RTEMS 4.6.0 On-Line Library

Task Manager Starting and Restarting Tasks

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5.3.3: Starting and Restarting Tasks

The rtems_task_start directive is used to place a dormant task in the ready state. This enables the task to compete, based on its current priority, for the processor and other system resources. Any actions, such as suspension or change of priority, performed on a task prior to starting it are nullified when the task is started.

With the rtems_task_start directive the user specifies the task's starting address and argument. The argument is used to communicate some startup information to the task. As part of this directive, RTEMS initializes the task's stack based upon the task's initial execution mode and start address. The starting argument is passed to the task in accordance with the target processor's calling convention.

The rtems_task_restart directive restarts a task at its initial starting address with its original priority and execution mode, but with a possibly different argument. The new argument may be used to distinguish between the original invocation of the task and subsequent invocations. The task's stack and control block are modified to reflect their original creation values. Although references to resources that have been requested are cleared, resources allocated by the task are NOT automatically returned to RTEMS. A task cannot be restarted unless it has previously been started (i.e. dormant tasks cannot be restarted). All restarted tasks are placed in the ready state.

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