RTEMS 4.6.2 On-Line Library

Explicit Synchronization

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7.6.2: Explicit Synchronization

This chapter will describe the synchronization variables that need to be implemented in order to sequence debug events in a way that is compatible with what GDB code expects. The root of the problem is that GDB code mainly expects that once a debug event has occurred on the debuggee, the entire debuggee is frozen and no other event will occur before the CONTINUE command is issued. This behavior is hard to achieve in our case as once we hit a breakpoint, only the task that hits the breakpoint will be asleep on a synchronization object. Other tasks may hit other breakpoints while we are waiting commands from GDB generating potential unexpected events. There is a solutions if RGDBSD itself use RTEMS threads to fix this problem by creating a task that loops forever at a priority superior to any debugged task but below RGDBSD task priorities. Unfortunately this will not work for the case we use the nano-kernel implementation and we think it is better to study synchronization problems now. We also expects that multi-thread debug support hardening in GDB will remove some event serializations requirements. Here is the list of synchronization variables we plan to use and their usage. They are all regular semaphores. They are not binary semaphores because the task that does V is not the task that has done the P.

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