4. File and Directory Commands

4.1. Introduction

The RTEMS shell has the following file and directory commands:

  • blksync - sync the block driver
  • cat - display file contents
  • cd - alias for chdir
  • chdir - change the current directory
  • chmod - change permissions of a file
  • chroot - change the root directory
  • cp - copy files
  • dd - convert and copy a file
  • debugrfs - debug RFS file system
  • df - display file system disk space usage
  • dir - alias for ls
  • fdisk - format disks
  • hexdump - format disks
  • ln - make links
  • ls - list files in the directory
  • md5 - display file system disk space usage
  • mkdir - create a directory
  • mkdos - DOSFS disk format
  • mknod - make device special file
  • mkrfs - format RFS file system
  • mount - mount disk
  • mv - move files
  • pwd - print work directory
  • rmdir - remove empty directories
  • rm - remove files
  • umask - Set file mode creation mask
  • unmount - unmount disk

4.2. Commands

This section details the File and Directory Commands available. A subsection is dedicated to each of the commands and describes the behavior and configuration of that command as well as providing an example usage.

4.2.1. blksync - sync the block driver

blksync driver
This command issues a block driver sync call to the driver. The driver is a path to a device node. The sync call will flush all pending writes in the cache to the media and block until the writes have completed.
This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.

The following is an example of how to use blksync:

blksync /dev/hda1

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_BLKSYNC to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_BLKSYNC when all shell commands have been configured.


The blksync is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_rtems_main_blksync(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for the blksync has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_BLKSYNC_Command;

4.2.2. cat - display file contents

cat file1 [file2 .. fileN]
This command displays the contents of the specified files.
This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
It is possible to read the input from a device file using cat.

The following is an example of how to use cat:

SHLL [/] # cat /etc/passwd
rtems:*:1:1:RTEMS Application::/:/bin/sh
tty:!:2:2:tty owner::/:/bin/false

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_CAT to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_CAT when all shell commands have been configured.


The cat is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_rtems_main_cat(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for the cat has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_CAT_Command;

4.2.3. cd - alias for chdir

cd directory
This command is an alias or alternate name for the chdir. See ls - list files in the directory for more information.
This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.

The following is an example of how to use cd:

SHLL [/] $ cd etc
SHLL [/etc] $ cd /
SHLL [/] $ cd /etc
SHLL [/etc] $ pwd
SHLL [/etc] $ cd /
SHLL [/] $ pwd
SHLL [/] $ cd etc
SHLL [/etc] $ cd ..
SHLL [/] $ pwd

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_CD to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_CD when all shell commands have been configured.


The cd is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_rtems_main_cd(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for the cd has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_CD_Command;

4.2.4. chdir - change the current directory

chdir [dir]
This command is used to change the current working directory to the specified directory. If no arguments are given, the current working directory will be changed to /.
This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.

The following is an example of how to use chdir:

SHLL [/] $ pwd
SHLL [/] $ chdir etc
SHLL [/etc] $ pwd

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_CHDIR to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_CHDIR when all shell commands have been configured.


The chdir is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_rtems_main_chdir(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for the chdir has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_CHDIR_Command;

4.2.5. chmod - change permissions of a file

chmod permissions file1 [file2...]
This command changes the permissions on the files specified to the indicated permissions. The permission values are POSIX based with owner, group, and world having individual read, write, and executive permission bits.
This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
The chmod command only takes numeric representations of the permissions.

The following is an example of how to use chmod:

SHLL [/] # cd etc
SHLL [/etc] # ls
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:00 passwd
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          42 Jan 01 00:00 group
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          30 Jan 01 00:00 issue
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          28 Jan 01 00:00 issue.net
4 files 202 bytes occupied
SHLL [/etc] # chmod 0777 passwd
SHLL [/etc] # ls
-rwxrwxrwx   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:00 passwd
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          42 Jan 01 00:00 group
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          30 Jan 01 00:00 issue
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          28 Jan 01 00:00 issue.net
4 files 202 bytes occupied
SHLL [/etc] # chmod 0322 passwd
SHLL [/etc] # ls
--wx-w--w-   1 nouser   root         102 Jan 01 00:00 passwd
-rw-r--r--   1 nouser   root          42 Jan 01 00:00 group
-rw-r--r--   1 nouser   root          30 Jan 01 00:00 issue
-rw-r--r--   1 nouser   root          28 Jan 01 00:00 issue.net
4 files 202 bytes occupied
SHLL [/etc] # chmod 0644 passwd
SHLL [/etc] # ls
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:00 passwd
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          42 Jan 01 00:00 group
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          30 Jan 01 00:00 issue
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          28 Jan 01 00:00 issue.net
4 files 202 bytes occupied

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_CHMOD to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_CHMOD when all shell commands have been configured.


