RTEMS 4.6.0 On-Line Library

Overview Audience

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1.9: Audience

This manual was written for experienced real-time software developers. Although some background is provided, it is assumed that the reader is familiar with the concepts of task management as well as intertask communication and synchronization. Since directives, user related data structures, and examples are presented in C, a basic understanding of the C programming language is required to fully understand the material presented. However, because of the similarity of the Ada and C RTEMS implementations, users will find that the use and behavior of the two implementations is very similar. A working knowledge of the target processor is helpful in understanding some of RTEMS' features. A thorough understanding of the executive cannot be obtained without studying the entire manual because many of RTEMS' concepts and features are interrelated. Experienced RTEMS users will find that the manual organization facilitates its use as a reference document.

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