4. Project Sets

The RTEMS Source Builder supports project configurations. Project configurations can be public or private and can be contained in the RTEMS Source Builder project if suitable, other projects they use the RTEMS Source Builder or privately on your local file system.

The configuration file loader searches the macro _configdir and by default this is set to %{_topdir}/config:%{_sbdir}/config where _topdir is the your current working direct, in other words the directory you invoke the RTEMS Source Builder command in, and _sbdir is the directory where the RTEMS Source Builder command resides. Therefore the config directory under each of these is searched so all you need to do is create a config in your project and add your configuration files. They do not need to be under the RTEMS Source Builder source tree. Public projects are included in the main RTEMS Source Builder such as RTEMS.

You can also add your own patches directory next to your config directory as the %patch command searches the _patchdir macro variable and it is by default set to %{_topdir}/patches:%{_sbdir}/patches.

The source-builder/config directory provides generic scripts for building various tools. You can specialise these in your private configurations to make use of them. If you add new generic configurations please contribute them back to the project

4.1. Bare Metal

The RSB contains a ‘bare’ configuration tree and you can use this to add packages you use on the hosts. For example ‘qemu’ is supported on a range of hosts. RTEMS tools live in the rtems/config directory tree. RTEMS packages include tools for use on your host computer as well as packages you can build and run on RTEMS.

The bare metal support for GNU Tool chains. An example is the lang/gcc491 build set. You need to provide a target via the command line --target option and this is in the standard 2 or 3 tuple form. For example for an ARM compiler you would use arm-eabi or ``arm-eabihf`, and for SPARC you would use sparc-elf:

$ cd rtems-source-builder/bare
$ ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --log=log_arm_eabihf \
    --prefix=$HOME/development/bare --target=arm-eabihf lang/gcc491
RTEMS Source Builder - Set Builder, v0.3.0
Build Set: lang/gcc491
config: devel/expat-2.1.0-1.cfg
package: expat-2.1.0-x86_64-apple-darwin13.2.0-1
building: expat-2.1.0-x86_64-apple-darwin13.2.0-1
config: devel/binutils-2.24-1.cfg
package: arm-eabihf-binutils-2.24-1
building: arm-eabihf-binutils-2.24-1
config: devel/gcc-4.9.1-newlib-2.1.0-1.cfg
package: arm-eabihf-gcc-4.9.1-newlib-2.1.0-1
building: arm-eabihf-gcc-4.9.1-newlib-2.1.0-1
config: devel/gdb-7.7-1.cfg
package: arm-eabihf-gdb-7.7-1
building: arm-eabihf-gdb-7.7-1
installing: expat-2.1.0-x86_64-apple-darwin13.2.0-1 -> /Users/chris/development/bare
installing: arm-eabihf-binutils-2.24-1 -> /Users/chris/development/bare
installing: arm-eabihf-gcc-4.9.1-newlib-2.1.0-1 -> /Users/chris/development/bare
installing: arm-eabihf-gdb-7.7-1 -> /Users/chris/development/bare
cleaning: expat-2.1.0-x86_64-apple-darwin13.2.0-1
cleaning: arm-eabihf-binutils-2.24-1
cleaning: arm-eabihf-gcc-4.9.1-newlib-2.1.0-1
cleaning: arm-eabihf-gdb-7.7-1

4.2. RTEMS

The RTEMS Configurations found in the rtems directory. The configurations are grouped by RTEMS version. In RTEMS the tools are specific to a specific version because of variations between Newlib and RTEMS. Restructuring in RTEMS and Newlib sometimes moves libc functionality between these two parts and this makes existing tools incompatible with RTEMS.

RTEMS allows architectures to have different tool versions and patches. The large number of architectures RTEMS supports can make it difficult to get a common stable version of all the packages. An architecture may require a recent GCC because an existing bug has been fixed, however the more recent version may have a bug in other architecture. Architecture specific patches should be limited to the architecture it relates to. The patch may fix a problem on the effect architecture however it could introduce a problem in another architecture. Limit exposure limits any possible crosstalk between architectures.

If you are building a released version of RTEMS the release RTEMS tar file will be downloaded and built as part of the build process. If you are building a tool set for use with the development branch of RTEMS, the development branch will be cloned directly from the RTEMS GIT repository and built.