The chmod is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_rtems_main_chmod(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for the chmod has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_CHMOD_Command;

4.2.6. chroot - change the root directory

chroot [dir]
This command changes the root directory to dir for subsequent commands.

This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.

The destination directory dir must exist.


The following is an example of how to use chroot and the impact it has on the environment for subsequent command invocations:

SHLL [/] $ cat passwd
cat: passwd: No such file or directory
SHLL [/] $ chroot etc
SHLL [/] $ cat passwd
rtems:*:1:1:RTEMS Application::/:/bin/sh
tty:!:2:2:tty owner::/:/bin/false
SHLL [/] $ cat /etc/passwd
cat: /etc/passwd: No such file or directory

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_CHROOT to have this command included. Additional to that you have to add one POSIX key value pair for each thread where you want to use the command.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_CHROOT when all shell commands have been configured.


The chroot is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_rtems_main_chroot(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for the chroot has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_CHROOT_Command;

4.2.7. cp - copy files

cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-f | -i] [-pv] src target
cp [-R [-H | -L] ] [-f | -i] [-NpPv] source_file ... target_directory

In the first synopsis form, the cp utility copies the contents of the source_file to the target_file. In the second synopsis form, the contents of each named source_file is copied to the destination target_directory. The names of the files themselves are not changed. If cp detects an attempt to copy a file to itself, the copy will fail.

The following options are available:

For each existing destination pathname, attempt to overwrite it. If permissions do not allow copy to succeed, remove it and create a new file, without prompting for confirmation. (The -i option is ignored if the -f option is specified.)
If the -R option is specified, symbolic links on the command line are followed. (Symbolic links encountered in the tree traversal are not followed.)
Causes cp to write a prompt to the standard error output before copying a file that would overwrite an existing file. If the response from the standard input begins with the character ‘y’, the file copy is attempted.
If the -R option is specified, all symbolic links are followed.
When used with -p, do not copy file flags.
No symbolic links are followed.
Causes cp to preserve in the copy as many of the modification time, access time, file flags, file mode, user ID, and group ID as allowed by permissions. If the user ID and group ID cannot be preserved, no error message is displayed and the exit value is not altered. If the source file has its set user ID bit on and the user ID cannot be preserved, the set user ID bit is not preserved in the copy’s permissions. If the source file has its set group ID bit on and the group ID cannot be preserved, the set group ID bit is not preserved in the copy’s permissions. If the source file has both its set user ID and set group ID bits on, and either the user ID or group ID cannot be preserved, neither the set user ID or set group ID bits are preserved in the copy’s permissions.
If source_file designates a directory, cp copies the directory and the entire subtree connected at that point. This option also causes symbolic links to be copied, rather than indirected through, and for cp to create special files rather than copying them as normal files. Created directories have the same mode as the corresponding source directory, unmodified by the process’s umask.
Cause cp to be verbose, showing files as they are copied.

For each destination file that already exists, its contents are overwritten if permissions allow, but its mode, user ID, and group ID are unchanged.

In the second synopsis form, target_directory must exist unless there is only one named source_file which is a directory and the -R flag is specified.

If the destination file does not exist, the mode of the source file is used as modified by the file mode creation mask (umask, see csh(1)). If the source file has its set user ID bit on, that bit is removed unless both the source file and the destination file are owned by the same user. If the source file has its set group ID bit on, that bit is removed unless both the source file and the destination file are in the same group and the user is a member of that group. If both the set user ID and set group ID bits are set, all of the above conditions must be fulfilled or both bits are removed.

Appropriate permissions are required for file creation or overwriting.

Symbolic links are always followed unless the -R flag is set, in which case symbolic links are not followed, by default. The -H or -L flags (in conjunction with the -R flag), as well as the -P flag cause symbolic links to be followed as described above. The -H and -L options are ignored unless the -R option is specified. In addition, these options override eachsubhedading other and the command’s actions are determined by the last one specified.

This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.

The following is an example of how to use cp to copy a file to a new name in the current directory:

SHLL [/] # cat joel
cat: joel: No such file or directory
SHLL [/] # cp etc/passwd joel
SHLL [/] # cat joel
rtems:*:1:1:RTEMS Application::/:/bin/sh
tty:!:2:2:tty owner::/:/bin/false
SHLL [/] # ls
drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root         536 Jan 01 00:00 dev/
drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root        1072 Jan 01 00:00 etc/
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:00 joel
3 files 1710 bytes occupied

The following is an example of how to use cp to copy one or more files to a destination directory and use the same basename in the destination directory:

SHLL [/] # mkdir tmp
SHLL [/] # ls tmp
0 files 0 bytes occupied
SHLL [/] # cp /etc/passwd tmp
SHLL [/] # ls /tmp
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:01 passwd
1 files 102 bytes occupied
SHLL [/] # cp /etc/passwd /etc/group /tmp
SHLL [/] # ls /tmp
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:01 passwd
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          42 Jan 01 00:01 group
2 files 144 bytes occupied
SHLL [/] #

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define``CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_CP`` to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_CP when all shell commands have been configured.


