how should i go about a rtems hello world program 2010-06-13T12:29:56 jacob123: give me 3 mins 2010-06-13T12:33:43 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-13T12:37:49 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T12:40:38 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T12:40:46 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2010-06-13T12:43:03 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T12:56:36 can anyone tell me how i should do my hello world problem in rtems 2010-06-13T13:01:59 jacob123: Here is a good blog post on that by one of this years RTEMS gsoc students - http://blog.bobkuo.com/2010/04/setting-up-rtems-part-2-hello-world/ 2010-06-13T13:02:18 jacob123: hey sorry, got busy with something 2010-06-13T13:03:35 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T13:08:11 dr__house: ohk i will check that out 2010-06-13T13:08:47 jacob123: you are referring to Raj_ I guess :P 2010-06-13T13:09:11 oh i am sorry 2010-06-13T13:10:24 Raj_: they are talking about an example i didnt understand that 2010-06-13T13:10:54 *** Raj_ has quit IRC 2010-06-13T13:12:42 dr__house: hey i didnt understand the example they are reffering to the document Raj_ gave me 2010-06-13T13:17:37 jacob123: ok, it's actually simple 2010-06-13T13:18:28 dr__house: hmm.. but i could not follow 2010-06-13T13:18:56 check this link out http://www.rtems.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_Start 2010-06-13T13:19:10 just like you are doing ticker.exe 2010-06-13T13:19:20 jacob123: do the same for hello.exe 2010-06-13T13:19:41 if you run hello.exe you should see the output of hello world on the gdb 2010-06-13T13:19:54 jacob123: but I think you haven't built it for sparc have you? 2010-06-13T13:21:30 *** jacob1231 has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T13:22:45 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-13T13:24:15 dr__house: sorry got disconnected 2010-06-13T13:37:58 check this link out http://www.rtems.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_Start 2010-06-13T13:40:48 jacob1231: be sure you use sparc-rtems4.11 and bsp sis or i386-rtems4.11 and bsp pc386. mixing them will not work 2010-06-13T13:48:42 * cdcs has never seen so many compiler errors before :) 2010-06-13T13:55:02 * DrJoel hopes you are changing source :-D 2010-06-13T14:00:49 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2010-06-13T14:07:30 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T14:10:18 *** jacob1231 has quit IRC 2010-06-13T14:13:06 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-13T14:14:21 *** madrazr has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T14:18:45 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2010-06-13T14:21:26 *** cdcs has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T14:27:54 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2010-06-13T14:30:04 the concept of "kernel threads" exists in RTEMS? Or just the usual threads? 2010-06-13T14:30:42 *** dr__house has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T14:33:16 *** madrazr has quit IRC 2010-06-13T15:24:05 *** _Lucretia__ has quit IRC 2010-06-13T15:25:33 *** _Lucretia__ has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T15:31:44 *** jacob123 has joined #rtems 2010-06-13T15:44:02 cdcs: they are just normal threads created via an internal API (e.g. idle). internal, posix threads, classic api and itron tasks are all instances of supercore threads 2010-06-13T16:03:01 DrJoel, Thanks 2010-06-13T16:07:21 no problem 2010-06-13T16:11:58 *** exception13 has left #rtems 2010-06-13T16:24:47 *** dr__house has quit IRC 2010-06-13T16:25:09 *** jacob123 has quit IRC 2010-06-13T16:48:34 *** cdcs has quit IRC 2010-06-13T19:02:05 any comments on this? fpaste.org/V249/ 2010-06-13T19:09:21 [joel@localhost score]$ pwd 2010-06-13T19:09:21 /home/joel/rtems-4.11-work/build/rtems/cpukit/score/cpu/i386/rtems/score 2010-06-13T19:09:21 [joel@localhost score]$ grep 13 * 2010-06-13T19:09:21 cpu.h: I386_EXCEPTION_GENERAL_PROT_ERR = 13, 2010-06-13T19:09:54 * DrJoel looked at 249 and thought... that's divisible by 3. :) 2010-06-13T19:10:07 It means you have dereferenced a bad memory location 2010-06-13T19:10:24 at the PC 145014 2010-06-13T19:10:35 look that address up in the .num file.. it is in a range 2010-06-13T19:13:11 0013e6c4 A _end 2010-06-13T19:13:11 0013e6d0 A WorkAreaBase 2010-06-13T19:13:11 ffffffff A RamSize 2010-06-13T19:51:04 Looks like you probably destroyed your stack and returned to an address that was in the heap 2010-06-13T19:51:20 Try doubling your stack for the task in question (and remember configure extra task stacks)