RTEMS 4.6.2 On-Line Library

RTEMS Debugger Server Daemon

PREV UP NEXT Bookshelf RTEMS Remote Debugger Server Specifications

Chapter 7: RTEMS Debugger Server Daemon

  • The COMMAND_MNGT task
  • The EVENT_MNGT task
  • The DEBUG EXCEPTION handler
  • Synchronization Among Tasks and Exception Handlers
  • Open Issues
  • Workarounds for Open Issues in Prototype
  • Output of a Debug Session with the Prototype
  • We will describe in this section how this debugger server will be implemented on RTEMS environment. Our initial target is based on Intel Pentium and we will use an Ethernet link to communicate between the host and the target.

    The RTEMS remote debugger will be composed by several tasks and exception handlers :

    Figure remote debugger tasks and handlers represents these different tasks and handlers. The synchronization between the different task and exception handlers will be described below in the section Synchronization Among Tasks and Exception Handlers. Some open issues we have faced for a prototype implementation are described in the section Open Issues. The temporary workaround we chose are described in chapter Workarounds for Open Issues in Prototype.

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