The cp command is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_main_cp(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for the cp has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_CP_Command;
The implementation and portions of the documentation for this command are from NetBSD 4.0.

4.2.8. dd - convert and copy a file

dd [operands ...]

The dd utility copies the standard input to the standard output. Input data is read and written in 512-byte blocks. If input reads are short, input from multiple reads are aggregated to form the output block. When finished, dd displays the number of complete and partial input and output blocks and truncated input records to the standard error output.

The following operands are available:

Set both input and output block size, superseding the ibs and obs operands. If no conversion values other than noerror, notrunc or sync are specified, then each input block is copied to the output as a single block without any aggregation of short blocks.
Set the conversion record size to n bytes. The conversion record size is required by the record oriented conversion values.
Copy only n input blocks.
Copy n input files before terminating. This operand is only applicable when the input device is a tape.
Set the input block size to n bytes instead of the default 512.
Read input from file instead of the standard input.
Set the output block size to n bytes instead of the default 512.
Write output to file instead of the standard output. Any regular output file is truncated unless the notrunc conversion value is specified. If an initial portion of the output file is skipped (see the seek operand) the output file is truncated at that point.
Seek n blocks from the beginning of the output before copying. On non-tape devices, a lseek operation is used. Otherwise, existing blocks are read and the data discarded. If the seek operation is past the end of file, space from the current end of file to the specified offset is filled with blocks of NUL bytes.
Skip n blocks from the beginning of the input before copying. On input which supports seeks, a lseek operation is used. Otherwise, input data is read and discarded. For pipes, the correct number of bytes is read. For all other devices, the correct number of blocks is read without distinguishing between a partial or complete block being read.
Switch on display of progress if n is set to any non-zero value. This will cause a ”.” to be printed (to the standard error output) for every n full or partial blocks written to the output file.

Where value is one of the symbols from the following list.

ascii, oldascii
The same as the unblock value except that characters are translated from EBCDIC to ASCII before the records are converted. (These values imply unblock if the operand cbs is also specified.) There are two conversion maps for ASCII. The value ascii specifies the recom- mended one which is compatible with AT&T System V UNIX. The value oldascii specifies the one used in historic AT&T and pre 4.3BSD-Reno systems.
Treats the input as a sequence of newline or end-of-file terminated variable length records independent of input and output block boundaries. Any trailing newline character is discarded. Each input record is converted to a fixed length output record where the length is specified by the cbs operand. Input records shorter than the conversion record size are padded with spaces. Input records longer than the conversion record size are truncated. The number of truncated input records, if any, are reported to the standard error output at the completion of the copy.
ebcdic, ibm, oldebcdic, oldibm
The same as the block value except that characters are translated from ASCII to EBCDIC after the records are converted. (These values imply block if the operand cbs is also specified.) There are four conversion maps for EBCDIC. The value ebcdic specifies the recommended one which is compatible with AT&T System V UNIX. The value ibm is a slightly different mapping, which is compatible with the AT&T System V UNIX ibm value. The values oldebcdic and oldibm are maps used in historic AT&T and pre 4.3BSD-Reno systems.
Transform uppercase characters into lowercase characters.
Do not stop processing on an input error. When an input error occurs, a diagnostic message followed by the current input and output block counts will be written to the standard error output in the same format as the standard completion message. If the sync conversion is also specified, any missing input data will be replaced with NUL bytes (or with spaces if a block oriented conversion value was specified) and processed as a normal input buffer. If the sync conversion is not specified, the input block is omitted from the output. On input files which are not tapes or pipes, the file offset will be positioned past the block in which the error occurred using lseek(2).
Do not truncate the output file. This will preserve any blocks in the output file not explicitly written by dd. The notrunc value is not supported for tapes.
Pad the final output block to the full output block size. If the input file is not a multiple of the output block size after conversion, this conversion forces the final output block to be the same size as preceding blocks for use on devices that require regularly sized blocks to be written. This option is incompatible with use of the bs=n block size specification.
If one or more non-final output blocks would consist solely of NUL bytes, try to seek the output file by the required space instead of filling them with NULs. This results in a sparse file on some file systems.
Swap every pair of input bytes. If an input buffer has an odd number of bytes, the last byte will be ignored during swapping.
Pad every input block to the input buffer size. Spaces are used for pad bytes if a block oriented conversion value is specified, otherwise NUL bytes are used.
Transform lowercase characters into uppercase characters.
Treats the input as a sequence of fixed length records independent of input and output block boundaries. The length of the input records is specified by the cbs operand. Any trailing space characters are discarded and a newline character is appended.

