RTEMS 4.6.5 On-Line Library

Scheduling Concepts Task State Transitions

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18.3: Task State Transitions

Tasks in an RTEMS system must always be in one of the five allowable task states. These states are: executing, ready, blocked, dormant, and non-existent.

A task occupies the non-existent state before a rtems_task_create has been issued on its behalf. A task enters the non-existent state from any other state in the system when it is deleted with the rtems_task_delete directive. While a task occupies this state it does not have a TCB or a task ID assigned to it; therefore, no other tasks in the system may reference this task.

When a task is created via the rtems_task_create directive it enters the dormant state. This state is not entered through any other means. Although the task exists in the system, it cannot actively compete for system resources. It will remain in the dormant state until it is started via the rtems_task_start directive, at which time it enters the ready state. The task is now permitted to be scheduled for the processor and to compete for other system resources.

RTEMS Task States

A task occupies the blocked state whenever it is unable to be scheduled to run. A running task may block itself or be blocked by other tasks in the system. The running task blocks itself through voluntary operations that cause the task to wait. The only way a task can block a task other than itself is with the rtems_task_suspend directive. A task enters the blocked state due to any of the following conditions:

A blocked task may also be suspended. Therefore, both the suspension and the blocking condition must be removed before the task becomes ready to run again.

A task occupies the ready state when it is able to be scheduled to run, but currently does not have control of the processor. Tasks of the same or higher priority will yield the processor by either becoming blocked, completing their timeslice, or being deleted. All tasks with the same priority will execute in FIFO order. A task enters the ready state due to any of the following conditions:

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