When building RTEMS within the RTEMS Source Builder it needs a suitable working autoconf and automake. These packages need to built and installed in their prefix in order for them to work. The RTEMS Source Builder installs all packages only after they have been built so if you host does not have a recent enough version of autoconf and automake you first need to build them and install them then build your tool set. The commands are:

$ ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --log=l-4.11-at.txt \
   --prefix=$HOME/development/rtems/4.11 4.11/rtems-autotools
$ export PATH=~/development/rtems/4.11/bin:$PATH    <1>
$ ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --log=l-4.11-sparc.txt \
   --prefix=$HOME/development/rtems/4.11 4.11/rtems-sparc


  1. Setting the path.

If this is your first time building the tools and RTEMS it pays to add the --dry-run option. This will run through all the configuration files and if any checks fail you will see this quickly rather than waiting for until the build fails a check.

To build snapshots for testing purposes you use the available macro maps passing them on the command line using the --macros option. For RTEMS these are held in config/snapshots directory. The following builds newlib from CVS:

$ ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --log=l-4.11-sparc.txt \
   --prefix=$HOME/development/rtems/4.11 \
   --macros=snapshots/newlib-head.mc \

and the following uses the version control heads for binutils, gcc, newlib, gdb and RTEMS:

$ ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --log=l-heads-sparc.txt \
   --prefix=$HOME/development/rtems/4.11-head \
   --macros=snapshots/binutils-gcc-newlib-gdb-head.mc \

4.3. Patches

Packages being built by the RSB need patches from time to time and the RSB supports patching upstream packages. The patches are held in a seperate directory called patches relative to the configuration directory you are building. For example %{_topdir}/patches:%{_sbdir}/patches. Patches are declared in the configuration files in a similar manner to the package’s source so please refer to the %source documentation. Patches, like the source, are to be made publically available for configurations that live in the RSB package and are downloaded on demand.

If a package has a patch management tool it is recommended you reference the package’s patch management tools directly. If the RSB does not support the specific patch manage tool please contact the mailing list to see if support can be added.

Patches for packages developed by the RTEMS project can be placed in the RTEMS Tools Git repository. The tools directory in the repository has various places a patch can live. The tree is broken down in RTEMS releases and then tools within that release. If the package is not specific to any release the patch can be added closer to the top under the package’s name. Patches to fix specific tool related issues for a specific architecture should be grouped under the specific architecture and only applied when building that architecture avoiding a patch breaking an uneffected architecture.

Patches in the RTEMS Tools repository need to be submitted to the upstream project. It should not be a clearing house for patches that will not be accepted upstream.

Patches are added to a component’s name and in the %prep: section the patches can be set up, meaning they are applied to source. The patches are applied in the order they are added. If there is a dependency make sure you order the patches correctly when you add them. You can add any number of patches and the RSB will handle them efficently.

Patches can have options. These are added before the patch URL. If no options are provided the patch’s setup default options are used.

Patches can be declared in build set up files.

This examples shows how to declare a patch for gdb in the lm32 architecture:

%patch add <1> gdb <2> %{rtems_gdb_patches}/lm32/gdb-sim-lm32uart.diff <3>


  1. The patch’s add command.
  2. The group of patches this patch belongs too.
  3. The patch’s URL. It is downloaded from here.

Patches require a checksum to avoid a warning. The %hash directive can be used to add a checksum for a patch that is used to verify the patch:

%hash md5 <1> gdb-sim-lm32uart.diff <2> 77d070878112783292461bd6e7db17fb <3>


  1. The type of checksum, in the case an MD5 hash.
  2. The patch file the checksum is for.
  3. The MD5 hash.

The patches are applied when a patch setup command is issued in the %prep: section. All patches in the group are applied. To apply the GDB patch above use:

%patch setup <1> gdb <2> -p1 <3>


  1. The patch’s setup command.
  2. The group of patches to apply.
  3. The patch group’s default options. If no option is given with the patch these options are used.

Architecture specific patches live in the architecture build set file isolating the patch to that specific architecture. If a patch is common to a tool it resides in the RTEMS tools configuration file. Do not place patches for tools in the source-builder/config template configuration files.

To test a patch simply copy it to your local patches directory. The RSB will see the patch is present and will not attempt to download it. Once you are happy with the patch submit it to the project and a core developer will review it and add it to the RTEMS Tools git repository. For example, to test a local patch for newlib, add the following two lines to the .cfg file in rtems/config/tools/ that is included by the bset you use:

%patch add newlib file://0001-this-is-a-newlib-patch.patch   <1>
%hash md5 0001-this-is-a-newlib-patch.diff 77d070878112783292461bd6e7db17fb <2>


  1. The diff file prepended with file:// to tell RSB this is a local file.
  2. The output from md5sum on the diff file.