Where sizes are specified, a decimal number of bytes is expected. Two or more numbers may be separated by an “x” to indicate a product. Each number may have one of the following optional suffixes:

Block; multiply by 512
Kibi; multiply by 1024 (1 KiB)
Mebi; multiply by 1048576 (1 MiB)
Gibi; multiply by 1073741824 (1 GiB)
Tebi; multiply by 1099511627776 (1 TiB)
Word; multiply by the number of bytes in an integer

When finished, dd displays the number of complete and partial input and output blocks, truncated input records and odd-length byte-swapping ritten. Partial output blocks to tape devices are considered fatal errors. Otherwise, the rest of the block will be written. Partial output blocks to character devices will produce a warning message. A truncated input block is one where a variable length record oriented conversion value was specified and the input line was too long to fit in the conversion record or was not newline terminated.

Normally, data resulting from input or conversion or both are aggregated into output blocks of the specified size. After the end of input is reached, any remaining output is written as a block. This means that the final output block may be shorter than the output block size.

This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.

The following is an example of how to use dd:

SHLL [/] $ dd if=/nfs/boot-image of=/dev/hda1

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_DD to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining``CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_DD`` when all shell commands have been configured.


The dd command is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_rtems_main_dd(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for the dd has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_DD_Command;

4.2.9. debugrfs - debug RFS file system

debugrfs [-hl] path command [options]

The command provides debugging information for the RFS file system.

The options are:

Print a help message.
List the commands.
Path to the mounted RFS file system. The file system has to be mounted to view to use this command.

The commands are:

block start [end]
Display the contents of the blocks from start to end.
Display the file system data and configuration.
dir bno
Process the block as a directory displaying the entries.
group start [end]
Display the group data from the start group to the end group.
inode [-aef] [start] [end]

Display the inodes between start and end. If no start and end is provides all inodes are displayed.

Display all inodes. That is allocated and unallocated inodes.
Search and display on inodes that have an error.
Force display of inodes, even when in error.
This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.

The following is an example of how to use debugrfs:

SHLL [/] $ debugrfs /c data

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_DEBUGRFS to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_DEBUGRFS when all shell commands have been configured.


The debugrfs command is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_rtems_main_debugrfs(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for debugrfs has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_DEBUGRFS_Command;

4.2.10. df - display file system disk space usage

df [-h] [-B block_size]
This command print disk space usage for mounted file systems.
This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.

The following is an example of how to use df:

SHLL [/] $ df -B 4K
Filesystem     4K-blocks        Used   Available       Use%     Mounted on
/dev/rda               124         1         124         0%   /mnt/ramdisk
SHLL [/] $ df
Filesystem     1K-blocks        Used   Available       Use%     Mounted on
/dev/rda               495         1         494         0%   /mnt/ramdisk
SHLL [/] $ df -h
Filesystem     Size             Used   Available       Use%     Mounted on
/dev/rda              495K        1K        494K         0%   /mnt/ramdisk

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_DF to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_DF when all shell commands have been configured.


The df is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_main_df(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for the df has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_DF_Command;

4.2.11. dir - alias for ls

dir [dir]
This command is an alias or alternate name for the ls. See ls - list files in the directory for more information.
This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.

The following is an example of how to use dir:

SHLL [/] $ dir
drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root         536 Jan 01 00:00 dev/
drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root        1072 Jan 01 00:00 etc/
2 files 1608 bytes occupied
SHLL [/] $ dir etc
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:00 passwd
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          42 Jan 01 00:00 group
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          30 Jan 01 00:00 issue
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          28 Jan 01 00:00 issue.net
4 files 202 bytes occupied

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define``CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_DIR`` to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_DIR when all shell commands have been configured.


The dir is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_rtems_main_dir(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for the dir has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_DIR_Command;

4.2.12. fdisk - format disk


This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_FDISK to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_FDISK when all shell commands have been configured.

4.2.13. hexdump - ascii/dec/hex/octal dump

hexdump [-bcCdovx] [-e format_string] [-f format_file] [-n length] [-s skip] file ...

The hexdump utility is a filter which displays the specified files, or the standard input, if no files are specified, in a user specified format.

The options are as follows:

One-byte octal display. Display the input offset in hexadecimal, followed by sixteen space-separated, three column, zero-filled, bytes of input data, in octal, per line.
One-byte character display. Display the input offset in hexadecimal, followed by sixteen space-separated, three column, space-filled, characters of input data per line.
Canonical hex+ASCII display. Display the input offset in hexadecimal, followed by sixteen space-separated, two column, hexadecimal bytes, followed by the same sixteen bytes in %_p format enclosed in “|” characters.
Two-byte decimal display. Display the input offset in hexadecimal, followed by eight space-separated, five column, zero-filled, two-byte units of input data, in unsigned decimal, per line.
-e format_string
Specify a format string to be used for displaying data.
-f format_file
Specify a file that contains one or more newline separated format strings. Empty lines and lines whose first non-blank character is a hash mark (#) are ignored.
-n length
Interpret only length bytes of input.
Two-byte octal display. Display the input offset in hexadecimal, followed by eight space-separated, six column, zerofilled, two byte quantities of input data, in octal, per line.
-s offset
Skip offset bytes from the beginning of the input. By default, offset is interpreted as a decimal number. With a leading 0x or 0X, offset is interpreted as a hexadecimal number, otherwise, with a leading 0, offset is interpreted as an octal number. Appending the character b, k, or m to offset causes it to be interpreted as a multiple of 512, 1024, or 1048576, respectively.
The -v option causes hexdump to display all input data. Without the -v option, any number of groups of output lines, which would be identical to the immediately preceding group of output lines (except for the input offsets), are replaced with a line containing a single asterisk.
Two-byte hexadecimal display. Display the input offset in hexadecimal, followed by eight, space separated, four column, zero-filled, two-byte quantities of input data, in hexadecimal, per line.

For each input file, hexdump sequentially copies the input to standard output, transforming the data according to the format strings specified by the -e and -f options, in the order that they were specified.


A format string contains any number of format units, separated by whitespace. A format unit contains up to three items: an iteration count, a byte count, and a format.

The iteration count is an optional positive integer, which defaults to one. Each format is applied iteration count times.

The byte count is an optional positive integer. If specified it defines the number of bytes to be interpreted by each iteration of the format.

If an iteration count and/or a byte count is specified, a single slash must be placed after the iteration count and/or before the byte count to disambiguate them. Any whitespace before or after the slash is ignored.

The format is required and must be surrounded by double quote (” ”) marks. It is interpreted as a fprintf-style format string (see*fprintf*), with the following exceptions:

  • An asterisk (*) may not be used as a field width or precision.

  • A byte count or field precision is required for each “s” con- version character (unlike the fprintf(3) default which prints the entire string if the precision is unspecified).

  • The conversion characters “h”, “l”, “n”, “p” and “q” are not supported.

  • The single character escape sequences described in the C standard are supported:

    NUL 0 <alert character> a <backspace> b <form-feed> f <newline> n <carriage return> r <tab> t <vertical tab> v

Hexdump also supports the following additional conversion strings:

Display the input offset, cumulative across input files, of the next byte to be displayed. The appended characters d, o, and x specify the display base as decimal, octal or hexadecimal respectively.
Identical to the _a conversion string except that it is only performed once, when all of the input data has been processed.
Output characters in the default character set. Nonprinting characters are displayed in three character, zero-padded octal, except for those representable by standard escape notation (see above), which are displayed as two character strings.
Output characters in the default character set. Nonprinting characters are displayed as a single ”.”.

Output US ASCII characters, with the exception that control characters are displayed using the following, lower-case, names. Characters greater than 0xff, hexadecimal, are displayed as hexadecimal strings.

000 nul 001 soh 002 stx 003 etx 004 eot 005 enq
006 ack 007 bel 008 bs 009 ht 00A lf 00B vt
00C ff 00D cr 00E so 00F si 010 dle 011 dc1
012 dc2 013 dc3 014 dc4 015 nak 016 syn 017 etb
018 can 019 em 01A sub 01B esc 01C fs 01D gs
01E rs 01F us 07F del      

The default and supported byte counts for the conversion characters are as follows:

%_c, %_p, %_u, %c One byte counts only.
%d, %i, %o, %u, %X, %x Four byte default, one, two, four and eight byte counts supported.
%E, %e, %f, %G, %g Eight byte default, four byte counts supported.

The amount of data interpreted by each format string is the sum of the data required by each format unit, which is the iteration count times the byte count, or the iteration count times the number of bytes required by the format if the byte count is not specified.

The input is manipulated in “blocks”, where a block is defined as the largest amount of data specified by any format string. Format strings interpreting less than an input block’s worth of data, whose last format unit both interprets some number of bytes and does not have a specified iteration count, have the iteration count incremented until the entire input block has been processed or there is not enough data remaining in the block to satisfy the format string.

If, either as a result of user specification or hexdump modifying the iteration count as described above, an iteration count is greater than one, no trailing whitespace characters are output during the last iteration.

It is an error to specify a byte count as well as multiple conversion characters or strings unless all but one of the conversion characters or strings is _a or _A.

If, as a result of the specification of the -n option or end-of-file being reached, input data only partially satisfies a format string, the input block is zero-padded sufficiently to display all available data (i.e. any format units overlapping the end of data will display some num- ber of the zero bytes).

Further output by such format strings is replaced by an equivalent number of spaces. An equivalent number of spaces is defined as the number of spaces output by an s conversion character with the same field width and precision as the original conversion character or conversion string but with any “+”, ” ”, “#” conversion flag characters removed, and ref- erencing a NULL string.

If no format strings are specified, the default display is equivalent to specifying the -x option.

This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.

The following is an example of how to use hexdump:

SHLL [/] $ hexdump -C -n 512 /dev/hda1

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_HEXDUMP to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining``CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_HEXDUMP`` when all shell commands have been configured.


The hexdump command is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_rtems_main_hexdump(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for the hexdump has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_HEXDUMP_Command;

4.2.15. ls - list files in the directory

ls [dir]
This command displays the contents of the specified directory. If no arguments are given, then it displays the contents of the current working directory.
This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
This command currently does not display information on a set of files like the POSIX ls(1). It only displays the contents of entire directories.

The following is an example of how to use ls:

SHLL [/] $ ls
drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root         536 Jan 01 00:00 dev/
drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root        1072 Jan 01 00:00 etc/
2 files 1608 bytes occupied
SHLL [/] $ ls etc
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:00 passwd
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          42 Jan 01 00:00 group
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          30 Jan 01 00:00 issue
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root          28 Jan 01 00:00 issue.net
4 files 202 bytes occupied
SHLL [/] $ ls dev etc
-rwxr-xr-x   1  rtems   root           0 Jan 01 00:00 console
-rwxr-xr-x   1   root   root           0 Jan 01 00:00 console_b

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_LS to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_LS when all shell commands have been configured.


The ls is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_rtems_main_ls(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for the ls has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_LS_Command;

4.2.16. md5 - compute the Md5 hash of a file or list of files

md5 <files>
This command prints the MD5 of a file. You can provide one or more files on the command line and a hash for each file is printed in a single line of output.
This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.

The following is an example of how to use md5:

SHLL [/] $ md5 shell-init
MD5 (shell-init) = 43b4d2e71b47db79eae679a2efeacf31

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define``CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_MD5`` to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_MD5 when all shell commands have been configured.


The md5 is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_main_md5(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for the md5 has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_MD5_Command;

4.2.17. mkdir - create a directory

mkdir  dir [dir1 .. dirN]
This command creates the set of directories in the order they are specified on the command line. If an error is encountered making one of the directories, the command will continue to attempt to create the remaining directories on the command line.
This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.

If this command is invoked with no arguments, nothing occurs.

The user must have sufficient permissions to create the directory. For the fileio test provided with RTEMS, this means the user must login as root not rtems.


The following is an example of how to use mkdir:

SHLL [/] # ls
drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root         536 Jan 01 00:00 dev/
drwxr-xr-x   1   root   root        1072 Jan 01 00:00 etc/
2 files 1608 bytes occupied
SHLL [/] # mkdir joel
SHLL [/] # ls joel
0 files 0 bytes occupied
SHLL [/] # cp etc/passwd joel
SHLL [/] # ls joel
-rw-r--r--   1   root   root         102 Jan 01 00:02 passwd
1 files 102 bytes occupied

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_MKDIR to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_MKDIR when all shell commands have been configured.


The mkdir is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_rtems_main_mkdir(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for the mkdir has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_MKDIR_Command;

4.2.18. mkdos - DOSFS file system format

mkdos [-V label] [-s sectors/cluster] [-r size] [-v] path

This command formats a block device entry with the DOSFS file system.

-V label
Specify the volume label.
-s sectors/cluster
Specify the number of sectors per cluster.
-r size
Specify the number of entries in the root directory.
Enable verbose output mode.
This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.

The following is an example of how to use mkdos:

SHLL [/] $ mkdos /dev/rda1

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_MKDOS to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_MKDOS when all shell commands have been configured.


The mkdos is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_rtems_main_mkdos(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for the mkdos has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_MKDOS_Command;

4.2.19. mknod - make device special file

mknod [-rR] [-F fmt] [-g gid] [-m mode] [-u uid] name [c | b] [driver | major] minor
mknod [-rR] [-F fmt] [-g gid] [-m mode] [-u uid] name [c | b] major unit subunit
mknod [-rR] [-g gid] [-m mode] [-u uid] name [c | b] number
mknod [-rR] [-g gid] [-m mode] [-u uid] name p

The mknod command creates device special files, or fifos. Normally the shell script /dev/MAKEDEV is used to create special files for commonly known devices; it executes mknod with the appropriate arguments and can make all the files required for the device.

To make nodes manually, the arguments are:

Replace an existing file if its type is incorrect.
Replace an existing file if its type is incorrect. Correct the mode, user and group.
-g gid
Specify the group for the device node. The gid operand may be a numeric group ID or a group name. If a group name is also a numeric group ID, the operand is used as a group name. Precede a numeric group ID with a # to stop it being treated as a name.
-m mode
Specify the mode for the device node. The mode may be absolute or symbolic, see chmod.
-u uid
Specify the user for the device node. The uid operand may be a numeric user ID or a user name. If a user name is also a numeric user ID, the operand is used as a user name. Precede a numeric user ID with a # to stop it being treated as a name.
Device name, for example “tty” for a termios serial device or “hd” for a disk.
b | c | p
Type of device. If the device is a block type device such as a tape or disk drive which needs both cooked and raw special files, the type is b. All other devices are character type devices, such as terminal and pseudo devices, and are type c. Specifying p creates fifo files.
driver | major
The major device number is an integer number which tells the kernel which device driver entry point to use. If the device driver is configured into the current kernel it may be specified by driver name or major number.
The minor device number tells the kernel which one of several similar devices the node corresponds to; for example, it may be a specific serial port or pty.
unit and subunit
The unit and subunit numbers select a subset of a device; for example, the unit may specify a particular disk, and the subunit a partition on that disk. (Currently this form of specification is only supported by the bsdos format, for compatibility with the BSD/OS mknod).
A single opaque device number. Useful for netbooted computers which require device numbers packed in a format that isn’t supported by -F.
The mknod utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
SHLL [/] mknod c 3 0 /dev/ttyS10

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_MKNOD to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_MKNOD when all shell commands have been configured.


The mknod command is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_rtems_main_mknod(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for the mknod has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_MKNOD_Command;
The implementation and portions of the documentation for this command are from NetBSD 4.0.

4.2.20. mkrfs - format RFS file system

mkrfs [-vsbiIo] device

Format the block device with the RTEMS File System (RFS). The default configuration with not parameters selects a suitable block size based on the size of the media being formatted.

The media is broken up into groups of blocks. The number of blocks in a group is based on the number of bits a block contains. The large a block the more blocks a group contains and the fewer groups in the file system.

The following options are provided:

Display configuration and progress of the format.
Set the block size in bytes.
The number of blocks in a group. The block count must be equal or less than the number of bits in a block.
Number of inodes in a group. The inode count must be equal or less than the number of bits in a block.
Initialise the inodes. The default is not to initialise the inodes and to rely on the inode being initialised when allocated. Initialising the inode table helps recovery if a problem appears.
Integer percentage of the media used by inodes. The default is 1%.
Path of the device to format.
This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.

The following is an example of how to use mkrfs:

SHLL [/] $ mkrfs /dev/fdda

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_MKRFS to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_MKRFS when all shell commands have been configured.


The mkrfs command is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_rtems_main_mkrfs(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for mkrfs has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_MKRFS_Command;

4.2.21. mount - mount disk

mount [-t fstype] [-r] [-L] device path

The mount command will mount a block device to a mount point using the specified file system. The files systems are:

  • msdos - MSDOS File System
  • tftp - TFTP Network File System
  • ftp - FTP Network File System
  • nfs - Network File System
  • rfs - RTEMS File System

When the file system type is ‘msdos’ or ‘rfs’ the driver is a “block device driver” node present in the file system. The driver is ignored with the ‘tftp’ and ‘ftp’ file systems. For the ‘nfs’ file system the driver is the ‘host:/path’ string that described NFS host and the exported file system path.

This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.

The mount point must exist.

The services offered by each file-system vary. For example you cannot list the directory of a TFTP file-system as this server is not provided in the TFTP protocol. You need to check each file-system’s documentation for the services provided.


Mount the Flash Disk driver to the ‘/fd’ mount point:

SHLL [/] $ mount -t msdos /dev/flashdisk0 /fd

Mount the NFS file system exported path ‘bar’ by host ‘foo’:

$ mount -t nfs foo:/bar /nfs

Mount the TFTP file system on ‘/tftp’:

$ mount -t tftp /tftp

To access the TFTP files on server ‘’: .. code-block:: shell

$ cat /tftp/

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_MOUNT to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_MOUNT when all shell commands have been configured.

The mount command includes references to file-system code. If you do not wish to include file-system that you do not use do not define the mount command support for that file-system. The file-system mount command defines are:


An example configuration is:


The mount is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_rtems_main_mount(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for the mount has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_MOUNT_Command;

4.2.22. mv - move files

mv [-fiv] source_file target_file
mv [-fiv] source_file... target_file

In its first form, the mv utility renames the file named by the source operand to the destination path named by the target operand. This form is assumed when the last operand does not name an already existing directory.

In its second form, mv moves each file named by a source operand to a destination file in the existing directory named by the directory operand. The destination path for each operand is the pathname produced by the concatenation of the last operand, a slash, and the final pathname component of the named file.

The following options are available:

Do not prompt for confirmation before overwriting the destination path.
Causes mv to write a prompt to standard error before moving a file that would overwrite an existing file. If the response from the standard input begins with the character ‘y’, the move is attempted.
Cause mv to be verbose, showing files as they are processed.

The last of any -f or -i options is the one which affects mv’s behavior.

It is an error for any of the source operands to specify a nonexistent file or directory.

It is an error for the source operand to specify a directory if the target exists and is not a directory.

If the destination path does not have a mode which permits writing, mv prompts the user for confirmation as specified for the -i option.

Should the rename call fail because source and target are on different file systems, mv will remove the destination file, copy the source file to the destination, and then remove the source. The effect is roughly equivalent to:

rm -f destination_path && \
cp -PRp source_file destination_path && \
rm -rf source_file
The mv utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
SHLL [/] mv /dev/console /dev/con1

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_MV to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_MV when all shell commands have been configured.


The mv command is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_main_mv(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for the mv has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_MV_Command;
The implementation and portions of the documentation for this command are from NetBSD 4.0.

4.2.23. pwd - print work directory

This command prints the fully qualified filename of the current working directory.
This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.

The following is an example of how to use pwd:

SHLL [/] $ pwd
SHLL [/] $ cd dev
SHLL [/dev] $ pwd

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_PWD to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_PWD when all shell commands have been configured.


The pwd is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_rtems_main_pwd(
    int    argc,
    char argv

The configuration structure for the pwd has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_PWD_Command;

4.2.24. rmdir - remove empty directories

rmdir  [dir1 .. dirN]
This command removes the specified set of directories. If no directories are provided on the command line, no actions are taken.
This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
This command is a implemented using the rmdir(2) system call and all reasons that call may fail apply to this command.

The following is an example of how to use rmdir:

SHLL [/] # mkdir joeldir
SHLL [/] # rmdir joeldir
SHLL [/] # ls joeldir
joeldir: No such file or directory.

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_RMDIR to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_RMDIR when all shell commands have been configured.


The rmdir is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_rtems_main_rmdir(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for the rmdir has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_RMDIR_Command;

4.2.25. rm - remove files

rm file1 [file2 ... fileN]

This command deletes a name from the filesystem. If the specified file name was the last link to a file and there are no open file descriptor references to that file, then it is deleted and the associated space in the file system is made available for subsequent use.

If the filename specified was the last link to a file but there are open file descriptor references to it, then the file will remain in existence until the last file descriptor referencing it is closed.

This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.

The following is an example of how to use rm:

SHLL [/] # cp /etc/passwd tmpfile
SHLL [/] # cat tmpfile
rtems:*:1:1:RTEMS Application::/:/bin/sh
tty:!:2:2:tty owner::/:/bin/false
SHLL [/] # rm tmpfile
SHLL [/] # cat tmpfile
cat: tmpfile: No such file or directory

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_RM to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_RM when all shell commands have been configured.


The rm is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_main_rm(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for the rm has the following prototype: .. code-block:: c

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_RM_Command;

4.2.26. umask - set file mode creation mask

umask [new_umask]
This command sets the user file creation mask to new_umask. The argument new_umask may be octal, hexadecimal, or decimal.
This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
This command does not currently support symbolic mode masks.

The following is an example of how to use umask:

SHLL [/] $ umask
SHLL [/] $ umask 0666
SHLL [/] $ umask

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_UMASK to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_UMASK when all shell commands have been configured.


The umask is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_rtems_main_umask(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for the umask has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_UMASK_Command;

4.2.27. unmount - unmount disk

unmount path
This command unmounts the device at the specified path.
This command returns 0 on success and non-zero if an error is encountered.
TBD - Surely there must be some warnings to go here.

The following is an example of how to use unmount:

# unmount /mnt

This command is included in the default shell command set. When building a custom command set, define CONFIGURE_SHELL_COMMAND_UNMOUNT to have this command included.

This command can be excluded from the shell command set by defining CONFIGURE_SHELL_NO_COMMAND_UNMOUNT when all shell commands have been configured.


The unmount is implemented by a C language function which has the following prototype:

int rtems_shell_rtems_main_unmount(
    int    argc,
    char **argv

The configuration structure for the unmount has the following prototype:

extern rtems_shell_cmd_t rtems_shell_UNMOUNT_Command;